HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-06-30, Page 10Tgt CLEN&ON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1927» 'CLINTON"iS EADING JEWELER roe raduati'al� Graduation :time will soon. be here, and we have already aritici- • pated the annual. demand for tok- ens of jewelry ; that will express most appropriately sincere con- gratulations and encouragement for future years. An early Selection will assure •you of, a wide choice. As ,always,; Quality!.,and Beauty and' Reason- able 'l.'rieea. Don't forget to seeour display of polished Brass, the .best ever. ' shown. In ' prices ranging from 35c. up to $10.00. Fine Je . H. 'JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto College .of Optometry ellery and Repairs _ .Next Hovey's Drug Store Special : Items For Tubilee Week "In order that the first week of July may `be'a real Jubilee Bii'si noss Week, we have chosen from each department one or two special linos and have eliminated all profits and in some cases part of the actual cost and have marked them at real BAIt,GAIN PRICES. LOOK OVER THIS LIST 25: pairs Men's Grey Stripe-Cottoiiade Pants, reg. X2.00 for 51.69 Men's and Boys Leather Soled Canvas Oxfords at 51,39 About 300 yards of 32. inch Gingham, reg. 25c a yard for .,1712: Tokio Dress Crepes in Peach, Rose, Maize and Blue, to clear at half price, per yard 35e A nice line of Men's' Fine Shirts at 95e :Ben's Grey' Chambray Work Shirts at 79c Boys' Fine Outing Shirts. at 69c Work Sox at: r:Sc per pair and Fine Socks at ..:; , . , . , , , , , , 39c DON'T !MISS THESE BARGAINS AS`EACROND IS GENUINE' ;steel Brun. lie.shall, have ,Dom- inion from:'sea to sea and from the river une; to the:ends ends of the earth saini.7': Vers6 8,' Many and: varied names were pro- posed for the new nation and it was not until one 'of the Fathers of Con- federation, having on-federation,-havingspent some time the night before ' reading his Bible; read the, verse, cited above, that its application to thio situation was made apparent and our faircountry then and there received its title. Our first, privilege on the Diamond Jubi- lee of -Confederation is to wish the Dominion of Canada many happy re-, turns of the day and to offer char hearty congratulations for progress made since the burden of nationhood was placed on her shoulders. Won't it be approved by you that our patriotic sentiment be fanned to al flame on Dominion Day, July ist, and that it be made' manifest by the placing of a flag to the breeze or at- taching of a • Canada pennant' to the front of your home or on your car or it can be fittingly expressed on your. writing paper with the Dominion Crest embossed in gilt on each sheet'. If your fancy. suggests it wear a King George button or a flag pin on your coat or a Canada Jubilee visor with celluloid peak on your head. Music unites the people and per-, haps.•no how better thanby mass singing. • It is a universal :language and is superior to any other -diversion that can be introduced into the home. A good-Commuulty Song, Book helps. Tile w D. Fair Co.. Often the'Cheapest--Always the Best PHONE 26, •. �},rp ' a r FRESH GROCERIES .n.•u . L 1:1? Discriminating housewives who visit our store know that all stocks are fresh and the very best of standard grade foodstuff, And with this our prices are always as low as any to be enjoyed, so take advantage of our excellent delivery service which'brings your order promptly to your door. An fresh vegetables and fruits in season as well as staple and 'fancy groceries. Pick up your phone this minute, Mrs. Housewife, and plaee a trial order for that evening meal. THE C,.& S. GROCERS The Modern • Home The pedestal -wish-bowl simply "makes" the bath- room, ae every woman who takes pride in her home well knows, If you are having your bath rooni done over this year you should see the fix- tures and equipment we are showing at unusually low prices. ""'s Yon, can make, your home, modern in.every way at small invest- ment if you will permit us to suggest arrangement and show you. how at smallest Boat you can enjoy all the comforts of modern sanitation. _ We will take the work on contract or will, do the work on strictl, time basis. Complete satisfaction guaranteed. During summer months is the best time to have such work done. Sutter & Perdue PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING PHONE 147w .t a Appetizing Dainties are what one need to get that Jubilee Feeling JUBILEE SUGGESTIONS. - Cheese Chips, per pkg. ... 20e ,Stuffed Olives '20e, 30c, 40e Jersey Cream Sodas ..... 15e Plain Olives 15e to, 40e Sandwich Spread . 35e Grape Juice 15e, 35e, 65e Peanut Butter, per 'jar 25cCanned Pineapple . 18e Sardines, per can ..10e, 15c, 18c I Asparagus Tips . 40e JUBILEE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FRUITS—Oranges, Bananas, Lemons, Watermelons, Grapefruit and Berries. VEGETABLES—Tomatoes Lettuce, Carrots, New Potatoes, etc. THIS STORE you BE OPEN SATURDAY, JULY and PHONE 111 Lawson & C �:. PROMPT DEM ERY 1111111141111 re.. nuuu1•411a,, 1.1,1tott s Mrs W. Pickard is visiting Hamilton friends. Miss Isobel Draper of Brantford is baine fns,, th. holidays, Russ ilarriet Hawking `spent a few clays in Stratford the past week. Master Charles Barris is Twine from Toronto for the holiday "periM Miss Ward has gone to her home at Rockville, Md., forthe summer va- cation tulip, Mr. T. MacRae o£ Detroit spent the Week -end with his sister, Mrs. G. D. Roberton. Mr. Murray McNeil of Ontario, Cali-, forma, Spent the week -end at his home in towns Messrs. Hall and Cecil Farnham have been visiting their mother, Mrs. Farnham of town. Mr. Karl Wlilken of the Bank of Montreal, Windsor, is holidaying at his hone in town. Mr. Joe Silcox has been visiting dur- ing the past week with Mr. mid Mrs. Fred Simian up in the north. Mrs. Edgar Cross and children of Windsor are visiting at the home of the former'e father, Dr. W. Gunn. Mrs. Jack Glassferd and little son.of` Detroit ha'Ve been visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Watkins. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ditty and babe of Toronto are visiting et the house of the lady's parents, Dr. and Mrs. 3, W„ Shaw. Mr. Erskine Evans of Dunville' and Miss Carol Evans of London Uni versity are .-holidaying at their hone in town. - Mies Zenda Salter of - Alma College and Mr. Albert Salter of Upper Canada College are visiting their aunt, Mrs. E. MittelL, Mr. Alelles' McNeil, who has been playing lacrosse in New 'York City and other Ameriean cities, is holi- daying at his home in town. Mrs. B. Cole, who has been visiting in Ypsilanti, Mieh., for some •. .eeks, has returned.- She was accompan- ied by her sister, Mrs. Howlett, and her daughter, who will visit here fora week,- Y Mrs. Harrison of London and her son, Dr. Harrison of the General Hos- iptal staff, Montreal, spent the weelc-end at the home of the former's son, Rev. L. C. Harrison at St. PauI's rectory. Misses 'Gertrude Wallis of Midland and 'Freda Wallis of Victoria Hos- pital, London, have been visiting at their home. Miss Freda has re- turned to London and Miss Gert- rude goes to Toronto on Saturday where she, will, mark examination' papers fer the next few weeks. Mr. Norman Sheppard of Mobile, Ala., who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Shep- pard, for the past fortnight, left this morning for New York, where a transport will carry him to his ship at Mobile. ' The ship on which. Mr. Sheppard was first officer, was sold by the eonipan l and he is shipping on a larger one. The occasion for a little holiday od- carred' while the :change was being made. oli nesv'iflle Miss. Alta Lind McCartney is spend- ing a couple of weeks with London and Liman friends. Holmesville will be glad when the highway paving le finished: and it is again on a "main line." These de- toure are annoying., It is quite a little jaubt to :Clinton as we have to go now,' but when the highway is finished it will be no distance at- all. rilf.AJr Jilbite? Weekmend SPECIAL ':.� t ILEE . 1 Jubilee Black Tea, reg. 650,'per .lb. .;,........ 59c Tea Pot 15e extra 10 bars P, &: G. Soap for ..... 45c 10' lbs Granulated" Sugar for 73c -100 lbs. Granulated Sugar for . .. .. .•.$7.00 5 pkgs. Jelly'Powder 25c 5 lb, Pail. Syrup 88c '2 pkgs.--Corn Starch 190 5 ib. Pail Lard 89e LIST - 2 lbs. Shortening 6 lbs. Rolled Oats . Canned Corn, 2 for ...; +,_...............•....,..... Canned Peas, 2 for ' Tomatoes, 2 cans for Matches, per pkg. . 'Icing Sugar, 2' lbs. for Fruit Sugar, 2 lbs. for 350 29c 25c 250 25a .. ... 25e 29c 29c Fresh Sahnon Trout Tuesdays and Fridays Marrnny's Tea Time Cakes and Pineapple Rolls, White and Brown Fread, COOL DRINKS • .For Jubilee O'Keef's Ginger Ale Welch's Grape Juice . Lime Juice Marsh Grape Juice.' SPECIAI,FOR JUBILEE Asparagus, Celery, Tom- atoes, Qucumbers, • Lettuce, Strawberries and Pineapples. In the Morning,First' Delivery 9 a.m. In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. Cash and Service w w 0 T. O'Neil Where " Sells for leis" price prevails. rameolonmerorwror Building Beauty and Comfort into the Home. BEAUTY and Comfort are demanded by men and women seeking a per- manent home: Their demand- ratty be satisfied by, using snore and better woodwork, for Well designed carefully planned woodwork has an irresistable. Appeal. I .. , . , ,+, , 'tie tan supply you with stairs, mantels, book cases, china cupboards, kitchen cabinets, breakfast nooks and other built-in furniture, in ehort wood- work that adds beauty and comfort to the home. BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS , Gyproe, Lime, Door and window frames, doors and windows, verandah mat erials, Hardwood flooring, Shingles. Thomas McKenzie Estate, Minton LUMBER AND HIGH GRADE MILLWORK PHONE 88 STRAWBERRIES Get your order in early this year and do not be disappointed My Berries art bigger and better than ever. Quality is Excellent. Can supply for Garden Parties or Lawn Socials. A •FULL BOX' FOR YOUR MONEY F. W. ANDREWS CLINTON PHONE 33-w - 15. Varna Mr. and Mrs. McLauchlin of St. Marys are visiting withtheir daugh- ter, 14Irs. OgelsbY: Mr. Geo. Beatty and Mr. and Mrs. F. Weekes motored to Listowel Tues- day. The members of St. John's church attended the reception given by Rev. F. II. and Mrs. Paull at the rectory, o n.A Bayfield', last Thursday afteraIo most enjoyable time wits spent. Mr, Win. Taylo}:.shipped a carload of live stock to Toronto Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. h eAsh of London spent Sunday at the home of Mr. ante Mrs: F. Weekes, Rev. J. 3. Durrant preached his farewell sermon` Sunday evening, prior to his leaving for his new charge. Rev. Mr. Penrose will take charge ofthe service next Sabbath. A Jubilee service will be held in St. John's church at half past seven Sunday evening, All are invited to attend and participate in an express sioit of thanksgiving in commemora- tion of those whose lives have been given in the country's service. The Young Peoples' League of the United church held a picnic at Jow- ett's grove Saturday afternoon, al- though the 'weather was rather un- favorable it faired up in time for a good afternoon: S . Helens HOG SHIPMENTS Report of hog shipments for weelt ending June 23,'1927: Clinton: Total hogs, '58;: select bacon, 35; thick smooth, 17. Londesboro: "Total hogs, 67; select bacon, 33; thick smooth, 34, Huron County: Total hogs, 1,677; select bacon, 452; thick smooth, 881; heavies, 65• extra heavies, 9; shop hogs, 117; lights and feeders, 26. ' Mr. and Mrs. Tom' Blake and Miss Grace visited at the home of Mr. Robinson Woods one day last week. Mr. Stanley Todd went to Toronto on "Friday last and brought home a new 'Whippet sedan. M .. Bober ,M Qu an o c ev e is spending his holidays with his par- ents, Mr, and, Mrs. Wain., McQuilliao; Miss C. Wellwood, a returned mis- sionary from China, was the guest of, her sister, Mrs...Geo. Webb, last week.. Mr. A. H. Davis, the representative of the tipper Canada Bible SoeietyI gave his lecture and lantern views in the Anglican church Monday evening, June 27th. On Saturday, June 17th, a baby boy. arrived at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Donald McDonald. COAL. Coal of all kinds_ always on hand for immediate delivery, Also a quantity of dry Maple Woad Prices reasonable and same to all W. J. MILLER & ' SON Orders taken at residence, Phone 46 :Summer is Here So why not bisy yourself that oil stove you're wanting? Come in and see ours. "Perfection and "Neseo" at the right prices. • Let us keep you supplied with the best coal oil. Also we have'wirks for all the stoves. We also have sprinkling vans in different sizes. S'li'd be needing one now for the new plants. Look our stock over. C�awkins BARDW.ARE and PLUMBING Kindly Order Early P one 48 Ftirnishing That New Home Will be easily accomplished by paying us a visit as we have the stock to satisfy the most critical customer, and our prices are sure to please. We would especially draw your attention to our new Chesterfield Suites and that now irresistable Fibre Furniture. It making a big hit because it is so good looking, strong and comfortable. Our stock of Kitchen, Dining Room, Living Room, Bedroom and Verandah furniture is quite complete so you wili`have no trouble making your selections. ALL' WE WANT IS A CHANCE TO PROVE IT IN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We have a Splendid new stock of New Perfection and the High Speed Lorrain Coal, Oil Stoves and Heats and Cooking Utensils of all kinds. Clinton Hardware and Furniture C THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORSMONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Pbona: 104 . Hardware 195 taixemagarammismumiesogkes wmaKensOMOrMaMINV STAR THEATRE Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 4, 5 and 6 "Faust" s ..:- ,An UFA production with Emil tannings A GREA.T FILM GLAMOR IN EVERY FOOT OF IT ADMISSION --25e and 15c Thursday, Friday and Saturday,, -July 7, 8 and 9 "Frisco Sally Levy With Sally O'Neil and Roy b'Arcy A picture filled with Romance and Humor—A laughing, dancing film hit AAIMIISSION-25e and 15e Eggs Eggs Bring us your Eggs While Fresh We invite customers to visit our candling and grading room i to see grading properly done. We Pay Spot Cash Now is the time to market ygnr fat bloody hens and old roosters Gunn, Langlois :lois ' Co., Limited HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL, QUE. For further information apply to CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON, ONTARIO PHONE 100 :,II'ri` "" -,fin