HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-08-11, Page 8E CLIN'TO: THURSDAY', XITJGTJS'T 11-, 1927: LINTON'S LEADING JEWEL11I7Y. STORE RIC IT SUN Eyes naturally a bit ;weak are first to feel the change in sea– sons—especially into the bright sunlight of 'summer•,resulting in -dull 'wring pains with dan- ger always that the strain will''' be too great, resulting in aetual injury to the vis on 'a=lt may be that you do not need 'lasses, then again it uiay he highly im- portant ticht you have them. 'Our service is not to put glasses on you if you do not need them, but by thorough and most scientific test of ,eyes to know the facts, Iueeent therti,.:to you and let you be the'tjiulge. If you are butjiered 'with ;'your eyes; step he and find out the trouble, a . JO NSO'N Graduate. :of,.Toronto College of Optometry rine -Jewellery and: Repairs Next, Hoveys Drug Store ` Wit11 prospects bright for several weeks of fine Summer weather these: items should appeal to all who appreciate a real good bargain in Seasonable 11fer'ehandise, MEN'S. -SAILOR =HATS—Regular 51.50 and $1.75 To Clear at 75e :1 -; Odd dines and broken sizes butieaeh one a bargain MEN'S AND BOYS' CANVAS SHOES AT •$1.29 PAIR ,We have about 25 pairs' of 114en's and Boys' Canvas Boots and Oxfords with leather solesand heels which -sold up to $2.00 per pair,' Choice to Clear at $1.29. WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S CANVAS SHOES AT 50c -. . These are' odd lines -that sold up to 52.00 per pair, Choice to clear, 50e per pair. • .Also another line of better ones to clear at 95c per pair f Melt's Fine Balbriggan 'Underwear at 45e per garment 6 Pairs Men's Sox—Brown or Black—for $1.00 These are only a few of the many lines that are being cleared during August as we do not intend "'to carry over a dollar's worth of summer roods that can be turned into cash, , Plurnsteei Bros. PHT)N111 25, 0 s` ' . ic We had a eard will above - orde, in kit - o Qroe;. displayed Gym' some g'obds in our store and quite sei?sibly we were asked: What is the -reason you thus advertise? Ilow ran we be- lieve it to be true that any merchant can do Wand keep from bankruptcy? Answering 'Categorically— (1) ategor•ically— (1)When goods -are advertisedby us at less than cost it° is becattse the: saying of anylthtng else would be un - ( (2) Sometimes ' we are fortunate in securing goods on which the whole- saler or, manufacturer chooses to take a loss 'Sells them to us at "less than cost" and we in turn pass the advan- tage, on to dvantageonto our customer's. i (3) e we took 'these losses our- selves yotir criticism wouldbe just— it would drive any merchant out of business. ' (4) Let us ask you a question, Mr. Inquirer, Do you think we would be. 'Your good'seryants if we were to -ilial Aipthese special bargains with our regelar. goods and letyou tame them at eegular price when we profess to be working, in your interest as, well as our own? You . can trust us to take our own profit most times even when you' get Roods at halt price, (5)• By way of :illustration—vie are now making a small profit on a 1 stock of ftincy notepaper and sellin a quire and package of envelopecs to Klatch both*tor 25e. Itis -deckle gilt. edge and we have it in three colors. We .now have in stock.,,ggimilar goods 1tut'ivithout the deckle gilt edge and the „price is 60c for the same; quant- ityso it is manifest that ,we are safely and superlatively in bounds in announcing the goods at "less than half' price." .If you knoty' values e you'll be astonished ai: the saving. MAIN FLOOR as the big city stores say Mid-Seasoninventory§hows a`number.of last year's Radio Sets in Stock, We are marking these sets down to `half price to dear out. These sets will compare favorably in every way with this years model. Come inand hear' and see these sets if inter- ested in Radio, We can save you motley. Sutter & Perdue PLUMBING HARDWARE Phone 147w ELECTRIC WI•R'ING Our phone order service is becom- e ing increasingly popular, for 'we ltave proved ourselves reliable _and :faithful in filling such orders, 'Phone us' your order today: and let: ;us prove true point.to, your- satisfaction. Prompt service and low prices: WEEK END SPECIALS Ras. -and St. Jam 3 lb. jar, -55c Orange Marne, 3 lb.' jar . 50c Little Chip Orange and Lemon Marmalade 25e Syrup, 5' Ib.. pail 38c Lard, 10 Ib. pall $1.50_ Cooking Figs,2 lbs. for . 25e Prunes, 2 lbs. for 26c, .Catsup, large . .. , Peas,.2 cans for Tomatoes;• 2 cans for .. Quick Macaroni, per pkg jelly Powders, 3 for Rubber Rings, 3 doz. for Oranges, per doz. CABBAGE—TOMATOES-CELE1Y — PLACHES, Etc. L. - Lawson el Co, e PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE 11.I 25c 25b 25c 18e' 19c 25c 29c Auburn' The Union Sunday -School 'pi0nic was "held Wednesday, Aug. 10th; on Mr. H, Bogus flats. south or the dull. Mr. W. T. Riddell has started - the building -:of his new house,-ttheel will be a red brick bungalow. Miss Ethel Washington is visiting with °friends at Granton and London. this week, d Rev. W. R. and Mrs. Alp and lam- ' are taking their vacation, They will be away three weeks. Mrs. M. Moore of Sault Ste. Marie` is visiting With the Misses Blair. Miss Mildred Brown "of Toronto spent' Sunday witlerela7ives here, Mr. and Mrs. H. Beadle of Detroit spent the week -end with their 'pare ents here, Mr. Harold Bogie is repairing the dam this week, while the water is low. Mr. and Mrs., Forrest Carter of Goderich spent Sunday with ,friends at Auburn. Tie W.11 Fair coy. Often the Cheapest–Always the Best 1j aialtlTtiri Mrs. C. C. Rance returned to Toronto this week after a visit in town. Miss Stone .of Ingersoll die a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. At- kinson. " Miss Ethel McDougall of Ford is the guest of : her cousin, Miss' Eileen Atkinson. Mrs. R. J. Cluff and her cousin, Mr. J. W. Irvine, are visiting Kinear- dine relatives. Mrs. P. L. Hay ' of Brantford is the ' guest this week of Mr. E..and Mise . Elizabeth Carter, Miss Amy, Hellyar is visiting in :Massey, being called there by the Hitless of a friend. Mr. Aiken of .Allenford visited hid brother, Mi. W. Moffatt Aiken . of town over** week-oli. Master Brenton .and Miss Grace ,I•iellyar :, are • visiting ; relatives in Toronto and Bowmanville. •' Miss Ma>•y Snell of Hamilton is spending a holiday at her old home, Bayen-Barton Farm,' Hullett. Miss Taylor of Science Hill is in town, visiting her sister, Mrs. Bird, who is a patient in Clinton Hospital. Miss B. F. Ward, who has been spend- - ing the past' six week .at her home at Rockville, Md., has returned to town.. ' Mr. rind : liars. .W. N. Manning and fancily of London called -±n Clinton friends on Sunday, on their way to Goderich. Miss Hattie Courtice and her guest, 1dies Burke of St. Thomas, left Fri- day on a little , motor trip to Nagara°Falla and Hamilton. The Misses Johnston of Brandon, Man., who have, been visiting rela- tives" at Varna;• called on Miss Lov- ett of town; one day last weep. Miss Catherine Richawibon of•toven and Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Merrill of the Base Line visited during the past weep" with their cousins, the Messrs Pearson of Grey township. Mr.:Joshua Cook and son Elmer of. Sarnia, and another son, Mr. Clin- ton Cook of the Standard Banat "'staff, Penetange spent a couple of days calling..on old friends in Clin- ton' last week. Mr. Frank Penpebaker, Mr. Ie., Tom linson.and : Mrs ,Ne. Galt and. Miss Florence and Magter Erie Galt of Toronto spent the .week -end as •guests 07 the fornter's mother, Mrs. H. Pennebdker. - .• Mr. and Mree:Wm. Palmer and lough- ter, Miss 'Adeline, .e llen:ilton, vis- ited the former's niece, Mrs. J. T. Crich of -Clinton, one day Iast week, also calling .on Mr. and nirs.. G. H. Balked the Base line. Messrs. A. D. Fisher, and L. Kennedy of Toronto, and. Mr. W. IL Harland of Guelph called on friends itt town last week. They were on their way to Goderich, where they took in the. Centennial Celebration. Mrs. Mary' Lawrence, ' Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Lawrence and little daugh- tee, Helen, of Woodstock, accom- panied by Mr. and 'Errs. W. La Barre of; Buffalo, motored up on Sunday to visit- Mr. and Mss. S. Lawrence of town. Rev,` C. P. Dickson of Walters Falls visited with Miss Lovett of Clin- ton and with Ilolntesville friends lust week. Mr. •, Dickson a few years ago, as. a student, was in charge of the Middleton -Holmes- ville - parish during the summer holiday period. VSi's: Griffiths, Miss faire and Master Jack Gri'fTithe, and Miss Helen ]fisher, who have, been visiting the 'hitter's sister, Mrs. R E. Manning, Yoe some weeks; lefe Tuesday on their return . trip to Denver, Col, The party made the entire trip by motor and :are. returning that way, Car of Pure ane Dominion Sugar now an sale for this week for Cash, $6.75 per cwt. Also car veil alrh' s following next week... We have.both these ears bou ht at ,exec tionall low i . � y � prices. For 9 Cents Essence of -Vanilla .. ec Corn Flakes ., 9c Pork and Beans Pc Matches; per box ----------------Pc Tomato: Soup, per can ee For 1-9 Cents 2 pkgs. Corn Starch , 4 lbs Coen Meal' 3 pkgs. Jelly Powder 2 pkgs. Anunon±a For 29 Cents 6 lbs. Rolled pats 29a 2 cans Cork 29c. Cottage Roll, per Ib, ... :-.-. . ;29c Breakfast Bacon, by the piece 29e New Quaker Macaroni Cooked per pkg. 35c. Alfine Stniles'n Chuckles in bulk per lb. 49c. Mammy' Homemade I Bread arid- Buns, Monday, Thursday and Saturday.. 1 Corn Syrup 5 Ib. pail 38c 3 lb. pail Shortening 50c 5 ib. pail Lard 89c 5 Ib. p ail Shortening85c20 lb. pail Lard $120 3 pkgs. Quaker Corn Flakes 25c Mixed Fancy Biscuits per Ib. Fresh -Salmon Trout on Tuesdays and Fridays Fresh Totatoes,: Peaches, Musk Melons, Blue ferries Grape. Juice, Lime Juice, OK'-ee e's Dry Ginger Ale In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. Cash and • Service., In the Afternoon First Delivery 230 p,w. Kindly Order Early 'Neil Phone 4. Where " Sells for less price prevails. loAmtvosoiwtommlowstee High Grade Mill Work For your New House If .you ire building or plantiing to build you will refuire Sash, Deere, Hardwood Flooring, Interior Trim, `Window and,:: Door Frances, built-in Kitchen Cupboards, Seats and Tables and many other things in Lumber and Mill Work, We will be, glad to submit i'rices on a portion or complete bill of materials 'CREO-DIt'T STAINED SHINGLES ADD INDIVIDUALITY TO A HOUSE NOT OIl'1`AINED IN ANY. OTHER WAY Hardwood Flooring will mak,; your house permanently beautiful 'We Ian supply you in Oak, Birch or Maple • GYPROC�Phe fire -proof wall beard, made from. rock. it absolutely waI not burn, and resists heat and _cold Thomas _McKenzie Estate Clinton GYBRO>✓•-S1IINGLES—LUMI3ER and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Hot Weather Groceries Whether you eat at hcnie camp'or picnic, buy your fresh grocery supplies at The C. & S. Grocers • GARDEN PARTY tinder the auspices of the UNITED CHURCH, BRUCEFIELD Will be held on Mr." Hugh Aikenhead's Lawn TUESDAY, AUG. 10th Supper Served from & to 8 pan. ATTRACTIONS' Two Games ofj Softball wn' be played Londesborog Ails vs. Brucefield girls at 5:30, followed by Brickyard ,B reBuce£ield Boys.. Seaforth Ilighlanders,Band in attendance for the evening • Admission: Adults, 50e; Children, 25c 21-2. Huller! Township Mr,, Epbriim Brown bought five well-bred Leicester sheep fiorn Mr•. Hpntphrey Snell and' has sent theta by,express: to Caledonia, N.Y. lir. Brown left on Thursday to attend 'the fairs on the 'American side and will be away for two inontits or more, • °Varna J'Mrs. levans',and daughter have re `turned to"their home in Seaforth"-af.- tet spending a few days at the home of Mrs. Wm. Clark. Mrs. Mattice -_ Mrs. Stratman and Miss, Florence of Detroit were guests at the home • of Mr; and' Mrs, Jno. Beatty on Sunday,. Mr. and Mrs. Wygle and son of Windsor are guests at eche home of Mr. and Mrs. 'L. Epps, Dr. and Mrs Harvey Reid of for - onto are spending their vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. WCReid. Mr. Win, Beatty of Mount Brydges spent Sunday in the village. ',Quite a number attended the Or- atige picnic, aft Bayfield on Tuesday aftornon and report a good time. Miss Margaret McConnell, who has been attending Summer School at Toro te, is home for her holidays. Mies McConnell has seamed a school hear Toronto., Mr. and Mrs: Joseph Mossop and HARDWARE and PLUMBING 'family left this week for London; I'Dxono 244. where they intend making their home. Mr. Mossop was obliged to dispose of his farm last fall on account of ill health but we are glad,to state that he is stow on the way to reeovery and it is hoped will continue to gain.! °Coal of all kinds always on hand for.immediato delivery. Also -a quantity of dry Maple Wood Prices reasonable and ''same to all W. J. MILLER , SON carders taken at residence, .Phone 46 twin Season I5 APPROACHING AGAIN See our cooking utemeils — Pure Ahnninum and the SMP Pearl and Diamond Wate. Something for ever•y- one. Why not use"an oil stove this year for the preserving season? You will enjoy being in the kitehen with the ,Perfection or Nesco. - Think' it c--er and see its before', you buy T. ilavrkiiis Else Your lore We have a complete stock of Verandah Furniture including AWNINGS 1-TA14IMOCKS-HAMMO-COUCHES—STRETCHERS AND MATTRESSES—CHAIRS AND ROCKERS • COCOA MATS—GRASS MATS in faot everything to 'take your verandah comfortable and cosy. • LARVEX.' Tib a -bottle. while you are putting away your furs, woollens, etc. Protects upholstered furniture against ninths because it is absolutely moth proof. IN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We have a splendid new stock of blew Perfection and the High Speed Lorrain Coal Oil Stoves and Beats,; and Cooking 'Utensils of all kinds. Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 E AR.THEAT it E Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday—August 15, 16, 17 You'Il Thrill—you'll Marvel—and learn the greatest truth of the human soul in 'Lovers" With Ramon Novarro, Alice Terry and John Miljan Admission -25c and 15e Thursday, Friday and. Saturday—August 13; 19, 20 He laughed as nieii went to their torture—See the brutal Captain .of the hell -ship in With Lars"Hanson, Pauline Stark, Marceline Day and Ernest Torrence Admission 25c and 15c NOW FLAYING I on Chaney in. "TH'E PENALTY" 69a .Egg$,. Bring us your Eggs While Fresh We invite customers to visit our candling and grading room to: see grading properly done. We Pay Spot Cash Now is the time'to market -your fat broody hens and old roosters I4 nn La . n a lois Liited HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL, QUE. For further information apply to • CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON' ONTARIO PHONE 190 1