HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-07-07, Page 1rl`31iCH IS INCORPORATED 1) TII1E CLINTON NEV. ElCLINTON tr+ y c g-.--=yg— `=- APEesy= ON" "ARlo, THURSDAY, AY, JULY 7, 't9 7 ears; Do you wish to make greater, progress in the future News-Record will help—Try = it. ger the second sixtyt° eluent in The Clinton than in the past? An a Ver rs CLINTON TO BE REPRESENTED. '4I tIUNI7'Y TUBILrE SERVICE COOPER —COULD _( ONEY RICHA DSON wedding Se thing, your autorao- st serves yon in this has so many others. rue art in its design, xshioned, bulky, over :tient attire. tee ase to quality and roar .IST • Residence 1743 cuts the' war•- ts,•four sup- ade of pink THE MARKETS Wheat, ;51.30, Oats, 40e to 50c. Barley, 75c: Buckwheat, 75e. Butter, 30c to 32e. ,Eggs,' 21e to 29c. Hogs, $8.50. CLINTON'S JUBILEE CELEBRATION, tints - e s. eeial 39 P for 1 week es at $1.69 00 line in.. a limited Even' the weather warmed up for ran e'by the Rev. F. H, Wnn- Canada's Diamond 'Jubilee Celebra- ra ley. rector,de, who' was given in but though Friday, July first, e Theher _other, wen in tion, marriage by of the In_ d was one of the far adays rt,of,i charming in her imported gown, en- summer thus and teh o stay ' in s ' ta, , w which invites one t y cinble e{i ect of beige georgette, ea act mart weather^sary touches of cinnamon, all unnecessary 'ter the' cern, ith avoid l I Immediately after the spade andfelt hat. Yinnt Y exercise, it did not prevent a large xnony, Mr and Mrs. Mooney departed number ff the citizens oftown and for Montreal and the Saguenay, the akin part in or wit I a : poiret twill coat, vicinity rent taking and ag :tthef activities put of child-, il - bride travelling } tr m ping. Owing to a t about hundred school in the.I recent bereavement in the - groom's and b . ren taking part in the parade the family,, the ceremony, was of a quiet afternoon. nature. pn their'return,. Mr. and. It was expected that there would Mrs, Mlooney will reside in Gtidlerich. he about seven hundred in the school CELEBRATE GOLDEN.. WEDhING. children's parade, but the heat no doubt prevented many, from coming From the. Edmonton Journal we clip in. It a very creditable showing, the following, which speaks for itself. however, that formed up on the The journal also gives a short person- school ers school grounds and marched to the. al sketch of Mr. Holmes' life: -. p ixk, accompanied by ,many of the "Celebrating the golden wedding teachers, and as one looked at them anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Robert one felt that the future of Canada Holmes of. Toronto,. a party of fiienes was safe if this was a sample of the assembled in the Macdonald for din - coming citizens of this Dominion. ner on: 'Monday evening. Mr. and The morning parade was not,as Mrs. Holmes are visiting their +_laugh elaborate as we have, had in Clinton ter, MissisE. LouiseaHolmes,, and t eir' revents occasions, but it son,i an- on some p the dinner in their homes. showing, and ranged sh g, •5' M prettYMrs, were, goodw e patty mad a thea ound number comunity t see o it. Ilanner,ban old friend of years. stand- the surrounding , co The procession, Beaded by the band, when the Holmes' Mr. Thos.dGost llo; Olin - marched to the park, where the judg-. ton, of Ontario, onto,,dandnr appraiser and ing took place, textile expert of the' customs 'depart The school children's 'parade was Ment, a neighbor for the last 'twenty' also headed by the band, and on ;years; Mrs. W. J. Stark, Mrs. John reaching the park Mayor Jackson M. Imrter•the Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Reh- calIed the gathering to order and in a Winkel, Mr: and .Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. brief address called 'attention to -the Walter.:Holmes and daughter leather event which was being celebrated and The, Mrs. Edna Kells and Mr. i~ ordon the: progress' made in Canada during Stark• the past sixty years. Re said Caned- On the flower decked table: le the lane had every right' to be proud of paint room of the table: their heritage and urged the children the bride. and groom of half a eeetury to think well of their Canadian Citi- WAS placed the wedding• cakeand a Zenship. • beautiful bouquet of Opheha roses Mr. T. J. leannagan, president of tied with gold ribbon, in the loops of which were fastened a numbered gold the Chamber i C dre5S,e calling Guelph, pieces, the gift of the sons and.f7.augh- atso gave a brieaddress, at- p , tention to the happy position of Can-ters. s anti :1111 hiplines ada. amongst the nations of the world The., toast taMr.+ and intee spersine. '"bis moxe'serioiis was proposed by Mr• Costello, ;eche address 'with many witty stories. spoke in eulogistic terms of the eele rented Miss Mar- brants, and the influonee they exerted • Mr. G: E. Hall presented lie-. over a wide circle in their bionic city :ion Snell; pupil of S. S. Nos G,dol. The Rev. Mr. Rthwinkel extended the lett, with b oprizes,,one of two do felicitations of ;the uests, and Mr - lett given by a, group of weelciy. news Holmes responded for both, papers, and a special prize of $5:00 of- fered. by: The News -Record: for an friends and ers and assoc atesitelegrams theeast essay on Canada. e were received also.a beautiful east "Tlie Maple Leaf," and "0 Canada" quet of flowers from the.Trinity were sung and .the school Children United church quarterly board of dir- were each presented with a medal, esters of which Mr. Holmes was commemorative of the occasion, SIM- chairman until shortly before leaving plied ,by the government. for the west when he resigned be After the program games and cause of ill health. Among the greet - races were run off, thirty-three prizes' ings were, those of the Toronto branch being given. of the Customs and Excise officers' d Bos Old Y n Huron of ;the Ii lent. t°n cel eia In the evening a very ex asst , cert was put on in the park by "Ye association of ` Toronto, Trinity Unit - Olde Tyme Quartette:". Toronto, and ed church, 11. P. Kennedy of Toronto, Mr. Gus Kennedy, comedian. an old friend, .and iV.' S. Stark, who It was thought ,by many.to be one. is at present in YVinnipeg." of the best concerts heard in Clinton I S• —IIGGN Y I RB .SO '1 ed , 'ndu wase g 'n ancr for some time. Dancing in in the old time dance hall, also in On ,Saturdtiy, July 2nd, at' 3l the evening: On a summer wedding, oharmieg- a1l was played, the single seen lY arranged in every detail, was cele - M `".liter Softball a ; team : from braced; when ,Emma Alice, dant. being- defeated by of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Higgins, was Londesboro in the afternoon. In the united in marriage to'y;Mr. Walter evening the married men won from Ostwald Sorby,son of Mrs. Sorby and 7.b d boro the late Oswald Sorby o MO _ L -: " art in Clinton people aretaling 1 The East, the the Aeco len• tOt y the Goderich' Centennial celebiation. Wed •East„ was d scene ie a t , at July Wedding on Saturday, June Florence f•.' at lth, gdelegationxofiGoderichlcitiizens 4th, four o'clock, when and = May, having made'o request that we send eldest daughter of NIr, Mrs, , .for "Mi Clinton" with' a bevy., of at- Bea lil will . - stafi', of the Clinton ','e'' -, and in the county is to take part, Donald Doug'lasMrs. youngest son of; the thenity whole representing the settling late Ir. and MeS, Henry be', Mid Inverness, : Quebec', of the 'Huron aTract. b The C,'young Mooney, 01 eo ple will be trained y, Goderich Ont.', were. -united ire mar- P ] entem nial committee, and Richardson, Classical of Iia cldc tri, .for a "Miss three years Clan i ' stn?uctox on the 'wh which take' includet600 in thL Each cora- Donald. was solemn - \ tomntutxitY-service on Simdxv A very quiet afternoon was held in St. Paul's ized at the tWeslee W1th1hiS tan e on on chi lien is were made Thursday, I i e church. Arrangements have it on the lawn but it' was Amy Josephin ,dau sh er ofted n m H. thong 'thought the wind Wright be too cold. W, Gould, Clinton of Mr. B and it was talcen inside, The liege to Earl R. Aooper,eson r of Gorier sh sour crowded and Mrs. George p [church ,;was consequentlythe several could` not get into thc, co toyed by the Rev,eJ E. S ogg Ceder- andconducted Y building. The young couple were unattended, o el ler Jackson ed, ted and ,i he order of The bride. looked charming in a rose - local clergy assisted, thet wood gown, tr'linined with fawn. with beingprepared Ibt the gimpressiv cin followed. :It was impressive shoes, hose and hat to•match, b g joined very heartily. After the,cerCmony the young peo- and tth the t res o le returned to the home of the- . in both the- singing: and the p bride's lather; where .they 1 GRIFFIN-=-GOVIER On Saturday, Jane 25th, St; James Square United Church, Toronto, was the. epee of a very pretty wedding when Ethel Adella, daughter ;of the late Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Govier of Clinton, became the bride of Mr, John John P. Griffin;- son of the late fai Mrs El- eanor G. Griffin, Newry, Ireland, the Rev. F. h •' fin Toronto„ S D lin z ,The bride, S. Dowling. officiating, Who was given away by Mr. James Keillor, wore a gown of poudre blue georgette' with lace trimmings and hat to match, and carried a' shower bouquet 'of butterfly roses: and lily of the valley. The bridesmaid, Miss Katie Govier, sister of the bride, wore a gown of 'rose taffeta and silver lace, with hat to match, and carried. a bou- quet of Columbia roses.- The groom's brother, Mr. Gerald Griffin, was best man. The wedding; music was played by Mr. Robert Dougherty and during. the signing of the register Miss Thelma Likens sang sweetly, "Belov=, ed it. is morn." After the reception, which eves held at the bride': apartment, the happy couple left for a honeymoon ill Mus koka. ' The bride's travelling costttute was a' green ensemble suit with hat to match: On their return they will reside at Nos 8, Hallett Avenue, Tor- onto. PUT 'BEST FOOT FOREMOST. uses.: p tarticip- A SLIGHT ERROR., ated in e. delightful wedding break .•n fast..Mr, and Mrs. Cooper left later The News -Record was sli Poly r oil a• motor tour to' Sarnia, Detroit, teat Mr, . error la t week in stating Port 'Huron, Royal Oak and Pontiac. H. Plumsteelbusihad been the longest The bride travelled in a rose and gray .time in business of any man in Clin- ton ,as Mr. R.. Fitzsimons has been .Furs. in the butcher business in;town for fifty-five years,. having started. Masi- LITTLE LOCALS. ion, of edc i tt • Co . •io ' ei tui nes. five years antwing to On Mr. c itnsnnons has a every clearrstOetSueday school tpicnic had to be collection of. events in Clinton since, his-schcieldays, and his whole life postponed yesterday. The hospital Board has chosen the• has been spent' here, his father hey- last Thursday in October as the date ing settled on the 2nd of Hulle`t, ane for their annual bazaar: and a geterter.miles north of where Carter has accepted a' the Ontario street church now stands, Miss Eva R. in 18f t. Coming to school later the position on the staff of`tbe accepted Margaret children came, through the woods. Avenue school, Kitchener, A SONG WRITER• Miss Limnie_Nediger pis supplying'. following from a Detroit paper iii the Public 'Library while 'Miss The fo g Rudd, Librarian, is absent on a trip' refers to a former Clinton and Bay- to Europe. 1 glee, Miss Winnifred' Brown, now. The pawing of the highway between,' field S r ' ho has be- com a writer of songs: Clinton and oderich was finished on come a writer of songs: Monday. In three weeks it will he 51 e 35 is £ traffic' "Mrs, Harry E. Ahrens, °Pen for tr St. Jean avenue, and au if C. .Gra= Clinton Public ,School promotion rc-; ham have written a beautiful march port and a number of others will he entitled, 'The ' Spirit of St. Louis, fnund on page seven, but s week.we are un- which will. be featured. at the Capitol able to publish them all this Theatre in the near future by Russ North Huron Orangemen will cele-' h w making the or b a als to urday l• Youth's t suits . no lures and clear at .90 Chairman H„oimes at the council meeting on Monday night expl'cssed doubt of the ability of the park com- mittee to paint the bandstand on the parking area, Between. Huron and Mary' streets, this year, owirg to lack of funds. ' If there is 'a stray. dollar anywhere in the treasury of the town thet`band- stand should• be painted. Its stark undress proclaims our poverty to all passersby. Also the grass should be kept .cut. Why not bring up the new power mower from the cemetery onee orliZe1 to 'e'at'it? It is an -expensive' machine and is, not busy all the time at the ceritetery, the town might as Well have trio benefit' of Its use.' If the. grass was cut regularly and a r'o'ller run over it after , a rain it might: be much unproved. That plot has been an eyesore for years; now that` it is public property the tosen should roe that it is put into decent shape. Thera 'are 'sem° rough -emote adjoining which night be tidied up. We would suggest' that Mr.. S. S. Cooper, who is a large property own- er and is thus `interested in the wel- fare of the town, should clear up. and finish levelling the lot at the corner of Mary and Itaae streets and make a public tennis' court there, en's' and le .b d® or ll iesand [7 ( 8.' from$1 the . entire find ind: some lines. t the 12th in Blyth this year. Morgan, who 15 no rate Clinton and chestrations and will; be played by South }Upton, including to intoe n ont Li d band rogra ed officially surrounding lodges, go l. on the Lindbergh'program when:De- trroit celebrates Colonel Lindbergh's THE COUNCIL MEETING return to Detroit: . Mrs. Ahrens has Council met on 1Vionday'evenme, all' written several other beautiful Merl- membees present, Mayor Jackson pre - dies : as follows: • 'Dear.Old Girl,' siding. of Paradise,', 'When Vin With You,' I . i cornutunication was read from Think the 'World of You, 'You Dear,' the county' and another called 'Missouri Roses the Comity. Clerk giving gen-• Sweeter,' also a comedy Song' en- rate for this : year es $4,616.82, g are 'T 'Mons:.Are Laying tiew,' ,eral rate, $3,077,88; highways rate„ titledd'Thr Than Sweet';1,538.34.: ` Call 'You're Sweeter '; R. Hunter wrote resigning his pose - DR. Clover.''" • tion as superintendent of the ceme-' SHAW ELECTED PRESIDENT. tery, to take effect July 8th. Chair - tion South Huron -mot man Langford of. the cemetery eorli-. _. The Liber mitres e'i'id he had: gone to; see bit. In convention gatheringillenbein,.rzveey Hunter and that he had reconsidered' la the nrbeing dory his resignation and would remain. largely :hent, Dr, e, ' ea. A communication was read from G.• Shaw, nsident, occupied deet chair. R.Paterson, agricultural representa- fol beingnffice annual meeting the tive, calling attention to the new eta- frarit pg officers 1. were Smith, Flora; tute.regarding'the control of noxious ovary Presidents: H: Smith, Exeter;'weeds and offering whatever assist-. M. Murdie, Seiutonr; president Dr. :nice he was able to give to any „ O W. Shaw, Renee vice presidents- Spector appointed by the.,counCil. Oie Owen Geiger, Heusall, Mrs: C. Zwick- motion of Councillors Paisley and er, Crediton, . Chas. Fritz,tzZurich; Liverniore Chief Stong was liameat treasurer, Zurich; sec- tveecl inspector, according to the .ata-- retares J, A, McEwen, Brueeniel . ante, and the clerk was instructed toy Interesting addressor were give Y prepare. a bylaw confirming his ap- Mr. T. McMillan, Mt; ,for South pointnient. • Huron, and =the -Hon, Duncan Mai- in communication was received shall, The following resolutions were from 'Mr, ilanna, chairman of Gov t1.011:Presented'and the Liberals SouthcoS- ernment Control Board, regarding Lien; "\N!e, Liberals of ere fines imposed under the Aet, and the toaroti, • in cue ci •coatioltion, .desire local officers were named' to enforce , to .: • :red Rt,ie the gfbeingp • :tionbylaw p ors •enda ori cessAct, x the toe P Hon, W L. Mackenzie King, premier confirm the appoiiltmen't. 'All fines,. of Canada, and his policy ;of Cover imposed under the. Aet, when conYle-: ment. .We hereby endorse the action tion is made on information present- of the premier and his cabinet in the'ed by the local Officers, will he paid reduction of taxation and the greatly to the municipal treasury to e m C oll and the the g ni sa sof stamps er p -members of excise me e al ed nser seev las nS much lessened burden of taxation on board were present and Mr. Manning moderate incomes and the reduction addressed the, council on the matter, Went of postage" of a grant of $6,000 to„buy equipment Fate C Collegiate, theg record •ci "We also wish to Phaco on r and finish fitting up fid the leader ,hip of uric etc T. Manning ]cad a N Sinclair and the stand that' merit o£ the • expend there was some q P Our confidence al Overalls e `- f Guelph, nes Rev. J. E• Nogg officiated. Wesley - Dieted, .town was. ,the well shop,dopWillis United Church, 'where the wed - the 11 and the, the Hydro - ding took place, waS beautifully, de - big the lead. Thed the Weis Bankcrtitan corated with pink and ,white, peonies, ing the lead. flowers front of snapdragon and orange blossoms the post ore is tablet ats the front formed a pretty setting for the peetty the post, offde were carefully ch ,sen bride.. Her wedding , dress ' was \• and arranged in red, white and blue. period effect, a..long fitting bodice of rected any arch -on' .p i nth a full petal eki f Murphy Lodge e white chiffon v Albert street, being- the a ce celebration of tulle frills. Down -the left tide was t salon to contributeyto the celebration a cascade of white water lilies. The in this 'vaY• veil was Of tulle, arranged -in cap style, with a-clustetl of orange tilos The celebration would not compare soros holding . it in place; • She carried ntlt'that put on by Ottawa or Tor- a bouquet of :pink roses and baby's iss onto, probably,' but it was all right. breath. The ; maid•of-honor,, Ruth Higgins, sister of the bride, and The carriage Fred in which Mrs. Car the two bridesmaids,iihiss PhyMeMur and Mrs. F red Middleton family s hascof Guelph and Miss Mary then inl fifties, t Midha in fees b It in chie of Clinton, were attired in period .n built in . `•ar Ho early fifties;°havrp fat er -ofrocks of rose taffeta in yt g husbands,fo the `grandfather . of the. shades. Set. in "rows of ivnxy; lace,th.. huoughds of the two ladei• it id, dresden taffeta and net, caught up builtht the C unt'fand of its kind with clusters of roses formed the pude iv the County and will havelong full' skirts and crocheted straw placeh ind in Ge centennial thecelebrationiso hate with tule brims and shoes of be helix' in Goderich the end of this matching rose •,.completed their cos - month They carried bouquets of property Y sons the p reasons p h e o£ to One into r around this corner should be put tidy shape isbecausejust excess the street is the bowling green, one of the greenest • and grassiest spots in town, and the shaggy pp re wsu ware by opposite slid p e oe lac the p visit- ing have contrast.• Then, often We ing bowlers ;in town, who will natur- ally judge the town by what they" See of it. • AMONG ONG''TII E CHURCHES. $apGtst Church Gospel Service, 7 p'•ni,. Subject:."The Value of Prayer in the Daily Life." Sunday school 2.30. ' Prayer Ser- vice( Wednesday, 7 P.m. All are Welcome. • Ontario Street' Church On Thursday eyening last the in- duction took place in Ontario street chc c A. . h R church of: the new pastor, the E. Doan. The gathering was well at- tended, a congregational supper pee-- cedine the induction, turves. W. Correll- and N. pink sweet peas, larkspur and baby's Messxs L. h, Mr: Ralph Pequegnat, of Guelph' was best man.. an brother of were r• ° Gerald Purcell of The following is a list of .the Toronto. The wedding music was prizes given for the parade: played by Miss Jeen Mel/lurehie. and Outfit 1867 during the. signing of,the register Gentlemen's Friving. ' Miss Marian Gibbings sang "At R. Cree and Fred Middleton; Reg, Dawning,” ' Tebbutt, The reception was held at the home. Gentlemen's n's Driving•': Outfit; ,1927:, of the bride's parents, Mrs. Higgins' Thos. Racy. a gown Decorated Cars: Glen Cook, J. R. received main weatirig ecru lace beige with Ostler. '` , Dohe rtys• hat to match and carried; Sunset, Trades Floats:•O Neil a, Mrs Sorby mother of the Orgaitiza ion o • Davies, in 'their fancy costumes, breat d the usheof looked quite: imposing leaching ill Joe Higgins r ' parade on 'their fiery steeds. n the bride and Mr. ery Man " Wesley-Vr rllis' United Church f oxo wa asked or. r s Councillor Thompson asked' if the. DEATH OF 1tIRS.:JAbiES C agreement HOLLAND board had entered into any ag: as to ,reimbursing the contractor. for Friends were shocked yestelday af- any.:l°ss sustained. None' whatever,' ternoon to learn of the death of Mts. Mr.' Manning hied. " ne 1 paid er,' school' and morning won'- James:Molhand,_whieh occurred, Whit him the amount of his contract and we Sunday once 1n grou , expenditures thus W. 5. me air e e equip - our ui ;• he has taken in the legislature." far' hut said e "We also desire to place on record ment to procureand a ,the fenee built-, grounds diteevd our approval of our member, M. T. to be levelled e IVIeDlillan, and his repr"eseettation- in Trewartha asked if this 'six thousand' the Parliament: of Canada:' was in addition' 10 'the three thousandg asked for before b ex - A resolutiontfamily of the-late heth teThoalsoae lained that' the' three asked for be - sent to the Clinton.e late Thomas plained s included in this six, eighty em a bn all being Liin F :ser of thousand ]come of her sister, Miss Fanny are sorry if he sustained a 'loss for ship at 11 o'clock., Subject of Study: limon: a r m ely of C he gave uS a good job, but hQ cannot Isreals First King. , n m good good that loss, tf. Eventing,: Subject: "Phe Gentleness. Mrs. Rolland had not been g make g • of God." •!health for•. some years and, owing to losse, The W. M. S Will -meet in the lee- the illness and death of her sister, the ` Oii motion of Reeve re No 6 ems a and late Elizabeth .Whitely,. Who died - a Councillor .Paisley by tare room T •the church at eight fortnight ago,. she 1927,' authorizing the • raising': of o'clock e Thursday evening, July little more than a gpurpose • the - P fonp •es be Writ 'nal de 14th,' when a special Jubileo program had been probably,. 'under a spec $6,000 by g cl i putting given. strain: Death came very suddenly, so of , furnishiate., wasreadthree' - will begrounds inshape, t rias ChureIi ' much so that' her husband deed son a and passed. P by li n could of be called toh t' Service in theBaptist•.„d reported ted th . • a (laughter of the ilt n by S- res e her side. dales e h" Chute o a n'ChairmanLangfor p' Sunday at 11 o'clocit. Subject. Rout Mrs, inm Holland of Tuekers•mith, following streets being bu ravey. 'Little Faith.", late'.Wih'lliam Y 1 et 10 o'clock, and spent her early life in that -town- material taken from ;the newly -1 Sunday nal - the congreg-,: . She was married in 1885 to' Mr. portion of.. Huron street: The ill bl picnic ,oft ship. Huron' read Dunlop, front King to IsaaceJoseph ee T James Holland o£ the Joseph, from Or- :tion will be held on Wednesday e tot Is lc; Jo; from Joseph ..13th: Cars will star6 and -there she has lived ever sincefrom an e hongNorth; to' Isasc; p • neat, ;July from the owners Baptist church at 9 it cars `with her husband. Then s ee g Mary,front North to' Erie;' who can place.Uheii• cars first" m1iriage:, to be eelebrato elarDyoinIiuxon to;Spencer;-Speii-- at the ehe f Princess, 'w the dly infe-a the:icoeasia Mor ed co int nationomrofuitureon afterof Erie, from Erie hi iNort Princess, from' kindly' inf ani her 01 Pa the. ,eonsu Christian from North to•S p e from will y senmers hodist and ` Bitile ort''eRattenbury, nnntber . Pas , the. hi'le to Albert' of .the ..' 'wed .by her SP Y o:. Mary to, rich a is stu'vlOrange,from M Y churches. She.Noet, they ntariconStre husband Church lmsl and and one son, Noiiletri hof ` Princess;Khitehe9 d,' from Albert to Ontario Street, United Charleswoz a Rev. A. l . three sisters, eseL c of Ottawa 'Beach; Mill, from Albert to Beearl _ Services on Stind Y California,lia, Mrs. Latvien e s from Rattenbury to • She was Gibbings, to Doan, Pastor..' ,i ' Rattenbury, from Gibbini„s, 1011 A.M. Sunday School and Bible and 1VIisnwoman ancl'ha@ many cess; ,, from Ontario to High; , f very kindly t her sudden pas- Raglan, East, 'Victoria;:' Classes.: M. Regular werereaehhng arvice. friends, who regret Bond to Wallter; Walk-. four Matilda, from t Ontario to Subject: "If K'?e, really Christ- sing; ,Sh tcr nliotwas forhoveirsing William, from tOtilda•to London it ad: ians." y acs an invalid, which may have had et, -from m Ma Langford alsodoe5ciadined' ounce znaii,who missed so . in endei'me in • bei• • Chairchine ,would' 7 P.M. "They something to.do i the roadmal:exs ma ,, i anv ears) that the highest." at health. • She liad been .For ,t t y .'Yonpg Peoples' meeting Pvaise ger i ,a member. of Ontario street United be: available to scarify .the Lon on' er and 5°rve.. road and roll it down and,he;thought 8'p:m: PiaYchurch. • to get i t b usx Well g i be cod 'NOW g yOl he r it t - e fromos m.. 'place ]m *takesd be 8 a pcul p at, Yw • a p funeralit Wednesdaysaid A Hearty invitation . r his isd to ,The fxm us. This the late esidetice; the Jlur-iace to c omi done, He all toh worship w ell rice. at two &clack,: , (Continued on page. ai churah'witlia welcome and a Meezday afternoon; the'ser HINS•li • Firemen, Or- roses. groom wore black l georgette with t' Fl ars angenien. e trimming fring and hat Decorated Bicycles: Fred Hovey, mean and black lace said wore a cor-. • ht. - orchids and lily -of =l Duncan Floats: J Jazz dConnell es Tyndall. sage bouquet The bride groom left e , .-val_e • the 5 ookthe New t'i Ca through Band:p, Jazzon a motor trip. Best Clown: Cap Cook.' .Misses Canada: Misses Cameron nnunnen ensemble costStates, thea me 'Best ride wheat and Tasker.. ' f •Best Oldtime Lady's Costume Mrs. C. G. Middleton, Mrs. Fred Middle - eon. , iddle-ton., , colored ntadelin with white fox ur collar and ergs and feltbat to match. • They will reside in Ilimire, Iew York, t' nage.