The Clinton News Record, 1927-06-30, Page 6Made, only from hard -Western wheats, Purity :111011r is rich in gluten — the energy giving and body building food. Pnrity'Flour is best for all your baking and will supply extra\ nourishment to the children, in cakes, pies; buns and bread. Send 30c in .stamps for our 70Q•reci(io Purity Flour Cook Book. ' Ess NV,.atern CaooduFlour Mills Co. Limited Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Saint John. To -Morrow. I know that winter's coming, Summers almost done, The autumn breeze is sighing, There's less of glaring sun, 7 know that winter's coming Not von, far away, For I saw a Christmas num ber Of a magazine to -day. bathtub party, men aren'tmuch in- terested In what women wear. "Oh, 'doctor,; I.' forgot to ask you about that eye medicine.' .- "What about it?" "Do I drop; it in my eye before or _, after meals?" Grandma (looking up from paper), —"It says hero that young women, are abandoning all restrictions. Now mind, don't let me 'catch you goin' out without yourp, Ethel" Grabbing the buck instead of pass- ing it ,le one sure way to Win promo- tion. Phipps' • Chips. - Here lies a young salesman named Phipps,: Who marred on one of his trips, A wido t named Block, Then died of a shock, When he paw there were six little chips. Judging from the size of the crowds at a bathing girl revue, or -a Ease sunburn with Minard's LInitnent. Kind Old Lady—.'How long have you been out of work?" Tramp-- "Well, ramp—"Well, lady, I was born in'88 or '89. .NURSES. The Toronto Bootle for Incurables, In affiliation with Bdlavuo land Allled Hospitals, New York Clty, offers a throo- years' Course of Tralnina to yoanc women. having the •fequlrod education, anddesirous of foramina nurse. Tills Hospital haimdopted the eight- hour system, Tho pu01ls reale, uniformsof the School, a monthly allowance and'travol• Inc 000epsee toand .from New York. For further Inlomnatlen write the Superintendent. —alts. a,erubens cf the Oasu,ctian Inisley team for 1027,'pllotographed on board t to Cunard" liner Ansonia, on i which sfrom Montreal, From left to right, Font —Lieut, J. D. Foreman, t,'' they are: rrow—Lieut, n, Major D. they hed ail ,Tune 10 fr Iy cMaa 1 1s, Belleville, Ont:`-Brig,;Gen, G Duff -Stuart, Vancouver; C,G.M.S,; A. Parnell,'Nai•dun; C,S,M, W. A. Hanter, s, Tcronto. Second row—S•ei'g: B. W. Bo:unont, Victoria; Seigt. F. M. Glass, Sherbrooke; Sen•gt G, kI. Gray, Mont- real; Private Patter and Private J. I1,-Sl0010,en, IIamilton;;Lieut..D.- 0. Burka, Ottawa; Lieut, K. 1. MacGregor, Ot- tawa; Beret. W. H. Wood, P,P.C.L,l, Back row—Private It, E. Stock, Toronto; Sergt. McCabe, Sergi. C. M. Emslie, B„ and Cadet L. J. McAvity, St. John, Toronto; Sergt. B. Donnell, Sussex, N. N.B. IA CR TOC Fools rush in where wise men re- serve their seats; long before they're call taken. Truth in Adveitising: "Big Sale Now On. Don't Go Elsewhere to Be Cheated—Come. In Here.? A good deal 1s_ said about 'June brides.- Elver hear anything about June Grooms? If Abe grooms really want a date they . might adopt April 1st l Straws show which way the wind blows and knees show when the wind blows. Sunset. The sun sinks in the mountains I When evening comes around, The sun sinks in the ocean, The sun sinks in the town. The sun sinks in the blazing sky, The sun 'sinks in the West; But on a patch 'of tender skin The sun sinks on the Nest. T PUZZLE' Bordeaux—flee Old Reliable FAMILY MEDICINE Many other fungicides have been in EFUL P ENTS One of the greatest puzzlesto the careful parent is to know just What medicine to givethe little ones. When Ithe child falls i11 with griping pains is seized; with cold' or fever, refuses food or vomits what lie has Oaten, when he' cries a great deal and can- not an -not, get the sleep so necessary to the growing child, the parent is in a. troduced in recent years and some of them have proved exoellent for ter- A Welland Lady Tells of the thin purposes, but there are still many fields wherenothing takes the place .Value of Dr. Williams' Pink • of the old reliable' Bordeaux. 1 - In the apple orchard its place has been only partly taken by the eommer-� "I have many reasons for praising tial lime -sulphur solution. .Thio new Dr. Williams' Pink Pills," says Mrs, er material 'has proved to be excellent George L. Swiclr, R•R• No. 2, Welland, for the early apple sprays dad is »rob Ont, "My drat experience with this ably just as effective as Bordeaux medicine was in my girlhood, when, when it comes to keeping apple scab following an attack of scarlet fever, in Check. Also, fruit sprayed with Pills in Her . Home. I was left in a badly run down condi- i quandary. What le to be done on Bordeaux during cool weather is apt tion, and the pills restored me to, good such occasions? As often as not to be ruee'eted. Later in the season,' health. Later in my 'married, life' I there is not a suitable medicine in 1inen very hot weather comes along, had a severe attack of rheumatism. at NY Extra Cost Gum -Dipping is an es elusive Firestone process. It insulates and impreg nates every strand of every cord with rubber. Internal friction and heat are reduced to a minimum—the side walls ire greatly strength. cued. Firestone Full -Size Balloons absorb road irregu- Iarities-making driving eas- ler and riding more comfort- able. , . Firestone Dealers are in a position to save you money and serve you better. See your nearest dealer to -day. FIRESTONE TIRE 8a RUBBER CO, OF SOF CANADA, LIMITED Hamilton. Ont. MOST MILES PER DOLLAR tr ti.„ Firestone Builds the Only Euro -Dipped Tires the' -house. The puzzle Is what to' give him to; set him right quickly. It is to meet such' emergencies that Baby's Own Tablets were designed. These pleasant little Tablets . quickly reduce fever break hp colds, relieve constipation and indigestion and a% the hot weather applications. In this ness tlisapyeared and there has been and lay teething pains. Thye quiet the way the greatest good is accomplished no return of the trouble. Dr. Wil- l fourth of an Inch, nerves and promote restful health - with the Yeast risk of disfiguring the limns' Pink Pills have also been of I "By patient research, M. Touvelot restoring sleep. They are .guaran- frill( great benefit to my children. One of has learned not only the habits of teed absolutely harmless and safe Many cherry growers still prefer my boys wa0 threatened 'with St. this destructive nsecttobut that it teaticidiss for even the youngest and most deli- BordeauxNothing to dilute lime -sulphur,. Vitus dance. His limbs and face particularly se neitige ate baby.. Nothing hair -ever been found that would twitch and jerk. I gave him, containing 'nicotine. He, therefore, Baby's" Own Tablets are sold by j equals Bordeaux as a potato ,spray. pi ls, g ecommends treatment -with a soh], medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' .111 the garden there are litany uses for Bordeaux. It makes' an excellent spray for- tomatoes,. melons, beans, eggplants and other crops, acting bath as a fungicide and as e,mild repellent for some insects. After some experiments we worked out a simple plan of making Bordeaux. . A stock solution is prepared by dis- solving copper sulphate at the rate of one pound to the gallon. Our stock tanks hold. about 300 gallons, but a tight barrel would serve just as well for smaller quantities: The copper sulphate Is a hard blue vtiate a resistance that will keep you crystal and does not dissolve readily.' well and strong. You can get these pills" from any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr.. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- viile, Ont. the lime -sulphur is inclined to burn The pain- in my right arm and should- and, fruit. - l er was so bad that I could not dress both foliage As a result of these conditions most myself without help. Again I resort - apples growers use the lime -sulphur ed to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and solution for the early apple sprays again they proved a blessing to me, d then change over to B'or'deaux for as soon the rheumatic pains and stiff - an Deported direct from the , Ori.; in metal' lined. -chests., 131ertd and packed into 1 ib., % b.* gib. bright Aitiminum packages. RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE b extra : 00 A N E! BUG Classified lassified Advextisenne Pear Grit Now Proved to be an 13A4 Cfrnoreat'aVn8Rn1=Ge m 8 delivery anywhere, fns IIclbrooh. Bradford. Insect—French Entoniolo- ---n 1 Barin afEAtonIAT nOerITAI.,.. gist Explains T LONDON Cojmac111ut, Were a ES n cue n n b the young leaves in the buds no vie- the required vrtliminary eduentl0n who aro de. off 1 la,hw1ion, d, 1u0i 2 11 '" nthe,a0611 "These larvae feed up the sap-pf in'Modieine dna Peaiair11 to yotwp wamea o1 becoming nursdr, '0(51000, 10 tral " r able injury, however, being caused by o 09000' 8110108.0 fur un110000, hooka dna this. Bit' as soon ad\the blossoms i lmro54 tualeenlaln,- have formed, the • larvae' attack the E YOB tEQUI1EUNIT a8T x000;10 o0 newly eat fruit,. ' perforating it and a, wrltu for malaise and price hat- 'sere eanitan nubhor Works; pep(. WL, 01-e1' beading• upon the juices. street Montreal. "By the month of June they have •rvetnael"rx 08 raiGnlsrivervrim _ _ aid nesabio 00001111 Nurse h texclusively;b ld iY�tabnshed DO years) tt.'ew ane sOMln1 rtncs adult stage and disappears: At first'j T 108(01 s!luu partloulara 00000 m 1 0'. ti the fruits which bave been pricked, exhibit, wherever the puncture has AGnNTs To mt'enonecrl our Imiirmen nu occurred, pustules ' having raised denume enumeration sellsClothing oit1 full experience LI0e. � . edges with 'white granulations in the � Young, 200 nay pt., Toronto, centre. In this manner there are in�covo ronmla' C> 1EnnexloN-ktet formed little 1piautls of hardened tis- sso her gar saltine nnmmobae .10001 s sue, at whose level and immediate Flag noisier lath 000 nope. Agenu, Garages, sto kec0Ors, 0t,., send for «00111 r and whOloaal0 neighborhood the pulp undergoes est - s pro pbmpald rad. r5blko Flag co„ scarcely perceptible growth, although Queen weer, Torooto. grows •very rapidly all around them. 1 the youngs oo a y m s July. the Calocoris has -reached the Genera enluslre territory, mgheet conn edoni knndeome .free ouNE: „Experience not neem it Little by little those islets appear to be burying themselves within the fruit, though in reality it is the flesh of the fruit which grows and 'surd rounds them. They begin to exhibit the aspect of little cupules whose cavity grows deeper day by day. At! maturity a punctured fruit will have from three to ten of these pits within which are heaped little stony nodules, rvfh a diameter of about one- the1 and again tbey did not fail, as under the treatment the trouble ceased; I have also given the pills medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The difference. between the, impos- • - sible and the possible merely consists in knowing how. "A picture," ,pays a Chinese pro- verb, "is worth a thousand words." How fast we've been "talked" at since the advent of the movies. ''—_--- The Hudson Bay Railway Ottawa Droit (Ind. Lib.): As'things go on, the more clearly to bmore does the , eonBayRailway app than a beautiful dream, but in any case just a dream. The awakening is likely to be more brutal than is gen- erally expected. 1"or a port which cannot be of use for more than three months in twelve, which can only re calve, owing to cliamtic conditions, the grain of the preceding year, without handling the harvest of the current year; which is practically' useless for the export of cattle, an active 'indus- try only (,after summer is over, in the early autunm—a, port which has such adverse conditions to contend with is Certainly .not .assured of success. The Pioneers of 'Canada Quebec Action Catholique Nobody will deny that it is the'French race which has been the pioneer race of the North American Continent. From the Atlantic to the Rockies, from Hudson Bay to the Gulf of Mex iced it has'radiated in every way, and ane does not have to dig down too. deep to find its footsteps. Nor do we have to search very long to find traces of its influence. Better still, one has only to traverse the country to find its deseendlants... find everywhere one will find them just as they are at home with all the characteristics of the race of pioneers to which they belong, Campers -Take Minard's with you. Alfalfa can be grown over the wid- est range of climatic conditions of any legume yet grown in Canada.. It is now being produced ' in every province .frolii the Atlantic to the Pacific/ Kill 69„ '101 040 i gt ` r;s a, KiltsFlies e osq .toes R.t'',:fi'ccs•ugsilleas Nugget White Dressing is a real "sticker." • The longest, ,fastest set can't shako off its snowy whiteness. Whether your • shoes be canvas or buck, alwaye use "Nugget" Mare's a"Nugget" shade for ovary shoo mode. it 29 �s r , A Kind of Musician. "Why do you call her a kind of musician? tion of soap and mcotin, sprayed up- on the budding leaves and the newly to my little girl, who WAS anaemic, Bet fruit. and In this case also With the great- In experiments in •1920, four appli- est benefit. Naturally when I hear cations were made in April and May, anyone complaining of not feeling to lots of from 10 to 100 trees, The well I recommend Dr. Williams' Pink liquid WAN sprayed plentifully so as Pills as I know of no other medicine to thoroughly moisten not only , the to equal them in building ,up the young sofit but the old blood and restoring health." yous them. , Take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for "The results were quite interesting. anaemia, rheumatism, indigestion, The lots treated on April 22 and May neuralgia and other nervous troubles. 2 produced 50 per cent. of uninjured Take them as a tonic if you are not in fruit, while the control trees, sprayed yL the best physical condition, and cul• at the same time, had hardly 10 per ceht. The lots treated on April 15 and May 13 gave mediocre results,' the first, date being somewhat too early, and the latter too late.—Le Gor-' respondent, Paris. Mlnard's Liniment for Insect bites. No, Charles, it is not correct to scribe yourself as, a grass widower cause your wife has hay fever. or. Minard's Liniment is reliable. The Yorkshire vicar who also tie as organist and oatretaker will have mind his keys and pews. p� RFI EF EQOE �g1�i SENTonREQUES lells cause of cancer and what to d for pilin, bleeding, odor, etc. Write fo It to -day, mentioning this paper. Ad dress Indianapolis Cancer Hospital Indianapolis, Ind. However, the process can be speeded up by placing the copper in an old gun- ny sack— use several of them if you hare a large tank—and then hanging this sack In the water near the lap, or the tank. Fifty pounds of copper sulphate will dissolve in a• barrel of water in about twelve hours if it is treated'in this way. Well -Tested Formulas The stock solution will keep inde- finitely, and when we are ready to "Oh,- she's always fiddling 'with make all a spray tank full of Bordeaux we fill it nearly full of water. To this something about her dress." water we addthe proper number of ; pounds of hydrated lime andstartthe engin•e on the spraying outfit, With Swarming Bees the engine renning, the water and lime A swarm is emergiligi The bees are thoroughly nixed by the Mechan- are affected with a temporary ebulli- seal agitator, . tion; they pour from their hive pe11- i After the lime Is thoroughly mixed moll and soon the air is filled with we add the correct number of gallons seething,buzzing horde which of stock solution. each gallon of which a represents one.pound of copper mil - of to impart t0 Its owner some phate. 'Ike engi n 1 on of the outfit ]s of its own joyous excitement. This 'kept running all the time. In this is the bees' method0 f increasing the race. g•aytbe copper is almost instantly mix- She—"t wonder beau the water Early in the spring the queen tom- ed with the dilute lime, solution and would be at this time of the year?" mentos: to lay eggs that develop into a very perfect Bordeaux mixture re- He—"I guess it would be all wet." worker bees only. Later, as the col- sulfa, ony becomes stronger the weather . 1 have ties o idedpee tiio thg the ecited Uet warmer mid new, nectar is available, n Treaty Mooted for France and drones (or male bees) are produced, . cause they vary according to. the crop reater strength is on which the material is to be used. I attained and nectar' becomes abund-i, For apples the usual mixture is Lmrdon."I should like to see the' ant, eggs are deposited in queen cells known As the 4.4-sb formula. This formation of a treaty of commerce and preparations for swarming are 'means that four pounds of copper and between England and France," said begun. Usually less brood is produced four of lime are used for each fifty M. ds Fieriau, French Ambassador and the, activity of the colony is re gallons of solution. Tin Britain, ata Chamber of Commerce ' doted as the young queens are de-. On stone frbits a 3.3.50 or oven a dinner in London. The chief ob- veloping in their cells. Nine days 2-2-50 formula is preferl•et, owing to staoies to Angio -French trade, ho from the time the; eggs were deposit- the greater tenderness of the sums- added, were differences in the fiscal ed. in the queen the, the larvae are fruit foliage: For the dual garden systems of the two nations. In other ready to be capped over and if the sprays th 4-4-50 fomula is usually' all Words, the crux of the situation js1 Weather be bright and warm and nec- that ie required, although some grow- that, while Britain wants free trade tar. plentiful at this time, the old ars go as high as 6-6-60 fpr a few crops. to resines the cost of malting the goods queen, with the majority of the field There is just ono more thing about 1° retinrks, France clings to a tariff bees, will then leave the hive to es- Bordeaux that every grower ought- to• in ardor to retain the home market tablish' a hew, home elsewhere. 711 remember. It is the archenemy of its goods." the old home are left a. fe10 fielders, from (-" Sir Philip Cunliffe -Lister, president the nurse bees and the brood with Consequently in buying any spray o the British ^Beard' of Tracie, who young queens still in -their culls. machine; regardless of size, see that responded, brought this but when he Sometimes the swarm will fly direct the working parts are of brass or reti,d:. "If it be the desire of France to its new home but more often it bronze; and after using Bordeaux mss- to make the proportion a little fairer clusters `fol' some time on -a nearby ' tare besure to wash out: the tank and betwbon .the two countries, you will object, thus affording the owner an 1 the pump• find me very ready to db business with opportunity to rehive 1t. Natural' For garden use only the small brass. you; In the year 192b; however, while hwarming was once considered deals- tank spraying should be used. A light we ,pant to France aver £31,000,000 able but modern beekeepers, seek to galvanized iron tank will cost les's but worth of manufactured goads, trance prevent it because it usually occurs it will stand about 080 trip through sent us £50,009;000 worth; an•d of that when toast desired and thereby re- duces the -honey crop. Moreover, ill` i the other hand wild cost about double, any kind.'+ crease can be made just as cfiteleetly, but it'will last for yeaxs.. I yet late)., as g England, .. The man who cannot lose grace- fully never wino gloriously. The Harl•.,-Davidson Single Cylinder Motorcycle Is the greatest little ma- chine that has been made. Safe to ride, easy to control, and most econ- omical. Stands without a rival. 100 Miles to Gallon of ,Gasoline. Price $300. Down Payment $100, Balance $22 per month, Walter Andrews, Limited, ,346 Yo,nge St., Toronto, Ont. by Steamer (iOME t Cruise down the blue Bt. Lawrence to this quaint old city. Visit the battle- grounds where Canadian His- tory was made. See this unique city where the old world mingles with the new. Quebec forma Nat'ono of the many colorful sights found en the NIAGARA - TO -THE -SEA cruise which Includes the 1000 Iolanda-the Rapids of the St, Lawrence—Montreal-Quaboc and the Bar-famod Saguenay. C or booklets, rates and full information apply CANADA STLTDEAMSHIP LINES 6 YVtoriatSry reet, ., ,, Montreal or 9 CA N A STEAMSHIP LINES Cutacura Loveliness A Clear 4\ Healthy Shin [mused by Every -dab Cat of Cutieura Soma with less labor and at a more oppol tune time by the beekeeper himself. Write to the . Bee Division, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, for fur- ther information on Swarm Control, and Increase. e ' If sometimes the tea you are using does not taste as good as it used to -just see what kind of a •package it is in. If it is in paper that is probab- ly the reason. No chances are taken with Red Rose. It is packed in clean, bright Alumia um. • . to Camels Once Roamed Over America Camels • are commonly 'understood: to belong exclusively to the 010 World. It was: not always SO,•howevar, as a /specimen recently acquired by care ada'a National Museum at Ottawa' amply demonstrates. This is the los - allied frame a a camel which a few I million • years ago roamed over the western pains of North America' which were then dry. This curious I, spec: q n has been placed on exhibi- tion in the Hall; of Palaeontology. Minerd's has been e household remedy f o i'' generations. Doctors recommend it, You see it everywhere - the pearly gray enameled ware that spells long service and real, old-fashioned satisfaction. ;This splendid kitchen ware' SMP Pearl Enameled Waret, defies wear and tear and. its surface, like all SMP Bnameletl Ware, is so china -smooth and clean it harborsno taints or impurities. f You need no steel wool or special cleansers to keep 'Sj 4P Pearl Wele. sparkling clean. Soap and hot water do the tack lit a jiffy. Made int every new bandy shape and size, by an old established Canadian in, dustry, THE SHEET MBrtL 0000t7CTS CO, °‚ MONT161101. TOAOr7Te virmelrrlc 001140NTON. VAS/COW/am 001.5ARY EXPECTANT P ! OT ERS Read Mrs. Menard's Letter. Her Experience May Help Chatham, Ontario.- "I want to tell - you how much good your medicine has done me. Be- fore my, baby came I felt so Weak and run- down that I could hardly do my work. My head ached continually, and I was so dis couecouldcragedy thatfs'QmI morningtillnigght. I' had angther babyjustoaeyear and�daa half old and it gave me a lot da.. So I thought I would try Lyd g � L. Pihltham a Vegetable Compoun, as I had read so much about it m the little books. I found a difference right away as my head was relieved and my tired feelings gone. Mysister bad been doing my washing and she continued doing it,as she said it might set me back if I started to do it again. It sure did help me and I had taken just two bottles when my baby' came. He is a fine big boy, now nearly fivemouths old: I ala taking your medicine again and I am able to do my work all bymyself new. I always recommend te Vegetable Compoundto women, and especially to expectant mothers, as I believe they need help at these times.' -- Mrs. OLIVER MiaNAI.il, 24 Harvey Std Chatham, Ontario, IS01US No:,