HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-08-11, Page 611:11111.11. f1 e Royal Brother At "Ott w ice by His Royal 1<1 ?3riess PRINCES AND PREMIERS • Premier Baldwin; the Princes and Preniier ;Bing snapped at ,,the Ottawa welcome Aviation News. The, Royal Canadian Aid Foree was reorganized csr July 1, by 'separating the civil duties front the military organization. Three branches will he dei3eleped 'maze the Deputy Min:ieter to consist of civil government :flying, aalministrative work and aeronautioaa, ouginoering, The .civil"'flying branch will handle forest surveys and other government services; the adnsinistra- tine branch will operate in connection With air regulations the licensing and cortificaton of civil air eraft,pilets, air engineers, air harbor.:, -the 1oTtion of air routeeanal• assistance to civil avia- tion. The a:eronauticad engineering branch will deal with the control of technical questions of design, researal week; etc. The training and organize- f tion of the, Royal Canadian Air Force and reserves will continue under the I jurisdiction et the geneeaf staff, * * * * The Imperial Airways, Ltd., -estab- lished an airdrome in Gaza, Palestine, 1 early in 1926, where they acquired about 91 acres of land for tbat purpose. The Gaza airdrome will forma link. in the chain of airdromes extesidiug on the newly opened Cairo-IStsraehi;, air route. The air lino between` Montevideo and Buenos Aires during the mouth of May. carried 69 passengers and 12 kilograms of corzeaponlenee and 319 kilogazlms of baggage. Twenty-two scliephled trips were made. An average flying epeed of 135 kilometea•ei was maintained; regularity of schedule was given as 97.5 per oda. and security at 100 per e=dit. * * * / German interests have been negoti- ating with the Icelandic Government for the eeta.bllsbment of domestic 'air service and iteeams probable that oeie will be placed in operation in the near future. An air service. between; Durban and Johannesburg has' been proposed. Tbe negotiations with lite Union Go'vert'n went for a.-subetcl of £5000 to support this eel•VLce has been suoceasful. A oomeenl' is to. be organized shortly in South Afrlea backel by fluglish capi- tal for the: maIntena.nce of the service. Paseenger s, mall and small quantities of :light lireight will be transported.. HISTORY "History is the raw material With which the imagination in the novelist builds his castle." -Sir Philip Grubs. Bear Goodwill to Canad from No. 10 Downing Street • y C'- STRENGTHEN TH E EMPIRES TIESr e Tho •Ilk. Zion, Stanley Baldwin and Mrs. Baldwin have Worked their and white printed crepe wrap over a -matching trade. Hee smart black any into the hearts of Canadians they have met, in "the 'quiet unassuming hat hard a feather mount and rhinestone ornament and sive wore a tulle boa Waal 40 characteristically theirs, Mrs..$;tanley Baldwin shown ina black and a String of pearle. Her parasol a as of blaek,'fringed with silver. /. Hop -Off at Sea y Chamberlin 1%, is Successful Flier Uses Only 75 Fee=t •of 1,_ 18 -Foot Runway on ;, Leviathan Deck JUMP IS FORERUNNER OF. LINER AIR .SERVICE New York:—A wirelese rnesaage describing Clarence Chamberlin's raucceesful inauguratjon of ship -to- shote airplane service was received by the United States Linea recently, ahortly after. Chamberlin had landed at Cuities Pieta and taken off for, Teterboro, N.S. "Inaugurating the ship -to -Shore' airplane service contemplated for all the vessel: of the Undted States Lines fleet," the in read, "Clarence D. Chan1berlinet0ok off successfully from lire Leviathan 'at 8,14, his plane leav-I ing . the runway about 75 'feet from. the point where he started. The suc- cessful take off from the runway de- monstrated that'his theory of employ- ing 11 runway in preference to. a cata- pult was logical,'! t• The runway was 118 feet long. A GOOD "TAKE -OFF." "Orders were, given to head the ship in the- wind, the Leviathan's speed was inereaetd to 24 knots. Chamberlin- climbed v into his 'Seat, sari» ec1 up the motor; and; after 'a few moments, with a tremendous roar, the plane' started down -the runway on the start of another epochal -flight tea Mr. C'hamberlin's credit. .The 1,700 passengers aboard the Leviathan, going to Cherbourg and 'Santhampton. were on deck early to witness' the hop -off. Just as Mr: Chan berg n started- down the riinway a rainbow app•er}aed.in the, sky. Pat's - angers .entered w'adly and lined the port side of the ship as Chamberlin TliE ROYAL BROTHER said goodbyeto the Leviathan and - started on hisreturn trip." Aboard the United Status destroyer Lawrence, the nearest of the convey .hips, it was estimated' that the Le- viathan was 82 miles out frons;. the Battery when CGhamberlin took off, according to an account sent in by, wireless. The Leviathan headed into a stiff seuthweeterly breeze just be- fore the little Fokker started down the runaway, observers en tht destroyer reptrteda and,the wings gripped the air quickly at the take -off; Tile pilot circled over the Leviathan .avid over. the destroyers ' I awretice 11i11.' , Hum phries and the Coast Guard D_troy- er 25. - The ascent, .was made by. use 'of blocics which held the plane in posi- tion as . the motor" attained.' a speed that assured :a take -off.' Chaniberlils nranipubated hie plane so thatit leaped the blocks and the flight was ort. Our Railway's Earnings The gross earnings of, the .banadian ISational Railways, including the Cen- tral Clermont Railway,. but excluding lines east of I.e;.•18 and Diamond Junc- tiort, for the Week ended July 1.4, 1927, were $4,731,5$4,00' as' com Brett with $4,653,924:73 for' the same week of 1916, - an increas.e of $77,6.69.27, or two per .cell'.: `t This Method of , Showing the earn ings of the Canadan National Rail- ways to iro acco.i•dance with the find- ings of the Duncan Comnilseron which:: have been given force by Act of Par- liament, while the, gloss 'earnings of the Raijw'aye for the week ended July 21, 1927; were 54,916,276:00 as,tom- pared with $4,582,565,49 foe the' sarne week of 1926, an increase of $33,- 419.51 or;ono Per cent.. Assistant—"That, sir, is a jacket you would nevelt wear out Cue- tomer "No, not without being laugh- ed at!" tt • 01. I SHRINE OF M EMORY BENEATH PEACE TOWER AT OTTAWA A beautiful shrine .of memory hart d the Prhrce of Wales. The photograph above taken by the Canadian govern- ment motion picture bureau, and used using the war. It was dedicated by by their courtesy, shows this stately memorial chamber, and on the altar the Book of Remembrance containing, the names of those who fell in the great war. been set aside in the peaceotower at Ottawa, rich hi symbolism and elo- quent of the heroic deeds performed German Air °trade German Passenger Plane Ex- plodes on Landing; 5 Killed in First Luf• - tliansa 'Accident This Year • Berlin:—Tho first serious accident thisrear: on the Lufthansa airlines occurred, on July. 27, when a passen- ger plane exploded- as it bit the earth Says British Want Compact Lasting Until 1931 or 1936 London.—The Westminster Gazette's diplomatic correspondent 'says: "I am in a position to state that Sir Austen Chamberlain's carefully word- ed statement in ,the Holies bears the following practical interpretation; "Great Britain would be willing to conte to a compromise- agreement with the United' Staten lasting until 1931, or at the outside 1033 (tiro period of the exp'iration.ot the Wash- in a forced landing- between Cassel rington Treaty) which would fix- a and Giesen. Three passengers and ratio and a figure for 10,000 -ton crate - the crew of two men were burned to death. The cause of the accident is unknown. Tire plaue was observed .flying very low over Amoueberg and barely clear- ed the hill just beyond, that village, After passing over it the pilot seemed ers on a basis of Anglo-American parity, leaving freedom of action" re- specting lighter cruisers on a- basis of nattbnai defense requirements. ':Such a temporary arrangement would pobably save tho conference from failure, because it would obviate to be tryingato find a suitable place tying the three Governments concern - for landing, and followed a winding road, barely missing several automo- biles. After missing' one, car by incites the plane settled in the roadway and immediately on touching the ground burst into flames. Three ooccupants weite hurled through the windows, but the Trot flames prevented their being removed by rescuers. Pilot Rudolf Doerr, one of the most trustworthy and able pilots of the line, and'. Dr. Milch et the Weather Bureau were thrown beyond reach of the faro. They. were taken 00000- scions to a hospital, where both' died during the course of Lire evening. The 'only accident to mai Lufthan- sa's record during last year also cost five fives. A pains which was then flying along the Baltic coast was struck by lightning.. Magistrate at \'e ilkolen: Wbat sort cd to a permanent international agree- ment arising front the unsatisfactory Geneva Conference. It would, more- over, leave the doorgen for a more satisfactory arrangement after 1931." British Columbia Now. Exports Foodstuffs Victoria,. B.C.r-Tinal ofltwlal irigures prepared by the provincial Departmesit of:.Agrieulture hemp show that the nga•icitltuial production eef British Columbia during 1926 , surpaseed original estimates by, many millions of dollars. The total value or farm output wee set at $71,362,209, which 1s .greater than, the figure for any previous year and a gain of 9.53 per emit. over the total for 1923. The production cf the Provinces farms S6 Years ago was .about 40 per Dent, of the 1926 volume. i oduc:.s. Agricultural exports. last year amounted to $8,40.8,639 or a gain of 29.91 per cent. over 1925. Imports, on the other hand, increased only 7.58 per cent., totalling $21,053,361, Rescues Bather Miss Gertrude lderle made briiflant rescue at Santa Monica, Cal„ recently. Hand Maidens. of a son has be been to you? The The new statisttes slaw that the' Responsibility walks hand in 1 mother: Quite a boy, air; any- Province which only a few years ago ,hhnd with capacity' and power.— than Iris father, who .has ood tmpoeted most or its foodstuffs has l e. J. G. Holland. hew, better, ,r1111 away. - leo= a substantial exporter of these Ottawa Welcomes Our Distinguis�ied Visitors - w . L.-~' ' '3iw •r : ,.le;Nri'.'r'< ;aur+-. \ .+ SCENE BEFORE PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS DURING,. OFFICIAL WELCOME ar stirringr'tsseniblage• when .the !loyal Sone Of Wlucl205 and, Britain's. fest eaiminenea• were weleomerl ud; The Peace Tower, looked clown. upon `a be t par•liame.nt I1r11 1