HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-06-16, Page 8CLINTO testosamatoopeasmataimassamm SLEADING JEWELTi114Y STORE Graduation ti Graduation time will soon be 42 Ti;1 here andwe have already. Lntici- ?� pated the annual demand for tole- �� ens of'leweIr.Y that .Will:eapross most appropriaj;ely sincere con- gratulations and encouragement :.-for future years. An. early selection v 11,assure • you of . a wide choice. As always;' Quality and Beauty and Reason able Prices. Don't forget to see our, display of polished Brass, the best ever shown., In prices ranging from 35c, up "to $10.00; ®. ,.J.._.. RN ON Graduate of Toronto College' of Optometry Fine''- 6..imUery and Repairs Next Hovey's Drug Store ::iIen•'.s Suits at $10.98 These suits were not rnade to sell at this -price, but are priced for quick sale. They, are neat patterns of a good serviceable tweed, made in a staple, &button style, well tailored and trimmed and will give satisfac- tion. • Men's Snits.'wvith Extra Trousers at' a special price of $17.95. A real bar- gain, -Cut Prices on all lines of. Men's- and Boys' Clothing Plufflsteei Bros, There is a Difference Try our fine Teas and - Coffee TtJE C. & S. GROCERS Rogers Laquer Dornenstration Friday, June 24th How many times have you put up with a worn, shabby floor be- cause 'Yon alreaded e-cause'youtdreaded the "mess" of painting? And how many times have you window-shopped with hungry eyes, wishing that you might find courage to do over some of the furniture at hotne in the new vogue? Rogers Brushing Lacquer will do these things for you because ' it "Dries While You SV.ait" It means that you can now Lacquer the floor and, in less than an hour, move the.rugs and furniture back into:plaee onto a hard, lustrous, durable and handsome floor. Lacquer the table, prepare the meal and serve it on the new finish. Put thekiddies to bed for their afternoon nap, Lacquer their toys and they will be ,ready when the children awake, brilliant, sanitary and enjoyable all over again. 1Lacgner the stairway, read the evening paper and walk up over the new finish when you're ready to go to bed. In fact you can Lacquer everything about the house except the baby, and the cooking utensils! SOUVENIRS GIVEN WITH EACH PURCHASE Children's Toys and Ladies' Shoes Refinished. Also Free Pair of Candle Sticks given with each hoe purchase. We have a few second hand Electric, Water -power and Iland Washing Machines Sutter St. Perdue 1„ PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING, PHONE 147w We Serve and Satisfy piGK CERY SPECIALS CASTILE SOAP 1 AMMONIA Bar, ar, 20e 10c--3 for 25c P. & G. Soap Pure Lard, 20 Ib. pail Corn Flakes Jelly Powders De Luxe Canned Peas and Tomatoes 101ba. Granulated Sugar MATCHES • 3 for 25e- 10 bars -50c $3.25 3'for 29c 4'for, 25c 2 for 25c "75c Canned Corn, 2 for .. , ... '.28c Oranges, per doz. 29c, 39e, 49e Pork and Beans, 2 for .. , 25c , Sodas, 3 ib. box . , ... 49e Seedless Raisins, 2 for . 29e Baking Powder, Maple Leaf 19c Jana, Ras. and St., 3 lb. jar 55c' Prunes, 2 lbs. for , 25e • ' • FREE—Handsome China Teapot witlr 1. Ib. pkg. Tea (Black or Mixed) at '75c FRUITS—VEGETABLES-MEATS L. 4wson, 'Co. PROMPT DELIVERY; PIIOINIE. 111 Forty Cent Value or enty f ive Cents One_ of. our good .wholesalers bas supplied us with `•,vhaf they.eall a "Jubilee, Special " consisting of' a pad of writing paper and a package of en velopes of outstanding value, mane of. high grade Kid finish :stock,, Sixty sheets to a•pad and twenty-five.envel- opes to a package, the, pad is well worth 25e. and the envelopes 15e. 1Ver.give you both for 25e • BEAU GESTE•--Aptly described as "the mystery- and adventure story of a: generati=on" packed with'adventrire, pulsing- mystery and exotic color 'NOW.t$100 JUNIOR QUESTION BOOB -,For bus -and girls: Asking questions is now Hie everyday; sport and this book will enable children to take a part in this instructive and entertaining pas= time. Price •$1.25. "REVOLT IN THE:DESERT" by T. E. -Lawrence. The thrilling account of • an unimpressive and studious young man of twenty-six, rejected .in the opening days of the war as -Phys ically unfit' for service and who in the end •led the Arabs to victory. Price $3.50. mile W. D. Fair Co -Often the Cheapest -Always the Best -11 ,III p!Illlll muonm! pull iupiiiii tniill�i Wes Elsie Christian 15 spending a . few weeks. in. 'rot onto. ' Miss Jean Scott of Cleveland, Ohio, visited ' at her home in town last week, • liXIsi Merle Sweet of Sarnia is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George T. Taylor. Mr. G. S. Robertson of Lueknow was • in town on Thursday last, calling on old friends. Miss Hattie Baker of Fullerton 'spent the -week -end as the guest of Miss Hattie Courtice. Mr. Edgar Torrance and family of Galt have been visiting his parents, Mr. and lIlrs. J. Torrance. Mrs. George Waugh of Owen Sound has teen • visiting her sister-in- law, Mrs. W. J. Nediger. Miss Ethel Relines -attended the Got- " den Jubilee celebration at Alma. ',College, St. Thomas on Saturday. Mr. Elmer' Paisley has gone .to; Taseh Breen, Quebec, with a surveying party, for, the summer vacation per- iod.' Miss Lucille. Grant was In St. Thom- .- as last week attending the Golden Jubilee celebration of Alma Col lege. Miss Gwen Holmes of "Toronto is spending a few weeks at the home of her parents, Re' ..A, A. and Mrs. Holmes. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevenson of Brockville are guests at the hone of the for`mer's brother, Mr. James Stevenson,' - Mr•. George Garrett of Londesboro visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Medd and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stanley.. Mr; and lfrs, W. T. O'Neil,' who have been in. Florida all winter, are now trying out Ontario June weather. Mr. O'Neil seems to think it rather cool. Miessrs. J. A. Sutter and H. W. Gould are in Toronto this week attending• the meeting of the Grand Lodge, I.O.O:F. Mrs. Sutter went to the city to visit friends. Misses Eleanor and Marion Manning and Miss Gladys • •Neliesmotored up from London on Sunday and on their return were accompanied. by their aunt, Miss Jennie Taylor, who is spending' a few days in the city. Masters Edward Rorke, Grant Rath, Joe and Bobby Gandier, John Can.- _ Inghame and Jack Perdue- camped; at Hibbs' Hill, Goderich township, over the : week-end,beside a plea- sant little stream and; near -a„ wood. Mit and Mis. Robert Holmes of Tor- ' onto, formerly of Clinton, are spending a holiday with their son and daughter in Edmonton, Mr. Holmes has not been well and his physician ordered a change' of [scene. His friends hereabouts will • hope the trip will benefit him, Mr. Alex. Welsh returned Saturday after spending a couple of weeks with his son, D-: N. Welsh, at tarn - beth. Mr. ' Welsh reports his son and family very comfortably settled' at Lambeth, where they have the High school so near that pupils can go home for lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fitzsimons and Mr. -ax d'*s. M. 'R. Corless and Mx. Benson Corless attended the doable funeral of their sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Hutchi- son, who were killed in a crossing accident last week, the funeral tak- ing place in Hibbert on Saturday.. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fitzsimons mot- ored to Galt' on Sunday to visit the • brother and sisterof the latter, Mr. and Mrs, Colquhonn, who were in- jured in a 'crossing::' accident last wandwere week taken to Galt hos- pital. M'r.:Colquhogp was tot ser- iously er•- iously.injured' and Is able to be about and his wife, whose injuries were niueh more serious, is irnproy- ingy itis hoped, 'PRE : CLINTON ' NEWS -RECORD inton's rocery 2 cans Peas . ... .,•::,25c o cans -Cern ••25 2 cans. Tomatoes• . 25e . _.2 caps,Pozk and: Beans • 25e 4 Jelly Powder . ,. 25e 2 pounds Prunes ....:.y: 254 3 pounds Rice . ' :25e . _`5 bars `P & 0: Soap ..s.; ....... ... • • ......... 25c ' Fancy" Biscuits ::. 25c 4 kinds (assorted) Large • bottle. Catsup 2 cans Aylmer Soup .... .. .. , ..... ..,......' 25c 4 lbs. Breakfast Food 250- 2 lbs. Bates -25c -Salmon, Iarge pink;. . • •:• 25e : , +' • Fresh Herring m •Tomato Sauce „ 25c Sardines, 3 tins :.• • Kif£erines, 3 tins ... 25e Ingersoll Cheese ....II. , A. Cheese 25c . ,. 25c 25d Te -are main..taini.ng our: Prices for' Redpath's and Dominion Su;air by the sack for this week, June 23rd. 'WEEK -END .SPECIALS • 10 lbs: Granulated Sugar', 73e - 2 packages Corn $tareh 19c 5 lb 3'ail Lard .,.. . 79c "Black Tea, per -lb, 48e 5 lb Pail Syrup • ...... 38c Special Tea, per .ib.. 65e 10 lbs Rolled Oats 49e Shelled Walnuts, per ib.. 59e. Fresh Salmon: '.'rout Tuesdays and .Fridays ai my's Bread, Cakes and Fancy- Brown Bread.' Hovis Cookies 15c- Special 5cSpecial "Teapot" Tea, per Ib. 75e :fn the Morning'First'Delivery 9 a.m. Cash and Service In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. • Where "Sells for less" price prevails. • Kindly -Order Early 'Phone 48 Own Your Own Home,- and Let Us Build It We invite you to"come to our offices and look through our many catalogues eontaiuing pictures and plans of hundreds of ideal homes,. designed by the country's- foremost architects. To• these you can make any changes you desire. ESTIMATES GIVEN WITHOUT OBLIGATIONS WEI BUILD TO YOUR PLAN OR OURS Thomas McKenzie Estate, Clinton; LUMBER AND II/GH GRADE MILLWORK . PHONE 86 • Varna We are sorry to report that Mr. Clifford Epps has been obliged to give up his position in Detroit owing to ill - health. He is at present at the home of•'his parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. Epps. A great many ' of the Websters, Turners, Colemans and Reids. attend- ed the annual Webster picnic at Luck - now on Saturday.' Mr. and Mrs. A. Tngs attended the annual Troyer picnic at the Bend on Monday. The W. A. of St. John's church met at the rectory, Bayfield,- last Thurs- day afternoon. 3ifrs. Paull gave a short talk on Auxiliary work. Mrs. Brown and two little boys of Forrest are guests at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. A. McConnell; `Quite ,a number, of the sports took in the Seafortti raees on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. J. W. Reid,.. Mrs. M. Elliott, Mr. Will and Miss E. Logan, Mr, and Mfrs F. Weekes, ._Mrs. Piewes, Mrs,. John Beatty and Mr.Geo. Beatty, er.; attended' the Deanery meeting at. Brussels on Wednesday. *Ir.- and Mrs. Will Mair and Mr and Mrs. Ben Sheardown and Children' of Goderich visited ` recently with their- cousins Mx.and Mrs. Geo. Con- nell of Varna -` Mr. John Sturdy and two daugh- ters, Faweett • and Gertrude, spent Sunday at• the -home •of his other daughter, Mr. and Mr's. Geo. Connell. Auburn Mrs. R. D. Munro, and daughters, spent -last• week with her sister near Sebriugville. Mr. and Mrs. John Pfeffer, Mr. and Mrs. Wleigand and Mrs. Hopkin- son of Kitchener attended the furerel of the late John Arthur on Saturday last. Mr. Ed. Lawson has purchased a new Studebaker sedan this week. The, annual Union Sunday school convention will be held in Knox Unit- ed church on Monday, June 20th, af- ternoon and evening sessions. The W. M. S. will serve 'tea to delegates. The Rev. F. Langford of Toronto will be the chief speaker. Miss Ma gale Jones and r t e s 14iiss Janie -Currie of Goderich visited friends here on Tuesday. _ Mr. R. and Miss M. Jenkins o£ Clin- ton visited: relatives here on Sunday , last. Huron :toad Bast Mrs. Ellen Elliott of Goderich is spending a few days at the honoe of Mr. Geo. A. Vanderburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pall and family' motored to Goderich on Sunday even- ing Iast; •''Mr. W. Crich on Wednesday, morn- ing last saw a deer in the field with his cattle. {Several of the farmersgathered at the farm of Mr. Noble Holland on Fri- day last to see a new alfalfa grinder work. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cook of °Bay- field spent a few days recently at the home Qf their son, Mr. Fred Cook. COAL Coal of all kinds always on hand for immediate delivery. Also a quantity of dry Maple Wood Prices reasonable and same to all W. J. MILLER & SON Orders taken. at residence, Phone 46 PREPARE FOR YOUR SUMMER GUESTS this year by getting -that new Bath- room outfit you've been talking about for years,' but have just been putting it off. Come in to -morrow and see our display. . We will give you a "good price" and a "good job." We also do any kind of plumbing and repairing Give us a chance before you decide Hawkhis HARDWARE .and PLUMBING. nen* 244 Furnish ing That New Horne Will be easily accQraplished.by'paying us a visit as we have the stock to satisfy: the. -most critical customer, and our prices are sure. to please. We would especially draw your attention to our new Chesterfield Suites and that new irresistabie.Fibre Furniture. It is making, a big hit because it is so good looking, strong and comfortable. Our stock of Kitchen, Dining Room, Living Room, Bedroom and Verandah furniture :is quite, complete so you will have no trouble making your selections. ALL WE 'WANT IS A CHANCE TO PROVE IT IN ,Tula HARDWARE DEPARTMENT we have a splendid new, stock of New Perfection and the High Speed Lorrain Coal Oil Stoves and Heats and Cooking 'Utensilsof all kinds. Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co THE STORES WITH A STOOK FUNERAL DIRECTORS .'• MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 19$ STAR THEATRE MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY:—JUNE 20, 21, 22 Women. Love Diattit� 'With Pauline Starke,' Owen Moore, Liopel Barrymore and Douglas Fairbanks, "jr. • - Millions have worn them -Thousands are going to—Hundreds are wanting to know why "Women Love Diamonds THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY—JUNE 23,- 24, 25 Atk Little ► urneg With Claire Windsor, William Baines and Harry Carey NOW t'LAYI140 Exit' Sltl[>+ili g , A, Sam Taylor Production With Beatrice Lillie' and Jack Pickford A GOOD COMEDY -WITH EVERY SHOW Bring us your. Eggs While Fresh We invite customers to visit our .candling and grading room to see grading properly done. We Pay Spot Cash Now is the time to market onr fat broody hens and old roosters y Gunn, LangloisCo.,ited HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL, QUE, 4 For. further -information apply to CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON, ONTARIO REZONE 19Q A,