The Clinton News Record, 1927-08-04, Page 1•
2421 - 49thYear
INTIM, , a�P�T.1 R.Io TgiunspitY,, AUGUST /''
Gail' W atek too,.Should e
"&ilel'essed 99:�.
You ifisist neon style, of co rrse in your clothing, your automo-
bile,, i
your home—in fact, in almost everything hat serves you in this
business of living. ,
Y 1
et one may have escaped you, as it has so many others.
And that is—your watch:
neust be style in your watch—true art in its design,
distinctiveness Today there e in its shape and finish. An old-fashioned, bulky, over
ornamented watch may ruin an otherwiee'excellent attire.
our complete'stocie you will find the "best -dressed" watches
In our guarantee as to `quality' and
that moneycanbuy—backed up by
reliability as a timekeeper,
Phone 174w
Residence. 174j
25 �f
Discountk" pl$COU
All Summer.Dresses
'of them
And there is a rack full
sizes ranging
sport styles,
as well as -the more'
dressy types. t es. Regularly priced
Note the
.5a. to �•$3a.oa. from �3 ,
substantial discount.
Also a few panty
'dresses in broadcloth, fuji and
ata discount of 25 per"
you taloa a�lv g
Fanta a of our 1 cent ,sale of Clirldr
Sox? 'We have stil'a limited quantity. Buy:' a pair at the
regular price and another pair at 1 cent.
Wheat, :,31.30.
Oats, 40c ,to 5Oc.
Barley, 75c.
Buckwheat, 75c,
Butter, 30c to 32c.
Eggs, ,23c to
Live Hogs, � 1
In the memorial notice of the late
H. Pennebaker published last week the
flame of the Rev. A. A. Holmes was
inadvertently omitted from those who
assisted in the funeral services. Also
the deceased we -a' a member, of the
•I.O,F;,,:not the I,0.0.1P., as stated. Mr.
Pennebaker was financial -secretary of:
the former society for a great many
2 - Young
-first Men's forlongs,
... ,.... _ed� sees
single ,and double ores
32 to 36, to clear at $9.90.
a variety
Suits in Y of
25 peri 55u
patterns, sizes. 36 to 44, to clear
-at $a®� -
These G]��
Reala a iJ
..A Square Deal for Every Man"
Mr. and Mrs. James Ltverinoi•ean-
nounce the engagement of their on1'y
daughter, Kathleen E., to Mr. Clar-
ence S. ,Green of 1`eeswater, son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Green, Tees -
water, the marriage to take place in,
i 0
Ontario street UrutecLchurLh' Clinton,
on August the twenty-fourth.
Mr. II. Brooks of the Canadian
Legion B. E. S. L., is in town conduct-
ing a campaign for that body. 1VTr.
Brooks is staying at the.: •Rattenbury
Hotel 'for a few days and is reaiclito
advise anyone on Seldier-matters ap-
pertaining to pensions and appeals.
'Military examination results for of-
ficers and non-comissioned officers of -
The little four-year-old' daughter' of 'Military District No, 1 -were posted
Mr. and .Mrs. Wilbur Welsh was bit- last' week and amongst the names ap-
ten in the face by a dog the other pear several from Clinton and vicin-
day while out -on the sidewalk in ity, members d the Huron Regiment.
front of her own home. Naturally, Lieute. T. W. Morgan; D.C.M. and
the parents were much alarmed and L. W. Currell have qualified for the
the police was notified and the dog rank of captain; Prov. Lieut. R. H.
was located. It belonged to a farmer Middleton for the rank of lieutenant;
who lives out , "a few miles and it Acting Sergt. C. A. Hetiwins for the
seemed had followed someone else rank of sergeant; Pte. R. M. Mont -
into town the day the child wits bit- godieiy for the rank of corporeal and
ten. Chief Stong hal the animal R. S. Hetherington forthe,rank off
brought into towa
n and it is being`kept sergeant, part one. All the above
under observation for some days. ' It members' of the Huron Regiment, the
is hoped nothing serious will result, former three being Clinton men:
and 'that the little, girlie's wound will LITTLE LOCALS.
soon heal, without leaving a scar. A
child's impulse is to pet a dog, and, to The Huron Veterans intend bolding
suite safe
be said, it is soe - their annual picnic at Bayfield on
quota safe ftr them to do ns but ocea- Wednesday afternoon, August 17th.
sionally a.tragedy happens.
The Doherty Pianos, Limited, Clin-
ton, held their annual picnic at Bay-
field on Saturday, The event proved
to be a most enjoyable- one, a large
number being in attendance ;and the
weather. all that could be desired.
A fine program of 'sports' was'run
off, everyone joining in to make it
complete, two fine spreads were set.
out by the ladies, and the affair *as
wound up by a bon fire on the beach
in the evening.
Mr. W. N. Manning, who recently
returned from a trip to Australia
and New Zealand, was .present and
added not a little to the success of
the occasion by wholeheartedly enter-
ing into the events of the day.
Each lady present was presented
with a box. of ' chocolates, and the
inen had their smokes.. 'Twas a great
day and much'' enjoyed.
The Women'"s Institute met at the
home of Mrs. R. Armstrong, Huron
street, on Thursday afternoon last,
sixty-five ladies being present, a
large number of thein being'grand-
mothers, as it was "Grandmothers'
Day." Atrs. (Dr.) Fowler occupied
the chair and gave a nice little. open-
ing address. After the business meet=
my a pleasing programwas given,
Mrs. J. A. Sutter contributing a violin'
solo, Mrs. J. G. Choweri a vocal solo,
Mrs.. J. Livermore a reading, Misses
Jean and Margaret Plumsteel an in-
strumental duet and Mrs. W. E. Per-
due an instrumental selection.
Clinton' firemen took part in the
demonstration in St. Marys on Mon-
ondays, making a good showing in their
smart new uniforms.
The' Clinton Hospital` Board will
meet in the board' room of the, town
hall. on Monday evening next, Aug.
9th, at half past seven. '
People You,Know
Miss Dorothy Cantelonn is visiting'
itin g
friends in Toronto. '
Miss Isobel Draper. has "returned af-
ter a holiday in Muskoka.
Miss Brugenian of Chesley is visiting
her sister,' Mrs. E. "Wended.
McDonald is enjoying
Miss McDo a vacation
at her home near Woodstock.
Miss K. R. Parke is visiting her. niece,
Mrs: Fred Lobb of the Maitland,
Miss Violet Latsch of Blair was the
guest on Sunday of .Mrs, Folland.
Mr. and -Mrs. T. G. Seribbens have re-,
turned from their honeymoon trip.
Mr. W. J. Irvine of Toronto is visit-
ing his cousin, Mrs, E. J. Clufl of..
Miss Velma Tom of Listowel_ visited.
last -week with her uncle, Mr,J. G.
,M '
Missedd. Jean Middleton, who has been
holidaying., in Muskoka, has re-
Mrs. Johned ClufF is spending this week
with her
son, Mr. 'Robert"Cluff,
near Bayfield.
Miss Myrtle Mair returned Tuesday
from a very pleasant trip up the
Saguenay River.
Mr. Norman Cress motored up from
Bright on Sunday to visit his moth-
er, Mrs. Tolland.
Miss Ann Stewart has 'taken a posi-
tion in Windsor' and- assumes her,
new duties at once;
Miss M. 3'. Hill returned Friday af-
ter" spending several weeks with
her sister at St. George:
Mr. E. and Miss Lizzie Carter have
returned from a visit with Brus-
sels and Bluevele friends.,
Miss Ruby Irwin has returned from a
short holiday spent in Buffalo,
Thorold and St. Catharines.
,Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke and Miss
Florence attended the 01d Boys' Re-
union at Mount Forest last week.
Rev. R. J. and Mrs. Irwin of, Toronto"
aro visiting the .home of the e for
•mens parents, Mr. and, Mrs... J.., ..
YIiss Edna Wise returned yesterday
evening after. a fortnight's visit
with Toronto and 1?eterboro
Mrs. A. Weatherwax and family are
spending a vacation at the home of
the lady' sparents, Mr. and Mrs, 'D.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore motored
- up from Toronto and- spent the
week -end with Mr. and Mrsl J. W.
Mrs.• R. A; Bell of'town 'joined a"
house party at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Magh of Mitchell over
the week -end.
Mr. and 1VIrs. Ashton of St. Cathar-
ines visited at the home of the
lady's parents, .Mr. and• Mrs. R.
Draper, during the' past week. •
< And-
Andre s
1. q
Miss w 14l
rews:and'M . Erorihault 'of Coshoc-
tom Ohio, spent the week -end with
Magistrate arid Mrs. Andrew
Mass Marion Williamson of Winghorn,
who leaves in September; for the
mission field in India, hasbeen vis-
iting the Misses:' 'Walkinshaw of
town. -
Colin Apdrews,'son of Mr. and Mrs. S.'
J. Andre'ws,.Aiix, Alta., arrived yese.'
terday to visit • his grandparents,
Magistrate and Mrs. - S. J. And-
Mr. and. Mrs. 'Frank Layton of town`
and Mr. and Mrs. J. Cornisli and
fan -libel of Brucefield 'spent 'Sunday`
With Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Hill of
Mrs. OvrhoItzer and daughter: of
Preston, who have -been visiting
Mrs. M. -Snyder of town and friends
Presbyterian Church in 'Colborne township, have re-
-turned home. "
Mr. Bert Johnson and Mist Bettie and
-YItis. T. M. Johnson of Chippewa
have -been visiting the latter's'son,
Mr. W. L. Johnson of town during
the past few weeks.
Mrs; Thomas Watts and Mr. Frank
Tesiusbaker have returned to
awa and 'Toronto, having been
Bailed home last week owing to the
sudden death of their father,' the
late H. Pennebaker.
M4, Either Downey and Miss Lillian
Budd of Windsor, Miss Alice Law-
son. of Detroit and Misa Frances
Boxall, and Miss''Lottie Judd of 'St
Catharines • have beenvisiting at
the home of Mr. Thos. Judd of town.
Mr. Clifford- 'Andrews motored tip
from Toronto and spent the week.
spent a few days,' with relatives in'
and around the village.
Mr. Marsden Kirk of Toronto spent
the week -end -with his cousin, Mr.
Arthur Lyon.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewar and family of
Ottawa, who have been spending two
weeks with 1VIrs. Dewar's mother,
'left Friday, Mrs.Joe
Lyon, tccom-
ho has
panted by `Mt C. W.utsgn, w
been attending the Poultry Congress
in Ottawa.
Mr. and MS's. John Spindler and
Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson oil Lucknow
spent Tuesday with Miss Lyon.
Dr. and Mrs. Owen of Port Huron
called on friends here on their way to
Southampton- last Friday. _
Quite a number from. here were in
Gederich last Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Howell of near Sea
forth recently visited their daughter,
Mrs. Percy Manning.
Miss Jones -of Stratfordvisited
friends on the 13th last week.
Miss 'Bertha Brogden -after spend-
ing two weeks holidays with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. G: Brogden, re-
turned last Thursday to London.
Rev. B. and Mrs. Snell and Miss
Blanche, who (ravebeen on a -motor
trip for ,the past two weeks, to Ot-
tawa • and Kingston and other points
east, have returned home.
JVliss Della McCool_. of Toronto' is
spending her vacation with her moth-
er and other relatives.
1VIr. and Mrs. J.- McCool also Miss.
McCool and 'Mrs. McCool motored to
Grand Bend on Sunday and spent the
day. ._
The Women's Institute held their
annual' picnic at " Bayfield on July
2th. About 200 attended and every-
one was enthusiastic in malting it a
success. The following was the pro=
gram of sports, arranged by the
sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Adams, Mr. and Mrs. P. Manning,
Mr, C. Watson. and Miss Alberta
Snell -.
Boys, '1-5 - Clifford Sundercock,
Kenneth: Scott,' Jackie -Webster.
Girls, 1-5—Elva Bedford; Claris
Lee, -Geraldine Nott.
Boys, 5-7—Billy Hall, Clifford Sidn-
Giros, 5 -7 ---Hazel Rapson, Thelma
Boys, 7-10—Lloyd Adams, Theodore
Stewart, Artie Griffiths.
Girls, 7-10—Margaret Ross,' Ruth
Lyon, Jealr Dewar. ,
oys, 10-12 — Percy Carter, ,,Earl
_'hundreds of "Clinton' citizens have
been attending the festivities'.con-
nected -with the ' Centennial Celebra-
tion in Gadericli"this week.
Monday being a holiday and Tues-
day night "Clinten Night" at the
Goderich Centennial: Celebration, the
town council did not meet until last
evening. The report of the meeting
will have to stand over until next
\reek. •
Fine, weather has favored the Cen-
tennial Celebration' in Goderich this
week. A little shower of rain on
Monday, followed by a sharp -drop in
the temperature made_ the crowds
shiver on the grandstand that even-
ing, and
ix again it has w g
Tuesday, Wednesday and today have
been as fine as could have been im-
agined. All roads have been leading
to the county town this week, and the
new highway has been kept hot with
traffic. '
The celebration opened on Sunday
with special 'church'services in all the
churches in the ,morning and'a union
service in the square in the afternoon.
Parades, races,games, a pageant each
evening, followed by a street fair, `re-
ception to the visitors, , etc., Have
filled the days and extended far into
the night, duly to start again the
next morning. Such an event hap-
pens only once in one hundred years
and it is fitting that it should be cele-
brated in -a, proper manner.
There were .also several contests
which served to interest ` the guests.
Mrs. John Schoenhels carried off the
prize as the youngest grandmother
with the largest number of grand-
children, while,Mis. Simian took the
prize as the oldest grandmother. Mrs.
George Taylor won the knitting con-
test Mrs. G. Farquhar came nearest
to guessing the number of beans in a
jar; the Old Photographs contest' was
Armtrong, by g,
Armstrong, of hehostess, won,
the Lucky Chair'contest.
Tea was served on the ,lawn and a
smart little shower coming just as it
was being served Sent: the guests
scurrying to the house, but the after-
noon was very much enjoyed, in spite
of this, little misadventure. •
The death occurred on Monday of
an old resident of town in the person
of F•r"oderick Cook, itt his'seventy-fifth
The late Mr. Cook was 'born in God-
erich township and spent all his life
in this vicinity. For two years he had
been in failing health and recently he
fell and sustained a fracture of the
hip, from which he failed to rally. He
is survived by his wife and a family
of three daughters and six sons, as
follows: Mrs. T. Gr'ealis, M'rs. J.
Neilaris, W;:y;J., Glen and Cree Cook
of Clinton;, Mrs. Routley, Bright;
George Cook Stratford; Fred, Detroit,
Mich., and. Mansfield of Bowmanville.
Four brothers and two •sisters also
survive: Henry Cook of Clinton;'
Joseph of London; George of Sea-
forth; Joseph of California; Mrs.
(Dr.) Reeves' of California and Mrs.
S. Vickers of Essex Centre.
-Mr. Cook was a member of the
Presbyterian Church and was a quiet
man who tool: little part in public
affairs. Constance"
The funeral took place yesterday yliss Proctor of New Liskeard' is
afternoon 'from the,home of his .visiting with Alis. Eph. Clark and
daughter, Ors, Grealis, Victoria other friends.
.1. E. Hogg, assisted Y
street, to Clinton cemetery. The Rev.
b the Rev. A. A. Quite a number around here were.
Holmes, conducted the services. The in Goderich on Monday, visiting
Miss Phebe Wakefield . is
pallbearers were 'five nephews:
Messrs. W. and Vt. Cook, R. and L. friends in Brussels.,
Cree, J. Neilans and Mr. Angus Gor- Helen and Edith Britton are visit-
Cree, don: ing relatives in Forest lora couple
All the family were home for the of weeks.
andof G
1 Mr.ore
Herai ern
fuL v
E. S.
T rr.
of Stratford,; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook
of Detroit; Mr. Mansfield Cook of gave a very fine` address .here on
and: Mr. and Mrs. Rout- Sunday,
ley of Bright.ialso many Quite; a number of the farmers
ley of clerichere were a v
friends from Goderich arc] Sheppard- aaboet here cut their wheat on Men-
ton and vicinity. y '
The Presbyterians, having acquired
the old Willis church, have had it re-
paired, cleaned and decorated and will
hold the, first service on Sunday next.
Rev, A. Macfarlane will preach. ,
Baptist' Church
Sunday service at 7 p•en. Subject:
"The One and Only Refuge for the
Day of Judgment" -
Sunday school at 2:30 p.m.
All, are welcome. '-
Ontario Street United Church
Services on -Sunday as follows:
10 a.m,—Sunday shceol. 11 a.m.—
."The danger of Slight Remedies." 7
pan. ---"The Black Knights of Ire-
land." The members of this splendid
order will attend the evening ser-
vice in a body. The choir 'will ren-
der specialanusie ;and the.. pastor will
give a -special sermon to the .Order..
Monday evening, August 3th, Rev.
-3. A. Walker' of China will speak
and a special missionary program
will be given. The public are;iinvited
to this meeting.
The Young, Peoples' League will
picnic at Bayfield on Wednesday .af
ternoon, Aug. 10th.;,
Prayer and Praise service each
Wednesday evening at 8.
A welcome to every one every time.
Dominion Poultry Husbandman, ! who`
was unanimously elected president of.
the World's Poultry Congress and In-
Association of Instructors
and Investigators in Poultry Hus-
bandry, which held its third Con-
on gress in Ottawa last -week. Mre El er&
who was general- director" of. the Con-
gress, worked, hard to make it a suc-
cess and, according to 'reports, sue
ceeded admirably.: The Congress
"meets in London, England, in 1920,
Mr. Elford is an old Holntesville
boy and has hosta of friends in this
section, who will congratulate him on
his success.
McDougall home from the Clinton
Hospital, •
Miss Grace Stirling is up' from Tor-
onto spending a few days "with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stirling.
itfr. and Mrs. Richard . Stromer and
son, George, and wife, of Detroit and
Miss Stirling of Detroit made a short
visit with • Mr. and Mrs, Thos.,
Mr, and Mrs. McDonald of Detroit
spent: a few days with her sister, Mrs.
Cartwright Earl Radford '
Girls, 10-12—Helen Johnston, Mar- Mr. and Mrs. W. Reid and little
garet.Ross, Jean and Mr. T. Wiley, whe were in
Young Ladies— Beatrice Fairser_ Flint, Midi., for the past few months;
vice, Annie Garratt. returned to their hone on Saturday.
Young Men Bernard Hall, Arthur Their many friends are pleased to see
Lyon. - them back again.
Men's Race -Bert Nett, Jack Arm- Mr. and Mrs. Schell of. Detroit are
Married Women—Mrs.
P. Manning, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
: ;
Mrs. G. McColl. Miss A. Foote of Victoria Hospital,
Young Fat Women A. sMrs. E. .London, is spending her vacation at
Adams Mrs• G. McColl. her home at
nock U
- Elder'ly Fat Women—Mrs. Man- Week -end visitors and over the
ning, -Mrs. Hall. holiday were: Misses Gladys and •
Oldest person on Grounds—Mr. Emily Beatty, Miss Irene Chuter,, Mr:.
Shobbrook. . and Mrs. W. _McAsh, Mr, and Mrs.
Youngest Person on Grounds— J. T. Reid and Miss Pearl Reid, all
Jackie T"amblyn. a of London. i
Youngest Married Couple 'on Mrs. C. Epps, who has been in De-
Grounds—Nor. and Mrs: Dennis Rob- troit for the past few months, has re--._
.erten: turned to the village.
Best Comic Costume—Mrs. Bell, Mr. Crick of Niagara is visiting his
Mrs. Hall. cousin, Mr. Ehvood Epps.
Miss Canada, 1807—Mrs. Hall, Mr. Geo. B. Woods of Toronto Uni-
Dfrs. Bell. versity has returned to his home in
Miss Canada, 1927—Phyllis Man- Listowel after spending a couple,.of
rang. • weeks with relatives in the 'village
Girls, 13-16 Gladys Fairservice, and -community. -
Isabel Stewart. The garden party under the au -
Boys, 13-16—Carl Radford. spices of the United church was a de -
Potato Race—Miss B. Fairserviee, coded sucess,a proceeds amounting to
Miss R. cram -lora, - over three hundred and thirty-five
Coat Race—Alberta Snell and Jack dollars.
Armstrong, , Rosalie Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. P. Weekes and Mr_
Cecil Cartwright. Geo. Woods motored, to Listowel os.
Tiine Race—Percy .Carter, Beatrice Monday. e
Fairservice. At the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
Fat Men's Race—James McCool, J. -Taylor; 'Varna, a quiet' wedding
Tho„ Has Adams ' was • solemnized at high noon on July
May, Was married to Joseph .Stanley
20th, when their .daughter, Pear'/
Goderich Township Walton of Brussels. ; Mrs. Shrink ,
played the wedding ..Music and
The municipal council met in bride wore a wedding costume -the of
Holinesvillo'on Saturday, July 30th. pondre blue georgette with silver
A. circular was read from Ikon. trimmings and 'carried a sheaf' of
John S. Martin,' Minister of Agriciil= Sweetheart roses'. and ferns. The
ture, regarding the Weed Control Act ceremony was read by Rev. F. G.
andthe appointing of a weed inspee=. Fowler of Brussels. After the core -
tor, etc. Mr. D. Glidden, sr., having monythe:gnests'were invited to the
been appointed at last month's 'meet dining room,' where a three -course
ing no further action was taken. I dinner was 'served. The bride's going
Mr' R. Blake asked compensation away dress was of beige flat crepe
,o es 'd sh, Immediately
end with his parents, •Magistrate for injury to his baggy; but no action with hat,gloves and shoes to mately
and Mrs. Andrews. On his return was taken, and a coat f navy
was accompanied by'Mrs. Arid- " :Bylaw No. 6 to authorize the issue., after the dinner the happy couple
'rews'and Master Buddy, who spent
a week. here.
Mr. and Mrs. Agnew and ' Mrs. Mc-
Kenzie of Lucknow, Mrs.' McDonald
and sons Donald and Bruce of De-
troit have been visiting Mrs. Mary
Snyder and, Miss Agnew' of town
and IVIr, 'and Mrs. John Jervis on
the Bayfield road. • •
Mr. Clinton Bunstott and his brother,
Carmen, motored ' up from Toronto
on Sunday and visited at the home
of Mrs. Folland. On their return
Monday they wer' accompanied by'
Mrs. Clinton Buneton and little son,
Kenneth, who had been visiting the
lady's mother; Mrs. Folland, or a
'couple of weeks.
L1ondesbOrO' '
- Airs. -dairy Reynolds of Aurora is
visiting at the 'home of her cousin,
Miss E. Lyon, and with other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Awde and fain -
of Woodstock spent Sunday and
'Monday with 'Mors. Awde's mother,
Mis, W.
Londe, U
United church on Sunday morning
was conducted by Mr. E.: Livermore
of Clinton and was very helpful and
instructive and appreciated by all,
Mrs, Joe Lyon of Carnegie,Man.,
ing of debentures to cover cost of an left by motor for Detroit, Toren
' e
extension to the Municipal Telephone and other points, where then honey-
o ie i -
System into the Police Village of 'noon will be spent.
Bayfield, was pdssed.' They were the .recipients of many_
B law No. 7 was passed setting the 1 beautiful and useful: gifts which indi-
rates for 1927 as follows: County,
y cated the` high esteem in which they
seven and five -tenths, which is four- are„ held both in Varpa and
'tenths less "than last year; township, Brussels. .Ont their return Mr. and
four and two-tenths, the same as laet Mrs. Wilton will make their home in
year; General School, 4 mills, and Brussels.'
school section rates as requested by •
the various boards. ” I
• The following ' accounts were Colbornoi Township
ordered paid;' -Dominion Road Road Ma-
chine Co., grader repairs, $4.16; Fred:--- Mr. Was. Iiii1, jr., purchased a new
Bell, freight on bridge' iron, $21.86 -'Star sedan last week and Mr, Edward
Steel Co. of -.Canada, iron for: two Posher a -new Ford coupe. ..
bridges, $130.48; Pedlar People, cul- Miss Winnie Marsh is going to
verts, $42.37; S. Emmerson, ' Supt., London on Thursday, thence to Wind- '
salary, $36.00; Fred Bell, on bridge tor and Detroit.
account, $500.00. ' ' ' We are sorry to hear that Miss
Council then adjourned to meet on Helen Clark has been 'sick for a
• 's
Wednesday, Sept. 7th, at 1:30 pan. couple of weeks. week she
But this t
Clerk. to be. improving.
—R. C:. THOMPSON, .C_ seams
Mr. end/Mrs. 'Will Morgan' and Mr. Henry Ginder of Virginia
daughter; of Kincardine, also Mrs. galled on Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maedel
Stout from the West and Miss Maggie on Wednesday.
McPhail of Goderich visited at the Miss Winnie Marsh obtained her
home of Mr. and Mrs. T. settles and. elementary piano examinations with
Mr. 7
times R. Stirling. honors. We congratulateyou Winnie.
Mr. Erlan _ Betties
is doing nicelyMrs. Wm. Steven is very
ill. We
after his operation in the Clinton hope to, hear of her recovery soon.
Hospital and'', will soon be able to re- A little son swine' to the home of
turn home. bit. and Mrs. Harvey Fisher on
We are pleased to see Miss hate July 20th,