HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-07-28, Page 8OMPRIGNIMIL TIIE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD I'IIURSDLY, JULY' 25 1927: CLINTON'S LEADING 'JEnELplR,a' STORE BRIGHT U )Eyes naturally'a bit weak are first to feel the change in sea- sons: -especially into the bright sunlight of summer, , resulting -in dull aching pains with dan- ger always, that the strainwill be too great, resulting in actual injury` to the vision. It may he that you do not need glasses, then again it may be highly im- portant that you have them. Our service is' not to put, glasses ori yout if,you do not need them, but by :thorough and most scientific test oi' eyes to -know the facts, present ,them to. you and let You be, the judge. If 'you are bothered with your eyes,,step in and find out"the' trouble. R. H. JOHNSON,` Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey's Drug Store CLEARIVG SALE Of.;ail lines of Spring and Summer Goods including:. WASH ,GOODS„ SUMMER •UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, RITTVNING SHOES, STRAW HATS, ETC. atprices that should clear every yard and every article of sunnier Wear GINGIAMS About 150 yards, 32 -in. wide, a good cloth and good patterns: Special;August Sale Price, 1'7c. TOKIO CREPE •A,'beautiful sheer fabric, finer than voile, 'colors, Peach, Maize, Rose and Blue, good value at 50c. Special for August Sale 32c. VICTORIAN FABRIC • A good printed cloth,` neat patterns, fast colors, special price 25c. Sumner ,Underwear and Hosiery prices reduced almost to the vanishing point. • A: few dozen Men's Work Sox=.will give good wear, Reg. 20e value. August Sale, 14c. , Ladies' Cotton Bose,- Brown only, a good everyday hose, Reg. 35e, for 19c. Running Shoesand all lines of Canvass Shoes at Reduced Prices. FANCY STRAW HATS- Wz PRICE • Many Other Lines Reduced, to Clear, at -Sale Prices, `te T,- AOovt ,14,4WiYtiSlliiifial41 -- �""xw.— ::.�u.a.�?". r.. --J1"1"44" �i.s steel., -- PHONE ,26� . • , ... • awl lath er OU will bay rock --sof 111, courses --because it has tiwithstood the .destructive action of the ele , invents for centuries, , ,idhen why not insist on a roofing made from rock fibre , instead of roofing made from.rags or other organic materials? , Asbestos is a tock fibre—the only known mineral fibre from which woofing can be trade. -It will permanently -resist the destructive action titre; fire and the elements. FLEXSTONE 1I0pro(Yed by Underwriters' Labpr'atorirs, Ise.) Flexstone is a Johns -Manville roofing made of Asbes- tos rock fibrewaterproofedwith -natural asphalts. Due to enormous factory production it costs you practically the same as the heavier rag -felt roofings, yet it pot-. seises none oftheirlimitations. Unlike them it resists fire and the action of fumes, acids and varying weather conditions. I'urnished in rolls -smooth both sides or with a sur- facing of red, green or 'blue -black crushed ,slate, or feldspar. Also in the form of individual or strip shingles. ECONOMICAL - PERMANENT - Being all mineral Fienstone. cannot rot disintegrate or dry out, therefore the Etat cost is the last cost. Easy to lay and furnished in rolls which contain all necessary fasteners, Do not buyroofing for. a week, or a:month, or a 'year.'Buy it to ast as long as the building stands. Insist pa Flexstono, Have .i Front the offer of a big value in a set of four kitchen bowls, one each: 6 inch, 7 inch, 8 'inch 'and 9 inch, good for Baking or Mixing. Ivory color with blue band, will stand oven heat and with the protection of an asbestos mat ` can be used over a flame, can be. easily and thoroughly cleaned, ' all four, pieces for,98c. It is a'case where we Make some profit and thebuyer makes more, which condition makes the very best of a bargain. We made the •same offer of the same goods at' the same price about a year ago, and the entire lot were sold in a few days. Some did not respond to our excep-' tional;offer then and were disappoint- ed in coming' too late. If they don't sell as quickly; this time there's a screw loose somewhere and we know it isn't in the worth of : the bowls at, the price. If you can find a superior value you'll surprise us. If you ex-' amine the advantages of our offer we think you will share our enthusiasm, 4 ' Tie W. D. Fair Co. •Often the Cheapest—Always the -Best ecials 5 Ib. Pail Syrup .. 38c Prunes, 2 for . . 25c Ice Sugar, 2 for ... 25c Rice, 3 for . . , 25c Sherriff's Jellies, 4 fey 25c Pars Jam Stock, .3 lb.'trn. 55e 12 Bars P. & G. Soap-.50c 10 abs.' Granulated Sugar .. 73c Matches, 3 for ..... .... 25c Fruit Jar Rings, 3 for.... 25c Soap Chips, 3 pkgs.'. . , 25c ' Special B.'Tea 59c New . Honey, ;5 lb. pail 80c TOMATOES- CABBAGE, MELONS, PEACHES, NEW, POTATOES, BERRIES, ORANGES,ETC. Grape Juice, per bottle ...... Lemon and Orange ,Cup, per bottle • Orange and Lemon Syrup, per bottle . P}IONE[111. -s A 16c,, 35c,:60e. 85e 50c IVEIRY IIOMPT .DEI. i. II�llllll��lm I lUillllllmlolomn�u mn,,,d Lar „Mr. and Mrs. George' Roberton spent the week -end in, Brussels. Miss W. E. Thompson of. Toronto. is -holidaying at her, home in. town, Mrs. Lane of • Tuclersmith is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. - Mc1n•- tosh. , Mr. A. R, Mitchell and his mother are visiting Niagara Falls' this week, Mr. and Ms. Dalrymple' of Moose. Jaw, Sask., are visiting relatives -in Clinton and vicinity. Mr. Alvin Leonard of Guelph is home for a holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leonard. Mr. 3't. Sloman,: who is with a Chau- tauqua company, spent the week- end at his home in, town. 11fr. Harry Hunt of Galt was in town last week, coming up to attend the funeral of the late. Thomas Archer. Mrs. Harry Bartliff spent a few days this week at her old home, Brussels, this being Brussels Old Home Week. Miss Bessie Sloman of New York is visiting her mother,; Mrs. •Sloman, Sr. Miss Slomanmotored from New York. - ' Mr. and Mrs. Dean Courtice and Miss Betty ,of Hamilton, Visited the ford mer's sister, Miss Hattie, for a few days last week. ' Dr. J. W. Shaw was in Brussels this week, attending the Old Home Bath- ering. Dr. Shaw addrested the Odd' Fellows attheir decoration service in the Brussels cemetery on Sunday afternoon. • Mrs. Albert Palmer and Miss 'Baby of Windsor are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Carter. They returned with Nin and Mrs. Carter, twho were on at motor trip down that way recently. Mr. and Mrs.:G. VanHorne, Mr. Jack and Misses Gretta and Madeline ' `VanHorne motored to Paisley on Sunday, where they picked up Mr. Ceeil VanHorne and'' went on to Port Elgin for tlie'day. Mr. Carl and Miss Kathleen East vis- ited for a few days last week with their sister Mrs. Gordon' Cuning- hame. They had ' just . returned from a visit in Calgary with ,their brother and sister -in law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy East.:'- Mr. Cecil VanHorne, : who hat been under instruction from his father, C.N.R. agent G. VanHorne, Clinton,. for the past year, has taken a posi- tion as assistant at the Maley sta- tion, relieving the regular.,assistant during illness. Mr. G. •M. McKenzie, manager of the Dungannon branch, of the Stand- ard'Bank, with Mrs. McKenzie and Master Malcolm, are enjoying a ,two -weeks'' vacation With friends in Toronto and at other points.' Mr. Braunt is acting manager in Mr. MaKenzie's absence.. — Dungannon 'correspondent in Goderich Star. and+Mrs. J. Macdonald, Mrs. Eddy • and'iwts.Brooksford, London; Mr. and Mrs. John Hammond and Messrs. J., S., A. and Wt Archer, Paisley; Mr. and Mrs. Smith and sister, Ripley; Mr. H. Hunt, Galt; Mr. A. Currie, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. W. 1.. Stinson and Miss Mc- Gregor, Bayfield, attended' the fun- eral of the- late, Thos. Archer last j week. Miss ldacfarlane of Saskatoon visited ler :Uinta, the Miisse`s Macfarlane of town, and relatives in Stanley fora few days"', last week. Miss Macfarlane had been as far east as Quebec and was greatly interested in her trip. She thought' Ontario beautiful.. "It is just like a rdiltiv ated garden," she remarked. She greatly admired' the trees, which are riot of course eo plentiful in the west. Je11y ., °or ders; for 19e All: Flavors. Redpatifs ure Cane Sugar ,at car prices this week �o'n Flakes • 3 poi 24c CASH AND SERVICE PRICE LIST® Fridaj and .Saturdaki]6 lbs. . . Rolled, Oats ... ....... . . .. 29c 10.Bars Comfort or Gold Soap • ... . 590. 2 pkgs. Lux : .. 22c 2 Cans Peas . 25c 3 cans Clarke's Soup `', . , 27c 5 ib.' Pail Corn Syrup . - 38e 3 lbs. Jam 590 Red path's Sugar, 10 Ib. for .73.. 'Pure Strawberry Jam . c. Pure Marmalade;' 3` lbs 59c, . 6- Bars P. &• G. Soap ....... , . . 24c Matches, 3 boxes -...............................25e Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs... . .... 25c 5.1b. Pail Lard ,... 89c 3 lb. Pail Lard .......................................51c • Fresh Salmon Trout on Tuesdays and .Fridays Peaches :' Musk Melons. ,: Water Melons Tomatoes A Few Suggestions for Sandwiches for Picnic Holiday The Escoppier Fish Paste Shrimp, Lobster, Anchovy, each 25c- Margaret' Kelly Spree ' 35c Club House Thousand Island Dressing 40c - Sandwich Spread 35'c— Cottage 5'c Cottage Rollsp per ib., 27c Breakfast Bacon, in piece 30c lb. For Quick 'Lunches (Macaroni alreadyCooked)-,New Cake Flour, Quaker . 30c hi the Morning First Delivery 9 am, Cash and Service Wo In the Afternoon—First Delivery 2.30 p.m. O'N'eil Kindly Order Early Phone .. -48. Where "Sells for less" price prevails. MWW4101A111d01W VOVIINAIY9MM;r 0 Keep Your Auto New and Bright BUILD 'A GARAGE Anattractive. home f or your ear will prove to be a goodinvest- ment, Your Auto will be protected, it's life lengthened. Besides it is much more convenient and will increase the value of your pro- perty. , Let us figure your bill of Materials,. We can often make sug- gestions that Will mean a real service to you. - Thomas , McKenzie Estate, Clinton GYPROC—SHINGLES—LUMBER and. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Hot Weather Groceries Whether you eat at home ` camp or picnic, buy your fresh grocery supplies at The C. & S. Grocers irmosais "IDEAL- PLACE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE. An old Clintonian, Mrs. A. Moffatt, writes. as follows, from Los Angeles, California: "Editor News -Record: ' This is an ideal place for elderly people. Sotne think this city a: terrible place to live, that the theatres: are packed, and the churches are empty. But that is not just true. The movies do draw crowds, but -the, churches are full also. In the church I•t.a'ttended yesterday, the membershipof which is nearly. three thousand, -were foul :hundred: over seventy years of age in one sec- tion. One man Was one hundred dnd ten, one one hundred and two and sev- eral" over ninety.: This is the most pirogretsive..age,'some say the most sinful,' but there. are a lot of good people around Here,. some of them good Canadians. In one of the chur- ches recently a fine looking young man sang a• solo: ' He impressed me so that I inquired who he was and was told he was from Toronto. I said, "hurrah for Canada." I like the.Can adian newspapers, they seem full,of, interest.The papers here are too full of murders,: divorces,' etc. Am glad the Canadianpapers have not so many. Hope to ,be back in my own. old town again -and with lay loved ones. With best.wishes." MANY SHEEP BEING DIPPED IN GREY; COUNTY On. Saturday 345 sheep passed through' the dipping tanks at Chas. Stewart's, a number corning as far as five miles to take advantage of the opportunity. It . shows that people are beginning to realize the advan- tage of dipping. In 1924, there were 115 sheep dipped; in 1925, 201; in 1.926, 198, and this year, 845.—Flesh- erten Advance, and Mr. E. J. Trewartha , spent the week -end in. Windsor. Mrs. Archer and children of Sarnia are visiting the farmer's aunt, Mrs. A. Jervis: • Messrs. Barrie " Walters and Will Jervis spent Sunday with Zurich friends,' - Holmesvllie Miss AltalindalMcCartney-is Spend- ing. this week with Toronto friends. M4. and Mrs.. E. J. Little are re- joicing over the birth of a • little soil last week. Mrs." H. Bennett, Mr. P. Gliddon COAL Coal of all kinds always on hand for immediate delivery, Also a quantity of dry Maple Wood Prices reasonable . and same to all W. J. MILLER & SON Orders taken at residence, Phone 46 Season 1S APPROACHING AGAIN See our cooking utensils - Pure Aluminum and the SMP , Pearl and Diamond Ware. Something for every- one. Why not use an oil stove this year for the preserving season? You will onjoy beirig"in the kitchen with the. Perfection or Nesco. Think it over and see us before- you buy Ill PLUMBING BfAR,D®PARN and M w a ° Phone 44` rl cry''. lL �b Use Your Yeralldah More We have a complete stock of Verandah Furniture including AWNINGS-HAMMOCKS-HAMMO-COUCHES—STRETCHERS AND MATTRESSES—CHAIRS AND ROCKERS COCOA MATS—GRASS MATS in fact everything to make your verandah cotnfortable'and cosy. LARVEX Try -a bottle while you are putting away your furs, woollens, etc. Protects upholstered furniture against moths because it is absolutely moth proof. • IN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, We have a splendid new stock of, New Perfection and the High Speed Lorrain Coal Oil Stoves and Heats and Cooking Utensils of all kinds. Clinton Hardware and Furnit °'re Co THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS , `,MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104-_. Hardware 195 STAR THEATRE On Ze Boulevard" Mondry, Tuesday and Wednesday-Aug.„1. 2:and• 8'• A hilariously entertaining Comedy Romance of Gay Parse Admission -25c and 15e Thursday, Friday and Saturday—Aug. 4, 5 and g PETER B. KYNES 6ffi Ca1iforni it - A Super -Western. Starring Tint McCoy Never has; dashing Tim McCoy had a finer role than in this stirring romance of pioneering days in the West ADMISSION -25c and 15c NOW PLAYING "UP. STAGE" STARRING, NORMA SHEARER. Eggs- your 'E ;' While Fresh Eri® us ��s We invite customers to visit our candling and grading room to see grading:properly done, We Pay- Spot Cash Now is the time to7narket your fat broody hens and old roosters Gunn, Langlois & Co., ,,ni I i itea HEAD OFFICE' — MONTREAL, QUI. For further information apply to CLINTON BRANCH, CLiNTON,ONTAR O a HO_ 1911, . �' NE isa1