HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-07-28, Page 3X500PERFORMERS present
the Grand Stand Spec-
to"Canada"'a vivid dramatiza-
tion of Canada's Historic Devolop-`
men-tO World Championship 21,.
mile Swim—the second Wrigley,
Marathon—on 'Wednesday August
e ar one hundred modern per,.
Inanent buildings, costing $8,500,-
000, contain exhibits from the
world over and provide an educe
'don beyozrd, description.
2}000 -Voice Exhibition Chorus
casts a divine spell, leaving the
o spectates: with: a catch in the
throat and a glow is the heart.
A. fascinating,; picturesque, ,1;3
day exposition that steins by its
magnitude, amazes by its compre-
hensiveness, enthralls by its var-
iety, and fascinates withats noble,
brilliant pageantry.
Wriie.Dep't 0f.Pub!lcity, Canadian
National EAhihition, Toronto 2,
Ont., for 014 particulars.,
nth Year.
of the
IONS, z.. ni:toN
!inn 0. KENT
.Y ��.19"+,.�r"�i'a-fir•a5P$ _,m 5`;`4etr+s�1+"-w$.a:Sc"�'�":
Prizes offered fOrimro raF
p e e nt s in
'lumber milling methods have result-
ed in inventions winch will save 100,-
00;000,000 feet of timber annually. A
'multiple guide dfinenslon ' mill" ef-
fected the greatest saving, won first
The erew of an army cable ship,
sent out to repair a .break in, the eabit#
between 1 ten Seattle and Alaska, discover.
a r twe
my -tau hiller whale entang-
led le the heavy wires. The &ore had
brn•severed in eight different places
by the giant's teeth.
• s
Five -piece Or one—it's all the same
to the bathing-suft censors at Atlantic
City this summer. City fathers have
announced that any kind of bathing
costume that doesn't cause a riot will
be all right with theta.
.'4 4 4'
.Tames Rocking, a youngster of 73.
is after the :'walltiilg records of Ed-
ward Payson Weston. I -ie has cover-
ed 1;500 miles this year,- often walk-
ing 40 miles in a singlo day. Last
year he wali'ted/,f,000miles._
* t'
Bridge has aroused such a storm of
Interest and rivalry among women in
Budapest that they are barred from
card clubs by ait.official decree. The
decreo was prompted by a free-for-all
fight in which two prominent women
c; changed Mors over an -e`I.01` in
their score.
.4, . 4 *
Linen may be made' Oa cheaply, as
cotton goods if ar 'new variety of 'flax
produced by the ulster Research As-
sociation proves to bo . ell that it
claimed for it.. Tho fibre of the new
flax is twice, the length of ordinary
,fl'tx; -also is of, such texture that. it
may be handled entirely by madam
The greatest depth ever recorded in
any of the oceans of the world was
plumbed by the German cruiser Bra-
den, hound from the 'Dutch East In -
diet to Japan. The sounding mea-
sured 34,410 feet, about six and one-
half miles. Tho greatest depths prei
vlOusly known was 32,644 feet.
* q *
France's modern. alchemist, Tollivet
Castelot or Donal, again is sure he is
hot on the trail of the famed buteun
found Philosopher's Stone with which
the ' ancients believed base metals
could be transmuted into gold. Out
of cit gravis of silver, two of sulphur,
e of antimony, one of orpiment arid one
of tin, he affirms he has produced ten
• niiiligranis of gold. -
y, K' b
An inn keeper on the Italian Rive-
eria has placed a sign outside the en-
• trance•wbiei>, reads: "Remember that:
Peer glassttils, mance one '• seems- T' o
quarts lead to intoxication .and in-
toxiration:to discussion. A.discussfon
leads to a •quarrel. and k quarrel leads
to a fight. ;A fight leads "to the Pollee
Court and the ,Police. Court to jail.
Apavt from this come here' as often
as you like, drink moderately, pay
honorably, depart in friendship and
return borne in peace."
When Time Almost Flies.
"T have had so nlany'troubles, my
dear, that this year.I have grown -six
months, older.'—Fele 11•lele (Paris)/
Well Deserved.
ongratulatfons are being sent to
Commander and . Mrs. Maurice M.
Weberspoen for the birth of a laugh-
.,er.—San Francisco lixaminel•.
i u l
k,.,,,i3V3achine Knives,
StrSSC400 0AtJAbA,sA•a 00.4TO.
• VAseouvr0, sr, JOT(N, 1%13 ,
TorlaNTO B
S7 ate o L.
(Do. With Leeghter)
Talkative Balloonist (finishing a
stela)—"And,. then,; thousands. of feet
above ;the critei; ledges, !I pulled tie
string that released me, lnrowiiig well
that Should my parachute Pntl.to open
I. would clash my poor --brains eat on
the rocks beneath."
Interested ,Girl—"Arid' did you?"
.A docto • can a a
tell at a glance
whether or not a flapper is in good
shape—and so can your old man!
•''Footprints on the sands Of tinte are
not made by sitting down.
New " banana song—"Flanging- out
with the bunch."
She (to her intended) ---"Mother's on
our side, darling. She says you can't
possibly be as brainless as youlook."
Leader—"Aunt. Maggie, you
Save been, awfully active in the
church all these years, and now you
are going to be married, we want to
sing Your favorite tune for •'You as
Yon march down the aisle, O'Vbat will
it be?"
Aunt Maggie -"As I march down
the aisle on my wedding day, just sing
that old familiar refrain, 'This` -is the
way I long have soUgit aid wept
cause I found itnot."
As a room,, no matter hour beauti-
ful, that is not lived in lacks some
appealing quality, so it is with a gar-
The man who brags Iouaest,'when
r rh
he wins ua 1
q i s Milkiest -when ho
Loses. +.
At any rate we know what plat
form we stand on when
e're rafting
for ii train,', '
He that coutrolleth his temper is
greater than he that winneth an elec-
tion. �y
'Why did. the fly fly?"
"Bemuse the spicier spied 'er,"
Those are the days when"we tote
i privato paving -brick in the hope of
meeting the bird who said -1027 would
.'nave no summer,
Safe For„ttte.aTime Being.
My Bonnie lies over the Ocean,
My Bounle lies over the sea,
But while -she's over there lying,
She's not here lying to me! •
Many can't .sing. ' Pvverybody can
If a woman gets along with her bum
band it isn't a sign that lie is a won-
derful marl, but a sign that she ie ane-
markahle 000100n.
Ah, Noll, son; a few years from new
the price ee steak will seem more
Portant than'; algebra, anyway: •
. When a man has a birthday.he sel-
dom takes even a day off but when a
woman has one she usually takes a
year off.'
An interesting_and popular form of
solitaire is figuring how' rich .you'd
be if you'd stayed single.;
Irl Dafen....
ne of f �e Larger g Fo6t
Reuter tells us that the foot of the
average American woman is now
nearly half an inch longer and a full
size wider than that of a brief decade
ago." , .. Nowadays we' -know very
well that women have legs, and a fair-
etizecd foot is•a natural and appropriate.
part of them. It looks right and it is
tight, for a tiny foot combined with,
the short skirt 'produces rather' an
effect of instanbility which . may be
very desirable: fn a ballet dancer
pirouetting oft her tons, but is a good
deal less attractive -in a woman walk-
ing along, a street, Women are no
longer .expected ,to• trip,; --they: Walk;'
and as, a' Matter or fact they probably
walk a great deal better than they.
'did' when no one could' see •whethee
they were tripping: or ehuiidng ,alozrg,•
The size of•,the feet matters a• good
deal, loss than the way in ,which the
feet are used, for grace 0f carriages's
just as possible with large limbs as
small ones.
Her/feet beneath her petticoat:-
etticoatLike little mice,' stole .inaand out
is( in•short, a picture igbiclo--belongs
to the dark ages. "Normh'lteet do not
look like mice, and they,woulil be pre•
posterous if they did,—Manchester
Guardian (Lib).
Sltorts for Horses, Too
A city• in Which a horse is a rare
sight on the street reports that the
apparent unpopularity of that noble
beast Is deceptive. There are •plenty
of Horses on the outskirts of the city
-and loot for agricultural labor,
either. They are used for riding, Peo-
ple go out by hundreds, and, find it
pleasant i'ecreatiori in cantering along
quiet'roadh, through woods and along
streams, just as other hundreds take
Web, pleasure in golfing. SR the horse ;
drifts from we» -1t tb'sport. And prob-
ably he likes that better. -Quincy
Patriot -Ledger
LUNCH, SwthilW1
There's nothing line a bite to eat
atter a swim. At least that is ,what
these youua ladle y tnaintafn and from
the,. general eoosersus of opinion they
aren't tar. wrong.
Tile photograph i p tltrogi•aph vasal,,en recently
at the Chateau ILaka Louise swim-
ming pool and not the leastrof its at-
tractive features arc the two young
ladies who deckled that the invigor-
nvigorating water of the pool wasatoo`much
for 'their appetites.' The waiter ad-
mitted that serving lunch swimming-,
Pool stype was somewhat of a new.
olio ron him, nevertheless lie- compli-:
merited the originality or idea.
But Lake Louise: and other mom --
train resorts in this vicinity have al-
ways novel attractions for' thousands`
o ftoiu•ists that' visit' in the .Canadian
Rockies each• year, regardless of
whether he season is summer or wili-
er. In fact, Fri Winter open-air bath-
ing is indulged in at Banff with the
utmost comfort ;the naturally warmed
sulphur water Pools making this pos-
Often Finds Herself Weak and
Feeling Worn -Out -
'The nursing nmtlibr mere 'than any
other, woman needs rich blood and
pieuty of it. The demands upon her
health are many and 'severe. House-
hold duties and the ,care of her child-
ren,. exact heavy toll, while, hurried
meals, broken rest and indoor living
tend to weaken her. No wonder she
is often indisposed e ispo eel through weakness,
headaches, back'eohes and ngrvous-
ness. In this condition the blood will
elways be found weak and watery,
and relief will come only through en-
riching the blood. ,,,,Por this purpose
Dr. Williams' in
Pink )'ills is tlie. best
blood -making tonic kuoit n. Through
their use many weak, ailing' wives
and mothers have found new health
and strength. As an example of this
litre. Sarah Cortez, Ellens`town; N,B.,
says:—"While nursing my baby T be-
came run-down, very weak and nerv-
ous. ' My head ached all the time and
I was not able to do my work. I had
often read of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
n a tieing' and began us n„ them, and `what a
blessing they proved., Before I had.
Freed a half dozen. boxes I felt like a
new PersoU ,and by their continued
use for a Willis I was, entirely restor-
ed to my former •health and strength,
1 take pleasure. in racoiiimentliug Dr.
1Villfaine Pinit Pills to everyone our -
tering as I die" '
You, can get these pills t rough any
medicine dealer or by mail at. 50 cents
a box from The Dr. Williams'- Medi -
Horsy Comes Back
French Horses not Doomed by
Motors, ors, Thee Are Still
'Needed by the Army. and
Play a Large Rote in Agri-
Homes have been to so great an ex-
tent ousted by motor cars in targe
cities that one is apt to eoncinde they
n iter May our
Imo disappearing. e t t 'YI
Y. Y
chilrlien's children have to go to
zoo- ce a. ?teens to see thew alive?
In France and other European coun-
triee with large standiug armies the
prospect has lately been causing con-
cern because at its, bearing on notional
,a. V
dee:tees Warfare is becoming t m n� more
and more mechanical; in the World
Wal` the cavahymae 'seldom got 0
chance -'to Prove shat he -could do;
nevertheless, experts consider that
fee certain tasks in war the horse bus
net yet been displaced. When the
question of a general redaction in all.
ranks miup,, the nch: Gsrat
Staff stronglmey oplroeel Freany pianenfor•
i an extauc'ive reduction et the, cavalry
The s •ead motor
s f the
x o
aroused the tear that breeding might
be rendered unprofitable- anti' that the
Army Remount Department might iu
Ms future be unable to find the nupi,
,her of hooses it needed annually_ Gov-
=ment stud farms to -supply the
Peace -time requirements would not
solve the problem; it was satd. Pre•
parednsiss required that in the event
of mobilization the Government should
to able to recallehtiotn horses in large
numbers from private owners.
The Automobile Gains
Some t'1islas of stelistics just Iiuh.
Belted shit* that in Frsnce et least
there is ino percent need for altirni,
Despite the cnarmous . rapidity with
which the motor ear has conquered
the horse has held on. Jr one calces
the first twenty-five years of the eon -
Limy one finis' that In 1100 there were
just under. 3,000 ears. registered 111
Trance, while the number cf horses
Inre s nn
t] a e ytas ws3' close to 3,000,-
000, Twenty-five yeens later the curs
numbered nearly 750,000 horses num-
breed about 20,000 less than in 1990.
Figures t*1b his•atcry:
Horses . cars
1200 2,003,000 2.807
1910 3,198,000 53,669
1913 „ -,..,,,:2,222,000. 107,857
1920 2,635,000 " 237,125
1021 -2,706,000 239,288
1022 2;778,000 368,152
1x23 2,848,000 447,915
1024 2,859,00.0. 574,936
1925 2,380,003 721,308
One wiehing to'amalyze the position
must take bite consideration the tact
that, ith rea24 the hotels wne a: long-
established commo3ityat the staeting
paint of the teb;w•, and had, therefore,
vest' neene1' reeehel• its maxInneas out-
put, the'antomabile busineso was in its'
infancy, That the automobile's de-
velopmen,t and oaneequent -numerical
inoorease should have been far greater
Man that of the horse bo• only.na;tural.
The Horse Comes Blick
elle Co., Brockville, Ont. ,
Lord Beaverbrook Publishes
A Denial •
Lon.'.00n--•Lord Aeavt:rbrock, British
publisher, has issued a dental that he
was interested in negotiations between
Newfoundland and the International
Paper 'Company of New York for the
rnrdhase by the latter of a huge pallor
plant at Corner 13rook,'N.8'. "1 dopy
the statement that the Newfoundland
Government has had
nuyhr Intimation
from me that l'rental be interested in
the mill," sail .Lord. Beam:brook, ,in
0001mentilla Upon reports that the
Premier, iblt', •NJonroe, had so,fntorntea
the N,ewfounalencl Legieleture. '
-'On' the contrail, when, the' Neva
foiondianol high Conimis70cuor iu Lon-
don called on ale with -this Object; tn'
vieW,,I tad him,reiinitely.an'd plalniy'
that under no no would 3
take any finaneial interest In the eon -
Busiirtess=Like periulism .
The Colonial Conferouce has ap-
proved the establishment of a united
research-scrvico for the colonies as to
whole, wide's will offer a career to the
first-rate scientists an (Unable them
to be moved from one, partt of the Col-
onial Empire to another as their spe-
cial knowledge is required... What
science h08 already done for the ikon -
Cos is well known. But for it there
would be no rubber in Malaya,/no
cocoa in the Gold Coast, 110.11 palms
In tate Far East, and no sisal in Afri-
ca. - What triumphs still hie before it
are beyond the dreams of romance.
Our colonial research service cannot,
therefore,'be too carefully nursed and
organized.—Manchester Guardian.
The, Way It_Goes.
In summed' the kids and their isroohel
Go 'ref of all worries and bother.
Pretty soft we will say
To vacation that way.
Quite soft, yes; for all except father.
The liariey-Davidsori Single 'Cylinder
Motorcycle is the greatest little teas
chine _that lees beep made. Safe to
ride, easy to control, and most econ-
omical. Stands without a rival. 100
Mlles to Dalloit of
Gasoline. Down
--.; payment 7100, Balance 822 per month.
Minard's .Liniment tor earaoho. 1 Price 3305, Walter Andrews, Limited,
MIL alert Is another and perhaps
still more pe1•tCnent explanation. There
Was the was. The. war itilled 600,000
h yr sae. That was a gap in the ranks
tlte,t OouS3 net be qui -catty filled. in
1013 the number of horses in Fr.eece
was' M22;0057,00 highest figure ever
r;eat:7rtO l tl eM.;, Wtien the first" poets
war omen s wo08otnleen by the• Array Re
m`ouna Department the figure bad
dwin,dletl to 2,635,800, . In trio' sane
Year, 1920, motor"cars numbered 237,
125. ' In 1925, they numbered 721,306,
having lncd'eased In this short time by
207 pest• oent, But in spite of this re-
markably rapid development, the num-
bee oe bosses in the same period rose
by 245,000 and reached the total of
2,880,000. •
The reason for tine- result is to be
foditl in the fact that Whsle the lror+se
is disaptead'ing aep'idly (rem the large
title§; cannery thvellei•s often still pre -
'11'10 mo11e n ietlet111 Means of lace
motion. The-Fteneh, peasant is; con-
rvative. 'Also the system of small
holdings by farmers is not conducive
to mechanical ,progreee. With only a
few acres to plough the tractor does
net: pay. The: Goverumcrtt does all itt
it power to encenr9,ge' the daveilop-
noant of - stud.'fatIning,..,wbicli is sup-
ported as well by various .private
ocieties. :•
]7ugltsh Traveller (who has missed
his connection)- Which' is the pest
hotel in this .town?" Irish Porter-
"There tire some that p1•efers, the
Railway 1Iotei, and there are some
that prefers the Iniperial; but which-
ever of, the two you go to, you'll lie
awake all night wishing you'd gone to
the other,"
340 Venue £,t., Torento, Ont, Minards Liniment for Insect bites.
c can bright Alvirn-inum
Si, Geo,ger f)aish Foresees'
Conti.plete Breakdown of
Credit t ;
The world is iris danger of impaired�l
er 1.,L, ovcii of ;a.ccmjilei:e b eak4awn'
cf. crooll t, writes, „SIT 0cofgc Parch
Byitin Lina/icier, in tile c rzcnt is,sue+ s? sr tt r
of. Bai l an s Pmonctai Ice,,. y _ 7 I19 v n , c Bigg y?�p �i` yt
7 o of """"` t
11;111416,010;r,,,A.t,et pointing cat the ueccnsity `.
t4e't ut� �
. - '^ -,t ,. •r:, toe,
to When you:serve RED ROSE;ORANGE
a PEIOE eta your fathily you are gay ing
hen -i the best tea you can buy.
C1edit for •thew ll -being of the world
Sir George Paisir 1,commegts Sin
the credit sySteni.•,]ias filtood0C01l
eendition of, complete tlietru'oL and a
entire ab,:'ante of credit has neve
been experienced, and, therefor,, n
ono is able to yistialize what would l
the. -effect. upon demand, pro-dzfictio
and prosvarity of a complete. erred,
i ea rdo�wu It i,s b�scausetlzo world 1
in danger of impaired credit, and eve
of a complete breakdown of e'edi
Cal, :It don't melte
ALL BACK ANYWAY Classified Ad.
2f VertiSe)Prlerlt3l
Mr. Rogers an
g Motor
Plans bl eds, � pnotttiiri old, best fox- coo
e. elre and f
o ments
n And Movi D 0t l
f To Editor, The New '
� York 9'1mes:
counte:a.about the future Soni
e o
the greatest authorities"ars convince
that such, 'a breakdown is inevitable
and all are agreed that unless far
reaching measures are taken forthwith
to strengthen the credit situation co
that so much anxiety is 'felt in al
s ser dog; ❑Ivo t2ei;fstered Scotch
C"111e J•ou7is;. mitered worlcors, born het-.
ni'-. \Barco _Glades -ROSbeck,,,' Vauicleecic
pill: Ontario._. ,.
hfreronce now whether Oound
d Ford ever re ' Mr, A golf course is not a
announces the speeifica- pisco ss was
tions of his ne\v cal'; ;'Th c dtoti with business, and tones was
built like an ox car and can ,be distinctly annoyed when tackled
, TIe ha t u they will
a by
s al,1 ]lis small old cus-
ditio,is will :become •extremely /lenge
The 'United States ;the savior, cq
tinues the article which. reads, " 5)ha
America is still seaming credit s�
freely„ is -a. most favorable circum
stance. Indeed, so long,.as site con
tinues abieean-5 willing to grant it a
'freely is she tenor doing, the flange
of breakdown may be averted' But
with this wi'dingiieetS on the part of
America to, grant credit the volume
o'7 credit' is rapidly increasing with-
oat any, corresponding expanslon.•in
the ,power of barrowers'to redeem the
temporary credit already obtained or
to meet the service of the -permanent
obligations they have teamed
"This dangerous situation has not
caused by any lack of -productive capa-
city, for the 'available' evidence indi-
catse that the world% :power •to pro=
dues feedstuffs, raw materials, olid
mal A
n fACt '
uI ed
covered to the pre-war level only
exceeds it. Nor ' is It due to any un.
willingness, to work and to produce. Jr
bt were, the nations would not create
so many obstacles to the distribution
of existing predu' ts. It arises from
various ceases, the chief of which ie
Psychologica.. After the
courage -displayed by all nations dom-
ing g the war, the. `
World has reacted to
a con
clition of extreme f -ea
which has thrown It out of balance and
unable to understand or to realize this f
00nsequenees, of Its notions." , t
The article concludes, "In :aonsequ i
enee beth c8 the war end ofthe-poli-
cies Formed since the war the world
has noiv to face a situation in which
tiio amount of credit In existence is
fabulous, when the di citifies of mak-
ing payment are insurmountable, and
when a general breakdown Of credit
is provonfed only by the erection of
still more crotilt."
ne of itis clients on the 1najts. the
other clay. .After some discussion the
deal was fixed up, and then Jones
Y the way, how o u earth did
manage to track me to this place?"
"Cli11 replied -the client, "that was
easy, They told mo at the• oflrce that
You were enjoying had health, so I
put two and two together and Made.
n' tomere back again,
r - 'Yours,
y'announcod a 10 per,
cent. cut 3n .'movie star's salaries.
° That reminded "the Government . of
cutting, so they 'announced that there
would be a small 100 per cent. cut in
s Lasky's threatre building program,
Every mother allows thou' fatal the
riot summer months are to email
children. Cholera infanttim, diarrhoea,
dysentt•y, colic and stomach troubles
aro• rife at this time end often a pre-
cious Iittle life fa lost after only a few
Hours illness. The mouser who keeps
Baby's Own Tablets in the house
feels safe. The 000a5fonal Ilse of the
Tablets 'prevent stomach tend bowel
troubles, or if trouble comes' sudden-
ly ---act it generally does --thio Thetas
wit bring the baby safely through.
They are 8015 by medicine healers or
by mn11 at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co, Brock-
ville, Ont.
, a
Ho—"Why do the girls always pre-
fer the, water to the ranch for a va-
• Shoe -•"Because if -they . 'AP- where
there is water they ea0111' 'land' a,fel-
Getting the •Keynote
Interviewer (to big business man).
a-"1 have called to learn the secret of
your unparalleled success."
Big Business Man—"Just one nto-
merit, please. . Are : you from The
Anterltau Magazine of the district at-
torney's office?"—Life.
The Toronto 1101013.1 for Inco ,hies, In
offlllation' 7lth aollevue and Allied lfu,p,I,A.
New York 011,, ,Il,o-n Wee : ycarr• coon,
of Training to ymunr women, having the.
regalrodeducation, end dotiroitr of hco0Min1
port,,. The liwpitaf le. adopted ilio dolt.
hgdr ty,ich,. 'Ti, onpllr r000ivo yannilerml .01
iho uchcol,'a mollthlg nllowa'. d.- tl..
105 explorer to npd born Hew pa,reel,rave
. For
tultl,,, information wrllo'. the Sepmhrtenadnt.
Made 'Daily
By Money Older
Without charge
1SsuE`Ne. 31--'27
Pido!.. Fidel
Iiebo—;'I.ddy, I (lon'tknow whero
my next meal Is coming from."
le Woman of the House—"Well, this
is no itifomation bueau," — Boston
"Distant taut ha •
tbora are
to the British
people what ra.ihvOOy stations are to
the American,"—J, L. Garvin.
Minard's Liniment tor scaly scalp.
'Well, dean, the house
paid fort"
"Isn't that wonderful, John? Now
Ave can turn it to for a new one."
i 1 KFt
• used, $00 upwards. Transportation Pi•e-
WGaPaid. Write Pr(ceLSt.
Wartr; s
Read This to Your Pet Flies.
Domestic Insects Urged to War Up-
on Parasites,—Washington Post:
Keep Mleard's I-intpi nt near at hand.
Bastowe—"You're' A lucky dog.
Tiley toil me you're malting three.
times as much money as you did last
Year." Bristowe (wearily) "— "Yes;
but my women folic found it out,"
Shaw's Auto Salvage carnes Ial•gest
stock of slightly used parts for most
makes of cars. Batteries, Carburetors,
Coils, Springs, Wheels, Tires, at small
portion of original cost. Your money
back if wanted.
.093 Dancing Street 'treat, Toronto
'I'elis cause of cancer and what to do
for pain, bleeding, odor,' ete. Write for
ft to -day,
m nti mrthis
paper.er, A
rress Indtanapofi Cancer 'Hospital
Indianapolis,, Ind.
Preventeany chance of Infection
by using Minard's. Heals also.
etnothei' .Reason Whir TTley Scree
Motorists Better and Sade Then: Monet]
The advent of the Balloon Tire tc-
quircd an expsnsion in repair methods.
To meet this situation Repair Schools
were opened at the Firestone factories
where the Firestone dealers and their
repair men have been instructed in the
care of tires and theme of titespecially-
designed Firestone Balloon Tire equip-
In each territory throughout the
country Dealer Educational Meetings
have been held. These have "been at-
tended by most of the Firestone Service
Dealers who have obtained' the latest
information regarding tire construct -
Ion, care and repair methods.
Firestone Dcaders are kept sip -to -date
on tire development and service ---
continually progressing and improving
their ability to serve yon better and
Save you money. See the nearest Fire-
stone Dealer today and let him handle
your tire requirements.
iiamii0on, Onta
Firestone Euilde. the Only Cum -Dipped Tires.
• ,lel
Mrs. Horn Tells ,how Lydia E.'
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,,:
Restored Her Health
Ilainiiton,dnt.—"Ihave taken Lydia -
E.Pmkham's Vegetable Compound
and would not be
without it new.
I had a female
-trouble so badly I •
could hardly walls '
and I was all run-
down and could
hardly get around '
to do my house-
work. 1 would b3
in bed three or
four days at ,
time. I was tori ;
by friend to try
your Vegetable Compound. I did, and
by the time I took two bottles I wap
beginning M get around again. l took
tan bottles in all, and now I am all
right again and doing my own work.
I have six grown-ups to work for, so I
I have plentytodo. I also used Lydia
E. Pinitham s Sanative Wash, and I
think itis good. But overtly health
to the Vegetable Compound, and I
think if more of it was used women
would be better ori. 3would not ba
without it if it cost much more. "--
Virg. NELLIE JAMESON, 805 East Can-
non Street, Iiamilton, Ontario.
Do you feel broken down, nervous,
and weak sometimes? Lydia II. Pink- •..
ham's' VegetableCompollnd is excel-'
lent to take at multistate. 1t always
helps, and if taken regularly and per-
sistently, v411 v'elieVo this condition. D
Uncle Bun is bored. • visitors
LIT spray clears"your biome of mosquitoes
andflies. It also kills bed bus, roaches, ants,
and their eggs. Fatal to insects but 'Armless to
mankind, Will not stain. Gat Flit today.'
moan./ ai• Caned,o Sy'PredJ. Whitto.W ld Co,, L.itdi:ed, Toronto.
Flies Mosgnitoes Moths
Ants Bed Bugs Roaches
"The yellow rani
olth_ ho Tdar,4 burin"''