HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-08-04, Page 5ITRSDI Y, AUGUST 9; 19
�QBB ROSS tat 7?oz.anto, cit
30th, :14;:the-, he, IteV S J A,fl n, Iekn
Xreue, easy daugh'tex ,; of Mos ' i i1
lianz debt Ross, 1or4leri of :Chir
tone to Johniiar,ry•Cpbb i
PYIILti'ONee.1'AyLO11,4"t1t <Varea on.•
Idly 20tlh.by the gags F G_ Powlez .
Brriesels, Peal, May;;' cisughtei pi
Mr. and i/ its -We e.e, teeezylee of
Verne, to .lbseph Stanley Wilson o1
SII1aiLOoiboxne on Jh1V 20th;
o M.r and ;•I<2x s a veY F;silex, .1:.
Son '.-Ora 11dil.eston ,:;.
rr ,.
'X Gr :lo,
Ynt .•
�. . o a .item
'3 t
rs Jo "ri
h Y -
nierly 1Vlxss`Rose; Whttnzorex:,a
daughter '; , .
HART'—In 1 esterri Hospital,..Tmenie'
to- on July,20 :to 'Mr, and Mrs, M. C.
Hart; fornxeriy Muriel"Iitng'-of Bay l
field; a ciaugliter,—Helen, Muriel,
Spend Peep
In-a.Bank •
CLni eon Branch
`°▪ A year ago I wan u>,:`debt' s e
i, �says
customer to -days I have, i$00 in the
Batik. T decidedto ,pttt by $10 a; week
• and .I've diene it .Tis time .ne t.,
-111 have $1,000,"': ' Sk year
You, too can do '
, it. Y
I.etuslielP.; you
by suggesting a deposit plan to fit your •
Ask for our booklet,'
''The Meosure,of Your In¢amp
Royal an
of Cana
R. E. Manning, Manager
,Of interest to You
and !Me
Premier Baldwin_ evidently' finds
':speechmaking hard work. He takes
off his coat to do it.
* 0 x 0
We certainly do progress' in some
"ways. It was only two or three years
,ago that it didn't matter if silk stock-
ings had lisle .tops.—Listowel Ban-
- ner.
up a big city'•which does not need it
nearly so much as Clinton, Goderieh,.;
Hallett, Tackersmith or Stanley town.;,
ships .need it.
Bret efield.
The death occurred in Stanley on
Saturday; July. 30th, of Alexander .Me-
Beath, a life-long resident of the mun-
icipality. He was ,born 81 years ago
in Perthshire, Scotland, and carne to
• >r 0 * this country when ' a child, He has
been failing for some time but took
No doubt the Prince of Wales, in ,a weak turn on Sunday week and had
`true eider -brother fashion, is show- been unconscious` since "Wednesday
•ing his brother about Canada with evening•and gradually slept away.
•quite a proprietory air. Oh, well, he His early years were spent as a con-
' has some right to do so, he is a land- tractor and framer, but later has been
owner here. engaged • as a farmer. Surviving are.
• * one son, Jack, of Stanley and six
daughters, Mrs. C. Cochrane, Mrs, J.
Jarrott; Mrs. J. McMurtie, Mrs: A.
McBride, of Stanley, Mrs. J. Kenard,
of Victoria and Ada at home. The
funeral was held on Tuesday from his
late residence to Beird's cemetery.
' The Prince of Wales and his brother
:Prince George, shook hands with
'hundreds of' people at a garden party
in Ottawa the other day. They went
through the ordeal smiling, but' we'd
be willing to wager that they'd both
+enjoy a few days On the Royal ranch
in Alberta much more than such do -
President Coolidge has ended the
;suspense. He has announced his de-
termination not to run for a third
term, He made the announcement' to
a company of newspaper men on
Tuesday. Very few had any idea that
'he had made suet; a decision and the
announcement caused something of a
' The Prince of Wales, his brother,
-Prince George, Premier Baldwin of
• Great Britain and M'rs. Baldwin are
visitors in -Canada. at present.` They
were very warmly welcomed at Qne-
bee Ottawa and everywhere' they
have visited, as was to be expected,
• ' This is the first occasion on which a
British premier has visited Canada
while holding office and Mr. Baldwin
is the sort of man, who will make a
-welcome for himself anywhere. This
is the first visit of Prince George to
-Canada, although he passed. through
•it last fall on his- way Home from Whether or not, the„ day,- vridtly,
'China. The Prince -of Wales is a frees had anything -to do with it,,some,-of
quent visitor. and Canadians feel quite the picnickers had some bad luck:
• at home with him? they, do not feel Thomas Campbell had the' misfortune
that he is a stranger at all. He will to break an ankle on .the hill leading
visit ,his ranch in Alberta before re- to Mr, Jewett's Grove -and had to
• turning home. • leave his car. James McQueen ran in-
to the ditch while rounding the curve
at Thompson's hill and Met. Jamieson
an occupant of the car had her hand
badly sprained. Harrison was
the most seriously hurt.. She stepped
behind George Munro who was batting
balls to some in the field and was
. struck on the head' when he was
swinging the- bat around. On consul-
tation wlth'a doctor it Was'foutid that
a clot of blood had -formed behind the
bruise. She is atpresent resting and
it is expected there will be no serious
Stewart Knox, barrister at law, of
Toronto, is spending a few days with
his grandmother, Mrs. Wilson..
Miss Inti Scott, of London, spent
Civic holiday at her home here,
Miss Irene Sniclete of, London was
at her Janne for the week -end.
Miss Margarets 4,ikenhead, of Lon-
ddn, is at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, R. Aikenlfead, for a few
A Iarge crowd gathered at Bayfield
on Friday for the .annual: Sunday
School picnic of the local churches
here. Many did not go until 'after
dinner but a larger crowd, than usual
had dinner. At- three o'clock sports`
were indulged in both young and old
eagerly participating. Mr. Bremner
and lir. Graham, Ignited ohurcll and
Presbyterian ministers, deserve much.
creditfor the way they handled the
sports, In the course of the afternoon
a very exciting'. 'softball game was
played between the Brownlee and
the "TrailRathgers." The girls show-
ed the boys who. eould,play stalll'and
won the game quite easily
m 0 * 0.
The World's Poultry Congress, in
session last week at Ottawa, honored
*Canada by electing as its president
',Fred C. Elford, director of the 'Poul-
try Division, Department of Agric-:
ulture. Western Ontario is particul-
arly interested in his election, at Mr.
Elford is an old Huron County bo ,
`having been borneiii the peaceful vil-
lage of Hoimesville: Perhaps'no coun-
ty iri Ontario has contributed so many
of her song to the' public service of
'Canada, A:nother'Huron County boy,
Robert S. Coates,•is head of the stet-
' isticar department •
tat--istical'department• and chief census
taker.. , t .
Mr. Elford well deservesthe high,
`honor which has been given him; He
has done much fbr the.developement
and the improvetitent of the -poultry
industry in Canada,• • When the • last
International Congress was held in
Spain, Canada had such a fine exhib-
it, thanks to Mr. Elford's enterprise
and .he so impressed the s d
p delegation,
0 tawa, �
vas s
else •ed
t for • then
convention The success of the gath-
ering just closed has been largely due
to his untiring efforts: and: hisorgati-•
;zing ability. -Editorial in London.
Free Press,.
Someone sent 031 order, from Clinton
postoffice, aee0mplanied with cash, to.
a mail order house in a distant city
• the other day but failed: to 'send a
name and'.the mail order people: can-
not send the goods, iiadthathioney
been spent in Clinton 10:delay or.
trouble 'would have been experienced.,
If the'seeder•had gone into a store in
Chit 1
n of
and bought .
fg '
ods he
or she would have , been ,•known ,;to
someone, probably to everyone, in' the
store and there viouid have been no
difficultyabout making delivery. 'If
`they catne•from the;^eeuntry the probe
ability 'is that theirc t:
a ,would .iiapo>
been waiting `at; `the" d'While llo ;lie'
purchaecs:we.re be'in ,, moor
., e and,.tJo'
parcels would have been" 'carried-
and, put into it and accompanied them;
hone. The merchant mightthen have
taken some of that money and pur-
chased butter, eggs, feed for his chick-
ens• or beef for his: dinner, and some
of the money* Would thus have. found
its way back into the farmer's1r ock-
e As ani
is the
money t
y slying int
till' 1 of the '
t 1 order mgr +
Mrs Janet
Ross, visited„
her ,
an the e senb
der is wondering why his ter, - Mrs: Hastings of Belgrave, last
hill of goods does not arrive,' But in : Sunday and brought her two litllre
any case, whether ° the sender ever grandsons home, with tier.', She else
gets ,his goods or.not; the money is "'has M7'ss Laura :Roc
lost to this•sedtion.''It will het build. her sof Ford City as
p gtteStr ' •
A very serious accident happpeeed
on Friday•when a ear owned' by -T.
Richardson, Mill Road, crashed into
one owned by Harry Dalyrmple of the
'village, Mr. Dalyrmplewas- proeeed-
nig up Bannockburn. hill and 112
Richardson was conning behind -him
The hill is, quite steep and a, lar
`car usually takes it at quite a rate of
speed. Mr. Dalyrmple wished to turn
de eoad half ways •up.the
find -felling gto t
ve notice
ie front pfth other car which re
suited in a eras Mr Dalyrmple who
,Owns a coupe was turned over,. Bobbie:
Dalyrmple, aged 8, who was'in the
coupe was theonly one who yeas seri-
ously hurt, His sister„ Grace aged 6,
who, was 10, the car was unhurt: • A
doctor was summoned who took Bob -
bit to Clinton Hospital -for an X-ray,
where it Was founcl his arm was brok-
en et the. shoulder, • Mr, .Itichardson's
carp was unhurt but 'the' other one is
almost a complete wreck,- Bobbie is
at his hone at present and feeling
fairly, well after -the ordeal,
.A. Bremner � inner i:.
W nowfelting
a month's holidays. `' He and 'Mrs.
Brenner and their, .two daughters,.
Mrs, West of Cleveland and Miss
Edna, and their- guest, -Miss Martin,
motored to their, summer cottage at'
Bruce ce Beach• on Monday, ` Mr. Brem-
ner rettrrtied oe Tuesday to conduo
the feineral .ofa. fennel: member • of
Itis congregation;; MT. -Alex. l\lcBeatle,
whose-: funeral ,ryas held: from ,his late
residence in Stanley on Tuesday, in-
termentbeing nifide in Baird's, ceme-
Mrs. Brock and Miss Pearl retur e
;home last week alter'•spendiiig a
evttltfrnc to is
in Mical•
g I
COOK -Irl •Clinton, on • August lst,'
Fredericic Cook, aged 74 years : and
4 months.
IIIeBEATI-t ; At ' Brucefield, on July
30th :„Ale sender ,MCBeat11, aged 81
years: ,
JAMIESON - In - Clinton, ou' Aug.
3rd, ,A.nnie .A, j 13apsot, wife of Mr.
Wtlliiini Jamieson of-Hullett town-.
aged 46. years -;and 9 months.
The funeral will ,take pace .from
her' late 'residence,: Con;: 9, Mullett,-.
' on Friday afternoon, Aug. 5th,•ser
•vice -to emu -rim -me at -2 -o'clock,- In-
terment will be made in Clinton
LIVINGSTON=Iii loving memory of
our mother', who ' died Aug. 5111,
' 1926.
"She has gone' into peace, site has
laid her •down
To sleep till the dawn of a brighter
And she shall wake on that -holy morn
'When sorrow and signing shall flee
—Sadly missed by her husband and
At the civic reception held Monday
afternoon to centennial visitors many
fitting tributes were paid to the pion-
eers who opened up the. Huron tract
100 years ago and, in addition, the
gathering in courthouse square had
the pleasure'of'honox•ing some of their
descendents in person. Among those
on the platform were Malcolm G.
Nicholson, grandson of W. T. Good-
ing, who conducted a trading post
here before either John Galt or Dr.
Dunlop arrived; Col. C. C. Crabb,
grandson of George Crabb, another
early trader, and John Galt, of the
town, grandson of the John. Galt who
laid out Guelph and Goderieh for tate
Canada Cynipany. 'Willi Mr. Galt were
Miss Muriel Galt and Miss Helena
Galt, of Montreal, daughters of Sir
Alexander T. Galt, one of the fathers
of Confederation and finance minister
in the first Dominion Cabinet,
Goderieh-was named for Lord God-
erieh, a member of the Canada Com -
tiny, afterward Earl 'of Ripon. John
Galt, ex -postmaster of 'the town, after
much correspondence, has obtained a
painting of that ' statesman and on
Monday afternoon presented it to
Mayor MacEwan, to be hung in the
public. library, pending erection of a
new town hall. Miss Prances Thomp-
son, daughter - pj' James Thompson,
hfinded'the painting to Mr. 'Galt, who,
in turn, presented it to the town's
chief magistrate. lie acknowledged a
suggestion by Mr. Curzon, of Goder-
ich, in regard to obtaining -such a por-
trait, and the generosity- of Lady
Clare Vyner, stepdaughter of the
fourth Lord Goderieh, its donor; As
grandson of the founder of the town,
who was a personal friend of Lord
Goderieh, he had been; asked to make
the presentation. 1
As Mayor MacEwalt pointed otic,
Lord Goderieh was a very distin
guished mese-1-1e had been lord of the
admiralty, chancellor of- the ex-
ehequer from 1823 to 1827, -secretary
-for war, Conservative leader in the
House of Lords and prime minister of
England after Cannings, death. The
title- has ,been extinct, however, since
The tnayot• presented a huge •key,
emblematic • ofthe freedom of -the.
r. town, to Dr. A. B. Mekh•um, of
• Cleveland, who responded in a hum-
orous address. Other speakers of the
afternoon were ex -Warden J. W. Mc-
Kibben, Wingham;• Chatles
seri ,
lT•T•A.,,North Huron;
Ttew rtha> ex-M,L A., reeve
of Clut-
ton; Mayor Fells, of 'Winghatxi W.
IL' Robertson of Goderich, chairman
of the centennial publicity committee;
W. J. Passmore, of Chicago Heights,
a Goderieh old boy Col, C. C. Crabb,
son of a former mayor, and Welliam
Cainpbell, Goderieh veteran, 11 ow 93
years '01 age. who remembers 'Jelin
Galt, Dr. Dull'op and others-of.the
early pioneers,
ll.a¢�esn Road
Mrs. William Snell'- of'Haitilton
visited Mrs, Milton Wiltse last week.
Berrister--"What. p 1 `
1 ossible ,excuse
did you fellows have: -:fpr ae
tli quinting
.tit itxurder e? ,?"
ulymen--” Inca "
I l : .
y l whole
twelve of
you ?t,.
A-' nlan was; teevelling in Ireland
and the driver•; -an Irishnla i, aotonieb-
04.1100 by w;ppinting ,'to some moue -
tales and sa
g "Yon o see tl
L lose
mot '
ts? Well, thtm '
s the htg
i est
ant tl e
3 war
"Oh," salts• the traveller, surprised,
l'is that so?"
plied drive
"Sure,"rethe l Y, "escapee:
'tin', 01 course, them in.hurrin parte!"
:--Yorkshire Post,
rl •rat
Are m de at the•Burkeee Pot'traxt'
Studio Gunton
Iloprs- YO h.m to ',5 •p im
qux worst:' well dt?it and out prices
:rl r
Let ns develop and pant and.:alcor
shltixge your _snap•• ehote for :you. -
$urges, Portrait Studio
sept attention. 'given' cF..
aider, fox Flowers -or Floral work.:
.Member Florist Telegraph Dalivery
C1241$. . o+Dke- ,
• MIs, Margaret, David wishes to ex
press her sincere thanks• to themany.
friends, and neighbors' for the kind
neer' shown to her Hatband during
his long illness and far the kindness'
.and 'sympathy • eltowri her since his
death; and for the tiro: a£ ear, flow-
ers sent, and all •.the courtesies:ex,
tended ,
Dr, H, A, illcintyre has opened an
office over the Canadian NationalEx-
press and 'is nove'prepared to do all
kinds of dental work. 21-1.
Holncesville Cheese 'For Sale '
Large, 19c per lb; Flats, 20c per lb.;
Stilton, 24e per lb. Order from V. H.
Lobb, Selesnxaii, phone 605-r-32 or
from Clifford Lobb, Grocer, Clinton,
,phone 40. 21-11
the partnership heretofore subsisting
between us, the undersigned, as Bank,
ers, under the name of McTaggart
Bros., at the Town of Clinton, in the
Coinity of Huron, Province of Ontario,
has been this day dissolved by mutual
consent. -
All debts owing to the said partner-
ship are to be paid to M. D. McTag-
gart, who purposes continuing• the
said Banking business, and all claims
against the said .partnership are to
be presented to the said M. D. McTag-
gore, by whom the same will be
Dated ut Clinton aforesaid, this 1st
day of August, 1927.
Geo. D. McTaggart, M. D. McTag-
gart. witness, R. S. Hays. 21-3
Cemetery Superintendent
Applications addressed to the un-
dersigned, will . be received by the
municipal council of the Town of
Clinton up to 6 o'clock pen., August
:15th, 1024, for the position of Ceme-
tery Superintendent. Duties to com-
mence Sept, 1st, 1927. D. L. Mac-
pherson, Town Clerk. 21-2
Countlg -News
HEIVSALL: Hensall is included in
the list of places designated by the
Ontario Hydro Commission for lower
hydro rates and a rebate 16 the users
of a part of the big surplus an hand,
This matter was taken up at. a coun-
cil meeting a short while ago, 'and a
vigorous protest was put op by some
members of the council against the
high rate charged here, and the big
surplus accumulating, A letterwas
written to the local Hydro 'Commis-
sion giving the views of the council
on the matter and the letter was sent
to the Ontario Hydro Commission,
WINGHAM: Rollowieg an illness
of about seven months, there passed
away on. Sunday evening Isabelle G.
Elliott, wife of John Nichol, Arthur
street. She -has been a resident of
Wiingham since she was :three years
.of age, being born near Ayr, Ont.,
and was in her 67t11 year. .Surviving
hr husband and one brother;
john B. Elliott,' of Superior, Wes,
The funeral was held from her late
residence an Wednesday afternoon.
etnient beg ads
nt ••--m'
in the
SEAPORTTt: A serious accident
happened in. St. Mary's late Mendes?'
night when Nelson Govenlock,-ofSea-
forth, employed by the Broadway De-
eorators of Seaforth, came in contact -
with a high voltage wire while taking
down some of the flags hung across
the street for Old Boys' decorations.
The wire,which carried 2,000 volts,
burned his":hands. badly and knocked
thin unconscious .so that he .fell to the
pavement tiyheee he struck his head.
Medical aid was immediately summon-
ed anthed
injured man was -removed
to Mrs. A. Crone's private 'hospital,
Water street,• South, where he is in a
sweetie state still..,•'
GORiiIE: Rev,•' ands Mrs, Stanley'
Jelinstoi1 ;and ,family -of Siloam . are
viiting .at the foroier's paue its, Mr,
5t1YS IdII1s.• Tt fl .drilitista .. ItJi ; , .lir John- 01 delivered' the 0 +i
ex non'•in`t'('',orrie
United church on Sttnday;morhing,.
cliediefe as,'his subject t1e `parables'
•0.f."the sower-and',of the pearl' of .great
price, A large crowd gathered at the
Go'ttis cemetery Sunday where a very
iinp0•essive,'Orangp decoratioii'service
Was' held, :The Anembere of.,'the or-
a ode i
I regalia a tette
g 1 eeme
t ''t
vh re
s ting
ttlf e
t tai grave Itad been
d The R
, Cr'talr
o, o '
l' G rile
assisted by Rev E, Jaegttes; officiated
and delivered•a splendid address very
suitable to, the, occasion. The' Haines
of Vlse deceased brethren Were' teed
out 'and many beautiful'.offerings d`e;
posited onthe grave.,•
for Vereteie
,4 fay ire,
1111- 0 ti;11C17 l
are'°bitSreres tlionths i n ilei rose
for '•both l,Exes •and' Peu'lt? y
N. W6i' Tr wa>rlx a,
ones—Office 21¢3 Reside -nee' 214w,
School of :Co>l>i>i;>neir'
Clinton, Ontario
Offers the following °dean'ta•#,es---
Expert Teachers
TWO Standard maitas : of Type-
_ writers.;
Practiced Business' Training.
Secretarial' Duties
Actual Office Practice
And et record of 'successful '' grad-
uates, 'wheee.high standard`fbr good
work 'we expect you to reach or ex-
When you think of a Commercial'
Course write
B. F, WARD, B.A., M. Accts.
Phone 198 Principal
Order Winter CoalNow
Prices are .lower, delivery is
prompt. The coal you select is stored'
in your bin -and all worry is over fbr
this year.
Orders Taken at Lawson's• Grocery
Phone III
Phone 151,
Housekeeper Wanted
Capable housekeper wanted' at once,
Apply to C. H. Reid, Brucefield: 21-2
Auction Sale of Choice Hogs
Mr. J. W. Doimage has instructed'
the undersigned to sell by public auc-
tion at lot 30, concession 8, McKillop
township, 5 miles north of Seaforth
and 1 mile west of Winthrop, on 'Ted -
fleecier, August 10th, at 2 pm., sharp,
consisting• of the following: Pure
bred registered York hog, bacon type,
20 months old; 3 choice sows due
August 17th and 18t11; sow with 12
pigs, due to wean time of sale; 70
shoats from 60 to 100 pound's each,
The above hogs are a choice lot, all
raised on owner's farm and are all of
the bacon type, Everything to be
sold without reserve: Any person
purchasing hogs at thie, sale can have
sante delivered free of charge within
a radius of 30 miles,' Terns: All
suins of $10.00 and under, cash; over
that amount 8 months' credit will -be
given on furnishfilg.bankable paper.
J. W. Dolmage, Proprietor; O. I3:
Elliott, Auctioneer; , 21-1
House For Sale
Large red brick house, earner Or-
ange and Wellington streets, 8 rooms,
all modern cdnreniences, Possession
whendesired, Alec) a barn and lle acre
lot on Wellington street, Apply to
Mrs, W. Jetlkins.
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and -re-
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned,
Rooms fiver Heard's B-rber shop.
W. J. Jago. 2283-tf
T. y
- TttE S"I
.'When a man's house burns; and
his neighbors find that:he had ample
insurance on it,
They know that hisfe ,
-,., xc.thpughthas.
aid him
pe 1ne
d dividends,
Or, when, yvinter comes, and ;finds
his bin ,full of Heat Folks Coal, they
know that again he has cashed in on
his forethought,''•
It is a worth while, investment to.
be insured against fire,`end against
Cal . hp Heat i F s
ok for :
your cold -
utaileo policy today.
forood clean coa
g r 1
a ' ft ° aay' artic es in our reee
will e'continued for the present.
e sag
' therefore at y
u come
in and see•uw• efore buying as it w•
ill be•
to your decoded advantage.
. ire,
Sole Agents for Clinton' and Territerry
y d"
Term +�y,!���y q■�p��,�p
in Shaw's Twelve Toronto • Bug -
nese Schools .opens on Monday,�•': $ ER
August 29t1i. Calendar mailed' on'. l,;
request: to W R;, Shaw; Registrar, will be at his office
46 Bloor St. West, Toronto. Please• i i
write for it,, n Clinton, each
I have a quantity; of good, hard'
wood' and' some slabs' for sale.
New- Ford' Truck for sale, cheap
I would' Pike all olel accounts
'straightened' up at once.
Phone 155' Huron street
j Cottage; for Sale
An eight -room cottage in Isaac
street, beautifully finished inside;
town water and, good cistern, summer
kitchen. Garden with apples and
small fruits. Apply on premises to
Mrs. Win. Graham. 10-H
Farm For Sale
100 acres, good soil, fine buildings,
small maple bush, 4% miles from
Clinton. VIII sell: cheap• and on easy
terms. Will sell crop with farm if'
desired. Inquire at McWseRecord of-
fice. 12.1f
House For Sale
A nine -roam house on Princess,
street, 14. acre ion, elecl,rie,_light, fur-
nace, three-piece bath, all in first-
class condition. Apply to E. L. 8111 -
tell, Clinton, Phone 213: 08-tf,
Used building material, from the
old Collegiate building. Brick, stone
sills, doors. and frames, windows and
frames, storm sash, joists, up to 22
ft., studding, lath, casings, scantling,
mouldings of all kinds, matched lum-
ber, stairs and bannisters, maple and
pine flooring,- etc. Apply, on job to
W. J. Elliott, or to S. E. Rozoli at
the Clinton Creamery. 12-tf
We have a complete ling of
Toronto Asphalt Shingles and
Roofing for siding or roofs if
you are . considering roofing
compare ours, before buying,
with any other. This is the
best by test.
Always carry.Bra
Western Oats, best quality at
lowest price.
Phone 123
Feed M
ants and
Buyers '
From 3 to' 6 pm,
Singer SewingMachine
a +chine
Leased' on Snoafl Monthly gaynrents' .
Big Discount on Cash Sales
Now is the tine to have your ma-
chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs,
Needles, Belts and Parts for all
Phone 17111 P.O. Box 201, Clinton
A. 1922 model Ford coupe in good;
running order:
Overhauled and Repaired
Charged and Repaired `p
W. J. Nediger, Prop.
Valve Cap
Absolutely Airtight
Without question the greatest and
0105 common abuse of tires is under-
inflation. The carcass of the tire is
constantly bent and hinged the gum
that binds the layer of fabric or cords
together is destroyed and the plica
rub together. Friction soon develops
and the tire wears itself out. The in-
side layer of the casing breaks, caus-
ing the inner tube to be pinched,
Best Investment
The best investment offered to the
motorist today is the Hughes Valve
Cap. Ds capacity for saving you
time and ,money will pay you several
thousand per cent, on the initial cost.
Da not forget the spare. tire. Equip
this too and then when you need 'its
services it will be ready to go.
Every Hughes Valve Cap is guar-
anteed to be absolutely air -tight
when applied as per instructions.
Electric Ranges, Fixtures Bulbs, ](ions, Fans and other
Appliances ,
Winn and Repairs. pears.. . __ Phone 7
t '411a s
r:4 •.
R, •s
r.. - .Co-
Muldlili g 's—TW
o grades of Western Oats
• Mixed
ii for He
ns e
• ie.also 'have 'Fine n„oa?se Scratch
Peed, ,Hominy y S
,rio 0ats,' Chopped.. , andRoiledOats, G3oundand Ileground , Wheatand iarley,•At1 fmds srf Rbyal'Pnrple StoecFoods, 'Cod LiverOil for Bens.
Five Roses, Maple Leaf and Purity
be the Hrt d
n d weight