HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-07-21, Page 6• • a 1 ' 4•1 aria ' 5 rade Di,:zeopitig Jame All4Icbitr[ljrge.'3 British Manufacturers to Build Branches BRITISH MIGRANTS, Hon, Robert 1":For1te Says Dominion Wants People From Old Country Loriden.-----"We aro' .fast -.becoming' a -,:peoplci ab1 fo cal e ue r own de volopment,' dealaro$1.1Vin,' , - James Malcolth, Canadian Minister ' of -Trade and Commerce, when he and Hon. Robert Porke,'' Canadian Minis- , -ter •of Immigration and Colonization, vero- entertained at luncheon in the. House of Couto:ions recently by the Empire . Parliamentary' Association. Lieut, -Col, L. C. Amery, Secretary ok State for Dominion affairs, presided, Among guests were Lord Byng, former toverbor,Goneral 'of Canada, and several ex -Ministers -*d\ were Members of the RanisaY° MacDonald Government. Bfalcohn in the statement nuot- .was -,i'efeln:ing „to- statistics, as to Canadianinvestments, and. he ,hatten- ed 'to add' that. this expreesion...ef inion.'. tjU neh',ureceed a11 Sonic OP'.3.44P(I;14en-(4.:C411.1414, 'LP said; Vita 'anitions to—obtain" British, capital and British. inanStrieS In. the big work before . her, but the' 'bond- . (lenge ,• Canadians future/ welfare encouraged them to take much upon their own shoulders. Mr, 1Vialcolin repeated his plea Por the ostablisking of branch factories in Canada by British concerns. This would enable themto secure an adsli- tionl hold on the home and,western Markets, he said, and it would- also help the cause of migration if such factories were manned with settles Who were not fitted or 'farm life. Sentiment and Trade. "Sentiment may pass away if trade Passes away and if we do not Meet more efosely and continuously with • • • oath.: • of- - -Hero- of- it anitito -Bay- ..,!a • 4.-icAagitifteht, eablYotlia:,""Mr','Maleolm said in con- clusion. Tion. 'Mr Porke.,'...said he' did' net agree with Mr.:11;10,1- cohn, that sentiment might puss away if trade -passed away. 'Thatintang- ible thing that .we call sentiment," Mr. 'Pate' said, "will always •be stronger than trade." In a semi -hu- morous' vein he remarked that he had gone to live in Canada because he had thought he' could better his own condition there and also do some- thing for the Dominion, and, like Col: AruSj.r, he had married a Canadian lady, so they both had begun right„., He said he thought his portfolio Wat5 the most difficult of all the portfolios in the Dominion Government opeeause human beings formed the material' • Pour persons were drowned, and three others escaped death after a harrowing battle with the waves o0 with which he worked. Hamilton bay, when Prank Ryan's Touching on immigration and eel- 26-ioot skiff capsized in a. aqua, The FOL(11 DROWNED, THREE SAVED, WHEN SAILBOAT CAPSIZED heroes of the occasion 'were Ryan, And of Marjorie' Stuart. mva Wilfrld. who lost his porn life 10 a vain at- Snitelisistillis sho-wn in the _top row, ee,i tempt to save his three onths-old skiff is agisaoltsehrowhttionikeaeLtspT111,0ewf,batal s. daughter, Doris, and Wilfrid Smith Ing pumped out pier .to, being battled 16, who saved the lives of Mrs, Ryan up on the beach, The broken mast- Is • • Path- iewe 'or Fit Time British Colt-tiribia. Displays' Series of Historical Pictures . Wancou-ver, B4O,'--Plotte,ers of , ern Canada Ivey° guests of oonor at 'Confederation 'Jubilee auneheon given recently by the, Vancouver Canadian Club, when a..SerIeSor eight historical .paintings, depleting events In BritIih history, were' displayed to bac ,fer,the first, time. SIr George'POgter, of Ottawa', the prificials:pealter, bp ailed hta ad d roan with a re,ference to the pictures, ivhich were painted under.th'e ansalpes of the nativ-e sons of British, Columbia and the Hudson's Bay Company, and are intended to be hung in the University British dolneabla sons of _British Columbia, ' Putting these Pictureelefore you, have breught the, ps,raeuitlitlee of she nest visually to the minds .of all who gaze upon them," ,said Sir George. "Do not. bury these oictnres, In the University , of British Columbia, full of prospects is it lie. Let Olean be exhibited in Montreal, Toronto and -other cities -of. • - "These pictures,", he continued, "will ' 'do :more, .thinwater the00ki.'94-..„- pa.crail'Olil•. !Lrli.e.7 are -its .11 fe "geode:Vont cannot make a tree; it 'Must. grow. Yen cannot make a nation; you' have Ixi grew . • ' . Mapping Canada from the Air Since 1921 when aerial photographic • surveys were begun by the Tepegra• plrical Survey of the Department or the Interior, 25,630 square miles, in Canada: have been covered DY 'MAJ.' • cal photographs and 197,740 square - ' . miles by oblique aerial photographs. plainly risible: At thio left, in the ; , lower row, are Mi.; and Mrk. Ryan; centre, another photograph of Mrs Ryan; at the right, Mina Stuart, 14 (left) who was drowned and her am To the Daisies. • The optimist •bellevea that 'some- thing is stire -to turn up; so does pessimist—his toes. Boston Trar0 ter, Marjorie (rtlit), who was med. Win Kolapore Cup Again onization, Mr Poi -150 said: "1 am 000- vinced -that colonization, rather than inmnigration, is the fundamental prob- lem. We ntuet see that every person who eomes to Canada is placed where he can do the beat to himself be, cause discontented people do untold harm te:the. country. My-departnient iorneflmes is critioized for enceurag4 ing immigration [rem conlinen'al cony - tries. hare nothing, to .say against hbiti we wOpld lilte to see a steady itrairthirBiltiali. settle14 coming 50 Canada-, to strengthen the Fpirtipqn.tewards tliC.Drapire," Home From Empire Tour CANADIANS' AT BISLEV MeMberS of the Canadian tea m shown shooting off la -the elimination competitions at Bisley. EYES KEEN, NERVES' STEADY Canadians Win Kolapore and MacKinnon Cups and Stand Good Chance for King's. • Trophy Intereat Centers around Bidey and our Canadian marksmen. To the' famous. Eolapore "Cup,, the Cana.diane added the Mackinnon Cha,l• legene 'Cup:- The Mackinnon is sec- ongl only to the Kolapore 1,1 Import- ance as a team shoat a,t the National -Bide Association's meeing, and the Canadiana won it by .19 points over England. "Also rens" were Scotland,' Ireland - India .G:tterneew _anti woes, in...that Order. • .'71716. .eobint '''''"Victory to' Canedai4 credit woe •the individual- shdot tor link Prince of.. -Wales prize of 5500, which. the 'Veteran former ; Xing's Prize ivinner, S.S.M. W. A. Hawkins, of Toronto, tucked, away with top score *5 09 c'ut'-of a hundred. St. George's Challenge Vase Canada will -have 10 representatives in the Second stage, of the St George's Challenge Vase, to be shot NV on Sat - 17 Canadians Shoot for King's Prize Seventeen Can:14ms inducting three of -the I-Ia,milton Cadets mild two Oanntlia.ns/ resident in England; be among the 369 marksmen shooting in she seep(' stage of the sweat King's , River Takes Toll '1. -- Amlietretbufrg, Ont.—Swept 'out inbo deep water- and 'swift/entrant of the 511.1p Cann} by the suction created ..by. a passing freighter, two young Arnheirstbirri laday Gordon Pettypiece. 12; and hiS brother, Claire, 10, S.071.S af Mr, and Mrs. Hilland Pettyplece, girOnlinent residents of this,tOwn, went to their dea,tho. shortly before (14010 on July 14. The double tragedy cc-- ourred a short, . distance' 'below Am- licrstturg, • „' 'A. cobbler arreeted .tor Wire sister- Tile pictures above show on the of Toronto, to his death on the rforon- between a truck on the "right and an- above4eVelin5 the top of the ear with, tion was found to have cornmitted left the wrecked motor car which car- t011500111010 Highway near port other ear en the bat of the road, the out, 41110wever, breakingd the win- 'brgatnyi Me should pied C. Bradburn aged 25, sates Credit. On the right is a' view of the death ear swerved and went under the shield. Bradburn, sitting beside the ,manages of McColl Brothers, Liymited, scene of the fatalitz, q.v.104.4. to rear of tke. :tracift rack driver, 11,. H. Williams w,as hurled Rest Ib Peace. They're plain' up the Pieces, • With a dustpan and a wow, Because he used his horn. When he ouglita used his brake', —Hardware Age. The arabitious youth had virile up frpro the country he ardor to join, the police, force; and having passed the met'IICaI xam no. peed it test in general ltnoWledge. "Well young nian " said an dincer, "yeti' look a promising sort of fellow. You have a good general knowledge, I hope? Can you tell me how many miles it is from London to Liver - Peel?" The ambitious one became alarmed. "Look here sir," he blurted out, "if you're going to put me on that beat rd rather go home now and help ther with the cows!" - THAT WHY? The Duke and Duchess of York coming down the gangway at Portsmouth, with the Prince of Wales and Prince George following. Manitoba's Mineral' Develop- ment Current activities in 'the mineral- ized areas In southeastern and north - :western Manitoba indicate that. the province will 00011 !Moms a steady producer of gold and possibly ail in - Portant source of caliper and zinc. - Canada's Fish Culture Service During 1926 the Department of Marine and Fisheries, Canada, • through the Fish Culture Service, Mr. Rogers's Views on China Maharajah of Rutiem operated 39 hatcheries, 4 .salmon re - and the Geneva Conference who, with his MAY= or prima minis- Mining ponds, and several smaller To the DrItor of The New York Times: ter, is on the way to this continent in different Stages Chinaseems to be about over. Neither, Wales' party, Hie highness the ma- 00050deevIlsopaineantfigh Beverly Hills Cal—The war in ancr may accoMpany the Prince of e -de oonld read the names .in the harajah, who is at the head ot one of casualty list. When you: can't read the native states in lntlia, has been stations, and distributed over 724,24dr the names in the papers; there ain't. invited to assist it the' selection of a much use killing anybody, when no- body knowa Who 'you killed. , Yours, WILL. P.S,--Two more distmriaraent con. terences and there won't be enough ocean to bold all the crullers they all want to bill& • The trouble with tlie cup that cheers is that Use cheer is mistaken fbr all encore. .• I At a village church a couple were being wed, and when reading the mar- riage service the clergyman asked, "Is British finny polo team to contest, the -there any impediment why you should honors with the United States army not beAolned together?" The young officers. " man replying seriously, said: "Pin all right, but Martha lisps a,bit." A woman in Pennsylvania wrot Electricity and Water,RoyArer Approduattely 81 per cent. of Can- stating that her ton, in practising, one atlastotal hydraulic installation is in og the famous actor's stunts; hail central electric stations and over 9$ jumped off the barn root and broken percent. of the total :21`lectriatl output his leg. Sho thought it was only right of all stations is derived from water that Pairbanks should pay thio doe - 1 Dower. • .litor's •• • • ' GraiT4' Produce and Livest coek 1 TORONTO; _ ' pbrted gal.; 52.25 to 52.20; per 5 gal., $2,1$ to 52.25 per gal.; maple sugar Man. wheat—Na.1 :N0'01.'11-68%; No. 2 1%forthi.„' $1,64%-;- Mi. 3 NOrth., Ibil.20.151e, 26002lb.-ri.i. •, ns13 to 131Aci 10 -lb, tins, 1314„ b..i'13iiic:-.ii-11). tins, 14 to 14%c; 2% -lb. tins, 16c, Comb honey—$4DuE, toc55 per dozen. im0 city wholesalers are paying, deliv- ered, Toronto, es follows: Eggs --Fresh extras, 32 to 34c; fresh firsts, 29 to alc; seconds, 24 to $1.68%" c.i.f. ports Man. oats—No. 'CW, nominal; No. 2, not•quoted; Np. 3, feed 673e; Western grain quotations in c.i.f. parts. Americas. corn, Toronto freights, No. 2 y,ellaw, kiln dried, 01.15; No. 3 yellow, kiln dried, 51.14. Millfeed—Del., Montreal freights, bags included. Bran, per ton, $32.25; 27c. Solids, No. 1, 86 to 8514,e; No. 2, 34 15304241.2t5s Ont. oats -55c, f.o.b. shipping to 3414c. -- Ont. good milling wheat -51,38, f. jobabreearetna%—rieNs ab --No. 3Ertiong371)41nNt,so. t2°, o.b. shipping po n s, . g 34 to 390 freights. Barley --Malting, Buckwheat—Nominal. Rye -,—No. 2, nom...al. twine, 2.0 to 21c; triplets, 20% to 21c - Man. flour—iFirst, -pat, in Cat011. Stiltons. 21.14c. Oki. large 25c• twins $9.05;• in juts., 58.90; Toronto soma 26c, out stfitons, 27c. pat., in jute, 58,40. per cent. pat.,. per barrel, in carlots, WlicilPens°aIllesrts°Ntr3t-r—oWilm.°IoLtEiariAgtm.to the Ont. flour (old. crop).,—Torento, 90 Toronto, $5.90; stahotred, 'in bulk, trade: Smoked meats—Hams, med., 80c; 55.90; new .crop. $5.70. 13eans--Can. handpicketle $3.00 to cooked hams, 40 to 42c; smoked rolls, 1250; breakfast bacon, 25 to 301;; 53.90 bushel. Monk` PrOducttc.--S„Yrop,. .per bitcOkuSi!obt10,11i)Qej:iSt......,$,:yontog42c. clear bacon,, 50 to 70 $211'70 to 90 lbs., 510.; 90 to 100 lbs. and ;a p, 518i- lightweight shorts, per ton, 585.25; middlirtp,- Butter—Creameries are selling- Churning crettin—"Special " 35 to 86c; firsts, 34c; 8econds, 31c. Cheese --New, large, 19% to 20%c; Motorist Killed,aS Cat Crashes Under Rear of Truck mOrtlizAAA.mot rolls, in'Iarrels; $11.50; heavyweight rolls, 1138.50 per .bbl. Lard—Pure tierces( 14% to 16c.; , tubs, 151k to 16c; pails, 16 to prints, 17 to 171,fle; sluntening, tiercek, 11.W.I; tubs, 14%c; pails, 1.5%e; bloclls and time, 163,4c. CA171,13 .9.140 BOGS. Heavy beef steers, choice, $8,75 to $9; do, f air, $8 ta'53,25; butcher steers, ,choice, $8 to 58.76; do, fair to good, 57 to 57.76.; butcher heifers, choice, $8 to 58.50; do, cons., 50 to 57; betcher 00,1V,S, good to elloice, 56.25 to 55.75; cite, fair to good:, 55 to • $5.75; do, Cont to med., $4.5.0 to 55; do, canners and cutters, 52.501:o$3.5.0; butcher bulls, good to choice, 55 to 56; d'o, 54.511 to 54.75; de, • bdogrsio, $4,25 to $4,75; baby beef, 58.50 to $12; feeders, choice, 57 to 57.55; ateckate, choice, 56.60 to $7; do, fair to mei., 55 to 50; spzingers, choico, 6E0 to 5110; nnich cows, chodce, 1170 to 580; plain to medium cows. 545 to 365; calves,. choice, 512.00 to:318; do, med., 50 to 510.50; do, graseers, $4.60 'LC) $5.25; spring Iambs, ohoito, 514 to 514.25; sheen, choice, 55 • to 50; do; heavies, $4 to $5; do malls., 52 to 53.50; bags, selects, w.o,c., 510.15; do, 5. and .w, 55.85; do, thick smooth w.o.c,,- 59.66; do, r. and w,, 50.85. Regular discounls on inienor grades of hogs, - to death' against 'the truck. Williams Was arrested nending an immest, Sack Waldrep,' of Hamilton, -.Was driving .the truck.. • I „Place to Hit the Hay, Hotel Dor Sole. This property C031. ta,ins about three acres ot land and good henhouse and large to ac, coMmodate tonriste, 5 - 4.1