HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-07-07, Page 2j CLINTON A R JNAAAY CELEBRATION. NEWS -RECORD A Story for Our Boys arid Girls of a. Celebration that Cram- CLIN7pN, ONTARIO }�1x1eCl; Adventure, and Fur. Terms of Sunscription—$2,00-Per year The sle�epY,little hamlet of Topham "This; is what we must do now ", be `afford' Tramper a rest. in advance, to Canadian addreaSes; Corners was actually goingto have a wont on, quickly. . "Il' 'no one are Then Moses started the horye on tho $2,60 to the 17•S, or other foreign Dprninirn,DGY celebration, wants to ' o,,1'i1:aecotpany Moses to fourth and '-ant stage to the too, aizd: Countries. No paper disconttnnad, It was manyYtarat s nco any demon- Gieuvtlle• to -morrow, and have `Mr. plunged into another of his famous until all arrears are paid unless at stration lir honor at the day- had been Bent, the storekeeper down ,there, reminiscenoes' Neither he nor the the option of the publisher. The attempted, arad iwly the-villago bays order the things for us. Ile Caar get boysnoted that the anolinod position date to which. every'suba elption ley hera,in our or flue {lays, and When of the, Wagon had caused the two boxes Paid is denoted on the label. patrl0ted by,thai-e1ier and eagoint D � Moes nukes another trip, the .day 1 to sl'ide'towaril the roar end. patriotism of theirlelt,ers, wss`e going before' the first,- two of oU other fel- 1 " " ,g. to take things in hand themselves: y I "TMs cartafo'ordore hill Go char e,,' The contemplated oelebration was tows can co with ,thin l t bring the and utile g "so. up the kali we went on, not one of great"maguiCuds.' things .back. -We'll geL..tWo dollars' a double quick, Just. as we reached worth of powder' for' the mortar, and the trenches. the guns began to go off, put the rest of the _money into tire- and down went half of our poor fel- werks e . . " ( lows. Then the Pentane jumped otic at _Jerry's suggestions were unanimous- us with fixed-bayonets,.two thousand ly favored by his compations, .and, or 'more sinong, Put in your -.boot after some chaos and confusion, caused links; Moses!'; shouted the c'tr,ptatn. '1 by every one trying to talk at once, 1411,' cap ' •:says I, Mail so I did,: You the assemblage settled down to a sob- just' should have .eeen•me, boys. •I. or consideration of the ways and whirled my njusket around my head, means of the proposed celebration.. and laid low slx•of the enemy before The boys were resolved that nothing you could say ,tack Robiusonc ' Then should occur to justify the disdnal Pro- the barrel broke off the stock, and as pheciea of their elders- It was ag>r•eed I filing away the pieces two big fel- that the old cannon should be used lows made for m,e at once, 3 jerked with great caution, and thatthe shoat- their bayonets upward; and catching in.g of squibs should be conffnead to the out fellow in each arm.,'I knocked their village green, The fi:rewerke were to 4- Dads together till they yelled". for be set off from the summit' of a bill, on mercy. ,Then 3 happened to see the the outskirtsof, the village. captain in a mighty,: bad, position, and After some'. general remarks, in snatching up a musket, l-" which, the behavior of Reeve Penman The thrilling recital game to a,i ab- audMesas Picks was contrasted. With rapt' olid as two dark forms :,prang the geneaositer Of Hiram Skinner; the Prom the shadow of the woods into boys separated and`went Itoine4 ilia read and leveled tido shiay objects On the• following afternoon, Jerry at the oaeomhsg wagon . - arkel accompanied • Moses Picks' to "Stop!" cried the leader, to .gruff Glenville, and returned late Su the times. "18tand and deliver!" Allowed on Depasi Bele y evening'with the welcome news that The valiant, Moses uttared_a shriek, rebased. m,Mr. Bent would order the things and, and the short clay pipe he was smok- have them ready by the afternoon of Ingair chatteared'betweeu his teeth like a H. T..RANGE - Thursday, June 30. pof Caetauets. Notary Public, • Conveyancer. Moses Picks was one of the- queer "Help! murder! thieves!" he yelled, • Pluanoial, Real Estate and P'lre In. thonseives, and they ware not in the characters of Tophaer`Ceraers. Be at the top of his. voice,. surence Agent. Representing 14 Eire teaet worried over the matter. • was an odhlooklug man, lie had And, tht'ow•fug up his arms, he top - Insurance Companies• They smiled when they thought of served in the Fenian Raid, and, accord= pled backward from the seat and lis - Division Court Offices Clinton. •the snug little' sum of six dollars and dig to hta own accounts, irad perform .appeared in,the bed of than wagon. seventeen eerie which their leader, ed prodigies of valor, and taken an Ben end Fret! began to laugh IImmrod- Jerry Arkel, kept for safety under a active part In. more battles than he erately, and something very like a Mare board in •his bedroom, and as could ,enumerate on the fingers of both olruckle came from the. two highway - for the old trench' mortal; that lead hands.'At the slightest chance he men, Then an amazing thing occur - long since been cleaned and polished would repeat these stories, and they red. Prom the dark interior. of the and stoped away in a corner of HP. voere'as familiar to the young folks of wagon dame. shrill erten for help in Mille' barn. the village as the rhymes- of Motlser. Mos,ee's familiar voice, and, blended The' boys, had collected thte money Goose. with them, a valley of angry impreca• by^an infinite amount of seledeutal Moses bed enough money to k hep lions in a totally different key. This and woiking'at odd harmhim without wonting, aud,"as has been rues so•u:owed by a tremendous scuffing They had hoped to have much more, ebown, he Was somewhat of a miser• and ponndiug that threatened to break for It was their orit'nal intention to He owned a big covered wagon'aud an the wagon apart. solicit'4ontributfons from their par- old horse, which went by the 'name of Beniand`Fred teepee to the ground ants and friends. Tramper. With this combination, be and joined the highwaymen, who were But the unfavorable attitude of the added to his income by carrying goods none other than Jerry Arkel tura Oscar elders nipped this scheme in the bud, between Topham Ctrrners and Glen.Mills. and the one person whole the lade vote, ventured to approach, Reeve Pea�mali, the rich man of the village, "gave au indignant refusal i !age, On he es was a bo of k woods, through which the road passed. The Journey- up ,the hill was per- formed by stages. No less than threo times the wagon was :; stopped and propped up with stones, in order Lo Advertising Rates' -Transient adver-. Melee, 12o per count line :for first insertion, 8c for each subsequentInsertion. Heading counts 2 lines. Small advertisements, not toexceed one inch, -such as "Wanted," "Lost,"' "Strayed," etc„ Inserted, once for 86c, each, subsequent insertion 160. Advertisements sent in,.wlthout in- structions as to' the number ot In- sertions, wanted will run until order- ed out and will be charged accord- ingly.' Rates for display advertietng made known on application." Communications' intended for !ruble cation must, as a guarantee of good' aith, be aecompanfed'by the name. of the writer. G. le HALL, M. It. CLAR,K, Proprietor. Editor, G. D, MOTAGGART' M. D. MoTAGGART e '� AGGARBROS. BANKERS A general:I3anking Iiusineas transact- ed. Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued. Interest All d is S l- Notes: Pu An old tench Mortar that had been stored away in the cellar under the school chl house since war times was to smiler in`the day, and belch; forth sal- isteslat'intorviile; the day was to close' approvriatoly with a, display of fire - But the' program seemed `quite stup-• endous to the simple follt of Topham Corners; _at least to the young people, for the fathers and mothers :did not look favorably on this threatened rup- ture of the peace, • The former predicted the utter_c1es, truction of the village by fire, while the latter !hinted at vague oastastro- phies, and pictured In lurid colors the village',green strewn; With dlsn%eniber' ed lege. and arms.` But as every one, shifted the.re- sponsibility' on to somebody else, no positive' mandates were issued against the proposed eeiebratlon, it ;would have: been difficult, indeed, to lay_ hands on the power parties, for, as -the mementoes day drew near, the bon became more reserved and close- mouthed and nobody knew whether they had succeeded in raising suffici- ent money p for their purpose ose or not: That las to say,, nose but the boys W. BRYDONE aSarrlster, Solicitor Notary Public, etc. Cfce; SLOAN. BLOCK' CLINTON DR. J. C. GANDIER • Office Hours: -1,30 to 3.30 p.m.. 6.3b to 8.00.p,m., Sundays, 12,30 to 1.30 p,m, Other hours by appointment oP1y,_ Office and Residenc•, --- Victoria St. DR. FRED G. THOMPSON. Office and Residence: Ontario Street Clinton, Ont. One door west of Anglican. Church. Phone`172. •• �r'es examined and glasses fitted. DR. PERCIV'AL HEARN Office and Residence: Huron Street Clinton, Ont, Phone 62 f„iFormerly "occupied by the late Dr. 0.-W. Thompson). •Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted. D. H. McINNES ChIropraoton--EIectrjeal Treatment, Of'Wingham, will be at the Commer- cial Inn, Clinton, on Monday, Wednes- day and Friday forenoons of each Week. Diseases of all kinds succeseftrily bandied. GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the CoUnty of Huron. Correspondence prompptie answered. Immediate arrange/torte can be made for Sales Date at The 1Vews-ltecord, Clinton, or by caning Phone 208, Charges Moderato fid Satisfaetton ` Guaranteed.' OSCAR KLGPP Honor Graduate Carey ?Once' Nat -lode Schad 01 ,Auctloaeering,.Chioago, Spa. chat course taken in Pure Bred,,•I,ive Stork, Real Estate, Merchandise and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping• with prevailing market. Satisfaction' as- sured. Write or wire, Zurich. Out Phone 38.08. - - • B. R. HIGGINS Clinton, Ont. General Fire and Life Insuranca.'Agent for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock, Automobile and Sickness and Accident Itisnrauce. Huron and Erie land Cana- da Trust Bonds. Appointments made to meet parties 'et Brucedeld, Varna: and Bayfield. 'Phone 57. TiME ;TABLE Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: Buffalo and Goderich Dlv, Going East, depart 6.26 a.m. 2.02 past, Going West, art:1i 16.60 a. 6.08 sip. 3 p,m; " er. 10.04 P, ' ,mLondon, Huron & Sruco Dlv, Going South, •arr 7.66 ' dp, 7,66 a,m. i4 if 4.10 p.m. Going North, depart 6.60 PM- 11.06 11.15 a.m. • The lificKillop illutual Fire Insurance Company Head Office, ,Seefor'th, 'Ont. DIRECTORY: • President, jamas Connolly,, Goderich;` Vice, James Evans, Beachwood; Seo, Treasurer,: Thos. E. Hays, Seatorth, l ieeotors: George McCartney, Sea - forth; D. F. rl$caregor, Seaforth• J. G, -Grieve, Walton; Wm, Ring, Senforth; M. McEwen, Clinton; Robert Ferries, Ilarlock; John Beunewefr, Brodhagen;. Jae.. Connolly, C}oderich, Agents; Alex. Leitch, Cllntorf; J. W. Teo, Goderich; Ed, Hinchray, Sea.. forth; W. Cheensy, Egmondvliie; B, G. Jarmuth, Brodbagen. Any money to be, paid 1n may be pall to. Moorish Clothing Co„ Clinton,. or at Cult's Grocery, Goderich. Parties desiring to affect insurance -or transact other business ,will be promptly attended to on'appileatton to, any of the above officers addressed to: their respective post ,office.- Losses 1 inspected by the Director who liven 1 dearest the scone. . m is Close toPapa's Locker. Probably the youngest person on. ihe Atlantic Ocoau to -day • was the 1'ughter of Mr. and Mrs, David Jones, Drayton, Ohio, who was born oard the steamer Minnesota while route from New York to, Paris.. ;Q#tio paper, I. Glenville was the nearest point on ase the railroad, and lay four miles from "3)o a hce, dear cried Ben, exaitedLv. the village. A mall truck and buses Do you liiem our tirewrewororka all up "Na; clear out!" he said, roughly, ran daily between, the two plectra, and Thar 11 graph d ; ems a added Fred, penny will you get from me, -31 the boys might have arranged with the This terrifying suggestion moved the you set anything on are with your tom- postmaster, or some of the villagers boys to action, and they hurried to - foolery you will repent it, remember who had teams, to bring them thou ward the rear of the wagon The that! things; but, as scarcer was an object, leather hood wag partly opened, and, After tills rebufx, tile, boys "Tell back they considered it more prudent to with a vigorous pull, Jerry tore it clean on their own resources, and one week rely on Moses, before the great day their meted sag The days mover along with, pahttai o ' Dc ag tb em out, he exclaimed. ings anrouwted to the above-mentioned'sionvess--to the boys. at least - "Catch tak kale of their feet!" sum ot six dollak&"and seventeen at last the 30111 of June dawned. { Crack! crack! crack: creek! crack! seats. I Early that morning Jerry Arkel held crack,; crack,, "' crack! A deafening Blit 'It great and joyduli surprise a secret couelave with Came' Mills, fueliade came from the ,interior of the awaited them when they assembled at„Ben Lust and Fred Bayliss, and the wagon. Red flashes and showers of dusk that evening in the orchard back topic under consideration, whatever it sparks lit up the darkness; bluish of Oscar 1431115 been. was, moved there all to violent laugh- make curled out both ends, and above Jewry Askel was the last to arrive. ( ter, a1.1 the din rang hoarse Dries of panic Hurrah!” be cried, excitedly. &partly after diluter, Moses Picks "What do you think I've got?" And harueesed hist borne 'Aran/per and from the struggling rest within before any one could respond heopen• drove Slowly through the cillage, In The hays stirred at each other in tits- before hes hand and displayed a shining• •deed. `Tramper -was rarely known to may, They knew only too well what Sve•doliar gold piece, "Old Hiram move faster than a walls, and this fact the rachet meant. Meese' pipe had Skinner gave it to ole just note ' he tirade the eonvoyence rather smpopu added, quickly. ' "He said we should lar as a transport. .epeud it for flrew'orke and not let his Beyond the dist hill out of the vil- ignited the box of combustibles! Bang! bang! bang! 'bang! 011 they went in rapid succession, varied • by a wife know that he gave it to us. He lege, ,MCses was joined by lieu Lent red light, a blue light, a volley of Re - says he was a boy once..and he hasn't and Fled Bayliss, who had been depot- man candles and a skyrocket. forgotten it, and he hopes we'll wake ed by their comrades to bring back the 'The latter whizzed out the front of the wagon, l aving a Very tan behind the village on Dominlen Day," precious fireworks, The boys could hardly retrain frons Moses enlivened thef"rlde by graphiri even such a This was too much for ev sneering the donor of this magnificent descriptions of his prowess in battle, horse as Tramper. He snorted with gift, but Jerry iiruilly managed 10' rp- and Glenville was roadbed about `half• press their exuberance. terror, pranced on his hind -legs, and nest two o'clock, iS CANADA'S FIR8T GIRL FLIER Miss Afisen Vollfckt 18, of Hamilton, is Canada'savrst girl aviator, and hopes to male a flight across the' dominion, as soon ea Che receives the pilot's license, for which -she has applied at Ottawa. She le shown above with Jack Elliott, proprietor of the Burlington air fort and aviation school, I "Look! There's" the other one l"that a thief had been concealed in the shouted Ben. - / wagon when ' it was halted by the A second notewas dancing about . amateur highwaymen, a aearch . was the road a few yards below; bat, be-, quickly made for the hapless inclivld- :Core the .bora could reach him,w,the ual. matt throw himself in the dust_ and , He count .not ,have been burned extinguished the portions of his very severely, for no trace of him ,clothes that were on, fire. !was found then or afterward. The The boys ran on after the wagon, spot where he had rolled in the dust which was now a mass of flames. The was examined with interest. Intervening distance rapidly widened, ! "The fellow had the Reeve's- box In however,: until the hind wheels slip- hie arms when t 'hell on him," de - ped into a. gully, by the roadside, and ; ciared Moses, "He must have known l over went the wagon with a crash. I what was in 11, for I saw him hang- It named merrily for a few seconde, Ing around down at Glenville this at - and then Vanished in a lurid blaze, as ternoou,' a terrific explosion shook. Shooters' The excitement being over, the Hili to its very foundations, The wreckage was left, to burn itself out, bottle of powder had blown up, and the whole party marched back to The scattered fragments of wood the village, Moses and the boys gad - and leather were bursting into flame ly bringing up the rear. The cherish- I as the boys reached the spot, followed ed anticipation for the morrow had on a limp by Moses Picks; who seemed fled. to be more scared than hurt. "Good -by :cloy o our First of July cele• First of July celebration, after all, 1 bration, '1;said Jerry, ruefully. "It will Early In the morning Reeve Penman be a cold day when I play highway- drevo down to Glenville and ordered man again." by telegraph a huge box of fireworks ' of overt' description. i He reached the village with them at noon, and during tho remainder of the day pandemonium and din reign- ed supreme. , "The boys saved my money," ex- plained x plained the Reeve, "and they deserve to have a good time," This argument none could gainsay; for, though it was manifestly wrong for the boys to play the highwayman trick on Moses Picks, it was clear as daylight that their act was all that l prevented the thief from getting away with the box of money. The rascal must have followed the wagon at a distance until darkness allowed him to slip 1n unperceived, Moses Picks' loss was made good by one of the Reeve's .second-hand wagons; but the story of his coward. Ice—which the boys allowed to spread But Topham Corners had a glorious ii His companions ltd not reply; they gazed sorrowfully on the ruin of their !ropes. Moses was just breaking out in a torrent of angry threats, when a tum- ult was heard on top of the hill, and down the slope came a deputation 'from Topham Corners—men, women and children—headed by eeve enman himself. I "Whore is my money, you rascal?"• cried the latter, catching hold of Moses. "Where is it—quick?" - Mosas was too frightened to reply, .but Jerry Arkel darted suddenly In among the brning debris, and snatch ad a charred wooden box, gaping open at the cracks. The squire took it eagerly from Jerry's hands. "The contents are all right," he ex- claimed, after a brief inspection. "That box holds eight hundred del - Oars in gold. I had to send to town abroad—tirade him an object of Atli- ! ter the money to pay off my quarry tole, and from that time on no more 'hands, and I thought I might as well Wail .heard of Moses' wonderful adven• ' get the six hundred dollars in cash tures during the war. that I owed John Harmon for his piece of laud. I got !n gold so as to • mark our Country's Birthday special 'draw Oversight. ly. But how did this happen, any -1 An empty medicine bottle, the con -I how, boys?" teats of which have not been analy- The story was told in disconnected zed, was found fn the burned clothes. fragments, and when it became clear I —Spilt Lake City Tribune. Mr. Bent proved true to his promise, then made $0011 a furious dash for'-, -,---- "We'll find a way to repay bis kind - Sees on the quiet," he said, "It was a The fireworks had arrived, and the ware that the old and much -patched places. harness parted in piper a dozen ll mighty generous things to do, for boys opened the box to make sure that Away waist Tramper for the Villagee Hiram Skinner isn't worth One- the contents were all they should, be, at a two -forts gait, art°le the liber - twentieth as much as that mean old Then they placed it under tate front ated - wagon monad slowly backward Reeve Penman. But I want to talk to seat c( the wagon, without taking the until 11 gained ltpndivay, and thein ! you now," he -continued: "so keep still, peeoahtion to refasten the lid. phot madly down the ]till, The First is only. a: week oft, and I've Idoses went, off to execute the earl- The bewildered boys got out of its ! been making arrangement about get- ons cog missions that he professed to path just in time, end then plunged l •ting the things. I saw Moses Picks have, and made the boys undergo a after it in futile pursuit. this afternoon, and he says he'll take terions wait at the store f' Craals! crack! crack! bang! .l>augl one of us along when 'he goes to Gime It wad exactiy six o'clock /when he bang! Whiz—hiss—boom' Every- vi11e tomorrow, and when he goes returned. }Te'.bcro on his shoulder a. thing seemed to be going off together, • ddwn, the day before the First- he'll small,'wooden box, appureutl'y very and 1t, was a wondrotse and itupres-1 take two of us. He Won't do It for !wavy, which he shoved quickly under sole sight. to .sea the rickety old i nothing,' though, He won't take less the wagon seat, but not before the bays vehicle careening down 11311 hill in a'. than seventy -eve.. emits for the whole read in black letters on the side, "Mr• Halo of multi -color eel fife. thing, and when ol'fereda quarter he' John Penman." ' to-ofs, large and small, nsfngiecl got quite crusty about it,". •"it's a little package for the Reeve,"'their din, with the hiss of phi -wheels, "Mean' cid. skinflint!" muttered scut said Moses, carelosety, "Jump in. now, the rattle of onsan candles and the ! e7•al of the boys, indignantly, and we'll be off,' thunderatta boom Of rockets. Red, ; "Ne patriotism about hint," exclaim- The hogs sprang to the awe, and the- green unci blue lights threw filet, re ed Ban Lant; anal he's an old soldtot wagon shoved slowly away, foiiowed flections on the scurrying fauces by at that!" by the envious eyes of a group. of the roadside, ' "Ws—nothing but stinginess," added Glenville boys, and also by another. Wiien the wagon had covered a Fred Bayliss, , "He could mice a dozen, pairof eyes which belonged' to a skab- dozgls yards in its fiery career, a pier. uf u$ in that !sig wagoti, 11 he chose." be, trarepfah-looking individual who ing figure tumbled out of the front; "Well, it won't do any good to call him was leaning against at awning -post in esd. names," continued ,,ferry. "IIe' front of air. Bent's tore. + "Help! Pin burning up!" it crepe, bound to have, that seventy-flve cents., I The return jotirneyproved long andti'autically: and we might ez Well give it to' him. tadtan8 in sodic of Mases' war stories..; The boys speedily reached the spot. We'll have money Bough without it' Tramper wag obattnatefy clow, and it; ."It's Moses," shouted Jerry. "Put r Perhaps, he'll be corny for his meant- wag past twilight when the foot of him out—nut him out!" FLYING MOTpRCYCLlST nese before tisk Ptrst ie over." ,,Shooter's Hill was' reached, I They rolled him .over in 'the dusty Here Jarry !paused, and winked slyly This .tvas a most unissaslly steep as- road a few times, headless of his Taking a hili,,6 faeC oft ground, at the White BBL Motorcycle meet as Oscar -Mille, dent a quarter ot a mile from the nil- I cries, until isot. a sparlt was visible. Addington Village, 'Croydon, England. REG'LAtR FELLERS—By Gene Byrnes. THE TELEPHONE 1S.,fts1Ger JIMMIE! 1 CAN WEAR. IT ! 1.1'LO no No MOMS NOT IN! ' IS THERE ANYMEcsAGE2 JUST • WANTED TO t3oRROW THE - VACUUM } CLEA $ 113f J (9 AYt3E ITS TOO t-ATE1 1 JUS RETURNED IT TO MR5 Dur.v.y E5i'EI AN IF SHEHASNT 'TAKCN iT OVER T O'REtt.LYS 'So THE ,COULD SEND IT T PARS:LEERY WHO' IT+'WHY YOU KIN SORRY IT p.p