HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-07-14, Page 5,l,
Y 14; 192
Of itnteresf'°ito.Y
anti 1Vie
Yesterday's rail was not good for
imay-making or picnicking but it was
tine i'or'g,rowing gardens:
A dead stgp;before you,reaeh the
-• cr os ing," remarks an exchange will
piev'ent;a,dead-stop on the drosaang."
Sometimes the ❑£,lis
1.= are de-
i `tr lu scribed as chid and un.xc to u but a
lot of Englishmen cheered -an eclipse
-of the; sten the other daY•
Flying- across the Atia tm'c seems
to be gnt.ftng quite common but the
several Clinton people., who . went
across this season went by ;steamship:
'Owe Government has the advantage
over the -ordinary business men; in
snaking their liquor stores.pay, They
insist on cash with every purchase,
Indeed, cash before the purchase is
made at all.
Well, `were feeling line. "Charlie"
Middleton's sheriff and , he couldn't,
•:surel'y; reel' bl'ing hnnseli :to sheriff
out an'"ol b friendadd. i}efghbor 'like
us, 'so that Worry's over; •aiid- we'Ui db
ourilevel best to save him the trouble
of hanging us.
Sgme' people ' Seem to•think ,Canada
• :a go'od''eountry s to live im A''Man
who; was being sent- back eo his Own
country jumped off an ocean liner
the othee day, forty-five miles below
' Quebec and was vahiantly`swimming
for the shores of Goose Island when
picked up by another liners
We11, the "shouting and the tumult
dies" but we still are in possession. of
the country whose.birthday we ,have
" been so' -joyfully celebrating. There
is no cause for,anything but gladness
and thankfulness. We shall make it
an even better eountry before another
sixty years has passed,
•.N; #* *
A new statue of Sir` Wilfred
Laurier which has recently been re-
ceived in Ottawa seems to be disap-
pointing to the Government, which
ordered it. •It is said not to be Bruch
:.lfke the `'original. Sir Wilfred was a
picturesque enough figure, one would
have thought, to have made a strik-
ing "study" for a sculptor.
N• a N *
There is much discussion about the
• decision of the Government that liq-
uor manufacturers may not advertise
their goods. What is the end desired
in -advertising? It is to,epeed sales,
• to create a demand for articles of
manufacture, is it not? The question,.
is,•they% does the Government wish to
create a.larger demand on the part of
the public for liquor? That the man-
ufacturers do goes without question.
e. * N a
A young Polieb woman in Toronto
fasted fifty-five days to cure herself
of some real or inaginery illness. It
was a complete cure -she died. Itis
amazing. how some poople will get
their minds,full;et so:m'e fad or hobby.
and ride it to the limit. Fasting for
a meal or two will not hurt the ordin-
ary person`, whole in the habit of eat-
ing heartily, but nature protests
against the praetise•being carried tog
far. "Health is a very. precious pea -
session, we cannot afford to try ex-
periments which e)tdanger it.
*_j v *
The Minister of Agriculture for
Ontario, Hon. -J. S. Martin, is nutting
onan advertising campaign, "calling
attention to the law contpellfng pro-
perty owners and municipal •councils
• to destroy noxious weeds. It is timely
'or, perhaps we should say, it is not
untimely. Weeds are costing this
country millions oe dollars per year,
the Department of Agriculture puts it
at $5,000,000, and the law is stepping
• in to save the country this loss. Con-
- certed action is necessary and munic-
ipal councils should set a good exam-
ple by keeping all weeds on the high-
ways cut.
igh-ways:cut: A. danger to traffic would
,lie removed at the same time. An ef-
fort should be made to keep streets
• and 'roadways •neat. The Clinton'
council decided at its 'Monday night
meeting to have a weed inspector
:appointed., .
"Would your pioneer gandfather
have pushed on into the bush of eves-,
-tern Ontario driving a yoke -of oxen,",'
asks the Star Weekly,' "if there had
been an attractive city like' Toronto
in his math, and a job offered him
drlvbng a motor bus ori 'a cement
highway?,. Would he, now?"' •
well, ive really` cannot say;for sure
what the old gentleman would have
• done .under such circumstances. But
this we do know. He settled in Torr-
orent s , when it was "Muddy little
York," aecuiring considerableprop-
eity,, wllrch.-ho later -•sold, when
it was beginning to have some
value, and :moved out . to •a farm
3n' Markiiani. Then still later, feel-
ing no doubt that he was still too near
civilization, he sold out in Markham
and went up into the wilds of Simncoe
county., We have always' felt that
the poor, clear man had quite a race
to escape ease, wealth and comfort,
for himself and his descendeNnts, but
he succeeded.•
An American
over tcameo
v o Canada'
-the other day v wi th some friend
Tittle run and dashed s ed over the motin-
tain at Hamilton, srmashing his car.
to smithereens, -the party escaping'
unhurt. Now the 'customs authori-
ties are insisting on leis paying•duty
on the car. Clearly, the ear came
into Canada and, as there is a duty on
ears coming into the Dominion, he
should pay duty, as he is not taking
it out again, as was his intention,
"barring accident. The man is not
• anxious to -pay duty on a car which
"lies at the foot of the IZamiltoe maim
tarn, a total wreck, It is a finepoint :
no doubt. But we should insist on the
ear being gathered up and disposed
of some way. Canada has enough
'wrecks ofars lying e y ng around. They
clutter up andmac
e unsightly many
an otherwise pleasant scene. It's bad
enough when they pay the duty, but
we really feel that we' have no re-
•sponsibility about that mass of
-wreckage at the 'foot of Hamilton
Friends of Misses Aliee Orme, Viola
Osbaldeston,.BeSsie Tobin and Flor-
ence Rollinson extend - to them 'con-
gratulations on winning' diplomas' in
bookkeeping, stenography and typing
with first class honors,
Miss: Gaizerr cornier: teacher of S.
S. No -`3, called on -friends in the vil-
lage on Sunday:,
Miss 'Marion ,Cudino•e 'returned
home after =spending' a few 'days
with friends in Woodstocl
Mrs.- Fred Potter, and faniily` re-
turned' 'hone after spending -a ;week
with c
z 1 e f mit •, s parents atNragaira:
Herbert Andrew Bennett, w name t, zesmclent
of Windsor, but for sn my ,yen'rs a
residentof '
Goderich and Colborne
townsliips,,passed away at the 'com-
paratively early age of thirty-nine
yearson Sunday.
Mr. Bennett had been iil singe July
first, and in spite of every effort for
his recovery he pessed.an ty, IIe is
survived by his wife,- who was for-
merly Miss,, Clara Glidden of.Holmese-
vide,, and two young sons, Melvin;
aged: five, and Edwin - aged three.
Two sisters and three 'brothers also
survive: Mrs. Joseph Armstrong,,
(Viola),, and Elmer Bennett, Detroit,
Mich.,' W iillam Bennett, Merend City;
Mrs. Terrance Hunter '(Edna), and-'
Clare Bennett, Colborne. Another'
sister, (Thelma);, Mrs.: Thos. Milison
of Detroit, died just a month ago. •
The funeral took place 'on Tuesday'
aftern000m'from the home' of Mr. E. J.'
Trewartha, Holniesville, the services'
being conducted by the Rev. 'A. Sin-
clair of I-Iensall, a former pastor of
Ilolmesville church.
Report for the Holmesville Public
Sr. 4th ---Norman Trewartha, ; Ken-
neth Trewartha, Edna Huller Esther
McMath,-1 llsie Osbeldeston Tn r, Mair,
Norma: Potter,. Hugh Gle,p. '
Jr. 4th—Frank Yeo. `
Sr. 3rd—Rita Cudmore, Charlotte
Trewartha, - Charlotte Stock, Jean
Huller --Edna McCool.
Jr. 3rd ---'Jack Sturdy, • Ferris
Sturdy, Harold Miller,Gorden Mc -
Sr. 2nd—Ruth Potter, brace Mc -
Math, Isobel Vaimderburgh.
Sr. 1st—Margaret Stock, Alma.
Trewartha, Reggie McCool, Kenneth:
i Pr. -Jack Yeo; Charlie Cudmore.,'
Sheldon McMath,•George Miller, Olive
M airs, Dorothy Smith. •
-Gladys McDowell, teacher.
Constance •
Mr. R. D. Stanley and soil Toni 'of
Toronto were callers on his cousin,
Mrs, D. Tudor, Iast week.
Mr. Leo Stephenson was in London
on Saturday -on business.
Miss Edith Riley spent a few days
last ' week with his sister, Mrs.
Stephenson at Brussels. '
terry picking is theorder of the
day, even .Sunday'is not excepted by
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephenson and
fancily were visitors in 'the village.. on
�'SUndEly.' t a
Mr. George Laws 'hdt . hired' With.
Ms:. George Wheatley for some trine.
'We are very sorry to hear that.
Mrs. Wm. Jamieson is very sick in
Clinton Hospital, We hope for a
speedy recovery' for her.' '
Mrs. Jas. Hinchley of Seafoi'th
spent a few days withher neice, Mrs.
Ed. Britton, `
Next Sunday .is Flower Sunday in
Constance church.,
Stanleg Township
Miss. Edna Alexander of Toronto' is
spending a week's holidays With Mr.
and Mrs.'John Innes. '
Mrs. Fred, Wa113s of 'low York is
home for a -few weeks' visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stewart.
Mr. Wallis it expected later:
Mies Myrtle Pearson was a visitor
over the week -end with Mrs, Abe
Hugill-of Seaferth.
Mr. and Mrs.: Morris Durham have
returned from their honeymoon and
are spending a few•days with -the lat:--
ter's parents, Mr. and' Mrs.• Henry
.Diehl, before; leaving for their' home:
at Rochfort, Alta, • „.
(Crowded' out- last week`
Miss Zetta faekson of Phil;idelphia
is spending eecbetele of months; with
her parents Mr and •; Mrs James
Mee and Mrs..- L. T .We: mail -and
„Miss Helen of Torehto',were visitors
last week with •Mrs. John 'Times 'rind
with her dathire.Me, John Wise.
Mr. T-larvey' Stewart of •Toronto' is
spending a ,couple- of weeks athis•
home here._
Miss'. Agnes'. Glen is home for the
summer vacation.
The following: is the report of the
promotion examinations;held•inS. S.
No. 13, The navies are,_atranged'iti
order of merit;
Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th—Glen Dowson,
'Harvey Keys, Audrey Murdock.
Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd—'1Allan Keys,
George Dowson, (promoted in May.)
Sr. let to Jr. 2nd—John Keys (pro-
moted in Meer). ' .,•
Sr. Pr, to Jr. 1st—Bobby Peck.
• Those nmaxlced with an asterisk
,have taken two classes in one year.
The' following had perfect attend-
ance for the month of June: Mervyn
Keys, Allan keys,,,Bobby Peck.
The following hieee completed
star memory certificates -for mu cmcr-
izing: The Lord's Prayer, the 23rd
Psalm the Ten Commandment., Books
of the Bible and: Beatitudes: Mervyn
Keys, Audrey Murdock, Glen Dowson,
Harvey Keys, George Dowson, Allan
J.S. ITogg, teacher. .•
The following: is the report of pro-
motion examinations for S. S. No."5:
Jr, 4th to Sr: 4th—Grace Robinson,
687 (hon.); Vera, Smile 609; Mar-
aret Robinscc��,n, 560.
Sr.' Ord to Jr.-4th—BruceiV?,
chey, 570; Bert McBride,' 537.
Jr. 3rd to Jr. '401 --Marie McClin-
chey, 641, (hon.).
Jr, -3rd to Sr. 3rd—Campbell n
Kinley„ 5 4; Elmore �St imensoi
Russel Hayter, 516; Elmore McBride,
Jr. 2nd ;to Sr, 2nd—Margaret La-
mont; 517, (hon.); Allan Armstrong,
Jr. 2m1•—(Promoted at Easter) --
;STYR-avert LA
Tli'URSDAY, .:I'i' L3' 21st
Tea ser.ve&from' 3' to 7: o'clock
Fancy Wu±k;; Plain 'Sev rg, ' 13r<lided
Rug, 1 ancy„Quilt, Homemade Baking;
Produce, "Bran Pie;" "White Ele-
• ;'pliant Booth
Music During the lfterno,m
COME:and:enjov a social hour under
the auspices iof:the Guild - of
Trinity Church
ROWDEN-In Clinton Hospilui, on
July 0th, to Mr, and Mrs. Bert
Rowden of Goderich . Tp.,: a daugh-
aughter•. Muriel Eleanor.
eCAETER—ep Toronto,' _en June 9th,,
lM gry Cartes; 'formterly. o$•'Clinton;
daughter of the late Robert Gaiter
of Rullett,:aged 70 years,;
BENNETT—At „Windsor, `en, elerly
'_,30th, Herbert Andrew 'Benne-Le
formerly ;of Colborne township,
aged 39 years
' iN1:MEMo11A 1VI
JOHNSTON 'In 'loving memory of
Mrs. John Johnston, who died July -
13th, .i926.
uly13th,.1926. '
"You are_not forgotten, mother, dear,
And' never will you be -
As long as life and:memory last
Wewill remember thee i •
•Lydia and ,Joe. '
July 25th''ugust XSth, 1927, •
Would yon like' to have swine new
conversation? To , tell about Banff
and Lake Louise to'liaye your circle
shrug with jealous mein at the -won-
der tales? There,' commalong„with
Sinclair Laird andhis bend•oi adven-
turers, over the.Great.Divide, Enjoy
the shivers of a motor trip clinging.
to the Windermere Road. All the
petty 'details of reservations, hotels,.
drives, sight seeing arranged before-
hand ' by the Director under the au -
SIAM of the. Canadian Pacific Worldes
Greatest Travel System.. The Luxury,.
Tour of Confederation Year,; and the
cost dust what you expect Ask W.
Fulton, Canadian ' Pacific Building,
Toronto, for -Tour ' literature now. ,
llazel,Hayter, 207; Elva McClinchey,
Jr, lat to Sr: 1st—Isabel Robinson,
209; Dorothy Armstrong, 104,
Sr. Pr. to Jr. 1st—Clare.' McBride,
222; Jolin'McClinchey, 1:11; Lobus Me=
Clinchey, 115.
Primer—Mary McClinohey, George
McClin `hey. '
—C. -E. 1 eio15 teacher, .
Mullett Township
Mr. and Mrs. John. G. Gibbings cele-
brated their silver wedding annivers-
ary on Saturday last, July 9th, when
a number of friends and relatives
were bidden to .gpeud'.the afternoon
and evening withthem, about fifty
guests being present. A very' happy
time was spent `'and at the supper
hour dainty but ample refreshments.
were served buffet fashion. Mr. and
Mrs'. Gibbingswere the recipients of
many warm r congratulations on the
happy event and not a few handsome
gifts of silverware.
The following is the report of the
promotion examinations held in S. S.
No. 5:
From Jr. 4th<to Sr. 4th—Percy;
ter, (honors), Ethel Thompson (hon-
ors); Carl Radford, (hono`rs); Isabell
Nott, pass.'
From Sr.: 3rd to Jr. 4th—Lloyd
Adaitts, (honors); . Hazel Hoggart,
'(press); Earl Snell, (pass); Roy
Appleby, (pass); Roy Vodden, (pass)
Mariafi Snell, (pass); Alvin `Vodden,
(pzis"s); Fred Morrell, (pass).
From Sr. 2nd to Jr. Ord—Alma Car-
ter', 'Oionors);
ar=ter'(lionors); Gordon Radford,, (hon”
ors) 1ithel Rogge -it, (pass), Chester
Snell; (pass); Clifford; Xs dams, .(pass).
—111.. L. Parrott, teacher,
Huron Roacp East
Mrs.' VJin. Ball is'spending a few.
days in Toronto this week.
Mr: and Mrs. Oliver Martin and two
children of London spent. • the week.
-end at the home of Mr. Gee, A. Van-
Miss Jessie Balel; who has been
teaching school,, -at New ILiskcard, is
spending her vaaction' at home with
her parents, Mr, and, Mrs. Wnm: Ball.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harrison and
son. Wilfred of Kirktoa and SIr, Al-
vin Jordan spent Sunday at Mr. Geo.
Mr. Hiram Shannon of Winthrop is
wcrking with Mr. ;Noble IIb,Tiand.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Ball andfamily
attended ecthe twenty=filthSi£tlannivers-
of Mr. amid Mr : John-Gibbings
wedding recently.
Miss Sadie Ball and Master }Tuglr
Pall spent Similar at $r. Vodden's,
n.qtr -Londesboi'o.
Mr. 'Ernest •Ve ndi bevel; spent Sun-
dae- et
um-dae-et Lordos wiee friends. •
(Crowded out last week)
Mi•. and Mrs. Noble holland 'at" -
tended the fiftieth wedding annivers-
ary of
nm ivers-ary,o' Mr. and Mrs. 'James Switzer
of Goderich township on July first.
Mi, W. Crich bas been doing scone
repairs to hie barn, also enlarged his:,
poultry house. Mr. Andrew Jamieson
assisted hint.
kr. Archie Lamont is busy these
overhauling his
threshing ma-
chine, getting ready for the thresh
ing season.
MY•. A. Jamieson and Messrs. Wm.
and dames Jamieson delivered several
head of choice -fat cattle to Seafom'th
on Saturday last,
Portraits That Please
Are made at the Burges I ontr.•ait;
Studio, Clinton
Homers-111a.m:'to 5 pan.
Our iroilc will -shit and our prices
zr-ili please:
Let us develop and print and also:
enlarge your snap- shots for you.
Burgess, Portrait Ststdio
m T
L N Oil
F lo'wt✓lf',s
"And Floral `-viToric alt Occasions
NOW is the time to seieet your
Plants for; Iliinging`Baskets, -oto
Ch�'�,. V.' 0ooke
Phone 66,
Having decided to go into the-eoal,
business, I wish to announce that e
will keep a, stock of the best quality
heed and, 'soft, coal, '-coke 'and wood,
and respectfully solicit share of
publ'ic patronage.."
Ph lit 151-w
Grad Bend
A Concert Program by: the
London. Salvation -Army Band
• consisting of 40 pieces
Afternoon and Evening
, All music' lovers'do not miss this
treat. ,'Special vocal solos and duet8.
.JULY lith
Old Time Fiddlers'
Everybody both young and old
cone for the fun. Round and square
dances. All fiddlers invited to eom-.
pete for the Silver:Trophies.
Dance every night in the, moonlight -
to the•music.of
Now is the Time
.orFar. m and F_ P nl{, • r i, 'clear
O Poultrymen in t0
then peak et roosters and fat, broody
We are buyers •le months in
1`or botltEggs and ,t'ogti
hs y
uhua ld
-.Clinton' � Poultry House��
N. lciliJ Trewartha
Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w
School of . Conanrierce
': Clinton, Ontario
Offers the following advantages--
Expeft Teachers
Two Standard makes of Type-
Practical Business Training.
Gregg -Shorthand
Secretarial Duties
Actual Office Practice
And a record of 'successful grad-
uates;'whose high standard for good
work we expect you to' reach or ex-,
When you think of a Commercial
Course write
B. F. WARD, B.A., 51. Accts.
Phone 198
Grand Open Air Concert
under the auspices of
Dr. Lloyd Moffatt's Beautiful Lawn
• on.
An excellent program, will be pre-
sentee by the
and Orchestra, also Miss Georgina
Cullis, reader, and Mr.- Harold Brod-
hagen, Violinist, all of Stratford.
Sandwiches, Cake, Ice Cream) Pies,
Hot Dogs and Coffee served at booth
Conte and Spenda Pleasant Evening
Admission:.. Adults, 25c; Children, 15e
Don;�.Barringer's 'Fensters
"The Ace of Jazz Orchestras"
The Day of Days
The One and Only
Pl e.
Wed.; Jul2lth
8th Annual—Bigger and .Better every
year—Keep the date in mind.
Mr. James Holland and Mr. and
Mrs. Noble Rolland which to express
thein sincere appreciation of tho.many
kindnesses shown them in their recent
sudden bereavement, Also of the
many lovely floral offerings sent,
We, the undersigned reprosonta-
tives of the Departments of Coloniza-
tion of the Ontario Provincial Gov-
ernment and " the Canadian National
Railways, desire to express to His
Worship the Mayor, the members of
the Toth Council, the representatives
of the citizensgenerally, also to all
others who in any way assisted it'
connection with the illness and fun-
eral of the late Robert Smith,our
sincere thanks and appreciation for
the sympathetic consideration dis-
played. —John Farrell, H. Motton.
Clinton, O.nt., July 8th, 1927:
Strayed Cow:
Taken; in. on July ist '1<arrow.tow,
roan in color, split in right ear. Own-
er may'have same by paying for pas-
ture and this ad. Frank Keegan,. Bay-
field. '<'.- • 18-1
For Sale
• Garage, known as Clinton Garage,
best location' in town, on main NO -
'Way from Goderich to Toronto; Ap-
ply to A. S. Inkloy.'' 18=1
For Sale
'Frame house in Victoria street, 10
rooms, bath, good Iocation. Apply to
Mrs. A..S.'Imkley' ' 18-1
. Per §ale '
5 doors, 10 joist, 10 or more bunch-
es of lath, different :iengths,_also box
for light wagon or sleigh, 3x7 It. and
18 inch cut lawn mower, in good con-
dition. Apply to T. I3. Leppington,
phone 167w. 18-1-p,
Farni For Sale
Lot 6 sou. 3, Stanley
Tp., n9
from Ki e
n station,School house
S t e.
on'cornei• of fbibn.' Farm contains
100 acres, more or less, of good clay
loam. Soilis good for grail" or
grass. Good spring of water -near
rear of farm running summer and.
winter, lane ,runs through. centre of
place'to spring. 9 to 10 neves of good
lmardw od bush, has good buildings in
goodepair. 11/2 storey brick dwell-
ing with 8 rooms, cellar and furnace,
brick kitchen 16x20,' feet with• pantry
and • washroom, with a woodshed at-
tached, 16x28 •feet, Dwelling has
steel. roof. One good well at house.
Barn 40x86 feet with good siding and
roof: on a 9, foot wall. Stable room
for 30 head, of cattle and 8 horses,
There is Lsane
to barn 28x40 Te
with strawshed above and -bon stall,
pig -pen teed lien lipase below. There
is a drive shed and garage 22x86 feet,
and 'workshop oomnbined. Appiy per-
sonally to Alex. Meneath,:Proprietor,.
I?, Kippen, Ont, or W Birydone;
Clinton. 15-2
Stove Wanted
Secondhand wood cook stove, in
good eondition, good oven, George
Davies, Huron street, Clinton. 18-1
` For Sale or Rent •
House in Joseph street, 7 rooms'
newly papered, modern conveniences,
corner lot, garage, chicken house, all•'
in. good condition. For terms apply
to Clifford Lobb, Clinton, • 1,74t
Binder For Sale
Massey -Harris binder, 7' ft. sett, has
only cut three crops, almost good as.
new. E. W. Morrison, phone 817-r-13,
Clinton or'to H. Cameron, Clinton.
200 bred -to -lay Tarred Rock Intl
lets, March 'hatched, will make good
early layers. $1,00- for July. D. M.
Lindsay. R. R.No. 3, 'Clinton.
• House For Sale '
Large red brick house, corner Or-
ange and Wellington -streets, 8 rooms,
all modern conveniences. Possession
when desired, Also a barn and 14 acre
lot on Wellington street. Apply to
Mrs, W. Jenkins, 0641-611'
For Sale
Horse rake and good mower. Apply
to John D. Woods, Louisa street, Hay-
field, 16-4-p
t ttf
Takes Place on
,phursdyq Friday
s are--'
three •.
Real Bargain Days.,
See bills s f®r 'p particulars.
Don't � � MiSs
� These Savings
i11er'I{apdwape Co.
Sole Agents for Clinton and Territory.
Coed Schools
grow. The Shaw "Schools have
grown from One to Twelve, all in
Toronto. There is but one reason.
Good work,.sucoessful graduates.
Free calendar. W. H. Straw, Pres.,
Dept. 4, 46 Bloor West, Toronto.
I have a quantity of good, hard
wood and some slabs for sale.
I would like all old accounts
straightened up at once.
Phone 155 Huron street
Cottage for Sale .
An eight -room cottage in Isaac
street, beautifully finished inside,
town water and good cistern, summer
kitchen. Garden with apples and
small fruits. Apply on premises to
Mrs. "Wm. Graham. 10-tf
Farm For Sale
100 acres, good soil, fine buildings,
small maple. bush, 4/ miles from
Clinton. Will sell cheap and on easy
terms.-, Will sell crop with farm if
desired, Inquire at News -Record of-
flee. 12-tf
House For Sate `-- • '
A nine -room house on Princess
street, '14 acre lot, electric light, fur-
nace,,three-piece bath,,. alt infirst-
.cless condition. f Apply to E. L,.1llit-
*tell, Clinton,"PPjirn 1a, 9841,
Used building material, from the
old Collegiate building. Brick, stone
sills, doors and frames, windows and
frames, storm sash, joists, up to 22
ft., 'studding, Iath, casings, scantling,
mouldings of all kinds, matched lum-
ber, stairs and bannisters, mhple and
pine flooring, ate. Apply on ;job to
W. J. Elliott,', or to S. E. Resell at
the Clinton Creamery. 1241
RO '' r I N
We have a complete line of
Toronto Asphalt Shingles 'and
Roofing for siding or roofs if
you are considering roofing
compare ours, before buying,
with any other. This is the
best by teat.
Aiw'a rs carry Bran, Shorts
Western Oats, best quality ;at
lowest price.
Phone 123
Flour and Feed Merchants and
Grain Buyers -
K R. 'a11ARROW
will be at his office -
in Clinton each
From 3 -to 6 p.m,
Canada and 'United 'States
All Loads insured
Reasonable Rates—Covered Vtlns
Write, or Phone Clinton 626-r-21
Nediger's Garage
Overhauled and Repaired
Charged, Stored for winter mgnths
and Repaired
Ground and Honed
Outfits installed
" "---� .,,i';` .)
J?� �Yedler; Prop:
()lathes Cleaned and Pressed,
'Ciothes cleaned, pressed• and' i'e-
.paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms wer Heard's Barber shop.
W. J. Jago. 22834f
Singer Sewing Machine
Leased on Small Monthly' Payments
Big Discount on Cash Sales.
Now is the time to have your ma-
chine repaired and cleaned, Repairs,
Needles, Belts and Parts for all
Phone 171J P.O. Box 201, Clintof8
Elmslea Chick Farm'
Feed Bags for sale
BABY CHICKS: Leghorns and Rock
Rocks, $15 per hundred
Leghorns, $13 per hundred '
From Pure Bred -to -ray Stock j
Miller's Ideal Incubators and 7
Brooders jl
Poultry Supplies :.
Royal Purple Calf' Meal and 1
Chick Feeds Iz�
.:I.. Mtteil
Phone 213
C. H. VENNER, Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other l
Appliances '
Wiring and Repairs. - Phone 7
We can't make any promises about
the price of coal later inthe season.
It certainly' won't go down. Itmay
o u '
g . p
The wisest thing to d'o would be to
lay imenough now for . your entire
winter's needs, 'tvliibethe price is red-
Sonable, the supply is plentiful and
deliveries not'"erowded.
Today is the best day to order.
Our phone number is 74.
Call.the y,h,3-'
for good, clean coal
Pleur Feed
We have a car of sckeenings coming.
Also a
supply of Western Oats on hand,
1 Q
Maple Leaf, Five Roses and Purity Flour'
always in stock.
Millet Seed, Sorghum Seed and different varieties
of Seed Corn.
We will;buy Oats, • Wheat and Buckwheat.
' rle w.lr h