HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-07-21, Page 314'
Use 'You!" Head:
When You go alien a job,
Alvat's`'try to rise, your Ione i.
,[t will follow anywhere,
I7nderground, or In the air—
Sunday, Monday, every day,
When you're sad or when you're
needs is equ
AH it c1fr- eht use—
It willsave
youmuch abuse
It costs about a dollar a head to get
:people out foi•pa ''spontaneous' pop'u'i-
la1 demonstration.
•Mbybe it's Called commencement
because it's the, time the ,graduates
commence to find: out how little they
Tho. Evolution of the Man.
Wo sow our thoughts ,and we ,reap
our actions, - - °
ere sow our actions, and we reap our
We sow our habits and we' reap our
charraeers; ,
We sow our characters, and. we reap
our destiny.
When one considers the number of
persons who are always going on a
•belt, It seems miraculous that anyone
ever is at home long enough to enter-
taiu all tilo guests,
"C#mme twenty -too twonty•two""
Shouted' the perspiring gentleman in
the telephone booth,
"Two, two, two, two?" repeated the
voice with the smile.
"Now, see here, young -lady," Came
'bade the' exatperated. enc; ''y9n just
,get my number; and you will play
choo-choo some other time."
T `This':on".our Plano. by lt „» ..
Song Hit—She was 'an. Organist's
Daughter and I Had to 4ake''IIer
'Pipe Down.
Moanuitoos aright live longer it;
' t-
i present their bilis person-
fill t t e t P
y P
ally. \_
Two'claSees of people have fires.
Those who have no insurance, and
those who aro accused by the neigh-
bors of burning it for the insurance
Salvation is ,free and a lot of stingy
Church members -think the preacher's
services ought to be too.
No ,friend of Ours.
L'"en"0 mosquito, we sulipoae,
May count his friends, though by
the minim;
This fact were free though to dia.-
That we're agile him
Lots Of' girls are pretty good all '
around; 1f you take them that way! „ ..
. I
She was as ruffled as a fancy gar-
We imagine that most folks 'who
read this column do it with 'the hope
that It won't be tiresome every day.
When a men tolls you he can do
something which you have been try-
ing to do yourself and can't, put him
011 a commission basis.
Opportunity" often masquerades as
a hard: job. '
-rhe: T rt Hdcuu 1 fila tti rri€xMati',
It'14.o.vd11, aotlavu and Aiti♦id poiplicla:s`
10,Yafk Clty aft rt a throe: t•'naa
grailtno . to„ youlu ivamni), 11 utnu,
reignited •edaoatlo2, anti 1, 21,ta of U0c0111i0
uv§n,, Th1, Heenan Im, ndontcu tf :alnlh
Inter. ,y t n1 Teta 1 tell 1 0 1t',_; ,llliture"' ai
ill Sc) 1002)11 ly tllowautn and tra11.1.,,
aanceetti to and.iros 500 v it For
lar ❑i
or 1'tul a,tlnn v,rlle 1110 Slue rIfltendut: •
When the, egricu'.tutal" •authorltl
n Cjenoola set Out, a few. yetu's,'.ago, to
encourage tlie'1yrowth'}o£ the'o4xoultr9 s+Y',i
industry, they. decidedas ooa of till
blot. ,step to c ahlt kr, grouter eon
flleec anieng,potkit ,eo neiamere 'Ia.!'
the quality, of,•"Canad•taii gouitd'y-
caro.,, Tlao •C•arnadlan.liou "-owne.used''
to rnetrd ergs with suspicion, et
hotseu vest still c109010,0'"ot t e r
11' 11•.`'.ir£s. Twelve yea.., •
Cana aIn l 1 c1uee A siodation aalout-
Ied a stone ui! of grading for , eggs,
A fli'end of student days. hi Ger- which th 0 Govclnmev1'mlde effective
many,' a Svies of the Viking type,.legally on "the "ba of -inspection for
brought me; by, sg,tiy bf a pilgrimage 4Y,.or' „ltd'"lziter.l.;ovhtcn„l.0 inn'l ,110
through the "Bayariall htP111ands, .-t§.1'rho becaine se asppat;ent in the
iiass.thp whiter Months with his kinexport trade, a00mdirlg to one aath-
follc in Appenxelledlaizd: 1 tofu 001- erity, that the better gi odea of Cana-
tage to fariu we, wandered over the cliitn product sola; for as much as
snow, made welcome everywhere by twenty cents a aaaen bufI
gler Chau Dile
the warm-hearted, sophisteated peas -,1 nearest Glasgow
n est camliet tors on the G soo
antry.. Professors, musicians, lace-
m�a.rlcet. ,
mkt, anstalwart
e s 1 nrldr ai during tcl e c
- g' has L•r production, •Canada1 as in
ag nrval c,n in
the summer months �a Half o£' each creased euorn-merits.'ei:'irea:"tha higher
family. leas diiPet•sed in various aye- standad'd'.became,.general,-tln'oughout
cations over three-gquarters •o£ Eur- the country, bt'tt the 'Oanadian ,,eon
'epe; and they' returned. every winter sumers are.' keeping pace with prdtuc-
to the hardy life of the cottage group, 1i0n;,, They have, 'indeed, attained the
"to breathe for a time freely"=as 'distinction f t'
Through the .evenings we oat by nStet-eel h'
e utat on:o .wield'. a . a .oma - -
i n me n,
spoon.. A r' m,a• a i ti
a.o d u recant stats cs
whl' it
i e the ai�erage coi�sum0r 'die theTo
Tho=Laurcentie; laeiongmg to the White Line, was launcho;hrecently
at Belfast and'shie will b'e ; completed' early iii,. tfi \ winter •aftiei^ which she
will be' used on M.editetra:ncla i 'courses,• Next spring: size well enter the
s l a, i
Canadian '•tru,ds and s. it between L vetPool and Montreal. This iii;�:r, 19,000
tons it share with t,L., N]i�@e tare i' _r I . bi 1. 1'i�r ' • , l being
w l z S I n 9. be e the a ..treat on of
the largest cabin liwei^on the St Lowrsne'e'routd, She - will have accommoda-
tion for 1,100 i,a iemg..l s, including cabin, 'tciurist cabin and third class,
and r eports. from eve -cos -as indicate that hiz'r aecoinimcilation, is .equal. to that'
In the most modern hotel
o ea ing more. eggs even '
than the people of Belgium ox of the • ��lip!�'�py� TY a..
United w ale the have the
Jog fires the women lace-makiu and
talking, the ,Men carving or -idling ,
ani,—often all 'singing. On festival
0000 we, tramped• or
slot had, .01
Uniteid States -IS. eating 207:;ag„
etcvaad '1114,5. little tr1iis wiiggipg anmun elgiul ” 2I3 �Elr
"Up Jti iY 'P ii az. sneY?taon of;e;gs d•Cangdaest11si
bonfires roaring red 'ever the- frozen e'd. te` ecor ielast:year gt 830,:.00 very
hillsides, anti-alwaysall singing. nearly one; egg chilly thro•.ngliout theThe• women, their rounded contralto year for every "oneof Cenada's'9,320,-
notes dropping: through the cold nit ,000 inhabitants. Great Laiitain's n-
wie goldene Ifugom,"tossed the song 1
suinption eluting , fire same yearcoie
back and forward between the sleighs given ea 110 es+gsYlier caiiita, which is
or down the sauntering train, while ahead of Norway, Sweden and Dene
the nice accompaniocl them on a surf^ mark, but which- is behind both Get-,
many -and France.
The remarkable growth of the pard -
try industry :is being advertised to the
world next - month at' the • World's
Poultry Congness in...Ottawa, Over
forty countries 'are taking part in the
congress; many of which are sending
national ,exhibits of live birds. Uni-
que eolleetlons are being sent from
India, 'Japan and, other, distant lands.
The -cosmopolitan throng of delegates
to the cop:gi;esr will number upward.
of 8,000, it estimated, They axe
Journeying to Canada from every con-
tinent, A great neighborly .repre-
sante'tion from the United States is
forecazlt, including delegates from Uie
various nation-wide organizations
which are affiliated.. with the poultry
Canada 'bas a reputation for the sue-
Cessf it Initialing, of exiribitions. No
offor"t''s'"1s'lieing"sgdred,-to Make ,the.
int run o
e ti as .
l exhibition poultry;
iraoti '
ie. Incidenlally, a•alteetal tour
across Canaria is being arranged, :from
Halifax to Vancouver and back, to give
delegates an a.pportuuity of seeing
seine f'na '
o Caalas outer productive re.
sources; The World's Pcultry Con-
gress should help to advertise the re-
markable growth of tit's poultry indus-
try in recent years, as well es to Stim-
ulate the interest of producers in the,
continuous and indeed increasing lm-
piovement of the industry—Dditorial
In Christian Scienes Monitor.
beat of jodeliing undertone.
Or, again, a' tow of us would walk
all night across the white foot -hills,
talking indiscriminately in, three lan-
guages, or trudging wordless and con-
tent, while the frosty stars cut' like
swords between -the black lir-branch-
es abovo the snow, , and again and
again black -beards. and '"gold -beards
'would 'shout unexpectedly intoa
The Swiss valleys, like the Seveso
people, are only discoverable in other
than the summer months of tourist
;traffic. Tlie Zermatt valley,` as we
may see it in August, has little charm
of its own. I was puzzled, when at
last I ventured to visit this innermost
sanctuuiy sacred. to the memory 6f
the 'first- ]nountaineeihig prophets,'to"
account for Uheir;,enthuslastic love of
its dusty gores, ivarrn-smelling 'path
and,, spar so eNhA usted epioz s LJLIUI,
One 'winter, I:"i'cctiec ,'erect it -Siti'4e'
T \ n it' in
have eo r i o do v
then u h e ,Imon t
0 P
every month but one of the year; and
I' hardly' lcnow its' equal for variable
loveliness, Inautumn, brilliant with
or frost
it with.ea
colored foliage, ' dew
sparkling in goms of light from twig
and thorn. In the green outbreak of
spring; when the rush of the mount-
ing sap is almost as audible as the,
atroanibubble from the melting snow.
Under winter snows, when trio tip-
right crags and sliding spits Of scree
and forest are fighting forlornly to
shoulder off an accumulating weight
of silence, Whatever month and
whatever way we choose, by sleigh 'or(
by the ice -smothered 'railway' track,
always above us in the lengthening
or the shortening home of sunlight
we have glimpses of fantastic giactera
Lalling outEof cloud -land and of white
peaks balanced unaccountably In im-
probable space. And always at the
Is 1,Vhat Thousands of Mothers
end of rho valley, reserving its tiro- • Say of Baby's Own Tablets.
matte' entry rer the last second and A Medicine- rho baby or
ieino for
cliff corner, - comes the sudden, full- growhtg
ength revelation. of. the incomparable child—ono that trio mother Tall feel
Matterhorn. Geoffrey Winthrop assured is abselutsiy safe as well as
ming, 111 "On High Hulls Illemortes, of ellleent is round In Baby's Orin Tab.
the Alps,:: lots. The Tablets are 'praised by
thousancl.a'of mothers througliodt- Uie •
conntr';y.- These Mothers have, found
by actual experience that there is no"
other medicine for little ones to.equal
them. Once a mother has used then
•tor'lter children she will use nothing
else. 'concerning then) lltrs,, Charles
I2utt, Taecook Island, N.S„ weites1
"I have tots children, the baby being
just six months old', I have used
Baby's Own Tablets tor, them for the
past "20 Years, and can trutitfullyesay
that I know of mo better medicine for
little ones, 1 always' keep...IL box of
the Tablets in .the house and would
advise all other mothers to do 80," -
Baby's"Orvn•Talileta aro sold by all
,medicine dealers or will be mailed
upon receipt of price, xG cents per
box, by The Dr, Williams' Medicine:
Co Brockville, Ont,
Yes, Dear!
Potatoes are said to grow wild In
Chile, -..It is the prices, however,
which run wild -.iii this country.
Clouse—"Were you ever gassed?"
Matt—"Yea, but I didn't buy what
the fellow was trying to sell me.
Never try to 'kiss's girl; either kiss
her tar don't.
Where's Llaiment for trisect bites.
Hereditary Job. -
'First Burglar's Witt?—" Wot'a yer
little 'kid gala' to be when he. grows
Second.l3nuglar.'e Wife --"Guess he's
in 'the;.finger-prints`-of
his oil Irian."—Judge,
S6 -Backward,
"Nov that spring is here I suppose
you and Sohn wiil sooty be inat'rying?"
"He's too much lilie sprung for that;
"How's that?"
"So backward:"
Bostock Creek
Bostock creek; which is tributary
to the Illeoillewaet river. in British
Columbia is named after "Senator
Hewitt :;Rosteek, o.wlto entered-, the
House- of. Cram -mons. hi 7.806 as mein-
eembet• for ale. and, Cariboo:—Geogrggphic
Board of.Canada.
Betty Buzz stars ice, Screen, cora
•1LIT spray clears your li iu&''of•ilres and mos.'
uitoes. It "also kills bed' bugs, roaches, ants,
and. their eggs. , Fatal. to insects bttt'harntloss to
mankind, \Iillntot stain. Get Flit today.
Dutrieuted iy'Canada by Peal.. Whitlow O'.Co.y Limited Toroaio
Flies Mosquitoes Moths
Ants Bed Bugs Roaches.
"The yoflot1 cr!
with the black" L"
She• was still rather..new aV'driving
a car and a little bit confused lei traf-
fic. Down Broadway she forgot to.
store soon enough. at the Signal 'and
shot out " into the middle of the
.'Pompously llie, traffic ofricer :bore`
"Didn't you sec me hold up. my
(nand?" he shouted fiercely.
The culpidt gasped a- breathlesbb.
-"Didn't you know that when I held
up my hand it meant—Stop?
"No; sir; len just a school teacher,"
she 'said in a timid, mouselike voice,
"and when you raised your hand I
thought you wanted to ask a ques-
There is No More.
The- steamer was just leaving the
pier Whet wean rushed up and shout-
ed: "Hold ona minute,. Captain; there
is a party of fifty coming aboard."
The steamer docked once again,
and the 'individual strode up t!rb.gang-
plank. -
"Where's tlio rest of the party?".
asked the captain,
"1'm that party! I'm just fifty to
Hiawatha From Vermont.`' The Sioux Indians, famous for reti-
cence, think of linitiating the Great
White rather, President Coolidge, in-
to their tribe. The ceremony may
tun about as follows:
Chief Yellow Robe — "PIow do?
Smoke few? Me, too: Now " yon
brand -new -Big Sioux. Flurroo!"
Tho POesident -- "All through?
Thank you. 'Adieu. - New lock
Times. _.• r s, -w
1?erfeCt „ I)1 codon `.foiaaes `
, g
-Through iiC ,Fed Bloo
There Can be -n0 perfect digestion
unless you have rich, red blood, This
is scientifically true. It is also true
that there is no tonic for tiro stomach
that is not -a tonic 'for --every other
part of the body.. The way, - then, to
tone up the stomach is to tone up the
:rho many so-calledstomach reme-
dies merely try to digest your food
for you. Flow much better it ie to
tone up the stomach so that it will do
its own Work aa- nature" . intended.
There is no pleasure in eating predi-
gested food. 'Tone up your stomach
and, your appetite and digestion will
aeon be normal. •
It your digestion is weak and your
blood thin you need tli.e help of Ar,
Williams' Pink Pills to enrich the
blood and restore strength, In addition
use caro in the selection of your food
and your "stomach trouble will soon
pass away. Mr. pardon. Dundas,
Peterboro, Ont., tells as follows: what
this medicine did,10r him, He says:
"Something over a year ago I was a
gasoline Salesman. when,, 0 was taken
i ' a 1 and lost.
.felt, vet•.y m ser,�b o
tw lv 'pounds. in wet lit, T did trot.
a LiG
Iwell an c• d notRtat a :I c ulc
sleep d c ul
scarcely retain anything in y stone
aoh,' 1 wont to a local doctor wits
tial me the fumes of the gas liail''got
into my system Ilem gave e sem:
medicine sand told me I had better gr
to the country for change of air. I
did so, but .I stiIl felt restless and
groggy, salted no ambition. On the
advice 0f a friend I' decided to try Dr.
Williams' Pinit Pius. I had not been
taking the pills long before I was be
ginning to rest better, and to Cat
fah•ly well. I kept on taking the pills
until at the end of' the seventh boa
I knew I }lid not need any more, as )
had gained the weight I had lost, slept
well and could eat anything. 1 have
since had splendid health and cannot
say too much in praise of Dr, Wil.
limns' Pink Pills.
You can get these Pills from any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 eta,
a box from 'rhe Dr. Williams' Medi-.
Cine Co., Brockville, Ont,
Resedch IYi.¢aa Atir1
Le Canada (Lib.) % It may lie true
titzot eine Ot our Carn.tdiau universities
*n .b1isod a*nough,.izi the - early days 01--
Canattu,'s development; to refuse the
servic1'3 of Huxley and Tyndal, but we
have left that epoch of Provincialism
far behind us and the F'ed'eral Govern-
ment and provincialgo''Pornments ae
well as private companies nowadays
spend large seine on scientific educa-
tion and t'essarch of all kinds. .
A Six Par.
Tho small girl was accustomed to
the talk: of her father who was ar
enthusiastic golfer and naturally ac-
(uired many of the terms peculiar tc
the game. Upon the clay when clic
was eating her first slice of melon
she startled her parent by remarking
'gravely: "rather, I've been 'sped.•
morning, and I find it talcs six bites
to reach the green."
Sliding Scale,,'
From a foreign Paper contee the
story-,- that an American pu1lisi1en
cabled to Dean Inge: "Will you writs,
yon' life?, : Offer two thousand
netinds," The dean cabled back, de
cliui.ng the. offer. Tlie-publisher thou
cabled 1Jiil you:`write''' life el.
Christ? ' Loiver terms, eT course,"
boste n Transcript.
Easily Satisfied.
Father—"You're always wanting
more money. Nov:, I Was always sat-
isfied with the very small allowance
my father gave nue."
Son "Then he would have been
foolish: to have increased it. Now,;
with me the 011130 15 different,"
For Scalp Removal.
"I'm having trouble with my 5i;a1p 1
-I want it' `removed,"
"1 know a good Indian doctor I can
Drat. Those Optimists!
M C. Phillips returned from the
convention of, Undertakers at Yakima
eutl tised with the prospects for a re -
coy) crop in Washington this year,-
lVil ur (Wash.) paper.
Minard's Liniment for scaly, scalp.
Smart 1
a silk and Wool 1
outfit in sub-
Ined toms for street or travel.
Entertaining 'Rig.
In, Los Angeles Mr. and Mrs, Hutch-
inson bought a Franklin victrola
which they drove to Seattle and then
flipped to -„Fairbanks. — Fairbanks
(Alaska) paper.
keep Mlnard's Liniment near at hand.
keeping the Secret.
Mother (to snail daughter who is.
going to visit a sohooi friend)—"Now,
do ti'y to keep yourself clean and get
to the house tidy, or liioy'Il wonder
what kind of a mother you've got." .
Daughter—"That's all right, ltfums;
I won't tell tl ens."----Pun'81i,
The Harley-Davidson Single Cylinder
Motorcycle is the greatest little ins
Chine that has been . made. Safe to
ride, easy to control, and most mon-
minced, Stands 'without a rival. 100
Miles to Gallon of Gasoline. Down
1?ayrnent $100, Balance $22 per month,
price $301. Walter Andrews; Limited,
346 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont,
`CHIBITS from the world over
~featuring'. Agriculture, Art,
Science, Industry. New Diamond
Jubilee of Confederation Entrance.
New Agricultural Pavilion -an 8 -acre
extension to tate C.N.E. Coliseum.
The :150;000 World Championship Swire
—the second Wrigley Marathon—on
Wednesday, August 81st. Athrilling
historic new Grand Stand, Pageant',
"CANADA." The 1927 Confederation
Year Program is the greatest in the '
49 years Cf our history.
I st.v'st4
001)N C KENT
Manngingbil,,l ,
iSSUE -No,- 30--'27.
9oest tea you can buy;" --picked when only
hr edays ®yid juicy, flavor -filled ' leaves.
Now ;packed '1I9.' 10f2AuasueiPBito '.
i aihljc Ownership in Canada.
It will be realized`that. the people
of Cameliaa"zei acutely alive to the
virtues of State-ownerslrup -of certain
industries. ' Operations along thiel line
are becoming nnor0•l0oneenieed Rrbm
Year to Year. --,:A, country that:' can
sherry vast railwacv° aind steameloi• ser-
vices, i eropie 111 for commerciaPl par-
poses, ga'etat hydro -,electric industries',
motion; p,ioture: enterprises, coal min-
ing paternalism; wholesale and reitall
Ilquoi, Control, otc,,,,all under the ,aegds
al Fedetai andPirovrncial Governments
-eesetch. a i
0oitrltr 'ids r'
ut01 i r to,
"y Y
or tt e lad
to S'tarte control of detrain industries
Whether' It']rnows it or not. But this,
pioyer3 dnust•nett ho. coirfounded "with.
giCialtem as W1, uncle¢stand "it'' in:
Purcli2 n,colmtxies` There to -no roonl
at a•11' for`. Sncialis'm of that kind `'In
ally;g'ai't-4-fthle•,Nortii American Con -
Uncut, while 'Communise has scarce-
ly any supporters at all in Canada.
The ate.te control I have 4ndicated. is
merely" the operation of, certain atilt:
tires which the Federal and Provincial
Governments of the Dominion are
unci making -'for the general welfare.
Dxkwot from "The Economist,” Lon -
Son, 11/6/27: :
Must Have Company.
Auntie—"Do you ever play with bad
little boys, Willie?"
Willie ---"Yes, Auntie."
Auntie—"I'm aurpi'ised. Why don't
you play withgood little boys !
Willie—"Their mothers won't let
me."—Answers: "
Answering the Cali.
All State officers plan to be present
at the opening of the homes for the
feeble -minded, -"30 Years Ago To-
day" in the Wisconefn,State Journal,
Minard'r-Ltntmeut"tor earache.
i ,i.
uc e. ibl ca-Uat "iii,'tidd �' m"''
1U0, . tD
G00 yea -Mole a
considerable quantity of valuables 1115
the form of .rings, watches and other I'
trinkets.' 0 Prisoner—"Yea, sir.; Ire -
member cl that money alone don't
bring happiness.'
Classified Advertisements
,t/0.77 N T S. .'CIT,HI7TE 10 S1;X—$76
.a. .NV/DE :LY EASY selling ; PALCO 1 .
0LPIAN1iiRS, '$e11q on .' demonstration:'
Cleans. 'everything. -Tike IIPA.G.IC.'. Re-.
1)ioyeg' tar 'without iniury to 'paint. Free
samples, P,- A. L)rt'7J73G'22P1 & CO.,
A.lexandria,`Ont. 2.
IO ar-
�e �Qld :Zoo Parrot
ILAY's Egg
by. at-
tendants/ tendan
.It experiments with w'h'at 'cor-•
responded .toa monkey gland opera
than 010 ,13111, ill f
amouu zoo ,parrot,
au egg' on her 1001Eh birthday.
Nil BI . was chr.,steneel Years ago be- °
fore, rher osex was knb,*a- •
Shexh' '
e t „neo"sur
; p ls0' at the
d u e �.,,
de ,; Ti,pau;,,a'Fterc years'crf lien
ovl'p oua "a. actrvtthes, but seemed
proud ofher at:.
Twice Bonn
Dr. Smith .is an alumus-of the Uni-
.versity of Georgia of the class of 1110.
Ile is a native of Newman and of At-
• Bettie (meeting Jimmy at foot ot-
atairs)—"Dad has found out that you
broke the dining -room window, and
he Is waiting' to 'swish' you good -
S T nR
EN o E UE97
Tells cause Of cancer and what to do
for pain, bleedlr g, odor, etc. Write for
01 to -day, mentioning this paper, Ad-
dress Indianapolis Cancer Hospital
Indianapolis, Ind:
AFirestone Contribution
to Economical Travel
The greatest enemy to tire life is
not the chopped -up road, the broken.
pavement or the harsh grind of rough
city streets—but heat, which is created
by internal friction. ll at not only
weakens the fabric,' but a4 so softens the? .
tile' rubber and causes blowouts and
tire failures. •
Firestone chemists and engineers knew
that if they could find a way to elim-
inate this destructive heat and internal
friction, the mileage -giving qualities of
tires would be greatly increased. Such
a method was found and called "Gum -
Dipping." '
The Gum -Dipping process is one of
° Firestone's contributions to economical
travel—in insulates and impregnates
every fiber of every cord with rubber,
reducing internal friction and at the
same time binding the cords together
by a stronger union of tubber, thus
giving greater; strength and flexibility
to the tire.
Firestone dealers everywhere—familiar
with Gum«Dipping and its advantages
will gladly explain how thousands of
extra miles are built into Firestone
tires by this exclusive method. Take
advantage of the Gum -Dipping process
to lower your tire costs this year.
Hamilton, Ontario
Miters. -
Prevent any chance of infection
by using Mlnard's. Heals also..
B }t .t.
+a a
A ,
....',;' "MG - in: PAW
1 w
rt ti •F
Have Good Hair
And Clean Scalp
Soap and Ointment
Work Wonder's
Try Our New Shrsvin; Stick.
RU -00`.yNEER
Ottawa Woman Made Strong by
Taking Lydia E, ?inkliam's
Vegetable Compound
Ottawa, Ontario.—"1 was terribly
run-down after the birth of my third
baby. I had awful bearing-downpains
and was afraid I had seribps trouble. ,
I was tired all the time and had no
appetite. My sister-in-law is taking
Lydia E. Pinlcham's Vegetable Com-
pound and cannot praise it too highly
and asked me to try it. I have had
splendid results and feel fine all the
time now. Any one, who needs a
thorough pick-me-up soon learns
from me what to take."—Mrs. RtN
PAQUIN,812 Cumberland Street, Ot-
tawa, Ontario.
Terrible Backache
Hamilton, Ont.—"After my baby
was born I had terrible backache and
headaches. I could not do my work and
felt tired from the first minute I got
up. But worst of all were the pains
in my sides when I moved about. I
had to sit or lie down for a while af-
terwards. I could keep my.house in
order, but many things had to go un-
done at the time, because of my ail-
ments. I Was told by a neighbor to
take Lydia B. Pinkhatn's 'Vegetable .
Compound, as she said it would build
Inc up '• liowas relieved before Ihacl
. taken ed.., firstwo botrg1lt and have
not had any trouble dike' it since. —
2elrs, T. MARXLE, 60 Burton Street,
Firestone Suilde the Only Gum-DippedTires Hsinlilton, Ontario. - `O
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago
lain Neuralgia Toothache rheumatism
Accept only, "Bayer", pacleagd
wilicll contains proven directions.
Handy "Bayer" 'boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100--17ruggiata.
Aspirin is the trrtde murk (ecglstered' It, Cntiada)i of Bagel; - Manufacture of iitonoseette
acldestur of. aalleyllcaeld.. fAsetYl Salicylic Aole,."A a, .r;') While it is well known
that Aspirin means 73009) Innnufae4A2q• to assist 11'e Public against imitations. the Tablets
of Bayer Company, Will he stampia iylth 111015 aenerni trade exude age !Trager Noss,"