HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-07-21, Page 5SPAY, any 21,,192?,: ne IIB . CLINTON•N j •RECORD ^ • :1+466 ELIABLE show•tIiat'' the average cow pt idilces only 3,000 lbs of milk ;.and 109 11is. of butter in'a"year, >' By the -careful selection of better grade animals for your herd and better ,feeding, the yearly production of milk and .bi Iter can be doubled easily, resulting 111 incl eased profit to ",:•tile dairy farmer. Weed out the culls, breed by a good sire and save your best heifers.. Clinton Brannh, Our Farmer's Account Book provides for: a record of your inilk producfion, Ask the Manager for a copy. R. E Maring ,Of Interest to You :i Elsfey and Mrs, Tainblyn, and Me Listowel council- is considering a system of garbage collection, `The drowning of R. Maurice Cody, 'a young Toronto lawyer and only child of the Rev. Canon Cody and Mrs. Cody, and a Fnenehman in us- ' koka the other day was but another proof that canoeing while ai pleasant Ipastime, is not without danger, as • some .would: have us 'believe. Three young men were upset from a canoe, -one swam to safety, the other two went down, Such tragelies are al- together too common during summer "holiday months. Too much care can- not be taken:in'handling a canoe and no one who cannot -swim should go in -a canoe. Even so, accidents happen, :as young Cody, and presumably the :Joung Frenchman also, could swim. The Toronto .Globe recently asked -who it was •who first sugegsted, a -Diamond Jubilee celebration, stating `that Mr. Fred "Williams,' a veteran newspaper man, made the'suggestion 'to the Hon. Rodolph Lemieux, speak, er of the House .of Commons, about four yearsi go. This may be, but the 'first constructive suggestion, the one which was,quiokly taken up and acted. upon, was made about two years ago 'by Mr. C. H. Rale, editor of the Orillia'Packet-Times, who not only made the suggestion but presented a well -thought out program . foe the celebration. This, program, which' was very elaborate, is thought some to be superior to the one actually- car- ried opt at Ottawawhich differed in some ways•from it, and Mr. Hale • secured the co-operation of ,fellow newspapermen, Canadian Clubs,. 'Boards of Trade and other organiza- -tions in giving publicity''to the idea. It soon caught public favor and Can- ada's Jubilee was creditably celebrat- ed. It is not surprising that a news- paper man should be. the first to make -such a suggestipn. Mtany a construc- tive suggestion, many a reform is 'first mooted by newspapers, then tak- en up and acted upon by those in au- `^thority, or in a• position to do so. Londesboro Mrs. Bert Bentham and Miss Jean of Wallcerville are visiting the for- mers sister, Mrs. H. Little. Miss Bertha Brogden of London • le :spending her vacation with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Georeg Brogden. Mrs. Meadows of Windsor is visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Der- win Carter. Mr. Frank Fingland, Mrs. (Dr.) Grierson and Master: Kenneth and Misses Kathleen Grierson are Visiting -Mr, and MTS. John Fingland, Miss Mary Little of London spent -the week -end with her parents, Mr. .:and Mrs. Thos. Little. The Misses Jean and EIeanor Matin fes of Chicago spent the week -end' -with their mother, Mrs. M. Maines, The July meeting of the W. M. 5., -was held at the home of Miss Jean Hamilton Friday afternoon. The'at- tondance was large and the meeting proved of. Much' 'interest to everyone' present. Mrs. Allan presided when a •special jubilee program was given:' Special emphasis was laid throughout the meeting on the commemoration 9f Confederation, Mrs. MoVittie read. the Scripture reading, M`rs. Angus "Reid read a helpful paper on "Nation- al Prosperity." A very,. appropriate reading, "'Citizens of Tomorrow," was 'given by Mrs. B. Allan; while Miss -Belle Scott gave a 'very pleasing: :reading, "When the Bells Ring Out." ,After the meeting the members •spent a pleasant hour; when.lunch was ;served. Mrs. (Rev. Dr.) Medd and Miss .'Josie Medd, d who . spent mot s of last 'week with Mxs. ;1VIedd's. sisters, 'Mrs. 'Elsley and Mrs. Tainblyn, left on 11IV1onday for their new home in Wel- land. Miss Bertha Brogdon of London is 'holidaying with her parents, Mr. and :Mrs. Geo: Brogdon, and other friends. The W. M. S. of the United church 'held their July meeting in the base-' •meat ofthe church. on Wednesday, 'July 13th, with a good attendance, At the close of the meeting Group No. 8 served a 1.0 cent tea. Rev, and Mrs. Snell and their daughter left Wednesday for' a holi- day. They intend returning the second • 'week in August, Miss, Nellie Medd of Exeter takes he service in t t e v r he United churchn 0 Sunday morning. Mr. Tyerman of Seaforth accem- panied by her cousins, Mrs. Guy 'Smith of San Jose, California, and Mrs. Jim Wailcer'of Winnipeg, spent ';Wednesday of last week with Mrs. Mr, and Mrs, E. Dewey andtwo children, Donald and Jean, of Ottawa, are spending their holidays with Mrs. Dewer's mother, 1Jrs. J. Lyon;and other friends. . t, Mrs. N. J. Campbell of Westfield, Mrs. Gordon Ainslie and her daugh- ters, Mrs. J th Brisbon of Monroe, Mich,, and Mrs. Alvin, Austin and twy children of Florida, "spent Thursday with Mrs. Tamblyn and Mrs. Elsley. The following taken from the St. Thomas Times -Journal refers' to a local young lady: "Miss Olvetta Brig- ham has resigned her position on the staff of the St. Thomas .Collegiate Institute to accept a position on_ the staff of the Windsor-Walicerville. Technical School at an increase in salary." Varna Mr. and Mks. Geo-.;Connel and son 'Cecil motored to Owen Sound and at tended the reunion of the Grey Boys' and Girls and also- visited relatives and friends: in Owen Sound and the. surrounding country, returning home last, week. Acadia Lodge A. A.F. & A. M., Lon- dono had -their annual lodge pienlc at the lovely summer home of Dr.. and. Mrs. L. A. bleffatt here on July 9th, when a particularly pleasant time was _spent. The grounds •'were magnificent in floral beauty and an avenue of ban- ners, stretched from tree to tree, led, to -the house which was gaily clad with buntings and flags. In the ev- ening Chinese,lanterns• added to the beauty of th'i'grounds.'" The rose ar-' bor; fountains and miniature swim- ming pool offered great attraction and diversion from the life in, the city. The prizes for the various .sport events, conducted soon after the ar- rival of the merrymakers, were dis- tributed by Bro. Dr. Moffatt, after which Dr. and Mrs. Moffatt were tendered' a hearty< vote of thanks of the lodge by Wor , Bro. A. G. Brad- shaw and Wor. Bro. Whit. Lancaster. Supper was served onthe-spacious lawns by the refreshment committee, and the evening was spent in dancing, a musical program and 'eommunity singing. Music for the dancing' was provided by a band of thirty pieces, all the members of the band being members of the craft. Miss . Hattie A. Johnston and Mrs. Harvey G. Helm, Toronto; Mrs. Os- car A. Lutz and daughters, Miss Vivienne and Baby June, of Ehnire, and the Misses Winnifred and Flor- ence Searle of Hespeler are spending several weeks with Mr. and 14ii'4..A', P. Robertson, ' Mr. and Mrs, Logan I{eys'of Nash- ville Tenn., have returned to their home after spending the past week with' their aunt and uncle, Miss 'E. and Mr. W. Logan. The concert' which' was held on .Dr. Lloyd Moffatt's lawn oh Friday even- ing was a decided success, the, even- ing being everything that could be de- sired although the day was very un- certain, The. „program, whioh.was -given by Stratford talent, delighted:a large audience. Proceeds amounted to over two hundred dollars. Mr..and 1Vfrs. W. McAsh of.. London spent Sunday with the later's another, Mrs.- C: Weekes, ; Miss Emily Beatty, who has-been spending her holidays at her home in the village, retitmed to London where she 'intends resuming her duties at Smallmans, Rev. R. Miller visited wth friends in the village and vicinity during the -past week. , Rev. II , - Deih 1n • z d Mrs. Deihl •" of Milverton are visiting, friends in the community The Unitetl•church will hold a gar- den party on Dr. Lloyd Moffatt's lawn on Friday evening, July 22nd, Constance' Mr. Sidney Dulmagd and Mrs llfaucl Haman and son of Detroit Were callers in our village Last week. Mr. Wm. Stanley of ' Clinton ,and Mr: R. D. Stanley and son of Toronto were visitors with the former's daughter, Mrs. D. Tudor also -of -:Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Clark. • We are sorry to say that Mrs.' Wm, Jamison and Mrs. Ir o. McCully are e not improving as fast as we would like, Mr, and Mrs. Sheds of Detroit vis- ited their uncle and '.aunt, Mr. and Mrs.' Thos Pollard, one' day Iast week, • The fanners, are nearly' all busy. this week with the hay, • TT; 41.10-.40nttipal ty of e," -Town poi, CliIitou ;enact,s is follows That 'no owner; possessor pt oceup ter off airyland'wfthjti Lire town ,of Chiicton shall snifet any thistles. or, othsr'noxions iwceds,to grew thereon and the seeds to -'ripen so as to cause the spread thei'epf, Refusing or neglecting• to out such weeds after five days • "notice upon said lands, the town inspector may en- ter uppn and cease .such :thistles- and weeds to 'be eut down The cost ,;of doing so sh ill `be levied on, .the said lands and be'colleeted es.other:taxes -L. STOMG, 'Weed Inspector. WEED CONTROL ACT 1927 The Weed Control Act- passed by the Provincial Legislature requires that all noxious weeds shall be de- stroyed - in every-' year sufficient to prevent the ripening of seed. Stanley township has taken steps to carry out this Act and desires that everyone will coaoperate to the utmost' ability to destroy wcede;; Alex. MCConnell and John Rath - well have been appointed- inspectors to enforcR the Aet section 9 of. which •readsi "Any owner. of -land Who, •re - •fuses or neglects.lo obey :any lawful ordei•,of the' ihspeetoi;'shall incur a penalty of not less than $20.00 nor more than $50,00 for 'every offence" J. E. Barnwell, Municipal Clerk,q . NOTICE. Civic Holiday Having been petitioned by a num- ber of citizens to-do so.1 hereby pro- claim Monday, August 1st, Civic Holi- day for the Town of Clinton and re- quest all citizens to observe it as; such. FRED T. JACKSON, - Mayor -Marriages SCHULTZ-eHARDY.—At the manse, Auburn, on July 15th, by the Rev. W. -it Alp, Mary, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. David Hai'dy of West Wawanosh, to Leslie Schultz. of •Dungannon: ' Deaths • McLAUHLIN—IN Clinton, on July 14th, -Selena Mason, _widow of the late D. fix; McLaughlin. MILLER -In Clinton, on July 16th Rosella.Mlay, daughter af, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Miller, aged 19 years and 11 months,. ARCHER—In Clinton, on July 17th, Thomas Archer, aged. 79 years, Brucefield. Our'viliage and community was startled last Friday morning to hear of the passing of Mrs. W. L. Forrest. Mrs. Forrest ha'd' not enjoyed 'good health for years, suffering from beart trouble, but the end came suddenly on Wednesday, She •took a. stroke and never rallied. Her maiden name was Magdelena Wolfe and she was a nat- lire' of Stanley township. She was married to her now bereft husband in the year 1887. Of her three child- ren two are left 'mourn her loss, Law- renes:' of Brucefield and Miss Beth at home. ' Their son, Henderson, gave his life for his country iu the Great She was a member of the Presby- terian church and W.M.S. in Bruce - field for a number of years and a woman: of sterling christian char- acter. To know her was to love her, and those who knew her best loved her most. The funeral was held on July 16th from the family residence and was largely attended, friends be- ing there from London, Chesley and Detroit. • Interment was made in Baird's cemetery, Mr, and Mrs. Rathveell of Goder- ich are the guests of Mr. and.M4•s, Rattenbury this week. Miss A. Mustard and Miss K, Sni- der are attending the sutnner school in'Goderich this week. Mrs. Welsh and her son, Russell, of Detroit are visiting friends -in the vil- Iage, and eommunity this week. The local I. 0,;:0. E. lodge, assisted by some !visiting lodges, held am im- presive decoration service 'in` Baird's cemetery on -Sunday afternoon. Auburn , A pretty wedding was "solemnized at the manse on Friday afternoon last, July 15th, when Rev. W. R. Alp unitedin marriage Leslie Schultz of Dungannon to 'Miss :Mary Hardy, eld- est daughter` of Mr, and .Mr's. David Hardy of,West Wawano'sh. The young couple Were - attended by Mr. Reg. Schultz.- and Mi ss'Elle nl3a' rdy. The bride r de wore a White crepe romaine Chess, trimmed with white velvet. She carried a large bouquet of roses and wore the conventional' bridal veil Mr. and Mrs. Schultz will reside in Dun- gannon, where: Mr. Schultz has 0 blacksmith business. It PP lld. Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Staff drd of Vienna visited over the week -evil at the home of Wt. L, Millis, Miss Mabel Johns,' who ' has been- visitin .friends in Toronto and St. Ceti:mines'during the past two weeks` returned ed bone on Monday and reports s havingp a very enjoyable visit Mr. • Alex • Mckenzie spent .the week. end in Blyth, taking,in the Jub- ilee Celebration at St, Andrews Un- ited church there and returning home' \o»' Monday. 'ortrraits . That Please Are •made oat the Bnggoss Portrait Studio, Clinton f OPEN EVERY. b`UESDAY Hours X10 a.m, to 5- 0ur work will suit and our prices will please, Let us develop and,print.and also 'enlarge your snap shots for you. Burgess,"Portrait Studio 1IITCITELL AND CLIN.TON ,9t Z7ith :'Awer Prompt attention given to any order°'tor Flowers or Floral +work ,. Member Florist Telegraph Delivery Association as. V. 'Cooke • Phone 86'' The ' Brunswick Trio OF LONDON will be the entertainers at a GARDEN PARTY t6 -be :held under the auspices -of the t?'N1TED CHUitCH, VARNA' on - Dr. Lloyd Moffatt's 'Beautiful Lawn on the evening of FRIDAY, JULY 29th Tea served from 6 to$ dclock. Admission—Adults 40c,, children 25e EVERYBODY WELCOME 19-2. Coderich Centennial JULY 31 ---AUGUST 6 Grand Historical Pageant, 600 People Depicting 100 years of life in. the Buren 'Tract. Monday, Tuesday and.Wednesday Evenings Two Afternoons of Boise Racing • ::Monday and Thursday great Event in Serni-Pro. Baseball Oslers, champions, of Ontario, vs. Risdons, champions . of Michigan, for international championship purse of $700. Wednesday Afternoon Band Tattoo and Fireworks Seven Bands, including the 'ifnmous Band. -.of 48th High- landers, Toronto. Followed by . magnificent Fireworks display. Friday Evening Provincial Athletic Meet Many noted Athletes will be present. Girls' Softball Game —London Ladies - vs.. Toronto - Ladies. Saturday afternoon Each - day's program will ;conclude With a grand Street Carnival, for . which 24 prizes will be giveneach night SEE' DETAILED PROGRAM FOR OTHER EVENTS OF THE WEEK 19-1 CARD OF THANKS ,Mrs -Frances Wise wishes to ex- press her sincere thanks for the kind- ness and sympathy shown her sister, the late Mrs. McLaughlin, during -her illness and to herself since her death, Also for the flowers' sent, the ears loaded for the funeral and all the kind attentions shown, Lost In Clinton, near' postoffice, a bi- cycle pump. Finder ,kindly leave at w is. the`'Tir'ne for -Fanners <and Poultrymen to. clear.• their pens of roosters and fat, broody hens. PHON1 OUR. oispIcE,Foa, PRICES. We are buyers' -12 months inthe year for both Eggs and Poultry Clinton ' Poultry .House` N. W. Tr ,.: e�ar4lha Phones—Office, 21'4j- Residence 214w.• School of Commerce Clinton, Ontario ' Offers the following advantages-- Expert dvantages—Expert Teachers Two Standard 'makes o writers. Practical Business Gregg' Shorthand Secretarial Duties • Actual '' Office 'Practice, And a record of 'successful grad- uates, whose high standard for good work we expect you to reach or ex•• of Type- Training. • When you' think ef. a Commercial - Course write , B. F, 'YARD,' B.A., M. Accts. ` B • „ Principal Phone 198 16-tf Announcement Having decided to go into the, coal business, I wish to announce that T will keep a stock of the best quality hard and soft coal, coke and wood, and respectfully solicit a, share of public .patronage. HOWARD CLARK Phone 151-w 'Farm For Seler- Lot 6; con. 3, Stanley Tp,, 2,,i miles from Hippen• station, School house on corner of farm. Farin contains 100 acres, more or less, of good clay. Ioam, • Soi1 is' good for grain or grass. Good, spring of water near rear of farm running ;summer and winter, lane runs through centre of place to spring. 9 to 10 acres of good hardwood bush, has good -buildings in good repair. 1i/ storey brick dwell- ing with 8 rooms, cellar and furnace, brick kitchen 16x20 feet with pantry and washroom, with a woodshed at- tached, 16x28 feet. Dwelhng- has steel roof. 'One good well at house. Barn 40x86 feet with good siding and: roof on "a 9 foot wall. Stable room for 30 head of cattle and 8 horses. There is L shape to barn 28x40 feet with straw shed above and box:stall, pig -pen and hen house below. There is a drive shed and garage 22'x36 feet, and workshop combined. Apply per- sonally to Alex. McEeatb, Proprietor, R. R. Kippen, Ont. or W, Brydone, Clinton. 18-2 Pullets 200 bred -to -lay Barred Rock pill-. lets, March hatched, will make good, early layers. • 51.00 for July. D. M. Lindsay. R. R. No, 3, Clinton, 17-tf House For Sale Large red brick house, corner Or- ange and Wellington streets, 8 rooms, all modern conveniences, Possession when desired. Also a barn and it acre lot on Wellington street.. Apply to Mrs, W. Jenkins. 06-tf-6p Clothes. Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Postoffi.ce, Billy MacKinnon. 19-1. Rooms ,-vver' Hea'rd's B-rber shop. Experienced' Teacher Wanted Protestant teacher with 1st or 2nd class certificate,' for S. S. No, 3, God- erich township, (Holmesville school). Salary 51,000.00 per annum., Appli-. catipns to be in the hands of the sec- retary by July 30th. E. J, Trewar- that, sea -treasurer, Holmesville, Ont. 19-1 Teae'her Wanted Experienced teacher for U.S.E, No, 12; Hallett and Goderich." 'Applica- tions 'received ,up to Monday,. July 25th.• `Orval Rapson;' Secretary, Lon- desboro, Ont. 19-1 For Sale ' Two choice Durham cows, one to freshen July '20th ;Rr Cantelon, Phone 21-620. 19-1-p, Cook Stove for Sale • Suitable for wood, 55.00. Also bicycle, in first class'eonditi0n 515.00, Apply to Capt, 'lidniae, S. A.:, Huron street,' Clinton.' • 19-1; • Come• . Te the laying of the Corner Stones Of the ..New • Grate 'United •c C hni.h :Porter's Hill, on Wednesday, Tuly,27, 1927, ''Tile ceremony `wilr take place at 3 o'clock p,nn..Two Stones will be laid—one:' by Mr, W. Medd, M.L.A. for South "Hilton , inbehalf ;of the con- gregation, and oho by Miss.Florenee Mooney of Goderich, for the Ladies' Aid Society, •=There will bo brief ad- dresses andspecial music. An, offer_; inn• will be taken, . -Supper and Cort-', cert. From 5 to 8 o'clock Supper will be served by the ladies in. the capac- ious new "church shed, after which there wiil'be an excellent progreni -of Instrumental' and Vocal Music Reci tntions,•and Addresses by -prominent residents of ;the 'neigltbgriitg towns. Admission to Supper and Concert -- 50e; children h dten under 12, 2,5e. Rev. R. W. Gale, Pastor. 19-1-p For Sale Horse rake and good mower. Apply to John D. Woods, Louisa street, Bay- field, L6 -4-p W.. J. Jago. • 2283-tf tea liil!A-onS S 4RAltiftDe A ' SAIL ON COAL: AT THE MCAT. FOLKS' yAari Summer's' a;'pleasant time for o a sail It certainly, is a .pleasant•tine for 'a sale on coal. - ' You can solve your nex'f winter's heating problem, make; `sure of `get- ting the kind' of coal you want,;: and save a Treat semi' of,moi ey by biking advaritago -6f ;these .low ,sumri?er 9 ices, Call !us up, Call the :Meft3litt for-goodr,, clean ;coal s t 9! s COAL COMPANY ANY PHONJ 74 CLINTON 1111 e; al 'Takes Place ora° hug • sda Y �lyd• ' ay an• d aaalyda 2. l s t® 22n y These are three Real Bargain .Days, See bills for particulars Don't Miss ' Th ®- • ese avls�g� , Mer Ha�dw�,re Sole Agents for Clinton and Territory, Good Schools VOW. The ' Shaw .Schools have grown from One to Twelve, all in Toronto, ' There is but one reason, Good work; successful graduates. Free calendar, W. II. Shaw, Pres., Dept. 4,46 Blom: West, Toronto. WOOD I F R.D ARRC I►1t BARRISTER will be at his office in Clinton each MONDAY From3to6p.m. ave a quantity .of good, hard 30 -if. vood and some slabs for sale: New Ford Truck f r sale,cheapNnger Sewing Machine o NOTICE Big Discount on Cash Sales 1 would like all old accounts Now -is the time to have your ma- chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs, Needles, Belts and Parts for all -makes. Leased on Small Monthly Payments straightened, up at once. E. WARD' Phone 155 Huron street. Cottage for Sale - An eight—room. cottage in Isaac street, . beautifully finished inside, town' water and good cistern, summer Icitchen, Garden with apples and small •fruits. , Apply on premises to Mrs. Wm, 'Graham. • 10-tf Farm For Sale 100. acres, good soil, fine' buildings, snail maple bush, 4i/c miles from Clinton, t"pVill sell cheap and on easy terms. Will sell crop. with farm if desired. Inquire at News -Record of - Dee. 12-tf House For Sale A nine -room house on Princess 'street, r/, acre lot, electric light, fur: naee,'three-piece bath, all in first- class condition. Apply to E. L. Mit- tel], Clinton, Phone 213. 08-tf, FOR SALE ., Used building material, from the old Collegiate building. Brick, stone sills, doors and frames, windows and frames, storm sash, joists, up to 22 ft., studding, lath, casings, scantling, mouldings of all kinds; matched lum- ber, stairs and bannisters, maple and pine flooring, etc. Apply on job to W. J. Elliott, or to S. E. Rozell at the Clinton . Creamery. 12-tf ASPHALT ROOFING We have a complete line of. Toronto Asphalt Shingles and Roofing for siding or roofs if you are considering roofing compare ouis, before buying, with any other. This is the best by tee'f Feeds -Always carry Bran, Shorts, Western Oats, best quality at lowest price. • J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123 Flour and Feed Merchants and ' Grain Buyers' W. GLEN COOK Phone 1713 P.O. Box 201, Chaos FORD COUPE FOR SALE A 1923 model Ford coupe in good running order. • AUTOMOBILES Overhauled and Repaired STORAGE BATTERIES Charged and Repaired • Gasoline—Oils—Accessories . W. J. Nediger, Prop. Hughes, Valve Cap p Absolutely Airtight - Underinflation Without question the greatest and mos common abuse of tires is under- inflation. The carcass of the tire is constantly bent and hinged the guns that binds the layer of fabric or cords together is destroyed and the plies rub together, Friction soon develops and the tire wears itself out. The in- side layer of the casing breaks, caus- ing the inher tube to be pinched. Best Investment The best investment offered to the motorist today is the Hughes Valve Cap. Its capacity for saving you time and money will pay you several thousand per cent. on the initial cost. Do not forget the spare tire. Equip this too and then'when.you need its services it will be ready to go. Guarantee Every Hughes Valve Cap is guar- anteed to .be absolutely air -tight when applied as per instructions, FOli SALE BY 11. Charlesworth. C. H. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges,` Fixtures, Bulbs, Eons Fans andn other - Appliances Wiring and Repairs. esserasszassmsomassa 11 Phone 7 ei18.01 a.-' Brn .Shorts--Middlnn s—T grades o g ades of Westerns Oats. Mixed Grain - = - am for Ileus We ' also have Fine , and Coarse Scratch F Ontario Oats, Feed, and TIn Feed, .()}topped and Rolled Oats;• Ground and Unground Screenings 'beat and Barley, All Binds of Royal Purple Stock. Foods, Cod Liver Oil for Hens. WE;HANDI,E GILT EDGE TWINE FLOUR Five Roses Maple , ap Leaf and Purity Flour Sugar by the Hundred Y I nclred weight Cliarieswort FROND 199