HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-06-16, Page 3OWL L.AS Nowadays, when a local boy hits th grit, he May ije burning up a grave highway or he may be working on hi daily aseignment of spinach, A peeeetual emdle means. less than nothing. NO MEDICINE LIKE BABY'S OWN TABLETS i+or Either the Newborn Babe or the Growing Child. There is no other medicine to equal` Baby's , Own Tabuns for little ones- whetherr it be,, for the newborn bajie ar the gr•owin`g'and the Tablets al- ways do good. They are absolutely free from opiates or other harminl drugs' and the mother can always feel safe in,'uaing them, Concerning the Tablets; Mrs. John Armour, R, R. 1, South 'Monaghan, Ont., says;—"We have three fine, healthy children,' to whom, when a • medicine Is needed, we have given only Baby's Own, Tablets. The Tablets are the best medicine you oan keep in any home were there are young children:" o Baby's, Own Tablets are a mild but 1 thorough laxative which regulate the rs iitomaeh and bowels; banish coitstipa- tion and indigestion; break up colds and eimp1e fever and make teething easy. They are sold by medicine deal errs or dared b'y iaail at 25 cents a b'ox £rem The Dr• Williams' Mad1ehee'Co.. g Beookville, Ont. The secret of health la the eaten of onions. But the trouble is to keep It secret. Economy. In "Fashion's eared We still are lokt; The lees she wears, The more the matt Merry a brunette., is lightheaded enough to get married. Family jare wont do for preserving Never try to buck the multiplication table of the Ten Commandments. A good many girls etre ,willing to he some man's "little dumpling" provided he furnishes plesity of dough. Sltm's girl is too dumb. She thinks makes ea -e found on the limbs of treee. There's economy in. two -pants suits —give one pair to the wife. The lambs .that follow Mary around these days are sere to get a thrill. .:... ' . The old-fashioned maiden's blush 1 now painted on unblushingly. Teets show muei° will not soothe wild bull. We always 'thought it be ter to run than sing. Jeffrey—"So your son has been In Slued and 1s coming hone from 0011` lege?" Briggs—•"Yes, he sprained his uku lele finger. a a t n The Pool,,, Thinks he could save money it he g a rales, • Thinks a. big house makes a happy home - Believes that rouge fools the public Blames all his mieforeinee on othe 'people ' Believes the chance makes the man. Thinke loud talk 19 strong argil . Inept. , Never auntie -tit himself of foolish - ST. PAUL'S ROCKS GOOD PLANE BASE MidfiAtlantit Isle Would Cut Distance to South. America. :Pernambuco, Brazil—St, Paul's Rocks, .in mid-Attertie,'would make an excel- lent aeroplane landing base, says Cap- tain Lieutenant' Mario.Godinho, of the Brazilian navy, who has just returned from' a :medal government mission to study the poseibllity of establishing each a base for aerial service between Europe and South America, shortening the distance across the Atiantic. Re described the spot as surrounded by'tmmenee.swarms of sbarke and in- babitcd by millions of can birds. Try and Do It. ,There. Is no such thing ae going out of bueinese. Buslnesg is modern Bee. Business ie the way vrohuman beings now manage to get along with one another. It ie the system through which we manly one another with the things We ;need. If a man.' eerie his factory or his store, and proceeds to live on hie income, he may kid himself• into thinking that he has goae'out of business; but he le tied up ae muck as ever within our business system - (From Forbes 14Iagaaine.) Beams Wireless Test Success - fel, London --Preliminary successful tests have been oonpleted with beam wireless between Great Britain and South Africa, the Marconi Company announces. Teets under ordinary trai- t ha conditions are now being operated, prior to a seven days' continuous trial under post -Mace supervision. The testa gave between 200 and 250 words • r "Man wants but little here ,below" - 00100 people are, even satisfied with themselves. Raising the Ante. Weary Willie asked for bread Wherever he did stoop; A housewife passed •the ax and said: "First won't you have a chop?" If men sprang trona monkeys some didn't spring very far. "Yoe mime be growing tired of me," paid Mr. Newlywed, "you never call me 'dear' as other mein'e wives -do" "Do Ueey?" Tropleel Custom. Little drops at water, Little grains of sand, . Get into your olothes•and shoots --- And chafe to beat the'. band,' a minute. -A continuous 11 -hour day service is guaranteed from the bran/emitter at Bodmin, Cornwall, and the receiver at Bridgewater, Somerset. . These eta - done also serve. Canada. - n Widely Known. ' I8 she widely known?" Is Shen Known as about two and a' half feet wide, I think." , If it is odd. that froth breezes come from salt sear, how about salted nuts being nicest when fresh? • jf Brilliant as Captain Lindbergh has I shown himself, his success ,is due to other than surface qualities•,: 4 Cakes baked with Purity Flour keep fresh for three or' four days. Purity is a vigorous, "dry" flour that absorbs^ land holds more water or milk. Tasty cakes, rich pies, and large, light buns: and bread are always yours when you use Send 300 instawps for aur 700 -recipe Per'ty Flour Cook Book. 288 Western Canada Flour Mille 'Co. Limited. Toren o, Montreal, Ottawa,'Saint John. tee wonderful what con- fidence a "shine" will give you—and how uncomfor- table you feel without one! Moral—every morn- ing use "Nugget". 09ypjs /Ir f5ri There's a'^Nugget '! for every shoe made. LIMA • n. t : • ,1111 Kills i 8 -mosquitoes ,dor. ' Ze , g-Fle s In the Beautiful Muskoka` Lakes' The steamer Sagamo arriving at Royal Mesicolta wharf, in:the Muskol a Lakes•, with passengers who are planning a delightful boliday1 thle beenti- ful Lakeland of Ontario.—Canadian National Railways photograph, Color in Children's Rooms. FOUND- A IIEALTH Children are delightfully responsive to eo'lor. They`should find It used with joyous abandon in their simply fur - Moiled rooms -an expression of bee- pineas,: dear to. the' heart c,I a child. Rep/theses may be unfolded to a child through a harmonious color scheme as Well as through music,rstoriee or play. Sturdy, simple furniture in many Pleasing designs., particularly the peasant styles, may now' be procured unfinished, and painted at home. Do not limit the use of color to the fume ture'but use It in the vials and wood- work aloe, keeping to three main hues. Thin will glee variety and Will riot be too nomplicated. The tones may be selected from pieces of dress. . material,, colored tissue paper, flowers or any. objects so arranged together aa to Slug- gest nug gest three' harmonious cetera. Re- member always that greens,•' blues,'' blue-vlelets- and all very ;light tones. make excellent baekgronnds, as they glee a feeling of apace and etay back; that dank bluesand red -violets, unless used very delioately, make a room dark, while byeilowe and yellow - greens makea room light. Reds, via let -reds and orangea'ede . are best avoided as backgrounds except ill, most cl'elieate tints as red le so active a oolor, that • it ie impossible to keep it ,back. In a playroom a three-footwain- sooting painted like the wait or wood- work and varnished 1s easily cleaned and is a protection to the wadi from kicks and aoratchee. There are many ways of Introducing pleasing eolor and individual touches. ., porch swing of striped {ironing to harmonize with the scheme and piled with gay pillows wilt ba an inviting pieceof furniture for the playroom. If the room ie Iarge, two could be used. Low bunt -in bookcases and cupboards for toys are useful and attractive. Lit- tle moss, plant and crocus ieedene ar- ranged in a bowl by the child are •in- teresting. Pots of bulbs, ere enjoyed by Children, and this year there are on the market fascinating little cactus Ideate of queer ehapes whose arrange- ment delights youngsters. The glees bowls and flower ;pots, ae well ire the plants, afford a chance for odor. In the matter of pictures•, sculpture and decoration, allow the • ehild to choose Ilia favorites from several ex- amples selected by the parent. If the child draws well, and evert If he doesn't, select eeverad of his beet Paintings-. frame them flat against the wall in a row with pesters molding' painted to match the woodwork, and see what a spur it is to future effort. These nglre creations of childhood aa'e.lndiildual and original. Posters for the wale may he made of cut paper in pleasing colors and hung In a border' in the piaylhom above the walnocotiug. These posters may illustrate activitiee of family, friends and pets and wlfl amuse and insti'iot the children. Cue little girl made..such a quaint, Interesting large' poster of the family and pets that the mother cut the figures out 1n silk and wool and appliqued them to a wool background. The' result was a most ingentous'wall hanging which de- lighted friends of the children, as the coetlfinee worn were at once recogniz- able. Pillows for the eroome were "made by the children of gingham With figures and flowers' in eintrlfating'hnes appligned. This idea could be carried out fol a bed -Spread of colored blocks; The colors chosen shtield always har- monize with thoae of the room. The Sense of Humor. Katharine M. Wilson in the London Contolnpow y Review: A sense rat. humor purges away bitternees by met- ing oar hurtful experiences to a plane where they delight our miuda' inateed of harassing them; by It we can enjoy our dtecomforts, eepeclatlay in retros- pect. In fact, tide malaes• the whole significance of humor, ite origin and rate0n d'•otre. Things are not funny in the:nee:lees., sale as we •th1ak them so; humor depends more en: an attI. tilde of mind than on something he trins'lcally dudime:Ls'fn the thing t situation. And it -ie not an emotion so much as a point, of view; the expres- talon "a sense of hummer" recognizes thILs,. tee we do, not teak 'of a sense of novo. Russian Birds for Alberta. Calgary, . Alta.-eArrangements gra being made fax bring several new ape - ales of gashe bind's to Alberta and 10- eluded among these will, ll0 a auplaly of Russian "cock of .bbe wood" Brom the ulterior Government.. The Cal- gary P`iell and ;Game ASoctietlon�.ewtll lmpeet pheasants and bob -White quail from Bi,ngla.nd• 'The few swore of Hun- garian partrldgeus llbwrat•i d fan Alberta a0 years ego 'hsive, now enerthated t0 hundreds of thousands and it is ex- pecbod that the game blyde`bedng,ee;oilr- e4 from the Illstonlan Government wilt fare as well in western Oaneda as have the Ieungarin,n pea•taidges, There le one thing of which I am in- teneeby proud. It is being the wife of Stanley Baldwin, Not the wife of the Prime Minister -khat le, a, totally din ferent thing, but the wife of Stanley Baldwin, the man,—Mrs. Baldwin.. BUILDING TONIC A Nova Scotia Lady Was in an Anaemic Condition, Men and 'Women who do not sleep well and are not 'refreshed and. strengthened by a night's rest, are generally euffering trom thin, watery blood, The, nerves • fail to get :the nourishment they demand and head- aches and a worn-out feeling to the result. Building up the ,blood is the. one eine step to renewed; health and strength, and for this purpose nothing nal Dr. W111tams' Pint PILLS, Prom the first dose to last they enrich and 'purity the' blood, and in tide way promote better appetite, better rest at night, and renewed strength, I Mre. Mary F. Uhlman, Williamstown, N.S., writes:—"I have received so much benefit frons Dr. Williams' Pink, Palle, that I would feel myneld-ungrate- ful if I did not let yea know, "I wasin a very poor State of health, and reached the stage where I had to remain in bed. A doctor was called in and he told me I had no organic trouble, but was simply run down from overwork. I had been deft with a family to support, which I did by dressmaking. Tha doctor esyfd my blood had almost turned to water, and - 'advised a rest cure. I did not see how it wee possible for metre take a very long rest, so I deofded to try Dr. Wil HEMS' Ptak Pill8, Soon I found my strength returning and before very long I ween able to go about my duties as usual again. This was a Pew yefire ago, and ray health remelted goad 1.1M - til about a year ago, when I broke out with humor of the blood. Again I con- sulted the dearer, who 'seed my blood had become as thin that it had really poisoned Itself. I told him I had bought several boxes of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills,and, he told roe to go on taking them as he thought they were just what I needed.. I took eight boxes alit again was in good 'health. I lien there tore recommend these pills to all in a weak or run down condition." Dr. Wbhliams' Pink Pills are sold by all dsugglats or will be sentby mail, poet peed, on receipt etprtce, 50 cents a box. TO them to day: Swilx Ixail s arse Deat.la' from Drowning, ilo t..ot, befo e ''him; we el all be, 1 e�{+ding iu the_ r hwsliaq ors of dome boy or gid being 9200101 while in swim ening. Those 100 timely hints may catch the eye el the would-be ewini- iltei s or their pa ren$se and inay be thm.. rase use of: saving sorns boy or gill' from (lis• eteI'. '-on can protect your property against fine --find you con re)110o pro- perty roperty lost.-through.'.liz•e1 you can pro - toot your boy or 'gill against accident-, a9drowning ut can't 1 eplace,the life of.ym117' boy bof gfri. Children learn to swim very quick- ly, At the Earn) time they can and should imam how to;ilandde themselves itt water: holy to float, to tread water,. to give themselves rest and all the various means to keep afloat. Above all, they should be taught that thery can have all the real fun they, want in the water—without being foolhardy. In cage of accident, it Is: well to learn all the tricks of life-saving, as' pecially how to p'enent a drowning person clutching you as• to render you helpless to save yourself oe him. If you find yourself in distress, keep, your Bead. Don't struggle; don't throw your hands, out of the water- use your arms and legs as Little as pos. sable, just enough to float. The chanoesere you will be picked up with !n• a short, time. , To revive the apparently chrowned,:, the "Schafer•" prone method is un- dcubtedly the best of all manual meth- ods. Briefly it Is as follows? - .1. The drowned .person is placed on the ground, face downm:asds and to one side, gars extended above the head. The tongue will drop toa'ward and- the. flulrf in the air paseegee will run out. Delay is daugerons-dont atop to se. move clothing, •- 2. The me:Tatoe should kneel astride the body, facing the head, Place battle It the small et the back, thumbs touch- ing os'' nearly so, the fingers• spread out on each side cat the lower ribs; dean forward and Steadily allow the weight of::.your body to• fail, gently on the Vic- tim; immediately swizng backward, rapidly releasIng the pmaasura without renioving the hande from the body. Repeat this movement every live seconds; keep It up until natural breathing begins•, or alll hope of such is ;given up• Toronto Doctors Enjoy Privilege Special markers have been issued to doctors and surgeons le. the city for their motor cars, the eartee• being un- der the numbers twelve thousand or thirteen thousand. It does not appear that thee physicians have expressed a preference for the thirteen series,. If a doctor la wanted, however, it Is only naoesaary to stop a ear with a 12 or •13 selects' marker. The pollee have instructions about Stich oars, so that ill emergency cases they may not be delayed. The privil- ege, however, must not be taken priv- ate advantage of. A bishop recently addressed a large/. assembly of Sundary-school children,. and wound up by aeltieg, In a very paternal way: "And now, Is there any litbte boy of any little gh>t-: who would like to ask me a question?" A thin, shale voice at the back of the roam called out, "Please, sir, who' did the angles walls up and down Jacob's lad- der wiser they had wings?", -Ob, ah, yes --i see," said the bishop, "And now, 18 there may little girl who would lupe to• answer that question?-' Now packedinh i i w y same as ,years a.go. RED ROSE RANGE o t fE4 E Q extra. gooc41 Mr. Mellon. Classified Advertisements London Speotavbor: nee think that 1r sov 518001118 eAN1TAnY nvaann coons, M0.', Meilou--though w'e are sure that. 'write far cetafieue and price' lint. Sure and tlulis watsi nrnt ht .dntention--�hae dens 999anitary na5hor Woolrs, peat. W-1, 11-01 Sorel etrcot .ISon;real, an injury to Great Briitain's reputation. thlou'ghout tlluaops and by so doing has aroused that hind of n'eaentmenyt here which must be entirely absent 12 we are to advance werely towards Per- fect., er- fect Anglo-American undeestanddng, The only consolation 'Is that British newspapers can erpresis their annoy- ance wish the certainty that there aa. no danger whatever of a spilt- with America: The fact that the two no' tion, eau Speak to rem another in -un- guarded language le of great aignl- flcanee. No one here would write of a llrench, Italian, German am Japanese Minister in such terms as have been used of Mr, Mellen. "Opportunities • aro lute gide," re- nuarks a London weriter, "we Watt to. embrace only the pleasant ones." . t utllcl�ra.t alcu IJ I &iterated giquisitelyScented e°e err Aler Ale °' iewel ewe ,a•;ears Deafness—Head Noises RELIEVED Dr LEONARD EAR OIL 'Itub' Back of Erre•' INSERT 118 NoaTRILS At, Ail Drugrlatr.. Prtoe 51.29 ratan 00,1Shea "DEAFNESS" nn'r t, • York A. , 1¢011410,- iso., 70 81115- An;, rla cites). of Atrelveg Skin —nn6 the Pure Flood ;Under le Gng .';I'��ps 4Itjo i if The "., s s of EXtra ` Mies .,,Every strand of every cord is insulated and im- pregnated with rubber, after which the cords are coated by the regular calendering r. process. This extra advantage-- . this extra process that is ex - elusive to Firestone, Is yota' assurance of greater tire economy, safety and com- fort. See your nearest dealer to --day and have your car equipped with Firestone Gum -Dipped Tires. FIRESTONE tenet at RUBBER CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Hamilton, Ontario MOST MILES PER DOLLAR LOW `ill: Health This Sprig Taken according to the simple directions on every j the glow of vibrant health to bottle, TRU-BLOOD brings "� the skin. e "TItIOBLOOD Complexions" re- flect "blood health". within, As a Spring Tonic and Blood Parker, it entreats the entices of eczema, skin aunties and kindred symptoms of vitiated or impure blood. Do as so many others are doing .-get a dollar bottle at your brag- . gist's and treve its worth, 156 TO WOMEN OF IDE ACBE Mrs, Wilson's Experience a Guide to Women Passing through the Change of Life • Hamilton, Ontario.have taken several bottles of Lydia 30.Pinkham'a pounVegetad anbled T Oo- canm- not speak too highly of it as I wasat the Change of Life and was all run-down and had no appetite. I was very al and aisle, andwerhos pains in my back were so bad 1 nrTi:ev .lni1 couldhardlymove. I got very sad at times and thought I had not a friend on earth, I dal not caro if I lived or died. I was very nervous, too and did not go out very much. A friend advised me to try a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, so:' I did. I am a farmer's wife, and al- ways worked hard until lately, and was in bed for two months, 1 began to feel like a new woman after the first, bottle and I recommend it with great seceesa also Lydia 11. Pink - ham's Liver Wills. I am willing to answer letters from women asking about your medicines, as I cannot aEIeak too highly of them."' ---Mrs. MMA WILSON, 471 Wilson Street, Hamilton, Ontario. Sold by druggists everywhere. 0, The Harley.Osvidson Single Cylinder Motoroyele is bite greatest little ma - Ohm that has been made. Sate to ride, easy to control, and most 8000- omical, 'Stands without a. 'rival. 100 Miles to Gallon of Gasoline. Price $300. Dowvn Payment $100, Balance; $22 per mouth. Walter Andrews,' Limited, 346 Yonge 8t, Toronto, Ont. Fireeton Builds the Only Oum•DippedTkeo IA„ � � ]PREP BOOK I SENTonREQUEST Tells calls* of cancer and what to do for pain, bleeding, odor,.ote. Write for it to -day, mentioning this paper. dress Indianapolis Cancer Hospital lndiarapolis, Ind. insect Bites. r'N'1RSHn,�4 Minard'a tabes the itch out of mosquito- and fly blase Draws the Polson. Breaking It' Gently.. "Velem a ear ran eves• your hus band's pants and cut them all to pious." "I never heard • of euoh a thing! Where was my husband. •when that ., happened, Man?"' "Ile was toward t r si )ISING from the fathomless depths of the thystic •Sag- vanity Canyon rocky giants • tower 2000 feet toward the sky. Tho world -famed Saguenay forms e climax of flint famous NIAGARA -TO - THE -SEA. crake which"lncludea the fairy lite 3000Isianda—the rushing St. Lawrance Rapids'—eo°mopollten Mos - (creel and Old Quebec. For booklets, rates and full 'information apply .CANADA STSJAMVMSHli' LINES LTD., .i8 Ycnge Street, Toronto', or 9' Victoria Sq., MMoxttreal" ' e-rmptvaSHIP LiNES enotatcascouncouncencruchavarnocaccomeancer Would you buy canned goods that bore no label? Would you buy an automo- bile of unknown, make,no matter how cheap? Nobody would.be so foolish, You gat te trust a name ora label just as you, get to trust a awn, through satisfactory and honest dealings: That is why kit- chen anti household utensils bearing the SUP label are bought without question by millions of Canadians. The shield -shape green and red SMP trademark' la e guarantee of full value and best quality. The firm behind SUP goods is Rus SHEET METAL PRODUCTS Go, °L=4 L?r1TI:D MONTREAL ' TORONTO WINNIPEG BDMONTON VANCOUVER CALGARY SNIP Good (are Sold in the Best Stores EVEhfiEllE zea' ISSUE No. 24---'27.' lx Y i `1 r 1lil. ;: :1?HI R 14'ia's?l or the Bathroom - ED ,12 avy Toilet Tissue S NAVY TISSUE is soft and absorbent and, like all Eddy tissues, is manufactured under the most exacting sanitary conditions. Each roll of "NAVY"Tis- sue is guar- anteed to con- tain700sheets. Quality a d Economy combined. CO. L1 M1T0PCi I f U LL,CAI''l ADA Pv a r� y z l ;ce. Wi