HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-06-02, Page 5TILE CLINTOly*.1NI':1VS5 REC0RU of Interest to You and,Me It has been announced from Toron- to that all Diamond Jubilee celebra- tion events will be free of aims ement tax. This :announcement. .will no doubt speed up celebration plans.`, June is here, sweet, leafy June. But so far, she has not proved very tc arrn-hearted. One of these days, however, she may take us unawares -by furnishing a regular scorcher. a ,F •r x 1iere; s connection of course between the coming into effect of the -Ontario 'Gvernment Control Act and the coating of the United States Can- ebut both .ads n minister, events took a , place yesterday. ' The National Jubilee Committee at 'Ottawa suggests', that, in order that • the Jubilee shall be ushered' in in era- -form and fitting manner that at high noon on July first bells' be rung whistles be blown and wherever pos ."sible bands play "God Save the King", „and "0 Canada." ,:In this way Cart- ; odg from Coast to Coast will join in a chorus' of united thanksgiving for the progress made in the past and .,;high hope; for the future. Hon. Mr, Euler ' declares that he - will clean up the customs mess and ` •eoilect taxes due`from several large ^•comanies. If he will see that this is done he will earn the commenda-. -tion of men of all parties., What.or- dinary folk would like to know is why -'these taxes were allowed to get in arrears? Why not collect them when due? Collecting arrears of` taxes is :harder than collecting pay for a dead horse, besides; those of eua'who pay sour taxes have been paying interest on that money, "while the shirkers. -were collecting interest on it. 'Taint -fair. The local committee ` is planning • some doings for Dominion Day, in- cluding eitercisee by the school child- , -yen of Clinton and surrounding cons- ntunity. And :a public meeting is called for Tuesday evening, when it Will make known these plans' and en- ,. °deavor to enlist the assistance of the 'several organizations in town and vi- einity and so get enthusiasm aroused. "That is really what will make the of-' -'fair a: success, public enthusiasm: :This celebration is not for the put- - pose of making money for any organ- "izatibn; it is, solely to celebrate a great event in our biddy and to ran press upon our minds the fact that • 'we have a country to be proud of. The Career of the` late Sir JohnWillison, 'a native son of Huron county; whose death occurred in Tor- onto on Friday last, ought to be an 'inspiration to every boy plodding away on the farms of. Ontario, who is perhaps thiiilciiig that he is not ;having a fair chance. John S. Willi- son had no chances only those he :madefor himself. He had a scanty `Public school . education, but he re- fused to a11owhimself to settle down -to a mediocre life; he was boundto attain,and he used his mental'.eapac- "sty, which expanded as he exercised it, untiThe csme to be considered one of 'the clearest thinkers and bestein- formed men on the Continent. For years he hold the position of editor of 'the Toronto Globe and later of the '"Toronto News and athis death he -was Canadian'.. correspondent to The London Times. He Was known from ',Coast to Coast in Canada, and far be- ' yond its confines. He was strong, for 'British connection and used both 'tongue and pen to strengthen the ties binding Canada to the. Mother .Land. Tie was an interesting speaker but an ,even more 'interesting writer and his "`Life of Sir Wilfred Laurier" his "Reminiscences and 'other books, "snake absorbing reading, and give an 3intelligent insight into much of Can- w.da s later history. Sir :Johns sec- ' cess was 'due to his own ambition, en- ergy and determination to make some- tthing of his life, tvho have been visiting in Detroit game.home with them and on their return treethey were acs otnpanied by Miss Annie McLeod, who will visit her sister, Mrs., Chas. Plater, in De- troit. P - McGregor Miss Maude 1TcGre„ox loft on Tues- day ,morning to visit' friends in De- troit. Messrs. 1? Trebilcoek: and P. W. Walsh spent the week -end in the:vii- loge. Mrs. Trebileock and Mrs. Walsh sand little Margaret returned to Lon -- don with them: The Y. P. S. met on .Friday even- ing last, when the subject: "Pesoh'ed; That the Lite and Character of. St. Peter have Made a Greater Contribu- tion to the Christian Cli x chthant the Life and Character Ch taster of St. John," , wee- debated. asdebated. Those taking the affirma- tive were Donald McKenzie and Mur - r e, Grainger. -While Luey Woods and Jean Campbell upheld the,•nega- tive. The judges appointed were Misses:' Helen Gerrie and ' Edna Scotchner, and -Mir. Ardell Grainger and they arrived at the deisipn that the affirmative had won by a email margin: Miss ;Sarah Reid read sev- eral chapters of Alfred the Great from the book "Founders of the Em- pire," altor which the social commit- tee 'took charge.' The next meeting will be held in a .couple of weeks, when Mrs. Pauli Ind I;Iarold Scotch - mer will each give papers on•,thi:'life :01 St. Paul. , Mee. C. B. Chapman add family and Miss VS Brock of: London, are spending a few days in their cottage. Miss :Thelma 'Ritz returned from Stratford on Saturday last. Mr- Wellington Graham of Aurora, who Will have.. charge -of the Peesby- terian congregations at .Brucefield and Bayfield during the summer, took charge of the services on $unday. last. Mr. Graham es a student at Knox College, Mr. and Mrs. Percy D ment and two little, daughters of Detroit spent. -the week -end with Mrs. Dyment's parents, Mr. and Mrs.- John Tippet: Misses Drouin and Fairbairn of Detroit spent the week -end hi the former's cottage. ' M. Norman Toms of Detroit spent the week -end, with .his another. Mr. and Meas. F, V. Martin enter- tained a number of their friends at their cottager over the week -end. The parties motoring from - Detroit Fri ,day with Mr. and Mrs,. Martin were: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Glogower, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mendelsohn, Mr. and Mrs. B. Sulsberger. All. returned Monday, having thproughly enjoyed the holi- day. Rev. and, Mrs. Kennedy and Master Roy motored to Morpeth on Saturday, where 14Irs. Kennedy:. and Roy will visit while Mr; Kennedy is : attending Conference. • Rev. MacDonald of 'Kintore had charge of the. services in the Tea tied ori 'Sunday. At a meeting of the United church congregation, held on. -Monday even- ing in St. Andrew's church;' at which, a delegation from Bethel and Bethany church,: Goderieh township, was, also present, a unanimous call -yeas extend- ed ti Rev.' I. 3.'1VTcbonaid of Kintore. It was also unanimously' agreed that failing Mr, MacDonald's acceptance; the matter be ]eft in the hands' of the Settlement Committee. 3ajfield -I1\ is's• 'A Gtroveii of Seai'orth is vfe- liting Mrs; Fred.MeEwen. leer. and MTs: Fraltk Cameron and family -returned' to. Detroit on Tues: 'day morning after spending the week- 'end with there Bather. Mee Will Cam- eron also visited his father over the week -end. - Mr.. and Mrs, W. R. Thornton of 'Detroit were guests at the Albion 11lotel over the week -end. ' Mee. and ,Miss Jowett of Port Hue- mn were guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. R. :Jowett over the, week end. Mr. R. Ardiel and Ted Hart 01 Lon- elan are spending a few days at the Tatter's cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Mullen and 141re. ,.Jahtes Reid, Mr: `and Mrs. and Miss :Baker and Mr. A. Jones'.. of Detroit -were guests of Miss Nora Ferguson .lover the, Week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Ii. Lord, Miss Gladys 'Davison and Mr. T. M'allot of London :and MT. and Mrs, Kerr of Walkerton .-were guests of Mrs, Jno. Davison on Smnday, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Delgaty of, Gil - 'beet Plains, Man., and Mr. and Mrs. Dove and babe of Detroit were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Delgaty on Sun - ,day and Monday.: 'Guests for last week -end at the "Ritz hotel^ were:: Misses Alta Nor- man and Ruby Goddard, St, Thomas; Mr. Fred ITu'dson, London; Miss Kay -- Clabk, Miss Bessie Clark, .Mr. Clinton Keenan, Mr. Thomas Johnston, Mr; `John 0. Doyle, Dr, and Mrs. 3, M, At- , 'kinson, Detroit; A. B. Davis, D. I -I. 'Finlayson, A. L. Taylor, London. The -Enamor Gltb of London, eon- " eisting of twenty-five members, held their.aniival banquet Satttrdayreven- 'ring at the RitzIIotel, Bayfield: ,A,f- tee a bountiful repast the everting was Spent in song and addresses. - They retuuned,.to their homes Sumlay a.$, ternohn thoroughly pleased with their outing. : Miss .Lola Elliott, Mr.v3:; Mineg of Mrs. HenryMiller. and Detroit and lir s. I� Y M d babe o:f. Mohan Clemens motored from Detroit on Satrday and spent the work-eed with --Mie, M. Elliott. Mrs, "i0, J, McLeod and little Miss Elsie, Br.ucefie!ld., Mr. and. Mrs. A. Murdock :. and daughter of Detroit visited at the home of the fornter's father, Mr. R. D. 14I'urdock, this, week. Mr. N. • Wheeler and Mr, and Mrs. A. Wheeler and Me. and Mrs. ,Thrist-. ensen, all of Detroit, spent the week- end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. T. Wheeler. Rev. W. A." Bremner` and Mr, 11. Horton are at London this week at- tending the London conference of the United Church.' Mr. H. *Gregor of Detroit and Mr. F. '*Gregor of Flint spent the week- end at the home of thehf father, Mr Il. 'McGregor. Mrs.' A. Jamieson is spending a' few' weeks at the hone of Mrs. Wm, Churchill, who is recovering from her -recent operation, - Auburn . Quite a number w"eine home tronl Detroit owing to the observance of "Decoration Day" in the States ou Monday. Among the number were: Messrs. Roy toberton,:Cleyton Ladd and 1•Iarry Beadle. Mr. and Mrs. G. Taylor motored to Detroit for a day or two last week. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hill accompan- ied them. Mr. and Mrs. • Thos. Kernicic of Blyth. spent. Sunday with friends here, Mr. Audric Harper of Cobourg is visiting his sister here, Mrs. W. R. Alp. Mrs. 0. E. Erratt has been visiting in London during the past week. Mr. Rees and Miss Mary Jenkins of- Clinton visited Mr., and Mrs, Jos. Washington on Sundgy last. Messrs. Jaynes and Archie Jones of Detroit visited with Mr. and teles. Amos Andrew ori Monday this week. Mr. Glen Raithby underwent an operation last week, having, his ton- sils removed. ' We hope he will soon recover. ^ Miss Zetta MeC •ae ofSault : r S u t Ste. Marie visited last week with Mr.,;and Meg. R. D. Munro- and the Misses Blair. Si. Helene Mr- Stanley Todd, Miss Vera Todd, 112.' Archie 'PIIcKinna , Mr. Arthur Brooks and`Mr. Ernest Iiisggins mot- ored to London' Saturday and re- tuened home Sunday evening. Mr:' and Mrs. Tool. Cannpbell, and daughter Jean, also Mo. JohnJohn- son, all of Stanley, tient Sunday at the home of Mr. Robinson Woods: We :congratulate 11ir. Alvin Woods, who has 'successfully passed his se- cond year in'::Toronto -University in medicine. •Also Miss Vera Woods, who passed hes• exams in Business College ante has sectored a position in Toronto. Me. and Mrs, Jae, Ilyde aird Sir, and ides. tare Cranston and children spent Senclay at Kincardine. arriages UGILL---COOK-At :„ Ontario: street United, church parsonage, on June let by the Rev. C. J. Mooihouse, Norma Grace daughter of .Mr. and d 'Mrs. Fred C. Cook of Tucicersmith, to Joseph Tasker:Hugill, shin of Mr, and Mrs: J. J 1{hgill of .Bullet':. Births THURSDAY, ,TUNE 2, 1927: KATY -In C1i5nton, on May 81st, to Mi. and Mrs. David. A Kay, a son. MIDDLETON-In Clinton Hospital, on June '1st, to Mr. and Mrs: John Middleton of Goderieh township, a daughter. `COOK -In' Sarnia, on June 1st, :to to, and M s Milton o t Milton Cook a daughter. Deaths • BAKER -In Colborne tonwship, on May 28th, Richard Baker , of Clin- ton, in his 74th_yeai,, ARCIIER-In London, on May 26th, Idary Grant, wife of Mr; Thomas Archer;, in her 76th j year. 'W?ILLISON - In Toronto, on May 27th, Sir John Willisono, in his 71st , year. BLA'CISALL-In 'London, on May 31st, Dr. James E. Blacken, in his 69th year, The funeral will take place from St. Paul's church, Clin- ton,: on June - 2nd, .,service -to com- mence at 2 o'clock. Interment . will be made in Clinton cemetery. 4, Hullett Township The foIIowing is the reportofS. S. No. 5 for the month of May. Those marked with an asterisk missed ex- aminations: 5th Cass -=Grant Snell, 524. Jr' 4th Clasc-Ethel Thompson,' 465; Carl Radford, 464; *Percy: Car- ter, 429; .*Isabell Nott, 846. Sr. 3rd Class -Lloyd Adams, 478; Hazel Hoggart, 380; Earl Snell, 354; Roy. Appleby, 342; Roy Vodden, 298. Jr 3rd CIass-Marian Snell, 445; "Arvin' Vodden, 327; 'Fred Morrell, Jr. 2nd Class --Alma Carter, 787; Gordon Radford, 578; Clifford' Adams, 489; Chester Snell, 451; ,`Ethel Hog- gart, 391. Sr, 1st Class -Nelson -Radford. Jr,1stClass-Elva Snell, Thelma Hoggart, Isobel Mosreh, Bill Radford. Primer Class -Lloyd Carter, Ahna Hoggart, Maurice Lovett, Jean Far- quhar, Leonard Radford, Leonard" Vodden. est spellers for month: Grant Snell, Ethel Thompson; Lloyd Adams, Anna Carter, Clifford. Adams. Number on roll, 29; , average at- tenaanee, 26.47. -142. L. Parrott, teacher, Hohnesville t i h W t In reporting the' ' entertainment La given by the dies' Aid of:Holmes-. ville church las week the proceeds were put down at $14.00 instead of $74.00, as it sh otild have been. The Holmesville lades usually havea suc- cessful entertain ment when they go about it. lMirs. L. Biro of Detroit spent the,; week -end as tem guest of her parentsp Mr. and Mr :s., Mulholland. Mr. and Mrs T. W. Draper, Mrs. Chas. Gibson and four.• children, Mr, F and Mrs Neil erguson and Mr. L. Iiadlink of De roit spent the week- end as the guest s of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mulholland, . Londesboro Mr. and Mrs. Forbes Vof Stratford recently visited friends here. Mrs. J. Elsley was in Clinton on Tuesday, visiting het sister; ^ Mrs. Tamblyn, who is in the Clinton hos- pital. Mrs. TambIyn's many friends will be glad to learn that she is im- proving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brigham and Miss Lavinia visited Brussels friends last Sunday. Me. and Mrs S, M'cVittie of the 13th spent Sunday at the hoine of Me. Johnston,. Walton. 141}ss Anderson of near- Walton vis- ited the hound of Mrs. Mains Iasi Friday, Mr, and Mrs. 13, McCrae' recently visited Belgraye friends. - Miss A, Fingland, Who spent sever- al days at the home o f • her brother in Blyth, has •returned. • , ` A goodly number took in the ball game Isere on Monday everting.:. Miss A. Garrett, who • teaches in Morris, • spent the geek -end at her home here.: Miss McGowan of near Blyth re- cently visited Miss L. Garrott, Mrs.' C. Manning, .,. who _has been undergoing treatment in the Clinton hospital, was able • to conte home on Saturday. Miss Olvettia Brigham of the. St. Thotnas Collegiate Institute staff spent the week -end' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brigham. 'Me T. Fairservice has the cement work finished under the barn which he recently had raised: Mr. Glen Raithby of Walkerburn, who is in the Clinton hospital, whose condition was considered serious, is now, his neany friends will he glad to know, out o danger and improving. . NORMAL COURSE WILL I3E LENGTHENED Burgess ,Phage Studio OPEN >P N L V F.RY TUESDAY, s ,Front 10 a,in ,•toe p.m: Let us ''melee , for' you, `rhe' best Photographs you ever had. ''We r mks, a specialty of Wedding -Photos: Leav,e:your filets, withus for Developing, Printing and Lnlargirtg` Bnriess, Portrait'Siudio . MITCHELL All) CLINTON Now is the Tim's for Farmers aruPoultrymen to c Ie ar their pens of roosters and Tat, broody hens. PHONE OUR OFFICE FOR PRICES Ve are buyers 12 months in the year for both Eggs and Poultry Clinton Poultry` House (slut P' It)wers I'101 s And Floral Work for allions , NOW is the titre to `ca•select ;,your' Plants Ser Hangin4'Bhskets, eta. , •hits V.Coo e Phone' Gtr i .t '" "" 0' etver" `'' Phones -Office, 214j 1essidenco; 1 214w , The Ontario Department of Educa- tion bas announced ,that,:beginning•. this fall, the Normal School, course fol•teachers will be lengthened to 'two years. Plans provide that prospective teachers shall, under the new scheme, take one yeai's_,traihing, after which ,they will be supisliad with an interim certificate, allowing therm to teach two or times. years. They will then return to Normal for their second year,- during which period their in- strtietion will be based on their tnter- im teaching experience. It is•'under- stood the new •two-year cbure° may be retroactive, in the sense' of re- quiring teachers who are now teach- xng-on the prevailing one-year coarse 'certificate,to return to Normal School at alt appt'opiate 'time and complete their seeoiid year. r 'l Used Cars for Sale We have Dodges, Maxwells, -Essex, McLaeghlins, Cbeviolets• and Feeds, open eine:elosed models. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY Your Old Car Taken as Part Payment Terms if -Desired 3 a ` .�..'�. JNKLEY THE CLINTON GARAGE 10-4se THE DECISION about School Work for young people leaving High School is a real problem. Probably our curriculum may help. Mailed ' free on, request to Shaw's Busi- ness Schools, Dept. 4,, 46 Bloor West, Toronto. About that Gar" of Yours Are you enjoying inotoring comfort in proportion_ to your money invest- ment? The maximum ' -of physical comforticannot be enjoyed when there is mental anxiety. Put on liability insurance apd let usdo the worrying: H.-. E. Rorke All Lines of Insurance Phone 253w CARD OI 'nuns leer. Wesley Beacom and family ex- tend their thanks for the kindness shown them at the time of the death of the late David Beacom, and for the many beautiful floral offerings. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Thomas Archer and family wish to extend their sincere thanks to their friends "and neighbers in Clin- ton and vicinity for the sympathy shown then). in their recent bereave- ment and to acknowledge their ap- preciation of the many lovely flowers sent. Men Wanted Applications will: be received from reliable men to take charge of the business of a large manufacturing firm in the towns • and surrounding country of Clirttmn and Goderich re- spectively. Interviews • in above towns. A full tinle proposition. No part time or side lines considered. Replies confidential. Mr. Jones, 420 Emery St., London. For Sale On the London Road, 2 acres and comfortable 6 -room house, facing river. Modern conveniences May seen evenings alter seven o'clock. D, l3 Cunningham. 12-tf Will Hold Lawn Social The ladies of ' the Baptist church,1 Clinton, intend holding a lawn social' on- the evening of Thursday, June 23rd. Watch ferefurther particulars. 12-1. Grand Street -Opening. Dance Clinton, Juno 14th Under Auspices of .Firemen and Hospital Board Watch for Bilis Next Week 12-1 FOR SALE Used building material, front the old Collegiate building. Briclt, stone sills, doors and frames, i"indows and feaines, storm sash, joists, M..e to 22 ft, studding, lath, casings, scantling, mouldings of all kinds,, matched 'lum- ber, stairs and bamiisters, maple and pine flooring, etc. Apply...,on job to W. J. Elliott, or to S. E. Rozell at the Clinton Creamery. • 12-tf NOTICE TO-CR17DITORS Int the Estate of Thomas Fraser, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claimss against the estate of Thomas Fraser late of the Township of Goderieh in the county of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the 10th day of March, A.D., 1927, are required todeliver to The Canada Trust Company the ex- ecutor of the said estate or its solic- itor, on or before the 20th day of June A.D., 1927, a full statement of their claims together with particulars' , theleof, and the natureof the scour sties, ifany, held by theta all duly verified by affidavit: AND TATO NOTIC.T that after the said last mentioned date the said. executor will proceed todistributethe estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having regarcleonly to much claims as it•shail'. have received clue notice and in ae cor dance therewitle Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this. 26tlt stay of edgy A.D., 1927,; W. Brvdope,Clinton, Ontario Solieitor•for 'the said executor, :1.2-8. ediger's Garage AUTOMOBILES Overhauled and Repaired' STORAGE BATTERIES Charged, Stored for winter months and Repaired SKATES Ground and Honed ;RADIO Outfits insta]ied' Gas oline-aOi1s-Accessories W J. Nedi er Pr "Meeting_ of Huron County Council The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderieh, at, 2 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 7th day of June 1927. All ac- counts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Mondaypreceding the meeting of Counci Goderieh; May 20th, 1927. Geo. W. Holman, - County Clerk" 11-2. Farm For Sale 100 acres,' good soil, fine buildings, small -maple bush, 4,d , miles from Clinton. Will sell cheap and on easy terms. Will sell crop with farm if desired. Inquire at . News -Record of- fice, 12-tf Private Sale inclA quantity of household furniture, uding solid` oak dining room suttee pair heavy brass twin bed- steads,. dressing chests, English Ax- minster carpets, rugs, organ, etc. Also household linen inoluding Eng- lish wool blankets, sheets (some new) curtains, table linen, " etc. Sale on Friday and Saturday, June 3 and 4 at the home of Rev. E. Parker, Clin- ton: -. 11-2 Calves and Lumber For Sale Choice Durham and Hereford aid some Holstein heifer calves. Lumber, all lengths and one inch and two inch thickness. Ernest Townshend, R. R. No. 2, Clinton. Phone 601-r-15. 11-2 Cow and Calf For Sale 'Fresh cow, with calf at foot. Apply to L. Rousseau at the Rattenbury liouse, Clinton. ' 11-2-p Cottage for Sale An eight -room, cottage in Isaac street, beautifully finished inside, .town water and good cistern, summer kitchen. Garden with apples and small fruits. Apply • oa premises to Mrs.' Wm. Graham. 10-tf Range For Sale A.Ititchen range, in first class con- dition. Apply:to Mss. Frank Sturdy, Heron street, near White Rose gas station, Clinton. 104f Wrallpaper and Hanging Maximur wallpapers sold and hung by the undersigned. Please give week's notice of your needs. Fevered L. Johnston, Box 23, Londesboro. 10-tf Clinton's - LET THE HEAT FOLKS i •HELP:YOU PUT BY S.OMETHING FORA RAINY DA'Y Cold, rainy' days come even in the summer time, come even in the best ears They t Y. rut too. of a man's prosperity, Y n n • It is best to be,preparecl for these rainy days. If you'll make a habit of ordering your year's -supply of coal in the spring, you',il be ready for any weath- er, And you'll have a neat sink in the savings bank against any emer- gency. Call the wawa for good, oleate coal „r. n I L „ ;� PHONE • 74 CLOITON 1VI 1Ie�Hard w��e Cc Dealers in. General Hardware, Paints, Oils, Stoves, Etc, Rowlard's Old Stand CHI-NAMEL' STORE � e .AIS et���� , o> Sh r oes o We price them beyond competition,in Ontario inclfiding Buying Eatotis. Bu yin for Cash enables you to get them at Rock Bottom prices. For Sale or Rent House in, Joseph street, 7 rooms,. newly papered, modern 'conveniences, corner lot, garage, chicken ^house, all- in good condition. For terms apply to Clifford Lobb, Ciintoit. 09etf Baby Chicks. and Eggs Bred to lay Barred Rock chicks, May and June hatched, $15,00 per 100 from high production stock. Eggs $4,00 per 100. Pullets, Mauch hatched, $1,00 for June and July. D. M. Lindsay, R. R. No, e, Clinton.. 0841 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, • pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms lever ` Heard's ' Biber shop. W. Jt Jago. .: 22834f House For Sale A nine -room house on Princess street, le acre lot, electric light, fur- nace, three-piece bath, all in first- class condition. Apply to E. L. Mit- tell, Clinton, itte]l,-.Clinton, Phone 211 084f, Baby Chicks and Custom Hatching b S. 0. W. Leghorns chicks, $15.00 per 100; Barred Rock chicks, e16.00 per 100. June prices: •Leghorn chicks, $13.00, Barred Rocks, 515.00. Custom. hatching 5 eents per egg, after May 15th, '4 cents per egg. Individual machines, 100 egg to 600 egg sizes. The best of attention paid to custom hatching. No order too small" or too large. Get your chicks early so' they wilt develop into good sized-birds'to get the early markets. Early hatched pullets make the best winter layers: E. J. Trewartha, Holmesville P.O. Phone 611-x-22 Clinton central, 064E SEEDS have large stook of Seeds, specially Selected for: purity and price. Our Oats are imported Banner, over standard text. See these before buying. Our Sweet Clover is all Government Standard, ranging in price from $6.00 to $7.50 per bushel. Our Alfalfa is a special seed, grown from a field twenty years in the ground. Ontario Variegated, very. hardy. See this seed before buying. The grading shows it as free from Sweet Clover and also free from. Primary Weeds. If you want high quality Seeds at a reasonable price -BUY NOW Seeds will be Higher Next Week Always carry -complete line of. Flour,,3'eeds, Calf. Meal, Oil Cake, Beef -Scrap, ete. $ave a ear load of Western Oats. These are very reasonable In price and will go very quick. J A. FORD & SON Phone 123 Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers es- . R. DA °ROW BARRISTER will be at -his office in Clinton each. MONDAY Froin 3 to 6 pain. 30-tf. 1 House For Sale Large red brick house, use, corner Or- ange and Wellington streets, 8 rooms, all modern conveniences. Possession when desired. Also a barn and 331 acre lot on Wellington street. Apply to Mrs. W. Jenkins. 004f -6p For Sale 2 acres of land, six -room house, furnace, •frame stable, never -failing spring, half mile from Londesboro. Apply to F. Gibbs, Clinton. 034± C O• Lel Coal of all kinds always on hand for' immediate eelivery, Also a quantity of dry Maple Wood Prices reasonable and tame to all W. J. MILLSR & SON Orders taken at residence, Phone 46 .EPPS THE MOVER VARNA, ONT. Canada and United States All Loads insured Reasonable Rates -Covered Vans Write, or Phone Clinton 626-r-21 06-12 Singer Sewing Machine Leased on Small Monthly Payntents Big Discount on Cash Sales During March Only Now is the time to have your ma- chine repaired and gleaned.. Repairs, Needles, Belts and Parts for all makes. .�J. W. GLEN COOK Phone 1713 P.O. Box 201, Clintof Elmslea Chick Far t'l 1,000 DUCK EGGS WANTED BABY CHICKS: Leghorns and Rocket Rocks, $15 per hundred Leghorns, $13 per hundred -From Pure Bted-to-lay Stock see Miller's Ideal Incubators and --+j Brooders f•1 Poultry Supplies ' Royal Purple Calf Ideal and Chick feeds E. L. Mitten • k°f?�i4' ii, Phone 218 ` 93-te i. FL VENNER, Electrician Electric:RangPc s Bulbs, s,:Fixtures Bulbs, IFans and other Appliances With and Repairs. - Phone 7 mosrarastuausrarmatota iree sur PCCEI �ria We have e ear of screenings corning. Also a limited suf of -WOats on hand. Y ;estern and. Maple Leaf, Five Roses and PtiritFlour always in stock. Millet Seed, Sothu'm Seed and differentvarieties of Seed Corn.. We wilhbuy Oats, Wheat and Buckwheat. PHONE Iia worth