HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-08-04, Page 2cTdQ9 Terms of SuliScriptIon-a.fiji,per le:advances to CanadiatO•addreases17° . , eee0 to the 'U.S. 'or other' fareign'..., . • cauutries.' -No paner ' discontinued until all arrears are paid -these the option of the 'publisher.. Tilo. date to which every stibs-criptionels paid •le denoted on the label. , Advertising liates•Transfent adver. , g '•,. ' ° '..,,-. ; ' ., .,..„; . isnuss:t;ttlioon, Sc f.ori each subseqeent e.'...., 2e;tien,,eesii. .... . . • . .,. • . ,. , • • .•,., alaiontt.sto Small alcifverti:idnearl'tse, . . - one inch, such as "Want,ed,''''4Loet." °,',.........• „...,g,r1,49' to r, 'e.,,,,,s,,,',..a.,;e"1.4ci.61140..,.,,,A,...sti.,., .,fc,,,!../,t,Hi..*.,..,, inserted once for .!nr.•'-r.4,'..,•,,e '..---, . I . 26a, each put It sj1• 1 Sertion I.5c. . •. ' ' •,' - . ' '',.,, - t . ' ': . eae. r'r' I ± '. ' ri. AdVertiSenielitS Be'nt inl evithout in• e • , - ed out ,and will .be charged. accord. , sertions wanted" will roil until order. . ,,, . 1 t. '''., • ' ......',•• ,,r:' 'stru'etions as -to th ° ir, c':', ',!!... ''' ;;Jt'::.''''' .: ' • •.' . made known on application. , ., faith, be accoinpanied•by the name of .),,,,,,),,,,i1„ Coo..., Rate; for display advertising . Communications intended for 1)1'1)11- . the writer. .„ t: cation must, '05 a guarantee Of good G. E. HALL, R. °LARK. • Proprietor, Editor, G. D. ivicTA,:::GART Al. D. leicTAGgART .1111c1AGGIIRT .B110S.. --BANKERS .. A general 13anking Business transact. ed. Notes Discou_n(ed. Drafts leaded. Interest Allowed on Deposits: Sale Notes Purchased. I -I. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer. ' Financial, Real Estate and Fire In. surance Agent. Representint, 14 Fire insurance Coimpanies. • Division Court Office, Clinton. BRYDONE I3arrister, sattitor, Notary Public, etc. Office: SLOAN BLOCK • CLINTON DR. J. C. - GANDIER - Office Houis:-1.30.,1p, 330 p.m., 6.30 to 8.00 p.m, Sunday.% 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. Other boors by appointment o-oly. Office and Re'sldenc.. - Victoria St. MilalaVILIXDX),114SONIPOSTI THE GIRL IN THE PICTURE."' „„:,,. d i Ito tb1sul..,.... qn him ,7-7.,7,,-- :tcrt.,' Hof acanP ild , p QO e,,I,air4,1ylaelf°,,i1::,,,,,ii,„,..,,,,;„,,,,,:,.le4..,L.!;,..7c.t.,,o:':Yefryito,a,u..;3.'i!;11;440,'n.a',,le71,.."ii:0*IiaP,f $140..13,,i:,1j ' ' '' ' ' C1C0,1°0,” 1 ' with a .,enlea",.- ree did ae ,eoenedea ,e,- epee. ( : con 1 AW Mr DZ$ilV° °?°4,11.,;:.10th',1,14,,i),;(;'talS:(4'i°'', that 'O. \''''" ' it.110 ' ' ' .0114LE • '-',/'`. , , •, •-., g° • •.. '- IT ...LAW ...*, --....'.se,••1.11,11,14,7*00,1trr.,4„,.e.,,:,,aq...ii:ii, ,..iy .,. , ' .7:. 4.' ,,,•4::::g..;1, j3roRacleurit 0' re, cgiolpbeesat1O "ItieW`ite-aesa-aaa-",', YOU% ..,‘"•aat It OP.". , , • . ' '''-' READING.`•.. . ' ' . by. ..: m . ' . ' ,. ' • ' '.. ..11)00.61,4e4:ecli" u't:1))1s;,(!.it'el::1.:' .:1°.!".0d,a.);•,..eitili: le' d''',11.,.ii"...r.,''' h'„.fil„a'11.1!, '-ae, CC'. ''I. 3.v•r,'Sr..:' ' nie Iv' C,F:01-11,1, 1111thi;,,., $t Diction/),,1700;01,..dci:v.dthin,.3:sii:"::: tlae :so; pti ii,e0fil.yviaioloe.sia7rnefloonoi,t1ricrtaelhtrni'inaEg.annspitooli. t0t1h,s1:vosrlab4i.g:miitibtle'o, Association •myofW say,1 ON ALL MChWAYS ° anie'4 'c''',' ilini'lnitting'' ° In.. ' ' ' a.`•-,,a,'D61aTes' '. e.;,LIM, 1 a •''.: `• ..• *hose ''eti'.,.feeeiteen'.01 tilm ,: ... ,.• , ,,...0 pgAr,''',..,,SPEED . if ,,tee• meter ratley,on. ,14.66,41,5,r,,,fl... tei. ,;,,.111,1on' , . - h • ld 4 . • itI.aTShila;thianli* riglita I' SaYS4.0.1i don't 9 want any Pioinises ah°"t th•at) that' th's fifties or sixties of th.e lest cell- it3hreoin i. there sii$' alt 0 utl, thing, - ' that 'I: do •want a '.w.tuheY,'-:' cleollilvdelS'1111; eg,.,:°apgreesidetobidaloin'aaidd-' -"1 thre• W say cigar in the fl'rePiace ,deeee M the Seettieh Branch a the" and set down... g• . ° r•°- Engl.lah Aseoelation in'• Edialleurgh I want you to promiee Me that, HillivdrsitY recoutlY. yoti wee't ever arty\ anything M Cars , In th ,e opinion oe elm spe.,kel: it:,,,,5 detectives, tells this story of the 11. Jonquelle,„ greatest of BEGIN HaTeRE TO -DAY. F r encl., Lytizr. calls Tiooni 4,5,13outrine,ct•Wit6yhtllvt,emiinea, ftauilinidlei:tta6oh:ard; 1, h.tro,:att.1;e3ovegaiet e}sex.; tt:h..1.liti,dthd`:e,odttirs: ,t1.1:Tditoheoi:ti:nin Ytti.ibtlic;:dgrY:s. iir.ta' i 0,ndi,.04,1,:atont tr:11-te,ae jealstmcgoh;z1belasr aktitilinc;.twsTphle:•.sei3:7iibtvelp:.oh,nFecilhbc)inliels. betWeen us -she's a..' high-strung for tide, for it was not M the schools criminal at ha -brought within! with, the young people, whena mysterious telephone message from a Woman • paralized the lower part of his bodYI "It was. neear 'enough to my line to grasp of the law by ail illeess- which; to eggerina, •aTIci gib s • down . ' all'aak hand°. an it and 1 It°t' and finally seized by M. \ disclosed' Jonquelle, go acres With Ifini. He knew. that laea a draft on 'New, -.York for the great! things ase petty menfolk, 50 83:1 money -an' I'd "I3efore twelve the next day he 9ent Autherized Version, -the Majestre liSh it was it treniendons 0 lor.e. The weep' simple and:splendid diction of the the point of view of teachers, of 11,„.'- tho crini, the girl hadn't got lap!, _ entr,ch of its rhythms, macie it a ta y . ' (To be conaleded.) . ... ans.,. ia7gloaamgeo-7°.• Toe hoofvothhedognrefaatraesitu,oinr inal's hidmg, place .iu, a . luxurious old friend of the XaMily would fit, the. English country -house. •form. as a sort,„ of next-of-kin, as the Bu the criminal laughed c)mically la.w-boolcs say. , . . • Nlangroves anr1Coral.Reefs a pricelees literary asset. , with it from childho"Oci was in kse whe was abolit to die and he i"nthethe Scottish universities, Sir itse.lf 'when Jonquelle arrived. The woman The big man linked his' fingers to,. Turning to the teachinge-of English had telephoned at his direction. He gather on the chair -arm. , We ra,npuingosouglisBeaayue,,,ritolywitoogWilolatthise wanted 'to tell his story. He had met "As 1 was saYin'' this OK in America, at Bar Harbor, in and made himself • at he walked' right named ' home with lame number of these sea niammala George said that Barrie's 'dictum that man of science appears to be the and saw that the dissipated English- the notion. He called her 'Carrots' we met `there. It is a very unique only man who has something to say her for - her money. The criminal's her pap; she's our'n now,' and he be- ' . ing eurrounded by islands and smaller' harbor and extremely picturesque, be - man, Westeidge, was trying to marry straight back' ,at me; it was, 'Kies sense of decency was outraged. gun to grin. . beys and inter -woven with coral reefs. ° GO ON WITH THE STORY. ' cigars abridunaceldiltulePdaisniid f got ofaIbnoaxt ro of_ h with mangroveS, and it is not unusual . ., The bay is almost entirely fringed ' CHAPTER II; es and shoved them across the table. to eee two •ox• threecrocodiles 111 the The invalid criminal lifted himself 1 took one, bit the end off, scratched distance with their eyes and about six on his great bends and turned the the matcli on my fool, lighted it, and feet of back showing above the:Water, Whole of his body toward me. ' ' went ahead. while several dugong will be sporting "I tell you," he .shoolc the arms of , "'It's the' butt end of what she's about in the bay at the same time. The the ,cheir in his great hands, "the Eat,' I says, 'an' it's in the door.' ' latter come up to the surface Co thing began to get my goat Her "Ile itnew. all about business, and breathe, but they are only up for about father, a lawyer in the South, was he picked,the things right out. a second. All around this littl‘bay dead. She had only the old Boston - "'You mean,',.. he says, 'that her are muddy creeks and mangroves, grandmother (I heard the talk among solicitor has invested her 'fortuneein with sandy spitarunning out into the the women) and the coin was getting a stock on margin and the market water, ana in the mud and under the scarce. Your little Englishman played in form, every point correct, and he is "'Youc1elindeclining?' it,' I says, 'only she maxgroves there is a limited supply of cockles as large as a closed list, done it tereelf, on ,some tip from her which are_excellent eating. While; walking about in the mangroves- a swell friends.' "'How extraordinary!' ' he piped; sharp look -out has to be kept for crocodiles, as they look like logs ly- his voice got thin when' it hit money. Ing in the -mad. On one occasion, also, I was cfiasing-a big crab, and on looking up .1 saw thousande of flying foxes hanging in the mangroves over- , head. Dugong Bay is the beginning of an 'area teeming with fish, Including a number a -well-known varieties, and others that were not familial. to me. white -fish are very plentiful, and acres of them can be aeon at a Lime jump. ing in the water, and followed by flocks of screaming gulls, Some of Pounds. The tidee .are out for SIX theseeefish weigh up to twenty-five hours twice In the twenty-four, and clueing this period the coral reefs are expoeed. . . , It is impossible for me to adequately describe the gorgeous coloringhnd beauty generally oE these reefs, and Prevailing colors being blue, purple, red, green and brown, with floating material attached which is ae soft and fine as gossamer All this reef when the water is over its surface eeagg-4-- In, connection with their' fight foe the adoptlion, of the more vital fea- tares of a national code, the Units of the A.A.A..' have been' znalting a vigor- ous ouslaught -upo'n reactionary 'and unduly restrietive provisions of the lineal...codes with which -the motor tour- ist =nee in Contact, Thomas P, Henry', President of, the national metering *body, deeitared.' • Hee cone ' "An 'excellent measure of success lies marked these efforts in hundreds of, eoniniunitiee and, in this, officials of the Oational. motoring egicly•tee ta line stimulus 'to touring created, - Broader Policy Prevails' "'The ctrcumscribed.views on motor vehicle movement "held. by local au- -thorities in many parts of the coun- try have been supplanted by a much better perspective. The narrow, dis- torter]. vision of trivalee that every ;wit now and the only erne that dess ft:Moist has found at one time or an - there wore "men of science" 3-, ,ay iv, wee too Other in both small and large centers Policy as the 'automobile club presents not know how to sweeping. Undoubtedly, however, rapelly,iiegiving way to ,a broadesane There were even some classical schtl- , the ma'12-it-ele..:': itaoarst..uda etyle •I)cras riot that of m, '8 case to the local legishe ars whom record in that respect was "Tothe credit of the municipal of- ficials generally, they not only ,have not above reproach. . revealed a willingness to listen but to In the hem& of a good teacher the learn and to be as fair and just as systematic study of even a limited the most sanguineacatild, hope. When number of Latin and Greeltaereets they were told, as in many cases they would give pupils an extensive com- were, that the Meal regulations were mend 'over the English -vocabularY. reactionary and successful chiefly in Cornbfhe that with the intelligent driving away, business, they usually reading or plenty of good -prose and .a gave theie close attention to the DR. FRED G. TI-IOMPSON sense of style would develop almost elub'e spokesman or committee. This Office and Rvidence: automatically. For them English same attitilde was manifested in many Ontario Street : Clinton, Ont.was the language of languafses. Wleen municipalities adjacent to the cities One doer west of Anglican Church. was goin' to get her. a: they elected that it meet include the in which the club hea.dquarters were • Phone 172. . , "I seen it!" - main body of the historIcel, •emotional located." - E.'yes examined and glasses fitted. His voice became cold, level, even and literary aPpeal to the great'nuage Among the advantages which have like a•metallic click. DR.. PERCIVAL HEARN: ' ' 'Now, my little gentleman,' I said 'Is it a legitimate stock?' ' schools, and ultimately to an over- this campaign by the motor clebs, are of - the 800,000 children in their come to tiro motorist as a result of Oflice and Residence: to myself, 'we'll just see if•you do! "'Sure,' I answered, 'one of the wholming, pereentage of the adult less rigid'eurd restrictive speed regu- Herod Street' Clinton, Ont. Right here ie where "Alibi Al" •sets six good ones.' I didn't know how populittion, they became sensible of 'aliens reflected in the disappearance , Phone 69 . in with a stack of blues.' many good ones there were. • the supreme importance of the task of hundreds of signs 'specifying (Formerly occupied by the late Dr. C. W. Thompson). "I got up, folded my newspaper, "'Why does it decline?' His voice that had been laid upon the schools. "Speed limit, 15 miles an hour"; more 55,'E 0. and Glasses Fitted. verandah, and took a turn up and down the went up like a singing -school. as though I was trying out "'The steel hunch are clubbing it!' The very existence of the English As- reasonable parking regulatIone; fewer sociation was a good omen and the confusing bans on driving, practices _ DR. F. A. AXON ' to' the fashionable church just'across "He undeostood that, and began to my game leg, an' then I limped down I says, 4 fact that it contained so many teach- that are generally aproved; a broader , ors showed that the situation was ISP- tendency to warn instead of arrest DENTIST from the •libraty. - finger around his little wax mustache. predated by those i.n whom the main the traveller and a general leniency Clinton, Ont. ' "I stepped up inside the door." "Quite eo,' he cheeped, 'quite so, hope of finding a satisfactory solution where violation of the reulation palp• Ile paused, and his voice changed Then he squared toward me. rested. ably was caused by ignorance. Graduate of C,C.D.S., Chicago, and to its former note. "Ah-er, Mr. oJhnson,' he sem 11,C.D.S. Toronto' "Yee see I had to have a little - —_.; _____ "Probably- the most welcome Ina which hoe Crown and Plate work a specialty helii on this job. It had a big, loose The Bot6erartg • brought to many communities a more provement wrought is that — end. A deadly weapon Is the boomerang liberal speed limit law," Mr. Henry ' D. H. McINNES "I went iff and sat down• in a pew. In the hands of Australian savages. says. "Nothing has so aggravated Chiropeactor-Riectrical Treatment. It was dim and. quiet and I got right Who made the first boomerang no one and irritated the motorist on tour as Of Winghana wilt be at the Cominer. down to business. / didn't run in any knows. Some say an Bekimo boy the. conspicuous '15 mile speed limit' Mal Inn, Clinton, ou Monday, Wednes- of the prayer -book curtain -raisers. I found that a stick thrown at a bird signs that have greeted him in Min- ato' and Friday -forenoons of 'each put the thing right up to the boss, came back to lifin, But we do know drecasoot small towns, villages and week. "'Now, loolchereeGovernora I said, that the boomerang has been.usea for hamlets. Diseasee of all kind' successfully 'has a helpless little girl got a pull nee. "Everyone has recognized. the clan - bandied. , •, with you, or is it bunk? Because I'm There are seeeral kinds of •boomer - gars of atessive speed by the auto. . goin' to call you, and if the line your is .swarming with rock•cod, parrot-fisn, , augs. Tho first Is called VTootyguncly mobile. but when a village establishes ' GEORGE. ELLIOTT barkers are putting, out is on the and other varieties, , .. I have seen Wine:kern," and it is used Cu warfare. a,maximum s'pehtl of fifteen miles an ,Licensed Auctioneer for the County , level1. you've got to coine across with many 'beautiful Raver gardens, but It goes straight to the spot tor which hour whele the metrenolitan ax•ea will • • of Huron, the goo.ds, If there's nothing to it, they are tawdry in comparison with aimed, and thoh falls .to the 'ground. allow one to drive thirty, it is absurd Correspondence proruptle answered. the Governaent ought to shut 'ern up • theeleelicate beauties Nature has pro. The second is the "Trombash." This to look upon the regulation as de- luneedlate arrangements can be made omh fraud'order-Pm agoin' to carry vide& in these interesting waters. -E, is used in hunting wild birds and it signed merely for safety. The motor for Safek Date at The Newe•Itecord, one eed a this thing; 'get busy at J. Stuart, J.P., in "A Land of Oppor- Illes farther than an arrow, The is- signed has taught the municipal official Clinton, or by calling Phone 203, the other end!' 510 charges Moderate, awe Satisfactlein "Then I went out. tuulties." i Byes of Abyssinia use ft in war time. the futility and injustice of this regu- Guaranteed. The Trombash is called "Marudwul: lotion in hundreds of instances al - "That nrght I went over to see lit- ' Conscience Money . len Wumicum" by the Australians. randy, and when the tensing seascn will have ' OSCAR KLOPP tle Westri8ge The third, the "Come Back" or "13un. comes again, hundreds more Honor Graduate -Carey Jones' Notional "He was surprised to see me- Detroit News: Last year the Secre• gil 1,Vumicum," can be made to de. taken clown these signs of re.action. School of AuctIoneering, Chicago. Spa; ddin't understand it; he'd never met scribe a circle of 35 Yards without ris- tary of the Treasury received -$3,936,60 "The fight for tiniformity of traffic cial course taken In Pure Bred Live me in the social line, in "conscience money" from people lug more than twelve feet in the air, Stock, Ileal Estate, elerchandise and "He was mighty formal, as you'd "BIG MONEY!" 1 GURGLEDIT, who had beaten the Government, when thrown by regulations is continuing. In the an expert. e Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with say, but he didn't throw any stutter- LIKE A`.. MAN CHOKING ON A while the Chancellor ot the British The boomerang ordinarily used fie meantime, more equitable and just regulations' are being obtained every. prevailing market. Satisfaction as. ing into Alibi Al. I set down, just LAUGH. . Exchequer took in about five times as shows or exhibitions is shaped some - a -here," the statemnt concludes. Phone 18-93. • - thlug like the blade of a curved sword eared. Write or wire, Zarich, oae as if the place belonged to me, and • much. Either . the American coll- 'I fauncy you came with' some platiwith tme side convex, is; 30 or 40 ale I waved a hand at him. I said to . science is harder and More calloused you." about it, . than the Britiah, or it's„the other way inches long, two to four -Inches wide, r - E. R. HIGGINS • myself, 'You're a little piker; line up Clinton, Ont. ' and take what's coming to "But what I said out loud was like »' 'Plan nothing I says; 'the stuff's , about. This; is a problem for the aild half an inn thick. It is ginsped General Fire and Life IneuranceaAgent this: got M be covered -they'll git it beat 1 nthe right hand (with convex side PSYchologistse Do Americana almost for Hartford 'Windstorm, Live Stock, ' under her figger in another daY's without exception pay the Govern. up) by a handle that is slightly rough; Insurance, Hurou and Erie and Cana- da Trust Bouds. APPollitWenta made it ain't covered.' • .. stuff that's goin' to be. wiped out if ,e "'Ali -or -quite so,' he was ‘cool poundin'.' .. . .guilt? )0O• de they skin Uncle Sam their minds Of the consciousness of ened. The thrower•takes a few quick steps forward and throws the* boom- - —te • -----• Automobile and Sickness and Accident "'Carrots has got a little bunch Of ment all they ,should ,and thus free to meet, parties ale Brueeilelti, Varna , "That was her nickname oftmong as a julep; 'you are , intending, I , ana then stiffer no remoree? Does the (gang straight in front of him. ebav- -......e- - hair .in the sun had a heavenly cop- Treasery, brood over his sin? Does a --a” -,•-' -- "1 leaned over the table and- blew turns into• a horizontal position aud a... '*'-g.--•• arid 13ayfield. 'Phone 57. '. the'youngsters because her blue -black fauncy, to cover the margin?' Britieher, when he luilds out on tho ing the hand, the boomerang at once •-•_. . a mouthful of smoke on him. going at groat aimed it revolves -" 'Sure! I roared in his face, `if I he lie awake nights 'wondering witeth- around its own axis as it goes into the per glint." ' . can .get fifty ,thousand dollars quick.' er he ought to get right with Winstenj air. In returning it curves toward the He looked 'mixed up. '"What, pre. TIME TABLE cliely, do yoe-mean?" he saYs; "He ducked out of the sinoke. Churchill? Does' he lose flesh. Does !at, descrilies an eclipse, gradually - Trains, will arrive at and depart,frem ..0 'That's a, very large sum o:11loses momentum mid fells within a . -gee. "I didn't pay any attention to him: his tea taste bitter, .and his scone ' Going West. ar. ..' , . 11,10'tarn. "'Lose what?' he says. . . • , "'Big Moneyt) I guegled it, like .a g . , but •this. le .hecalme the eye is 110t Cfllieli enough to 'follow ate inogament. "Why did Jack leave his wife?" ..ie.. • • Clinton es' fellow's: I went on just as if lie hadn't said a ,• . choke !ticna Does lie have symptoms few paces of the , starting point, To 7) • ° . Buffalo •dnd Goderich Div. ° . . , .'"I lolled over the. table an': smoked the onlooker it seems to hang motion- < 'C' - ---/e-g2' ' Money,' he ettye. a ..., , .. - _ e aeveleue eoldom; bit by the reprobate' O • ' Going East, depart.: - 0‘25 man. • "Women's got no sense abotit balsa.Yankee? . , a .. Who evill 'solve this . , _lees in the air at the •point of turning, ee..----' , . • nese-she's ogoin'.0 lose it.' - e' ' oe Won like a, Ontch .uncle. , „ " 'Rotten the way they bring iris man choking on a laugh. Do yeti .0.n its return the.boomerang is eather "Well, you see, :She wasea: Juuk . London, Huron e,.. Bruce Div. . allowed to drop, to the ground, or dealer's daughter and she WeS ./11- ,. . .. " . sr. -• 10.04'. p.m. up,' I says, -he .samo as if he hadnt know hetY, much Carrots -liffe, got Geleg, south. ar. 7.50 . . 7.5.6 aj.n. spoke. -. Mere's this steel bunch beat- ban:eel:1 edint,tito?'n swei: that; I' kneW he ..-- caught haa net; since its throe le still a " "• 4).1.0 p.ree ing the stuff, down. her broker wires . H so great that it might injure the hand ways picking scraps." _ , Gettig North, depart • 6.50 p.m. 'am: something to 'cover it, _ail'. she evonldn't.' -t/ ---la . .. if the thrower attempted to catch it. Soma boomerangs are ao sheered SCiencp„ 0 . " . ", 11.05 11.15 a.m. sticks the telegrein ,up against the "'Where, precisely, c..12 you expecte. 0', e---'-` and Agriculture le.okin'-gities so she'll reipember to to get this inon.ey?' he says.. rose Is - e that they will rise 200 feet in the, ale, The McKillq Mutual' boat it?, "I saw everything that was gain' we could raise it together.' "Wela sae, 'I th.ought maybe . a peculiarly ornarneated booMerang The Aruuta savages of Australia have • Ca.lcutta Englisluffen: There is hardly one single day in the year in te,aspoonful of Gillett's Lire sprinIttled in the Gabage,Cti O preventsfliesbteeding • Use Gillett's Lye ...lei all Ckaning and Disinfecting Coats little but always effective • . . „ •'",,seeete ee et a see., ie. write to him next week -can you "I set up snore "calni-Ifice at that, 'that is,not found'avith any other tribe. 1N'hieh It ia not possible to take up . . . •. through him, same LIS if you'd rolled He, wanted that fake foitune 1 1- el , 1 It is• carved -With curve's and. grooves, one's daily paper and learn of some Fire insurance Compaily It out.. thd picture -reel , saved for him, so -it .would come whet mountains and caterpillars, ,in instance in which science is benefici- ' '"The "Old friend, no manners, dai•n along with the girl, bet he wanted . i. ,raised cleeign paintect with red ochre. ' ally affecting, agricultere, both soil' DIRECTORY: ' And there were two other hooks: this "I knew it, -and I smolced -on him. , ..', ,, a'.--------,7rt'll ii 1 -'.c.', ' oil! alfliNt 'I r . ' and crops. A century ago the law of diminishkng 'returns was elevated to Head Offipe, Seaforth. Ont, the difference' stuff, hacl hooked him. somebody el th carry.the chance.. pros . e , ocierIch; --i'?, ident -woes. Connolly o eirl had some property that he didn't I hung over the table and puffed it ,e- , IN\ ie,, , The Speed of Cars tbc dignity almost of a religioue dog. Vice, James Evans,. Reechwood; Sec.. 'snow of, and the friends' of. the fam- in his face. :He tried to duck oat bf providence Journal: Speed is tele. ma. r But improvements in -soil chem - For a Delightful Vecit! Treasurer, Tiles. E. Hays, Seaforth. BY, like me, was a -coming to -him its, and,. I followed him, around. It, . Not Likely to ,Run. idtry, mycology, eutomology, and Directoree George • McCartney Sea. abed it. - • ' . .r, . • clone me good -I eouldri t spit. cia the , tige. Thirty-five rodies.an hour on a fertil; D. F.- il'igGregor, Seaforth.: 3, G. • "Ho iet np, now pleasaht as you little -tight -Wad. • , ,'• - , ' ' _ , First , Neighbor -12e you UM lc I clear road in fine weather is not other branches et agricultural science WRIGLEY'S NIPS ' .. - Grieve, Walton; 1 Wme Ring, Seafoigh; please. • ` - ' ' could get, yoeig son to run sofne er- neeesectrily a speedy rate. 11 05 more have brought about in the minds of tots , laev. Sia ' -Ae , DeliciouS after smoking- °. M. 1.1cHgen, Clinton; Robert. Ferries, ' • "'Now' leek here,' Mr,',Westeidge,' , , . ramie toe me?"' ' , , • probably. a sale rate, Ilut fifteee Mlles. . . econothists a serious 'modification, of sweetens the breath, lierlock; John Ilennetvelr, 13rodhagea; ". 'Alier, yes/. he sale; he hadn't, I says, 'don't yau git a wrong 'netme. eSeeond Ditto -`'No; if yew can get . . i , tvn hour in the midst of :city traffic on D. .1,14,11 writesi Soothes the throat and ' . 3a,s. Connolly; Goderieli. ' . go e name I was playing tinder. Iv your head, I in. rio agoon to let him to walk' some ' errancia tor Yo i ''Solls de net got eghausted 11 they makes the next smoke • •' Yeo, Goderich; Ed. I•Iinchray, Sea- neva: jumped. . to take the rialto:there airi't .ittrite iii ' . you'll be doing well," ' - -' • • , •1 eneeti.. It is neeessary always to read ,- - are properly handled; e if hay are taste better. , a _ ceet' Agents: Alex, Leitch, Clinton; J. W, ''.1 hollowed at. him, an' he mighty you take any Tisk on this, I'm agoin', , _ a stormy night may be ,t c angel ous • '" 'Johnson!' , I said. 'Alonzo John-, 0 act; the Stufre iot to baunce back, The boat/nat was „tired of ansveer- . . 'the speedometer in the' light. ef colo.farrned. under a, conservative rotation \ones veltela.--.,-1-a„,a34,yr e61,.. -e-- - paid to Maoris* Clothing Co., Glinton, , , •• '.. „ .. Aby money ,to be io id in mee a -a -- --- -9 . " ‘011ite 50 Mr. Johnson 'lie saga, b a uneh,get eta theyean grab of it. But as bracing as theyesay?",asked 05 0 of . . II C( Pee . , ., t ki i . .. - t betaught that He inuat some- ineteed ' of being plundered." ond al the - ..•_rists....y„4-...-- -, G., Jermtith. Brodhegen. • . son, Kaesas city!' .: It'll go to th sky When he steal ing•visiters' questions. Is thie 1 lace. .moment.The in6torist . . forth; W. Chesney, Egmondyine:, n. , alwaYs driving at that matcheitura Jimmy When he had the ineeeles?" ' ' - alktkOffiesealtA or at omees grocery Goclerieb, , . quick seine as you a apologize, t ieres W a ve a e , - , . , ' '1°. ' ° h te r iie there may be ' I. sput- thein "It's' amazing" he reified. now °he convinced that wittm a irtaxi- ' On Comraissio,n (11-"fea--''' , ,13 , • t . who ive,, You eee it.. wee. something like ' the wait for him to cut in With. a (pea- ° aaid '"tiie okl 'salt. '. oue see, I. raS' tura to the B.o inagieeteda ily -the Directo'r ,• I ' that „nicht d ea twenty..two vlSits.",, " ----i---jj';:p1-- C.4311,1,-,0,.:7 ProloPtlY attended to Oa aPPlication to 0 e lig in. with the line of Money by to -morrow at.noon., ,i WEI. week.' couldn't walk.a "'teeny," safd . ' • --,---.4*--e-eeee- . 11* me sr' ", Vita . , . --, ' g • a is freed by ordinaithe m' "nowt you think, decter, you've . __ or trealeact other businese will be .fauncy?" .. ' .',. • ' up the .backinggari" yea git me the y ti iita -1 n I ' at I • I e .eta to it ,does not Wairart .. In e rallies evercharged. I tor attending After Every lkafeel..i.,:,11,14.. Parties. desiring to affect Insurance . some Dusinees affair 'to. dieeuis 1 tared it out on hen is mine . I I, put "Yon ask the neigibors• they 11 tell ...e, ' their reapectiveopost oilice. -Losses arly acre° tha ° t bl ' ' ' ,, :Yee,' rea.11Y,',', ,;,,, A road -Mender haystMinitted.a pie- "You must remember, -Awry. Drowne, 7:", . atiY of 'the above Officers addreseed to' ' . clope mighty' easy . and Comfortable ne ee, e, et ,e, an.. I didn't the Igsitor nblitely - nearest e e ace e. , ,,. .. i way .they do things Up in his dome: -don I took a big envele ' et 'Yal Aeollemy. If accept- "Yes,. but yoU forget lie infected the lint Macadernicluti4,aholes,chOoll• 1,, • , , ISS'LlE 'No. 1,eff, he will be the . . Wilson Publishing Contpany ti,eLvfilioAr SHIRRING IS SHOWN ON A DAINTY FROCK FOR THE a. JUNIOR MISS. Charmingly simple is the demure frock shown here and is a style the home modiste will find quite easy to fashion. The opening is at the back and shirring forms an attractive pelf - trimming around the neck, at the waist and lower edge of the, long rag- lan sleeves. Nb. 1548 ie in sizes 8, 10, 12 and 14 years: Size 10 moires 211 yaids 39 -inch, or 131 yards 54 - inch material, and 31 yard 36 -inch lining for stays under the shirring. Price 20 cents the pattern. Home sewing brings nice clothes within' the reach. of all, and to follow the mode is delightful when it can be done so easily and economically by. following the styles pictured. in our new Fashion Book. A chart accom- panying each pattern shows the ma- terial as it appears when cut out. Every details is explained es, that the inexperienced sewer can make with- out difficulty an attractive dress. Price of the book 10c the copy. • HOW To, ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully.) for each number and address your orderto Pattern Dept.; • Wilson Publishing, Co., 73 West Ade- laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by return mail. Scrambled. To be added to the lore of old noc- turnal life is the story of the taxicab driver who was hailed by a speak-easy doorman the other night. The doer. man escorted four men0 to the volture, arranged them carefully within and then instructed the chauffeur: "The man on the lett goes to -- Park Avenue, the one next' to him to -- East Sixty-fifth, the one on Use loft front seat to — West Ewa and the other to — Riverside Drive." The ehauffeur nodded understand- ingly and drove away. Ip a few mo- ments he was back, beckhning to the doorman.° • • "Say, Buddy,a he said,. "would you Mind sertin' these- guys ont again? I hit a bump ou Sixth Agentie."-New ° ' • ,° , e, • •