HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-06-23, Page 9NTON'S LEADING JEWELER'Y STORE TUE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD TRURSDAY, JTTN1ff23, n27: Graduation Graduation time will soon be here, and we have already antici- %,9l p1Ledthe annual demand Cor tok- ens of jewelry that will express_ most appropriately sincere con-.... graiailations and encouragement for "future years. . An early selection will assure you or a wide choice.', Ae ahvaye, Quality- and Beauty and Reason able•; Prices, Don't forget to see our display of polished Brass, the ''best ever - shown, " In prices ranging from 35c. up to $10.00. lo. N'e JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry ' Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey's Drug Store mine ma. dads Suits at X10.98 These suits -were not made to sell at this price, but are .priced for quiolc sale. They are neat patterns of a good serviceable tweed, made in a staple, 3 -button style, well tailored and trimmed and will give satisfac- tion—. Men's Suits with Extra Trousers at a special price of $17.95. A real bai'- Let Prices on all lines ii£ Men's and Boys' Clotihng lurnsteel Bros, U11 There is -a Difference Try our fine Teas and Coffee THE C. & S. GROCERS Buy Goods at Your Own Price The quickest way known to us to clear out odds and ends of stock is. to have no tllought of profit and ,to make the price ,just ,what our friends are disposed to pay. • The price indi- cates what the goodsand the store space they. use are worth to us only, i � the articles ay be worth t t i n ch more to you. Our method is one we have used before with advantage to our- selves in clearing . out the goods but with much greater advantage to our customers as to price. Some call it an auction sale, up side down,/others a• left-handed auction sale. The goods are assembled in our .north. window 'andup to Saturday, the. 25th, the price will. be $1:25 for your. choice. On Monday the 27th, your choice for $1.15 and the reduction in price will continue until one cent is reached. The gpods must go and the question for you to decide is—Do you want any of the articles displayed and what price do you want to pay? -The original price of seine of the pieces was $2.50, el 5, Rogers Laquer Domenstration Friday, June 24th How many times have you put up with a worn, shabby floor be- cause you dreaded the "mess" of painting? And how many times have you; window-shopped with hungry eyes, wishing that ypu might find courage to'do over some of the furniture at hone in the new vogue?.. • Rogers Brushing Lacquer will do these things for you because it "Dries While You W.ai' It means that you can /1019. Lacquer'the floor and! in less than an hour, move the rugs and furniture hack into place onto a hard, lustrous, durable and handsome floor. Lacquer the table, prepare the meal aid serve it on the new finish. Put the kiddies to.bd for their afternoon nap, Lacquer their toys and they will be ready when the children awake, brilliant, sanitary and enjoyable all over again. Lacquer the stairway, read the evening paper and walk up over the new finish when you're ready to go to bed. • In fact you can Lacquer everything about the house except the baby and the cooking utensils! SOUVENIRS GIVEN WITH EACH .PURCHASE Children's Toys and Ladies' Shoes Refinished. Also : Free Pair of Candle Sticks given with _each 50c purchase. We have a few second hand Electric, Water -power and Hand Washing Machines Slitter Et Perdue pLUMBINQ _-'HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING PHONE 147w a We Serve and Satisfy" Picnic Time is Here Thepicnic lunch is .most enjoyable when you have ..good things to eat, easy to pack, not mussy, easy to handle and withal appetizing and satisfying. Sandwich Spread . 40c Cheese Chips, per pkg. • 20e Olive Butter . .. . 40c Sodas, .per pkg. Canned Salmon ,... 35c to 50e Cream' Cheese, per pkg. . 15c Peanut Butter, per lb. 25c Kraft Cheese, per jar ... 25c SPECIAL FOR THE WEEK -END_ 10 lb. Pail Lard. $1.50 Corn Flakes, 3 for 29e Matches, 3 for _ .. .,25.c Oranges, per, dozen 29c Jelly Powders, 4 for 25c' Shortening, 3 lb. pail 50c Rice, 3 lbs. for 25g P. & G. Soap, 10, bars for 500 LETTUCE -TOMA'T'OES -NEW POTATOES—BERRIES L Lawson fi Co., PROMPT DELIVERY JHONE 111, • F e W. D. Fair co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Pt ,,i IIIMii it col Mrs. Mary. McIntyre of Toronto is in town this week, Miss A. L. Stone of Essex was in town over the week -end. Mrs, J. Wiseman is visiting her moth- er and other friends in St. Marys. Miss Marjorie Beaton of Toronto is spending a holiday at her home in ";Sown, Miss Emma Doan of.Buffalo,is spend- ing the vacation time. at her home in town. Mr. and Mrs. 3. G. Medd agent Sun- day with the former's brother near Listowel. Miss Ruth McMath of W,`oodville has returned home for the summer va- cation time. Misses Clement and Sheppard of God erich called on Clintpn'friends on Friday afternoon. Mrs. A. J. McMurray of Harriston has. been visiting her sisters in town the past week. 'Vfiss Grace Akam and Mrs. Marion McEachern of Detroit have been visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Akam: Mr, and Mrs. " W. Brydone left this morning' for Montreal and will sail tomorrow for a six weeks' trip to Europe. W. and Mrs. R. B. Carter, Miss Eva Carter and Mr. H. Joyner motored to Kitchener and spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mead. !Jr. Harold Turner, local customs officer, returned on Tuesday from a pleasant holiday trip to Ottawa. He made the trip by motor and thoroughly enjoyed it, ` W. and Mrs. James Scott left yester- day for Montreal and sail today from Montreal for a trip to Eng- land and Scotland,- They will be absent six weeks or so. Mrs. Fairfull, wife of Capt. J. X. Fairfull, superintendent of the In- dustrial Farm, Burwash, visited with Mrs. A. J. M3rrish and called on other old friends in town this week. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Morrison and Miss Violet and Miss Kate Parke motored to Beamsville to spend the week -end. On their return journey they spent a..day at the O.A.C., Guelph. Mr. G. E. nail of the News -Record left yesterday morning • for Toron- to and -in the evening joined the party of weekly newspaper men who left by special train for Big - win Inn, Muskoka, where the an- nual convention is in progress this week. • ' Miss Minnie Falk of Baden and Miss Loretta Neibergall of Butte, Mon., leave, been visiting • their aunt, Mrs. Akani. This was Miss 'Neibergall's first visit to Canada and she was highly pleased with what she saw of the. country. She visited at sev- eral points in Ontario. Mr. Malcolm MaeBeth, editor of the Milverton Sun, was in town on Friday last, being one of the speak- ers at the Huron County Trustees' and Ratepayers' convention. Mr. MaeBeth is president of the urban section of the Provincial organiza- tion. Mrs. MaeBeth and a sister, who is visiting them from Regina, accompanied him for the drive. Mr. and Mrs. G. McBriei and faii- ily of Detroit were in town on Tues - clay calling on friends and relatives. They motored over, bringing Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McBrien of Hullett, who had gone overon Om Grey- hound for a little visit in the City of the Straits. Mr. and Mrs, Mc- Brien gave The News -Record a lit- tle call, to renew a subscription and for old sake's sake, Mr. McBrien having learned' the printing trade in The New Era office years ago. He is now an operator with the Direc- tory' Printing Co., Detroit. From England-. We are introducing New Ocean Shaker Salt - Ver y Distinctly' Ocean Flavor—Beautiful Quality It is Gerebos Salt and sells' at 15e or 2 for 25c t Also From Englancl We have a new Chutney Crosse and Blackwell Pickle at 35c Also C. & B, Distilled Vinegar and Sandwich Paste 'at 25e and 30c For the People Who Conte From Ireland Vie have New Irish ,Potatoes at 3 lb.,for 25c. 'Then we have Green Cucumbers at 15c, 0 2 for 25c Green Cabbage Green Asparagus Green Lettuce and lots of other green things. From Cuba PURE CANE SUGAR 100 Ib. Sack Redpath's ., . "37.10 100 lb. Sack Dominion : 7.0.0. 10 lb. Redpath's Sugar .......,.,. 72c 10. Ib. Dominion Sugar 72c 2 lbs. Icing ,Sugar29e 2. lbs. Fruit Sugar . 29c LoafSugar, per pkg. ..... ..... ......,: 25c 25c List -"or Canadians 2 ib, Prunes for .. , -- 25e 2 ib. Dates for 25c 2 cans Peas ..:... 26c' Jelly Powders, 4 for 25c 2 cans Ton atoe 2be' Sala large, ca 25c II. A. Cheese 25c Breakfast Food .............. 25c Catsup, per bottle :.. 25c Aylmer Soups, 2 ,for . , •. , .....: '25c Pork and Beans, 2 for ' 25c Rice; 3 lbs, for 25e Fancy Biscuits, per lb._ 25c Fresh Salmon Trout Tuesdays and Fridays Mammy's Bread anfl Fancy Brown Bread , Special Jubilee Maple Leaf Cookies, per lb. 35c Watch for Our Jubilee List Next Week • 10 bars P. & G. Soap 45c' 'SEEK -END SPECIALS. 5 Ib. pail. Syrup 38c 2 pkgs. Corn Starch 19c 20 lb. pail Lard $3,20, 5 lb.. pail Lard 89e' In the Morning:First Delivery 9 a.m. • In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m.: Kindly Order Early •�h y'llle sh and ell Service VV. 48 Where " Sells for less" price prevails. 40/0 IfiVAOMPIOVMMIMIAAtNAN '91PANIAM AM s 1-, Building Beauty and Comfort into the Home BEAUTY and Comfort are demanded by men.and women seeking a per- manent home. Theirdemand rutty be satisfied by, using more and better woodwork, for well dsigned carefully planned -woodwork has an irresistable appeal.• We can supply you with stairs, mantels, book cases, china cupboards,,' kitchen cabinets, breakfast•nooks and other' built-in furniture, in short wood- work that adds beauty and comfort to the home. 'mo•. BUILDING MA'FER•IAtS OF ALL KINDS :Gyproc,°Lime, Door and windoly frames, doors and windows, verandah mat- ',erials, Hardwood flooring, Shingles. Thom:' McKenzie Estate, Clinton LUMBER AND HIGH GRADE MILLWORK • PHONE 88 STRAWBERRIES • Get your, order in early this' year and do riot be disappointed My Berries are bigger' and better than ever. Quality is Excellent. supply for Garden Parties or Lawn Socials. A FULL BOX FOR YOUR MONEY F. W. ANDREWS CLINTON Can PHONE 33-w 15. LOOK FOR THE COMET. If you can get out to an open space and the eveningis clear you may be able to see the Pons-Winnecke comet on Sunday evening. which Prof. Chant - of Toronto states wM be rnearest It the earth on Sunday, June not very bright buk if the sky is clear it may be discerned. -It is in the constellation Lyra, in the north east- ern. sky. BIBLE SOCIETY .EXECUTIVE BEGINS WIORK. A meeting of the executive of the Bible Society was held on Thursday evening at the hoine of Mr. Vodden. It was decided, : to, proceed with the annual canvass as soon as possible with a view of hating this work corn= pleted if possible by the end of July. The territory was divided' into sec- tions with each of the local congre- gations responsible for one section and subscription -books: were issued to the representatives. Londesb®re Brucefield. Mr. W. C. Landesborough of Port Credit attended the funeral of his brother-in-law, Mr. George Stanbury of Clinton, and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James McQueen and other. friends Last week. Mr. and Mrs. 3. Rattenbury and family of Burlington and W. Robt. Marks of Kansas .were the guests of Mr. - and Mrs. W?m. Rattenbury this week. ' ,Mr. Robt, Hotham's many friends were glad to see him back to his hone in Brucefield 'after his recent illness. A most interesting meeting of the W. M. S. was held Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Hutton presiding.. After the opening hymn and 'Scripture reading, Mrs., Hutton led in prayer. The. leaflet, "Importance of Individual Prayer Life," was read by Mrs. Vedder'. A. very' interesting paper on "Prayer" was: given by Miss Belle Scott.- The mission study was taken by: Mrs. Beattie, Jean Hamilton and Mb's. Har- vey, giving a cleaner vision of India and her needs: The meeting was largely `.attended, several visitors were welcomed. -At the conclusion of the meeting lunch was served. Miss Mary';Cartwright visited with friends at Trowbridge on Sunday. Mr. Palmer, Mr. Coates and Mr. Bentham of Waikerville were visitors in the village over the week -end. Mr. Harold Johnston of London is visiting' his ,pother, Mrs. Fred John- ston. Miss Susie Sampson of Palmerston is _,visiting friends in this community. 1Vfiss Blanche Snell is nvisiting Miss Mary, Knox, Orono. Miss Alvetta Brigham of St. Thom es is home for the summer vacation. COAL Coal of all kinds always,. on hand for immediate delivery. Also a gnantity of dry Maple Wood Prices reasonableand same' to all W. J. MILLER & SON orders taken at residence,.' Phone 46 PREPARE FOR YOUR SUMMER GUESTS' this year by getting that new Bath room outfit you've -been talking about for years, but have just been putting it off. Come in to -morrow and see our display. We will give you a "good price" and a "good job." We also do any kind of plumbing and repairing Give us a chance before you decide f' s • HARDWARE and PLUMBING. Phone 244 Furnishing That New Horse Will be easily accomplished by paying ;us a visit as we halve the stock to satisfy the most critical customer, and our prices are sure to please. •. • We would especially draw your attention to our new Chesterfield Suites and that new irresistable Fibre Furniture, It is making a big hit because it is so good looking, strong and comfortable. Our stock of Kitchen, Dining Room, Living Room,' Bedroom and Verandah furniture is quite complete so you will have no trouble making your selections. ALL WE WANT IS A CHANCE TO PROVE IT IN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We have a splendid. new stock of New Perfection and the High Speed Lorrain Coal, Oil Stoves and Heats and Cooking Utensils of all kinds. ' x THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTOES ' MONUMENT DEALERS Faraitnre Phone• 104. Hardware 195 Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co STAN THEATRE iLl it, -- Monday-Tuesday—WednesdayJune 27, 28, 29 Norma Shearer in a new hit The Waning Sex Norma Shearer plays a new type of role in her Newest .Picture ADMISSION -25c and 150 Special for Thursday, Friday and Saturday—June 30 and July 1 and 2 Beverly of Qraustark Antonio Moreno and Marion Davis in a spectacular• romance of flashing swords and flaming hearts ADMISSION—•35c and 26c SPECIAL MATINEE—Friday, July 1 at 2:30 -Admission 25c and 15c To celebrate the Sixtieth Anniversary of Canada's Confederation we are giving, Complimentary Tickets to veterans :of the Great War on June 3(1, July 1 and 2. Any veteran who has not received his ticket can get one by applying at the theatre, s Eggs Eggs Bring us yourEggs E s While Fresh We invite customers to visit our candling and grading room to see grading properly done. We Pay Spot Cash Now is the time to market yonr fat broody hens and old roosters _ nited Gunn, ai lop�� Co.,9 L HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL, QUE. For further information' apply to CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON, ONTARIO PHONE 190 it `1�:- W: 1