HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-08-04, Page 3• '4$Ont „ TIO For YourFWhat • ' • d,' se geitranteed)anelestrsinseejeTie°,9con „Sneehantealf",.',!''. •• iseteeSe .they.snosseeee, ceqs; (nee): s's • ds without 15.6st qi),i60..,:,.tre„solocateciseyer the Proviiicea • oxr 4Thcys r4ley irepr4o,t;le4tahee.qual_ityo1 the p:and haste)nori,tsw7teht'ucrint:aain' eaeleal. . Cancilair lal ' • '6 Our facto'ries • your. fertiliiet $ Terttilizeriits an in,v4etrnolevat,ksi:1! expense: Don't delev getti.ng ey ge esit 51 1!() 'bot NatioealShock Foods -tli AGENTS,NVANT1-, ,°0 net .represonted. FERT/LIZEI1S, LTD. • . west Toronto 9, gintario - , - • „ I k „ (O Sat a NVitls Lang er) You. say, ycsu 'were present' when thisinest• and -his, wife 'Were .Toged lin a...very violent ,quale^c1?" in uired' thoftaSiStraie.o fthe.•witnese. Yeo, your honor," raphe dthe Man' on thotaod ".What'eVue saYing?" • • "He •wasn't paying anythiiag, year • ClaSSified Adverriaerrnents • 4 CENTS ItIGTHER 813X-$73.00 W]t10K1 33A salThig PA1,C0 CLEANERR,' Cleans everything • like Removes ft0.1.1) TAR without Injury to Paint. Sells On dernonstralion. Vreo saniPles. P. A.LkArIt'liVRE 05 CO. Alexandlia, Ont. 1"" I3LIDO POWDER CLIIANS onto tops, upholstery, riiss, ' tapestries, caps lilts magic. Removes slime irony ctothCs, Liocral commis- sion if you aot as our arent, household a prospect_ Send 25e for package, Owen, 331 Toronto - Phosphorescent Reefs At La Libertad, the Trouvale of Salvador, lay our vessel, loading sugar, and when tho dusk drew its veil over Rada de Tepaagua, the Sap Jean was once more heading south.,,,, It was a 'wonderfully beautiful night that followed._ There was a new moon, and the darkness brooded silently, only the of Watery mist. Then suddenly it A WEAK STOM1a3i Aries twinklin,g through a thin film seemed as if a flash or lightning shot through t Iva , • ,, I n Shakespeare's Works. "Dthel is always delving in Shake sPeare'S works,' Didn't know you'd associate with factory May." • tee Faintly at first come right down fromlieaven, Mother -,-"Yea, straight , • Walter -"I guess :he must' have lit 1 ' 1 on km Tett awl t iat s wha. ma teshim so •bow-legged." "Are you the man who paved my little boy from drowning when. he fell oe*the dock?" "Well, tvhere's his cap?" The quickest way for a doctor to lose a patient is to her it ,was only a minor operation. No building permits aro ever issued for ait castles. "Reading malteth a man full," so readers should careful in selection of filling. • One has to be raised to it in order to enjoy loafing. Ilarold-"Your sunburn is very be. coming." Gladys-"So's your old tan." ''Why do `Washes creensovei girls' feces?" , "Beeauce, if they ran they'd kick ee too much. duet." . as if hes:Usti-lig then again, end Yet Cari be . Strengthened . ThratIgh again,,• clearer - new and 'tore:pro,. the 1.4se-of Dr. WilliaMS' nouaced. A.nd eoon,the whole surface was alight with a silvery -violet sheen, " Pink Pins. - behind the ether. A thousand searke W°rnierful is the process by which, with the meets -of waves gleaming one the chemistry of the body changes Next to reputation the easiest thing. again elsewhere.' It 1.00- -s whole of our well-being depends epee to lore •is to Umbrella. .... als- if thr,,,, the food we eat into blood. And the hone ont and faded, t,e reappear veeses were cutting lese: .way through this being maintained day after day, a macs or molten, metal, . .' Now and ica'r fil and ices out. Sometimes the • the water, splashing, the silver about process becomes faulty, and then food begins to poison the blood instead of again a shcal would kap right out of like handfuls of coin, and pregenting sealing it, This I's followed by all at a. distance exactly the effect of the poems of indigeetion, such as gas breakers So much so, indeed, that on tee stomach, pains around the the engines were slowed down and the heart, often nausea after eating, and aoundings taken, for it really lookea a dislike for all kinds of food. as if the water were breaking on, a is.e.ef -ahead. The lead, howe.,vee, show- ed a hundred meters, and the reckon- • ing trt miles from the land, so it was merely oe effect of the phosphor:es: sence. The inoulent, however, was /enough te make eeveral of thespas- Stomach andbaiiish indigestion. Heic eongers swear the vessel had touched is a bit of convincing proof given bY . ground; they came en deck with anx- Mrs. Ohas..Ladner, lifilerslie, P.E.I., - lolls facee and took .up their peeitions' With 'says.: -."For tome' years"I was a . near the: lekboates to see if they were sufferer erorn stemach..troeble. EvorY- .. • ready. to kwee away. . ,' e 'thinireete'eaused die'tteait, sphe Oteirt. . .. The phenomenon lasted only n little, ash and belching,- I could. not eat while, but for the time." its sower ans. meat OF pettitoeo, encl.-I..grew weak • intensity; Ware 'f 0 .ditree 'unuiiial and nePobS.','N‘3111'edi60° 736ellia"°. , •' even in...these' *waters, which are'res help me. until I Wag perabadedste take • .nommed forshiniat fab01000 i aitprasi. 'DI' 'wiltinini 'muk Piast and -t1163e _.. e E the soot. Soon the Pacific lay once simply worked -wonders. I took the more calm and dark, with only a taint pills faithfully for a couple of months silvery glitter new and' again in the by which time every symptom of' the thresh of our propeller. And over the trouble' 'disappeared, and there has horizon hung the pale sickle �f . the not sinee,been .the slightest symptom new meen, sharp and curved like the of stomach. trouble. . No wonder' I e ween Toro -prais_e_ Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." , , hent bow - of Montseuma.-Prince William of Sweden, in ,,Bet, .. • i You eau get these pilis through any Centinents." medicine dealer or by mail at 50.cents • ' ' b " Vern -The Dr. Williams' Medi - r,""••04'''„. UV'S. see sift xAiie teiress, ve8.1.0 !!•.s • „, i'5•1041nt AlitaireltiereetebsiessislieNP" „ • Theee'e nothing like a 'fave'Setting;lleYal HighneSs tbe Frine,'03 ,Welees UP'exerei,ses first thing In the morning 'hi hrother Prince George;„ and' Fre-, according` to the bell-beYe -aboard. the mier "Stanles) 4311471in, who 'Sailed for Canadian Pacific Empress of canads.:en thiri ship recently. Asietralia.who are Seen inetlie photos 'The F,ospeese'of, A.ustralias made her, graph in action, deck • , 'firSt'regiilar run across •the' Atlantic • The popular Ver81.611.,,Ofjlre Word recently after beirig entirely re;cons, ".dtunbell" IlOwe'Vet caria&P.15.6 taken ditideecro,edire-engined, being Virtual - in tide case 'for it would be'hard to ly a nevi ship She is the pride of flied .a smarter set ..bf bell -boys any. Atlantic fleet and hao been, chosen sta. where. They cater to Many distin- the' ROund-the-Worldequise Vessel of (Lashed ,passengerse who frequently the Canadian Pacific to Sail from Now Cross the 'oecian as for inetance Ilis Yorlt in December " SAVE. ME CM RE Fiver notice how a handsome woman venally marries a man who' looks like something the cat brought in? In • '• ••`'' Sin -ter When Childhood- • menta Are Meat pangerous. Mothers *he' keep a ..box of Baby's Own .Tablets in the house may feel that he lives of thele iittie•ones are reasonablis safe during the' hot Weath. er. Stomach troubles., cholera in- fanthin and diarrhoea carry thou- sandseof little ones every summer, ill most casee 'because the mother does not have a safe medicine at hand to give promptly. 13aby's On Tablets relieve these troubles, or if given oc- casionally to the well child they will prevent their coming on. Tho Tab- lets are guaranteed by a government analyst to be absolutely harmless even to the'new-born babe. They are especially good in summer because they regulate the bowels and keep the stomach-siveet and pure. They are sold by Medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box frora The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville,'Ont. tzech YLIterature ' • The only' way to overcome these troublesie le tone up the digestion so that you east assimilate all your food. To do this you have Only to take Dr. Williams' 1?init Pills, A.Short course of these pills will quickly tone up the aue07.0 •si,4 ; g • ,r•ia '113' s • -,9 4,1, lil il s "0 tine Co!, BroCkville, Ont. Canada's Carilloneur There, little janitor! Don't you cry. YOu'll own the building -by and by. Stade (at box oince)-"Twoctickets, please." Ticket Seller -"For what date?" Stude (absently) -"Oh, the ono 1 had with Marion." • "Mama, is it wrong to kiss girls because it's fun or is it fun Co kiss them because Ws wroeg? You oughta keow, manta." . Has a Strenuous Time Otta*s.`-0f. the perforreenee of the parliamentary carillon, whose music has been wafted successfully acress thn whole continent, moo has been said, and been written blit little Is known of tae inner woeltings of the • : bells which preclude stich, a volurnin- oos melody. A visit th the t:OWer ShOWS the ar- Ile --"Can't you forgive the past?" She -"33 you give me a nice enough present," - ' _ "If you were walking .along dark read at eiglitehoW would you protect Yoersehl" "NI whistle 'Hail, Hall, the 001158 .4 -acre:" • • The Ants -• ' Obisea-ve our little group or sect; The true, the .good, the IlIgh.elest Who strike en attitude' sublime; Again* OUT conntry every 'bind. Cleab-vislbed, wise and • pure of heart We always take the alien's parrti Betide, betide, whate'or betide,' We're on the other fellow's side. We need not wait for all the facts To judge si statesmanN words or acts; Tf someone says this nadson's right, He merely wants to start,a fight. Our chiefs are men of base intent:. We cannot trust our Government. It has an evil ,animus, , But we are so magnanimoue. Whateves, conflict may arise We utter loud, hysteric cries To help our adversary's cause And win the°outside world's applause. And so our watchword, toast and sang Is still, "Our Country!• Always Wrong!" -Arthur Guiterman, Country Gentleman. "Why do they always give a show er to a girl 'Who is going to ,be mao Czech -literature developed only ?led: 'Merely a quaint old custom .01. 0 to ..ymbolize the beginning, of a reign." graduallte and acciuired a high artis- tic standard only at the end of the Minard's Uniment'for sore feet relneteenth century. During the whole rcoz.aelcahnt,pcoi emir y alTla upardoeLetchde spell aert_ ;our .valuables, did you cell the while you were being 'relieved of Magistraie (to victim of holdup): first half of the nineteenth century ativey little cf 1:mM:orient value. It ponces. Victim: "Yes, everything I lacked and deoaded' that enthusiasm, that unbridled imagination, lofty could think ef." Two negroes were diacussing their wiVes' culinary' abilitieo. "Man." boasted the first ."dat Wife o' mthe am so good dat when she makes co'n pone hit taste „les' like angelfoq cake.". "Hesh yo' mouiv. retorted the other. "You ain' nevah et nothin! When mah wife, Oodlne, cookie up a passel 0',bea31s AhNfeels jes goin' out an' huntin' me a Job," --- Forming good habits is a good way to break bad ones. , No one roan can win a relay race, but one man can lose it. What'o become of. girls with freck- led eoses? Good Letters • • To -write a good, appealing business letter-ples,sing, winsome and con- eincing-io an art or accomplishment but 1,0wf Ii•av•0 attained, aed yet ortahr that . the. letter tre•ny, and lyric emotionalism which constituted the magnotsc chants o Westeen romanticisrh. often lack- ed also in artistic beauty and. in wealth and. diversity of ideas, and adhered generally to those tendencies which it considered useful for patri- otic prepegands, for the promotion of culture cf the language and of na- tonalism. The 'eh:et ideas of Czech renter:tick:an were; nationalism, pare. Slavin-1,- 01(1! Slav nethology,. lan- guage and folklore culture. The greatest talents .which it produced were Mucha, Erben, and Celakovsky. -Vladimir Nosek, in "'Pho Spirit of 13olremiti." rimier Ferguson was once intro- -diked to a lady wile had attained the age one hundred years. "What,' 11(0 asked, "wottld•yOu FAY; 'assyou loolei back over your fife, has given you the greatest and most eenduring plea- ; sure?" The dear old thing, didn't meditate ;very long; "My vittles," alla „es -4-7 Minard's Liniment relieves Backache. • NURSES The Toronto liotpital tar Inc-ahlo). In , etnilation with Bellevue. oild Allied Hospitals. taw York City, atom n. three years' Course of Training to yam*, women, hooio8 the required education, and desirous .01, becoming 011001. Tiiis Hospital hos adopted the righ1. hone syolein. The pupils receive nollornis of the School, 'monthly ,ollossonge and travel- ing 00500013 to and ironi law York. For lather Information write lho Sugcrintandont. He had"been knocked down by. a rotor car. which had not troubled to stop. "Did you get his number?" asked the Policemen. "No," said the man, "but I'd recognize his laugh any- . wnere." Thin°. Worth bo Sunburn. Mix Mlnard's with sweet alt or cream, and apply. Quick and permanent relief. he Life, iithe,I3eSt Lif Edteca ion is the Rig F-acter in 'Waking it so: Prohtahle-Farrn Operations And Content' ed Home- Life follow ,the Enlightening luflueriLe of' a Course at the Ontario Agricultural College. .The opportunity • to attain a full knowledge of Crops, Soils, Live Stock, Poultry, Farm E ngineering, Dairying, Apiculture, Horticulture, the 'Basic Sciencs and English is given to all Students at the O,A.C. • W rite for Calendar. Tuition, first and . second year, only $20.000 per year.: Board and Room $5.40 per -,/‘'reek. The • ntario Agricultural College J. B. Reynolds, M.A.' president. A. M. Porter, B.S.A. L. Stevenson, M.S. • Registrar. Extension. LIT spray clears your home' of mosquitoes and flies: It also loins bed bugs, roaches, ants; and their eggs. Fatal to insects but harmless to , mankind. Will not stain. Get Flit today. Putributed in Canada by Fred.J. Whitlow 6' Co., Limited, Toronto DESTROYS Flies Mosquitoes Moths Ants Bed Bugs Roaches "The yellow WO with the black band" CANCEtiFSE1,15EonaBecaOu?sKr 'bells cause ofcatteer and what Co do for pein, bleedirg, odor, etc. Write for ;I. to -day, mentioning this paper. Ad- dress Indianapolis Cancer Hospital Indiarapolis, atinli=411E:213C21Y-4•14 Use Cuticura Soap And Ointment- • To t el Sore Hai ds ut=a=acE;aczicarz RESINS) TO - f 15 . • • jf • g fr°r0 :snother at A,171.9r191. :4' 1 • ..idorth6L.,s4 rel&trefl' • pleintcmg ttc rangement to 1)e eempaeatively,sheelee caltadArS mobil The• fify-three are hung in a eta,tionarj;.`and,' Odin- t•shesUkdesconvy•ethes , , . ' im seseion'' and peoduc.e the re- ,<TV.rIst ^ E.;O; 7 Piaises ILydia inkhani • hit or. • , • In the tippet part of the In tiers, e•-ait. If it is' timei that every lettere W ,maoppiltro amaze, „ are fortyeeeven bells tvhile, below, are written. represents ATI average cost of. tent th t 1 the Vegetable -ern ou d " C p n • HAUTSINMONmon 001)01031 1011 riot swing at all. r e 18 • illsat27,5 Septli op'es. • - se, it )s impale . a. your e sr G • cl by a seat, seven, feet lung. The earli- tion tireess and 'yet tb:s iMports and placed,on the market•the Balloon Right in the centre be cluster f shenli be good. There is comp.etition ippe "Ewes Hr ere.tmg xpenence belle-betweee the aPPer -------- wer in letter` writing. ' Not any. common Buckingharn, Quebec. -"I ara the sect the keyboassl. It is faces cernmunicat.,..on will emcee the viten- Firestone pioneere 10 ed, te-sted other of eleven living children and awe-inspir- - • AN entirely new o! ajduti mg d dmre p • tacie "CANADA" 1 eu ; a al ) slides back qnd foi on tiis and my baby presented ' by 1,200 , Moveable seat playing tho wooden, vvoefully neglected us misused. O's,3.- SIZED Balloon Tire. five montbseold. I am only 88 years perforrnere. New keYS-'Whiet are lilte those of a plane less phytiscolbgy, hackneyed term, yith but half the usual air pressure, to the OW EColiseurn • d h ' FULL - £,. GrandStand Spec- t1 d ,ass. OumDippe egenume . . . Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for, Headache Neuritis lumbago Neuralgia galte, ul Old' arid I have , taken .1.; y, dia E. • t Jar ••=ly due to th. fact and passengers from shocks arid vi- table Compound .1 forswcaltneta and • Agricultural Pavilion . lint larger and longer with protuding and superfluous velstage seem to ems these tires are very soft and yielding. They alssorb, the boles, rats arid bumps Pinkham s Vege- , -an 8 acre evrension nds. The player hits on these ;with 'rit ill business eorsepondence. We in the Mad. They cushion therear and his hands or npou pedals, like those of a pipe oran--wth his feet and, that the letter %.viter fails to put bration. nnerves.I knew Jubilee of Confedera- of its fee= my • tionEntrauce,and ' ister, Dame Ed S50,000 `Vorld Chanap- ouaed lona:sip •wini, Wed- of rt nesdify, August alst. .•• - For five years These are only a few was in misery and was always ready • features of the great , to cry. NoW I am sohappy to have Confederetion Yea ' good halth. My daughter, who is • Programine. la ,years old, has also taken it. and •• New $160,000 Diannond both-lteys and pedals are connected , himself in tIlApose the one he Firestone GuMDippng--by Which with wires,that. lead td' tne ()lappets iO' addressing. Smart er ‘currniss.'• each fibre and strand of cord in the tite • leside thehells, The "blow" is only Phraees are „out of pace -'in good Is ittpregnMed and ceated with pure • an inch. arld a Ault (in length. The tar writing. Strang, mats4M argu- gem -adds the extraordinary strength playing is all by hand „Oi* fririt ,ril)(111rit: ment imd,presentation are qualiti.es and flexibility which makes the Belloon bY inehkrY:' Th- heyboara -And very rirti,h to be dea.red, construction practical.. . Pedalo each embrace twe row. So' . Firestone Dealers are kopt up.to-date - tire develonment and service' --con- imPlici • getting the most results with least • citpenditurd money arn;d effort) • It does not isnpy dopriiration and niggardliness:: buiers quit buying -hat 38 nt 60110MY but a false netion of vihat economy ,is. 0511(1 doep. Buyers' •strikes are the most costly storpidities in the business world, IVIay JOHN G. IfFNT Mannino Diroitor jyrixe: "Didi ye ever 'speak before the nation be spared trem them for- ' • "a Ikmige audience, Pat?' Pt,;. "Fairly everram'e• Colds Pain. Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven direCtiOns. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 21 and 100 -Druggists. Aspirin to the trade mark (,eeletei:ed In Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of kronoleetle- arldesier of Salicylicacid (Acetyl Salicylic Acid, 'A. S. A."). While 11 Is well known dint Aspirin means Muer manufacture, to moist tbe 0051(0 against irnitatione, the Tablets • of Beier Oonapausr bo etnospod writs r sesersi Mato murk, the :maret cross." strenuous is the exelaise k clarllOniteur, has te wear, a, sweater rPrito Departrtient of Pubtlelty,Carladlara' , _ _ _ National rattibittot; TOroeto 2- Ont. Waite a speoiai snower pain HOZ been 0 'tit booklets - ' . tinually" progressing and improvmg • Ny111 b2 happy, -0):000Inmerid• 11.00 0.. lt • their ability to -serve You better and, "VonnAilo; -Dat° WIESTAAM PAI3). save your rhoney. See thenearestFire- 3303N31.1y11c4-104r, Bfot.trettyllet tfrhsanwl 1, tQllUbebaceiec... stone Dealer and let him handle your vi requreme,ts. , aehe, nervolteness and other ailments . _ common to women from early life to xtrensTorrr Tina 84 noniscre O0. middle age, when Lydia E. Pinicharres OF CAIsTADA Laurrao 'Vegetable Compound will' givo you MOST MILES PER DOLLAR lir a raeent countr3f-wido c.divase - o pare asere 0Lydia e in c am O •' -Vgetable • Compound 8V0260 000 installed enable lam 000l oft The belie nf ;the Clock chimes 'WS' well asthe .meckanism the elock iselt are both, operated by electfidlna- '': Minard's •for. burns. • JOSH 3,rill(ON Proorsiont 49th ri".r '•••• 604k - replies were receive •, and 8 o t of, 100 reported they were berm- ' 111 81, '•;i•;.? fited ith use. ; • lame,1 aid. ?rum, An what (11(1 37 minard's Liniment for scat!iSOUa No, 32 ,37• or the Vcithrooni— EDDY' avy Tciiet Issue NAVY TISSUE is soft and absorbent and, like all Eddy tissues, is manufacturqd under the rnost ekacting sanitary 'conditions. . • • - Each roll of "NAY" Tis- sue ist guar:, anteed to con - tall 7 00 sheets. Quality and Econo,flay combined. rHE 1-1 LL.:A A E -IA cc:Y./Li/Wp ra W1 l=i • - tt'* Y4, 4: ,.. ..0 1.• af.• .v../, • 414'•;m144 313