HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-06-16, Page 63. to aofal cups to each cent's worth. ofteia. And the dreaming, horde with, its cries and colors; slashed and inters 41111PWLILIAPAID seated by smart European regiments, dtnlek read from peke 'a, vssa4 of r e«nsv. mangling the drum and the Highlands i '� pipe with the wailings of the desert, Mp{late'es`sledl***Iwo became a • thing'• unreal—n fantastic 0.7a ltat 9 • "'�l�' 'rte: Heavy Artillery. 14lanchester Guaxdian (Lib.) : (An by MELVILLE DAV16$o.N POST THE LAUGHTER OF ALLAH. Monsieur Jonquelle the Prefect of of, this desert he would be old. And Police of Paris, told me this story, what had he got—what would he get -We were on the deck of his yacht h out of -these great. honors? the - Mediterranean: the ,coast of The man rode slowly, holding the .Africa was inthe distance. We had nervous. Arab in. The strange, in- been talking of that strange, famous congruous,cuerent of the City. passed tEnglishman ` whose tragic death in him, but he was thinking of some - the North Sea had stirred the world. thing else, and he gave it no atten- Why had he never married- the tion. greatest Englishman of his time? We , There was another thing. He mus - did not name him... •Monsieur Jon -led vaguely, •He had seen on this very quells called him "Sir Henry" in the day, in the shade of a magnificent story. I flowering vine, a young' soldier and The Prefect of Police of Paris pre- an English •girl. They were sitting rented the story as though it 'were on a -bench; neither moved, and only a detached tale of an oriental bazaar their .hands touched. They did not of Cairo. And I listened with my speak, and yet their faces were like eyes closed on the cool' deck moved the faces of angels. slowly by the long swells.... listen-, This was a thing that he had al - ed to the tragic love story of this ways hated. It was not the enemy etrange, reserved, famous English- in the front that threatened the army, man who had lived in mystery and it was these, loving creatures in the died in mystery: • rear. Ruthless' and determined,' he had set his face against it. The army should be celibate. And he had broken and elbowed out the men who would encumber themselves with a loving heart. Well, he had lived by the rule him= self! There had been no woman about him on the frontiers of the Empire! When he cattle, now and then, to Lon- don, the current of life in which they moved failed to touch him, They were creatures apart. He knew`of them only what appear- ed before the eye. And, while he saw the beauty which they assembled, he saw also the thousand follies that seemed td give them pleasure, find he wondered in what mysterious' charm lay their appalling influence on his. soldiers. •. And on this evening, alone in this mysterious city, he began to be assail- ed by a curious consuming' wonder. He began to doubt the value of the one thing that he had gotten out of life. What was this other thing that gave an ignorant soldier and a com- mon housemaid, motionless and silent in the shadows of a flowering vine, the faces of the angels? What did this mysterious, word mean that men used to designate this thing? He knew what the love of life was for he had seen every sort of creature fight desperately to live; and he knew the love of gain and the love of power. 'But men all men, everywhereimperilled and abandon- ed these things for the love of women, and they did it with no doubt, lilse one who trades glass for a jewel? He reflected. There was no virtue in the thing that he had, in the thing for which he traded away his life, thus to transfigure the human •face. And when he should come sty out of this great desert south toward Khar- todm, he would be oldl Suddenly he realized that the horse could not go on, and that he was con- trolling it with difficulty. He had traversed the Rue Mudd, skirted the Place Esbekiya and was about to cross the Kernel Pasha, that short boulevard entering the Place Este - when she ought to have been .loosened kiya from the north, when a pro - 'with a great shout to a holy war. The cession stopped him. heads of Islam were quiet, but the The sacred carpet had arrived from tribes' were restless. Mecca, The streets before him were England, feeling always with her • gorged with people, and the whole delicate antennae, knew this and, al -lefty echoed with weird Oriental cries. ways wise, moved first. She had' There' was little new to him in the withdrawn this man' from India and orgy ofthese native ceremonies, with cent him here to set the butt of the Lee -Enfield a little flrnier in the and south toward Khartoum. He had a fortnight in Cairo before he took up this tremendous labor, and he: used it to be free,, to be alone, to * e * The man who rode' north from -the citadel, along the Boulevard Moham- med ' Ali, was no longer young. He sat firmly in the saddle, and to •the distant eye, he was hard and lean like a hunter in condition, but his face discolored by wind and sun, in repose, was tired. It was anun- usual face, seamed and crossed with - lines, the mouth firm, almost harsh, with the muscles developed along the jaw. But it was not these features that impressed one. ' It was the mans extraordluary. eyes. They were large and set far apart. The color you immediately saw—a dark metallic blue—the blue of certain remote spaces in the tropic sky. The lids drooped, giving the nian'an expression at once of serenity and menace. He rode a ' gray Arab, and his clothes were evidently the best pro- duct of a Bond Street tailor. He rode like a soldier—like one accus- tomed to live days and nights in the saddle, The man felt old and tired. The vast,eternal unchanging as- pect of Egypt oppressed 'him. -Here all human effort seemed equally fu- tile. Here, as in India, one grew only old and accomplished nothing. And, on this evening, he felt acutely the menace of 'Egypt. England had only extended fingers on this great desert running south into .impenetrable mystery, She had oi'lly the peace of the bayonet; and behind 'the indolence, the listless resignation of these desert peoples, there seemed to lie a vast, inherent hatred of the invader that never.les- sened, and that waited always with an unfailing patience. In India, this thing skulked in the distance, but here it seemed to approach—to be at hand. Perhaps what the man knew staged this impression.' The whole world of Islam•was uneaey. She had been de- spoiled in Turkey and shamed. She felt that weakrulers, for gain or the; love of life, had held her in leash their riot of sound and color, and their vast medley of tribes assembled from the waste places of the earth. Foramoment, as a soldier, he, ap- proved the precaution taken by the English autheritles—a ' company of ride when he liked without an orderly troops thrown in here and there to always et his heels. I divide the tribes and the horde of It was great honor that England natives that surged along with every ooler and with every sort of cry, and every extravagant gesture. He approved, too the diplomacy that gave these regiments a gala air with their bands of music, as though they rivaled' the Arab and the fellah in doing honor 'to the holy relic, while, in fact, they held the fingers of Eng- land on the city lest they clip off in a sudden rising of those native hordes.. Then his mind returned to its .re- flection, wiht an idle interest he watched the strange,' half -naked, primeval creatures that appeared,, issuing out of the vast limitless ocean of sun dthat lay endlessly to the south, from tribes, old and unchang- ed since the days of Abraham -crea- tures from the uncharted deeps of the Sahara, naked and eubsisting like the Baptist. What lay far off there in the dead cities ofa this sand -swept wilderness whence mune these mad men, gaunt, covered with hair, and infinitely no human creature could say. Per- haps the magician and the •wizard of old times lived on thete. And •there in 'ancient tombs, in honeycombed walls elfting full of sand, in strange wilderness oternelly dead and silent, old wires men abode who knew the an- dent formulas by which the inexer, able course of nature could be turned aside. did hien; He might, in he end, be- teme Viceroy of India or Sirdar et Egypt. But on this evening he was impressed' with the value of what he paid—his youth had been required of him. When he should come up out • -Say The Mello Stare So say all whose work is hard after they try\the dell- cious, invigorating rsffresh- . meat 91 WrIgdey'6 .Double Mhd. �1t Aha Ban Mel: �.d Ake 9 .MnaQUIS )1 8lea No. 24—'27. Perhaps they maintained there to this day that mysterious` power which the sacred books or all xeligions'agree that certaih dread members of the race pone:acd In the morning of "the, world. Hh! RuALIZED THAT THE HORSE COULD NOT GO ON. background for that other mystery that so profoundly disturbed the man. And while he sat in the' saddle looking down at these wild people of the desert, another: looked down- at him A woman, accompanied by the resident doctor and a maid, entered the English hotel on' the other side of the square, crossed' the foyer and got'into .the lift. As she passed, a Iittle dapper man, bald, dressed like a tailor's print, .and with the air of one who is a- social register, spoke to his companions pouring a cup of tea at a table by the wall. "That's. Nelly Landsear—sued to be a famous Southern' beauty in the States. Jove. She's gone to pieces! Had a devil of a life! Married Heis- ted Ames --dirty little beast! My word, she was a'wonder once! Looks fifty to -day." And he began to tell the dramatic story of this woman. and the creature that she had married, the story of a tireless • effort to keep a weakling on his feet, to make a man of him. The story over again of Daud'e's "tinge in Exile," A story that was a tragedy of failures. (To be continued.) Chicago and the Mississippi. London Free Press (Cons.): Through the Chicago Drainage Canal is bowing daily south into the Missis- sippi River as much water as pours over the American' Falls at Niagara. It does not need an expert to figure out that if this' enormous stream of water was left where dt belongs, in the Great Lakes, it would relieve the pressure of the flood waters of the Mis- sissippi. The chances are that if the Chicago theft was at an end the South- ern States would no longer be nfen- aced by the Mississippi. Au Irish housemaid, boasting of her lnduetrious habits, paid she rose at tour, made a fire, put en the teakettle, prepared breakfast and made all the bede before anyone in the house was up. ' expert calculates that the -.women of the,17•nited States spend $5,x,0 a day ea cosmetics ' and other 'devices for improving ,or .maintaining their natural charms.) A Million:peunds a day es a tremendous sum. In'Ameaica it seems to be regarded with satisfac- tion, and the expert who has bean making these-calculationspoints with pride •t� the fact that women are spending "more in powders and roup to protect their appearances" ,than i spent by the United States Govern merit on its navy and ale force. It i a .quaint way of looking at the mat ter, but perhaps there is legitimate ground -for satisfaction in the though that American women spend more i keeping, heir powder dry than doe the American Admiralty. .Lxpendi tura under both hears can lie regard ed as•prepaiatione.for war, but from the mer* man's ,point of view it is on the whole, more satisfactory t fall in love than itis to fall in battl —if the choice is between cannons an cosmeties, the powder -puff is a kinder weapon than the whiff of grape -shot. s t s m 0 e' d The Inevitable Expense. ' Dally -"Clara Beams able to main- tain her beauty without effort" Dot "Yea, dear, but not without ex- pense." x pense." Some Good? Chrletian Science Monitor—There are indications that the effects of Great Britain's action will be more notice- able In Russia than elsewhere. It has been claimed that the dominant poli- tical party in Russia, headed by Joseph Stalin, disapproves the "world -revolu- tion" program which has been Impres- sed upon the radical leaders in many countries. Stalin believes, it is said, that the progress and rehabilitation of Russia have been hindered, rather than aided, by the campaign of the Third Internationale. Great Britain 'seems, to have supplied him with con- vancing evidence in support of this contention. Will he take his present opportunity to "repudiate the propa- gandist campaign? "The motorist thinks ohs is a kind of monarch," writes an megry'pedes- trian. happy and glorious, long to run over. tie, so to speak. LINDBERGH'S EXPLOIT REVIVES INTEREST IN FLOATING ISLANDS Scheme for Establishing Stages in Ocean at Which Air- planes Might Alight and Refuel Conies Into Transatlantic Air Service Consideration. Paris—The project for floating is- lands in the .middle of the Atlantic to enable airplanes to traverse the ocean in several stages has been revived by th magnlfiont exploit of Captain Lind- bergh. After a''week of Continuous fetes, serious -attention is _being paid to the possibilities of an air service be- tween Europe and America, and it is remembered that Lindbergh himself on his arrival remarked that practical steps might he taken to ,realize a scheme of artificial bays where air- planes can find stores of gasoline and descend at need. This opinion of the men who has. made ai direct nonstop' flight is lin- portant. His performance is exception- al, and poaeibly could not, under exist- lag conditions, lie repeated as a matter of commonplace commercial usage. But it is obvious that 1f an airplane can alight at reasonable distances and seek protection from the weatimegreat progress Call be accomplished almost Immediately, The question remeltvs whether it is possible to construct floating islands lncloeing smooth water'. It 'will be re- membered .that mo'n'ths ago the Paris correspondent of "The. Christian Monitor" described the' French plan for floating !elands% Bach island Was an immense pon- toon of horseshoe shape, open. at the poop. Perhaps an anchorage in deep water Is impracticable, but the con- struction tan be furnished with power- ful propellers. which would maintain it in position, keeping its nose windward. At the opening would be a breakwater and the internal bake would be com- paratively calm. Experts believe such a design within the capacity of modern engineering skill, and (ince the island would be twice as long as the most powerful wave It should ride steadily while lat- eral ballast would prevent reeling. Lighthouses, could be erected on the island anti -Bangers, Workshops, hofels, a wireless Mahlon, meteorological ob- servatory and warehouses. Four such islands would be sufltcl eat. Other types, notably giant platforms supported by anchored buoys are en- v'iengad, and an American ssengineer named Armstrong has a more complic- ated scheme. The problem deserves working out, though a- arge outlay of capital le necessitated. FAMOUS FLIER, MOTHER AND GRANDFATHER' The larout above gives three generations in the Lindbergh -Land family. The old-fashioned youth with the muzzle -loader woe Charles H. Land, barn et. Simeoe, who dater became Dr. Charles 51. Land of Detroit. The photograph; taken et 'Brantford ducting his school days there, was lent by Mrs. G. W., eiseetry, oP 80 Spencer Ave, Toronto, whose maiden name was Land and who Is a relative of the flier. Tho other figures 1n the photograph are the intrepid . aeu•onaut and lits•3inothor rtamdin be iia e h• ' " WILL GIVE MEDAL `O EVERY1 SCHOOL • CHILD IN. CANADA First. Batch Have Gone. to the Remote Portions of the Dominion. LEVER MAKING .IMPRINT MOVED BY LADY WILLINGDON, Lady Willingdon struck the feet Con- tedoration Jubilee: medal at the mint recently. With her own banda •oho moved the lever that imprinted on the' bronze the commemorative .words and designs that went out in a batch of 300 medals to the school children of Yukon territory. It is intended subsequently to give one to every echoed child in Canada, The ceremony took ,place at the Royal Mint In the presence of alis Ex- cellency Viscount Willingdon, as'wall as Sir Montagu and Lady :Allan, off - of Goveanment House, officials of the Mint, and members^of the prase. Upon their Excellencies valve! they were taken on a tour of inspectlon- throdgh: the mint. The first point of call was 'a little"truek, on wblch was heaped $600,000 worth of gold in sglid. bars. Each bar was worth more than $10,000, the exact value by weight be- ing stamped on. each. Alongside were other bare, ar bricks, containing about 80 per cent. gold. Made Many Friends. Hea•e Lady 'Willingdon showed her democratic spirit when, thanking the workmen for showing her the modus operandi of that department. she shook hands with them ail, grimy handed as they were. She may have soiled a pair of gloves, but she made .many friends:. Amid the :whirr of many machines, the vice -regal party watched the bronze bars being flattened out and roiled to the proper consistency. Strong lights were focused on the machines and. on the party and the camerae started to grind and click as Lady Willingdon stepped forward with a blank bronze, cirole, She shoved it into the proper oval and then looked for the assistant to give the sign. This he did, the medal was struck and the brief ceremony had ended. The medals contain on -one aidea picture of, Queen Victoria as she was in 1867 and one of King George as he Is at present. Confederation is print- ed on the top and Canada on the bot- tom; 1667 is printed opposite Queen Victoria, and 1027 oppesita King George. On the reverse side is a shield containing the Canadian chat of arms, surrounded by maple leaves. On the same side is the' motto fo rthe coat 0f arnts, "A marl usque ad mare." • 2,000,000 Medals. TWO million of these will be struck and they will be turned out at the rate of 500 a minute and 100,000 a day. They will not be distributed locally till near Confederation date, How Soon? Some time :ago henry Ford said he thought- mechanical devices could }snake farming a "standardized busi- ness." The practical farmer laughed. A new invention just tried out may put a different light on the mater.. It is constructed of three pieces of Wood, a few bolts, a spring, a piece of aluminum shaped liked a huge: spoon. It was hailed last week at the Ne - breaks Agricultural College as a po- tential revolution in the farming world. It will enable the tiller of the soil to go to the cinema or drink cider or sleep, while his fields are being plowed. It will soon be put on the market at a cost of a few dollars, .It is the invention of F. L. Zybach of Grand Island, Neb. To use this device, a farmer must first attach a plow to his tractor and cut a furrow around the carter rim of his field, making the corners rounded instead of square. Then he fastens. Mr. Zybach's invention to the steering wheel of the tractor, putting the spoon -end in the furrow. He starts the tractor, climbs out. The tractor, guided along the furrow by Mr. Zybach's invention, continues to make shorter and "shorter trips around the field, until it comes to a atop in the middle. Tests of the device last weir pro- duced plowing like Clockwork. But when Mr, Zybach was first expert menting with a crude model, his neighbors warned him not to let the tractor gat loose and destroy any of their property. Once he set the Ina- chines to plough all night. The neighbors came over at midnight and implored him to atop It. A Thankless Task. Nothing hos come to our notice more revealing of the difficulties un- der which prohibition officers work 'then a recent statement by Capt. George A. Parker of Massachusetts. This official, with a fine record .as head of the State Police behind him, has been the chief Federal prohibi- tion officer of the State for the past year. During• that time, he says, three of hie one -hundred men have been murdered, several wounded, and all subjected to every kind of pres-. eure, both physical and monetary. They have done their best, yet dur- ing that year nota man has received a single' note of thanks, of commenda- tion, or of encouragement from any living human `being, nor even a kind word to make,the task easier. Britain and the United States. J. L. Garvin in' the London Obser- ver (Ind. Cons.) :: The more we leave the Debts Question to be fought out, Ira the arena of American public *pin- kie, the sooner will come the chance of a change. We ought to, be above vindicating ourselves to America. ,In every sueh ¥indication our interest unavoidably is too much' mixed up With our virtue. ' Every argument of ours addressed directly to the Uni- ted States only tends 'u put back the , sg s The Spisit f St. Louis- .1 elook.v, Make Paper from Hardwood, ' 9le�abousne, Vic---lnvestignllpns baso reGentky ,been Iui,ile Into the i,asafbilll-..', ty of producing paver pulp in Austra- lia, Anil the research office, .of -the. Common'ealtii institute' of Soientiuc and Industrlal.Resesrdk has reported that satisfactoiy, results have been ob- twined. Because of the rapidly dimim. ishing< forests of seftwoods,' it is thought in some quarters tilt the world is facing a shortage in the sup- ply 9f paper, it has been estimated that (ho world's newspapers are using about 6,000,000 tons of newsprint a year. Australia alone is using' about 100,0-00 tons of ' newsprint annually. Australia has practically no- soft. wood forest's, add its timbers being of die hardwood variety, and the investi- gations which have been carried on have been in the direction of ascertain- ing "whether it is practicable to pro- duce .paper from that class of timber, As a result of the research it con• fiodently believed that it well be pees table •to manufacture paper from hard- wood, and •thatwhen the industry fs es, tablished it will be capable of ssipple- ing all Australian requirements .and providing almost unlimited supplies tor export, The different varieties of the eu. calypt comprise' the principal Austin - lien toresto. It has been found definite- ly:that about 8.0 per cent. of ground. wood, or mechanical pulp frim certain immature euoalypte, can be used with sulphite pulp from manlier woods, Ad. jueements in mechanical conditions in eulrphite cooking havo resulted in a 0FTENS R .ay>G t every ensu 'a ti Maid-ofellwarie ':.n.,. 'GAD sating of four hours in the cookng. Elie -..a reduction of from 10 hours to six hours—with a pronounced increase in yield and an improvement in .the quality cif :the pulp for newsprint pur. ' poses, -The, combined results of the new data indicate a reduction: of from e2 to 23 a ton in the estimated whet of the .production of newsprint., SairoPles of the newsprint produced from this process have been inspected by members of the Council. for Sclenfdd Re:, and Industrial ,Research.- They, were described as being eminently sate istaetory, and interesting develops' menta are expected' very dhoray. A debating star shales best when his points area clear. Wo want to know whetbei, the new velvet- breeches:: for men will be celled "Plush fours," Yea, now lt'e eater • June let. • FOURTH PRIZE. ESSAY The Confederation of Canada. Mists Irma writes in peat as follows: I was very pleased to,hear that my essay had won a prize and wishto take this, opportunity of thanking yell for It. I was born in Stouftville and have lived here all my life attending the Stouffville Public and Continuation Scheele. Last year I tried the High School entranceexaminations and succeeded in passing them with hon- ors, and this year, so far, I believe, I halve led my classes. Composition has bean about my best subject and I be 'Have it 10 the one subject I really* like for I- really enjoy writing a composi- tion on an interesting subject though I have by no means any great talent or ability for it. I am very fond of reading books and have read a great many of theme of many different classes and, it Is very hard indeed to leave my books and at- tend my school duties. But thank 1. enjoy reading books I are by no means I the proverbial "book -worms because,' sports or all land form an important part in my life. In the winter to speed I IRAIA S. GRUBIIV, Stouaynse, ti,uas swiftly around the rink onskates, in the exhilarating air which brings the Sportsmanship no Disquallfloatlem, rosea to your cheeks, to me is life. Gel to a Good Writing. Paeans it is a long anowahoe tramp A LOVER OF SPORT to the pond. Just now we are actively of union. Alec); during the American engaged in basketball at school and enjoy it greatly, especially as we seem to have the winning team, but we are trying to learn to be good losers as well as good winners for we cannot always win. Then there ie an endless list 00 Water sports midland °parts too num- erous to mention. I em a member of the Dieted Church of Canada I -ere and consequently engaged in the activitale of the charades connected with it. "The Confederation of - Canada." Through more than threw oeuturles of conflict and doubt, the history of Cantata has gradually unfolded itself, until today we have a nation. The daring of the early pioneers in war and trade; the courage of the Roman Cathane misatonarles; the French- man's loyalty to creed, rase and lang- uage; anguage; the cove of liberty of the United Civil' War, fear of a United States invasion made Canada see that for strength alta must have unity, The french had feared that by be- coming not one of two provinces but one of tour or flue, they would be enempod, but Cartier persuaded them of the opposite. The Maritime Provinces were sag - gosling union of themselves and sent delegates to the Charlottetown con- ference where Upper and Lower Can- ada anada sent representatives to ask for larger union. They then adjourned to Quebec and drew up a series of Resole. tions which in 1866 wore passed by WR' Canadian Parllament. Upper Canada favored them but Lower Canada, New Brunswick, NOW foundland, Nova Scotia and Prince $Ids' ward Inland objected. However the objections were overcome by Cartier in Quebec, Tilley in New Brunswick and Tupper In Nova Scotia. Empire Loyalists; these and many In 1866 delegates Brom Upper Can-, other Influences have gone to mould ada Lower Canada, New Brunswick Canadian institutions and Canadian and Nova Scotia met at London where. aharacter." The men who drew logo the Quebec Resolutions became a bili. they all these complicated threads into , The - British Government gave every a united whole and held it true to help but the most prominent figure was. British loyalty while retaining an lade Sir John A. Macdonald. At last, the • penitence of Its own,are itnown in Cants - British North America Act was ready'' than history as "The Fathers of Con- and on March 29, 1867, was passed by federation," a eaud of men drawn to- Great Britain and on July 1, 1067,. gether by a great idea. George Brown, Canada became a Dominlon. Sir George Cartier, Sir Oliver Mowal, ! The terms of `this- sect which made Sir Charles Tupper and others all Canada a tree Dominion across the sea exercised their influence and need! their persuasive poweree seeing the i from her Motherland aro: need' of unity illi working for a great (1) Upp and •Loser Canada, Now Brunswick and Nova Scotia were form- bojeetive, Confederatlen. All did their ed to be one Doininlon under the name' best but the men - who carried the of Canada greater part of the burden and who did I more Wan all to hold the nation. to- i (2) Upper and Lower Canada were. getter alter It was united was\Sir John to form two separate provinces, On. A. Macdonald. They won tor Canada • tarso pad Quebec Confederation, freedamn,In a ndence l (3) The King was to be represented: by a Governor-general appointed by unity and still remained loyal to the isle Bing, Motherland; and Confederation—•the I (4) phase was to be a cabinet o!' B.N.A. Act tae made Canada a nation, thirteen members which was raeponai a glorious home for children proud to . bio 10 tics people's repreeentativea lit: call "themselves Canadians, Parliament, to advise him. The Quebec Act and Constitutional (8) The legislature included two Act had given new forms of govern - bodies; the Senate; appointed for life meat but were not entire q 01 0by the Governor-General, and the I tory. ThenLord Durham was sent sent outut House of Commons elected . by the and recommended responsible govern• people for five years. Quebec Was to. mems and union and :wan aided by n. have sixty five, members and the others. Sydenham, Meterdfe and Lord Elgin. As - a result the two provinces were an equal number in proportion to their United , and responsible government papulatioh. Canada Is rapidly beooming a great • woe. nation, Population has grown more There had been many suggestions °lawny than in the great nation to the of union in lite least century, Colada- south of us, but it does not foliose that Morse suggested !t in 1777, tbCo ind.e- pendant ata in , John . she will always lag behind. Her pee,Sneom In layall1800, and Lor1791d, Durham Rob• had pie' have made for her so honorable 4 favored ii itt first blit gave it up be name that men and women, eager tai cause of the lack of trausportatton, call themselves • Canadians will coma $y 1884 there had been in three to fill up the great A'orth-Westerp years, two e'lectlons-and four minis- ]dame. Canadians aro hanoiad sad' tries and the two paities to Canada heard with great respect .whenever wet•° at it deadlocit. It 'wee thought learned nese gashes. Eve'ry year thous' that if all British North Amerlea were ands of strangers seek health or pleas,. united, new members would coma in ure along the wonderful St. Lawrence,. Diem the Maritime Provinces and give among the towering peaks of the Cana one part? ;the majority, About this d1an,Itocklee or plunge into the forest time, although for years they had been to camp and fish. Canada Is a conn - bitter enemies., because they were he try of wonderful resources. Her fors eplred by Contederation:and heard the eats cover• over a million square miles't call of Canada, Macdonald and Brown the has millions oGacfns•of rich wheat milted In her em -vice. Great Britain lands, in mineral wealth she ranks favored union and the abolition of her with any country and her manufae- Codn Laws forced Canada to look fora tures are rapidly being developed. new trade. In 1851 the Rectpeoctty "Oh Canada! our home and native,: treaty gave her free trade With tleitecl laud, States but it wane soon abolished. So True patriot .love in all thy sons come she thought that tf she could not Grade nand; north and south, why not east and With glowing; hearts we see thee rine west? To do this Theme must be a The true North, strong and free,, railway to the Maritime Provinces And: stand on guard, CM C,apa.dal .. and for thie there must ,be some kind we Mend en guard e'er then," •