HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-08-18, Page 5` ITGIIS1)A:,', NBGUST 1 , 1927.
l :.. r 1fi
ATISFIED customers have
" been. largely responsible for
the progt'ess.anci growth of this
anis for nearly, sixty years. _
To -day, more than ever, we
try to laying a:hum ran sympathy
and an intimate understanding
into our daily business contacts,
Yat will like 13niikittn
ad' the Royal
Royal Bank.
of 'Canada
• Clinton Branch R. E. •Manning, Manager
Of Interest to You
and Me
"It •bettcr'for'the children nut to
-win a prize, at the school fah than to
-'win with something their parents have
made or prepared for them" ---Far-,
•-mer's Advocate.
Henry Fond recently wrote 'the
•small - town . publishers of the United
'States While 'they were assembled in.
'their .aninfalconvention: "I am glad -
ladof` the opportunity to send ',a greet -
'Ing td the - publishers of our home
community newspapers. ` Besides he-
' in the oldest and most distinctive
`type of publication, the sntall'totvp.
-and country• press is out• only real
newspaper. Tt comes to . us as a,
. friendly visitor 'from the neighbor-
hood that we "kneel and still know
`best. ' It has avoided the errors : of
modern journalism without any sacri-
fice of influence, The Ford Motor
Company has always found -the coun-
try press an efficient means of reach-
ing the public and we foresee further
use of its facilities in the future."
Now "wouldn t you erect the Ford
'people to do a lot of advertising: in the
Wieekly papers?
Huron Road East
Mr. aid Mrs. Tufford spent Sunday:
at Mr.' Mae."MeDermid's.
-a- Mr. arid Mrs, Toe Church and
,, daughter, Glenna of Woodstock, spent
last weeks at Mr. Geo.. A. Vander-
. burgh's.
Mrs. Thompson of Goderich is
•spending a, few days with het broth-
- er, Mr.'Fred Cook • • ,•
' Mr. and Mrs. John 'Wilson of .Cel%
tralia spent the week -end at Geo. A.
Miss Tena MIeDeimid of 'Seaforth:is
spending a couple' of weeks atstho.
""home of her brother, My. Mac McDer-
niid. .
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Matheson of
"Toronto are spending a i'ew days at
'his parental home, Mr: and Mrs: A.
Mrs. Garfield McMiehael of God-
erieli is spending a few days with
'M We Nott '
Miss. Alice Hodgins of HoIyrood•
spent Saturday with her aunt, Mrs.
•Geo. 'Vandenburgh.
Mr. Archie Lamont is busy thresh-
'ing in this vicinity and is doing .good
Mr. Win. Ball delivered eleven fat
'hogs to Mr. D. Cantelon on Tuesday.
Mi•. and Mrs. Robt. Grimbolby and
daughter left on Thursday morning
for Teeswater-where he will bewwork;
ing with a threshing outfit,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wakefield and
son and daughter spent Thursday af-
ternoon in -code ich,
Mr. and Mrs. John Peffer and - son
of Deloraine, Man.,' were calling on
old friends last week.
1VIrs.. Evans and son of Detroit are
visiting her cousins, the Misses Willi -
Miss 'Margaret Love at Hanover is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Ed. 'Britton,
and other friends.
and Mrs. W. Britton and Mrs.
Ed, Britton spent the week -end with
friends at Forest. •
Mrs, McLean of Detroit is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Peter Lindsay and
brother, D. 'Milson.
Quarterly, meeting was held here
on Sunday afternoon,°the board meet-
ing was hedl- or}. Wednesday evening
in the church.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Tibbles and•child-
ren of - Chicago are visiting their
cousin; -Mrs. Alex. McMichael.
Miss Mabel .Johns and, a friend
motored to Bruce Beach hist Satur-
day evening, returning on Sunday
night and reported -having a pleasant
The fall wheat threshing is now in
full swing and the threshers report
a fine gu'allty of grain and a good
yield; from thirty to thirty-five
bushels per acre, . The cutting of
the spring grain is about all done and
the very favorable weather will soon
enable the farmers to have it all in
the barns, This Jubilee year in Can-
ada's history will report a very Pros-
perous condition all over the Domini.
inn.: `
Mir. I•Ienry Shafer, our ,veteran
-hotelkeeper, is in very poor health at
present, we are sorry to report. Itis.
grandson, Mr. Cliff Watson and fam-
ily motored over from Detroit about
a week ago to wait upon him and we
hope to see the old -gentleman rally
and regain hisusual. good health.
•Brucefield. ;
Miss Dorothy Welsh of Detroit is
the guest . of . -Misses, Eleanor and
`Kathleen Snider this week
Mr.. and Mrs. George` Forrest and
their. daughter, Mrs,: Stewart,' visited
Canadian National Exhibition Park at the home of •Mr. and Mrs.' L. For -
'is 350 acres in extent. rest this week. •'
I `
lieWeed Scourge
Is it fair to your neighbor if your weed -
infested fields, fence rows and idle places
are scattering weed seeds over, his land?
Is it fair to yourself if your own weeds are
• scattering their seeds all over your land? _
The weed scourge is costing Ontario
$5,000,000 a year, A share of this money
should be inyourpocket! Instead, this money
is wasted. And the waste is increasing!
The time has come for united action ! The
weed scourge should not be merely `fought"
—it should be exterminated! Weeds can be
exterminated,`bilt only by determined and
united action! The help of every man,
'Woman, boy and girl is needed.
`Under the provisions of The Weed Control
Act 1927, now in force, the destructjon of
noxious weeds is no longer Io e
optional. The he des-
truction of noxious weeds is now eolnpulsory.
Everyoccupant of land and ever 'o
p y Wrzerof
unoccupied land is required to destroy all
, °noxious weeds before their seeds ripen;'MVtun= '
icipal councils are required to destroy all nox-
cions weeds growing upon the highways. Let
ever : • yore co-operate to end the Weed Huls“
The ' Departtiient of '' : gricu tture
,Province of Ontario' -
Parliament Buildings,"Tori.nto '
Minister ' Deputy Minister
i'ALIET = PORTER • lr. :L he Old
Sone Church,, Cleveland. , Ohio, . on'
August 8th, by Rev. Di 4.:Mz ldrum
Bar iet R only �'daughter of Mr..
and Mrs. AndreW Poider, Godeziph,
to R. R. _Paleht, sori o1 Mr. and :Ars,
R. Paleit, or Cleveland, Ohio
BEZZO—In Clinton,' on Aug Ysti 17th,
to Mr. and .Mrs. 64 m. Beizo a
MORGAN In Clinton "en Wednes
d y', Angu t l rz,h; to Mr. and Mrs,
Thos. W. Morgan,' a so �.
PENINGTON--At the home or her
sister is Portershead, Eng.. on July
17, Bessie Johns, dearly °loved wife
of Thomas Penington, South street,
Goderich Ont., in her 62nd, .year.
TUCKER — In loving memory ' of
Margaret Ellen Tucker, who passed
'away Aug. 22nd, 1925.
In our hearts your memory lingers
Sweetly, tender, fond and true
There is not a day, dear Margaret
That we do nob think of you
The world may change from year to
Our friends from day to day;
But never will the one we love
From memory fade away
As we loved you so We miss you
In our memory you are .dear `
Loved, remembered, longed for always
Bringing many a silent tear.
-Sadly :missed by mother;' -sisters"
and brothers.
For Sale
White brick house on Princess St.,
east, with 8 rooms and bathroom,
town and soft water, electric lights,
14 acre of land with barn,'. large 'and
small fruit. 'Possession any time.
Apply to Levi Stong: 23-4
For Sak
iiiglit'Ford truck. Also 2nd hand
Happy Thought range. Both are' in
good condition and will be sold rea-
sonably. Apply,,' to David Elliott,
Goderich Township Voters' last
Thet s
Vo er List, 1927, for the
Township wnsh'
o zoleri
of G t ch Cunt
County of
Notice is hereby given that'I have
transmitted or delivered to the per-
sons .mehtiened in Section 9 of the
Ontario Voters' List. Act the copies
of the list, made Pursuant to the said'
Act, of all persons appearing by the
last revised Assessment -Roll of the
Municipality of the Township of God
erica, to be.. entitled . tovote in the.
said Municipality at the elections .to
the Legislative "Assembly and at
Municipal elections, and tate said list
was first posted up in illy office in
Goderich township on the 15th day
of-August,,1927 and remains here for
inspection° 1 hereby call upon all
voters to examine the said list and if
any errors or omissions are ` found
therein to take immediate proceed.
lags to have the sante corrected ac-
cording to law. Dated this 18th day
of August, 1927. R. G. Thompeon,
Municipal Clerk. 23-2.
The '.total value of the Canadian
National Exhibition Park' is
Colborne Township
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Sterling (nee
Elsa Otre) of Ninga, Sask., arrived
Thursday to renew old acquaintances
during centennial week, but returned
to their home on Monday niornrizg.
Mrs. Allan Watson went to Owen
Sound, via Owen Sound, Goderich bus
service. to :attend the funeral of her
sister there..
Mr. and Mrs.. Delvin Hunt, (tee
Alice Clarlt) "of' Louisville,' 'Kentucky,
have visited with the latter's parents
Mr..and Mrs. Johii Clark: Mrs;. Hunt's
brother, Frank, who has been Mr.
Robert McKays, convalesce, attendant
for some years is returning -with her
for a rnoiitli's holiday. We hope fist.
will came back refreshed from a long
needed rest;
Rev. Dia John Young from. Mexico.
N. Y., are visiting friends and relat-
ives here. He gave us a very inter-
esting message in his usual pleasing
manner Olt "What 10 a Christian."
"Drummond," he quoted, "says a
Christian is Domg God's Wall and we
Must know it to live.it," while he
emotes `J. R. Miller, "A Christian is
Livinglitto Christ,"
Mrs, Harold McIllwain retur sod to
Oshav a,with- arra- James P Thomp-
son who was with Mrs. McElwain for
a week.
Miss Eunice Young is visiting Miss
Nellie Willak over the week -end.
Mrs. Kimpton_of ,Ripley. ae ompa/a
led, by .her daughter, Mrs. Harold
Bogie of Auburn called "o5 old nc-
quaintarices, Mi•. and Mrs. Beall Fisher'
Clark Bios (Wm., and Fordyce)
puiehasede a grain' Separator from
Mr. George ''Falgan. With }t they
threshed ovetl'1000_bushels of wheat'
and the straw has been massed num-.
bering about 20'ton.
Mrs. John Youiig of Loyal entA'-
iaineil the W1.M.S. last Tuesday, The
report of the baiting sale was given.
Proceeds $24.00. Next meeting` to be
held will be at airs. John Falgan's.
where'd bale of clothing for an Indian:
girl will be packed.
kr. and Mas. Alf Errington have,
Ma. and Mrs. Errington of Dungannon
withthem tris a visit..,
Mrs . and Mfrs Ohas: V sg'cee of Tor-
onto are with the for,ner's.parent,
Mr. and Mrs. J, A. S. Varcoe
Four grand' sons, '' Clare William,
Ilarold and Arthur: Marcie' called up-
on Mr. and Mrs, Paul Mardel' this
week. ,Clare and Will aro teachers ;n
Toronto, Arthur tarrying on a ,hakery
:t Norwich, Harold is on the staff of
the 0. A. C. Guelph
M}oi•e enquiries :for information on
the Canadian Motional 1'xhib tion
have- been received' from the',:t;nited
'State; this. year "than ever received
any oilier two years -eombh;ied, "
Portraits That Please
Are m fide at the Puy ccs Portrait
Studio, Clinton
•Hous= -10 1 T. to 5 p.nr.
Our work will suit and our prices
will please.. us develop and print and also
enlarge your snap shots for you.
Burgess, Portrait Studio
Jai` t With l,iverr
Prompt attention given to, any
order for Flowers' or Floral work,
Member Florist Telegraph Delivery
Chas. if. Cooke.
Phone 66
Niagara Falls and
Return $5.00
Postponed trip of Sunday last will
leave Clinton on
Sunday, August 21
at 6:30 a.m.
arriving at Niagara Falls at 12
o'clock, noon, The return trip leaves
Niagara- Falls at 9:30 p.m.
,An opportunity to see the illumina-
tion of Niagara Falls
Leave names with A. C. Royce,
Bank of Montreal
For'all Makes of Touring Cars
Also Tops £oraSedans and Coupes
And Buggy Tops
W!e also make "Side Curtains" for
all makes of cars including • the kind
with rods which transforms a "Tour-
ing" car into a Closed Car.
All kinds of repairing on tops, side
curtains, cushions and upholstery
Be sure to phone us an.. make p-
pointment before coming.
The Shoe Store
Phone 129 Wing/mart
Eggs and Poultry Wanted
Fresh eggs and live poultry wanted.
Write fine statiug what you have to of-
fer. A. Judd, Box 140, Montrack, Ont.
In the Estate of Harrison Wiltse,
' NOTIOE is hereby given that all
persons having' claims against the
estate of Harrison Wiltse, late of the
Town of Clinton, in the County of
Fltiion, merchant, deceased, who diol
on or about the tenth day of May,
A D: 1927, are required to deliver to
John Harold laliltse and Charles Pea-
cock, the executors of the said estate
or their •solicitor, ' on or : before the
eighth 'day of September, A. D. 1927,
a full' statement of their claims 'to-
gether r+7fth particulars thereof, add
the nature of the securities, if any,
held by them, all duly verified by af-
AND TAICE NOTICE ' that after
the said last mentioned date the said
executors will :proceed to distribute
the estate of the said deceased
amongst the) persons. entitled thereto:
having regard only to such claims as
they shall have reeeived dun notice
and in accordance therewith.
DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this
sixteenth day of August, A.D,' 1927.
W. -BEYDONE, Clinton Ontario,
Solicitor' for' the said .executors.
Who is away,
from home? :.:
°Keep the family
] united: If some are
away from home, the -
easiest and quickest way -
is of course 1?y a Long -Dis-
tance call. The young
people nowadays put up a
very brave front of wish-
ing to appear independent
and self-reliant, but tlleir
hearts still thump "faster
when they hear Dad's or
Mother's voice over. the
Even when they go
into business, , per-
haps in distant cities,
`their nature " does, not
change with their habita-
'tion. The tie still holds.
The dear familiar voices
are just as potent.
Have '..is
the absent
ones by Long Dist-
ance. The. service was
never so rapid. The cost .,
of Interurban Service to • '
nearby towns-withina'
radius of say 25 miles• -is'
very' loin. , , ..
for Eli meo'o and Poultryman to clear
their „pens o£ roosters`_ and fat, Broody'
We are buyers, 12 months In the' year
or both ,pggs and Poultry
Clinton Poultry House
N. W. Trairvartt Ott
Phones --Office, 214j Residence, 214w
School of Commerce
Clinton, Ontario
Offers the following advantages -
Expert Teachers,
Two Standard makes of Type-
writers. • '
Practical .Business Training.
Gregg ,Shorthand -'
Secretarial Duties
Actual Office; Practice
.And a record of successful grad-
uates, whose high standard for good
work we expect you to reach or ex••
SEPT. 6th
When you think of- a Commercial
Course ,write
B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts.
- Principal
Phone i986 . 16-tf
Order Winter
• t r Coal Now
Prices are • lower, delivery is
prompt. The Coal you select is stored
in your bin -aid all worry is over for
this year.
Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery
Phone 111
Phone 151w
Sealed tenders marked "Tender for
wiring (or `painting) the House of
Refuge," will : be received by the
undersigned up to 8 o'clock p,m., Septa
5th• 'neat for the 'following:
1. Re -wiring ' the House of Re-
fuge at Clinton, throughout, for elec-
tric lighting', etc. -
2. Painting the•House of Refuge,
exterior, one good Heavy coat:
Plans and specifications may be
seen at my office at the Court House,
Goderich, any week` day from 10 a,m:
to j5 pan. or main .particulars by. mail.
Geo. W. Holman, Clerk.
Dated at Goderich, Aug, 16th, 1927.
the partnership.heretofore subsisting
between us, the undersigned, as Eank-
erg, under the name of McTaggart
Bros., at the Town of Clinton, in the
County of Huron, Province of Ontario,
has been: this day dissolved by mutual
All debts owing to the -said partner-
ship are to be paid to M. D. McTag-
gart, who purposes continuing the
said Banking businGse,. and all claims
against the said partnership' are to
be presented to the said M.D. MeTag
gait, by whom the same will be
Dated at Clinton aforesaid, this 1st
day of August, 1927.
Geo. D, McTaggart, M. D. McTag-
gart, Witness, R. S. Hays. 21-3
Holmesville Cheese. For Sale
Layge, 19c per lb; Flats, 20e per lb.;
Stilton, 24c per lb.' Order from W. H.
Lobb, Salesman, phone 605-r-32,or
from Clifford Lobb, Grocer, Clinton,
phone • 40.. 21-tf
- House Por Sale
Large red brick house, corner Or-
ange and Wellington streets, 8 rooms,
all modern conveniences. Possession
when desired. Also a batn and la acre
lot on Wellington street: Apply to
Mrs. W. Jenkins. 06-tf-6p
• Fatnt For Sale
100 • acres, good soil, fine buildings,
small maple bush, 41/i miles from
Clinton, Will sell cheap and on easy
terms. . Will sellcrop with farm if
desired. Inquire at News -Record of-
fice, 12-tf
House For Sale
A nine -room house on Princess
street, x/ acre lot, electric light, fur-
nace, three-piece ..bath,' all in first-
class condition. Apply. to E. I,,.' Mit-
ten, Clinton, Phone 218. 08-tf.
For Sale
1 Geo. White separator with feeder
and bl&wer; a Nev,' Hamburg trac-
tion engine, 18.20; a Stevens and
Burns portable enginet an endless,
drive belt, 7 •inches wide; a Gould,
Shapley and Muir 8 -ft. Ideal Wind-
mill, for 4 -post tower; a Gang Shap -
ley and Muir double gear 8ft. wind-
mill fl -post
tower, and,a 10-20 Titan
tractor. Apply to A. •Seeley. 22-3.
Farm For Sale'
100 hetes, lot -24, .eon.:' 2, Stanley,
good state of cultivation, :Bail. -baro,
76x40, tlrzving shed 40x24. cement
silo. Good.brick house,'2 never -fail
ing wells., N. Saundelcoelc, Bruce -
field. .,Phone 021 r 31, ,Clinton Cen,-
tial. 22-3,.
Sheep Par Sale
20 Leicester eyvet- lambs and 15
yearling ewes; Sams .breed.,, Well-
'bidd and in good'conditioa "Apply to
T 11 Cnle and Son, Lot 25, Con. 10,
Goderich tolvnship. R. R. No. 3, Clingy.
ton. Phone 605-r-11,. Clinton central..
Made on many -articles in our . recent
sale, will be continued for the present'. '
We suggest therefore, that you coine
in and see us before -buying as it will be
to your decided ';advantaged
Miller Hardware C�
Sole Agents for Clinton and Territory.
The ' Fall Term
in• Shaw's Twelve Torpnto-Busi
mess Schools opens on Monday,
August 29th. Calendar mailed on
request to W. R. Shaw, Registrar,
46 Biota. St. West, Toronto. Please
write for it:
L have a quantity of good, hard
wood and some slabs for sale.
New Ford Truck for sale, cheap
I' would ' like all old accounts.
straightened up at once.
E. WARD .. -
Phone 155
Huron street
Now is the time to get your winter;
coalfrom the"kieat: Folks' "Coaling
If an ocean linet waited until it
needed coal before filling up its hold,
there would come a dangerous time of
drifting on the high • seas until . kelp
could be summoned.
If you wait to fill up your bin until
bad weather conies, you may be send-
ing out distress sig ars, tool'
Better "coal up" today.
Call the OXK xcltf
for good,' clean coal
lluA'io 11
will be at his office
in Clinton each
From 3 -to $'p.m.
Clothes Gleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and re-
paired.' Woollen goods dry cleaned,
Reims Iver areard's B_rber shop.
W. J, Jago. 2233-tf
Singer Sewing Machine
Leased on Small Monthly Payments
Big Discount on Cash Sales
Now is the time to have your ma-
chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs,
Needles, Belts and , Parts for
Phone 1.71,1 P.O. Box 201, Clinton •
A 1923 model Ford coupe in good
running order.
Overhauled and Repaired
Charged and Repaired
Gasoline -,Oils -Accessories
r- -r
W. J. . Nedi er Pru
g � P
We have a comP lete. line of
Toronto Asphalt Shingles and
Roofing for siding or roofs if ;
you are considering roofing
compare ours, before buying,
with any other. This is the
best by text.
Always carry Bran, Shorts,
Western Oats, best quality at
lowest price.
J. A. FORD & SON::
Phone 123
Flour and Feed Merchants and
Grain Buyers `
C. Int. VENN IEP, : Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Wiring and .Repairs. Phone 7
Fccds -01 all kinds
Brae:--Shorts---Middlings-Two grades of Western Oats ,
Mixed Grain for Hens
also .�l.o h P
have i
v nen
a d Coarse Scratch Feed,
y Feed,
>Oituio.Oats, , Chopped and Rolled Oats, Ground and T7ngroutd
Screenings, 'Wheat and .Barley, All Kinds of -Royal Purple Stock
Foods, Cod Liver Oil for Tiers. -
Five Roses, Maple Leaf and Purity `Flour
Sugar by the Ilundted weight
Il l:dll