HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-06-23, Page 3GIt1'' Toronto :. 110oplIttl ler 1n 1rmltr, 10
erplln n Otic Eiunbuun 11111r 411101 H p9t"0,.
NOW York 6ity, 5 1s tl e Y 0e 000r,01
or 7ral inn t ynong e 'i ha Ice tin
r,alr:ed rolgoittlon, and dorlronto ut 00000110g
nor 009. TI.11 Hotolt01 hot lolootot1 Rho 9@111.•
• hour system, Tho ,, pllr rtoolvo oratorios n9'
the Guhool, 01100,00001 o tiav0l.
Ing e40011 en t0 and inn How York. ror
feeler Inlarmetion w1lto the I eanollntlnlleIt
Some time ago an official of the
A.A.U. interviewed a number of na-
tionally known safety experts, lead-
1ng,,traffic engineers, famous racing
drivers, traffic officers of long . ex-
perience, psychologists and ordina)y,
drivers in order to try to determine
the standards by which a driver could
pleasure his o'ovn competency and effn
eiency. Character qualities are inex-
tricably woven into the six essentials -
of a good driver which were brought.
out by those interviews. They are:
1. Tho good driver has a high 'de-
`gree'of self-control at all times, this
control' manifesting itself in various
2. Thegood driver always main-
tains his car in such shape that it
responds easily and quickly, thus as-
suring control of the car so far as the
purely mechanical equation is con-
5. The good driver regulates his
speed in accord with the conditions of
the road over which he is traveling,
and never travelsat such :a rate that
he can not stop it within` the "clear
course" ahead.
4. The good driver invariably exer-
sises due regard or the rights of
others and 'always applies the simple
axioms of courteous behavior..
5. The good driver accepts the safe-
ty of the pedestrian as a primary con-
6, Tho good driver keeps his mind
on he road athead, as day -dreaming
or chattering at the wheel causes
many more accidents than are caused
by stings of bees.
"I do not think that there is a
singlephase of ,modern life which
gives a person such frequent or ex-
cellent opportunities fox . exercising
self-control as driving a motorcar."
Mr. Jordan continued. "The tendency
and, sometimes, the active desire is
to show he other fellow what he ought
to be made to do, and sometimes to
force him to do it. Someone has said
that the speeder is a person who
wants to get there and has nothing
to do when he arrives, and that is the
most admirable way of characterizing
him that T can think of.
"There are two factors which aster
into the speeder's disregard of the
rules of the road—his lack of self-
control and his love of a thrill. More
than 990 per cent. of the speeding is
due not so much to the drivel's need
for getting somewhere,„gt a certain
time as to his human qualities •4r
DEH qq{tt Pva
Spear Throwing by Aborigin-
als in Beaudesert Amuses
Brisbane, Queensl,—No more .dis-
tinctively Australian scene was wit-
, nessed' by the Duke and Duchess of
Ydrk during their recently concluded
tour, of the Continent than the bush -
man's carnival and native corroboree
at Beaudesert, Queensl. The royal
Car was escorted by a detachment of
mounted troops from the wayside rail-
way station to the field, where a troop
of 50 stalwart mounted bushmen fn fo
blue shirts and slouched hats gave,a
remarkable exhibition' of bareback ar
riding and cattle drafting.
Afterward a number of aboriginals tic
The peculiar religious ideas of
somepeople are almost: as bad as not
having any religion at all.
Some Do.
Vacation time will soon he here,
And you have cause to thank
Your lucky stars and things, my'dea
For, money in the bank.
His' own+ yacation having flew,
For what shall he who slpgs
This second. verse be thankful'to'
Hie lucky Stars—and things!
Such caro and worry money brings,
Be .glad that itis spent;
And thank your lucky stars and thinge
That you, my, dear•, have went.
Now our vacation's came and, went,
'We're settled for another year,
For all our money has been spent
And Mollie Is again back here,
Keep Him "Well With the: AiII of
.Baby's Owes Tablets. •
No ,matter 111100 1trong and rosy
your child may be he 1 equlrea a lax,-
t9 e sometimes so that the stomach
1003' bo kept sheet and the system.
t iOan.
Formerly the laxative lineal eines
given to children wort, disagreeable
190877rotor, 011,`60iiva tea, powders
and son on. But now ]3aby's Own Tab -
easily admiinlstered_au<1 pleasant
to take, 'have superseeled those. '1'11e
children lint Baby's Own Tablets.
Not only as a Iaxdtivo but in many
other ways these Tablets are an ideal
remedy for ,little- 01106, They giddily l
reduce feverishness, relieve iladigost-
tion; colic and vomiting',: prevent con-
stipation, check diarrhoea, allay teeth-
ing pains and promote Healthful,
natural sleep.
'You can get Baby's Own Tablets at
any dealer in medicine orat.25 cents
a box from The Dr. 'WI/Heins' Medi-
cine Co., Brookville, Ont.
The End of the German
to Monarchy.
Frankfort Zeitung: (The German.
Republican Deeenoe Act, by which the
German Government may tarts meas-.
its to prevent the reete3rn of the. ex-
Iiaieer, has became law.) Side by side
with the 9th November, 1918, and the
ilii August, .1918, the 17th. May, 1927,
will remain memorable in the history
of the decline of the Monarchist Con-
stitution in Germany.: Oh the first of.
these dates the monarchy gave itself
up by means of abdication. On the
fecund it was legally abolished by the
Natlofea1 Assembly.. On the third It
wan tinsldly and feebly -surrendered by
tree old Pruselan Monarohislt party it-
self, , .. Be who has eyes, to see can
atter this day no longer believe that e,
return of the manarnhy ifepossilrle in
' 'Soma folks can't 'Work before tank-
Ing a vocation for thinking about it
and afterwards for talking about it-`
A teacher asked the class with
what weapon Samson slew tho Phil-
istines.' He got no'ropiy,
"What is this?" he asked, pointing
to his jawbone.
"The jawbone eff an asst" was -the
prompt reply of a scholar.
Harrington—"have you a ,blank
Carrington—"No. I just used the
last one to overdraw my own ac-
In Hot Weather.
The soldier boy sticks to his guns
through• -the fray,
The suoemaker sticks to his last,
The Laborer sticks to his job till it's
• done,
The sailor boy sticks to the mast.
The singer—hs sticks to the songs he
can sing,
The hoofer he sticks to the dance,
But the man in the office can't do
any work, a •
So he just sits 'and sticks to his
Civilization is improving. It Is no
longer thought necessary to try to
teach every Iittle boy and girl to play
the piano.
Lot's wife has nothing much on
Mrs. Dave I{ick. The formdr looked.
back and turned into a pillar of salt;
Mrs. Dave looked back and turned in-
to a telephone pole.
When she goes ottt with her young
Man and eats a large dinner and then
a supper after the show they call her
a stuffed date.
Boy to Storokeeper-"Have you got
ur quarters for a one?"
'Storekeeper — "Yessir, here you
Boy• —"Thank your'
Storekeeper—"Hey, there, where's
from the Baarmbah settlement, fan-
tastically garbed and painted for the
occasion, rushed into the ring with
spears, boomerangs and woomeras
and began a • spear -throwing competi-
tion. The spears were thrown a great
height and quivering in the air, land-
ed point first in the ground around
one of the performers who constitut-
ed himself the target. The spears fell
in showers almost at his feet as he
moved away at various distances. The
boomerang -throwing was no less in-
teresting, and their•Roya1 Highnesses
-were amazed at the natives', skill.
After various other demonstrations
of agility and ingenuity; including
the native method of making fire by
rubbing sticks, the performers assem-
bled in front of the royal' stand, pre-
sented two boomerangs, a nulla nulla
and a wooinera to the royal visitors,
and sang a native 'song of farewell.
A true Australian touch was given
to the proceedings by an outburst oft
hearty laughter from a kookoo-burra,.
(laughing jackass) up in a neighbor -1
ing gum tree, which added much .to
the merriment of their Royal al Hi h-�
assess and the 12,000 spectators press
ent. •
As their Royal Highnesses boarded'
the train again they foundall the
stations" decorated along the "route.)
The; school children thronged the plat-
forms, and threw white roses into the
royal car as it passed. At Brisbane)
the royal^party was met by Williamlt
Lennon, T4eutenant-Governor of
Queensland, who accompanied then*
to Government House, se de
ase crowds liningthe" street.thr throughout o hell
t the
route: I
A doctor saysI a
lazy have no
Sense of humor. Be who laughs least' c
loafs longest.
e one?"
Boy -"I'm the one."
hers, 2 then Griot Britain, no one las
been more anxious to' encourage a gree
national spirit am•ghg the 0hhas'sc,
OUT statesmen have been patient en-
ough in all conecieece. They con-
tinued to ',pnet'thede faith' In promises
and to wait with dwindling lbope IS'e'
heir fulfilment. . When they have ,b'ee'n
smitten upon one 'cheep they have
turned tl.ie other to the miter only to
receive a resounding smack on that
leo as a'relward formtheia• meekness
lid icumility. Bitter experience scene
to teeth that the scrilpt:Mal-doebrine
annot ;be applied with satiefaotery rem
sults to the .followers of,0Cenfuctes,.
any and 'Austria.
Neues Tageblatt: , (The de-
pressed condition of Austria
le fur ing an imnpetue to the cam-
paignunion with Germany.- Paris
would well not to loose sight of the
fest thathere to an Austrain problem
and his problem is constantly' in-
creasingn imiportanoe through the
mise7 the working population and
the stillgreater misery of those wsiK
'ere unemployed. This is why, if Paris
looks' { disfavor On the movement
fors unionwith Germany,' she should
not co a herself to an inflexible'
negative,bolt "should sound the political
and ea mac sentiments which ire
in evil in Central Europe. We
(Austria)have been'advised to adopt
the re of a strlot economic union
with, theother countries remain deaf
to aSI proposals, In no meanwhile, we
cannot even exist•like human being's.
fain and China.
Hon PI'ess: 1No one has done
more to4st Cllina to re -habilitate
it is the selection of rich, western wheats -- the finest
grown ion .the prairies ; that gives extra flavour to bread and
buns, and extra richness to cakes and pies, made from
Seoid 30c to stamps for our 700 -recipe Purity Flour auk Book,
tropism Conseil Moor Mills Co Laideejt T seeey menses' Ottpwa, safer
The Fight Against Bolshevism.
Paris Tempe: Democratic countries
are solid in the straggle against Bdls-
heviem, the destroyer of all eivlliza-
tion. It is a question of life or death
for the western -world. Even the fact
that'the Soviets are talo S part in the
Economic Conference at Geneva, in
condltione which uniquely reveal their
preoccupation in finding credits which
will, permit them to continue their
dangereue• propaganda, could not
create new and easy illusions In this
respect. having failed in China, Mos-
cow is anxiously looking again to-
ward$ Europe, in order to resume on a
new basis her revolutionary efforts,
The Little Entente.
Prague Presse: The Little Entente
was originally formed for defensive
1p'uo'pos'ese• Subsequently It prooeeded
towards economic, as well as, political
collaboration between the three States
and this development has contributed
not a Tittle to tightening the bonds
which. unite the States. That Rou-
mania, Yugo -Stevie -and . Czecho-5lo-
evakia are ready to stand together In
the affairs. of Central Europe is an ob-
vious reeky and one that nothing
could affect in the future:
He—"Marry me. and I. a ue your
She—"For a week, maybe, then
you'd renumber that slavery's been
abolished;' ,
The captain saw a young recruit
trying to eoolt his breakfast with an
amateurish fire, so he showed him
how to make a quick -cooking fire,
"Look at the time you're wasting,"
he said, "When I`was In the }lima-
layee I, 'often had to hunt Ivy own
breakfast. I used to go about two
miles to the. jungle, shoot my food,
akin or pluck it, then cook and eat
it, and return to the camp under half
an hour," Then he added, "Of course
have heard of the Tiimalayas?"
Yes, sir,", replied the recruit, "and
also' of Ananias."A
No Rep,
"You've heard of Sally Twinkle,
haven't yen? The great movie star."
"Why no indeed,. T htbven't heard
of her. Has she ever : been' di.
vorced ?"
A colored agent was summoned be-
fore the. Insurance commissioner:
"Don't 'yob. know," said the commis.
stoner, "that you can't sell life Maur.
ance without a 1 State license?"
"Boss," said the colored man, "yol1
snail said . a mouthful, I knowed 'l
couldn't ,5011 it, but 1 didn't know the
reason Why."
Experiments of :snore than' 30.
years have proven that Alumi-
num is, the best container
for tea; and paper the poorest.
Red Rose Tea is now packed
only in Aluminum, and ,every
package is guaranteed 'to.be
n perfect, condition. b s
,fter tests we are
Vi ced Ala;f inum is the
beg container for 'teas
First Candy Hotel
An hotel within an hotel' was made
possible recently by John :Meyer,
pastry • chef of the Chateau Lake
Louise, who .produced the model of
thenew Canadian Pacific "Hotel Sas-
katchewan" •seen _above and which
was an unusual table ornament at the
banquet attending'. the opening Of the
new hotel at Regina by' President
Beatty in the presence of Lieutenant
Governor H. W. Newlands of Sas-
katchewan and other prominent per-
sons, on May 24. _ '
The model is made entirely of
sugar- and ,closely resembles the; new:
hotel that is regarded as one of the :
finest buildings in the west.
The chef found out that building
hotels, especially out of sugar, was, a i
bigger task than expected. Had it i
been a wedding cake to adorn the,
task for him would have been simple.
However he proved his versatllity in
sugar, moulding when he produced
the model above
1109(EV Wile %RE WEAK - TIMES . CHANGING �BJ�� ��iV67.
Gain New Vitality by Builds
• Up the Blood.
ng Needed: A New "Bag of
Tricks" for Business.
There are ,many women who pass
their days in a constant state of
weariness. They have barely sutll-
clent.energy to enable them to per-
form their manifold duties, Often
,they have an aching head, a miser-
able pain in the back, and limbs that
feel as heavy as lead, The whole
trouble Is due to bloodlessness. No
woman need suffer hi this way, It is
easy to obtain a supply of rich red
blood by taking Dr, Williams' Pink
Palle.. The new blood created, by
these pills rapidly builds up the sys-
tem; headaches and backaches dis-
appear, p energy P e
gY r oturne and theo
j y of
living is felt once more.
Proof of these statements la given
by Mrs, Ed.. Lenore, Stoney 1So1nt,
Ont., who says:—"For a long time 1
had been`in a very miserable condi-
tion, always feeling tired out, sleepy
and weak. The least work about the
house would leave me helpledsly'tired
and nothing that I did seemed to give
relief. Believeing that a rest might
do me good, we moved to town, but,
contrary to expectations, Instead of
getting better I was growing steadily
weaker. One day while talking to a
neighbor, she urged my taking Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills, telling vie that
her daughter had been In a condition
much like mine. This persuaded me
to try this medicine, and I have much
Treason to be grateful that I followed
her adlvice. After the use of a few
boxes of the pills, there could be no
doubt that they were helping me, and
as I continued their use my health
and strength came back and now I
am doing all my work and feeling
in the beat of health. For this splen
did condition I must give may -thanks
to Dr. WI1lfiitns' Pink Pills.
The pills are sold by all druggists,
or you can get them by mail at 50c
a box from The Dr. --Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Safety Notes from Quebec.
Points brought out at the recen
meeting of the Quebec Safety Leagu
are well worth publishing for the edi
fication of Ontario motorists,
A few of the many types of :law
infractions and violations of the law
of common sense which were brought
before the meeting, presided over by
Edward Quinn, were::
"Hogging the. -road," i.e., delving
slowly and' to the left of the -right side
of the road.
T'ailure to slow down at intersec-
tions and such places.
Passing another machine on ,its
right and overtaking another machine
on the. right side'
Leaving the curb, having just park-
ed or stopped, without regard for and
signals to passing traffic.
All simple mistakes and common in
Ontario. Pate thein oil your wind-
shields where you can 19900 them if you
are an offender._..
Minard's Liniment for insect bites.
The article in "Syetem, The Mega -
eine of Business," states that 4A
great deal 1s happening to -day In,
America 'that is not 'in the news' in
any definite ways There Is a sort of.
undercurrent of feverish ;,regress and
experimentation., The motor indus-
try seethes with rumors; in the floor -
covering world we hear reports of a
new type of carpet that may revolu.
tionlze that industry; a' new era of
consolidation looms; motion pictures
are beginning to' talk; chemical, re-
search is developing startling possi-
bilities; the Secretary of Commerce
Is r
seem and heard d bywire through
ou h
the magic of television. Time and
distance are being annihilated, with
ail that means in readjustment. All
of this movement, this undercurrent
of engineering and scientific :pro-
gress is a threat to the security of
the man who sits Snugly by, feeling
sate -in his business or iris -industry,
And It is matched by as much under-
cover progress in the public mind,
which also has a definite bearing on
"'It 1s going to require More Ingenu-
ity in the future, to keep them in-
terested, to keep a business prosper-
ing, than ' ever was ;leaded before.
Any man who thinks he has found a
royal road to euccese and rests on his
discovery is very likely to And 5118
royal road.abruply turulpg into a
dead-end street. Any business ex-
ecutive who does not closely follow
the news of science, engineering,
economics, and business these days,
and keep constant watch of social
developments, relating them in his
mind constantly to his own Mistimes,
M liable suddenly to find himself over
In a backwater eddy. On the other
hand, alert business management,
watchful of trends, quick to grasp
new ideas and telt thein on a labora-
tory scab:: as possible additions to a
'bag' of Welts,' will And the Arnerlea
and the Canada of the next few years
mighty flue places in which to do
t business." I
The Movies and the Home.
Le Monde Ouvrier (Ind.) : Since
the birth of . the cinematograph, the
cinema has been accused of i
aignable and imaginary evil. It
y has
been described as the destroyer- of
family and social life; , . . The de-
truction of family' and social life is
due :to other 'causes vastly more com-
plex and more deeply -rooted. Can
one honestly affirm that society would
' be better without tare cinema? It is
evidently not. the case; for the re-
proaches which we heap, on society
were addressed to. it a hundred years
ago, two hundred years ago, and, ever
since. In the country, where there
is no cinema, are the younger genera-
tion relatively better than they are
in the towns? They are just as
greedy for p181150re and entertain-
There's only one advantage In put-
ting a
ut-ting-ol'f until to -morrow {'1iatshould
be done today, and that Is 3sou may
be sacked to -morrow and wont have it
to do,'
When He Applied'Other Navies,
Neighbor—"Your husband is very
frank—calls a spade a spade, I
Mrs. Sub, sraban—"Soinetimes; but
not when he's digging post holes for
our new fence."
Not Necessary,'
Company Promoter-L"I want 1000
stock certificates printed," •
Printer "Something distinctive
and elabor'ate's"
Promoter—"0h 1 0 this 2 t s is
1g ti
mate proposition."
Campers—Take Minard'e with you.
is good to
Now packed- only in Alumi + ole
A Tributary Nation..
Quebec Even'ement (Gone,): Tile
econamo advantage enjoyed by the
United States 'as eomported with Can
ada rests is the formidable tattles .em -
played 'bat- them to acquire protection
against our competition, whilst 'we
leave them free to invade cum terri-
tory to the detriment of our own work-
orkpeoplle, The American nation floods
the' Caned2an market with its• pro-
duct% but it Ls ate oset9blo foe our
articles; with the exception of a very
few, to compete upon .the American
market. The American worker dem
has the advantage of selling at home
and In Canada, white we can only sell
in Canada. The day this unequal sitA
nation to +changed to our advantage,
Ive shall ,see the best American work-
men demanding entrance into' Canada.
In the nieanwhile,we-are, and shall de-
nraen a .tributary country tc th•e Uwi.
ted States. Our political' liberty is of
contiparatilvely little importance to
them; they are satisfied with their
commerei'oit- supremacy and our °con
omie' dependence.
Else sunburn with'Minard's Liniment,
Minister -"I hear, Paddle, they've
gone dry in the village where your
brother lives," Paddle -"Dry, mon!
They're parched. I just hada letter
from Mike and the postage stamp
was stuck on with a pin.—Bagology,
"Does that parrot swear?". "A lib -
tie, mum—but- he 'doesn't drink dr
'Mlnerd's Liniment is reiiable,.
oh what is so rare as a' full day'm
work in Junel
Classified Advertisegnents
jrF 1'011ItitfnllltE BANITA*Y-nUm311R GOODb,
write for - catalogue and price 29,1, Sate and
milieu ..Rubber. works, Pent 19.5. 61.012 need
Slicer' Montroat
q OLN'rS !0 - INTn0ns1Ci r'pur imtrtavrd utU1ty
,, 1 Camucnt. (11.15lne experlew:o Il0500 00 0-.
demon,tratlon yell, limon or Dart: tlnup n, b,
Young. 250 Day gl,,. Toronto.
IA1110ND - ;Gnnn,En oi"1 BRATION—MAIr21
420 per day selling automobile annum ouu,y}r'
hum 1loldcr with are Segs, Agents, Gsraac,, Steib/
keepers„ ole.. scud for circular and wkoleesle prle
21st,. samni. nq,tpald-750, Jubilee Flag Co., 101
Quooa {Vent, xoronto; _ -
sell for the "Old Reliable Sonthlf Nurserlee"
Estobllehed 00 peen). New
rollers, oz0hlslve t00rltgrl•, R hfab0,5 oom of d'ilines,
e,1 pa1d;
handeemo urea 01,121. 01x0,11,0, not 0,,,1,00,
To'Nronto to d, ror, full particular,, Gem.& {Veningmty
Market .nuppn,d for all 'the young you raise
from our stock, Prize lrinning quality, 8111,0
medal at Toronto and many other awards. Easy 14
rale°.. }ditch - more profitable Rhin poultry, me,•
trated book with full Information, 10e, Gray 0431*
Fur recess, Bu dl, woodrofte, Quarto.
Tells cause of cancer and what to do
for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write for
it to -day, mentioning this paper. Ad,
dress Indianapolis Cancer Hospital
Indianapolis, Ind.
The Harley-Davidson Single Cylinder
Motorcycle Is the greatest little ma-
chine that has been made. Safe to
ride, easy to control, and most econ-
omical, Stands • without a rival. 100
$300: Down Paym enta $10n. Price
0, Balance
$22 per month. Welter Andrews,
Limited, 348 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont.
Take Mlnard'e in your kit.
Good for cuts, swains, burns,
and insect bites.
o •R
, .44,44.14111Z
The Charm of d Velvet Skin—and alto
Pure Blood Under It
Fir stone
Tres °Arc
r 3i t. tri er
One of the outstanding
developments by Firestone
Engineers is the Gum -Dipping
process which impregnates and
insulates every fibre of every
cord with rubber.=adding
strength to the cords and re-
ducing internal friction and
heat so destructive to tire life.
The Firestone Dealer in
your locality will gladly explain
to you the extra value of Gum-
Dipping. He is prepared to
demonstrate how the cords of
the. carcass are saturated in a
rubber which makes motoring
snore ,economical with added
comfort and safety,
Hamilton, Ontario
{q._�•_ ik � $', � `yam', aY, �3�v ,'•. ;1'f �'0�:.
Ile (between,the acts): "Just going
fora little fresd1 alt dear " She "A Firestone Bunds the OnlyGlitn-Dipped Tires;
1iLtlo draught you mean, I'suppese."
0.000400lZ010.44,,,Y '
Kills omit()
,i ; ,
11.:10 n„ stepT k"'"1r•I0,,:: 1,P '4'1F-0
sue/ ks
The effectiveness of that
popular touch of "make-up"
will be greatly enhanced if the
skin has the velvety smooth-
ness and Clearness that result
from the use of TRU-BLOOD.
This much.prescribed Blood
Tonic corrects the coarsening
tendency of "complexion aids"
and makes the skin clear,
smooth and colorful
Your Druggist now has TRU-
BLOOD. Test los buslthamd-beaety-
giving qualities. Gct a bottle today.
'Letter Tells of Wonderful
Relief After Taking Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Coniston, Ontario,—"After a se-
vere operation and a three weeks'
stay in a hospital
T returnedhome
so weak that !was
unable to hove a
chair. For four
I was al-
most frantic with
pains and suffer -
mg until Ithought
sure there could
not be any help
forme. Ihadvery
severe pains in my
left vide and suf-
fered agony every month. One day
,when 1 was not able to get up my
mother begged me to try your mei-
cine. My husband got me a bottlo
of Vegetable Compound at once and
I took it.. I started a second bottle;
and to my surprise and joy the pains
in my side refire colnpletely and I
am able to do all; my work without
help, 1 ant a farmer's wife so you
see 1 can't be idle long.In all T have.
taken six bottles of rsydia ,E, Pink-'
ham's Vegetable :Compound, five
otsihan sodseofLyCompoundi E. nrjlo
Medicine, and have deo used the San-
ative Wash Mrs, L. LaleueeSSD,
Box 103, Coniston, Ontario, 0
ISSUE No, z5—'27.