HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-08-11, Page 7CLINTON NEWS-R.ECOItD
><--A wide range of excellent' courses
iu Arts;, Medicine, Public Ileilth , and"
Nursing. .
2 lletd buildings 'and ^yup -to -date'
3—Splendid library facilities.
• 4—Highly developed'
work in Physical Educa-
tion; a chitaice for every
student to take part in
5—An attractive social life.
0—Close'personal contact be,.,
tureen professor a and students.
7--A systematic effort by tho',
billiversity to help worthy studente
to get placed•after graduation.
Writ for-informa
R. P. R. NovrLL-L,-
PhiD., Registrar,
London, Canada;...:
MAKE your attic into . extra..:
sleeping quarters or a chil-
dren's play -room.
Gyproc will give you bright,.
comfortable extra rooms at small
cost. '- .., , 7
Right over damaged walls
and torn; faded wallpaper apply
GyprbcFireproof Wallboard. Gyproo *ails and ceilings will make every
room bright and fresh. ; Takes anyOcoration. Fireproof, cold proof
and heat proof, The strongest and lightest insulating wallboard known,
Write for .free booklet—"My Mine. It will tell you how Gyprec, Reeboard
Gypsam Insulating sheathing and Insult; will reduce : your. fuel -bill from
t 20 to <10 per cent.
Fireproof W•i iTbOa °d,
For Sale By
o Thomas McKenzie Estate • - Clinton, Ont.
Geo. T. Jenkins - - - Clinton, Ont.
The modern young matt
feels he is Stepping'"on
top of the world."
fl E§T GoobSHOE
' tZtd'd,LeflF.i:
Small .Scribbling< Pads
Size 8x4%, inches 15c poijci #
The News -Record
-'.A, Column Prok,ared Especially for :Women=— ?;
Bill Not Forbidden to Melt
"'Will you kindly make the tea," a
gracious-: little American lady asked
ter Canadian, guest recently. "I -feel
that I cannot make tea fdr you Can-
adian," she added: -'As it happened the
Canadians present did not wish tea
for their luncheon; so no one made'it,
but it transpired that this American
hostess, who spends her summers by
one of Canada's Great Lakes -and who'
often entertains Canadians in her cosy.
summer home, had gotten the idea
that Canadians drink large quantities,
Are we Such'a nation,o:± tea drink-
ers, I wonder?. 'Think. over the num-
ber of your friends and yon will pro-
bably find that a great anmtber of
them drink tea three times a• day. It
is estimated that 26,000,000 cups' of
tea are consumed every day in ,Can-
ada and, we are less than ten millions
of people. No doubt many 'children
and young people do not drink tea, so
those of us who do drink it dot
confine ourselves to one cup.
A cup of well made tea' is very re-
freshing,''but L am afraid a very
large.number of people use too much
tea. It is useless,°probably, to try to
get those who are' "addicts" to cut
on the use of tea,, but those who en-
joy, a cup o£ tea and who yet teeI that
they need not use 'it, can get along
without 'it, and -`feel ' just the same,
ought not to allow themselves to be-
come so accustomed to tea that they
must have it strong and regularly,
three times,,a day. One meal ex two
a day might easily be taken without
the aid of. tea, cold being a very
good beverage. Tea drinking can be-
come a bad habit, if allowed to grow
upon one. The English people make
a great event of their afternoon cup
of tea, but in England that,' and per-
haps one early in the morning, is all
the tea they use. We have gone far
beyond them in the use of tea..
If tea is well made it.3s a wholesome
and' refreshing drink. ' Especial care
should be taken not to allow it to
stand upon the leaves, as that gives
it a bitter taste and snakes it really
unfit to drink.
The following rules for preparing
this beverage are , taken from "The
Art of Correct T'ha Making": ,
Rules' No. 1—The very best quality
of tea must be used. Tho tea also
must. be fresh, to:yield1-be full good-'
Pule, No- 2 -The quality -ofl'the
water used will tNeet the 11 tvour• of
the beverage in the `cup. Draw' fresh
cold water and bring it to a ,hard
"bubbly" boil, Euler usp Water
that 'has been boiled before. Some-
times chlorine put in water to purify
it will; completely charge the flavour
,of -the tea, The water is to .blame,
however, and not the tea.
Rule No, 3—It is proper that, only
a crockery -or china'teapot be used,
never one of metal or any other; sub-
stance : if the pure: and delicious
flavour of the tea :is to be drawn
foo-th. -Tea likewise 'should never lie
enclosed in a metal tea -ball.
Rule No.''4-The, teapot must be
scalded cut, with boiling water' and
while it is warm, place in it one level
teaspoonful 'of tea for each cup re-
Rule No, 5—Now pour the boiling
water on the leaves. Allow to steel.
in warm place for five minutes.
Stir . just sufficiently to - diffuse the
full :strength' of the tea, Then pour
tho liquid off the leaves into Another
heated vessel, unless served' immed-
iately,' If poured off in this way, the
We. will not take. on a bitter taste,
which even the finest tea will do un-
less prevented ?temp over steeping.
Tea made according to these rules
will be fragrant, delicious and.eom-
pletely satisfying,
Rule three tells you that tea must
not be placed iri a metal pot or tea
ball. But I have drunk tea for years
made from a little metal tea ball,
whichhas-had a fine flavor, and hgve
also drunk delicious tea from a silver
ball or tea pot. If your pot, is kept
perfectly clean, washed out after ev-
ery meal, and if you -pour the tea off
the leaves as coon as steeped, you will
have a delicious beverage. The habit
which perhaps some housewives have
of leaving the tea in the teapot from
one meal to another will result in
spoiling the inside of .the pot and mak-
ing it unfit to use
. A good rule in regard to tea isto
see that it is made in the approved
manner, and then drunk in inoder-'
�Brliin "Lifted" ling Owned by F..3.
Tench, From Lodge at Jasper
National Park
Jasper National Park, Aug. 2.—The
missing hand bag has been found With
the discovery that a=bear in the vicin-
ity' of Jasper Lodge profcrs ehoeolates
with raisins to pyjamas ° , or razor
blades. The bag which was stolen by
bruin from the .verandah Of a bun-
galow here, belonged to F, J. Tench,
of Stratford, Ont. -
On his way to :work, the engineer
of the Lodge came across a black ob-
ject in some bushes in the vicinity.
of Athabaska River and on making in-
vestigations,'diseovered it was th
missing bag. Mr. Bear had pried
open the lock and when the contents
of what 'was left • were checked over
with -the list that Mr. Tench had left
-with J. OBrieti, manager of the lodge:
it was found that thesweets• were
missing., Apparently bears preferto
stick to the coat that nature provided,
them that, pyjamas. There was one
other item missing, and it has not been"
decided whether the bear .was taken
sick,,,or was not taking any chances
of being that way, as there was.abox
of pink.eapsules, also missing, A whole
pound of chocolates is rather a rich
dish for one bear, and Mr Bruin was
not taking any chances of getting indi-.I
gestion, so devoured the capsules. '.
The culprit is still at large, and
chances for arrest-' are rather - slim ii
Even though -he were naught, it is..
more`than likely he would blame it on
corm of 'his , brothers who wander
about the^surrounding te$ritory -close.
to the lodge, The'bag Will be repair-
ed and forwarded, 'to Mr. Tenchi who,
no doubt : -Sill take great pride in
showing:it-•to bis friends:_as'tlSe bag'
.thd bear used, .on a trip over the 'At ha"-
basica River from Jasper -Park Lodge.
"A good ehof. gets snore than t.,col-
Iege• professor:" "Wily .shouldn't •ho.?'
A lot•more people' take his. courses."
ow. ;to Reduce
-Va°icose' Nems
Rtlb flently and upward Toward the
Heart'as Blood in Veins Flo)vs
That, Way
Many people have become `despond-
ent because they. -have hem :led,qo bo
Boyo that thereis no remedy that will
reduce swollen veins and bunches.
If you will gel a -two -ounce original
,bottle of ;ivlooue's Emerald Oil (full'
,strength) , at any ±itst-class drug
store and apply, it night and morning;
directed you will quickl 'nEice an.
improvement which will eontinue un-
til' the 'veins . and bunches are ro.r
dueed to normal.
1'3oone's Ernerald%Oil is A- harmless,
yet most potterful germicide and two
ounces last a very :long Lingo. Indeed,
so powerful is Erner,•ald , 011 that old
chronic sores and ulcers are often en-
tirely healed and anyone who is dis-
appointed with its use can have their
money refunded. All druggists sell
lots of it. .
Ontario is a province of temperate
people, according to Chairman' Hanna
of the Liquor Control Board, who
statedc�that- to -tithe present time
only 120,000 permits had been issued,
including those given' to the transient:
visitors. This means, •that .lessthan
three per cent. a the : resident`s of
Ontario have so far :-availed them-
selves of the . new Act to,'purehase
e Counnnng Nevvs
WINGIjASt: The dates of Wing -
ham fall fair, which was to have been,
held on October 6 and' 7, have been
changed to 'October ,22 and 23.
GODERICH: On the evening of
Wednesday, July 20, at Wlegtriinster
Presbyterian `church, .Detroit, Mich.,
Miss Elizabeth Shelton , (Deere),•
daughter of Mr. and ',Mrs, John M,
Proudfoot, formerly of Goderieh, was
united in marriage to MI Roy Daniel
Jones, ALD,, of flighlancl Para., Mich.,
son of: Mr. and 1VIrs. Jellies Jones, of.
Teuton, Mielt. The bridal party ent-
ered the church to the :trains of. the
MendOesohn wedding march played
by Miss Alice Preston Smith, 'the
bride being given in, marriage 'bi her
'father, and the Rev. Dr. 'Jacques ty-
ing the nuptial knot., The bride look-
ed charmiligIn a gown of;.wbite gear-
gette and lace, and 'carried a -shower
bouquet of white sweet peas' and
acltillias, and was attended by her sis-
ter, Miss Eliahe Proudfocit, who also
looked most attractive in pink geor-
gette and lace, and carried a bouquet
pf pink "roses • and sweet peas. Mr.
Duane Jones, brother . of the • groom,
acted .as,; best man, and Mr. Robert
.Proudfoot, of. Detroit and NIr.'John.
Proudfoot, of Chicago , acted as ush-
ers „During the preceding weeks sev-
eral -luncheons and showers Wore .giv-
en in honor of the popular• brirde-elect,,
who :was the'' recipient of many,'.beau-
tiful gifts; After -a short honeyindon
at Lakeland, Mich., the hrid&:'and
g room will make their home in High,
land Park.
1iiTliITECIIURCkI: Angus 11acli'ay,
of„Whiteehutch' has been 'recently
designated as a urissionary of the
Presbyterian Church. He has lived in
Whitechurch must of his life and has
been an earnest'worker;`i0 the Pres••
byterian chnrch:,here, taking an inter-
est in' the Sabbath school, and the
Young, People's`Society. The,designa-
tion service' .was conducted' by the
oraitlaled-Presbytery, the moedrator,
Rev. J. A.• James, of Kinloss, presid-
ing•. • The candidate was introduced
by itis minister, Rev. John Pollock, the
desrgnatofycprayer was offered -y
Rey. T• -D. l32eCulleugh, of Kincardini;
the 'Seriptut•e.read by Rev; R. C. Me -
Donald, of Luciciow, while Rev, Dr.
James: Wilson. of Brampton, repre-
senting�' the General Board of: Mis-
stows, gave an excellent address. 'Mr.
MacKay was also ordained as .an
elder of the church. During the cero-
rhony he was presented with several
remembrances, the presentation being
made by Fred Davidson, 'clerk of the
session, and. an address t'cad by' John
Craig,,secreta.ry_of the board of man-
ag•ers. itIr, Maclay leaves early itt
September for India.
Will Jill many times more flies
for the money than any other
fly killer. Each pad will kill flies
all day, • every ':day, for three
weeks. =:fit all 'G1rocers, Drug-
gists and general Stores
XOe and: 25,e' per package.
And now comes the list oC fall fair,
Toronto (C.N1 )—Aug. 27 to Sept. 12
Goderich •Industrial -Sept, 8 to. 10.
London (Western) -Sept. 10 to 17.
Exeter -:Sept, 20 and 21.
IZineerdine—Sept. 21- and 22. -
Seafotth—Sept.' 22 and 23.
Zurich—Sept. 26 and 27.
Listowel—Sept. 26 and 27.-
Blyth—Sept. 27 and 28.
Bayfield -Sept. 27 and 28.
Iiucknow—Sept, 20 and 30.
Dungannon --Oct. 6, and 7:
Brussels—Oct, 6 and 7.
Wunghatn—Oct. 22 and 23.
Coungj News
GODERI 1H: The members of the
Huron County Coundil and theiy fam-
ilies and friends, numbering about
two hundred, held their annual picnic!
at Harbour Park, last Friday.
SEA:t1+ ORTIL: The Seaforth High!
lenders Band and the choir of the
Egmondville United .church were in
Goderieh on Thii sd'ay evening assist-
ing in the presentation of the pag-
eant "A Romance of Canada" fit t1 '
'Centennial :celebration,
ZURICH: Rev. and Mrs. White -
sides and family arrived from Sas-
katchewan last week, where they have
resided for a number of years. They
are moving to Toronto, where,,they
will reside in future. Mr. Whitesides
and family came down itt their auto
and had a most enjoyable trip. ile
will -take up evangelistic work-in the
United Church of Canada with Toron-
to' his headquarters. While here in
urich they are staying at the Wil -
ems home, of which Mrs, Whiteside,
in a member.
SEAFORTFf: 'The pavement" be-
tween Dublin and Seaforth on the
Provincial Highway was completed on
Thursday last, and will be Open ;to
traffic in three weeks. The only por-
tion of the Highway from Toronto to.
Godeiich now.notpaved is the stretch
of nine miles between Seaforth and.
Clinton, and it is expected that this
part will be paved this season or at
the latest next spring. The work of
laying the 'asphalt pavement from the,.
railway tracks south..to.Egmoatdville,
was commenced this week, When this
part is completed a similar 'paveinent.
will be laid . from, the- North'Main,
Street pavement to tut town limits on'
the north.' .
HENSALL: A,,, Airglary occurred
at the stem of 3:-W. jttnner, general
tnerehant here, either Sunday or
the early hors of Monday morning'
when more than $600' worth of fine
silks had been taken. When 'Mr;' Skin-
ner. purchased the business several,
years ago, from the late William C.;
Davis, there. Was. an unusually' large'
stock of silks for a 'small village and
to this Mr. Skinner has added from
time to tante. There is no clue as to'
who the burglars might be, but it is
surmised that the good: - were taken
out by the front. door, as theleek on -
it would be easily, tampered with
and the doors and windows at the rear
of the store were undisturbed. Mr.
Skinner got in touch. With • A. 'Whites
sides, chief constable in Goderieh,.
formerlyof liensallwho . will make
an investigation, arid it is hoped the/
culprits will -be brought to justice:
GODERIO1'i •' Friday was "Iluron
Old Boys" day at the .Goderieh'Cen-
tetinial' colebratioii. • And what a ,day
it was.' The old boys certein1',made
things hues around the Lawn particu
larlyduring the•streetcarniyal, which
wa' " the best yet. - Commencing with
the arrival of the old boys on the old;.
time train Friday morning, the •day
was one of the best of the whole cele-
bration. Friday ;afternoon the 48th
highlanders Band of -Toronto, one of
the premier bands - of the• province,
rendreed a program in -the Court
House Parlc, which attracted approxi-
mately three thousand peolile. Friday
eVeningW the 1rttnd ' tattoo attracted a'
crowd of five thousand •peolile who;
highly enjoyed the program of.niugic
and ,the splendid display of fireworks,'
/Thestreet carnival was under the
direction of the Huron Old Boys, a
large -number being in Costume.
the' farm of Nenryr,Hodgirie;" half a
mile east (52 Corbett, en the town' line
between McGillivray and Stephen
townships,, was completely destroyed.
by. fire, with its contents and a new
threshing, machine, the latter owned
by `Jauies germotte, on- Saturday.
week. The loss included the entire'
filly crop and a number: of hogs that
were ready' : for market. The loss,'
which is heavy, is partiallly,, covered
by' insurance. The Tire originated
from some unknowp cause in the
terior of the--- threshing machine,
which was sitting` outside 'the barn,
during the threshing of alsike clover.
The flames were carried tip the blow -
ea:', which hacl been blowing the straw 1
and chaff into the 'barn, and spread
rapidly, the barn being -quickly de-
stroyed. M?'.- Germotte had 'left the
Hodgins barn :onlya short -time before
to 'go to a; farm' near; Grand Bend,
where another of his machines was,
working. The manlea in charge of
the machine tried to get it away from
the burning barn, but stalled the trac-
rac-tor,` and 'Lhe thresher' had to:lie:left
behind. •
r idhd -,
blernN far
"WhenWhen j_ eon
an' ea
from h°e.I always giveh
K6ttogs,Corn Flakes.
'loves hor'lhey',te�tvhite Jean ,tnqty,
ih. ®� sea6rsfly t
odeactl .o
SG deliciously flavored. HaUC
th�hfor lunch, (linnet or,
breakfast. Serve With /Oak
cream. Extra gOOd�flt
fruits or honey added.
Made by Kellogg in
'London, Ontargene
and -en package. De -
and the genuine!.
grocers. 1Zetau ants.
�^ # 1a a {.' i��t !( k�
ADVERTISING conducts a public
school. ' Its pupils are all the readers.
of the home paper -in" short; the
whole b iyfng •cointnunity;,`•
ADVERTISING teaches that loyal-
ty Hi the home merchant brings real
returns in better service and better
values: It's a lesson that requires
the repetition afforded by the weekly
arrival in the home of,
Clint ,, ... : s c ord
You can teach the public to .rely
on your advertisements as safe guides
to economy and satisfae+ion in shop-,
3 1-,
ping, Moreover; people appreciate
being asked for thein patronage. To
"An Advei
l $ sement is an Invitation"
1� �C I'. o :t• f'C utitter,'.s41 4•idt
(l, vn'd
14II, VI
6:1343i •
Help to Weed Out ,
13y securing your Moor Vehicle
Operator's License now.
No...ter how cautious you are in the handling of your
car, the safety of yourself and your passengers is
dependent largely on the other drivers oti the road.
To prevent incompetent persons endangering your
family and yourself, each driver in Ontario, not already
licensed as a chauffeur, must possess, a Motor Vehicle
Operator's License,,
Secure your application form today. You can get it
from any garage or issuer of motor ear licensee in the Pro-
vince. the fee fora License is $L
Traffic Patrol Officers may call for the production of
Operator's ' Licenspll both ort city streets and country i.
highways, If you canttot produce. your License you. will ` if
be subject to a penalty under The Highways TrafitcAct.
New drivers, and those suffering from physical disa-
bility, have the opportunity to pass an examination by
Inspectors of the Department. These Inspectors are
located at convenient points throughout the Province.
Your garage will tell you of the one nearest to you. '. The
examination -fee is $L - -
Ontario Operator's License$ are recognized in every
Province and. every State. Wherever Operator's Licenses
are required, an Ontario Operator's License is necessaryfor
everyone in charge of an Ontario car. Do not attempt to,
' leave the Province without your Motor Vehicle Operator's
- License,
A satisfactory measure of support by the great majority
of motorists has been accorded the Department in its
pest efforts to maintain the safety of the highways. The
higher speedlimit and an abtiormal increase in traffic now
render this additional measure necessary. The Depart-
ment therefore sincerely hopes you will indicate your
support of safe highway travel bysecuringyour Operator's
License without delay.. _
Ontario Departtnentof Highways
The lion. GEORGE S. HENRY; Minister
The modern young matt
feels he is Stepping'"on
top of the world."
fl E§T GoobSHOE
' tZtd'd,LeflF.i:
Small .Scribbling< Pads
Size 8x4%, inches 15c poijci #
The News -Record
-'.A, Column Prok,ared Especially for :Women=— ?;
Bill Not Forbidden to Melt
"'Will you kindly make the tea," a
gracious-: little American lady asked
ter Canadian, guest recently. "I -feel
that I cannot make tea fdr you Can-
adian," she added: -'As it happened the
Canadians present did not wish tea
for their luncheon; so no one made'it,
but it transpired that this American
hostess, who spends her summers by
one of Canada's Great Lakes -and who'
often entertains Canadians in her cosy.
summer home, had gotten the idea
that Canadians drink large quantities,
Are we Such'a nation,o:± tea drink-
ers, I wonder?. 'Think. over the num-
ber of your friends and yon will pro-
bably find that a great anmtber of
them drink tea three times a• day. It
is estimated that 26,000,000 cups' of
tea are consumed every day in ,Can-
ada and, we are less than ten millions
of people. No doubt many 'children
and young people do not drink tea, so
those of us who do drink it dot
confine ourselves to one cup.
A cup of well made tea' is very re-
freshing,''but L am afraid a very
large.number of people use too much
tea. It is useless,°probably, to try to
get those who are' "addicts" to cut
on the use of tea,, but those who en-
joy, a cup o£ tea and who yet teeI that
they need not use 'it, can get along
without 'it, and -`feel ' just the same,
ought not to allow themselves to be-
come so accustomed to tea that they
must have it strong and regularly,
three times,,a day. One meal ex two
a day might easily be taken without
the aid of. tea, cold being a very
good beverage. Tea drinking can be-
come a bad habit, if allowed to grow
upon one. The English people make
a great event of their afternoon cup
of tea, but in England that,' and per-
haps one early in the morning, is all
the tea they use. We have gone far
beyond them in the use of tea..
If tea is well made it.3s a wholesome
and' refreshing drink. ' Especial care
should be taken not to allow it to
stand upon the leaves, as that gives
it a bitter taste and snakes it really
unfit to drink.
The following rules for preparing
this beverage are , taken from "The
Art of Correct T'ha Making": ,
Rules' No. 1—The very best quality
of tea must be used. Tho tea also
must. be fresh, to:yield1-be full good-'
Pule, No- 2 -The quality -ofl'the
water used will tNeet the 11 tvour• of
the beverage in the `cup. Draw' fresh
cold water and bring it to a ,hard
"bubbly" boil, Euler usp Water
that 'has been boiled before. Some-
times chlorine put in water to purify
it will; completely charge the flavour
,of -the tea, The water is to .blame,
however, and not the tea.
Rule No, 3—It is proper that, only
a crockery -or china'teapot be used,
never one of metal or any other; sub-
stance : if the pure: and delicious
flavour of the tea :is to be drawn
foo-th. -Tea likewise 'should never lie
enclosed in a metal tea -ball.
Rule No.''4-The, teapot must be
scalded cut, with boiling water' and
while it is warm, place in it one level
teaspoonful 'of tea for each cup re-
Rule No, 5—Now pour the boiling
water on the leaves. Allow to steel.
in warm place for five minutes.
Stir . just sufficiently to - diffuse the
full :strength' of the tea, Then pour
tho liquid off the leaves into Another
heated vessel, unless served' immed-
iately,' If poured off in this way, the
We. will not take. on a bitter taste,
which even the finest tea will do un-
less prevented ?temp over steeping.
Tea made according to these rules
will be fragrant, delicious and.eom-
pletely satisfying,
Rule three tells you that tea must
not be placed iri a metal pot or tea
ball. But I have drunk tea for years
made from a little metal tea ball,
whichhas-had a fine flavor, and hgve
also drunk delicious tea from a silver
ball or tea pot. If your pot, is kept
perfectly clean, washed out after ev-
ery meal, and if you -pour the tea off
the leaves as coon as steeped, you will
have a delicious beverage. The habit
which perhaps some housewives have
of leaving the tea in the teapot from
one meal to another will result in
spoiling the inside of .the pot and mak-
ing it unfit to use
. A good rule in regard to tea isto
see that it is made in the approved
manner, and then drunk in inoder-'
�Brliin "Lifted" ling Owned by F..3.
Tench, From Lodge at Jasper
National Park
Jasper National Park, Aug. 2.—The
missing hand bag has been found With
the discovery that a=bear in the vicin-
ity' of Jasper Lodge profcrs ehoeolates
with raisins to pyjamas ° , or razor
blades. The bag which was stolen by
bruin from the .verandah Of a bun-
galow here, belonged to F, J. Tench,
of Stratford, Ont. -
On his way to :work, the engineer
of the Lodge came across a black ob-
ject in some bushes in the vicinity.
of Athabaska River and on making in-
vestigations,'diseovered it was th
missing bag. Mr. Bear had pried
open the lock and when the contents
of what 'was left • were checked over
with -the list that Mr. Tench had left
-with J. OBrieti, manager of the lodge:
it was found that thesweets• were
missing., Apparently bears preferto
stick to the coat that nature provided,
them that, pyjamas. There was one
other item missing, and it has not been"
decided whether the bear .was taken
sick,,,or was not taking any chances
of being that way, as there was.abox
of pink.eapsules, also missing, A whole
pound of chocolates is rather a rich
dish for one bear, and Mr Bruin was
not taking any chances of getting indi-.I
gestion, so devoured the capsules. '.
The culprit is still at large, and
chances for arrest-' are rather - slim ii
Even though -he were naught, it is..
more`than likely he would blame it on
corm of 'his , brothers who wander
about the^surrounding te$ritory -close.
to the lodge, The'bag Will be repair-
ed and forwarded, 'to Mr. Tenchi who,
no doubt : -Sill take great pride in
showing:it-•to bis friends:_as'tlSe bag'
.thd bear used, .on a trip over the 'At ha"-
basica River from Jasper -Park Lodge.
"A good ehof. gets snore than t.,col-
Iege• professor:" "Wily .shouldn't •ho.?'
A lot•more people' take his. courses."
ow. ;to Reduce
-Va°icose' Nems
Rtlb flently and upward Toward the
Heart'as Blood in Veins Flo)vs
That, Way
Many people have become `despond-
ent because they. -have hem :led,qo bo
Boyo that thereis no remedy that will
reduce swollen veins and bunches.
If you will gel a -two -ounce original
,bottle of ;ivlooue's Emerald Oil (full'
,strength) , at any ±itst-class drug
store and apply, it night and morning;
directed you will quickl 'nEice an.
improvement which will eontinue un-
til' the 'veins . and bunches are ro.r
dueed to normal.
1'3oone's Ernerald%Oil is A- harmless,
yet most potterful germicide and two
ounces last a very :long Lingo. Indeed,
so powerful is Erner,•ald , 011 that old
chronic sores and ulcers are often en-
tirely healed and anyone who is dis-
appointed with its use can have their
money refunded. All druggists sell
lots of it. .
Ontario is a province of temperate
people, according to Chairman' Hanna
of the Liquor Control Board, who
statedc�that- to -tithe present time
only 120,000 permits had been issued,
including those given' to the transient:
visitors. This means, •that .lessthan
three per cent. a the : resident`s of
Ontario have so far :-availed them-
selves of the . new Act to,'purehase
e Counnnng Nevvs
WINGIjASt: The dates of Wing -
ham fall fair, which was to have been,
held on October 6 and' 7, have been
changed to 'October ,22 and 23.
GODERICH: On the evening of
Wednesday, July 20, at Wlegtriinster
Presbyterian `church, .Detroit, Mich.,
Miss Elizabeth Shelton , (Deere),•
daughter of Mr. and ',Mrs, John M,
Proudfoot, formerly of Goderieh, was
united in marriage to MI Roy Daniel
Jones, ALD,, of flighlancl Para., Mich.,
son of: Mr. and 1VIrs. Jellies Jones, of.
Teuton, Mielt. The bridal party ent-
ered the church to the :trains of. the
MendOesohn wedding march played
by Miss Alice Preston Smith, 'the
bride being given in, marriage 'bi her
'father, and the Rev. Dr. 'Jacques ty-
ing the nuptial knot., The bride look-
ed charmiligIn a gown of;.wbite gear-
gette and lace, and 'carried a -shower
bouquet of white sweet peas' and
acltillias, and was attended by her sis-
ter, Miss Eliahe Proudfocit, who also
looked most attractive in pink geor-
gette and lace, and carried a bouquet
pf pink "roses • and sweet peas. Mr.
Duane Jones, brother . of the • groom,
acted .as,; best man, and Mr. Robert
.Proudfoot, of. Detroit and NIr.'John.
Proudfoot, of Chicago , acted as ush-
ers „During the preceding weeks sev-
eral -luncheons and showers Wore .giv-
en in honor of the popular• brirde-elect,,
who :was the'' recipient of many,'.beau-
tiful gifts; After -a short honeyindon
at Lakeland, Mich., the hrid&:'and
g room will make their home in High,
land Park.
1iiTliITECIIURCkI: Angus 11acli'ay,
of„Whiteehutch' has been 'recently
designated as a urissionary of the
Presbyterian Church. He has lived in
Whitechurch must of his life and has
been an earnest'worker;`i0 the Pres••
byterian chnrch:,here, taking an inter-
est in' the Sabbath school, and the
Young, People's`Society. The,designa-
tion service' .was conducted' by the
oraitlaled-Presbytery, the moedrator,
Rev. J. A.• James, of Kinloss, presid-
ing•. • The candidate was introduced
by itis minister, Rev. John Pollock, the
desrgnatofycprayer was offered -y
Rey. T• -D. l32eCulleugh, of Kincardini;
the 'Seriptut•e.read by Rev; R. C. Me -
Donald, of Luciciow, while Rev, Dr.
James: Wilson. of Brampton, repre-
senting�' the General Board of: Mis-
stows, gave an excellent address. 'Mr.
MacKay was also ordained as .an
elder of the church. During the cero-
rhony he was presented with several
remembrances, the presentation being
made by Fred Davidson, 'clerk of the
session, and. an address t'cad by' John
Craig,,secreta.ry_of the board of man-
ag•ers. itIr, Maclay leaves early itt
September for India.
Will Jill many times more flies
for the money than any other
fly killer. Each pad will kill flies
all day, • every ':day, for three
weeks. =:fit all 'G1rocers, Drug-
gists and general Stores
XOe and: 25,e' per package.
And now comes the list oC fall fair,
Toronto (C.N1 )—Aug. 27 to Sept. 12
Goderich •Industrial -Sept, 8 to. 10.
London (Western) -Sept. 10 to 17.
Exeter -:Sept, 20 and 21.
IZineerdine—Sept. 21- and 22. -
Seafotth—Sept.' 22 and 23.
Zurich—Sept. 26 and 27.
Listowel—Sept. 26 and 27.-
Blyth—Sept. 27 and 28.
Bayfield -Sept. 27 and 28.
Iiucknow—Sept, 20 and 30.
Dungannon --Oct. 6, and 7:
Brussels—Oct, 6 and 7.
Wunghatn—Oct. 22 and 23.
Coungj News
GODERI 1H: The members of the
Huron County Coundil and theiy fam-
ilies and friends, numbering about
two hundred, held their annual picnic!
at Harbour Park, last Friday.
SEA:t1+ ORTIL: The Seaforth High!
lenders Band and the choir of the
Egmondville United .church were in
Goderieh on Thii sd'ay evening assist-
ing in the presentation of the pag-
eant "A Romance of Canada" fit t1 '
'Centennial :celebration,
ZURICH: Rev. and Mrs. White -
sides and family arrived from Sas-
katchewan last week, where they have
resided for a number of years. They
are moving to Toronto, where,,they
will reside in future. Mr. Whitesides
and family came down itt their auto
and had a most enjoyable trip. ile
will -take up evangelistic work-in the
United Church of Canada with Toron-
to' his headquarters. While here in
urich they are staying at the Wil -
ems home, of which Mrs, Whiteside,
in a member.
SEAFORTFf: 'The pavement" be-
tween Dublin and Seaforth on the
Provincial Highway was completed on
Thursday last, and will be Open ;to
traffic in three weeks. The only por-
tion of the Highway from Toronto to.
Godeiich now.notpaved is the stretch
of nine miles between Seaforth and.
Clinton, and it is expected that this
part will be paved this season or at
the latest next spring. The work of
laying the 'asphalt pavement from the,.
railway tracks south..to.Egmoatdville,
was commenced this week, When this
part is completed a similar 'paveinent.
will be laid . from, the- North'Main,
Street pavement to tut town limits on'
the north.' .
HENSALL: A,,, Airglary occurred
at the stem of 3:-W. jttnner, general
tnerehant here, either Sunday or
the early hors of Monday morning'
when more than $600' worth of fine
silks had been taken. When 'Mr;' Skin-
ner. purchased the business several,
years ago, from the late William C.;
Davis, there. Was. an unusually' large'
stock of silks for a 'small village and
to this Mr. Skinner has added from
time to tante. There is no clue as to'
who the burglars might be, but it is
surmised that the good: - were taken
out by the front. door, as theleek on -
it would be easily, tampered with
and the doors and windows at the rear
of the store were undisturbed. Mr.
Skinner got in touch. With • A. 'Whites
sides, chief constable in Goderieh,.
formerlyof liensallwho . will make
an investigation, arid it is hoped the/
culprits will -be brought to justice:
GODERIO1'i •' Friday was "Iluron
Old Boys" day at the .Goderieh'Cen-
tetinial' colebratioii. • And what a ,day
it was.' The old boys certein1',made
things hues around the Lawn particu
larlyduring the•streetcarniyal, which
wa' " the best yet. - Commencing with
the arrival of the old boys on the old;.
time train Friday morning, the •day
was one of the best of the whole cele-
bration. Friday ;afternoon the 48th
highlanders Band of -Toronto, one of
the premier bands - of the• province,
rendreed a program in -the Court
House Parlc, which attracted approxi-
mately three thousand peolile. Friday
eVeningW the 1rttnd ' tattoo attracted a'
crowd of five thousand •peolile who;
highly enjoyed the program of.niugic
and ,the splendid display of fireworks,'
/Thestreet carnival was under the
direction of the Huron Old Boys, a
large -number being in Costume.
the' farm of Nenryr,Hodgirie;" half a
mile east (52 Corbett, en the town' line
between McGillivray and Stephen
townships,, was completely destroyed.
by. fire, with its contents and a new
threshing, machine, the latter owned
by `Jauies germotte, on- Saturday.
week. The loss included the entire'
filly crop and a number: of hogs that
were ready' : for market. The loss,'
which is heavy, is partiallly,, covered
by' insurance. The Tire originated
from some unknowp cause in the
terior of the--- threshing machine,
which was sitting` outside 'the barn,
during the threshing of alsike clover.
The flames were carried tip the blow -
ea:', which hacl been blowing the straw 1
and chaff into the 'barn, and spread
rapidly, the barn being -quickly de-
stroyed. M?'.- Germotte had 'left the
Hodgins barn :onlya short -time before
to 'go to a; farm' near; Grand Bend,
where another of his machines was,
working. The manlea in charge of
the machine tried to get it away from
the burning barn, but stalled the trac-
rac-tor,` and 'Lhe thresher' had to:lie:left
behind. •
r idhd -,
blernN far
"WhenWhen j_ eon
an' ea
from h°e.I always giveh
K6ttogs,Corn Flakes.
'loves hor'lhey',te�tvhite Jean ,tnqty,
ih. ®� sea6rsfly t
odeactl .o
SG deliciously flavored. HaUC
th�hfor lunch, (linnet or,
breakfast. Serve With /Oak
cream. Extra gOOd�flt
fruits or honey added.
Made by Kellogg in
'London, Ontargene
and -en package. De -
and the genuine!.
grocers. 1Zetau ants.
�^ # 1a a {.' i��t !( k�
ADVERTISING conducts a public
school. ' Its pupils are all the readers.
of the home paper -in" short; the
whole b iyfng •cointnunity;,`•
ADVERTISING teaches that loyal-
ty Hi the home merchant brings real
returns in better service and better
values: It's a lesson that requires
the repetition afforded by the weekly
arrival in the home of,
Clint ,, ... : s c ord
You can teach the public to .rely
on your advertisements as safe guides
to economy and satisfae+ion in shop-,
3 1-,
ping, Moreover; people appreciate
being asked for thein patronage. To
"An Advei
l $ sement is an Invitation"
1� �C I'. o :t• f'C utitter,'.s41 4•idt