HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-07-14, Page 3O. vfl'7 s. . .na,¢ffi iter ®D �_ th g t - AVIATORS TED IN ' RAIAI IViaitland and I-lenenberger. Will Leave Monoplane •and Return .by Slip I 11CnoiUin.—Louts, Lester J. Mait- land noel Albel t Hogenbe ger, who landed noar''havo after the!r fi?ght P1'e111O-lkl;Mil Calif.', over 2400 1111103 of the•1saciije Ocean, aro planning to cavo m , all rano eco ; o 10 0a(0 1• Maui, TI :colt Poldter mono lane which'.' �e•� P Decoration ,Maga inn "The porch lhadq the" longest- flight oyer water, , . . a common' meetint ' place foil' all witp will be lett in lIlaivaii'for lii'teiisland' onlay the open all Phis floes I f 5 P ' i ' n tl U� $ ES' The Taranto no pltnl for In '-nbt , rtnllcllo, :wltb a ll a ked ,dill d aoollt>n.. New 0or0 'City, otten: u the toter.' rour`ep et Trzlntn9 • to Yp0n1 wp nen, II3VI, tho rruelrod' rtllontlon,"..nit deeiroli, of hoc'ominp' o urate,: Thl apopit r1 hal tl ptdu n,o eleht• h u ,yet,m Th unci), r I! unit o ni, el theSchool. monthly, ly II w -d t ci- In p t d 1.m Nw Y rk For I rIlir Iul•ornlion, write the euperl,itandeni, The=' Porch.Atblactive le lure of (111 00t:ot-doors nialces, the ogiripinent of x the .porebr at, this bine mlo' of tilt vital facto)' - of Sum i er house turaislling, ' -'reads a 1 ar- ticle in :the :lune iSeue of Arts and net flying 1(3• army aviators. 1 n:,. �. and Colf The P2E55' SEARCH FOR._'AIRM N Four o!.' the new`Y0 lc newspapermen surveyo of `tllo (nets -lot . where,:' the - 0 Ihre, now 0 fl trying an. d e0arch. in m3'sforipus flai•o 'bignals have been wh the north woods of Quel)nec for the missing 'Trench' aviators Nnngester The love of the av',tar for ail riecessa 11y iruply that it must be en- � young, )nen who aro io o tirely o eri' fox•-tlxe.enclosed porch of; fioni bs'It to;'i'i ht E,• J. 121°W.Ing plane, like the traditional, love of the } g and _ fors quite as strong, an attraction and Frank -.Dtolan-x of the New York Dail" sailor for Ins 'ship, was' rylai when 10 with ut, the disturbance of unexpect- News;'T. J. Bogan tin;) I3: W. Smitll \ialtlaiid.(tifcl Hegenbcrg0l• visited the i tR eci bree� tl t tt � .1 dx of the P•tth N. P , o awe ,are hato•'ra , case ra 'scatter mar,ac nos an . 1? g pin great monoplane which bore their) at "Well, soh," said Sambb atter be- papers upset the tial � bowls 1' 1 fb • nearly 100 ;miles an hour 1u tlie 'lila- vCr ow s ane: tie on s c,pneoui o'of the Ganatlian mg' ,asked what.;hood of chickens he . teacups and gen'lally, demoralize the FROM° W4adsor. Street. Station in f'merits,tory-makhig flight of 25 hours and 50 tie dark• but d -. bicep encs 'is` dei tit ot11y a Bent !te of hauls fo e p1e 0110(1, all Linda 1101 (1010 isihlutes:l De white ones is de easiest to'tind. 111 ' easiest to hide after you gets 'em." rest, the ,fliers -were out fo}' a plunge, _ in the sea. Afterward began -a •long, Travel, teaches 'shrewdness, 'nn list of social affairs where tribute.ivas doubt; but: as Man ,::who can make paid them for''their ':exploit. • money enough to travel is shrewd They called upon`11iaj..Gen. Edward -.enough. 25. Lewis,<;4ommanding tet;, Hawaiian" deliartmen t of the' army; rlpon `Rear Admiral 'John McDonald and upon A' woman -'.`I vas outspoken at m herb." " ingo u?" asked Gov. Wallace R: Farrington: Later her husband. outspoke' y. - .they were guests lit a community luncheon.. A dinner at the home of Col. John Wouldn't the -it be to great it you torrid Meer Ii: Howard,. (toliartment'; air o send the tlfslres '.to the laundry and. ' ,? and a 'public. reception' at- 9 o'clock the house to'the cleaner . }vas the eveningfi Program arranged TIB-" Vey is yam face so red? for the filers. surrounding 'Top' ..5 Po <the fur- x dimngIiorch, painted nliture, in soft green or,Ian:uer'red, finished with a coat of spar varnish, to matte it' waterproof, and prevent the staining of clothing no natter: how great' the'claiirpnerps, is particular- ly attractive. Iron furniture is equal- ly, 'quai- lI ' de iral le 1f the type in .which thoY � Y1 chair seats are so constructed as to spicing.wheoi'ucctpied, or are adapted: to cushions. "For.the ',open:• -.or tate enclosed Porch,' for general use, thereis-the swinging ' Couch ; :hammock. These should be of ample length and,, with their spring seat cushions, spiral backs and arm rests, offer ' irresistible • tl - Maitland: told the story.of.his flight comfort ,Nearby, a f0l0ing table wt r She"CausePa removab e top 'will be found 'indis- 71e—"Cause why?" over again, but this time he told it She-"Causemetics." with pensable for serving tea or as a place in Pour sentences, punctuated i for book and smoking accessories. smiles."Cs for the open' porch are to. Wordsworth Was Right. 'Yesterday was: the happiest day o4 "Cloths be had in many types, but the slatted my life," he declared- "I had planned ; armchair, with three'positions and a The child is fathorof the, man `and ,p and (roped and worked for that day he begins to exercise paternal auth- ever'since I first Joined the service. achy ata vary; early age. , 'When, I saw Kauai and then Oahu I A tramp asked a farmer's wife one was the happiest boy in: America. I'm day for a piece of bread. As she gave very happy to be here and I'm pleased him a piece of pie she- said: with the reception we've received. "Poor fellow, you look as if you'd Than}: you." seen better days." Hegenberger's talk was just ae "Yes, se I have, ma'am," said the brief. Be expressed their "bewilder- 11 removable footrest, is an attractive light weight chair, easily moved about and inexpensive 1.n price. One of the new porch rookers this season shows' a painted wooden frame with a bril- liant awning cloth seat and back,. and short rocker ends, that folds together in the same manner 8e a camp chair. In the matter of porch .rugs, the new tramp. He shoveled . about a cubic nnent at finding that they Here ren Y closelyahnnd-woven straw patterns of. - foot of pie into his .mouth with his here," and continued: "We're grate- for a;most tempting' selection of knife and added, "Once I dwelt In ful that we were chosen tor the mite colorful destgne, . bold i electitment, - marble halls." I sion. It is a drmin come true. I earn but carefully carried out in harmoni- "Aud how," asked the farmer's wife;, rind 'words to express my appreciation cate but colorings: For the enclosed porch "did you come to lose such . a nice' for the, reception you have given us-" hand. made Indian druegets,: made or The crowd cheered as Maj. -Gen. Etl- ho home." lamb's 'wool, are also - to be recoil-. "Term expired," said the tramp. ward M. Lewis Introduced each flyer, mended for their appropriateness and linking their names with. those, of. sorviceabifity. '.Try' girlisa telephone ope'rator and Lowell Smith,. the late Capt, John Rodgers, Charles Lindbergh and' Clar- ence Chamberlin. when she,dvnces every line.is busy, An ideal home Is one -where there. is love, kindness and contentment be- tween Fa 1lllO l Notes housecleaning times• armchairs that make any setting, Delicate pastel shades, popularly either within the :louse or without, a Among other things, happiness does, described acs "the paradoxically so. delfght. Stick Willow or reed has. also net load itself to mass production. phisticated,baby colcre," are the moSt established itself in popularity as be- - tones for glimmer wear: (Veils ing distinctly clean cut and...having Give up the comforts 'of home. for the -shades ars not limited to dt'asses'a certain tense of 'sturdiness coin. the discomforts of a summer 'resort for ally age, they are particularly de - ever with comfort. alio Blood." The P11is can be obtain- and you'll get what's known as a va- llghtful in youthful frocks,ever prove of service as a cure for. "Awlilngs for ilio porch are even ea through any druggist or by mail at Cancer. From my knowledge or the cation. One example shown in the Woman's more vivid, In thole stripes than ever, 50 cents a box from The Dr: Williams' disease I affirm that the knife has IIon p it would appear- g Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. - A Plea for Mercy Chauffer, spate my life, til slip and is , m how sumo concern; es - curved th ilk Valentine peclnlly desiaablo Po OEy to Make a ta2i'den Pool For o s Make not a widow of my wife bl t " t inr over you take that left hand turn. ]5doiloiny of words is the first ,rule of good writing. :'Iii reed or willow. furniture, sump- tuous 'comfort, Kraeeful„ outline and effective coloring have been com- bined In great loungy sofas and set- tees, chaises longues and deep seated Montreal on their way to Chicoutimi. The party'Melee. op -at- G-rand'Meore, Hogan stopping,r-there Jas engage a , phlne4u which he is making 'exten'sive noticed. The,.'other thele ' l+ocaednd to p ChIOol5;tilgi vo:110re tliey`formod (r `land party; procoecling"inland. to the Vicinity i:. parties of 1 cx lbonlca Lake. The two p r, aro Heaping in eloso touch with each other.`- Hogan, who has made one tr i' m. over, the ternitorp.`;under observa- tion, Peek•tha;t the missing airmen`: are • sonewhcre sin.: the heavily wooile0 area no •th oY b1x1 coutimi.. The ob jest. Of "the air and land e�speditions i to 'find out the. whereabouts of the.mies.- ing men or; to' clear up the Mastery of the.; bare' signals. TRIM • AT Y BLOOD ALWAYS DANGEROUS If Not Corrected Serious Results Sure to Follow In no .tro 1 l t b o is delay or -neglect more dangerous than in anaemia- thin, watery blood, It is very common in young girls and in persons who are overworked or confined within doors It makes its approach in so stealthy Mother England Vs Mohler India I have 'aiw ar nod that there is a e r,'1�'a g i idea of only`°'6no seps�'' in wkicii the progrees has any meaning—iii. tho settled ' of plutnliing and ite equivalents. Teeted by its plumbing and by analo- goes tests :footle is in a'sad'etate,. But when:,. 1' '.bl.dsed Catherine -Mayo's "Mather India" I began to reflect on c rtain criticisms of our• own cherish- ed Western civilization which "I have lteard, not from disgruntled Indian agitators, but from . sensitive- and in- telligent oxen and women who were a manner that it is often well clevelop- able to view the situation in porspen- ed before the trouble 'Is recognized. tive. The drunkenness or Glasgow But taken in.time the,: tonic treat On a Saturday night, the slums of moot through the use of Dr. Williams' Manchester, the waste of _public re- Pink-pills, e- Pink Pills, ao enriches the blood that venue on unproductive expenditure, good health and strength is speedily the system , of : primogeniture, the regained. The cot•rection of anaemic existence in the British' Isles .ora conditions by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills clime of permanently,runemplol'ed is:. as certain as anything can be. Miss these are . phenomena which might Teresa Ileafey, Dunravon, Que., is one , well prompt, a, writer from Mars or of the many anaemic sufferers who even from the continent of Europe, to ]las found new health through the use write a book about "Mother England" of this medicine.`•',•She says: -'i can- 'which would be as true and as untrue not express too"warmly•my thanks as "Mother India." After all, perhaps for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the Indians, like other nations, have a, have done for me. `I was suffering right to go to the devil.in their own from a badly run-down condition. I way—(Ernest Boyd in The Inde - was very nervous, had little desire for Pendent). food, and would feel tired out' at •the- least exertion. In this condition -I began taking 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills, a How to Avoid°Cancer and ,before using them very_ long That celebrated British surgeon and found my health gradually improving, )cancer authority, Do.QRobert Bell,,M.D., and under: their continued use was r,R.F.P.s+, &c., yolubeerily- sacrificed completely restored.; For this reason his.highly lucrative sure cal practice I earnestly ndYJse all tvealc ;b'1$ to when, atter long years o 'exhaustive take These monde, feolipg )lure that they research and practical -experience; he will do for others what they did for nobly published the following state- me." tate me.11 • - Send your mane and address, to The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co:^ Brock- villa, Ont,, and they will mail you' free a ueeful little. book on "Building Up ments' of vital import to the cancer- ats9chen civilized worlds—"Cancer Is a blood disease and its breeding - ground Is the colon, Neither. X- rays nor radiant has ever cured or will The I3 rd Beth Chirp, a fiutter, 1nd-a-�n1:11, sgralllhle lnthe underbusll,—,` ]reel), a tv/itter and °a."quawk-,- noiny lay's, (mpatient,, talk; flesh of ofgaudy bhre and white, vo Shining .wings Clint:,Batch the light; , A,,oaidinwl's bright scarlet crest, Against • atilt -4n-owu:.. of sparrow's,' A pcIse-a preen upon the.'lirhile, A suddeli,il•;p—a diiltity''4iink;. A lifting ofe�malb-bealts'-that fifaig, The' crystal drops on )lack and Wing'; uicl'-bead :eyes that 'upward gaze, Q Y, One "brier,. glad; space of thanks iu>d praise— A:tl•ill—a hrl' ht cadenza a g gay, Then -_t( blue skies—away! away( -Clare M�acDerntott, in•'11Iontreal<.Star. the Home Companion gives the effect oP � Amon the . newer water 1l les In a s2a of tulle. The ones 'CIaO opened sided awning, hung bodice,ls'•made over a a t s from a 'mear•ended iron pole, is es - at • a top e a r a Spanish or heapt, double tulle continuing , Italian' house." shoulders, giving the appearance of a To refuse to do a thing you believe is right because of fear of public 0piniun is moral cowardice in the first If you. do' not believe'.life.is real, life 'is earppst, try pi'offering.•advice in . quarters where it is unacceptable." "What is the sr'oatest water power linowitto roan?" _ . "Woman's tears." g_ 1110 Ben. A flue alarm flock Is the rooster, His works are' of Earley and flax; Ie keeps all his ticks in the hen- house, And you wind liim up with an axe. Ingratitude iingrati Two feet a good never cured Canter in a single in- stance; but, on the contrary, 1las only succeeded in aggravating the dleease and adc2ing .to the sufferings of the Is average :depth DOM. patient." sheer yoke, 'rhe skirt Is termed of for a water garden, and the substratum Countless thankful patients living lid as a leant. 2 wedge-shaped piemas of tulle with RFI) HoT 'H Ays of the pool must be solid, to -day mourn the passing in 1926 of t' bottom of each I RE!) Yl rJ Aa lull dM H can be most disastrous. The location the author os -the above quoted norda r re s in the moonlight and the effect Is plenty of Bun, Gold s 1 P heightened by two water. lilies nest- - duped to ant the mosquito larvae. I the devastating Cancer Scourge a The lilies torch the July the month pP oppressive beat; Gravel, rough stone, or brick may mere Matter of history, ling in the 'folds. T e 1 Civilization's diet 1s responsible for two ends of a softly draped matin sash; red-hot days ami'• sweltering, nights; be used in the construction. Puddled i side P con- is extremely bard on little ones. Mar- clay w.i}1 also make a water -tight basin. 'd depriving the public of the abundantly p'aatlshowing the reverse s p • recon, dysentery, colic and cholera Where olay is used, four inches will be provided .organlo -salts essential to :casting color. infantmxi carry Off thousands of pre- rcund'ab0ut tile right thickness for the health preservation land the subst1ttt- gathered ruffles o:x the d and if Dr. Robert Bell's profoundly edged with silver. Wiien in motion I FAIT) ON THE BAHyy is of course a question of individual 1110 skirt shimmers )lite rippling water• j� taste, always provided that there 1 considered warning Is now ]Seeded, 11 t1g1i can be Intro i possible for floe public 10 render Bl i delicate 001110d linens, also n e s., give (lie desired crispness for • (110110 little lives every summer. The sides. The bot(om's11ould have a final tion,of what have been truly described summer wear, simple, coitventlonal mother mutt be constantly on her charm' being added by "piping' with guard to prevent these troubles, or 1f white blas bindings, white collars and :Uaey come on suddenly to fight them. No other medictue is of such aid to anus 6 covering of sand. The sides 01: shallow- as "'foodless foods" which erecta n po01e with clear water may be painted superabundance of acids to the human light blue or green. The dark pool is body, resulting in the new practically the most succeseful for refleeting flow- i universal complaint -. of constipation bolero Hects'ar'e wide) mothers during the hot summer as is era anti foliage. Brick"makes a good that is the inevitable forerunner .of Boleros and Summer e Y Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate lining, favored In Summer effects a and -can but it absorbs a certain amount Cancer and also of ninety per Centum be oarriedout hs summer colors in a the bowels and stomach, and an 0001 -of water. Over the brick, an inch of of all civilization's physical maladies. Y sional dose given to the well child Portland dement may bo laid. A two -1 The active irritants contained in varietych !,ts georgette, washable male- will prevent summer complaint, or, it inch overne* pipe will 'be adequate in pills, purgatives and laxatives, com- rials such as georgette, chiffon, (repo m: therm- the trouble does come ne suddenly most instances, but out inches may bined with their only partial aelief, rte thing orel light cottons- One ha will banish it. The Tablets aro sold be the wiser choice as the entailed caused Dr, Robert Bell to soundly iht on withiec of this t, a lace or hoer- by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 size is more likely to bocemoe'e ehoeked condemn their use as being Injurious chiffon ecru Margot, for after- 1pilllams' by floating substances, When cement and dangerous, The method of cut. 13 used, it should be painted, or the ing constipation without drugs Is dis- Water should be drained off a few days 'closed in the les book presened to the after 1t has been 11troneed halo, the .writer by' Dr. Bellywbiose advice is pool, too it will become so caustic after quoted ' in the w'riter's copyrighted It Itis 10cod a few days that any ant--ilietary which is mailed without charge. Where Are: They?" Bird—"In all my "lying trips, I've. never„ yet seen one' of those:castios in . the air, that you hear about!” i, Sift together 1/e of a cupful' of co- coa with o-coa'with la of a cupful of sugar., Slowly pour over the mixture 1 cup - u1 of hot water, stirring all the ,while, thea cook over hot water until the syrup is thick. Add 4i teaspoon- ful of vanilla extract, pour into a jar, cool and chill. A tablespoonful or so of the'syrup stirred into a glass of cold mills makes a delicious, and refreshing drink. 'Minard's Liniment for ecaly scalp. Get Your Frylnp-Pan. Serve cream mushroom sauce with fried children. --Household hint In a Johnstown (Pa.) paper. poen wear or black Chantilly lase with 00018 a hof cram fee Dr Leo Nlasse,in the 'London National black chiffon for evening• The ni'itle Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Review; Since -self-government was lace appears around the•bottom of, the t ' 7 -7—': '" --- given to the Transvaal and Orange skirt and is puffed at Use botttimd Facing Both Ways Free State, and since the. Union of l ea the long sleeves. South Africa :was created, the whole•. effort of successive Dutch Prime Minis- ters (and.'owilig to the gerrymander- ing of -the constitutendies at the time of the Union, there hos never been able to be an Eng'lis'h Prime Minister) has tion rests on, the fact that it.iloeli,not ordinary bigatpist who is surprised bean. to "out the English. - Their suflieemerely to make known a feet. when 'told that he cantiot be permit language' is not taught in the schools, to a man for ldni to act upon itr We-,Tvi' 0a at the sante time, He, Poor E li I s l 1 L �f n� 1l rict a,. hatred. of; •gangland is tine that we go on in our daily colt the ladies o f Ch :other. :iii' cY-rg Dutch"histirry tiook.itlnet'igtioling 'rhe. bit"of 'new, know- understated tilt' the •naelnbership Of endevery Sunday in Dutch Reformed ledge, 'and fatally, maybe, forgetting, Clic •Concert of Europa as not tom- Churches. -'lye have get'.back to the it altogether, unless; it 1e ' brought 'pantile with the cohnoetion with an Zero anti back to the Kruger tyranny.' ,,home to 1)s again and again, organization which is the angina of the: concert ofllmropc, of the League of Arations, of civilization and of all the ideals ot,the White'Race. Hugh. F. Spender in the London ---.-, Fortnightly Review! The chief Ob -mol life which is introduced will very to every Canadian and American purr Stacie to the treatment of G-rmany as on die 1 chaser of the English home Cancer Advertisingso con - Norman Angell in the Loudon Spec• an equal among equals Is her obotin- treatment' Detailed information con- ate clinging to the Moscow 0onnec- , cerning this treatment is also freely Odor: Advertising and its. jnetifica• tiau It is' the case of the extra- / '� nailed on • application to Charles Walter. at 51 .Brunswick Avenue, To- ronto 4, Ontario. Canada,—(Advt) '-4. exxcept in the overwhelmhlgly ng s a all,areo lazy, such crea ul'es Lott, man, had ante nod even to pr -sent i t e c ether.: Gorlin must a r uzz gets it in the neck LIT. spray clearsyourhome of mosquitoes and 9ies. .It also kills bed bugs, roaches, ants, and their eggs: Fatal to insects but harmless to " mankind. Will not stain. Get Flit today. Distributed in Canada by Fred'. Window &Co., Li nited, Toronto DESTROYS , Flies Mosquitoes Moths Ants Bed Bugs Roaches • "The yefiein tali with' the, black band'.. Sbe—Why don't you morose to Miss Dor})lonr? -HI-e —I. haven't' the face -to ask her. She -Tree! 1 never thought L;76S fi of that. l. Keep Minard's Liniment near at hand. A Yard of Two Feet. —`" Clerk—"Yes, there leas full meas George—"There goes a Peiloi that solei' me in that pieta of goods I you. w'ltlstles at clangor. Sam --"He must Sir Harry. Lauder declared the How many feet do you think there be rt. very bravo fe110w. Who it he?" Scotch were tight. Al Jolson offered are in a yard?" George --"A locomotive eughieei." the following ' to prove Sir -Harry, ';Customer (with a downward i wrong., • An :auctioneer was stopped glance) -"In your case only two.", in : the middle of lila epeech by a young man who came into the sales room 'on. ail:bbvlously important er- rand. The -two conferred. for several minutes and then the auctioneer, holding„up his hand for attention, said: "Ladies and gentlemen!! ,A wal-I let containing a thousand dollars was lost in'this room yesterday. I have just been told that there will- be a re -1 wardof two liunitred and fifty dollars for anyone returning the same.” Af- ter a short silence, a gentleman with a plaid tam-o-shantet• was beard to murmur: '.`Two hoonered ;txx; feefty- five.". "What .a nice new jltat!" said his friend, admirably, ;When did you get it?" "Well," was the reply, "it was like this. I bought It"first in 1919.1 'A year later I liad -it cleaned, and a year after that.I had a new hand -put'- orn.Then I wore It very carefully : brushe, it every morning for three or four years, had it cleaned again' enee or twice, anal, ydeterclay T I ,changed it in a restaurant. 1 The- Flapper Flaps. "Well;" remarked a _married 41tan, after examining has friend's new, flat, "I wish S could afford a Place like this." "Fns," 'said his friend, "you mar- ried men may have better halves, but we' bachelors usually have better quarters." • "This is the age of specialists;" said Charles M. Schwab, "but there is such a thing ,as overdoing it. Office ineiiiciency, hasruined. many allother- wise good business, "'I °•rant a girl,' the :gfllce boss said to his secretary, ,'who is a high-school graduate; I want a girl who can spell words 'of at least two syllables; and I want a girl Who knows something about busi- /loss;'..I. want a girl wilt. has ambition to become' an executive." "'Yes, sir,' said the secretary, 1001(1ng up .,from her notes. -'You want ,four girls for the inner office.' ' Minard's Liniment for earache. Edge•lioldtng Sows Fast E`asq-Cutiinks SAWS Guaranteed becnusernade Pram our own steel SIMONDS CANADA COW 00.1:904 MONTREAL 05110000Eq, ST,JOHN,N.o.t TORON(O The Harley-Davidson Si'ngie Cylinder Motorcycle s the greatest little .ma- chinethot'ha s been 'made. Safe -to ride, easy to control, and most econ- omical. Stands without a rival, .'100 Bailee to Gallon of Gasoline. Down Payment $100, Balance $22 per month. Prlbe $305. Walter Andrews, Limited, 346 Ycnge St., Toronto, Ont. 11 • ri-IIGHEST MARKET PRICES ' A Year's Test .Will Prove Swift Sect. Send Us Your Next Shipment. b` f3't1}tO.O 1Mf lf'. .lt $fir r� � �. (551_1E No. 29--'27. e. Theaoramalcord tmda are made P of cis made eto of /5 otton fibers. all saturated in ''rubber by proem of dipping corder to rubber solution. • GunteDippell, Tires Help You Save Money • The Firestone process of saturating the cordsienrubbcr solution, insulates every fiber of every cord with rubber, mini- mizing internal friction and wear. It gives stamina, to the cords and makes possible the strong, flexible side- walls of 'Firestone Tull -Size Balloons, that give you full crishloningon rough roads ---absorbing the bumps and bridg- ing the ruts. The scientifically designed Firestone Balloon tread grips the road —resisting skid and giving traction in slippery places. Firesto:re,Balloon Gum -Dipped Tires on your car will deliver greater safety and comfort and materially lower your are costs. The nearest Firestone dealer is equipped to serve you better with these better tires. See him now. FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO. OF CANADA LIMITED °Hsmitton, Ontario MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Firestone Bonds the Only (Sum -Dipped Tires Great Snccesa of antassiurn „Treattalent L wall -)brown London Surgeon and recognized authority 001Can tet has treated" wor Irl rir i; anter - est 1(1 the discover," mat Cancer' -or 1)110 0o'n deficiency el Potass1u01 11s' to the body, which causes., the egilo to In oak 1(0Svii un(1 come malignant.. In m•dcr 'tent. ov,e0y one may learn' '.The Real ai CAt15e of ,Cancer a t e ,na-kable ,book: h 1s been-;. 01)0, sir i *linen. Th1s book will 'be sent free to patients or any...0118. q'he is Inter, csted in the meet-siccesoful .cote- ` ihOd of flghtint{ ','TII0 ,OANCLR 004J7tCL." The following 1 'a list -of the, 1, The. Limitations of Surger'. 2. Solite 'b'ontors ,Oppose liberations.° 7, What " Cancer Is, 44.Why. the JY 'r':T OI out Cooking ods.DOWN, , T.n)tn•lo 1 ,0.0 Ing loethods. ,) Cittti )non , Errors ; In 2 Ata t,: 7, yu.-1 , . SII'Oments of Food. :'51 btedical. En- "dorsemente of Our Claim, 9 -'Tho Chief -)Minerals of .the Body: . 10. The Thymus Gland: 11. Age When Lime. Begins to Accumulate. 42, Potassium Causes Lime Eceret1pn._. 10, Great Value of Potassium. 14, Parts of the Body ,f,iable to Cancer. 15, Parts 'WtiteT Are Sel- dem Affected, 10:,IIow a Doctor Can nth). ): ,t pawls F Avoid neer. -ger. teiDehtlt Rata From Cancer. 10. Arterio -Saltcoats and, Old' Age. 20. Coon o hounatisrch Gout- and Kindred Complal.ts. . With this boob are a number of interesting -Baso-reports, proving the great value of "Cnntassiunt Treatment" in various cases, The tros.tment Is dimple and Mennen - vivo. and can be easily token in tine's : own home. Amoy .far free book to' Charres•Whlter, 51 Bruns- wiokl Avenue, ' Toronto, -Ontario 'Canada. Classified Advertisements t Ti VT9, ,•EITHER SEX, 075 f WNW( ,EASY SELLING PALCU CLEANERS.,, Sells on sight. Cleans everything-'111re IIAG00. Free samples P, A. LIIFEBVRE & CO., Alexandria,. Ontio lo, HELP WANTED I ,1t3tTZE OE PERCALE Earn upwards of 919 weekly:: growing mushrooms for us, using waste space in cellars, barns or outhouses. Light Pleasantworth for either sec. Com- mence now, Illustrated booklet, Par- ticulars and testimonials sett any- where, for stamp, Address Dominion 1•fpahrrnm l'n Tnrnntn a. Neuritis. Drive away the throbbing pain with applications of Minard's. SHO OF PAM 'FREE EQUEST SENTonItEQl1EST bells cause of cancer and what to do for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write for it to -day, mentioning this paper. Ad- - dress Indianapolis Cancer Hospital Indianapolis, Ind. THEY SUFFER NO MORE 1\V Two Women Owe health to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Sit. Adolphe, Manitoba.— "1 wag very weak and had great pains during my periods so that I could not sweep thefloor. Tha pains were in the right side and ex- tended to the lett and then d dw n- warda. It seemed as if the body was heavy and upside down. It is for these troubles I took the Vegeta- ble Compound. I. saw about it ib a paper and one -wo- man prevailed on me to take it. It has helped me in every way, the pains are less, and I have more appe- •tite. Itis a pleasure to recotnmend Lydia L. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound to other wdmon. '—Mrs. J. L. 1ionneBA11ON3, St. Adolphe, Manitoba.. Found Great Relief Toronto, Ont.-' •I am at the Change of Life with but flashes, dizziness weakness and nervousness. I had head noises and was short of breath. I was this way about six months whets 3 read about Lydia E. Pinlcham's Veg- etable Compound 3r ,tl)e'newspaT erred 1 have taken eight bottles so fa found great relief."--B'irs.It. J.SA :earl, 112.Lawlor tive., Toronto, Ont. , Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for, Colds Headach'e NeuritisLun><bago Pain Neuralgia Toothache ,Rheumatism «-..-.-•testootoms.s�a .>num _DOES 'NOT. AFFECT .THE 1-1EAn RT Accept only ""Bayer" packagd , Wbic.1 contains proven directions. Bandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 .tablets Also Mottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. aspire, is the trate , mnrh (registered. In anodic) -,Qt Boger 11o,0000q ure of MonpnMtle, 001001teror aa1le51l11eli (,loetyl.. 8a11ey110 Aoki, "A, ,g., A.").• Mille it le well known i that Aspirin means' lhtyer mannteetnre, t0 ,mist the r0ablIc against Ilullotlona, the Tarleta of npyct Cowpony w111 be stamped with their gonerst trade mark,: the "Bayer 01805.t'