HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-08-11, Page 3The Art of
Making Tea,
/hat to Do. and That Not to
Do" to Get the; Bust
PPa1dlinstrtll 0t; an .the staff of
Sal lda Tea "Company, ' recently
repnred an Inter estih leafiot :entitled
o,'tI'he Arf_ of .Corlett Tea Making."
Approximately tib Q00 ode:coos of tea
ale conennied every:, day in Canada;
;en'd' yet it is dpub tali 1P oao-tanih of
tills nutibcr.'"is •prepared wit'h"the
Necessary 03(.0,,I0 bring-outt•tho'-,fi,l]
Among', the tMw`teatured of the 1927
Canadian. National Exhibition will ''• he
roti new Live ,;tock Pavillon—an S.
afire extension 10 the C. N. B. Coliseum,
Canadians- w111'point with particular
Pride to this: Mammoth new structure.
"011e, two; one two;,'higher,faster;,
Oh, why did I eat that., pie?
These exercises tire.
"Bend to left, bene .a right. Forward,
backward; stop,"
-'l. Pound a day must.- melt° away.
`I'm .eaelting, drop be drop.
No'rest.. No peace. No beauty nap,
Iiavezl't had a decent meal;
But no one gives a rap.
.. Y
"One, two; one, two" --I'm I$Jek end
tired of that.
I want to eat.,.-I.want to sleep,
All right, then. I'll be fat!
"Is your husband a good provider,
Mandy?" -
"Shalt is a providalr, nosh n' but.
Ice's goingto_buy furniture l ovidin'
he gits the money; he's goin' to git
the money providin' lie goes to work;
he goes to Work providin' there's noth-
in' else -to be did, providin' the job
suits him. Mie settinly is a )irovidab,"
You can buy a dog with money, but
A man was giving au address to a it takes lave to put a „Wag in its tall.
very small audience. After talkingel
an hour he decided to wind up,,say Some amen respect no creed but
Ing, "Friends, I fear I am keeping you greed.
too long." A man in the gallery
shouted' out: "Go on, -old mane. it's'
. stile raining." - g ,.
The Tarpon Hospital for (noorabla,, le
afanatlgn with eortesas and Nllad Harpnan.
Hew York CM. oeart a three 7050*. Cooss
ot, training to 70000 wgaaen. -having Ms
rogelrea caseation, and.-degfron, 00 hecnmina
norm. TMdi Haspltat hat adopted thn eights
hour system. Tho papas meseuniforms 01.
thq School. a monthlyatlewono, and tra'vol.
lag oxpenses to and .irons' Now York. For
wiper intermatlah write Cho;4sgorIlltondgtlt
Ofter•ea. FR"
by 0766
Gov' amen(,
TBree two pamphlet', prepared
from caned experience* Gov-
ernment experts, eanlaln information
of genuine value on any faun.
"0roseevrng Pruitt, me Vega.'
tables heck. Home' is a 46•11gm
booklet particularly. vatuabte.•at ties
time. It goes very thoroughly into
(very department of canting—faits,
veg ulllks, Sams, Mlles,plc1.1Fs, etc.
It disc sses the various en 01000 Itch--
makes canyards recobettor preserve Itch --
tut towards bettor preserves and
fewer spoilagrs. Cabbalas 74 differ-
ent rculpea,
**RabbIta"--Rivrs the rest facts.
about Mrs prone:hie farm. 11110400',
mentioning particularly the popular
Explains the chances of
money -making In meat and. pelts— -.
detailing carefully dee best methods'
of housing, feeding, breeding, mar-
keting, curing diseases and choosing
°ver 500 other. 'pamphlets on
farming sub50000 are available. Write
for the I927 list. bill is and mail
this slip poet 80o to
Department of. Agrlctiltute,'
OJtasra,. Ontario.
Please send ale . fres Pamphlets en:
Lowther with list of all tree. pamphlets;
R.R. No
3 t
To make a person want a thing for-
bid it.
"Guess I'll go on a bender," said the
fly starting around the pretzel.
An absentminded young physician.
! oourting a girl, charged her two dol.
tars a visit.
Wax dummies In the,in
steer) o w doors
are ciurnb; but there aro dumnter Ivo.
men'than wax (tummies who eau talk
blue etreakee -And tie that there's no
Someone says kissing is a relic of
the dark -ogee. Also dark nights.
Mae—"Let's match for the eattt't
Sue-a"Where -shall we Inzroh?"
Mae --"Let's snatch first'
Patient -- "Doctor, : hew are my
Doctor—"Oh, p1'eliy good, but I
wouldn't start reading any continued
stories." /
Tho story that fishing -worms can,
sing probably originated from some
fisherman who heard a mosquito while
he was putting on the bait.
Silence does hot always mean cote
tempt. Sometimes it means ignor-
ance. _-
Things could l c i v e worse. 'Suppose
files barked lilte (logs . or itad bells
around their necks like eomvs.
"Madgeeis Apse -'bit 'Jazilr. .She eti.11s
him a dulnb-'felt "
"Because she couldn't ,get -a ring
'Mit of him, 2 suppose;'
"Idomv, about 'some brains, Mrs.
Casey?,r .
"0701 take a couple sof pounds.,
lerr. Casey ain't had any fer a long
some then pelt business-' before
pleasure; the wise ones pat pleasure
in 'business.
"Wee, well, old fellow, you look
half dead. Why don't you take a va-
cation, or have you?" --
Accortling to the .'public's Idea
there are" ora kinds of chorus girls
and tite other lend aren't working..
Minard's Liniment forscaly scalp.
"lie's to successful farmer "
lee's sold his farm to a golf, club," ,"
Hiigh.School Boards and ']Boards of Education
Are authorized by taw to a tab!ish
With the approval of the Minister of:Educatron.
may be conducted in accordance with the . rr"egulations Issued by
the Department of- Education.
Is"glv'en in various trades. The schools and classes are under' the -
' direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE.-•
Appifeation for attendance should be made to the Principal cf•
for -in the Courses of Study in Public. Separate,' Continuation and High
"Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments.'
Copies of the Regulations issued -by the fdin!stor of Education may Abe,
obtainedfrontthe Deputy Minister, Paitliament`3u1140n71, Toronto.
ONTARIO contains iniIlions of acres .
of the finest agricultural Iancl' in the world and may be
had by returned soldiers and: -sailors free; to others, 18
years anc)t over, 50 •cents per acre. What settlers say
of the soil, climate, farming and forest life, is told in a
'mos;~attractive booklet issued under the direction of the
Hon. John S. Martin, Minister of Agriculture for On-
Director of o
Colonization, Parliament Buildings,
Toronto, Ont,, Canada
"Please mention this paper"
1 (e
• ProbabIy'no exempt of the reeent
Jubilee Celebration in Canada brought
the Fathers of Confederation cl0eem'
to the heart of thio generation than
the visit to Canada of Miss Hortense
Oat -tier, dau ht
g ex of one of the illus-
trious founders oe Canada, Sir Georges
Etienne Csotier.
Miss, Cartier arrived in Canada; in
June at tele invitation of E:'w, Beatty,
Chairman'. end President of"tlie Cana-
dian Pacific Railway to become a mem-
ber of the 'erniveesit y of Montreal
partyto tour time >)orndn'ou. Another
distinguished guest of President was
Mrs, D. "Chipxhan, a daughter of Sir
Leonard Tilley. These two 'Attlee,
direct •'Inks with the amen who made a
union of the Canadian provinces, be-
came the honored members- of the
Vnlvergity tour party 'during their
Journey' to Vancouver, through the
Canadian Rookies and return.
The accempanying pimotograpli was
taken at Winnieee in front of the
Cartier'montimeut and shows Mise
Cartier, at the right and Mrs. Chip-
man standing with the Iion. _John
Bracken, Premier of Manitoba who
welcomed the party on behalf of the
As the Rain Began.
She—"Don't you despise • a man
i;=11C hides behindwoman'ss'ctlts
I.1 --"Oh ' 't it all e ,yes,hut is right
n 6ht
ear s fellow to ta1ce, shelter under a
woman's hat?"_
-.,4 • ,
Peace and Parity
London Observer (Tail.): At Waslr-
Ington it rested with the United
States to lay down the standard for
capital ships. ` At ,Geneva it Pests
with .Britain to lay down the standerd
for light cruisers. This follows Seth
from Britain's own dependence on ire -
ported food and from the world-wide
extent of Iter' /empire. Cruisers are
the guaantees of communications and
supplies alike, and Britain's needs de-
termine- her ee0uirelnents. What
ever they may be, there met be no dis-
pute as to th'right of the United States'
to build up to the same level. Ilow
far she may care to exercise that rlgbt
is, of course, a matter for her own
people to decide.
Frlr Either the Newborn Babe or
the Growing Child.;,
There is no other medicine to equal.
Baby's Own Tablets "for• ,little 'ones—
whether it be for the newborn babe
or the growing child the Tablets al
ways' do good. They are absolutely
iliac from oprates or other harmful,
drugs and the mothee can always feel
safe In tieing them,. '
Concerning the Tablets, Airs. John
Arinolir, 11,R. 1, South Monaghan,
Ont., says:—"We have three d..%
healthy children, to;, whom, "when • a
mediefne 1$ needed,: we have given'
only Baby's Own Tablets. 'rhe Tab-
lets are the best medicine you can
keep in any homeeevItere there are
young children,"
BaUy's Owt1 Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative which regulate the
stonnteh and bowels; ba.nisll oonstipa
tion and indigestion; break tip oolds
and simple fever Aird make teething
easy. • They are sold by medicine
`dealers or dlreet by, mail at 27 cents
a Lox from The Dr, Williams' Medi'
cine Co., Brockville, Ont,
frs a general Tule ,e suppose I am
a 'fairly calla sort of fellow. -Charles
1C. J ind'berge,
Minard's Linimelit .relieves Backache.
I have never yet met ars old gentie-
nian who did not think that ;time de-
cline In good manners begaiti In his
own tilno.-Lady Rhondda.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Highly
Praised by a Quebec Lady.
Mrs. David Logan, Thetford Mines
Wert, 'Que., gives nestlnted priiso to
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for the good
they have done in -her fatally. Mrs.
Logan says:—"l have been a user or,;
Dr, Williams' :Pi111c Pills for litany
Year's, ifs occasion retluh•ed, a11c1 hive
always found therm a most reliable
medicine. My Imusband, who was re-
covering from an attacic of typhoia
fever, and ;was in a very weak condi-
tion, took the fully, and through them
gained -health and 'strength. •My
slaughter, was in a rnn'down condition,
(101d was forced to discontinua' work.
Again Dr. Williams' Pink Pelle were
resorted to and she was soon restored
to excellent health. Then my ,eldest:
boy had au operation performed for
adenoids, which lefthint in a weak.
ened 'condition. Once more 'Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills were telecl, and he
was soon in excellent health. Sri 1
,fan truly. say Gina ,more than datls-
faction has been obtained by the use
of this medicine. The pills have done
more good in my home than hundreds
of deters worth of more expensive
Dr.. Williams' Pink Pills assist di-
gestion, correct the the Pal-
pitation. of- theheart, dttaky nerves
and the, palter• of the face and lips the1
are the result of thin, impure blood.
You can get these Pills from any
medicine dealer, or by mail at 70.
cents a box Frain The Dr-, Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
favor'o'f" thi_ tea leaf
etimul�iiting and''1`afreshing {irlult''iody.
ie ihorou imly onjaeerie The foil ow-'ln
Mee is from. "The Art of. Cbrlect"Pea
Making": ,•
'Tea,' is ono' 01 the klnlh;st imla;�s,
11186' -el + u";: Iu_ It:; colmsiorting in-
dulgence •one can loss tq.e m err eo of
the slay and forgot.' the fatigue 'of ef•
'''he fall joy of a'.eup of this,graci-
ons beverage'. can only be reached
when fine quality teaiis used and care
moiiial caro exercised 'In -Its 'prepare-
tion,, to draw from each tiny leaf the
essence of flavor and refreshment with
which'it bas been eudolved by Nature.
Now to Prepare Tea
"ea the *countries of the East, where
the'drInkleg "o'f^'Lea' has been --enjoyed
',for .a thousand years or more, the -sub-
ject of preparing the leaf 'fez consumb-
Genhae become a nue artand'a cere-
mony, but the 7(10),, 'delicious refresh-
ment and healthful- "slitnulation May
bo: extracted from the . fragrant tea.
,leaves, if the following Tutee mei ,fol -
leered -exactly:—
"Rale No, 1—The beat quality of
teamust be used. The tea also must
be fresh, to yield the full goodness.
"Rule No, 2—The ,quality of ' the
waterused will affect the flavor of
the beverage ie the cup. Draw fresh
cold watee and bring It to a hard
'bubbly' bail. Never use water that
has been boiled before. Sometimes
chlorine 'put in water to -purify it will
completely change the Savor of the
tea, .The water is to blame, however,
and not the tea. '
"Rule -No. 3 -It is proper teat only a
crockery or china teapot 4e used,
never one .of metal or any other ,sub-
stance if the pure and elellelons flavor
of t'he tea le ,to be drawn Perth. Tea
likewise should never be enclosed in
a metal tea -ball.
"Rule- 1\p 4—The teapot must b'e
scalded ou-e with boiling water end
while it Is warm,palace' in. it one level
teaspoonful of tea for each cup re-
'Rule No. 5 --New pour the bo11103
water on the leaves. Ailow to steep
10 a waren place for live minutes, Stir
.fust sufficiently to diffuse the full
Strength 'of tbe tea. Then pour the
.liquid off the leaves into &nether Treat-
ed vessel, melees served immediately:
If poured off in this way, the tea will.
not take o11 a bitter taste, which even
the finest Matt will do unless prevent-
ed from over -steeping, . Tea made ac-
cording to these rules will be fragrant,
delicious omni Completely satisfying."
Boss—"What! Back Lo ovorlc so
sone?,.. ,
,Bill—"Yes, sir, I gotta rest up from
may eacationl
Even whet' a woman's husband is
the light of her life, he 'nay go out
once in a mvhile. •
Minard's Liniment for burns.
"Time time is ripe for the nations of
the world to matte combinations for
peace rather than combinations for
war,"—Richard 17. Byrd.
Tells cause of cancer and what to do
far pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write for
:0 to -day, mentioning this paper. 'Ad..
dress Indianapolis Cancer . hospital
lndier,Aeolis, 'end..
Here and Thee
‘Customer—"Have you . any wills
ky?" Drug Clerk—•"No, but we have
something just as bad." '
The Complete skeptic Is the man
who is as skeptical of reason es of
everything olso.--G. If. Chesterton..
"will you promise to marry me?",
"Nil, but lid like to have an option on
you till the end of the season!"-
S,an ,Francieop thronec1e: P,alttics
make strange bedfellows, but they
toon get '• "accustomed - to the same
Inner, `/
•" There is some ,similarity, between
an aviator and a politician. When
their gas gives Dirt they both (nteet-
with disaster.—Theodore Roosevelt.
No roan is too bigto refuse: time Sup-
port, of &ny State as a candidate for
tIto Republican nomination gor Presi-
dent.—Prank 0. Lowden.
1 have,iuvestetl a few dollars in a
chewing -gum :Industry in. Canada,
and who Rooves what will
wi_llrh-ho tingmeit7'l-0.
man whet called 'just now, - Mary?"
Mary—"That' wasn't no gentleman,
Minh, it was the master, come back
for 1110 coat."
"You- seem to have a'good• goal of
faith in doctors,') -said Barratt to Itis
Invalid. friend. ''T ltave," was the re-
ply. "A doctor would:" be foolish to
let a good customer like mo the "—Tib
Bial, Londolr.,
Minard's Liniment for sore fecf
Suffered So She Could Not
Walk. Restored 'to Health
by Lydia E. l inkhaim's
Vegetahle Compound
' Tvlinesing,'Ontario:--"I ran a arae-
' tical nurse and 1 recommend Lydia'
E. Pinlcham'eVegetableConipound to
suffering women. For three months
1 I was alrnoat, helpless and could not
sit at the table long enough to drink
a cup of tea. Mahy a time my hus-
band carried, me to bed, I, would be
so weak.• -'Thee he read inthe'paper,
of 'a woman suffering els T did who
got better after taleingthe Vegetable
Compound, so he went and got it for
me: Wheni had taken three bottles
I was, just like' a newawomanend
have117d splendid health ever since.
When I feel any bearing :down pains
I always take ft; sometiaies a half
bottleor whatever I need.'' It is my
only.rnedieine and 'I ',have told many a
one about it. Any. one wanting to
.know ruore about; Lydia E. Pinldmain'9
Vegetable Compound -I will gladly
Write to liner, , Lilo all I can to 1ec-•
ommend it for. I :feel T owe my life.
and strength to it.ti Miss NEAL
BoWsiau, 4.R. 1, Minesing, Ontario.
-Do you feel.broken-down, nervous,.
and weals sotnatimes1? Do you have
this horrid feeling of fear winch some -
tithes comae to -women when they are
mlot well? Lydia' E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound as exkcllent to take
at such a time, It always .helps, and
if taken regularly and persistently..
will relieve this condition. C
ISSUE -No. 33-'27•
Your Fall Wheat
For pIu'•inper, heavier, ,high eI.,-grade grain' -- use
National Fertilizer this Season. You'll be surprised at
how, early your crop ;,rill Mature with a good dressing
of• this superior fertilizer.
National Fertilizers arc properly -balanced fertilizers,
" h'Iaile`in Canada' from fotmulte it has taken years to'
perfect. •.Every bag, it, uniformly inixeg With guaran-
teed a'n'alysis attached 10 eoich hag.
Good ‘fer Li) izer is an investment! not an expense,
Oriel' tour`s oidsi :'We ship ,anywhere in Ontario,.
Ask about
Stock -Foods
—they get
in districts
where we are
not repre- -
west -Toronto 9, Ontario
FClassified Advertisements
i A C17\ PS, BITH,BR R'IX— $7b -o0
, Wensee (5 EASY scllIng pALCO
promises (LE A NERS. Cleans everything. like•
Whitp s to be ,1111 blggest 13113&s Removes ROAD TAR- without
Injury to Paint: Sells on . denoristre-
tion lice sansi,Joo P, A. L1:FIIBV U7 -
C GQSAlexarttirfa, Ont,
flower glow ever held imm Canada is to
be held in the Memorial School
Auditorium; iianidetonl" Ont., on' Aug.
24th and. -26th. Being the combined
exhlhitiome of the "Canadian Gladiolus
Society and the Hamilton Iiorticill-
tural Society, 1t wild tax the school to
its capacity,
The Secretary, Mrs. Srllu nacher,
112 Victoria Ave, Nr., Hamilton, is busy
scatting out the prize iiets said she
reports keen interest in ail the classes
wlt'rh include the open, amnateer and
'11ce. 0
The outstanding fea4ures c the
show will be 'the competition for the
S•necta'tor Cup in the open class, the
Eaton Trophy in the: amateur class
and the Klwaels Cup in the needling
Two years ago the. Hamilton
Kiwanis Club offered to the •Canadian
-GJatltoluu Society a cup to be award-
ed to the -best seedling gladiolus of
outstanding merle- Thls meant that
time winner must be a better flower
than any on WS market at the present
This stirred lip a.great'deal of In-
terest and the rivalry' vas very keen.
Among those entered was ono from far
off 'clew Zealand, 7n 'spite of the
„high' caliber of the eateries, the
judges would not melts stn award. The..
same thing happen.•d at Peterborough
lust year and although there was ]teen
disappointment ' among ;the exhibtors,
it stirred up their blood with the result
that this Year is going to see the
greatest struggle for this coveted
Besides the 226 clasoes for gladiolus,
there are num eromis se0tions flesh asleua,
dahlias and dozens of other fall bloom -
lug annuals and perennlalla.
''What Is the nervi structure you
have put up o11 the hill there?" asked
571111ons visitor of a farmer. Well;'
replied tbe' fanner, "17.1 find a tenant
for it it's a bungalow; if I don't, ft's
A Barin,"
Dear at Any Price.
Bill to.Miko Boobs s Cheaper in Ten-
nossee,-Ashville (N. C.) paper,
"scientific investigation has• now es•
tabiished the pealed of the pre-school
years, i.e., from birth to sox, as the
most important In the lite of the
child. 'As the twig is bent the tree's in•
clinedt' Later development is deter.
mined to a very great degree by the -
first formative 'Influences,,. If so with
the thee, hov''mmrlbm more with a
child!"—Julie Judd Swaney in. "Child
root' Education."
.?4e -Holding Saws
Fast Eesti-Cutfing
te. is .,
from our own steel
vnetcouven. ST.J0149.14.13.•
it ` 'seam eettattleti
n81 1010aned-1071!
+foil said a
9a f tpiilowful.
Pa Buzz falls to make a homer"
T'LIT spray clears yolir home allies and ;ttos-
quitoes. It also kills bedbugs, roaches, ants,
and their. eggs. Fatal to insects but harmless to
mankind.. Will not stain. Get Flit -today•
Distributed in Canada by EredJ. Whitlow 6'Co•0Limita, Toronto
I''liess Mosquitoes. Moths
Ants Bed Biggs Roaches
`The 7O»s(y7, aA,
taitbthe bfark'basd
Proved safe by millions,and prescribed by physicians for,
Colds Headache Neuritis
Pail] -Lumbago
NeurargiaToothache R1euai
Acaa only "Bayer" package
which contains proven directions.
T3andy- "Bayer"- boxes of 12 tablets
Also 611107 of 24 and 100—Druggists.
Medlin 4s 767 trade latish (registered- 1,. Canada),of payer :Manufacture of l5ononcetle
ecideeter• of salleylfenelur (Acetyl Solleyllj Add, 'A. 0. A.")..: while It Is well tnlowu ,
that Anplrlu arcane Hoye, lnelntnchue, (7 a0(Ist the, piddle againstholt/alone, theTelutn
et Sayer 0a1001a7 will be stamped watt ten- geuatal trade t0ath, Uig' Bayes (.Vag;'
Take a bottle of Minard's in
your kit bag. Relieves sore
,------. e.-- - -
r N,,:__ :--- :rtes''
tlr r4 OS 4°
Ad 3
sa 0
',iia: c;.i..
C �y
r;s'. s.. t:.i1».
+rJt �
t,. .
n81 1010aned-1071!
+foil said a
9a f tpiilowful.
Pa Buzz falls to make a homer"
T'LIT spray clears yolir home allies and ;ttos-
quitoes. It also kills bedbugs, roaches, ants,
and their. eggs. Fatal to insects but harmless to
mankind.. Will not stain. Get Flit -today•
Distributed in Canada by EredJ. Whitlow 6'Co•0Limita, Toronto
I''liess Mosquitoes. Moths
Ants Bed Biggs Roaches
`The 7O»s(y7, aA,
taitbthe bfark'basd
Proved safe by millions,and prescribed by physicians for,
Colds Headache Neuritis
Pail] -Lumbago
NeurargiaToothache R1euai
Acaa only "Bayer" package
which contains proven directions.
T3andy- "Bayer"- boxes of 12 tablets
Also 611107 of 24 and 100—Druggists.
Medlin 4s 767 trade latish (registered- 1,. Canada),of payer :Manufacture of l5ononcetle
ecideeter• of salleylfenelur (Acetyl Solleyllj Add, 'A. 0. A.")..: while It Is well tnlowu ,
that Anplrlu arcane Hoye, lnelntnchue, (7 a0(Ist the, piddle againstholt/alone, theTelutn
et Sayer 0a1001a7 will be stamped watt ten- geuatal trade t0ath, Uig' Bayes (.Vag;'