The Clinton News Record, 1927-08-18, Page 4OorE
�Ixsr sxowirre
Ne�v F�3i ann Winter
ad.ies" Coats
Made from Velour, Duvetyne, Pinpoint,
Siaedine, "etc..,
Trimmed with Thibetine, Opposure and:
Kolinsky Fur
Up-to-date Styles. `... Attractive Prices.
Special Piano
Pianos at
All Prices
T. J. - c EIL
Clinton's Masicai Instrument Representative_
Always at Your Service Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton'
Your Straw Arusha You
tight here in our store is the pick of straw Bats. We have'
just the hat you want, sir, the hat most suitable to the shape of your
head and face. We have a complete stock. of the, latest models. All
-reasonably priced, •
Deep' in on is. You are certain to be pleased: All braids, all
weights; all prices --and every hat in the house --newest in shape,
$1.50 to $5 0O
Davis rapt
Custom Tailoring Cleaning .and Pressing
or Bcoaorsicarrrapsporfatfon
in Chevrolet History
in design. Quality in con-
struction. Quality in appearance.
Quality in. performance. Never before
has any low-priced car possessed them to
such an amazing degree—because no other
low-priced car combines the progressiveness
, of. Chevrolet and the diversified experience,
the vast reaotzrcc and the matchless facilities
of •General'Motors.
Study today's Chevrolet. Mark well the aris-
tocratic beauty of its lines—the superbly
executed details of its Fisher -built bodies.
Then go for a ride. Revel in the thrilling
• spurt when you "step on the gas". Delight
in the smooth operation—the swift sweep of
the passing miles. 'Marvel at the way the car
hugs the road, the ease with which it, obeys
.the steering wheel, the promptness with which
it responds to the brakes.
.Here is quality expressed In terms that mil,
lions now can understand and enjoy. Here
is quality obtainable at New, Lower Prices,- ,
which reflect the savings of tremendous pro,
duction, and which demonstrate the willing-
ness to share' these savings with the public. .
dere is a car of amazing quality ... for
everybody, everywhere, - c•azee
New and Lower Prices
Touring . • - $645 Landau Sedan - P15
Roadster . 645 Imperial
Sport Roadster . 720 Landau Sedan . 955
CouCobpelet - - . 765 ' 1 -Ton
875 Truck -Chassis .. 635
Coach 750 . Roadster Delivery 645
Sedan - e - : ,850 Commercial Chassis' 481
Prices 0 Factory; Oshawa, Ontario -Taxes Extra
B. "Avis,`until
Clinton ' Collegiate Institute
1'lie -g'i rding for the .Muddle School results ,a
cerlt. 2-66 to 74 ' re ae 50oto 7 -zG per
rFailures $ per relit. 3—C>Q`�to 65 per cent, e-50 to 56 per cent.
. tri
uxes arc indicated .�i �1
r aedb the he let et .
indicates ta. t
been reread, that the paper has
.Huth Ball:.
Wnr Ball er c
Kenneth Carter
Elva Cools
Lorne Cook . x r
Ilelen Cox
Margaret Cudmore 2 c o 'c
Doris Duenin 3 ];
Grace Evans ., eir x x 2
Oliver Ferguson . c
Wilfred Flynn . . . xr xi:
Andrew Fraser , .. xr) 2 2
Clara Gould
IToward Grealis .
Evelyn Hall 3 2 c 3"
Dorothy -Innes c 3c ` 3
Stuart Keyes .' c t1 1
e •
Maxim LeBeau . 8 2 1 3
• xr xi: x x 1 X ...:.
Arthur Lyon , c 3 c 2 c e 3
Grace McEwen 2 2 • x 1. 2
Dorothy Manning 5 1 1 I. 1. 2 c
Douglas -Matheson e e x 7. e X
Marion Middleton . a 3 c
Olive Moon . x
Ruth Moorhouse ,c v x
Stuart Moorlrouse . . . xr x x .x x
Laura Mulholland xr x x xr c x
Helen •Nediger .. 3'" 2 2 2
Dorothy Pruden , 1 1 3
Clement, Reynolds , .Xr 0 x 0 c 3 3 c c 2 $
Florence Rorke , c 2 o c e
Ruth Shobbrook xr x x
Laura Snell , •
Norma Stevens . xr e e 3 2
Dorothy Stirling 2 1
Gordon Stock e 1 8 c
M • adeline VanHorne xr xr3 X' e' c x c
Henry Venner 3 x• x
Ruth Venner 3 1 c 2 1. 1,
Barrie -Walter c e e 1 ' c 3 c c
Hazel Watkins . 3; 3 e c 3 1
Violet Watkins ., a
c 1 c a: c.
The following pupils had the following standing' in German Authors
and German Composition, respectively: Andrew Fraser, 2, 3; Evelyn: Hail,
1, e; Dorothy' Innes, 1, 1; Ruth Venner, 1, 8.
1 °1
2 c 2
e Xr`..e -x.
c c c
xr X, x
2 3 cc cc c
3°. 0' 0, c c
Total No. of papers written, 221; total No. of paatee, 168; 'percentage
successful, 76.
Mi Arthur Dickinson of Toronto
is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Miss Sadie Garter is spending a
week in: Detroit..
'Mr, Wm. Craig is at present mak-
ing repairs to the dam by building on
more cement to bold -the water back
in dry weather.
Mr, and Mrs, A. 0, Jackson, Misses
Lottie and Laura of Goderieh spent
Wednesday •of last week with friends.
Here and attending the S. S. picnic.
Mr. and Mrs, A. M. Rice and son
Garth are away for two weeks'hpli-
days. .
Mr, and. Mrs. Nelson Hill and son
Billie and Mr, and Mea. James Car-
ter motored to Port Bight on Satur-
day last: 'Mr. and Mrs, Carter will,
remain for a time with their son,
The Women's- Institute 'held a
weiner roast at Menesetung : Beach
last Friday night,
Mrs. Wallace (formerly Minnie
Sprung) and two daughter$ of Cale
gary, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. J.
J. Robertson.
Mr.'Robert Sohnsbn and eon Frank
of Saskatchewan 'are visiting Mrs.
Jas, Hickingbottoni and Ernest.
Stanleg Township
Mr. and nos. W ill Cameron spent
Sunday with the .latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Talbot.
Mr. Albert . Boyee of Godericlt
spat Sunday, with friends in Stanley.
Mr. Fred Hudie of 6th con. Goderr
ieh Tp:, spent Sunday with friends on
the Saubieline.
• Sorry to hear-that'Mr,'Will Scotch-
vier is under the doctor's .care, ow-
ing to blood poisoning in his leg.
St. Helens
Mr. and Mrs. Toni _Campbell eeucf
Miss Sean spent the week -end at Rob-
inson Woods.
A union picnic was .held for the
Sunday schools up at, the Maitland
river on 5riday afternoon. Everyone v
want hene very well satisfied 'with
the day.
Mr. and Mrs: Smith and daughter i
are visiting at the home of Mr.• Sohn
'Webster. re
The Women's .Institute and : the S
Rifle. Club held a very sugcesafnl pic- t
nie to Kincardine on Tuesday..
The young son of Donald McDon- a
ald who has been ill,is"an the road to F
recovery again.
Mr. James Dnrntnr,,'is at present
at London taking treatments. We to
hope ho will Soon be around again.
Mrs. Wm. Boles, of St. Catherines
is spending some time visiting friends
around St. Helens. Wi
Mr, n. Doughtery and Miss Dolly'
Pegenault of Guelph spent the week-
end -at the home of Mrs•'•R, J, Woods.
Mrs. Woods accompaniedt.
them bee
to Fergus,
Miss Irene Woods is visiting at Kin-:
cardine at present,
Considerable of the fun' was taken
out of a watermelon chase at Jow-
ett's Grove on "Wednesday of last
week when Miss Vera Kalbfleish,
thct keen contest, went through a
barbed 'wire fence. She did not not-
ice that the -wire was barbed until'
quite a'deep gash was cut in her
scalp, which necessitated'- medical at-
tention, several stitches being neces-
sary. Miss Kalbfleisch was with the
Young People's'Society of the Luth-
eran church, Zurich, who were pie-
nicing in Jowett's Grove, After she
had received medical attention her
brother. took her home•to Zurich.
Mrs. Clayton Guest and babe who
have been visiting her parents, Mr. V
and ,Mrs. ra. C. Johnston and other
relatives in the: vieinity for the past
three weeks left for her home in
Sault Ste. Marie on Wednesday of
Rev, P. H. Pauil ,motored his moth-
er, who has spent the past six weeks •
at the Rectory,, to her homein. Lon-
don on Titursday last, returning to.
the village en Friday evening.
Miss Pattonof Stratford is the
guest of Mrs, L A. Lawson,"
Mrs, forest and 'daughter Phyllis
of Montreal left on Thursday last af-
ter having spent a few days -withtheir cousin, .Miss. Maude MoGregor.
Miss Izetta Merner is spending a
few holidays in Toronto and Syracuse,
Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser left on Friday
for their home in Pittsburgh after
having •vikited the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mr' . M. Ross.
Mr. aid Mrs. W. R. ,Towett, Misses
Ethel and Grace Jowett, motored to
Port Huron on,Thurdday last. Miss
Ethel Jowett remained to visit Mr.
and Mrs. W, A. Jowett.
Miss S. 145. Rots returned to her
duties in. Woodstock on Monday, after
having spent her vacation with her
Mr. Frank ,V. .Martin and Miss
Norma Brown of Detroit joined Mrs.
Martin on Saturday' at her slimmer
hone "Boulder Lodge" to spend their
Mrs., David Prentice of Toronto' is
isitmg' her parents, Mr. and Mrs:
ZVin, J. Stinson '
Mr. and; Mrs. 5. II.'Iobb, Miss Min-
im Pinning and Mrs, Minnie Ross
turned.50 their home itt Toronto on
unday after having been at the lat-
er's cottage, "Sunt -R -Tan."
Mr. and IVfrs,' 'Wilfred' McDonald
rid daughter Dorothy of IKitcheher
ere guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. J.
ester on Sunday.
Mrs. Robt. Ross and little son Ken,
eturned to their home last week af-
r having visited' with Mr, and Mrs.
J. Fester for ten days.
Dr. and Mrs. Platt of Woodstock
ere attests: of, the litter's uncle, Mr:
I , G. Neelin over, the week -end.
Mr, and Mrs. 0. D. Barr, Windsor,
r. and Mrs, A. ,Tones, Detroit, are
ests of Miss Norah Ferguson,
Mr. 'and Mrs, W. D. Butler and
tally returned to their home in Lon-
e last week. '
Mr, A. Goodhue, Mrs. D. Brooks
d Mrs. H. Rawlings Stave returned
their home •in "Stratford after
ending' the-.. past month in. Percy
eston's cottage.
IVI;r. Graham' Taylor of Toronto was
This year's prize list` of the Can-
adian National Exhibition is greatly W
in excess of $100,000. •
Men's Oxfords
In all the latest
styles, in either black
or tan. From
$3.85 to $5.54:
These are 'exception-
ally`'g;ood'`value. Come
rn and look them: over.
''SSliE ST
Apposite Post ()like
the gun:A of Mr, and Mrs,. D. Dewar
for a few day, last week,
Rev. F. I. Paull went, to Toronto
on Tuesday to meet idle i' pll, While
in the city they will Memel 'the wee-
ding °
n t
. Eev, C ' and.Mrs. Il tiloweil of
Paisley are camping in int village.
Ms Winnifred Elliott of Licknow
IS Visaing cher aunt, Mrs, John
'rnd Mrs, A. 1Z. flowers, who
spent a couple of weeks at the Albion
lIotol, 'returned to their home in
Windsor on Friday last.
Mr.: and Mas David Ramsay and
Miss Ethel Ramsay of ,Rochester,
N.Y., arrived by motor on Monday to
visit Mrs, Martha Castle and other
friends in the village.
Dr. and Mrs. Peter: McDonald' of
Edmonton, Sack,, are occupying a
cottage in Jewett's Grove.
Mr. Frank Robertson of Toronto
arrived on Monday evening' to relieve
in the Standard ' Bank while the
manager, E. II, Johns, -is on his holi-
Guests registered at the Albion
Hotel Ave Samuel Kellar, Twinion
V'iford, Styler Viford, Philadelphib,
The 'anniversary services held in
St. Andrew's church on Sundays last
Were both well attended. The ser-
vices were both conducted -by the re-'
'cently appointed pastor, Rev. R; M.
Gale, . who delivered ,an eloquent and
impressive sermon front Ece.341,
"God ;hath set Eternity in their.
hearts," in the morning and in the
evening he tookrfor the theme of bit.
inspir'jng address, Luke 7 t36, "Elie
Imprisoned Glory." Atthe morning
service the local choir -took charge of
the singing and gave the anthem
"Open Ye the Gates," with pelasin
effect. .A. duet, "Hold Thou My
Hand." by Misses H. Morton and G.
Gale and a beautiful rendering of
"The Holy City," by Mr, Eric Chap-
man of London added greatly- to the
service, In the evening the Egmond-
ville Choir took charge of the music,
beginning with a suitable "Introit,"
with splendid renderings of "Riorehip
the, Ding,' "un of MY Soul" and also,
a duet by two lady singersduring
the service. The offering amounted
to some $210.00.:
Dr. and Mrs. Tillman and family
returned to their home in London 1.
last 'week,
Mr. Fred W. Neeliri, who spent the
week -end with his father, returned
on Monday with his wife and family,
who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. f
F. G. Neelin for the past fortnight, to
their home in Toronto.
Mr. William L. Metcalf of Baden,
N. Carolina, 'arrived ' on Monday to
visit his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Wing
F. Metcalf.' •,-
D7iss IlelenyHoreon has returned to
her home in Ingersoll alter having
visited her friend, Kiss Gladys Gale; .1
Mr. W, If. Tippet of'Belling's; Mon- ,
tana, is visiting his parents, Mr. and'
Mrs. Jno. W. Tippet.
Miss C. W;, McQuillen of Lucknow
has returned to her home after spend-
ing a 'couple of weeks in Jowett's
Mr. and Mrs. Ii, K. Ring, Master
Harold Attwood' and Wrn. Parker of
Sarnia; were week -end Quests of Mr.
and Mrs, Chas. Pallor.
The Trustees; for thi: Police Vil-
of Bayfield, inspecting trustee"
John Pollock and John McLeod and
Tilt7JISDA1", AT7GUST 18, 1927° "s
31urdock Ross as de 1 red elected to c1.
Cam -
office by the County Cleric, e{ 2y to visit tl err tithm°, illi. A, Cam
I3ohnan en June 21st„ have G(.}. W. resigned Mr. John Darrow
`itt a hoth to'avoid speeding v of 11, arrow,
LnG'ttrnds 'v>sitiiii;' his brother, r �, � F -
of'th. ._r, Bato , Darrow.
e,vrlla c t
contest Village o c the t e r'•
brought about li certain i zl3rrt Baker, ilyroantl
Y ria n parties to Mrs Victor Burt and family :and
upset the , election of June 20th. Harry Baker of London :,ore "visiting'
"Foundling" 00 no, Bayfield sure has. their Mother, Mrs. P, We. Baker.
its troubles,
NPiltlred Cameron and Ival. Will '1'o stage the 'Canadian National'
Cameron of Detroit art tcd.,pn Mon- .Exhibition it cos tt'5350,00o annually,
.. _ _.. ... u�i:wawu�wmvywmus„nwcmui
of ice!
s'She gets Flakes +and
bowl of,
s Corn eke s
day. ' rue she
mild every
And it's
loves it•�
her' as fictior that res
Yt es hove Kellogg'sICellos
lost hl ss flavor shy ges
Nlatcal.ways crunchy
are bays ea'a r area
'digest!'with milk o or,
• �erU� or honey. d add' fruits or suer:
'and lunch oal ere supper; breakfast,athotels,
$old by
all grocers.
Maiby Kellogg in .. L°
Ontario. Ocen-fresh in
the init.
ia grQnpackage.
'der'�a10tDefiand thegentling!,
lItitati°ns canofequal, such
Rules .for Saf.
You must obey then if you wish
to be safe on 'the' ffighways
Traffic has increased so Much on the highways that motor cardrivers must
become "traffic conscious", They must realize that safety for all motor
traffic is largely in the hands of the operators of card. Some do not yet under-
stand this, while a mail .minority are perpetual offenders against common
sense, decency and the law. Both these classes of drivers are a menace,
The co-operation of all intelligent and right-minded Motorists Is desired in
giving caution and advice to the careless, In eases of flagrant breach of the
law or rules of the road, other motorists should -'take licence numbers' and
send them to the local authorities or to this bepartment,with particulars.
These are _-the simple Mulles of Driving
It is necessary to observe eac
ne scrupulously all the time.
1. Get your Motor Vehicle Operator's License.
Have it whenever` you drive a car. 35 you get into an accident, or are stopped by a traffic officer or
policeman, the absence of yottr Operator's License in itself will be considered a breach of lite law and
subject to fine. ••
2a 1688t%eyour Ca$ fit (Ser est a*cchan1i ta1 Ai at
Glaring Ideadligbts—See that your lights are of one of the types authorized by the Department, and
that your bulbs are in focus. Write the Department fora free folder telling how to focus your lights.
Brakes—pet your brakes tested frequently so that your car will obey when you want to stop.
Steering Gear—No part of the car is so vital. Take care against breakage
g by frequent inspection.
Four Wheel Brake Signs—Put one on the rear of your car if you have four-wheel brakes.
3. }IDaaa't °6lba1" on main highways when traffic is heavy.
If, you are just "out for an airing" go where the traffic is light. County and township roads, are in
good shape. Slow moving traffic is the cause of many eccidentts, because the motors behind must pass.
Don't be selfish with the road by holding up traffic which has a right to proceed ata reasonable speed.
4. In passing traffic- e careful.
When you overtake and, pass another car, seethe the toad ahead is clear. Be sure there is alace in
the traffic line which you can reach before you meet a vehicle coming the other way, Kc your
right on curves. Don't try to pass near the top of a hill, There may be a vehicle approaching tohich -
you cannot see. Always indicate what you intend to do either by the horn or signalr1rith the hand.
5. When other ears, sr* to plass you—Lett then* grass.
The levels very definite in.providing that when a vehicle overtakes another and attempts to pass, the
second vehicle shall pull over` to the right and let theSrst vehicle go by. Some drivers :still think' it
clever to speed up when overtaken: That is against the law.
ft. In entering; Main Highways—stop and Laeok, -
Don't try to cat into traffic. Miaita minute, and it will. pass. ,
'7. Dealt stop on, the ifighway—Don't park.
It is dangerous to yourself and to others to park on the highway. If you wish to stop, move on
the first turn -out, and get your car entirely off the pavement,
bThiynkcareloess, 1' the dthouanghtlgersess youdriving. create for yourselfand others
it, is better for you to let the other driver have,tho rosd,
if it helps you to avoid an accideor it lawsuit...
tario Department o , lighwayg.
The.,li9As. GEO. S. HENRY, Minister,