HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-07-14, Page 1. W a.A A rtl E � AIJ y Ori !H !• RICt..
faad has shite
n the second sixty years; Oo you wish to make greater progr(ss in. the future
than in the past ? An advertisenient in The Clinton = News -Record will 'help—
carr Watch toe 4hottid Se
. r s ed
You nsist;zpo2 style, of course, in youi clothing, your anto
your hone ---m fact,; in almost that serves you in this
hiisiness of living.
Yet one point may have escaped you, as it has'so many others.
And that is—your watch.
Today there must be stYle in yourwatch—true art in its design,
distinctiveness in shgtpe and finish. -An :old-fashioned, bulky, over-
ver ornamented watch may ruin tilt- otherwise excellent attire.
in ..
In our complete stoclt you will find the best dressed watches
th mour ua •an[ e autial
at ones can buy h<^,eked upby z ee s to u, it and
gn y
reliability as, a timekeeper.
e ,l jar
.Ittsidenee .174j
Phone 174w
Reduced Pi°iees
Kitted Snits..: and llresses
Ever.`, woman who
oring, ' golfing, '. or pickriicing,
knowsthe advantages es of a hand
some knitted outfit,. The bas-
arrce of
our stock of suits, dresses
and coats oa s will be sold • at • 15 per
cent and 20 per cent off regular
prices. = Sizes range from 36 to
42 , `'c l 9r
5 ��a
sk and
White, ro e
green blue, sand and white.-
There's e no need to pav a•..bd,,,��••
-rice in order r
der t o get a good bath-
ing nit.
We've, a very_. complete line
d we're sure r
e we can:�a
meet � YRIC;
Ba tin Snit
All Wool, Bathing
25O,3.50 3.75`rr`yy
® $5.00
Deal forry
A Square • D �,I ��e Man
Wheat, 71.10",
Oats, 40c to 50c.
Barley; 75c,
Buttes 30,e to 38c.
,Eggs, 21c,.iij 29e.
Live Hog's, ,�J.00. •
Mrs. _Carrie Jervis; Clinton,
pounces the,, engagement
daughter, -; Dorothy' ,Chrzs tin i; to
Frank. BMW McElwain, soli o,
Robert 'McElwain and •the late
McElwain, Gelert Ont., the na.rx•i
to take place quietly the gild of t
The Rev. C. W. Cosens, x fore
pastor of Ontario Street church,
is retiring. from the. active minks
after a long period of service, in
Methodist Church until the 'anion
19Za, Sine!) then with the ° UM
Church..- He has just completed a s
year term at Allenforl, where
ministry was appreciated, Ata s
y p
ia1 gathering held •'there kz�,cxe
departure' of Mr and Mrs. Cie
•tx n x os ns
eon •re ani n res nt d them `
g g t o p e e with
couple of chairs'and the choir g
Miss Cosens a bat box and the.Y.P
a silver sugar and cream and tray
. Mee and : Mrs. Cosens -will take
their residence in Walkerton.•
A message was received by Bus
relatives this week stating that R
W. E. Kerr, -a -former pastor, of •
titres stet. church, i e
reClinton, h
passed away on.Sunday.in the• h
pita. in Vancouver, B.C. Deceas
was the second son of the late R
J. L Kerr, of Brussels and was
known throughout Ontario. .Am
the -charges in the Methodist Char
held in Ontario before going' to
coast about twenty years ago w
Welland, Clinton and Wroxeter.
H. Kerr,late editor for of the 1:russ
Post, was a brother of the deceas
Besides his wife, who was forme
Miss Doty, of Oakville, axe two s
and a daughter. The xemains',are b
ing brought to OakvvilIe for intertn
Mr.'and Mrs. Robert Perris,
lett, will be at home to their friends
on the occasion of the celebration of
their fiftieth h rz nftieth 'eddin ` anniversary f Wedding ersay on
Thursday Jly 2lst,afternoon and
, u o
'Entrance Examinations for East
uron camein, this m Ding• and
those for C 'neon- an af' rth , will
In and q 1
•fou d n - four.e
be n o page ins for
p gtar
Wiest Iluro are not expected until
n e noted 1
next ,week but if they come in will
be pt in type and posted. ' "`�
Rev.J. B.''<and Mrs. McCormack
were treated to. a big surprise on Mon-
day' evening, `when members of the.
Auburn Baptist church Mission Band,
to the number of thirty, swooped in
upon them and, fora few hours, took
;charge of the parsonage and grounds.
The young folk engaged• in a number
of games and sing -song on the, lewn,
then followed a dainty hunch, pre-
pared and served by the visitors.
More singing, followed and a brief.
talk by Mr.'MecCormack brought. to a.
close a, very happy evening. Mr.
and Mrs.' McCormack hope the lads
and lassies will come again,
The Union corre'spandent to. the
Lindsay Daily Post had the following'
items, which refer to a young Clinton
`'The Union Creek and •i0ount Te
win schools held their annual picnic
in Mr. Grieve's grove on Friday af-
ternoon, June 24th. The children and
grown-ups enjoyed the outing; as .the
day, was a perfect June day, A pleas-
ant feature' of the afternoon was -the
presentation of a levely,�ehocoiate
set to the teacher, Miss Dorothy
Jerrie, on behalf of the school, . Miss
Gertrude Byrne making the presen-
tation`,and Master CIare Dettman
reading the address. In the evening
the young people held -a dance' in the
parish hall, Galway."
"On ,Monday evening a pleasant
nr inth t i
1 a tY e. nature of a surer se
party on Miss Dorothy Jervis, our
teacher took place at the residence of
Mr, and Mrs. Dunean . Molyneaux.
Everyone enjoyed themselves with h
music and dancing, and a dainty lunch `Ii
Was served, after which Miss Jervis
was presented with a lovely silver a
cake dish, a pair .of silver candle h
sticks, and a cut glass marmalade '
dish, Mss, `Harry Dettman -making 1
the presentation . and Miss Ethel t
Molyneaux reading the address en be- y
half of. the people- of "Union Creek
and Mt. 'Irwin, AII. regret Miss .Ter r
vis' departure from our midst but a
wish for her a happy future." t
an -
ix -
On -
on Friday afternoon.
Mr.C. G. Middleton of Sftnnysi
Farm, the Hugon Road just arest
town, has been appointed ,Sberifl
IXuren .County, his... appoipttnent
take effect on July 15th. Mr.:Midcll
ton succeeds R. G. Reynolds,, w ho -
There have been rumors of this a
pointment -sfor, some time the a
ngnneeniient being delayed? son
months to allow. Sheriff -Reynolds
round out a full-term of 30 _years, 1
r cl ed the,.limit eat age nit, sat
months ago. '
e -
n -
Mr. Middleton is a son of the la
George Middleton of Goderieh to
ip, a member of a pioneer fancily i
intent county, and ,lie Inas,spent h
entiro lite in the- old township, He
farmer, as his father' was befo
but• he has always taken a lcee
interest in the public life of the tow
saving .sat as. a member of. the Clin
council ;for several years, on
ear as councillor, when he "'made
the ;polis, and for some years a
eeve, only retiring last year. Ile i
Conservative,being president
he South Huron. Conservative Assoc
atiori, an • Orangeman, an. Anglice
iY a good e fellow, generally. 111
Needs will'eongratulato hiMeteen=h•
appointment. to' this position an
hope it swill not mean the removal
the family from Clinton. As a ma
ter :of fact, as his 'beautiful home i
only a few miles from the Count
Town on the hi
Tw h a h
w ec n`eo
a r
t to reside there, at least f
nine months of the year.
The Huron Presbytery convened in
Northside United Church on Monday
morning, July 11th, Follo'iving the
usual routine of business the officers
wereelected for the ensuing year as
follows: Clioirotan, Rev. J. E. Hogg,
Clinton; Reis. Dr, Barnaby of Blythe
seeretar -
y and -W G. --Medd
re-elected treasurer. ,Perhaps the
most interesting item ' of unfinished
business was the reading of a ques-
tionaire sent out from the central of-
ficers of the church asking as to the'
working Out of' church union:': • Iiifor
oration was sought as to the nember
of the churches closed .• within the
bounds of the presbytery as a tesult
-of • Church Union. When the ro11 of
the churches was called ,it was dis-
covered that at least twenty churches
had bean closed or sold as a result of
unions having tdken plane.' This gave
the presbytery concrete evidence that
duplication and unnecessary nineties
titioii was being eliminated as a 're-
sult of-ehurch union."'
The following, men were welcomed•
as slew,meritbers. of Presbytery: Revs.
S. Davison of Wingham;. R. M. Gale
of Bayfield, J. Penrose of Varna, H.
G. Whitfield of St. Helens, A..E.
Doan of Clinton, R. R. Conner of Kip
pen and M. C. Parr of Goderieh.
Presbytery expressed its sympathy
for the Rev. J. A. Ferguson in the
illness that . has incapacitated him
Th Rev.. W. P. Lane of
Seaforth and W. Mlaines, of Welton
were appointed to arrange for supply
for Mr. Ferguson during his illness.
The members' of the Pres-
bytery remained for the confer-
ence, which opened in the afternoon
at 2:30, when the Rev. Dr. Robinson
presided. Rev. Mr( Armstrong,` of
Wxonieter, led in the opening prayer;
Dr. Robinson read the Scripture les -
eon from , the ,•20th Chapter of
The Rev. Dr. Worn. C. Poole ,of
Christ church, London, England, suc-
cessor to the Rev. F. B. 1Vfeyer, and
president of the World's Sunday
School Association, was present and
gave very fineitlspirational ad tresses
Afternoon and evening, t' ` being Dr.
Poole's first' day -time appearance in
Canada. He was present at a three-
day conference. in. Northside church,
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. He
will then visit several towns in On-
tarioofleaving b ore fort e
he P,nv.nc s
of Quebec arse. ` New Brueswiek.
.Assisting in the conference was the
Rev., F. A. Robinson and Miss Grace
Robinson of Toronto, and' Miss Gurn-
ert of Chicago, pianist. The -former
is a speaker, while Miss Robinson is a
soloist, wbose singing delighted all
who heard her,
• The death occurred in Clinton Hos
• pital on Veednesdliy of last •weak of
Robert Smith,; .of Glasgow, Scotland,: a
lad,, of seventeen who landed yin Can
ada on Juue 27.01. Col ing out to en-
gage in agricultural work under the
auspices of the -Departments, of Col-
onization of the Canadian National
Railways andnof the Government, he
was placed with Mr. John Barr near
BIyth. The lad ,got •.a chill .ore the
boat coming, over and had e• cold• when
he landed. He did not complain of
being ill until • he arrived at Mr,
Barrs, where 'he was, nursed and cared
for until July .lots when : he was
brought to Clinton Hospital. pnneu-
Moine having developed. .IIe lived
five days after reaching the hospital.
The pathos ofthe case appealed to
the'sympatlties of everyone ,vie ,be-
fore he carne to hospital and after he
was nursed with -the greatest sate and
sympathy. His parents are dead but
a 'sister, with whom lie lived in dies-
gow, was -notified. of his illness and
later of his death; by cable.
'Mr.. II. lelotton of Montreal, repre-
senting the C.N.R., and,Mr..1. Farrell,
London, representing the Government,
came up and took charge of the ,fun-
eral ar'rangenlents; the funeral taking
place: front, the undertaking parlors
on Friday, afternoon. The service was
conductedby the Rev.' A. Macfarlane
Mayor, and the town clerk and Mem-
bers of the town council attended, also
representatives from several of the
places ,of the town, Dr -Shaw•
who had attended hint,- and, several
eitizei2s who were aware of, the lad's
Illness' and who had -,ministered to
The casket'was covered with flow-
ers, .floral tributes hein,,' sent by -the
Federal Dept. of Colonization; Mr. J.
1 arrell representing the Coloniza-
tion department of the Ontario Gov-
ernment Dir: I3. I1otton, ronreseitt ns•
the Colonization Dent. of the C:N.R.,.
Mr. Sohn 3
� Jo n I r Col. 1i a 1I
ar, C T. and rs.
Rance awl ousel, friends:
The remains were reverently laid in
Clinton cemetery, „the .solemn service
,being read by the Rev. A. Macfeelane,
himself a son of Scotland, and though
far from kindred and his native land,
good Canadian -British soil haps }nim
around in his last long sleep,
The Orange' celebration' held
Mttcliell".on •Tuesday
brought out
:;'es moyin1 to it.
Mit- Ifiir phy L'odg'e •L.0 L:, Chntoiz;: and
go, Clinton L.0,13;A. - took part '.n'the
very large crowd, about ninety- lad
zI ing part in the 'procession. '1
last Orange parade'ever,held in
in Mi: Gordon 'L' Lawson.bas s eniied
.a Rapson house'in North sti•eet.ain
chelI was -in 1857, seventy years a
and the last"-otie was in 1897, Ilii
years ago, London lodges carried
inose ,of the prizes• on Tues(1 ty.
The death' 'occurred is St: Ali
gel's :hospital, Toronto on Saturday
Mary Carter, daughter of the I
Robert' Carter of Mullett townsh
'who before going to Toronto fol
time nde her home in Clinton, S
had been ill about three weeks, pe
m n'
o za being. he immediate cause
She is sur •
viv d
e by two bio
ers arid( two o sister
Chat Charles es ,3
Mrs. McBiady oi',Hamilton, Willi
of Toronto, with whom she lived;
Mrs. Franc 'Fowler of Buffalo. T
body was brought to Londesboro a
laid in the family plot there on Tu
day. She was seventy years of a
So far as we have heard. all t
travellers across the' Atlantic fr
this vicinity arrived safelyat h
'other side. The :Montcalm, the b
on which Miss Rudd and her pa
sailed, struck a submerged ieeb
two' days out of Montreal and for
time there was some' excitement
suspense. sp nse, The lifeboats were mann
and lifebelts••adjusted, but the lio
slid off and only suffered 'a brok
propeller. It travelled at a to
rate of speed,and•`docked at Glas
forty-four hours late.
The Montreal Star Company h •
announced the appointment of Hu
G. Brewer, soh of Mr. H. C. Bre.
a former citizen of Clinton, as adv
tising manager of the Montreal .A n
Star and the Family Herald a
celebration at=Mitch 1
01 onTu4"b'1.
off The:Onttirio. street United cl.tireh
Sunday school, the Presbyterian .Sun-
day school and St; Paul's church
A.5. P.A. picnicked at ;.Bayf .Td .yes-
The e
o' .Rev, T. E. I- y
LHogg of `r'es
Sg � Icy
ate Willis church was elected chairman of
Duron Presbytery of the Dialect
• ii church, which met at Seafoith' our
lie 'Monday.
eu'• ' F17NrRAL OF MRS.' J. HOLLAND.
The funeral •ai o
un t 1 thelate n
rx5 r.t
ed n H 1 n
glad who ,
-w deed s n
onl the
, dd at h
v e
hotne'pf her sister in Clinton on
and Wednesday, took place from the honxe-
he of her son," Mr. Noble Holland; the
nd Huron road, east, on Friday after-
es- 'noon last. The: services were con -
go.' ducted by the Rev. A. E. Doan of On-
tario street United church, to which
she belonged; assisted by the -Rev,
he J, E. Hogg of Wesley -Willis United
(» -church. The pallbearers were: Har-
tle e vey, George and Herbert Jenkins, H.
Charlesworth, •t
rh MacM
qat , c-Lerntid and S.
rtY G, Switzer. erg The funeral was very largely at-
e. tended by `many friends in tee cent -
net' and' munity, also many from Goderieh,
ed Walton and surrounding communities.
at Interment was made in Clinton ceme-
en terse
HD ,
Service in the ' Baptist church on
Sunday at 11: o'cloek. Mr. Macfar-
laneava is exchanging for the day with
gh Rev. R. C. McDEmnid •of Goderieh,
Brew who will conduct the service here.
el' Sunday school at 10 o'clock.''
Dal The W. M. S. will not meet during
nd this month or next, but will resume
its meetings in September. -
For the last two Sundays in July,
e- the 24th and 313t, Mr. Macfartane
he will be on holiday and the services"
ng will be conducted by the Rev. A. A.
e- Holmes..
n- An amicable agreement has been
ar entered into between .the congrega
was tiops or Wesley -Willis .church and the
the Presbyterian church, and has received
e the sanction of .the United Cllmreh
ti Presbytery, by which the use of the
1111ll former Willis. church has been grant-
lieed tot
2, the Presbytettang Necessary
repairs aie`now;being inane and't'is'
n hoped that the church will" be ready
d for occupancy on the nest Sunday in
August, • The formal opening and an -
of niversary services will be held eerie
a- in September.
Wjeekly Star -
Mr, Brewer, though a comparativ
ly young man, is a veteran of t
Star's advertising depaz'tinent, havi
joined the copy staff jp 1908, and b
ing platted :eh
ed in theme of the reorga
ized promotion department a, ye
later: His work with the Star
interrupted by his enlistment in
ranks of the 14th Battalion of t
Royal Montreal Regimeet in Angus
1914. Returning with the M.C, a
bar and the rank of major in 1919,
resumed his former' duties until' 1;J..0
when he boomed circulation pror.,rtio
manager of the: Family Herald an
Weekly Star, a position he has .h
ever since, with the satisfaction
seeing the Fancily Herald's eireul
lion greatlyincreased.
The Exeter'. Times -Advocate la
week had the eollowing which will b
of interest to many Isere'
"On ' :Wednesday evening of las
week Rev. C. J. llforliouse, , wh
comes to Exeter from' Clinton, we
inducted into his now pastorate a
,Main St. United church in conjnne
titin with the annual. strawberry fes
tival held on the church lawn, Th
weather was fine and there was a
large attendance. The ladies pro-
vided a splendid supper the proceeds
front which ;amounted to, $1`25.00,
The GambriIl . orchestra provided
.some splendid music for the occasion.
$ollowiug the re sup
per the induction
of: the new pastor took place. Rev.
11In Clarke, ef. Goderieh, chairman of
1 the Huron ?resbytety, was in charge
of the service. Ret'. Mr, Bremner, of
Brucefield, preached thee- sermon;
Rev. 0, 7,7. Chidley of Thames .toad
addressed the minister, and Rev, Mc,
Coiling, of Grand Bend, addressed the
people. The service was very im-
pressive." e
The following front the North Bay
Nugget, refers to the marriage of a
daughter of an old Clinton girl,,for-
merly Miss Mabel Detior, who will be
remembered by many here:,
"A i`ashionable and interesting
wedding took place in St. Andrew's
church Tuesday evening when Mad-
eline -Agnes Defter, eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Milne, was mar-
ried to Harold Joseph Ashbridge
Chambers,of Walkervil}e, son of Mr.
and Mrs. T. ,T, Chambers, of Toronto'
The Rev. J. M. Pritchard, •B.D„ offi-
dated. Thebride was exquisitely
-dressed in a gown of seintiline, The
Light sleeveless bodice was trimmed
with (velvet flowers 'and 'the full skirt
with its rows of shirred chiffon, hung
in points. The long court train of
chiffon, edged with frills, 'was' lined
with seintiline and she wore the beau-
tiful veil of rare old lace that was
worn by both her mother and grand-
mother. It: was simply caught with
-orange b}ossom:s and she carried a
lovely bouquet of orchids and lily of
the valley.' The pastel shades of the
bridesmaids' gownss nmde an effective
background for the .bride: Miss,
Francis Milne, sister of the bride, was
maid of honor and' Miss Edith Milne,
her -younger sister, and Miss Marion
Coleman, her cousin, Acted as"brides
mains, Little Isobel McDonald, cous-
in;of the bride, scattered rose, petals
from her flower basket. F. Elwin
Wilson, of Chicago, was, best .man
find+Ian Fleming, of .Detroit.- and Wil-
liam McDowell, of Toronto, were fish-
ers, During the signing of the reg -
ie te'r, Miss . Gwendolyn Taylor sang
"Because." A reception was held, at
the home of the bride's parents. Af-
ter the reception the bridal ennple
left for a trip down the St. Lawr-
ence and.. Saguenay, ' the bride tray-
ekieg'in• a becoming ensemble of
blondine silk with beige fox and,
silk crocheted hat to 'match. On their
I return their will reside in Windsor;"
)3aptist Church
Sunday service eit 7 pen. Subject:
st "Christ's Outlook Upon Death."
e Sunday school at 2;30 p:m,
Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8
sSt. Paul's Church -
s ' The Rev. Mark Turnbull' of London
will have charge of the services in
- St. PauI's church while the rector, the
Rev.'t. C. 1Tarrison, is holidaying.
Wesley-WeIlls United Church
Sunday school and . morning wor-
ship at 11 o'clock. Subject of study;
"Samuel Anoints David.." Evening
subject: "The Rainbow in the
Clouds. -
The .
school and q d congrega
tional picnic will take place next
Wednesday, July 20th, to Bayfield.
Ontario Street United Church
Services on Sunday, July 1701. Rev.
A. P. Doan, patter.: 10 a.m., Sab-
bath school and bible classes. 1ran.,
"The Life More 'Abundant.' 7 p.,m.,
"The faith of a Soldier:"'
Bright singing, short sermons; help-
ful inspiration.
Young People's meeting, Monday at
8 p,m. Prayer 'meeting{"Wednesjay
at 8 pan.
Tuckersmlth Township
Mr. Melvin Criehtrece•ttly Weight ; a
f} ieyoung
bull of
Hill Co; et
breed to head bit Shorthorn herd. The
au•rchase was mad•e from Mr, fTai ry
Mr. Robert Asquith of Walton is
visiting at Mr. Chas. Howson's for a
Week ors4.
Miss Alma Match of Toronto is
spending her holidays with her par-
ents here.
Miss Christine McClinton of God-
orich and Mrs. Joseph Stalker• are
visiting at Mr. Robert Taylor'.,
Mr. Frank Washington ofn ce,
g g ,
Ont,, is spending tate holidays at his
honxe, here.
The Intermediate Bible Class of
Knox United church held a social ev-
ening at the home of Geo. Millign on
Wednesday night of last week.
Mrs. Clayton Martin • is visiitng
with Ines parents, Mr. acct 'Mrs. 1'V'm.
Thompson. Mr. Martin is taking a
short course at the 0. A. C. Guelph.
and he spent the week -end here.
Mr. and Mrs. Rice and son Garth
and Miss. Rice of Thornhill, who is
visiting here, motored to Owen Sotind
on Saturday, returning Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Muteb and son
of Clinton spent Sunday, with rela-
tives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Rey Farrow and fain- I
ily of Mitchell spent the week -end at
the honxe of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.:John-J
Rev. W. R. ';Aip conducted anni-
versary services
nni-versaryservices' at. Smith's Dill on
Sunday while Mr, .?gaiter took charge
B ar field
itf'r„and. Mrs "A.''CartY c+ans sa..
Junior returned to their home' in 1)e•,
troit .on 'Thursday ;last after having
'spent a week' with ,1Vl;rs.. M. Crean.
Mrs. Paul ' Doig and family and
Misses A. and F. CIazke of London
are at their` cottage in Lakeside Paris..
Mrs. W. J. Campbell, Miss Minnie.
and Leonard Campbell and: Mr. and.
Mrs. T..B. CampbelI- of T.'oeonto aol
in Trebilcock's cottage in'1,alceside
Park, •
Guests registered eci at the , Ritz Hotel .
are: Mr. and : Mrs. W. J. Fowler,
Milwaukee, Wis., Mr. and, Mrs, Allen
Blain, Miss Dorothy K1em,,Evanston
Ill:; lir. Bert . Lavis, Miss Evelyn
Ellis, Montreal; Messts. ' Herb. Wes-
ton S Moore, T t ,
t ox on ca•
Mrs •
•n Tio •
y MrSseq M .
and,D. Housley, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs.
sAdanis,:, Mils, T. Williams, London,
and. John. Doyle, Detroit.
Mrs. W. C. Stirling and soai Den-
ald left for their home at Hanna, -:
Alta., after having visited Mrs- Wm:
Stirling and other relatives in the'
Mrs. D. Prentice and Miss .Alice
Stinsson,'R.N., of Toronto, arrived on
Saturday' to visit .their parents,'Me.
and Mrs. Wan. J. Stinson,
Mr. and Mrs. McGrath and Mrs,
Crow and daughter of Detroit were
guests at the Albion Hotel for a
couple of days last week
Misses s Anna' Beatty,, Florence
Gwen and Margaret Elliott motored
to Bervie and spent Satm'day with'
their sister, . Mrs. (Rev.) W. A.
Wimnifrad "Elliott of LucIc-
now spent a few days with her aunt,
Mrs, John Fraser.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Dixon and daughter
Carrie of Galt were the guests of
their daughter, kirs. F. H. Pauly, at
the Rectory over: the week-eed.
Mr.. and Mrs. W. F. Snelgrov a of
Windsor :are guests' at the Albion” -
Mrs. (Dr,) Gray,
who has been .
with her parents, ' Rev. Janes and
Mrs, Abery. at their cottage in Lake-
side Bark, returned' to her -home i»
Windsor the end of the week.
The Y. P. S. beach party was quite
a success ort Friday evening last,
.About forty persons. were present
and all received their share of hot
dogs,; the cooking: and eating of which
witsthechief Event in the evening.
The next outing is planned for the
.$'erlton.I?arks • Godeieh, en August
Mrs;• Harry Weston returned last
week after+ havingspent a month ing'
Sarnia and Detroit. She was accents
parried by Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ag-
new a
nd Mast
er Norval Agnew and
little Bobby Vail.
Rev, T. Foote of Exeter will have
charge of the Presbyterian "service
next Sunday morning,
The Guilds of Trinity church have
21piast»ted. for a bazaar to be held on
the Rectory* lawn on Thursday, July
Mi. ,lint Ferguson of London is -
spending his vacation with his moth-
er, Mrs. M. Ferguson, -
Misses A; Rouatt and Erie Mitchell
of London are the guests of Misses•
Marion and„ Dorothy Hart at their
Mrs. 1! . V. Granger and daughter
and Miss Beaton of London are in
Mr, J. Hamilton's cottage.
Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Clark aad son
William, 1 ram, 1Vliss Long .and Miss Nigh
of London were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. E. G. Neelitt on Sunday, Mi.
Clark is a nephew of Mr. Nee}ie.
Mr, and Mrs: Wm. Campheli of -
Strathc}aii', Man., ,.spent a day last
week with Mr. and Mrs. W, ,L' Foster.,'
Mrs. Otto Luening and fancily and ,
Mrs. E, 0, Miller and family of Kitch-
ener are spending a week at the home
ear. and Mrs. W. J. Foster. `
Bayfield L. 0. L. No. 24 attended
the Orange celebration at Mitah, ll on
Tuesday. ,
Miss Maude Stirling left on Mon-
day to resume her duties as matron
of the Marine and General lfospital,,,.:
Otven.Sound. .
A bridge party at which refresh-
ments will be served is to begiven at
the home'of Mrs. W':' F. Metcalf on
Wednesday, July 20th in aid of the
Golf Club.
Public Schoolreport: ,
Senior Room
Jr. 4th to Sr. 44th Slaty Widcoinbe,
67; Berthena 'Sturgeon, 64; 'Grafton
Weston, 01; John Brown '-(recommend-
Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th—Crai • • Kerr 0
Harold "McLeod, d0•n 11Ter..Kennet , e-
ner (recommended),
Prize to pupil making the best-Pro-
estpro-gress during: the year went to Mary
Wyideombe, Jr. 4th. Best all :wound
pupil at w rk and play, (by vote of
pupils); .,(',iris—Jessie Lindsay, Sr,
4th. Boys—Fred Wallis, Jr. 5th.
—ef. H. Gerrie; principal.
Jr. 3rd• to Sr.' 3rd—Thelma Parker,
Sandy Mustard, Isabel Osmond, John
Wild, Lawrence Johns, Emma Stur-
geon, John Lindsay, Edith Merrier.
Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd—.Dean Castle,
Lot;ise McLeod, Maud Parker, Keith
Gereinharde Brown Lindsay, Tont
Castle, James Sturgeon. Hugh 'Mc-
Leod, Carson Johns, Louis Wild, Mer-
vin Elliott.
Sr. 1st ! to Jr. 2nd—Jean Dunn,,.
Doris' Featherston, Evelyn
hardteEtta I1blra LeonaHolm,C1 -
Parket, Charles
Parker William Os-
mond, Dickie Weston.
Pr. to Jr, 1st—Vera Wild, Jean
Elliott, Pears Lindsay, Mae Murray,
Jean; Mustard, Albert Osmond.
' Primary Francis Elliott,Harry
Brandon, Charlie Brandon, •li
A. W. Woods, teacher. I'