HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-06-09, Page 2CLINTO
'ierma of Subscription-fi200 per year
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, Countries, No paper discontinued
until all arrears aro paid unless 'at 1
the option ofthe publisher. The
date to which every subscription is
paid Is denoted on the label,
Advertising Rates -Transient, adYor-
t1 it ig, 12o ,per count line, for first
insertion, Sc for each subsequent
insertion. Heading count's 2 lines.
Small advortleemonts, not to exceed
"one Inch, such as "Wanted, "Lost,".
'"Strayed," etc., inserted once for
26c, each subsequent ineertion'15o.
Advertisements sent in without in-
structions .as to the number of in-
Sections wanted will run until order-
ed out and }will be charged' accord-
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Made: known _on application:
•Communications• intended for pubti-
elation must, as a guar,Lnteo of 'good
faith, be accompanied by thea name of
the writer,
Proprietor." Editor,
general Banking Business transact-
ed, Notes Discounted, Drafts Issued.
Interest Allowed on Deposits. Sale
,Notes Purchased.
Notary Public, Conveyancer.'
Financial, Real Estate - and Fire In-
surance Agent. Representing 14Illre
Insurance Companies.
Division Court Office, Clinton,
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc.
omen Hours: -1,30 to 3.30 p.m., 6.30
to 8.00 pm.,Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 p.m,
Other hours by appointment only,
Office and Residence Victoria SL
Office and Residence:
Ontario Street - Clinton, Ont.
One door west of Anglican Ohuroh.
• Phone 172.
Eyes examined and glasses fitted.
Woinen Need More
and Better Blood
To. be strong, well, ec)uai to domandM
of home, society; office or shop.
It tea fact proven by thousands of
grateful !otters that hood's Sarsa-
parilla is reni;trlutbly: beneficial to
young or older women.
The most noinxnon ailments'' of
women drain and weaken the systezn
andeometimes result in 'anemia, nor-
vone weakness, general break -down.
flood's Sarsaparilla gives the blood
morn vitality and butter color,' makes
stronger nerves, and contributes to
the, length and 'enjoyment of life,
Twelve -Hour Blaze on H.M.S..
Renown Caused Serious
Sydney, Australia; -That the, Re-
nown, with the Dake and Duchess of
York aboard, were lin very serious
danger when the fire broke out in her
'fuel bins is disclosed by details
Arre.teti for Sperling, 'which are made available for the
Man is Held as 13anclit .first time.
Windsor. -Arrested by 'rod City So, serious did the position appear,
constables alter paying two fines in while the fire was being battled 'in
as niany hours for speeding, George rho Indian Ocean, that thcruiser
Parker, alias Bennett,, who gave his proc edey was e assistance
etbeready t-
addreesas 1634 Bruneth Avenue; De- proceed to tsh`asbatle-c of the maim-
trait, is held at Tecumseh in connec-:mowth British battle -cruiser. stoodoodiby The
tion with the armed hold-up of Frank` crew of the Renown by to flood
the ma
Benasld of Sand-wit:1i East, who tnes.
claims to have been robbedof$150.1' For twelve hours the fire raged,
and the ship was hove .to to lessen
1 fl kd ug s
speeding and driving waned lights showed magnificent bravery.
Parker was est pz0 e up or, the; air dra its. Offii'✓er and risen
Oa the Lesperanee Itoad by. Tecumseh The Duke of York was in the vi -
police. He admitted his • guilt, and tinny of the fire, and offered his ser-
left $20 with the Chief Constable. An vices if needed,
hour later Benaski reported :he had Perhaps the m at critical to a of
t i d ti fore De Mar (seemed
swering Parker's description. A mo- hands t those actually engaged
ish Preittier
' Aug. 17. The later program of; the
Ottawa. -B the resent tentative Prince, is still in. •the process of for -
The cruiser Sydney was off the Y p mation. A subcommittee of the Cab-
iv $ thw st coast of Australia at the plans the Prin"5e of Wales and Pre incl with the 'aid of several senior
Baldwin E 1 d
Another' Triumph for -Young Canada
Clifford Bricker, Gatlt,' Ont., marathoner, is shown with his.father as he
finished first in the Cairo marathon at Buffai*. Bricker brolce" the tape..one
minute and twenty -flee • seconds ahead of rohn'ny Miles, the Nova' Scotia
been held up by an armed man an- o gage ruusla who camp third axis twenty-eight secou s be
outbreak was reached when all ' place)
an s except o e a ua
merit after the Ford, City police were in fighting the fire, were piped to the
notified, and one of the Ford City upper deck with orders to stand -to in Prince and PremieY sailing for home about
constables brought in the suspect on readiness to flood the magazine.
a charge of speeding, for which he
as assessed , 23.50. _. nor e
Benaski was taken to Ford' City, time, and was notified by wireless as coyer a win Willsailfrom ng an
and he' immediately identified ParkerI r Gorkitig eat officials, . is at -present
as the hold-upman the a precaution. on July 23, arriving in. Quebec an workin on the arrangements.
, police said,' The fire . was extinguished after July 29. The' Prince and the Pre- g g -
Detectives are seeking a -bobbed, t damage had been done, mien will spend Aug. 2, 3 and 4- in
Ufnce and Residence;
I•iuroa Street Clinton, Ont.
Phone 69
,(Formerly occupied by the late D.
C. W. Thompson).
Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted.
Chiropractor -Electrical Treatment.
Of *Ingham, will be at the Commer
ousel Inn, Clinton, en Monday, Wednes-
day and E'riday forenoons of each
Diseases of all kinds suocessfuliy
Licensed Auctioneer for. the County
of Huron.
Correspondence prompts•• answered.
7mmedfate arrangements Can be made
for Sales Date at The News -Record,
Clinton, or by calling Phone 208.
Charges Moderato and Satiafaotion
blonde-hairecLgirl, who us said to have considerable the electric lighting in the boiler /Ottawa as the guests of their' Excel. Sir Hugh John Maccdonald,
Honor Graduate Carey Jones' National
School of Auotioneering; Chicago, Spe-
trial course taken in Pure Bred Live
Stock, Real Estate, Merchandise' and
Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with
prevailing market. Satisfaction as-
sured. 'Write or wire, Zurich, Ont.
Clinton, Ont,
General Fire and Life Insurance,'Agent
for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock,
Antoinobite and Sickness and Accident
Insurance. Huron and Erie and Cana.
da. 'Trust Bonds. Appointments made
to meet . parties at Brueefleld, Varna
and Bayfield. 'Phone E7,
1A1 1l I i AIEWi l u
Trains will arrive at and depart from
Clinton as followet
Buffalo and Goderich OIv.
Going Baste depart 6.25 a.m
2.62 p.m.
Going West, ar. 11.10 a.m.
ar. 6,03 dp. 6.58 p,m
axe 10.04 P.m.
London;' Huron & Bruce. Div,
Going South, ar. 7.56 dp. 7.66 a,to,
4.10 p.m..
Going North, depart • 8,60 p.ni.
" Y1 11.05 11.16 a.m.
sen in Parker's car when he stopped, room: lencies the Governor-General and Has. Right, Leg Am
Loses His
•Lady Willingdon and of the Govern-
men o Canada.
- 6 a
,Winnipeg. -Sir
Hugh John Mac -
it hi Royal High,. onald veteran Ii Magistrate the Capital s o Il d e Police 'Ma stia a of
t f C d
Life• p Y g g
?? • d r Bat- wig' o directly Winnipeg, who dei nt aopera-
Motorist�� ,� '>:x . : r •,. noes an fd . twin l g Y peg, w .un we n
t ' f Drive
'��• � :.. ..:;.. "� h High t fright
Teaching Girl
Pembroke. -When the car he was
driving turned over Saturday aftere;. 1
noon, Patrick Gorman of Douglas was
instantly killed, receiving injuries
about the head and his temple. .An'
inquest was held' a few hours later
by Dr. J. Galligan of Eganville, and,
he declared death. accidental Mr:
Gorman had been teaching Miss Mar-
garet Neville, daughter of the pro-
prietor of the hotel at which he board-
ed, to drive their car. Ile was at the
wheel himself driving toward the C.
N. R. Station when the accident hap-•
pened. In some way be lost control
of the car, and it turned' over in a
deep ditch. Miss Neville escaped with
tnin7r injuries.
Constipation --
the bane of Cid age
is notto be cured
by harsh purge twla
fives; they rather
aggravate the e�
trouble, For a goatee,
but sure laxative, vaa
Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets, They
stir up the liver, tone the
nerves and freshen the
etomaeit and bowels lust
Alco nu internal bath.
Woman's best friend,
From girlhood to old age.
these little. red health re.
otorers aro an unfailing
guide to an active liver and
a clean, itealtliYYI'��, normal
Chambe0 ain's'8tamach
Tablet at night and the
sour stomach and fer-
mentation, and tho
headache, have all
gone by morning.
All druggists, 2ac..
or by marl from
ChamOarliln tiedicki
Company, Paolo 12
Ge J H Ma a 1e Poultry dressed -Broilers, u de 2 study an co-operation e, n
U.S. Pro,xiiees Consideratican1 will find a way of realizing ne ha'tnlc-.
to Po Adel• Note an! Canada 1 eretl' their arrxbitinns for horn el ,Lela -
tions with the Soviet.
Welcomes Phillipa, Liti'inofl'; emphatically denies all
charges of violating -the trade agree
COMING. Ano appeal issued in the name of the,
A tense sittieatiou exists between various llios ew nxiiona t rges w irkera.
Great` Britain and Egypt owing to and.poiasant youth to voluntarily en-:
the e; oils of the Zagl i filet extrem_ lzst.in the Red Army. It recommends
ists' section.of the Egyptian' GoVei•n- that all unions send the hest of their''
meat to ,force the elimination of the comrades to. military ,schools for
few remaining British; .officers .serv-
ing in the Egyptian Army, particu-
larly the Sirdar, or Commander -in -
The issue has been' created by re-
commendations' of the Egyptian 'Par-
liamentary War Commission; one of
these reeonunendati*as was the total
removal of British representation nn
the Egyptiddn Army Council.
This measure is not acceptable to
War -Lute Pre al•atlon
Tho Council of People's Coxrimis-
sars- has announced its decision to
float two internal loans of 200,000,000
rubles each; It asks a nation-wide.
subscription to these loans for'. the
national defence, •
Chairman Tomelcy ire the Soviet
trades unions, asserting that 'the
British note points to the eertainty of
an' open attack on the Soviet, maybe
the British Government, and to fore-` in; a month or maybe in a year,. de-
ed to clares the country must utilizethe
stall it a note was despatch interim in the most effective mannek
Egypt which the 'press generally to develop its military an economic
"characterizes as an ultimatum. but 'defence.
which the Foreign Office maintains -. The .newspa ee :.Pravda se, the
is a mere "'warning,„containing no e • p Ya
rupture is the greatest treason to
desire for co-operation' between the the :cause of European peace since
British and: Egyptian Governments 1914,5'and that the danger of war
Ito ensure the defence of Egypt, upon the Soviet Union has never been
It is further asserted that the de- more imminent pined the Polish war
spatch of British warships to Egypt of 1920.
is not a demonstration, but a pre- The View In England.
caution for the 'preservation of 'for-
eignBritain's " life and property for which, with Russia receives the unqualified
Great •Britain has assumed respongi- approval of financial London. The
possible loss. of trade is regarded as a
threat of any kind, but expressing a
bility. It is explained that excitable
Egyptian moba easily get out of con- very small matter when measured
h benefit h h h id
derive from'the ,suppression of Rus-
Lindbergh Honored: elan communistic activities. R i
r $ has derived most of the advantage
west' to the Rockies. The Prinpe will tion horn Wednesday. for the arjzputa- London. -The King and Queen gave from the trade•which has been` done,
go to his rant near River, andion o his rig leg, was reported,"as .Captatn Charles Lindbergh a fitting and its lose would disturb very few
probably be the host to the Premier. well as could be expected" in a hos- welcome -when' he visited the Sever- people. Loss of Chinese trade due to
- It is understood that a visit will be 'pital bulletin Weed Wednesday eigns at Buekingham Palace. The the Russian influence is infinitely
made to Banff and Lake Louise. Mr. night. King pinndd the Air Force on more important.
Baldwin will leave the Prince in the The physicians were hopeful of the the Captain's breast, patted him in
West returning alone via' Calgary, aged Magistrate's recovery from the a fatherly manner on the shoulder{ Canada Considered.
Regina and Winnipeg. It is expected, shock of the operation. Sir Hugh and sat down and listened for twenty Washington. ---The United States
too, that he will spend a day: in To- John is '77 years old and is a son of minutes to a rectal of one of the most Government bas replied to Canada's
ionto. ` Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada's ventdresomo voyages in the air that note on -the border It prom -
The present program•ytas the Brit- first Premier. has ever been taken.
ises e bo dere ruling. for Canadian
pro -
trol a tithes of political.•excitetnent againstt e enc which we should
Queen Mary came in -ond sat in is s e ery
residents working across the border
rapt attention, with eyes of admire-
antra- during the six 'months in which they
tion on the youth who has achieved must try to conform to the United
what no man ever achieved before--aStates immigration law and it son-
etraigh2 swift race across the Allan- veYs a virtual promise that
British -
from one great meropous to an born Canadians who cannot get a
°r'�W�'" other. Later the Prince of Wales added place on the quota this year will be
34c; fresh extrasloose, 35 to 36c; his , cheery. greeting when Lindbergh grante,d an note also extension
Man. wheat -No. 1 North., ei ee s; firsts, 82e; seconds; 28 to 29c. ,ailed to see' him and perhaps more Thd pwith th C a -
n. c 1 n No 2 North $164t�a No 3 North ou ry, n r than most others entered into the
Who' recently left file department of #1.N3t , c.i.f, bay ports. 1bs,, 40e; do, over 2 lbs., 45c; Chick- adian Legation to "clear up difficul-
national defense as chief of staff and Man. oats -No. 2 CW;, nominal; ens, 5 lbs. up, 400; do, 4 to 6 lbs,, real spirit of adventure in which the ties and'. dissatisfaction with regard
future King of England glories, n
to border crossing, with a recom-
mendation to Congress next session
Politics Planned. for the removal of anything inherent
Moscow. -Maxim Litvinoff, Asses-, in the law `iwhich tends to affect ad-
vexsel the friendly relations between
starts an a year's vacation berm as. No. 3, not quoted; No. 1 feed, 66%e; 33e; do, 3 to 4 lbs., 85c; do, 2t to
miming new ditties, Gen. MtBrien was No. 2 . feed, nominal; Western grain 8'f% lbs., 34e; hens, over 5 lbs., • 32e;
pos6•ibly, the most popular start officer quotations in c.i.f. ports. do, 4 to 6 ibe., He; do, 8 to 4 lbs., 28c;
in the Canadian corps. 1 Am, corn -Toronto freights, No. 2 roosters 26o; turkeys, 46 to 47c;
yellow, kiln dried, $1.19; No, 1 yellow, spiting ducklings, 380. •
°] kiln dried $118 TORONTO Liths atoms QUOTATIONS.
tent Commissioner of Foreign Affairs Y „
DE PI EDO IS READY i trMlrlft d-Carlots, delivered Mon- ` Heavy beef steers, $9 to $9.50; do, and former Soviet Ambassador to • Canada and this country,
London, rn a nota handed the British;
an; per ton $32.26; shorts, fair, $8 to $8.60; butcher steera;
>E I OT P4r ton,6384.25; middlings per ton choice $9 to 39.26; do,fair to good,
3 O E T $8 $860 d 6 75 is
Fascist Long -Distance Aviator
Will Resume Four -Continent
' ' ' $B to38.75;butcher eifers choice, Charge d'Affaires, declared that he, Phillips Welcomed.
Ont. oats -57c, to b. shipping pts: 26 to ; o, com., to not surprised at the British act Ottawa. -Enjoying the distinction
Ont. good • milling wheat -$1.40, $7.25; butcher cows,, gold to choice" in breaking off relations with , Russia,` of being the first of the British Do-
f.o.b, shipping ,points, according to 36.76 to 37,50; do, fair to good, 35.26 as he was aware that the Conserve- minions to be so recognized by the
freights. `to 36; do, com. to med., $4.60 to 35;'tive Government had long prepared United -States, Canada welcomed the
Barley --Malting, 80c. 1,do, canners and cutters $2.60 to $4; for a•rupture. (first United. States Minister to this
Buckwheat -Per bus., 80e, outside, butcher bulls, good to ohoiee, $t3.60 to 1 The whole world sees that the cause country, Ilon. William ' Phillips, when
in carlots. $7.50; do, met., $6.26 to $5.75; de, of he "rupture, he adds, is the defeat' he recently arrived to present his
Hotta, Fayal, Axoros.-Commander Rye -Per bus., 31.10, in carlots, bolognae, 34.50 to $6; baby Beef'$1.60; of the Conservative Government's o1 -;.credentials and locate offices and a
i to 12; feeders, choice, $7 to P
Francesco de Pined*, Fascist long- autMsan. flour -First pat. in cotton,' de, fair, 36.25 .to • $6.76; etokers,; icy in China, ,had an attempt to mask residence,
distance aviator, is once more ready $,J 16, in jute, $9; Toronto; second choice, 36.60, to 37; do, - fair to med'., that defeat by a diversion „directedi Mr. Phillips was greeted at the
Co resume the four -continent flight rats., in jute, $8.50. 135.50 to $6; springers, choice 390 to against the Soviet. He hopes the Union Station first by Premier Mae -
interrupted by atmospheric conditions i Crit• flour -Toronto, 90 per cent. 3115; mulch cows, choice, 390 to 3110; time is near when the British people kenzie King and loading high officials.
at sea May 28, when he was crossing pat., per barrel, in meets, Toronto, plain to need. cows, 343 to $65; e conn o , ;seaoar;n calves, _ .-. • ..
the AtlanticO from Trepassey, $5 80 seaboard, i bulk, e6 'choice, $10 to $11 , • do, tmet $8 to $9
Nfld. + PRODUCE, do, .com., $6 to $7; spring lambs,; FLOODS OVER
After taking off from here he will Beans -Can. hand-picked, $8.60 to choice, 318 to $18.50; sheep, choice,'
$7 to $7 60• do heavies $5 60 to
return to the spot where he alighted $9,90 bushel; prlmel $8.45 to $8.60, f$6.60, do, culls, $4 to $5; bogs, select, ' Eatons. Bu Arcade
and then again land here so as to Maple products --Syrup, per, imp.Iw.o,e., $10.60.. ,do, f. and w„ $lfl.2a; Voltiine Recedes About 5�
experience ,in the 'Mississippi Valley
weather service. t
weld together the chain in his mo- gal., $2;25 to 32.30; per 6 gal., $2.15 do,thick smooth wo.c., $10; do, do, f. Per dent. in Hamilton
mentous journey, to 32.25 per gal,; maple sugar, Ib., anw., $8.70, Regular discounts an
25 to 26c. inferior grade, of `hogs New Orleans.-The•frst good news Negotiations are said to have been
c es nBe our ,
What these men have done, you Don, dot In a ur spare time
Star Salesmen. whatever your Waimea has bean -whatever.
you may be doing now -whether or not you think you ran sell- •
lust answer this question: Are you ambitious to tarn 510,000 a
year? Then got to touch with me at onto! I will prove to you,
without cost or ohiiaatfon that you on easily become a Star
Salesman. I teal slimvyou bow the Salesmanship Training and
Free Shmloyment Service of tho N, S. T. A. will help yen to quick
Bae0Ot0 18 Selling. _.
$10,000 A Year Selling Secrets
Ste Secrete of Slot Soletmanablp as fought by tho N. S. T. A, has
emailed thou,+nde almost overnight, t4 Ism. behind for aver the drndaery
'end"Oman par of bllnd.aller lobs teat lead aaah¢¢e,. Ne matter whet 001
are sow dolor, the acid of '411,0 effort Yell a kap rotate, Set eh, bet..
Cake, 5,110
National Salessten'e Training Association"
at home you can euelly master the secrets of a .ing r m
Canadian MgO..Bort 362 Toronto, Ont.
Honey---CO-Ib. tins, 18 to 13trtc; 10- MONTREAL. from the middle and northern Louis completed for the transfer of the
lb. tins, 13% to 13%c; 5 -ib, tins, 14e g
to 1414e; 2% -lb tins 16c ti d firm. The t len
.- , tive an market
arece receipts a "disaster zonea since .the great business at -an early date of the "Ar -
Comb honey -$4 to $5 per dozen. 1 g12 flood that part of rho
ac i ; cede" at Hamilton to the Eaten in-
PilovasiONs. t cases, oo overwhelmedtomato of Toronto. , Terms of sale,
The potato trade was fair and the State,tames out from Northern Pointe while yet subject to the ratification
Wholesalers' aro quoting to the undertone was steady. Carlots of Caupee. It is that the flood torrents of 2,200 shareholders of The Arcade,
trade: New Brunswick green mountains were crashing through the crevasse at Mc -1
Smoked meats --Hams, med., 80 to quoted at $2.45 to 32.50 per. bag of Gree have suddenly, decreased to prob- Limited, will be approved; it is said,
82c; cooked hams 430; smoked 'ninety pounds; Quebec white -13 grade at a shareholders Meeting to be held
rolls, 26c; breakfast bacon, 28 to 88e; at 32.40 •per' bag, and reds at 32 to ably 50 per Beni of the volume that on June 14.
n2 10 per bag of ninety pounds in was surging. through the great gap in The Arcade, Limited, occupies a
backs, boneless, 32 to 42c.
Cured meat••Long clear bacon
60 to '70 lbs., 321; '70 to 90 lbs., 319
90 to 100 lbs., and up, $18; light
weight rola, in barrels, $11.60; heavy
weight rolls, $$8.50 per bbl. •
Lard -Pure tierces, 14 to 14 ape
tuba, 15 to 15%c; pails, 16t to 16e:
prints, 1634 to 17c; shortening tierces,
1814e; tubs. l8est; pails, 14%e; blocks
and tins 1614,,
bulk, ex -track. the East Atchafalaya defences,
Prices for all grades of butter were The hope now is that hundreds of
well maintained under et moderate de- homes and thousands of acne of fey -
'nand' The receipts were 2,989 pack- tile .farm lands in Southern Pointe
ages. Cos and in northern parts of the
There was no improvement in the,'Pari• ,West Raton Rouge will
condition of the cheese trade owing to a the dela This would mesh
the continued indifferent attitude of escape ge'
foreign buyers: In the absence of any the salvage of a part of the Auger -
important transactions it is difficult cane crop in that part of the "Sugar
Cheese -New, large, 19% to 20%; to quote prices. The receipts were Bowl." •
twins, 20 to. 21c; triplets, 20% to 21e. 5,152, boxes, i At the New Orleans Weather Bu-
Stiltons, Adeno Old, large,. 250; Quotations were': Butter, No. 1 pas reau, Dr. Cline, the Government
twins, 26c. Old Stiltons,'27c. teemed, 84% to 34,4,; eggs,, fresh Meteorologist, said that what had
Butter-No.'•1' creamery, 38c; No. extra, 35 to 36c; eggs, fresh'firsts, ha pened at McCrea was one of the
2 34 to 37e. Dairy Prints, 33 to -34e., 38 to 34e; potatoes, per bag, carlots,
strangest things in his forty years of
Eggs -Fresh extras, in cartons, $3.40:e
The McKillop _Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Head Office, Seaford), Ont.
President, Jaies Connolly, .Goderich,
wee, James Evans, SCeehw,00d; Sea'
Treasurer, Thos. E. Bays, Seaforth.
Directors George McCartney,. Sea,
forth; D. Il, McGregor, Seaforth; J. G.
Grieve Walton Wm. Ring, Seafortli;
McEwen, Minton; Robert Parries,
enerlock John Benneweir., Brodhagen;
Jas. Connolly, Goderich.
Agents: Alex, Leitch, Clinton; J. W.
Yeo, Goderich Ed. HIinehray, - Sea.
forth;W.Chesney Egmondvtlie; R.
G. Jarmuth Biodhagen.
Any money; to be Maid in meq bo
paid to Moorish Clothing Co„ Clinton,
er at Cutt's Grocery, Goderich.
Parties desiring to affect Ineuranco
or transact other business will be
ion to
any t he above officers ended to on aaddrestoed to
their respective poet office.. Losses
inspected by'the Director who lives
nearest the scene.
"Why do you bring two young` moi
as partnere?" airked tike lane hoatees.
"I stwaymcarry a spare," replied the
A drttg•etore advooates preparednees
with. this sign above itssode. fountain:
Fake hone a brick, You may. have
central location on Jaynes 'Street, a
few doors north of the City Hall, If
the sale is approved on June 14 the
Eaton interests • will take charge
forthwith, it is said.
Under the Eaton raanageninnt, the
new Hamilton store promises marry
innovation to the kcal buying public.
P.E.I. Elections.
Charlottetown, P.E.L=The Prince
Edward Island Provincial elections
will- be held Saturday, June 25th,
��lUi(Pi� iii ir►�hi��il1
e 440'
r 1011tH >r 1, i t
®:: ....•-ti�,v�G'tA�Cs ,r'nm1,,, �, 1,00
1 , \\``~
Cp .
'The production of foodstuffs must
always remain Canada's basic indus-
try. Thee is ensured byher very:
immensity; the fertility of her soil,
and the bounty of Nature which de-
crees rho variations of froat and
1e,f/1'(IS:.0 eft `11`•E\y ,`�\�` °y�y
fi,ll,i1'l/l'JllP11 pt a, �i 1,'1, t. .ER.OI`1 SEBA•
snow, sunshine' and' rain necessary
for the growth of fruit, grain and.
vegetables unrivalled the world over.
In 1hes item of wheat alone dm yeail
of Confederation saw 5 cz'op of 10,-
324,812 bushels for the entire terri-
tory now known as the Dominion of
Canada; Inst- year the total produce
Lion of wheat was 406,269,000 buehels.
in the last 60 years the develop-
ment of ntaehinery leas made farm
work Winch lees laboeioup. he 1867
the ;cutting of grain ley machinery
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lhl V. , lrf It I L , z � 1i i111t� t:�. lie t
P. ,t 43,\adi.� 1 trit.F 6 e. t, hjlei;la*, a!•`I Cl•�ry!&Frta>
rda_ 1 Crop was . cut by the old-fashioned reaper -thresher which cuts a 15 -foot
wase in :m new, and the and p followed and carries a crew of two men,
chines then' in nae. were exude cradle. An' expert cradlex, f 11 swath
unwieldy. In that year a Canadian by a man with a wooden rake, who Can cut find till!cath forty acres in a
compthe hand -rake 1 railed the windrows into sheaves and day! The artist shows the old and
reaper produced
reaper, which was far superior to
,.bound theme with. a wisp; of ebraw,>new anetliods, together with another
� could harvest from three to four acres' Inbar-saving dovfcr-it modern; i;rac-
any inanufacturald before. On many ,'
r that da ithe entire a' day. Nowadays a power-driveleItor.
,afamof y grain