HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-07-07, Page 8G JEWELERY STORE SUN )Eyes naturally a bit eak are first to feel 'the change in sea- sgna -espee a11y into the bright sunlight of summer, resulting • in dull a€hing pains with dan- ger always that the strain will be too great, resulting in actual injury to. the vision. It may be that' yon do not need glasses, thenagain it may be highly im pgrtant`that you have them. es on you if: you do not need thein, fie test of eyes to know the faets,, .be the judge. If.. you are" bothered out the trouble. College of Optometry Next Hovey's Drug Store' 4111111111111111 3106009.1110.11.1001.10.111, (Jubilee Week of :Julymay be a real Jubilee: Duel- -each department one oar two special fits and'in scone cases part of the m at real BARGAIN PRICES, pade Pants, reg. $2.00 for ....$L69 anvas Oxfords at $1.39 ghams, reg. 25c' a yard for , 17the ose, Maize and Blue, - er yard ...i .:.... .:... :.:....: 35c s at 95c irts.at . 79e • 69c ane Socks' at o 39c S AS EACH ONE IS GENUINE• • eel .Bros RTB 25. The Modern Home The pedestal wash -bowl simply "malfes"•the• bath- room, as every woman who takes pride in her home well knows. If you are having your bath room done ever this year you should see the fix- tures and equipment we ate showing. at unusually low prices. modern in every way, at small invest - o suggest arrangement and show you anenjoy all'the"comforts of modern eontractor'will do the work on strictly 'action guaranteed, During summer ve sueh workdone, Perdue 985E ELECTRIC WIRING PHONE 147w • JIC LUNCHES' •; abroad in the land, It is "Outerigitis" o the "Great Outdoors." SUGGESTIONS Oe Olives, stuffed .. 20c to 4Qc 5e Peanut Butter, Ter lir • 25c 5e Potted Meat, 19e or , . ,3 -for 25e o Snacks, icor3for 25c Oe Salmon Sn c , 0 S FOR WEEK -END .s0 Rice 3 lbs. far 25e ge St. or R. Jam .... 3 lb. for 55e'• 50 •Sherriff's Jelly ....4 for 25e 5e Sherrif's Jelly with tumbler 5c spoon or glass .. 25e Special Black Tea, per. Ib. 59e ETA13LES and MEATS son CV , PROMPT DELIVERY iS ent so t R1a1llett `rswnshlp .Mies Eva Brown of• Hospeler is spending' her'vacatiop at hes' horse on the 2nd concession. 'M ss Bessie Brown -of Detroit ar- rived Saturday fora vacation at her :home on the 2nd concession, • HURT' GOODS Some goods soiled or marred, sonic just slow -selling taken rfrom our stock • offered to you at a .saving, in price' very nsueh. more .noticeable than firethe hurts. The goods are in our north window' and all must be sold:: Our method • used to. assure their sale is to reducethe priceevery day until it suits you. We started at your choice for $1.25. • Today (fimrs- day) the price is 70c and- on Friday it will be 65c, If you wait till Sat- urday it will be 60c and so it will continue until one . cent is raached. Some of the goods ;• sold were origin - ...ally priced at $3.00. W.e have known people• to look andwait forthis an- nualopportunity when you have a chance of 'buying at your: own price., .The only advantage to us is securing 'the room the goods occupy. ' There may be some articles in the window you want or. need: at the price you want to pay. If you don't see what you wantat the price you want to pay Oozlle the next day and it will be. fess, I - _.•; PtiaI:. Fair• CO. Often the Cheapest-,-Alwaya the Best 1,5 Mr. Fred McTaggart, of Torouto'is holidaying at his home, Miss Jean Nesbit. of Woodstock is the guest of Miss Eileen Atkinson. Mr. E. S. Livermore of Osgoode hall, Toronto, is 'holidaying at his home in town. Mr. and Mrs W. S. Downs acid £poi Ili „visited f ignde in London over tare w elo end• Mx, G. .A. McLaughlin iliotoeed over itblu .1) k1'6it tr< Spend the Anleri- clitt Holiday% 'with friends here, M'r, and Mrs. George , Waits • left, Monday 'afterneen ori a trip to the West. They will go to the Coast, visiting friends at severalpoints en rout'e Mr. and. Mrs. James Bentley and lit- tle daughter and Miss May Robert's motored over from Detroit Last Fri- dayto spend ten days with friends hereabouts, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Match, Messrs. Jack,. W. and C. Match and Miss Jean Match have been on a motor ,trip to Toronto, Hamilton, and Niagara Falls, Mrs. J. R. Scott of Clifford and Miss Ethelwyu Scott of tile Harriston High school staff are visiting at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. W. S. Downs. • IVP; George Horsley aril bride of Pontiac, 'Mich., spent the week -end with the former's parente,'Mi.'and Mrs. Richard . Horsley, of Clinton, and with Goderieh: friends. - Miss Ethyle W'asman of Bruce Mines has been spending a holiday at her home .in town. She left Saturday for Toronto, where she is engaged reading examination papers. Mr. John E. Carter and family of Detroit spent the holiday with ' Mr. and `Mrs. Cochrane. Mr, Harry Cochrane returned -with them to Detroit for a week's holidays. Mr. and Mrs. G. L Chapman and Master Ross of Toronto' and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Howes 'Site) little Miss Janet of Harriston spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McCartney of'=town. - Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Cantelon and the latter's father, Mk. Ramsay, of De- troit motored over and spent the week -end with the fornter's broth- er and sister, Mr. G. and Miss Bertha Cantelon, also visiting re- latives in Goderich township and ieGoderich. Mr. John-Cuninghamep Mr, Gordon Cuninghame and,Edward Rorke and John Cuninghame, jr,, motored down to Fruitland this week, where Mr. J. Cuninghame will remain for a week with his nephew, Mr. T. Cal- lender. her. G. Cuninghame and the boys went on to. Kininount, where they met' Mr. Kenneth Rorke .and are enjoying some fishing. They, •will probably goauto, north bei fore returning. Miss Grace Shepherd of Ottawa is hoine.for the holiday months. 'Miss Sh'epherd stayed. in Ottawa a few days ;after' the closing of school to be in the, capital for the Diamond Jubileecelebration, which was of„ a very beautiful acid impressive na- ture, the only thing to mar it be- ing the tragic death of the yotnig aviator who acelmpanied Col. Lind- bergli;',who was killed as the planes were being .landed. _Rev. Dr. and 'Mrs. Medd and Miss Josie Medd, B.A,. are visiting" this. week with theformer's' 'mother, Mr. J. G. Medd, and also' Mrs. Medd'e brother, Mr. W. Hiles of town. Dr, Isredd retired • this year after forty-two years in the active .-ministry of the tiiethodist Church of. Canada and th.s= )United Church of. ,Canada. He and his wife in- tend settling for the time being at least in Wleltand,,'where Miss iiledd has -taken a position on the staff of the Nigh and Vocational school, THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD TifU1l5D &Y, UL1' "7, 1927 Clinton's - ()ME °met roe s EI1 Every Specill.Black Tea,. per lb 59c O'Neil's Best Coffee, per lb• .. 70c' Shelled Walnuts, per lb. .....: .... .. • .. , :,r.... 59c Icing Sugar, 2 lbs. for 29e 'Jelly Powders,' 4 plcgs for ' .. . 25e -Asparagus, ;per' tin . '15c. Olives -in bulk, Ter pint . 40e "Oranges juicy, per dozen .. 29e Large size Oranges, per dozen .......', . ... , . '39c and 43c • FOR;. PICNICS Sandwich Spree . .. is ,a:111.' Sandwich Spread (A,pex) . . 350 . -�• 30c< Sandwich, Spread (Club House) :,,;......;,.,........ 35e Pimento Cheese , .. 15c .. ...:......::..........:.. 25. Olives, plain .. 20e 30c and 40e, Olives, stuffed .. •25c and 40c Sweet Mixed Pickles, per pint...:.....3Oe; arm y's Bread and Tea Time Cakes WEEK -END •,.S EdI.ALS. 5 lb Table Syrup ., , •10 bars P. & G. Soap for .10, int. 'Gran. Sugar ...... r...... , .'........:... 73e 10 lbs. 'Rolled Oats for . 2lbs. Dates i. '.._.. . .'........ ...... 25c ... _ 6 lbs,' Corn Meal ,....,;:.......................... 45c 43c 29e 2�lbs. Raisins for '..:; ... 29c Flexo, lame pkg, .. 255c Sampler Package Soap, regular 45d, for 30e 2 cans: Corn for 25e Lard, 3 lb. pail for,.' •$3c 2 cans Peas for .....•......• ............ Lard, 5 =ib. -,pail for :. . ..:.. .... :; , , .. , ......., . 39e 2 cans Tomatoes for , 25e Fresh Salmon Trout Tuesdays and Fridays Bodley's Marshmallow Cakes Lime• Juice O'Keefes' Ginger Alp Grape. Juice New Kraft Cheese 25c 14. A. Cheese 25c Hot House Tomatoes ` Cauliflowers Cucumbers Cabbage Musk Melons. ,ler.the Mornirig'First Delivery 9 a.m. In the. Afternoon Firs$. Delivery:2.30 pm., Kindly Order Early 0 ONe ash. and Service Where " Sells for less- price prevails. Phon 48 Building Beauty and Comfort into the Hoole • BEAUTY and Comfort' are demanded by men and women seeking a per- manent home,: Their demand may be satisfied by, using more and better woodwork, for well designed carefully planned woodwork has an rrresistable appeal. We can supply you with stairs .-mantels, book cases, china cupboards, kite hen cabinets, breakfast ziooks and other built-in furniture, in short wood- work that adds beauty and comfort to the homne, BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS Gyproc, Lime, Door, and window 'frames, doors and windows, verandah mat- erialsr:•Hardwood flooring, °Shingles,. Th .anaillIelenzie Estate, Clinton LUMBER ,AND HIC•rthGRAIIE MILLWORK PHONE 88 FRESH GROCERIES Discriminating housewives who visit our store know that all stacks are fresh and the very best of standard grade foodstuff.. And. with this our prices are always as low as "any to be enjoyed,, so take advantage of our excellent delivery service which brings your: order promptly to your .door. All fresh vegetables and fruits in season as well as staple and .1aney.groceries. Pick up your phone this minute, Mrs, Housewife, and place a trial t order for that evening meal. rTV Y SCBE C. &. S. GROCERS People You Know 1G7rs. Matthew. Ford •and Miss Edna spent July 1st in London. Mr. and. Mrs. Jack .McKinnon'and family Moncton, are visiting at Mr. Wm. Jackson's. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon' Lawson were in Wotdstock during the Be -union there the past week, - Miss Pheohe Dinsmore of ,Crooked River, Sask„ is visiting her sister, Mrs, R. A. Roberton: Mr. and Mrs. George; Kinsman of -Mitchell visited 'Mr. and Mrs, George Watts last v}eek. Mr, Ephriam Brown visited with his daughter, Mrs. Gordon Curts. of Forest, over the week -end. Mise: Margaret Davies ,of Chicago ar- rived home on Thursday last for a ' month's holidays at :her home in town, Mr. Edgar Cross of Windsor has been visiting with his wife and family, who are with Mrs.;, Cross'father, Dr. Gunn. Mrs. George Hanlon returned to her. home at Lloydtown'on Saturday af- ter a visit with her parents in town, Mr. and Mrs. James McConnell. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson returned. Monday after.; it month's:trip to the i;oast They -visited several cities, en'tette nand enjoyed the outing very much.. Miss Margaret- Mair of. Detroit and Miss Mary Mair of'T'orouto spent e few days with their parents; Mr.. and Mrs. ''W. L. IV&tsir., during the past week. Mrs. D. Armstrong , and daughter, Miss Mabel, of Pilot Mound, Man., are visiting the lady's sister, Mrs. Robert Armstrong, and her mother, llXrs. Stephenson, who has' been. quite ill. • Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Lucas and fancily of Brantford and Mr. and Mrs. E. Fiewelling and • fa)nily of Fergus spent the holiday and week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. T. Lucas of town. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moore, spent: the week -end at the Manse.They mot- ored from Jacksonville, Pioride, and on Wednesday, accompanier) by Mrs, J. E. Hogg and Mr. J FI Wylie, set outon an: auto trip to Southampton, Toronto and North Bay, ... Mr, Ray Carter has returned to Tor- onto after' a week's visit at the home of his parents in town, Mr, and Mrs. T. T. Carter. Mr. Carter is taking a summer course at the linivereity and on the opening of the school term steps up one room, having been given the promotion at the end of the term. COAL Coal of all kinds always on hand for immediate delivery. • Also a quantity of . dry Maple Wood Prices reasonable and same to( all �f s' J. MILLER& . SON Orders taken itt residence, Phone 46 ummer is ere 4 So why riot' buy yourself that oil stove you're wanting? 'Come in and see ours. "Perfection and "Nesco at the right' prices. Let .tis keep you supplied with the best coal oil. Also we have wicks for all the stoves. We also have sprinkling cans in different sizes. You'll be needing one now for , the new plants. Look our stock over. 1 .13 NG " Furnishing That New Home Will be easily accomplished by paying us a visit as we have the stock to satisfy the most critical customer, and our prices are sure. to please. . We would especially draw your attention to our new Chesterfield Suites and that new irresistable Fibre Furniture. It is making a big hit because it is so good looking, strong and comfortable. Our stock of Kitchen, Dining Room, ' Living Room, Bedroom and Verandah furniture isquite complete soyou will have no trouble making your soleetions, ALL WE WANT IS A CHANCE TO PROVE IT IN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We have a 'splendid new stock of New Perfection and the High Speed Lorrain Coal.. 011, Stoves and Heats and Cooking !Retails of all kinds. Clintonardware and Furniture Co THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS' MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 106 iti STAR THEATRE Monday, Tuesday -arid Wednesday--J.uiy. 11, 12 and 13 "The Temptress " A Metro -Goldwyn -Mayer production Something New and Snappy Featuring Greta Garbo, Antsnio Moreno, Lionel $anymore Ray D'Arey and IL B. Warner ADMISSION-25cand 15c Thursday, Friday and Saturday --July 14, 15 and 16 i r nem of the Wfldernes Here you are.boys for a real Western show Love, War and a Thousand Thrills in a new and greater Western Starring .'Pim McCoy and Joan Crawford . ADMISSION -23c and 15c NOW PLAYING FRISCO SALLY LEVY A real Irish hit with Sally O'Neil Regular •Prices 9 Bring usyour E s While Fresh � We invite Customers to visit our candling and grading room_ to see grading properly done. • • e' Pay: Spot Cash - Now is the time to market yonr fat broody hens and old roosters Gunn , Langlois & Co Limited HEAD OFFICE t.., MONTREAL, QUE, For further informatzon,apply to CLINTON .BRANCH, CLINTON, ONTARIO PHONE 190