HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-06-09, Page 5E ,CLINT -IEWS-RECORD Clinton ranch Money for the Farmer's Wife N most farms the hens and the money they bring in belong to, the farmer's wife. This money will soon grow to a considerable ppm if deposited in the ibank regularly. ,Auk for o cops of otir Monro Bok containing ueofnl- i formation for Amer:. helloyathank of Canada B E. Manning, Manager Of Interest to You and Me For severity Control has the O.T,A. backed off the map.—London Free 'Press, - Well, it has the O,T,A. backed off, all right, anyway, av:a* "Many people," remarks' the Far- mer's Advocate, "are looking for op- • portunities with their eyes focused on • distant fields;, and stumbling over op- portunities all the time." Capt. Lindbergh must have felt rather foolish °'being kissed by the • men of France. Americans as a rule care little for kisses except from -young and pretty girls: s * * ' Charles Lindbergh will be received by 'President Coolidge on his return to the United States, but he has been 'hob-nobbing with -kings and presidents ever since landing in Europe. It will not have nearly the thrill it Wright have had earlier in his career, * * e * With a sure cure for 'heaves, as = advertised by a Kincardine man, and <a discovery that will prevent rust in wheat, as announced by a scientist, farmers should be reasonably happy, if only Somebody would diecover a azure and painless •method of paying, off the mortgage. • r a They tell us that the sun, although losing its heat, is good for another ona hundred and fifty million years: '.That ought to See us through all• right, but what we'd like to know is with a, halo like a rainbow about his round;` jolly old head, as he did on Monday. *�;am If. you want to get into really high_ society, hobnob with royalty, all that - sort of thing, you know, go into chicken ' clrlture, There's ,our, old friend, F. C; Elford, formerly of Hblmesvilie, now poultry husband- man at the Dominion Experimental - Farm, Ottawa,'so busy getting ready for. the World's Poultry Congress, at which representative birds from, sev- eral, royal pens will exhibit; to be held in the Capital City this summer, that he cannot snatch a dayor so to come, up and shake hands with old friends in this vicinity. And this not be- cause he wouldn't enjo r it, mind you, for success .hasn't spbiled Fred one particle. But that Poultry Congress, ess hich isomething w s of an, achievement for Canada, promises' to be a fine affair and nobody is busier in plan- ning for its success than Mr. Elford, who is general director. "What event happened in Canada thirty-five years ago today?" was the question flungat us on Monday' last by Neighbor J. P. 'Sheppard, and im- mediately our mind began iraeing about tryingto find in its many pigeon holes a note of . the particular event. We should: probably have failed miserably but forthe fact that we've been reading up . more or less Canadian history during the past few weeks, and we guessed "The death of Sir John A. Macdonald." "You are the first one whoanswered," remarked Mr. Sheppard,- I've . asked sev- eral." On June 6th, 1892 the els! what Old Sol means by coming • out Conservative • Chieftain, amid "a na, 1w, Head oake, iYt.k4tos BANK N K O MONTREAL Established 1847 ASSETS and LIABILITIES 30th April,1927 ASSETS Cash on hand . . . Deposits with and notes and cheques of other Banks .. Deposit with Central Gold Reserve Cal[ and Short loans .ori Bonds, Deben- tures'and Stocks . , Dominion and Ptovincia[ Government ' Securities , . . , Canadian Municipal Securities and British, Foreign and. Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian 28,605,330.6o Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks . 3,931,421,19 Quick Assets $427,990,376.52 Loans and Discounts and other Assets '332,496,996.71 Batik Premises , 11,8o0,000.00 Liabilities of customers under letters of credit (as per contra) $ S'7,464,766.3o 49,280,374,28 t9,000,000.00 149,696,272-31 90,007,46,:'/.84 • 1 1,825,400.79' Total Assets $784,112,? 74.02 LIABILITIES TO PUBLIC Notes .v<, circulation - Deposits Letters of credit outstand Other liabilities Total Liabilities to Public • 43.,266,298.70 676,578,714.64 ng 11,$o5,400•79 i•o,398,i33.87 $7s2,o68,547.8o scess of Assets over Liabilities to Public . $ 62,044,226.22 { tion's teats, breathed has last, :kaults he had and mistakes he made, but during his lifetime he served Canada well, 'I -Ie was a man who _ had, vision and to further the welfarerot his beloved country, (for n spite o[ his birth in Scotland he was a true Canadian), was his first desire and the end for which he labored. Peace be to, his ashes! IVa arrnages THOMPSON-NF+iEB=At the manse, Kippen, en- June 3rd,' by the Rev. R. A. Lundy, - Alice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Neeb, to. Sam- uel: Thompson, son of George E. Thompson, all of Hay. Births RUSSELL=In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on`Julie 6th; to Mr. and Mrs: =Nt'esley- Russell, (formerly Miss Nellie Rutiedge),'the gift of a son.' MARSH—At Auburn, on June 4th, to Mr: and Mrs.Fred March,' the gift of a daughter. Deaths LEAK In Blyth, on - June 1st, Ed- mund .Lear, aged 59 -years. WADE—In Fort Wilhelm, on :May 20th, William- Lough Wade, son of the late William Wade of Clinton,. in, his 70th' year. MACDONALD-In Toronto, on June 1St,• Grace Lumsden Christian, 6'i- dow of the late Dr. ,T. A, Mac- douald. ELCOAT--In Los Angeles, Cali£;, on May 25th, David Elcoat, formerly of Tuckersmith and Clinton, in his 71st year.,• FORMER RESIDENT' OF MULLETT DIES SUDDENLY The death of Mr. Edmund Lear of Blyth; which occurred on Wednesday evening of last week, carne as a great shock to his fancily and the commun- ity, Mr. Lear . had on the day of .his death eonsulted the doctor about some ailment e t but his conditionwas not considered de ed at all serious and he had driven over to Auburn with his daugh- ter. Onreturning he had gone up- stairs and when he did not come clown his wife went tip to ell him to his ev- ening meal, only to find that he had passed away. Mr. Lear formerly farmed in Hul- lett township, retiring to Blyth a few years ago. He was a man of sterling character and had the respect and es- teem of all who knew him. He is sur- vived by his wife, who was formerly Miss Hannah Bali, and a family -of three daughters and one son: , Mrs. A. Taylor and Mrs, Stanley Chellew of Blyth, Mrs. Lyon of Brandon and Nel- son Lear of the 13th of Hallett. All were present . at the funeral, which took place from the family home at Tiyth on Sunday.. The services were conduetted by the Rev. • Mr, Hughes and theipalljtearers were; B'enry'Lear;- James •'Ball, Eberts; Ephrieen Bali, Toronto and Nelson Ball, Walter Mair and 'William Sheppard, Clinton. The :fancily have the sympathy of the community in, their: sorrow. Mr. Arnold Petrie and wife of Tor- onto were visitors over the weekend at the home of Mrs. Petrie's mother to the village. - Mr. and 14I1rs. Emmerson Stafford of Elgin county motored to Kippen on Saturday and spent Sunday and Mon- day at the home of Mr, W. L. Mellis in the village,, returning on Monday evening. On Friday last Mr. Samuel Thomp- son, son of Mss Ger. E. Thompson of the 2nd line, 'tray, was united in mar- riage to Miss Alice Neeb, daughter of Mr, AIex. Neeb of the township of Stephen. • The ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. R. A. Lundy at the manse, Kippen. The happy couple will reside on the groom's fine farm about one mile _north of Kippen and we wish them a happy wedded. life. Mr. Cliff Watson, -wife and family of Detroit are -here on an extended visit at the home of Mr. Henry Shafer, who is Mr. Watson's grand- father. We hope he may be one of the many Canadians who in this Jubilee Year will decide to remain in theland of the maple leaf.' When they come ever to see the celebrations that will'be put on this summer let us hopevery many will decide to stay with us. ° Stray Heifer. Strayed from the premises of the undersigned on or about. June 6th, a black yearling heifer. Information as to whereabouts of animal will 'bring suitable reward, John J. Smith, Base line. Phone 638-r-2, , 13-1 For Sale Choice Durham and well bred Hol- stein heifer calves -for. wile. Also a few Jerseys. , Apply to Harold' Pen - hale, Bayfield; Ont. 13-1. Veteran's Dray • I intend to go into light draying .and will be ready to start on Mociday, • June 13th. .'Phone calls promptly at- tended to. .A share of u � 1 bre patron- age 1 n age solicited; Thos. TH..L eppington. 13,1 lr Farm For Sale Gooch fifty acre farm on Mill road, Tuekersnitic, (county road) part lot 29, con, 5, L.R.S.. Situated S'/'stiles west: of Seafortlt and 21/ miles east of Brucefield. 1,4 ,allies. from school. There are on tate property a good frame house; 'nine rooms, cellar' and Woodshed, bank barn 36x60, drive sited` and hon house. Two good wells, four I acres of maple bush, half. acre of young• orchard .also phot cherry and pear trees and other small fruits. The remainder of farm is in a good, shote of cultivation. Rural mail and telephone. Also twenty-seven,aeres of pasture land, .with creek running through,. part lot 32, 0011, '1, Tucker smith, 00 which is a good baths, 26x55, and an orcliard. Will be sold togeth- er ot;,scpar'ttely: Apply to Archie McGregor, R. R. No. 3, Sea; Orth, Ont. 13-2-p [ Airless Photo studio • OPEN EVERY TUESDAY FOoin 10 a.m.., to 5 p.m.. 1" ,et tis -make,: for you'the best Photographs you ever had. We make a specialty .of Wedding Photos. Leave your films with us' for I3'ovelo;iing, Printing and Enlarging' Burgess, Portrait Studio 141ITCHPLL AND CLINTON Jaw( it With C vers .Cut F'Icavvers And Floral Work for all Occasions NOW is the tine to select your Plants for Hanging Baskets, etc, Chas. V. Cooke' Phone 66 ' Used Cars for Sale We have-Dodges,'Maxwells, Essex,' McLaughline, Chevrolets and Fords, open and' closed models, SEE CTS BEFORE YOU BUY Your Old Car Taken as Part Payment Terms if Desired .A. S. 1NKLEY THE CLINTON GARAGE 10-4-p Grand Street -Opening � g Jitney Dance Under auspices of Firemen and Hospital. Board' Clinton, June 14 at 8 o'clo elsp .m. Old Time and Modern' Dances' Music: lay Leading Musicians Hot.Dogs and Ice Cream If Weather' is inclement Dance will be held inside Everybody Come Summer Sessions In SHAW'S 12 SCHOOLS -- follow present tern, from July 4th without any holidays forced upon students: Make time count fpr progress. Enter any y. W, R. Shaw, Registrar, 46 oor West, ` Torottto. 1VIen Wanted Applications 'will be received from reliable men to take charge of the business of a large manufacturing firm in the towns and Surrounding country of Clinton and Goderich re- spectively. Interviews in above towns. A full time proposition. No part time or side lines colisidered. Replies confidential Mr. Jones, 420 Emery. St., London. For Sale On the London Road, 2 acmes and comfortable 6 -room house, facing river. Modern conveniences. May be seen evenings after seven o'clock. 1). B, Cunningham: , 12 -t -f FOR SALE Used building —,,material, from the old Collegiate 'building. Blick, stone sills, doors and frames, windows and frames, storm.sasll, joists, up to 22 ft:, studding, lath, casings, scantling, mouldings' of all kinds, matched hum- ber,stairs and bannisters, maple and pine flooring, etc. ` Apply on job to W. J. Elliott, or. to 5. E. Roseli at the Clinton Creamery. - 12-t£ Farm For Sale 100 acres, good soil, fine buildings, small maple ' bosh; 4i%z miles from Clinton. Will sell cheap rind oh easy terms. Will sell "crop witla, farm if desired. • -Inquire at News -Record, of- fice. f-fice. `12 -:f Range For Sale A kitchen range, in first class con- dition, Apply to Mrs. Frank Sturdy, Huron street, 'near, White Rose gas station, Clinton. 10-tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS the Estate of ,Thomas .Eraser, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons haying claims against the estate of Thomas Fraser late of the Township of Goderich in the county of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the 10th day of March,: A.D., 1927, are required to deliver to The Canada Trust .Company the., ex- ecutor of :tate said estate or itseolic- itor.,on or before the 20th day of June -A D:, 192 7, a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the seeur- ities, it any, ' held by them ail duly . verified by affidavit. -. • AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last' mentioned date the said., executor will ],mooed to distribute the estate of the said deceased arnoiigtt the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as it shall, have, received duo notice and in ac- cordance c-corclan.e therei'ith, Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 26th day of May A.D., 1927,. W. Br.ydoite, Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said executor; 123,'. Now is the Time for Farmers and' Poultrymen to clear their pens oi' roosters and fat, broody hens. - PHONE ;OUR OFFICE FOR PRICES We are buyers '12 ,months in the year for both Eggs and Poultry Clanton Poultry; House N. W. Trewvartlha Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w ,Announcement Ilaving decided to go into the coal business, I wish to announce that I will keep a stock of tate best quality hard and soft coal, coke •and wood; and respectfully -solicit a share of public ,patronage. HOWARD CLARK About that Gar of Yours. Are you enjoying motoring comfort in proportion to your money invest- ment? • The maitimum of physical comfort Cannot be enjoyed when there is mental anxiety. Put', on liability insurance and let us do the worrying. H, E Rorke All Lines of Insurance - Phone 263w , •S OW Al Colored People Town Hall, Clinton Thur5, June 16th COMEDY—SINGING BUCK AND WING DANCING Come and hear some Real Darkie Banjo Playing J y>t g ADMISSION --35c and 20c, plus tax Cottage for Sale An eight -room cottage- in Isaac street, beautifully finished inside, town water and good cistern, summer. kitchen. ' Garden with' apples and small fruits. Apply on premises to. Mrs, Wm. Graham. 10-tf House For Sale Large red brick house, corner. Or- tinge and Wellington streets, 8 rooms, all modern conveniences Possession when desired. Also a barn and t/.a acre lot on WeItington street. Apply to. Mrs. W. Jenkins. 06-tf-13p For Sale 2 acres of land, six -room house; furnace, 'flame ,stable, never -failing spring, half mile from' Londesboro. Apply, to F. Gibbs. Clinton. •03-01 Clinton's TWO PREMIUMS' GIVEN AWAY nr.K . ifl WITH EVERY ORDER, Or - HEAT FOLKS COAL, C3OUGF T DURING 11-1E. SLj11 "l .R.- (l ) PEACE ®--Niihau (2) PREPAREDNE S Cold, rainy days come even in,the' summer time, They come even in the best„years of a man's prosperity, too. It is best to be,preparecl for these rainy days, If you'll make 'a habit of ordering. your year's supply of coal in the spring,' you'll be ready for any weath- er. And yott ll. have `a neatstun in the savings banldagainst any emer Call the t01 for good, clean coal ,s SLS. COAL COMPANY PHONE 74 CLINTON THURSDAY, JUNE 0th, 1927. zlle ardw�,re Dealers in General -Hardware, Paints, Oils, Stovis, Eta. Rowland's Old Stand Cl3I-NAMDL STOl£J TELEPHONE 53 • - ee Our All \heather Work Shoes for Men and Boys We price them beyond competition in Ontario: including Eatons. Buying for Cash enables you to get thein at Rock,Bottom prices, For Sale or 'Rent House in Joseph street, 7 rooms, newly papered, modern conveniences, corner lot, garage, chicken house, all in good condition. For terms apply to Clifford Lobb, Clinton. '09-tf Bay Chicks and Eggs Bred to lay 'Barred Rock chicks, May amid_ June hatched, $16.00 per 100 from high production stock. Eggs $4.00 per 100, Pullets, March hatched, $1.80 for June and July, D. M. Lindsay, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. 08-tf Clothes Cleaned' and ;Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed aiid re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms ` tor Heard's B..rber shop. W. T. Jago. 2283-tf House For Sale A. nine -room hose on Princess street, 1/a, acre lot, electric light, fur- nace, three-piece bath, all in first- class condition. Apply to E. L. Mit- tell, Clinton, Phone 213. 08-tf. x. Baby Chicks and •Custom Hatching S. C. W. Leghorns chicks, $16.00 per 100; Barred Rock chicks, $16.00 Per 100. Tune prices; Leghorn chicks, $13.004 Barred Rocks, 516.00. Custom, hatching 6cents per egg, after May 15th, d _cents per egg. Individual machines, 100 egg to 800, egg sizes. The best of attention paid to custom hatching. No order too small or too large. -Get your chicks- early so they will develop into good sized birds to get the early markets Early hatched pullets make the best. winter Iayers E. 3. Trewaitha, Iloltnesvillo P.O. Phone 611r-22' Clinton central'. ': 06-tf SEEDS Have large stook of Seeds, specially selected for purity and price. Our Oats are imported Banner, over standard test. So these before buying, Out; Sweet Clover is all Government Standard, ranging in price from $6:00. to $7.50 per bushel. • Our Alfalfa is a "special seed, grown from a field twenty years in the ground. Ontario Variegated,.veyy hardy, See this seed before buying. The grading 'shows it as free from 'Sweet Clover and also free from Primary Weeds. l If . you want high quality Seeds at a reasonable ptrice•21317Y, NOW Seeds will be Higher Neat Week's Always carry complete ,line';. of Flour, Feeds, Calf • Meal, Oil Cake, Beef Scrap, etc. • Have a car load' of Wasters Oats, These are- very reasonable in price and will go very quick. ti.. A. FORD & SON Phone 123 Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain •Buyers F. R. DA.RROW BARRISTER,.. will be at his office in Clinton' each MONDAY From 3 to 6 p.m. • 30-tf. EPPS THE MOVER VARRNA, ONT, -Canada and United States All Loads insured Reasonable Rates --Covered Vane Write, or Phone e Clinto n 626-r-21 0612 Nediger's Garage AUTOMOBILES Overhauled and Repaired STORAGE BATTERIES C}iarged, Stored for winter months and Repaired SKATES Ground and Honed °RADIO • Outfits installed Gasoline—Dias-Accessories W J. Nediger, Prop. • Wallpaper and Hanging Maximur•Wallpapers sold and hung by the, undersigned. Please give week's notice of your needs, Eavered L. Johnston, Box 23, Londesboro, 10-tf Singer Sewing Machine Leased on. Small Monthly Payments Big Discount on Cash Sales Now is the tine to have yiaur ma- chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs, Needles, Belts and Parts for all "makes. ' W. GLEN COOK Phosre 1713. P.O. Box 201, Muted Elmslea Chick Far Feed Bags for sale BABY CHICKS; Leghorns and Rock* Iftocks, $15 per hundred Leghorns, $13 per hundred From' Parc Bred -to -lay Stock • 1 Miller's Ideal Incubators and "T Brooders 1'1 Poultry Supplies 1"? l Royal Purple Calf Meal. and 1 Chick Feeds E. L. Mitten Phone 213 93-te C. a VENNTER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other 4 Appliances Wiring and Repairs. Phone 7 111 We have a car of screenings coming, Also a limited supply of Western Oats on'1 PP Y nand. Maple Leaf, Five Roses and 'Purity Flour ' always in stock, Millet;Seed, Sorghum Seed and difFer^antvarieties of Seed Corn. We will bury Oats, Wheat and Buckwheat. Chariesworth PHOI+TE ioa