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The Clinton News Record, 1927-08-04, Page 6
Caii-inct Minister - Poilits Out Discussions Are \Vith Friendly 1'41.1.ioas Lon'loi:--The I;roviing desiro'to got a -way from the Comfterni( s atmosphere hitherto surrounding 'the cruiser .eon- irove .S is evidenced by the Attorney= General. -Sri• D. M.. G:.-lIogg, -who re- ferring -10 Ga•o t Britoitis negotiations ouitlr rho tinted "States and ,iaPan' said: "\Crich �neithoi' .of tl ode;-:10W111s :re dva diiscussing• the lrobleiins as i;atie s Tho ore one day going to fight '. bite s motions 003)0; share. the sane ideals,' th c same" determination 10 Preserve, the peace of the world and to yvoilf for that enol,", The Times, In an cdrtorial, says, in part The' British Government has actied very wisely 1n imposiegtn mase. recess ley interlud`o by summoning ills delegates to,London for consultation.' 'The consultations 'were to continue and they constitute a uniclii,e 'op- portunity for saving the confetenee from the disasters that threatened, it. \that is necessary, above all, is to clean the' air, The ,present -State, of, confusion is unworthy of great na- "laons wiio_.aro essentially; friendly r,:? Who: eanndt allowillern'.frieiud- ship ane - gtoWing ops artuiiities for 310505fuI cc -operation to he leeeardized by fantastic misunderstandings. ,,t,10 Need for "Fierce Words" F"iigiit 14crcr A fhmttic.Occ i COAL SEAM FOUND IN NEWFOUNDLAND Promises to Be Great Boon to- Ancient Colony St. John's, Nfld.-The St. George coal Rade, satiated en the west coast of the isloefl• promisee to be' a great, 'boon totthe Anc en Calmly. A tenw of coal i.even,ie-t,ono inch thick hoe`beeln cut at a depth of 451 feet. The site of the drill hole was felectod by Dr Baker, D.S.C., of LCD - As between the British Empire, the don, during his recent visit, De. 'United States and Japan, the tonnage 13ai1Ormade the fcllewing reF'cat co as guneowee of cruisers that may 'sell the find: the int..evening seas; is certainly not "Tito - Middle Barachess 'River an adequate occasion for Sicrce words affords r very fine section tlmze"a,g1r orfor oat outbreak of mutual sus- whet is eery cloarly the southern ex picion, that might have,,very setriolid' trer-r'ity of a large and valuable coal - consequences if the 'conferenc'e' were, field which extends flea this aree to after all, to break down, through lack thio north and west for at unknown of r'eemice or goodwill, • ,:The British distance. °eel ie-lcnowa to coeur front case, in the opinion of most people Cr l:hes River to Flat Bag -Brook. The in this country, is very good indeed, clue to the structure of this field lay and it hav been well presented ,, at in the initial' diacooaxy. `The coal GOnei'a. •-Some furtber eilicnts.:are eeaow thet'cutcrop at various nieces clearly needed to lift it above the along the banks' el the Middle Bare - accidents of narrow controversy. + The chola River, arc all parte of en•s and opportunity Is now given to present the .same groat scam. A little pa- it to the world in all its simplicity and tiencc expended. in careful and . eye- cogesey and with f•ult-authority of the tematic eateervation of t?:ic`d'trike and British Goveonment• It would be a dip of the rocks, as well as the order great relief if thiscould bo done be- of succeesioil of the strata, clearly fore the British delegation goes back establishes this point at the ootteet. to Geneva." After this it is a simple matter to gain clear ideas as to the trend cl The Daily .Mail says "Ro doubt ee- the other seams in the field. latents - that the st'Lfiibltw . block • throughout the Geneva discussions lute 'DECLARES. ES. FLIERS IN. QUEBEC WOODS New York -Screen News Man Expresses Views at-, • Chicoutimi Maxima of Cruisers Been' the persistence of the. Uuited, "- Stites to define the maxima of cruisers without laying down the numbers it is proposed to build in each clots. The British Government leslets that parity between the United States and Geeet 'Britain must not be faxed' la shah way as to prevent the maintenance by Great Britain of defensive 5000 -tan Chicoutimi, • Que.—betlaring him- self to be still convinced that tragi s cruisers in a number stillicient to sate- of b ungeeser and Cali, the I''remeh guard the Emp?t:e's trade routes. aviators who attempted on May 9 last Thus, sdhould the United States per- to flay westward across the A.tlantiit, xis in its desire to :utilize the whole yet be foupd iii. Northern Qus!beo, of its, tonnage gaata for the construe- IT W; smith, ' few York screen -news Mut ',et (10,'000-b% cruisers, Great man, returned to Chicoutimi recently B itain,,'vtould be prepared to accept following a week's search of the dis- parity on the principle of that level, .inlet, He was accompaniedby a con - though it has no intention of Melding frere, L. O'Reilly and tWo Indians, offensive •crutsets up to that number, Gagnon and•Beeen, bat in this event. It would need to be It was Gagnon and Bacon who, sew recognized by the United States apart oral days ago, 'here credited with say+- • from thesis that Great Britain would imtg-th'at they had not only seen but require a further number of smelled had :actually touched a white airplane' r ' which was lying the bush, shoat a defensive vessels." y g ' in week's journey, distant front Chdcou- Alt Agree timi. Smith and'O'dln_illy set out with. Political ,wrlters here represent the the .Indlocts to reach this place on '.-Gevermunent as extremely aiixiails 1301' July 12,-but'apparently thet.•h'ad'not - ; a iiarrnonlous agreement, and as b11 found it, for yesterday none of them: 'Levine' that Lord. Cecil acid IlIr. made any Inention.of this eeature of 11-ridge7nan,w-ill=yeturn with hoge for a,;:that•r,t,• setlelement, 74tliui•e of trier°et}nferenge .The -exp eebion weebanipeeeed 'by in_ would core::inld bee, regretted here, but tensely Warm .weather,•by-,'bi'azk!flies, 'there is readiness in some -quarters, by intermittent rains, ' winds and should failure come, to lay the blame thunderstorms. to it on the United States. "I persist in believing that Nun 'Thr Daily Mail, for instance, sayer 'gesser and Cali fell in the woods here "If the comferenOe fails, Itwill'be clear and that they will be found sante to the world, ft was broken doWn, not day," seed Mr.Smith. •owing to ' British° Intransigence, but ' a — on account of the ambitions of the f GerIflB;i1cer8 in BritainUnited Staes to build. a greater navy.'' The Times deplores the "baffling 'Berlin yorwaerte: (Thd Germain ee fntusion" which it says is the present Soctaist palter is euspielene becausb state • of the cbnfe-ite s:" It regrets German..ofllders attended the British ,the di&oussione at Geneva have "bad air manoeuvres). Meanwhile Malian the effect of not cl'earing tip, but eh- military authorities- are preparing all souring, the real .l sites and raised sorts of projects relative -to aviatiet.. ''t'he apectsr of 310W rivalries." • The M. Bathe has. visited Berlin. It is •therefore correct to say that British, Anterlcan-Pregia campaign eolnpletely paper cote rc a that 'the "violent German, arid' Italian military authori- ess disfigures the British case in the eyes ties -aro working together. Thisfeet has no immediate significance, but it : ees.entlal vi readers and fothe pe the nevertheless should. . command the at- -ofs'al nital_1n•beres, of the people teution of responsible pnblice' %lien. of the iter,' States in this grave Our statesmen should on no, itecount nsival matter, tolerate that. these initial efforts at va—Fo baric : r azo t collaboration between the armies of G:anc r i s cls a s, tire, I Fowors tminould';encl lay dragging; possibility of even unotiicial' informaline P late stricter solid- • TO PILOT PLANE IN LONDON -TO -LONDON VEiITU1:3 The map ABOVE shows the route' widen Ca'1:'tains W. R. Maxwell ai 11 and at tht, LOW RIGHT, Lt. James D. Vance, who wore the. second choice T. B. Tull of the Ontario government air service will follow of the cdnfmittee in charge efifigbt'am'angr.merts, 00 piiuts for the venture. Y, when he esaa -a. trans-atientio fir bt'ftam Lender Ontaricto London,' tl•e CENTRE is Marks Burns of Lot:`'^n•; Coterie, donor of the $25,004) t y Y g ?, England. Inset ie the 'ewer half of the map are lallotc:re.pheof Copts' Maxi phase for the 4lgjit, Tlaxw,.tl, ar-:l Tully 1:rave now to await the Om ario well, LEFT, and .Tully, RIGHT, anal 0150 of the Stinson mr�nopl the �vhicli i Gavcrnansltt's gcrreissien to leave their Fares'tPatrol Posts whit'& malting the eke sa i':Q ,fly. At the LOWBR LEVI' is Capt. D. A. I -Be Tina•, of Camp Btrd•en, 1 night. HIGH DUTY ASKED • BRITAIN NAMES ON MAPLE SUGAR. ACING PREMIER. Vermont Farmers Say Imports Sir Austen Chamberlain to From Canada Are Curb- Act in Stanley I3aldwin's ing Their Business Absence in Canada Washington Vermcnt wants a London—Sir Aileron Chamberla'n, It MOM' tariff rate en maple sugar, An is now atrthorleatively announced, will investigation was instituted by the dot as Prime Minister during Stanley United States Tariff ' Commission Batdwi 'a absence in Canada with the ripen application of the Cary Meple Prince of Wales. , Syrup Corollary of St Johnsllury, Art. This means the temporary eclipse George C. Vire of this firm testified of Winston Ohurcbill, 'Whose speeches that six cents 'a pound on sugar and since he coined the Conservatives "have four cents on syrup would be, melee. brought him into the running es a Mile to him. ' This is an increase of Potential s'liccessor for the Premier two cents a gouncl on sugar•, but Mr. ship and uoW account for the steal= Cary sacci that the ultimate consumer he is to receive of loading,tlie house would not have to bear the burden. of Commons during the remaining few A ` group of farmers, including days session before vaeatibn. George 14f. Jones and Mrs. 1MI. C. Tito fact is that Mr. Churchill's itionahau; •.both of Vermont, and Q, Il. political' past is regarxled as too Ogg, cf the Vermont Farm Federat;on lcaleidos•copic to lsrstify his election .1 1.3.. the higher duty.'' Both,' ea bead of the government ge eon,„1 lay: 7ence curl - Oris, r�Ioitnhan ,colt is. He bega$ his career as a C0nsorva-!, sue with the commiesioner's' aeemet- Live, it 3s recalled, seceded to the lxs:eni'3thads; •.Flee. Monahan said that' Liherete, and only reverted to 'his ii'as tithing axil orlon; . This,could be So considerable is the Position Mr., ✓ Wins %Adversity Modal” g -.....iY -� Sevcifteen year aid' Sown Itia•edcu a] t Medal: - the Vermont maple growing industry origin 10 1 tuitlt trio years' ngo, • NEW FORCES FCR EMPIRE 'FIGHTING. Barracks and : DI -ill Grounds for Destroyers of -In- sect Parasites London. —-73ari•ncics and drill ionnee _ have teen desetecI at learn ham 1Toyal, Buakin„liomshire, Eng - Pend; foe• the latest add15 c'a to the • fig-Fton2 fcrcee and defenders of, the Pmplre. Ari eo pzditLcnary farce is being sent to Canada to do;kattle with the earwigere/ cettling''moth. 1 rttore:coy has, with the del, of a franc; from thea Empire Mee :,:;in; Board cetabl'she€i- 0 000 for palms:610 and expert entomologists are going to seek cut the natural enemies o? the various pests which infest the live- stock orad crops "of the Empire. In 1)010 oases it may be ncce'--'a' r, to breed a new stock, or evolve a differ- ent type. of parasite., told completely egsuipped roecarch labo:atn:'as have bean installed In the, ext, ,,,ve`gardens at Farn- ham Reeeel there are as many differ- ent plants and tines as it is ccvnpat- 1ble weth A.) climate to gnaw, and an'id tl ':s, wit'nh act as a brsodin; ge'xund for the imi c tst are two laPJO imrcctaries. One :iy for a g';merai "re- serve stock" or insects, and th3other, which has walls cf fine gauze and a croof of via„1.cs to trars:nit the ultra-vic':c't r'a -s Of the sun 10 fear y , I the use.-ef it cote .which are being ape ally etrtt-.':d. Ilothing is loft to c1 an.s, and every insect is put 'through its paces, 130 to opeak, befc>it is de•Ctaystl' to send it be the fi'gl: ing fre'::t. In a loom lit with an ult a vii"sot ray lamp, there aro several v':tagless cases in c h':eh ere sr'acin.0ns of the varices posts. What it is thea, ht that •a parasite has been found for a 005411:10 pest, 111 is put into the. same case, and its fi'ght:alag to>cit:es can be watched at close.ge.terbee. There is little risk, theiefc:'.e, that parasite:.. will be. ex- ported that are unfit for their job. This is the only institution• of it. ' kind isl the Empire, and it is claimed that this n ethod' of tackling the pests is more effic?,cnt then spraying them, for Inca chs: right k'in'd of perasitns rare introd•.eed they will wage a coo^ tilival warfare, until the d':e:l.'u'cttte is sects ere 'annih'ilated. 'it GERMANS ,.SIGN JAPANESE PACT Treaty Removes Barriers Against Reich Exports— Silk Trade Benefits avoided .only' by giving them Prates- .Churchill rtes attained, hoaever, that B@rlin.—Tito €ipl.:ria of' • the remote tion' against imported sugars and it was -until recentiy expected that aid, daughter of Ramsay MacDonald. favored nat1n ttoaty betv1eea Japan syrups: , the -veteran Earl of Balfour would 11Ir• Janes, who sa1d that Iabor condi- have to be brought in as Prime Min- PRINCE GEORGE Dr. golf, . German Anir•as:adb'r to tions are better in the. United States aster during Mr .13aldwin's absence to than in Canada, discussed the • need avoid Tossing the Chancellor of the for higher duties. The industry" that Exchequer over. he iepresented,'he said, lead an out - "Long Live the king" put of $40.000,000 annually and ,ern- he Bolshevist Menace cols l0 1 0 persons n 2 00 f i r t Who encode ed 600 les s i G a n Michael of Rumania, w Played P , ' w iY Gazette; Aolshevist ro• sn eGaze Lou a C p King Ferdinand. homes. We industry, so far as labor p : anda has made it_ very clear that • was cereal red, is, as large as -the Gen ilio Soviet hope to attain their', ands mai Electric Cons any.In Schenectady, b ciy�ii`war Never has society been , y ) tied Germany' by Baton Tanaka and CANADA'S GOODS N.Y,.., he asserted: -- 'LOSE 5E IDEN ' TYi _ , CI Chaos Shi i lents to South Americo p Via U.S.A. Arrive '' been consequentiy' a fairly consider - ;harp the Bolehovists in their designs. ''American. able revival ill trade to the benefit The League of Nations wants' to see n Complaint anvong mer- them seated attheir =conferetruces and A conminoof the. Canton exchequer: - On rho chance and consular agents in Canacfa Yangtze it seems certain .droit liost-' is sending . them appeals couched 'iii is that goods, destined for South Am- tress will not. be regaled triton any- ant} ing terms; governments open 'thing approaching Alto' old. Scale until their territories to thein; and the eri0an Countries other than Brazil and x elfists of the entire Wedel ensue te- il`ttir dal S l n-ls'i'Caahetl 1 fa : , ,. •, eithcii+.t m 1 . Y . c s a ,.n ,.... .....Lhese,sa hs ewers,. I. -:. :..» .,het .4i en�wia. si s•-.. t}i,.ii•-..1W..ntttv.. i .,110 i,,._; ..,.•.., :,arc among h 1. , 1 e,.tl .. .. ,, ... � . . •.,,:. .• .• - ., ,. ,a n la cantunte. to hslieti, in ale= x 1 s . t e de egt0I at tt , }lee, n e m ' against n st met 7 o iets - gl: l4, : ,. y cin. ;tii.e,„;&ill etre :pie agree to some.; • . . , le ,., . �,,. duty., >` uv; ., o„ ,•. t1uL'ouali belYt .,hs , .,1 v:a•Nc,t lent. _. t,... _ ,.- 1' „_21) ' :-, q. nv s t,whi•h is -6 be i.aw eat ,na'ua] canferenco..ale• precluded' lilted front against .,.lie.-sob#ets - -; 1. :. in a lm ild other Stats•::'alis .•-.aoilijllamibe :\r,1ic.1 w'itl'ptlt alt 'Ciicl'-t0.,l-t caul, ilg Ca el ion. 4 t. melt the return from 'Londp f''W". 0: a the straggle, The grandiose. Inns the prelude to aumversel recoirclila- ] - nom in an aggravation of iron... Coliinubia :Ecuador and V tiezueta�i -gg fi p ,, Bridgman, ,Ilrst Lord ,of the British elan. relation, for the 901111cal'development asmd ad- •tion,, • are es eclair at b11on it' n u ale l I e-----IP-2-e-- ' =._.— Atimitali:y, and Viscount Nil. .. P Y ' - ministration of the 'provinces new bo- ec _- by authorities in kontreal. This, however, has not prevented the ciroulation of gossip• in those sir- Naval 'Diem ant Th©, explanation offered! is that 'Oleg willeli hive been tollowine the La Petite, ,Gironde: Great Britain !;cods, though duly tag,g_d' ant reao•Id- Jilscussioius. In American' quarters and Japan are island nations ara;pint ed as Canadim when they 15arn Can - there appears'a thepasltion.to be less on other courlteles for a Gonlsiderable ada, lose their tags and r aequlr'e satisfied now over the Anglo -Japanese. part of their normal , needs, `191e United States e' rrnarl.e on their w+y sllggea'tien that in. 9c1c11116n to the. total security of their.. sea r•olttee and their • through that cenntoy t ports to South tenn'age of c nieursc" and destroyers convbys;is' dna of, the first conditions and ,Central America. There •are some stipulated in the 'proj•aeted treaty, of their independence, and, in case of di'reet routes t0 5, LOW South, American Great 'Britain anis 'the United States armed conflict, of .their res.istante t countries authorities 'say, such; as 1 e.permitted to maintain aiiotiter 100,- the enemy. More Bien :ball bf, their from-I-Iahfax and from, Va-1 .rover to 060 or 225, 0 0 tens of so-called obso- cruiser fi.eet w13atd be used to guard the Argentine, end other republics. fete v1ess•als, and that Japan Have a these routes, 'the. United States,` On " Apart from •thee Enos, with limit, let. lrtionate n3Mber of tons; the other hand, can be absolutely self- od'ports of call, geode must a pre ant The Americans are disposed_ to supporting with the resources of their be shipped through tho.Un1ted Statee. doubt rife Americans ouz- of a 'system to , ovum country. And, from this pofnt`of and be, is. in most eases, either hot "active obsolete ' 10 ofipa;'r They are view, the fleet of cruisers and light recorded at all ae iexpor.-tseor else con discussing ovhether 11 would not be, units which, they claim to need ape fused with American sihipnnonte. . better to agree' to a total to lel not ibe 1 pears to' be, Moro.than that of ailY In an effort to offset this di sadwan- ali understandiu•g that a `defimiite,1 outer power, a plain instrument of Me ta,c, fol cagn ag,oni nes and Canadian amount of it might be made up 'of so- perialisrn. shipping firms rile ondeaverieg :'`to' establish dic'ect, motel. They are called obsolete wareratt, anxioue to have et trade known that ��.g, —other Mr, North—"Tile bank sent Your Montreal, shippers and triose-ln "And what is your father, Latta , Can:adien centras will ,in future find 2 - chock back marlcod No Funds, :.;;,.. , zy y a a 4 dear, "rather is the bea'rded'1ad reeter' all -Canadian facilities fol a Z . "1+ �: ale^t''#"''.,-..='�i�"h�ias°u,� �:C�,...�. n•� �.&3'•.�,'.^�SiE ;,�'..:: ^•.. ` ,x .;.- ds��'�' .a.;,l: ' Mrs. , North—"And you told me iL, e .y g, _ eouth`vard , 3s Rummel^s circus." carr iv�� earl ac's was capitalized for a million dollars." Recalttl}q the S.S. Wilstnn left Moxl'- ' Two men- were seated le a crowd- treal with Canadian cement and mar - ed. tramcar. One 'noticing that the It Couldn't •Last. ehanidise bound for, the Latin -Amor - other had his eyes- dosed, said; -"Bill, She—"I wasn't so anxious to marry lean countriro:' Another ,Treat is new ain't ger well?" '�"I'm all eight,' said you. I refused you six times." being' loaded bore wiith:grain floor; -73111, "but I'do ,'ate to see ladice l I•tc—"'yet, anti then my ludo had to machinery and rubber goods •bound' standin yj•e. II give ieut," Answers. for Columbia. e, ; . more exaetly"warned than ours of the which threatens it and of the e danger tvl c t a rile means which are going to to used to MAY BE RANCHER Tokyo, whM.ch has taken three y a=s of 'arderes labor to draw up, ca.:sei M V Island to unqualified gratification here, While Move on Vancouver the text of the treaty will be published W. l , • 1 a it aalready Present Kling s San �`i%itz on�.y le ::one w°carts tui , B.C. Home known that 1r,'auy advantaged accrue. Vancouver, B.C,—Prinea Gcdrg• e The barriers against tate majority maybe the ' ccia lent of a ranch at of Gern en exports, including p much y;:'p0!i*cl dyts, against emigre - Cobble 111111 Vancouver Island B.C. ' t' teen and German consular re?eric- when its and the Pe'noee of Wales vieJt teas, ar`e :'annoyed: The treaty hes here this summer, l he ptrapo ad pre- I teas', importance for the t! , m'a s ontationh'as been sp'ansorsci by the a Kinase a'as I 1 1 text,:.-', automobile and giese nd Ilougliong ,Press: 'Iii Suui,ll Carina bring abort its destruction. Actor A" fated Boatels of Trade of: Van- �•i • also ter soaps and perfume,. WO have for'. some months now enjoy: this, 1t seems straxmge that hmtelligant Couver Island, atlas the Gov„eenmcnt 'Tall”' an ui the) atirer hand, cwdrn act- peace and order and there has I people should go to such; lengths to Will be asked t 25000 f the( ll ' M 'vote 0 000 to the great redraction, in duties, will Something Wrong. purrpoce, the .emsty of ictona tviilt ,especiallg by iia <.alit export to and other municipalities on the island German wY-v:-o hitherto, otic':rig to $10,00x, The reinammn5 **40,0.00 of y' the 25.0.00 would bo raised by public 5:1r high duty, rho market was froom subecrtption. 1 s:'dahe bo. • The ti�eaity s:iaiii5etf a full .rocump- Althongh the .ranch•, including t5:'a •e -war' cardial x•e?atictx3 be- `; r tfion of pl, ? u ,chnn�:ley anal erlu,p rent, calf p - tw!:art the t 'o c<r�untt�ied, which is ern^ r .li ' • 1 ea that ehuscd 'ot•• 'S,r 000 • rt s stat f• S. , r ,,: ' . hero cf arwmount. inti ort.-. . ‹., . ed p p •i$205,OCO'ivas'beeii .oxpzndati'tiiiii,.'Ph. antc. ilial et Will ga itefore the Gos+varnment almott,Smmed ately. ing ravaged by warfare are nothing Teacher -"Wilder is the past of the PREMIER OLIVER +' mora than eyewash, i verb to awaken? Pupil— To sacme" TO RETAIN OFFICE Vietarie.--Premier 1 ln Oliver will eeta:n has office, it was announced im a statentalrt issued recently, following O Liberal caucus, It was added that I•Ioni. 2. D. Mac- Lean, Minister of Finance, \vied. acted as head of the Government d. eiree• O& ivea s ale: -once from his duties on account of gimes, ,and who bed' bean mentrtr.1d os,'his saccessor in the event :,rat he retired, Would ccetfn ie in his present office rued act as wen in a spacial ed vitSry capaoity. Or. MacLean will take over many of the adminietra✓i.*o duties. SALVAGING THE' "AMERICA" Engine of Byrd's plane being carried ashore by fishermen. Sir Thomas I-ipton� • • Is Still' I-Iopeful Liv spool. --Sir- Thomas Licpton, the ftunaus yachtsman, arriving, on the Adriatic here yesterd i,y d'eniei that hie 'had abandoned hope of wilt- ning`the American cup. "Ae ken as Willie Fife can design nae a -yacht having a chance of win - Ln I shall issue a challefmge." (William Fife, yacht,d'esigner, has ".or many years, been associated. with 'lir Thomas Lipton in the interne. Lionel races) :41.0" J. Nugeht Harris O London, England,-indtrumetital in founding the Women's Institute in Great Britain, wlio is visiting Toronto. It was in 11515 that Mr. -Harris helped to introduce :.he movement in long. land, 'where it has since attained a membership. of 300,000 with 4,000 branches - 'a