HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-07-14, Page 81 CLINTO.N'S 'LEADING JEWELIJRY STORE IGT S !Lyes naturally a litweals are first to'feel the change in sea- sons --especially into the bright sunlight of summer, resulting 'in dull aching.pains with dan- ger always'that the strain will be too great, resulting in actual injury to the vision. It enay be that you do not need' glasses, then again it may be highly iia - „portant That you have them, Our'service is not to put glasses. on you if you 'domot need thein, but by thorough and most scientific test ,of eyes to know the facts, present them to you and let you be the judge'. If you are bothered' with your eyes, ,step iii and find out the trouble. ., H. JORNSQN Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey's Drug Store Special Items For Jubilee Week In order that the first week:, of July may be a real Jubilee Busi- ness Week,. we have chosen from each department one or two special lines and have eliminated all profits and in some cases part, of .the actual cost and -have marked them at real BARGAIN PRICES. LOOK OVER THIS LIST— • 25 pairs Mens Grey Stripe Cottonade Pants, reg. $2.00 for 81.69 Men's and Boys Leather Soled Canvas Oxfords at 81.39 About 300 yards of 32 inch•Ginghams, reg. 25e a yard for 17the Tokio Dress 'Crepes in Peach, Rose, Maize and Blue, to clear at half price, per, yard .. . ................ . 35c A. nice line of Men's Fine Shirts at 95c ice's Grey Chambray Work Shirts at 79c Boys' Fine Outing Shirts at 69c Work Sox at 15c per pair and Fine Socks at 390 DON'T MISS THESE BARGAIN'S AS EACH ONE IS GENUINE Plumsteel Bros. PnoNn 25. SpechilTlIisfleek 1 Waterpower Washing M ich ne and •Wringer $15. In Good Running» Order 1 Electric Washing Machine In' Good Running Order. $75.00 Sutter .& Pterdue attvnicavB Okla. RIfi'Id ELECTRIC WIRING Phone 147tiv " We Serve and Satisfy " peciaI» For eek.-elld 20 lb. Pail-. Lard, $3.25 Corn Flakes, 3 for ._ 29c Muifete,.2' for 29c Rice, 3 lbs for 25e Icing Sugar, 2 lbs.' for , . ,. 25c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. for 29c Black Tea, bulk, per ib59e Matches, 3 boxes for Canned Peas, 2 for , . Canned Tomatoes,., 2 for Jelly Powders, 4 for .. Pork and Beans, 2 for , . , Grape Juice 15c, 35c, 65c bottle Lemon and Orange Cup 85c bottle Fruit, Vegetables and Cooked Meats 25e 256 25e 25c. 25c L. Lawson. & CO. PHONE 111 PROMPT DELIVERY. People You Know Miss Ellen Cooper of Toronto is vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. L. Cantelon. Miss 'Daisy Copp has returned to Toronto after,a holiday at her home in town: Blaster Ross Dunford of Toronto is. visiting his sisters, Mrs, Pickett and Mrs. Moffatt. Miss Jean Miller returned '.home Thursday last after a vacation with friends in Toronto. Mrs. E. P. Bollen of Toledo, Ohio, is visiting her sisters, Mrs, W. G. Pickett of town and Mrs. W, G. .Moffatt of the London Road. • and Mrs. W. J. Bell of Regina were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lindsay last week. Mr, Chas. M. Cantelon of Toronto is visiting at the home of his broth- er, Mr. D. W. L. Cantelon, Mr. E. S. Livermore is spending part of his holidays at "' St. Thomas, Tillsonburg and Courtland. Mr..Cromwelr. and the Misses .Mc- Kenzie of London were ween/. -end, guests at the home of Mr: and Mrs, M. T. .Corless. Mr. andg6 Mrs. Bert Cooke of Gerrie and Mrs..Syd Cooke and 17)11 and daughter, Syd and Olive, of. Salt Lake City visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Watts of town, this week. 1 r 00111 r ese Go�ds?' tire llpvn' The goods are in our North Window and to- day, Thursday, we of fer you your choice • for 45c,' on Friday 43c and on Saturday 40c. The price will ' be reduced daily =until it is one cent. If you do. not see what you want at the price you want to pay, come the next day and the price will be less. The '. ft Fair Ca. Often the Cheapest --Always the Best �I��I�M��Wi r�lif�Inlilnniinnimnnin:nlNnl7miri ° Mrs. C. S. Hawke visited in Toronto last week. Mr. H. A. Stevens of Toronto visited Clinton friends last week. Miss Daisy Copp of Toronto . is holi - daying. at her home •in town. Mrs. Prank Layton and Miss Irene' spent the 12th with Mitchell friends. ` Miss Mary Meintosh of Fort William is spending the vacation with her parents in town. • Mrs. R. H. Johnson was in Stratford one day last week attending a fam- ily 're -union "picnic,- Misses Jennie and Rose Tebbutt re- turned last week from a visit in Toronto and Hamilton. Mrs, Charles McKinnon and Miss Kathleen are visiting the former's mother, Mrs: J. Johnston. • Misses Wanda and Connie Quit of Bayfield have been visiting their grandmother, Mrs. John Cluff of Mr. and Mrs. Ray •Rumbalt and son of Montreal are visiting the for- mer's mother, Mrs. C; Rumbatl of town. • Mrs. Foote of Toronto is expected this week on a visit to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Tor - rimed. Miss Agnes Walker, who has been. teaching in Glasgow, Seotland, the past year, sailed for. Canada on July Sth. Mrs. W. Willard of Buffalo is a guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shobbrook of the; Gravel Road. Mrs and Mrs. Wilfred Tanner of Wal- laceburg :have been visiting the lat- ter's parents,; Mr. and Mrs. W Walker of town. Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Axon and Master Fred attended the Old Boys' Re- union in Caledonia, the former's home town, last week. Miss K, Parke, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. , Cluif' of town, is now the guest of her nephew, Mr. R. C1uff -the Bayfield line. Miss Hattie Courtiee and Mrs. Kearns motored to Hamilton to spend the, Confederation ' holiday and visited withthe former's brother, Mr. Dean • Courtiee. Dr. and Mrs. W. 0. Henry and Master Jim of Waskoda. Man., are visiting at the home of the doctor's °parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Henry, Frin- tcess street. Rev, S. E. and -MrB, McKegney and family were in town on Tuesday, having run up from Mitchell. where Mr. ISIcKegney was addressing the Orangemen. Mr. Win, Carter of Toronto was in town this week, havingcome up with the reneeins•of his sister, the late Mary Carter, which were laid to rest at Londesboro on Tuesday forenoon, Mrs. Fowler, wife of Dr. W. .I, R. Fowler of Guelph, and daughter, Miss Freda, and Miss Dorothy Cum- mings of Toronto left last week for a trip abroad: They will be absent six weeks or so.' Mr. and Mrs, A. Torrance and family of Toronto ` have been visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, ;Cohn Torranee' of tovm Mrs. A. Torranee and children, are now vis- iting relatives in Exeter and all will return to .Clinton later. Mr. and 1VIrs. Millar of Indian Head, Sask., have been visiting the lat- ier's Mister, Mrs'; (Dr.) J, S, Evans; Mr. Millar • is member for Indian Head and he and Mrs. Millar come down to he present for the Diamond Jubilee Celebration of .Confederr- tion in .Ottawa. They also attend- ed the Old Boys' Re -inion at, Wood- stock, Mr. Millar's home't.iwn, last week: TIIE . CLINTON /NESTS-EECOItD 11 1 1 1 s'ess s eeese,seserew Clinton's rocery s ash and Serilee Pricc List Car of Sugar due to Arrive About 18th Get Our Price Off Car. Orange Marmplade 3 lb.''jai 39c Cornett Beef, per tin •25e Corn Flakes, 3. pkgs.for 29c Corn Syrtrp, 5 lb. tin38c 'Our Own' Special Tea •.......... .....::......•,. 59c Special ,Tea, per lb. 05c Magic Baking Powder 34e' Good Quality Rice.3 lbs. for 25c Kipper Snacks, 2 tins for .; 15e Good Pie .Prunes, 2 lbs, for ..... 25e Clarks Tomato and Vegetable Soups, 3 tins for , 27e Sweet' Mixed Biscuits, per ib 25c Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs. for . , 25c Asparagus, p°er tin .. . .. . . ...:... . .. 15c Canned Peas, 2 tins for , .... • Green Gage Plum Jam, (3 Ib,) ' 25ce Piney Shelled Walnuts, 550 Jelly Powders, `i for per Tb,,, . 550 ,, 25c Sherriff'Orangess per �owders, 4 for 29a p dozen :.. 29e P. & G. Soap,.10 bars for Matches, per'pkg 45e 25c Raise Lite Baking Powder . ; 19c '2 tins Tomatoes for ... , , ,, • ... 25e 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar for...... ,.,: 73c Campbell's Pork and Beans, 2 for 25c Picnic size quart -sweet mixed Pickles. SOc. Lard, 3- ib. pail .51c 5''lba pail 89c Hot House Tomatoes ; Musk Mellons Mammy's Bread Cakes and Buns. O'Keefe's Ginger Ale aFresb Salmon Trout Tuesdays and Fridays In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. Cash and Service W. lu the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.ln. Kindly T. phone 4 Where " Solis for less" price prevails. atEMOSMOINIffilliwagivE ..e 4 V Your Building Plans Making the home attractive -and a joy in which to live can often be ac- complished at small cost by taking advantage of the plan books which we furnish free of charge to our cus- tomers, There are•many homes which could be made more beautiful, simply by adding . little touches here and there of trellis, fence, window boxes, pergoda or side gate. We specialize in building materials of all kind, milt work and first grade lumber only. It costs no more for, good materials' and in buying here you dvoid delays in delivery and can take advantage of suggestions from ourupersonal, experience in how to • buy. Thomas McKenzie Estate, Clinton GYPROC—SHINGLES—LUMBER and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES FRESH GROCERIES sDiscriminating housewives -who visit our store know that all tocks arefresh and the very best of standard grade foodstuff. And with this our prices are always' as low as any to be enjoyed,, so take advantage of otlr excellent delivery service which brings your order promptly to your door, All fresh vegetables and -fruits in season as well as staple and fancy groceries. Pick up your phone this minute, Mrs. Housewife, and place a trial order for that evening meal. THE C. & S. GROCERS People Ymu Know Miss Jean hi ley� Toronto is vis- iting i -iting her mother, Mrs. T. Jackson. Miss, Bessie /twin $f. Merritton has been holidaying. at . her home in town. Dr. Foster Copp, who has been'tisit- ine. his parents,: Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Copp, oftgwn, has returned to San Diego, California. Mr. and Mrs. John Mletratt and Miss Helen oi! Coshocton, Ohio, are vis- iting the dormer's brother, Mr. W. G. Moffatt of the London Road. Mr. R. Walker and 'Miss Hattie azide Mrs. bubble and children of 'Strat- ford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.- Frank Layton ansi other friends. Mrs. J. Cuninghame and' Miss Flor- ence Ouninghame deft yesterday for Mitchell and are spending this week, accompanied by Miss Hattie Baker, in a motor tour to Kings- ville and other paints. Mrs. L A. Mahan and little son,. Larry, have returned from visiting the former's sister, Mrs, John Flynn of betroit,°and are guests et the lady's parental home, that of Mr. and M£s. J. J. McCaughey. HOG SHI1'MENTS COAL - Coal of all kinds always on hand for immediate delivery: , Also a quantity, of dry Maple Wood Prices reasonable and dame to all W. J. MILLER & SON Orders taken atresidenee, Phone 46 Summer is e So why not buy yourself that pil stove you're wanting? Come in cad see- ours. "Perfection and "Nesco" at the right prices. Let us keep you supplied with the best coal oil. Also we have wicks for all the stoves. • We also - have sprinkling cans i different sizes. You'll be needing one now for the new plants. Look onr Report of hog shipments for week stock over. ending June 30, 1927: Clinton: Total hogs,, 188; select bacon, 70; thick smooth, 103; shop hogs, 2; lights: and' feeders, 0. Huron County: `dotal hogs, 1,691; select. bacon, 503; thick smooth, 0.70; heavies; 43; extra, heavies; 7; shop hogs, 89; lights and feeders, 43. HARDWARE and PLUMBING noale W e Your . Yorandah ore t3 a have, a eomplete stock of Verandah Furniture including AWNINGS—HAMMOCI{S-•–HAMMO-COUCHES---STRPTCHER,S AND MATTRESSES—CHAIRS AND ROCKERS COCOA MATS—GRASS MATS in fact everything to make your verandah comfortable and cosy. LARVE1C Try'a bottle while you are putting away, your furs, woollens, etc. Protects upholstered furniture against moths because it is absolutely moth ,Proof. IN TIIE .HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We have a splendid new stock of .New Perfection and. the High Speed Lorrain Coal Oil Stoves and Heats and Cooking Utensils of all kinds. Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co T'I,UE-STORES 4ViTE A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS -MONUMENT DEALERS Anne: one: 104 - ' Hardware 106 STAR THEATRE Monday, Tuesday' and Wednesday -July 18, 19 and 20 "The Show" With. Renee Adoree and Linnen $drrymore A vivid picture from the novel of Charles Tedney.Jackson The mystic art of Houdini' is revived for the screen in "The Show' • ADMISSION -21c and 15e Thursday, Friday and Saturday—July 21, 22 and ' 23 G.6 M,r• Wu "• \ Starring Lon Chaney and Louise Dresser Lon Chaney' acts part of an Oriental and, to the life. -Disguise is startling Admission --36c and; 28e -VOW PLAYING WINNERS OF THE WILDERNESS A. Real Western Picture Admission -23c and l5c Eggs Eggs Bring us your Eggs While Fresh We invite customers to visit our candling and grading room to see grading properly done. We Pay Spot Cash a, Now is the time to market yonr fat broody hens andold roosters inn, Langlois ;& Co. L to HEAD OFFICE -, MONTREAL, QUE. For further information apply to ;J .J?- CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON, ONTARIO ` PHONE 190