HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-06-30, Page 7'THURSDAY, JUNE 30,, 1927..
•Godericl, Township
News. Cl�lAit3Q Ne
- 1
1 It VL iter
seeks to says an
• exchan e, but not more surely ih 4aa
whiskey levels its seeker."
Charlie Lindbergh iscoming to Ot-
tawa. No doubt he will be glad to
come to his grandfather's old home
for the family jubilee,'
Dont he stingy about flags and
bunting for decorationVomorroW.F It
' will be forty years before we can Cele,
:-,brate the centennial of Confederation.
Here's to Canada, :`"The Land We
Loire," May her' days be long and
Peaceful; herstatesmen; wise and pat-
riotic; : her people healthy, happy, and
- prosperoua.
"The Russian Government has
found, an effective way to reduce, the
number of automobile accidents," the
Orillia Packet -Times, remarks. ':"No
° private citizen is permitted to own a
,motor car."
Quebec never could be persuaded,
`to. give Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen
-much,not even common justice. But
.Lavel- University has been obliged to
:hand over to his son, a student there,
: a scholarship prize. We imagine
-young Meighen will value -that: prize
is a• a
The Parliament Buildings at Otta-
wa, which will be brilliantly illuenin-
ated on the night of July first, has
been described, as presenting the ap-
pearance from the Quebec side of .the
river when lighted .of"a ."huge wed
..ding cake.:'.' It is'' something like that,
it marks : the . wedding of the,pro-
vines. '
Have you seen the comet? We
have not. We looked and looked 'Sun-
- day- night; but while stars were in
plenty, we saw nothing Unusual
about any -one of them. Prof.- Chant
of Toronto, who knows all:,; about.
these things, say's that it is like look-
ing for a needle in a- haystack for
• ordinary people, anyway. But have
you been 'looking nightly for 'Venus,
-seen in the 'early . evening south=
western sky? It is easily seen, be-
ing 'very
eing'very bright ".and large, and has
-cheered is ' often as we trudged
homeward : after an°evening -with
Proofs, .etc. It is a nice, friendly
-planet. " One could imagine it might
-be inhabited. •
another very interesting aid inmpres-
siee sormonebased onsProyerle`12,28:.
the way' of Righteousness -is life"
. coins at
on`has 15 c
lA S i
ef01 (. entering
the morning service Mx Kennedy
m..dd brief " rel renes to the two
strenuous yews of ,his pastorate in
Bay1 ield, so notch taken up with the
difficult work' of organizing, read-
justing, consolidating, endeavouring
to bring people ' into agreement and
He regretted very much that there
were opposing factions and some.
pulling in the opposite, direction in-
stead of everyone in a body upholding
the pastor's hands' in prayer and
bending together -( one coronion task:
lathe midst of it all he said that he
had' worked hard' and tried to do his
reach'Naaple•. They intend to spend
the summer travelling in: Italy
Rev. and Mrs. T: P. W, de i'cncier
of :Guelph arrived ;on.Tuesday to visit
ice. and Mrs. F. Paull. They
leave on Thursday for Montreal and
sail on Friday for England.
Miss' 1-lelen Seeds left on Sunda
to visitfriends iii London for a couple
of weeks.
Mr. J. Miney of Detroit was the
guest, of Mrs. M. Elliott' on Sunday.
Miss Lola Elliott of 'Detroit and Mts.
Henry Miller • and babe of Mount
Clemens- returned with biro,
The :Misses Droliin of Detroit and'
guests ;,Misses. Mable Johnson and
Adcll Davie are at their sunnier cot=.
tinge on the Terrace.
Mrs. Thos. King and Miss I-Iilda_
best. GocI is a Sovereign Power but Ting of London visbted friends iii the
there are tiniesl when IIe is not given village over• the week -end.
a chance to rule. He may overrule
and in this case the ,pastor, trusted,
.that God, might overrule to the good
of `both the pastor • and congregation.
Mr. A; E. Erwin went to Seaforth
on Tuesday to visit for a few days.
Sorry to report that Bruce Moore
is ill, a serious operation having been
performed on his face on Monday
night in !Clinton Community Hospital.
His many ''i friends wish', for him o
-speedy recovery. '
A special serviceof a patriotic na-
ture will be held in'Trinity church at
11 a.m. en' Sunday'''to 'celebrate, the
Jubilee of .Confederiltion,--
The service of Holy Communion
will be', --held, at St. John's church).
Varna,' on Wednesday, July 6th at
three o'clock when '.Archbishop Wil-
liams will he present to confirm the
candidates from the parish.
Mi s. Bagnal and son and Mr.
Stacey of London were guests of Mks.
Win. Hall over -the week -end.
Rev. and Mrs. Gale and Miss Gale
Of Chatham arrived'on.Tueeday. MM•.
Gale will have charge of St. And-
rew's and. Bethel -Bethany. United
churches. The induction' service will
be held on Thursday. evening at 8
p.m,,,to which the public is invited.
The Presbyterian service commenc-
ing on Sunday July 3rd, will he held
at 11 a.m. Sunday school at 10 a.m.
Mrs. A. A. Carroll and family of
Hamilton came on Tuesday to occupy
Mrs. Heath's cottage' "The Cedars,"
• Miss MacLaren of Clinton is visit-
ing Miss M. E. Garrett at'her cottage.
Miss Kennedy, 'Mrs. King, Miss
Hilda Shea of . Stratford and Miss
Helen Monkhonse' of Toronto are at
the former's cottage, Rose 'Cliff. '
Mr. Thornton -Mustard and son
Charlie. and Mr. Gibson of -Toronto
are spending a few days at the for-
mer's cottage. '
Dr. A. Newton -Brady had. a nar-
row escape -when the Chevrolet coach
hi which 'hawas;:driving ran into the
deep ditch on Louisa street- opposite
the United 'church 'parsonage.
The car; ran .straight into a stout
telephone pole and snapped it in two
and then -turned' over. The doctor
was driving at a moderate rate, -hav-
ing just put the. car -into high gear
after coming out of his own gate-
way. lie had been working out hi
the garden in the hot sun arid was
not feeling, well and thinks that
might have paused him to .take his
mind oil.' the wheel just.for a sencnd.
However ne"had the presence'_of mind
to turn off the engine when the car
turned over. . He was badly shaken.
un' and received a bad bruise between
his shoulders from the handle of the
door.- Mrs. A. Newton -Brady also re-
ceived a shock as she was'standing at
the gate` and saw the accident: The
doctor; did not immediately get out of
the•:car,but when she got the'e and
spoke to hini he climbed out of the
window. He , was apparently : not
much the worse and after,sumtnoning
a garageinan he `walked up town.
"Splinter," his Irish terrier, was in
the car. He was not hurt and re-
mained quiet until he was taken out.
The fenders and running board on one
side Of the car were badly bent but
otherwise no damage was done. The
telephone pole, which was completely
severed, was thrown several feet but
the wires held it in an upright posi-
tion. •-
Mr. E. Wells, principal` of the
Teachers' College, Marysville, Mis-
souri, visited hiscousins,, the late
.Mrs. John. Reid's family, bf Bayfield
and vicinity for a few days last week.
Mr. Wells left these partewhenhe
was but a small lad about -forty-one
years ago 'amid has never been back
si>lce`but he: reccignized farms and
landmarks near his boyhood home,
which was the ° farm now'ovmcd by
Wm. Taylor , in StaiTev Tp. Miss
Mary Reid -`and Mr. and Mrs. George
Reid motored to Yale Micli., `on 'Sun-
day to visit relatives. They will also
visit other parts and Detroit before
returning this week. Mr. Wells ac-
companied:. them. to Yale.
M'rs. R. L. Shields and familly. and
Mrs. J. M. Livingston and: family of
Kitchener are occupying cottages in
Jowett's Grove. •
Mr. E. H. •Johns, manager of the
Standard; Bank: while driving in the,
country early Monday morning had
the Misfoirtune to drive too close- to
the ditch. The Essex coach which lie
drives slipped into the ditch and col-
lided with a telenhone_pole. smashing
the, glass in the door and window and
crushing oiie fender. His son I,awr-
enee was "with him but foi`tueately
neither of thein were hurt and he
was able to drive the car out of the
ditch again. It looks as if telephone
e .,phone
poles were peculiarly attractive to
Bayfield car drivers,
Miss Florence Elliott, ' who has:
spent the past threeyears in Edmone
ton, and Miss Annie Elliott of Toron-
to arrived home cm Monday. ,•
Mrs. Dickson Glass' and two daugh-
ters of London are occupying their
summer home.
Mrs. C. B. Chapman. Miss Dora
Chapman and friends of London 'are
at their cottage, "Everest."
Mr. J. Doyle of Detroitis spending
afew days at, his cottage.
Mrs. C. Edwards of. Toronto is a
guest at Miss Nora Ferguson's.
Mrs. G. -Win. King and daughter,
Betty, and guests, Mrs. Ira; I5. Benja-
min, r
rn Mfrs. Sherman, r
D. Callender and
daughter lvia of Detroit, spoilt a Sylvia po
few days this- week at the' fornmer's
summer home, King Bluff.
Miss Jessie • Metcalf and - three
friends of Detroit sailed from Boston
on "The ,Patna,' bound for Italy.
They willikop a day at the Azores
The reception givenon the rectory
dawn by Rev. and Mrs. Ps II. Paull for
the three congregationsof the 'garish,
consisting of St.,John's Varna, St.
James', 'Miiddleton and Trinity; Bay-
field, on- Thursday .`, afternoon last,
was quite a delightful affair. De-
spite the cool weather there was a
large attendance, about a hundred
and twenty-five being present. Dainty
buffet refreshments were served on
the lawn, the tables being tastefully-
astefullydecorated with Iris: and orange blos-
soms. Mrs. Will J:.Eiliott, Mss. Hugh
McKay, Mrs. 'Fred Middleton; Misses
E. Ctzineron and, E. ; Logan poured
coffee and lemonade while Mrs. A.\
Newton -Brady, Mrs. N. ,.:Woods
and Mrs. F, A, Edwards, assisted by
a bevy of young girls, looked after
the wants of the many guests,`-
The orchestra, consisting ,.' of Miss,
F. Edwards, pianist, Harold 'Scotch-.
mer, saxaphonist, Dr. A. Newton-
Brady and Messrs. Arthur Peek and
Milton Pollock, violinists . and A.
.Dunn, traps, furnished excellent:
nnisie from the verandah which was
much appreciated by all. A -game of
golf played on a .clock golf course
under the direction of Dr. Newton-
` Brady proved to be a very popular at-
traction, while quoits under' the dir-
ection of Wain. J. Elliott was no less
Mrs. Paull received in a ,charming
frock of apple green. The newly in-.
• ducted rector of .St. George's church,
Goderich, Rev. J. N. H. Mills, and.
Mrs, Mills and Master Beverly, also
Rev. and Mrs. L. 0. Harrison and
child'r'en of Clinton were among those
' present. . y', :-
Mrs. II. Little and Mrs.' Stanley
' -Straughan of Windsor and Messrs.
Redmond aiid Wialker. ' of Marlette,
Mich., were guests of Misses C and
S. Parke on Thursday last. 'e`''
Mr, and. Mrs. Arthur Sopaick,
e. Misses Holley, Louise and Carol; Sup -
`nick and Mrs. Holley of Detroit ar-
rived at the latter's cottage "Holley.
Lodge" on Thursday last to spend;
-the summer. Mr. Supnick 'returned
to Detroit on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R5, Jowett, -Mrs;:
K. 1Vfoorhouse and little Miss Mary
Jean Mioorhouse motored to London.
on Thursday last.' Miss Grace .Jew-
ett, who wrote her middle school ex-
aininations in London, returned with
-her- parents.
Misses. Elva and Anna Dewar of
Toronto came on. Saturday` to spend
the vacation with their' parents, Mr:
and Mrs..David Dewar.
Mrs. Tiebileock and Mr. Fred
'Trejiilcock spent'Monday at their cot-
tage in Lakeside Park.
.Mr. and Mrs. McDonagh and Miss
Florence McDonagh of London spent
the, week -end at' their cottage in
Lakeside eslde
London came
A. Mrs. W. Hunt of Lo
on Friday to spend the summer in
-their cottage, Birch Cliff. Mr. Hunt',
will he here for week -ends.
Dr. and ,Mrs. S. M. Thomas of
London spent the week -end at their
-summer home here.
Mrs. William . Heard and Russell
and Fred Heard motored to Kitchener:
to -spend Sunday .with friends.
Rev. and' Mrs. Keriiledy and Mas;
ter Roy left on Monday for Oil, City,
'where Mr. Kennedy is stationed. The
'theme of Mr.' Kennedys farewell ser-
mon' preached in St. Andrew's church
on Sunday morning last" to a very
large congregation was "The New
heart, which God gives 'in`co;iver-
sion chasing 6 in his text from the book
of Ezekiel, 36:26: "A new heart also
'will I give you and a new spirit will
I put within you; and I will take
'away the stony `heart out
of , your flesh' and ` will give
you a heart ' of :flesh," Another
'splendid congregation greelod the
Miss Ford; who :.was the guest of
Miss M. E. Garrett for -ten daSs,,re-
turned :'to Toronto on Monday.
Miss 'Ethel Geminhardt `returned to
Toronto on -Saturday.
1VIrs.' W. D,, Stevenson- and family.
of Toronto are at their cottage for
the summer months. ,
Miss Helen Gerrie, B.A., presided
at the Senior High School Graduation
examinations in Goderich this week,
Mr. Millikin -o$ Zurich presided
over those writing the Entrance- ex-
aininations in Bayfield this week.
The annual' meeting of the Y.P.S.
was held. on Friday'evehing last. It
was: decided•"to hold it at, this time-ef
the year so that it would be organized
ready for meetings in the, fall; ` The
retiring officers were; President,
Colin Campbell; vice, Edna ,Scotch -
Scotch -mer; secretary, Helen Seeds; trees;
urer, Donald McKenzie. The new of-
ficers ate:.. President; Lucy R.
Woods; vice, Donald, McKenzie sec-
retary, M. Helen. Gerrie; treasurer,
Harold. Seotchmer.i' Mrs. F. H. Paull
and Miss Ploy Edwards were unani-
mously electedleader of community
singing and 'organist respectively. It
wasdecidedto hold the first picnic
on July, 8th on the beach near, the
south' pier, in the evening. ' A com-
mittee was appointed to `snake ar-
rangements for it. .After the busi-
ness had been settled two excellent
papers were given by Mrs. Robert
Scotchmer and Mrs. F. H. Pa'ill on
the life of St. Paul. Before closing;
Mr. Campbell': brought to the atten-
tion' of those present the• fact: that
it was probably the last meeting at
which Mr. Kennedy would be present.
Mr. Pauli moved a hearty vote of
thanks to Mr. Kennedy for his work
in the society, expressed regret at
his "departure and wished him jby and
happiness in his new surroundings.
Donald McKenzie seconded the mo-
tion. Mr.. Kennedet thanked the
society for their kind wishes and as-
sured them that he had enjoyed all
the meetings.
'Friday and Saturday being Domin-
ion- holidays
omin-ion-holidays the postoffice will re-
main closed except for delivery of
mail at the usual hours on holidays,
TOW,NE—LAMS — In Clinton, on
June 23rd, by the Rev. C. J. Moor -
house,. Rossy, . daughter of Mrs.
Levis and the late George LaVis,
to Percival Towne. of Termite. . °
seph's church, Clinton,: on Juno
28th, by the Rev, Father Gaffney,
Helen Catherine, eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George Carbert of
Hallett, to Myren Quigley of De-
troit, son of of Mr.,.Niichael Quig•
ley of Lincoln.
o'n June 18th, by the Rev: C. P.
Clarke, Anna M., daughter of Mr,
:and Mrs. George Westbrook, to
George F. Ross, son of Mr, and
Mrs, James Ross of Goderich town-
ship: • ., -
on June 22nd, by the Rev, ,T, N. H.
Mills, Irene, daughter of Mr. and,
• Mrs. J. B. Saults,• to . Alfred F.
Sturdy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Os-
wald Sturdy., all of lboderich.-'-'.
WISE—in Clinton Hospital, on June'
25th, to Mr, and Mrs..C. E. Wise,
Goderich township, a • son.
GLAZIER—In Huliett, on June 271h,
to Mr. and Mrs, Clifford or G r lazier
formerly Miss Evelyn ';Johnston, . A
CLARK—At Varna, on June 16th,. to
Mr. and, Mrs. Malcolm, Clark,' for-
merly Miss Eva Epps, a son.
COOK,• -In loving memory of our
- dear father, Arthur Cook, who died
June 26, 1924. '
We have to mourn the loss of one we
did our best to save;
Beloved on, earth, regretted,' gone, re -
'membered in the grave.
Your name is dear to memory; 'tis
graven in our hearts;:
Your kindly smile is with us still,
lingering, loathe to part.
—R. I. P.-
-Ever remembered by his. children.
School of Commerce
Clinton, Ontario
Oilers the following advantages--
dvantages-Expert Teachers
Two Standard makes of Type
P rtraits'T hat :• Please
Are -made at the Burgess Portrait
Studio, Clinton
hours—lt) a.m. to -5• p.nx
Our work will suit and our Wee,
will please.
Let us develop and print and also
enhirge'your snapshots%for you.
,Burgess, Portrait Studio •
Practical Business `''.raining.
Gregg Shorthand
Secretarial Duties
Actual Office Practice
And a record of successful grad-
uates,:whose high standard for good
work we expect you to reach or ex••
When: you think of a Commercial
Course write
B. r. WARD, 13.A., M. Accts.•
With, ylkwero
Cert .F' Lowers
And Floral Work:for. all Occasions
NOW is the 'time to select your
Plants for Hanging Baskets, etc;
Chas. -V. Cooke
Phone 6G
Dancing . at
Jowett's Grove
Two special' dances, July ist and
2nd. Music by I-Iarold Skinner's
Bhie W)iter Boys. 'Hula and Black,
bottom dances both nights. 16-1.
Smilestones Revue
Will be presented in
at 8:15 p.m.
by the Maple` Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E.
"Smilestones" is a .pie>rotic revue
that will be enjoyed by all, with a
thrilling '6ne-act play, choruses, danc-
ing, etc.
Reserved Seats, SQo-Rush Seats, 35c.
For Sale
Three good male collie pups. Bred
from good heelers. Price $2.00 each.
Ben Rathwell, R. R. No. 3, Clinton.
Phone 606-r-16, Clinton central, 16-1
For Sale -
Cushion tire buggy in good repair,
also ona'eongoleum rug, 9x12. Apple
to Wm. Aikenhead, Brusefield.
Phone. 629-r-2. 16-2-p
Must Have Licenses
The motor car drivers' perm'te are
expected this week and will be ready
for distribution before July 4th. All
persons drivingcars must have these
operator's licenses, No person under
_18 years can purchase a permit, but
those over 18, who have not driven
500 miles, may procure an .instruc-
tion permit, which is transferable
for a permit within 60 days. Apply
to W. S. R., I1o1n10s. «:....... .
For,Sale °
.Horse rake and good mower. Apply
to John D. Woods, Louisa street, Bay-
field, 164-p
Feed Grain For Sale
Fall wheat, barley, oats with some
spring wheat in it. A11 grain clean
and free from weed seeds. Apply to
T. R. Jenkins, R. R. No. 3. Phone
23 on 610, Clinton central. 16.2-p
Strawberries - For Sale
Wilson variety, exeellent for can-
ning, Also, other varieties for table
use. Roy Tyndall, phone 607-r-3.
Just a Real Good Opportunity
The Fuller. Brush Company, due to
recent changes, has a vacancy for a
reliable man, between the' ages of 25
and 45; married man with car pre-
ferred, but not necessary. This ter-
ritory could bemanaged from Clinton,
Seaforth or Goderich. -Write giving'
particulars in first letter, when an in
terview will be arranged in your home
town. W 0. Wright, 209 Royal Bank
Bldg., London. ,
For Sale—A. Bargain `
About 41/3, acres of good timothy
and alfalfa hay, steel -tired buggy in
fair order, - one - horse wagon,
carriage, Gladstone, ahnost new,
four seats, lamps, rubber tires,
suitable for single' driver or show
teamalso high backed cutter in good
condition. 3130,00 cash takes the lot.
Dr. W. Gunn, Clinton. • 16-1
omww `is the Tine
for Farmers ancl Poultr ilen_10 clear`
t 'and tat broody'
their Mims o1 r los erg
hens. -
We are buyers 12 months in the year
for both Eggs and Poultry
Clinton ` Poultry House
N. W. Trewartha
Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w
Having decided to,go into the coal
business,'I wish to announce that I
will keep a stock of the bestiquality
hard and soft coal,; coke and wood,
and respectfully solicit a share of
public patronage.
Auction Sale
Of household effects on Townshend
street on .Tuesday, July 5th,,at 2
p.ln.3-= consisting •of the following:
mahogany parlor shite, walnut parlor
suite, set of leather" dining =room
Chairs, sideobarci, lunch table (round),
drop leaf table, mohair couch, couch,
2 bed room 'suites, mattresses and
springs, Edison phonograph, a union.
rug, Hot Blast heater, 4 -burner coal
oil stove, 3 rocking chairs, clocls;'sev-
eral plants, dishes and granite ware,.
and several other articles. .Terms:
Cash, Miss F. Whitley, Proprietress.
George II, Elliott,ttAuctioneer.i
neer. 16
Chauffeurs License
Kindly bring two small photos
when ` applying for Chauffeurs Lic-
ense.. Bert Langford, Clinton.' -15.
..Por Sale
Ileavy tenm wagon and double har-
ness. Apply to Mrs. W. II. hill, R.
R. No.
House For Sale
Comfortable, well-built, six -room
frame cottage, in good repair. Most
desirable location, Joseph street, fur-
nace, town water, electric - lights,
good stable and garden. Apply to
JohilWise R. R. No. 5,
62 -r-14°
or ring up phone 0
Summer -Sessions
follow -present term from July. 4th
without any holidays forced` upon
students. Make time count for
progress. Enter any day. W-. R.
Shaw, Registrar, 46 Bloor. West,
Toronto. '
I am prepared to deliver alfalfa
meal to farmers in wholesale lots. It
is as good as bran or -shorts for hogs,
poultry, ,etc.:
Handled'by the Feed Dealers of
Noble °Holland
R. R. No, 4, Clinton Phone 22-617
'I have a quantity of good, hard
wood and sortie slabs for sale,
New Ford Truck for sale cheap. °
T would like all old accounts
straightened up at once. E. WARD
Phone 155 Huron street
Used building material, from the
old Collegiate building. Brick, stone
sills, doors and frames, windows and
'frames, storm sash, joists, up to 22
ft., studding, lath, casings, scantling,
mouldings of all kinds, matched lum-
ber, stairs and bannisters, maple and
pine flooring, etc. Apply on job to
W. J. Elliott, or to S. E. Resell at
the Clinton Creamery. 12-tf
Teacher Wanted
For S. S. No. 11, :Goderich town-
ship. Applications will be received by.
the undersigned .up to Friday, July
Farm For Sale
100 acres, good soil, fine' buildings,
small maple bush, 414a miles from
Clinton. Will sell cheap and on easy
terms. Will sell crop with farm if
desired. Inquire at News -Record of-
fice. • 12-tf
Cottage for Sala
An eight -room cottage in Isaac
street, beautifully finished inside,
town water and good cistern, summer
kitchen. Garden with apples and
small fruits. Apply on premises to.
Mrs. Wm. Graham, 10-tf
Reuse For Sale •
Large redbrick house, corner Or-
ange and Wellington streets, 8 rooms,
all modern .conveniences.' Possession
when desired. Also it barn and 51 acre
let on Wellington street. Apply to
Mrs. W. Jenkins. 06-tf-6p
Clinton s
For a bumper crop or winter com-
fort, warmth and cosiness zp fullest
measure—at lowest price, •
plant Call the o
tons of coal in your bin this summer:
Then, when the first cold days
slake their unexpected appearance
you can enjoy your harvest of winter
heat without putting in a hurry call
for, coal. '
Today is the best day to get the
Heat Folks on the job. The phone
number is 74.
Call the1C''
for good, clean coalfi 0. -
lir' e
The best of all insecticides for Potato Bugs and othe
etables; Vines, Berries` Shrubbery and Rose Bushes.
new life into the plant, producing a bigger and better q
Is and sure death•to Potato Bus Aphis and
Fly, Currant and Gooseberry/ Worms, or any other inse
feeds upon the leaf
Climax Bugg Kilter is applied while the lant-is darn
a Duster or Jute Bran Sack. P P
The Ontario Agricultural cultural College have made test
Climax is highly satisfactory.
10 cents per pound or 20P ouilds for $1.00.
Miller Hardware
Sole Agents for Clinton and Territory.
About that tar
Of Yours
Are You enjoying motoring comfort
in proportion to your money invest-
ment? The . maximum of physical
comfort cannot -be enjoyed when there.
is. mental anxiety. Put on liability
insurance and let us do the worrying
H. E. Rorke
All Lines of Insurance'
Phone 253w
Baby Chicks and Eggs `
• Bred to Iay Barred Rock chicks,
May and June hatched, 315.00 per
100 from, high production stock.
Eggs 34.00 per 100. Pullets, March
hatched, 31.00 for June and July. D.
M. Lindsay, R. R. No. 3, Clinton..
House For Sale
A nine -room house° on Princess
street, la,: acre lot, electric light, fur-
nace, three-piece bath, •all ,in -first-
class condition. Apply to E. L: Mit-
tell, Clinton, Phone 213. 08-tf.
Baby Chicks and
CustomHatchin ..g•
S. C. W. Leghorns chicks, $15.00
per 100; Barred Rock chicks, $16.00
per 100. June prices: Leghorn
chicks, $13.00, Barred Rocks, $15:00
Custom hatching 5 cents per egg,
after May 15111, 4, cents per egg.
Individual machines, 100 egg to 600
egg sizes. The best of attention paid
to custom hatching. No order too
small or too large. Get your chicks
early so they will develop into good
sized birds to get the early markets.
Early hatched pullets make the best
winter layers. E. J. Trewartha,
Holmesville P.O. ; Phone 611-r-22
Clinton central. 06-tf
• We have a completeline of
Toonto'Asphalt Shingles and
Roofing for siding or roofs if
you are considering roofing.
compare ours, before buying,
with any other, .This is the
best by teat,
Alwai rs ''carry Bran, Shorts,
Western Oats, best quality at
lowest price.
Phone 123
Flour and Feed Merchants and
Grain Buyers
F. .DA R
will be at his offic
in Clinton each
MO "`r DAY
From 3 to 6 paw
Canada and United Sta
All Loads insured
Reasonable Rates—Covered
Write, or Phone Clinton 62
Nediger's Garai
Overhauled and Repaire
Charged, Stored for winter
and Repaired
Ground and Honed
Outfits installed
W. J. Nediger, Pr
Clothes Cleaned and Press
Clothes cleaned, pressed a
paired. Woollen goods dry cl
Rooms aver Heard's B..rber
W. 3. Jago. 2
Singer SewingMac
Leased on Small Monthly Pay
Big Discount on Cash Sales
Now is the time to Have yo
chine repaired and cleaned. Re
Needles, Belts and Parts f
Phone 1713 P.O. Box 201, C
Elmslea Chick Far
Feed Bags for sale
BABY CHICKS: Leghorns and R
Rocks, $I5 'per hundred
Leghorns, $13 per hundred
From Pure Bred -to -lay Stock
Miller's Ideal Incubators and
Poultry Supplies
Royal Purple Calf: Meal and
Chicle Feeds
E. L. Mittell.
Phone 213 93-
C. H. VENN Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Wiring and Repairs. -
Tor: Feed: •
We have a car' of screenings coming.
Also a limited supply of Western Oats on hand.
Maple Leaf, Five Roses and Purity Flour
always in stock,
Millet Seed, Sorghum Seed and different varieties
of Seed Corn.'
We will buy Oats, Wheat and Buckwheat.
H Charlesworth
i..jsn 11):f�S