HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-07-28, Page 1'If..
No. 2420 49th Year
Canada has started on the second sixty years; Do you wish to make greater progress in the future
than hi the past ? An advertisement "in -The ClintonNews- ecor�
(�rrr° %ate C tro, uId Ze
Youinsist ti t
pen s yle, of course, in. your clothing, ,your automo-
bile, your home --m fact, in almost everything that serves you in this,
business of living:
Yet one point'. may have escaped you, as it has so many others.'
And that is—your watch.
Today there 'must be style in your watch -true -art in its design,
g ,
distinctiveness in its shape and finish. An old-fashioned,. bull, y, over -
ornamented watch may. titin an otherwise excellent attire.
In our complete stockyouwill„
p find the best -dressed watches
that money' can buy --backed up by our guarantee as to quality and
reliability as a timekeeper:
Phone 174w
Residence 174j
25er cent Discount off
All S
umme•{� � @�spc
d L
And there is a --rack full of them.
sizes ranging from 16 . to 42, in
sport styles, as well as the more
dressy types. Regularly priced
from $3.50 to $301.00. Note -'the
substantial discount.
Also a few children's panty
dresses in broadcloth, IRO. and
wacosike at a discount of
25 per
ken 'advantage of our l int sale .of hi e `
g C lar n. s
$a ? We bav;a still a limited. quantity. &y a pair at the
regiaar:price and another pair at 1 eeit,,
There's no need toay `'a bi
topay g.
price in order"to getf9
a good bath-`
ing suit.
W9 •
e v
very complete line
we're sitY°e we can meet
Bathing Suit -requirements.
Ali Wool Bathing Suits
t ..
+a,P4�50 _ $3.50, 3
quare Deal. for Every Y atl
Wheat, $11.30.
Oats, 40c to 50c.
Bailee', 75e.
Buckwheat, 75c,
Butter, 30 to
c 32c.
Eggs, 22c to 30c.
Live Hog's, 89,50: •
A quiet midsummer wedding wat
solemnized at Ontario Steed - United
church parsonage at high noonon
Tuesday, when Dorothy Christina,
daughter of Mrs, Carrie Jervis, and
Frank Burwell McElwain, son of .Mr.
Robert McElwain of Gelert, Ont.,.
were united in marriage by Rev, A. E.
The bride was gowned in rose beige
with crepe i h a
p hat, shoes and hose to
:match, and was attended by Miss
Vera Gould. Mr. Robert Jervis, the
bride's brother, was best man.
After the ceremony a wedding din -
mere was,served at' the bride's hone,
only imaediate relatives being pse-
Mr. and Mrs. McElwain left later in
the afternoon, amid showers of con-
fetti and good wishes,. for a motor
trip . along the Georgian Bay and in
Muskoka. They will reside at Gelert
Presbyterian Church
Service in the Baptist church on
Sunday morning at eleven. .Rev-. A.
A. Holmes will preach, taking for his
subject: "In the Beginning, •God."
Baptist Church
Services on Sunday at 7 p.m,
Preacher's subject: "God's Abund-
ant Pardon.” Sunday school at 2:30
p-m..:,Prayer service each Wednes-
day at 8 p.m. Visitors made welcome
at the services.
Wesley -Willis United Church •
Ideal weather, a fine attendance of
both children ,and adults, excellent
arrangements for caring 't for the
needs of the inner man, a good pro-
gram of sports, and above all the de-
termination on the part of all those
Present to give and enjoy p'ieasure
during the day, made the annual .eon
gregational picnic on Wednesday ,of
last week at Bayfield a very happy
outing for all those who could attend.'
Ontario Street United Chureh..
Servi(Ses en Sunday, duly 1st. Rev.
A. E. Doan, pastor;
10 aril,: Sunday School.. 11 a.m.:
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and
reception of new members. 7 p.m..
"Spiritual Strategy.
Young Peoples' nieeting.Monday: at
8 p.m. Prayer and praise service,
Wednesday evening at 8. A welcome
for everyone, everytime,
The Ladies' Aid will meet ata pan,
Tuesday, August 2nd. St. Andrew's
ward will serve tea.
Monday, Aug. 1st,` is civic Holiday
in Clinton.
The local firemen leave Monday to
take part in the St.. Mary's celebra-
The Doherty- Pianos, Limited, go to
Bayfield Saturday for their annual
The Town Counejl will meet on
Tuesdag evening, Aug, 2nd, Monday
being a holiday. -
The main streets, connecting links
on the Provincial Highways, are be-
ing tarviod this week.
The Anglicans and the ,Baptists
picnicked at: Bayfield yesterday. The
day was ideal and a fine outing is re-
ported. •
The Clinton Hospital Board wishes
to acknowledge a donation of $3.00 to
the X -Ray fund, from a London Road
friend of the hospital.
Miss Doherty of Goderich, Miss
Pepper of Tuckersmith and, Miss
Fraser of Blyth have been engaged to
fill the vacancies on the Clinton Pub-
lic school staff.
Miss Eleanor Plumsteel, who re-
cently nndervvent an operation for
..appendicitis, has recovered suffic-
iently to be taken to her home and
is making rapid progress.
Miss Maybeile Rands;, of-Seafortlg
violin pupil of Mr. George Phelan of
town, passed With honours her prim-
ary examinations, held by the Lon-
don, Eng, College of ,music,
Miss E. J, Becker was successful
in'.paseing the primary grade in
pianoforte with the, Toronto Consee
vatory of Music, the practical exams
being held in Seaforth this year.
The • Hospital Beard will meet on
the second Monday evening in Aug-
ust,insteadof the first Monday, that
is August 8th, in theboard room of
the, town hall at seven -thirty.
Master. Lorne Bro n had w act .the.. miss
to fr
e acture hisright arm on
.Friday Iast while cranking a car,.Ite's
carrying it about in a.siing'but man-
ages to peddle his papers as usual.
The employees of the.. Huron and
Bruce division of the C.N.R. went to
Springbank for their picnic on " Sat-
urday but the day was so unfavorable
that .t
he lend
C Ras
p est lie
O d Unti
P p I
A number of Clinton girls, O 1' take
part in the Centennial Celebration in
Goderich next week, 114iss /eerie Der -
in taking the part of "Miss Clinton,"
The girls will take part each :evening
but ;Tuesday. will be "Clinton Ni ht."
Mr, and Mrs. Neil Graham, : Glen-
coe, Ontario, announce the engage -
meat of their only daughter, Anne
Feh•n to Mr. Grant Clifton Hibbert
of 1-1 an ilto s
t n, son
of M•. J, G IIibbeit
Walkerton, Ontario the marriage to
take place very quietly in August,
Ni. S. S. Cooper has had the lot at
the corner of -Mary and: Isaac streets
cleared of rubbish and levelled' up
nicely. If this lot were nicely sodd'e'd,
grass seed would make' a' good catch
on 'it, the soil being good, and if Mr.
Rands .wouldlent a
nick- i ro
P q g wn
vine along the side of his black-
smith shop and Mr. Levis would clear
away the rubbish on his lot adjoining;
and plant a vine at the side of his .gar-,
age, and the business men backing on
the towns parking lot would clean
up and keep neat their„ properties, this
quarter might be made tine of the
most attractiye .in the town. Mr.
Cooper Ihas set a good-excample and
we *hall anxiously watch to see how
many will follow it. The band stand
is tor be painted and next spring an
effort will be made to beautify the
At six o'clock yesterday morning,
in St, Paul's church, the marriage
took place of Miss Eva M. Bennett,
daughter of the late Mr. and Mts. G.
W. Bennett of Birmingltain, Eng., and
Mr, T. G. Scribbens of Clinton, son
of Mr, .and Mrs. T. Seribbens of Liv-
erpool, N. Devon, England,
The young couple were unattended
and the ceremony was performed by
the Rev.. L. C. Harrison. The bride
wore a pretty gown of white geor-
gette with silver trimmings, the con-
ventional wedding veil end orange
blossoms, and carried 'a • bouquet of
pink carnations and baby's breath.
Immediately after the ceremony the
bride changed into her travelling cos -
turtle and they left by the :early train
for a short honeymoon trig. On their
return they will reside in Clinton but
it is their intention to ta'pe a trip to
England in a few menthe\
Rezekiah Pennebaker. died at his
home, High street, about ` half past
eight on Friday morning last'as the
result of a stroke suffered a few
'tours earlier.
Mn Pennebaker was in his sixty -
se i
thitd ear
waswell-known and well -1 0
wn .in
Clinton vicinity. He had been a lum-
ber sealer and head yard man with
the Doherty
, Limited, ted for
thirty years. His
death came as a
shock to his family and friends, al-
though he had been obliged to give
up his work, owing to a breakdown in
health some weeks ago. Be was -a
native of Goderich township but he
had resided in Clutton"for about thir-
ty-five years. He was a quiet, unas-
suming man and washeld in esteem
by all who knew him; He was a mem-
berme Wesley -Willis church. He was
also a member of the local LO.O.F:
Mr. Pennebaker is survived by his
wife, two daughters, Mrs. • Thos;
Watts, Oshawa and Miss Edna at
home, and one soli, Frank of Toronto.
• The funeral took place from the
family residence' on Monday after-
noon, the Rev. J. E. Hogg, assisted
the Rev. J. B. McCormack, conducting.
the services. The ` pallbearers were:
fellow -employees of the Doherty
Company; :Messrs..Iames Livermore,
Iddo Crich, W. J. Cook, William Wal-
ker, Norman Kennedy and; T. J. Mc-
Neil. •
After a tedious'
illness extending
ever nine yearsGeorge David pas-
Monday n away o " 1
day morning, aged
seventy years.
For: nine years :gr. David had been
an invalid having suffered a stroke
which, left hint practically helpless,
and for nine years ha has been faiths
fully nursed by his wife, wlio scarce-.
ly left hila night or day.: lie was,
during most of his illness, able to see
his friends and greatly enjoyed a
visit from old friends, and duringthe
past few ;weeks . had enjoyed visits
from several: from different points,
who inotoied to town to see him: For
some Iittde; time he had been failing
and on Sunday night another stroke'
came, from' which he did not rally, _ l
ill; help-:
Try 'i
People You Know
.11;rs: C. Copp of Goderich visited Mrs,
D.'Steepe on Monday.
Mr. O. W. Potter spent the week -end
with Woodstock friends,
Mr. and Mrs,: W. M. Aiken visited
friends at Exeter yesterday.
Miss Hattie 'Courtice is. spending the
week with St, Thomas friends,
Misses' Minnie •-nd Jess O'Neil are
taking a little motor trip •this: week,
Mr. J. A, Carter of Lundell -was-in
town on Saturday calling on friends:
Me. H. A. Stevens of Toronto was the
guest this week of Mrs.. C. II. Bart
Mr. and Mrs. J. Dilleil and family of
Detroit visited relatives, hi town
last week.
Mr: James Walters of.Pontiac, Mich:,
has been visiting relatives in Clin-
ton and vicinity
Capt. Tidman of the local staff of the
Salvation Army, is holidaying at his
home in Kingston.
Mrs. E. T. Watspn and children are
visiting the lady's Sister,: Mrs. G,
A. Walker of town.
Dr. F. 0, and.1tlps: Thompson return-
ed home Saturday after a very
- pleasant motor trip.
Mia. G. H. Bartliff and Miss. Jule
Bartlitr attended the Brussels Old
Boys' re -union, this week.
Miss Isobel Beattie of "The Vogue"
left Sunday to spend. a few weeks'
vacation at her home at Watford.
Mrs. Clarence Paisley and two child-
ren of Montreal are, visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. W. T Paisley of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Dipple of Renfrew are
guests at the home of Mrs. Dipple's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Potter.
Mrs. W}. Pickard, who has beenvis-
iting in Hamilton and London for
the past month, returned home
Mrs. W, S. Downs and bei sister, Mrs.
Gilkinson of Chicago, visited their
cousin, Mrs. Wm. Ward at Exeter
Mr. ' and . Mrs. Frank Walker and
family of Ottawa are visiting the
former's father, Mr, Robert Walk-
er, Victoria street.
Mrs. AIice McColl, accompanied by
her granddaughter, Miss Alice
Fletcher, of Chatham, are visiting
Mrs, C. G. Middleton.
Mr. and Mrs. McLeish and sen of
London motored up and spent '.Sun-
day with Mr. Jacob •Becker and.
daughter, Miss E. J.
Mee. is. Code, Ballantyne ..nktd �Iie
latter'S 1)r. Balla
sole' n yno, of Lon-
don, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.-
Itarry 'Ratliff this week.
Principal and Mrs. Finest have re-
turned from Toronto, where Mr.
Pines has been marking examina-
papers for some
Mrs. James Jackson and•littlo-gr•and-
son,' Master Jnekson Bright, of
naPeg: Mnne
are the a guests of
the lady's sister, Mrs. T. Jackson.
Mrs. E. Gilkinson and daughter, Miss
Marjorie Gilkinson, of Chicago, are
visitors at the home of the eerie -
era sister, Mrs. W S. Downs, this
• week:
Mr. and Mrs. - W. A. Atcheson and Mr.
George Campbell; of Orangeville:
were the guests of Mee. Atehesones
oftpareSuntsn,day. Mr. and Mrs. D. 'Steep°,
Jack and Mies 5 14Iart1
to Taylor of
Toronto spent a. few days during.
the past week visiting with their
uncle and aunt,_ Mr. and Mrs, J. J.
Mr.. and lint $, Wilson Rath and li£tle
son, who have been ' visiting the
former's mother, Mirs. L. Rath of
town, returned' to ' their home in
Toronto on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair, who have been
visiting. their sisters, Mrs. W. Pick-
ard and Miss Georgina Mamball,
'left; Friday for a holiday in the
Georgian Bay district•
bti'. and Mrs, 1). J. Atkinson entIeliss
Eileen motored down to Ingersoll
and Woodstock to spend the week-
end with friends Miss Eileen re-
mained for a longer visit.
Miss Edith Hodgens left . for Kin-
cardiae on Tuesday: after a short
visit` with Clinton friends. She
will spend the remainder of her va-
cation in the lakeside town.
Mr, and Mrs. Stewart: Paisley and
family returned to Toronto yester-
• day after a fortnight's holiday visit
at the hohne of the fornier's par-
ents, Mr, and .Mrs. W.. J, Paisley.
Mr. George Davies an esteemed old
resident of, Clinton, celebrated his
eighty-fourth birthday on Saturday
last -Ile didn't have any special cel-
ebration or anything like that, Mr,
Davies isn't strong on fuss," be just
spent the day going about his usual,
duties, which he has never thought 'o'f"
giving, up just because he, is four
years over the four scene mark lie
rises, eerle each morning; miIlis his;
cows, wollia anion st his roots and
attends to anything that needs attest-
tion 011 day and is cheerful and busy
all the time having: fully recovered
from a rather severe illness which he
had last winter, May he long retain
his health, vigour and cheerfulness,
is thei
w shhsfrie f his ads.
-Ideal weather conditions -prevailed
for the interesting ceremony of the
laying of the corner stonesof the
new Grace United church at Porter's
Hill yesterday afternoon.
Quite a large_ crowd of people gath-
ered for the ceremony, including 'a
number from Clinton and Goderieh
and from other points in the -county.
Two stones were put in place, one
for the congregation and one for the
Ladies' Aid, the first being laid by
Mr, W. G. Medd, M1.L,A. for South
Huron, the other by Miss Mooney of
Goderieh Mr. John Woods, the old-
est member of the congregation pre-
sented the trowel to .Mit Medd and
Mrs. L. Co; president of the Ladies'
Aid, presented Miss Mooney with the
necessary implement. In the stones
were placed records relating to the
congregation, etc., and .copies of the:
newspapers published in. Clinton and
Goderieh, ,
There were present several mem -
bets of the Huron Presbytery, wild
during the program, following, the
ceremony occupied seats on the plat -
feral .
Til,e Rey. Mr. Gale, the new pastor
of the Bayfield -Porter's Hill *barge,
presided, and the address .of the
occasion was given by the Rev, 3, )5,
Hogg Clinton, chairman
i'i:esbyteryof, who spoke off theof men
and women who had laid the founda-
tions of the congregation in the past,
men and women who had braved the
'forests "iiild"i:f gel '•iryr. their!''insuttY i
made themselves homes in the wilder-
ness. They had gone on, their child-
ren, manyof them, had also gone the
way of all flesh, but their grandchild-
ren and great- grandchildren were
here and would, the speaker.
felt sure,
prove worthy of their' brave sires and
mothers. He brought congratulations
on be half of the Presbytery and wish-
ed them m
nY happy Pyuseful
in the' new death
Others who spoke briefly wet
LO)1> desbe'wo r''i
(Too late for last week)
Rev. B. mid Mrs. Shell and Miss Be
Snell left Wednesday for a two-
weeks. motor ar tri
They '
p will 1 v sit
many points oL interest.
Mii. (lieu Dr,) lutetid,. who recent -
1y visited her sisters, Mrs. J. Tame-
ly'', and JIts, Elsley, left, Monday,
Dr. and lis,. Medd expect to Beside at
Welland, where their daughter, 'Miss
Medd, has accepted a position on the
Collegiate staff.
Mr, and Mrs. Snowden Of Port.
Huron,' spent last week with friends-
riendsnear here.
Mr. and Mrs. W. McDowell olI
'Westfield recntly visited the honkie of
rr •hexa.
Miss E s sins and -Miss I,. Mains
of Chicago arrived at the` home o1`
their mother last, week. ,
Miss Ludd of Toronto spent the•
week -end with relatives here.
Miss Jamieson of Toronto is visit-
ing: her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. A.
Mr, and Mrs. Griffiths spent Sun-
day at the Bend. •
Mrs. S. L. Thurston of Los Angeles,
Calif., spent the week -end at the-
hehome of Mr. and Mrs. A. Jamieson, ;,
Miss Jean Love, who has been vis-
iting Miss Mary Jamieson . for the-
past two weeks, has returned to her -
home in. Toronto.
Mrs. Percy Holloway of Brantford _,
is visiting Mrs. J. C. Adams.
Mr. Don Snell attended summer•
school in Goderieh last week.
Miss Myrtle Grainger of Toronto•
is visiting her mother, Mrs. John
Mr, and ills. Dewar and children of
Ottawa are visiting relatives in the
Mrs. 'F. Johnston and Miss Helen
have returned from London, where
they have been visiting for a "fort-
Mrs. H. Weymouth of Blyth spent.
several days with Mrs. F. Johnston,
Mrs. Fothergill` and children are -
visiting 'Mrs.
re-visiting•Mrs. A. McDoal, Westfield,
Mrs. Thurston of Los Angeles, Cat;,
who was visiting in Toronto for a•
few weeks at the home dl her broth-
er, Mr.. Wesley Morrow, . who died
while she was there, spent a few days.
with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jamieson'
and called on other ° friends. It is:
nearly fifty years since the Morrow•
family left here, going to Dakota.
Miss Esther Lyon attended .the•
Sunuuer, School at Goderich last week:
'a`ntl 1'emaindd "oyer' Stindtiy. ``
Miss Vella McGee' of .Torontb is
spendingher vacation with her mothe
er, Mrs. WW, McCool.
Mr. and Mrs. Swanson.. and six
children of London spent Friday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Miss 0. Lawrence, Clinton, visited'
H. M. Haply for a fete days this -
week. . Mrs. Hanly was with Draytom•
and Harriston Iriends a few days .last
e week, 112r. Haply going up ,for her on
Revs, A, E. Doan, of. Clinton, Dr
Fletcher, of Hensel!, T, J. Ii illiatrick,
of'Holmesville, Elliott of Goderich
and Mr. Herbert; Co; reeve of the
township and a member and worker'
in the etngregation. Mr.' Cox said
that the union n ton of the e twa congrega-
tions of Bethel and Bethany,g
nniorh, presented a difficuly in that,
there were people at the outskirts
who found it too far to 'attend the
church, no matter which was chosen
So it was decided last spring to dis-
card both the old churches and build
a new one at Porter's Hill, which was
central. He said it looked like quite
undcrtaking' but he , felt sure it
would work out for the good of all.
They would have to work together to
pay off the Cost of the new edifice,
Which would give them an pbjective
toward which td work:-' lie thought
that already there,was a bette•spirit
in the congregation. The last speaker
was Mr. Medd, who spoke about the
work amongst the, young people, in.
which he is especially interested.
The elide led in the; singing of the
hymns and titian; the
Service Mies
Hume of Goderich sang a solo and
Mrs. Reid Torrance and Miss Iveson
contributed a duet. The Rev, Mr.
Parr- pronounced the benediction,
After• the program a stun/tams sup -
pee was served by the ladies: of the
congregation in the new church shed,
a large number coming for the supper
who could not be present for the of -
Mr. and Mfrs. W. N. Manning, who ' ternoon's exercises, a pleasing pro-
have been absent for the past: six I gram followed the sapper.
or eight months on 'a trip 16. New The collection taken up hn the deer -
Zealand •acrd Australia, ariiived, at ?"an and they proceeds of the supper
their• home. in London on Monday. amounted to a tidy little sum, which
Rev.` L. G. Harrison,. has- returned goes into the.bulldhng Lund.
from a. holiday trip to Woodstock ,• '
ssex 0411(1 Port Stanhey. Mrs. Her-
eon and children are remaining Gtacleri1C114 `1('�►�+e�ah6�a
or -a 'longer holiday at Port Stan- Mr. and. Mrs, Frank Walker and
• „ ` four children of Ottawa and Mr.
s Agnes Walker, who has been Robert, Walker and ' ,.Miss Anna of
aching .in Glasgow the past t'ea`r., Clinton' visited on Sunday a1 the
as returned •home. Miss Walker home oe 14I'e. and Mrs. Robert Pear -
so visited in England and on the son.
ontineut, ` enjoying a most inter- Ithe and :Ylrs. W. 1I. Robertson of
ting year. Bs'antford motored up on Sunday for
and :Ors: 'Dave ,Mole , and two their. daughter, 00115. Isabel, evlio has
ns of Rochester,aN:Y., and bliss been. visaing Miss Norma Welsh for
argar'et Sparks of Port Elgin, the past three weeks. Miss Norma
nt., are
town accompanied fie mio Brantford for n
nd"iii$ taking and eking in the Old Koine couple of weeks visit.
lebratien at Alibur i. `+
h on friday.. • Mr: Martin Stewart of Galif(irizia
and Mrs.. z ". .o •a z
I t of a •'
S maty is here n
g a s visit to is
g ,h sister, Mrs,
iclh. - visited , hsg ed. their .si'ster, "Miss C. B. Middleton, and with r elatives in
Gilchrist, in town for it week, re. Colborne township:
ruing home yesterday. Miss i.: Robert Clete disposed o1a -van ilehtist accompanied them and. treble; horse lost weep: i °
11 spend a fele weeks in Saginaw-, Mr: Robert Cole:ie bttey erecting a
ITIn cli •
C C 1•'t� ei, and Mrs. its Griffin- a
t n wa ds.le(1
i her eon and 'daughter, r Mee • Ass•
g ! "andel TI. 1 -
E Co e, rho has just.
no and Master sack, 'of Denver, recently 'completed his Normal course;
oi., are guests at the: home of the has been argaged 1,o teach'iii No. 10
rhtier's sister; Mrs, R. E. Men. for the coming school year,
ng, They motored all 'the Mug. eM.'Teruel Whitmore oe Ilan?iltohi
glance, about 1600 'miles, Mrs, is speeidhin a0,11e of -weeks vaea-
riffin driving, and only had to tion with his par,--. . Mr, and Mie'
sage, i tire once on the vray, , le,reek 'S%hhtrnyre, •
0010'. David had resided in Clinton f
for about twenty years, with' the ex- le
ception of a short time spent hn `Cx- %Kis
titer a few years ago." He came here to
from Belgrave,'being employed there " h
and here by the Grand Trunk. He al
WAS a member of the Presbyterian: C
Church and also a member of the es
I. O. O. F.` Mr,
The. funeral, which was conducted
finder the direction of the local order 0
of Odd Fellows, was held yesterday a
afternoon from the Moine of Mr. and ee
Mrs. J. Appleby, where Mr, and Mrs.
David had: occupied apartments for
some time. ' The services were con-
ducted by the Rev. James Foote of
Exeter, assisted by 'the Revs.. A. A.
Reines and le C. l•;{ariesan of Clin-
Tile pallbearers zez°s were brother, Odd
Petioles: Messrs, J Ap Iebt H.
p ,
Chant, J. Wiseaxian and ,T. W. iiioore
and 1,wo a'o friends i, :e Exeter and',
The funeral
' ti
quite largely at-;• G
The annual union picnic of the*
bangregations of the Milted church ,
and Presbyterians will be field on Fri-•
day, July 29th, at Bayfield. The
truck Ieaves-the church at0 o'clock.
Mr`s. 13yrant and family of Winni-
peg, who is a niece ' of Mr.' Janes
Walker, visited at his home `last week,
Miss Viola W(iieeler is visiting
friends in Detroit, this week.
Mrs. Wnl. Scott returned home last
week after spending- a couple of
weeks with her sister, 14Trs. Douglass,.
and her brothers in London and- West-
Miss i1'lartin, a returned missionary
from India,, isa guest. at the manse
this week.
Miss Mary McIntosh of Clinton:
and Miss Mary Meintosh of Goderich
were guests of Miss Helen Quigley on:
a A
son Earlan, ofMz Os.maha, ohNebreaskaarta, vii-
ited their relatives, Mts: D. Flynn and'
Mrs, G. Carbert-for a few: days last
iJlr, and , Mrs. W. J. McCauley,
Stratford>and Mr. Jas, Jordan, Tor-
onto, called on D. Flynn and family
last week.
i a. and Mee. D. Flynn and Mrs. G.
Carbert and. son Jim spent the weak<i
encs -with Stratford friends.
Miss Loretta Flynn is spending her
vacation with her parrots, Mr: and'
34rs.nD.day. Pfroiynih,
Many m this . vicinityt'
the Old a...tended
toys Reunion • at Brussels om
, Cons ance:
hh-, and "Jr(.'Fred Wakefield, son
and` daughter. and- 'Fred Fowler,
were visitors at Grand Bend over the;
week end
r ..
MissNet tI'
Medd of
Irxeter, ' •-
st . i
ed by Rev.' John Bolton of Florence;,
tookthe service on Sunday."
Dr, and Mrs. 'Archer . of North'
13altinsore, Mrs. Newell of Yale,
Miele, and Mi•. and Mats -Vel. Stanley-
C entail
were vi '
Sitors at the Name
of the latter's • daughter, Mrs. De,
Tudor; one day last week,
The Ladies' Aid eets'thi
ns Thirst -
clay, clay, afternoon,
eters, Veriegli and 0a1tghter of .Tees --
water° are spending a few days with
the'former's nephew, Mrs.:. Rabb.
ti imbolby.',•