HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-06-02, Page 3!t
depends largely on the flour you tire. We belleva
ou'll welcome this suggestion --try Purity, the rich; vigorous
lour =made from the finest Western wheat, Thousands of
Cooks say Purity Flour is best for'eakes, pies, bans and bread.
Send 90c in stamps far over 700-recipePfrrrtg FlourFlourCookok Book. 201
Wooten Comets flour Mala CO. Limited. Tomato. Melees!. Ottawa, Seas Seim. i
Arrival of Letters Will Be Ad-
vanced Many, Hours.
Ottawa. - The Postmaster General
has formally, author zed theexpel•i-
` aro desnsd to Pretecta
the now system for the e peditiou of w establish this port as. the' head-
British nraile from the Atlantic' sea- th r e t
board. Quarters of Canada's groat industry,
on of Parliament tie:ever-gilo'aing grain trade.
.t,.t the recent Bess! The United Crain Grawereatnnounee
chasewas appropriated for the par "a new elev[titor with a total capacity of
°hese of two ye -to -date aeroplanes to
b used do this service, although 6,6'00,000 bushels and the Bawif'and
others as well will probbly be utilized, Stewart Obmpanles announce can -
T1. e experiments ase, -to be conducted tracts for additions .:to their' present
der the direction of :the Air Board Flans totalling 1,000,000 beetles.. ' •
mente which
Great Structure to be Erected
by United Grain Growers.
Port Arthur Ont, --:Announcements,
from the `Winnipeg ofoes ot; three
elevator companies regarding immedi-
ate eleveter 'oonstru0tion at PorteAr-
and they w .
planes will meet incoming ships at sign o& the United Grain Growers to
Fattier Point and have transterred.to
then, the letter mallet ' Hel(tas and St.
Wart also figure in the plans, Between
Father Point and Quebec It is ealcu-
kited' that eight hours . will be saved
by the form of transmission, while
fact 12 to. 14 hours will be saved be-
tween Father Point and Montreal.
.The Mr Board is to provide the the dgvelapanent of the grain trade as r
landing fields, the air lines and the t
nee-eseary aide to aerial navigation, related to 011* Pagifto °oast reute and
white careful note will be taken of also the Iiudaon's Bay, decided to'lo-
meteorological and other conddtious. It at Port Arthur on the route via
is enpe°ted that four months will suf Ma -Stern Canada.
flee for the . testa from the Atlantic The new plant, in addition to beteg'
ports. By the/end of the year, in the large' elevator, has been planned to i
Light of the data secured, benders for Provide the greatest possible etRolency
a regular Service will .be called for in-hendiing grain and will incorporate
with the idea -that the contract shall new features In elevl, especially
begin at the opening of St. T,a`7rnenoe worked out for this
s• elevator.
navigation nest year. The new system Modern demands on terminal elevat-
will materially shorten the handling ors are different from those Prevailing
=Me a number of years ago Cleaning la of
it beginSeptember 1 when The work represented in the deal.
build a 6,500.000 bushel plant at Port,.
Arthur represents the largest single
contract for ele�Vator capacity: that has
elver been awarded in Canada or else-
A significant feature`et the eituetloq
is that the Grain Growers, having had
the •"coei*truetion of sugh a plant in
Mind for some time, .after watching
t ale ertiee to xiwell Cetnadian_p.opulxttbn this Yeas'.
Oi10 of ilio Vaasa aln„�.. D ,
arrived in C:1nMIS recontly;at Quechee abeerd the Canadian Petite s`,e ler
Montrose: 'Ilse party or five families nuanberiiig about 100. persons in tel
t i under the auspices et the Beitishiliml}1re S;.ervSce League, being
to Guna 11, n 1 ,
the first to be Seat to Canada through. thi*-inmigratlon *cheme.
Thi, meal are ail ex -Berate° veterans sad, as e highly desirable types of
esatIei on account of the fa•et that all ,have bean trained in farm work at the
Ministry o! Labor's' Training -Il arm at Brandon, Buttock, Englane They have
been instructed in various branches of agriculture to enable theme to meet
ooncLItions in this country a+9 they find them.i in Winnipeg end
The ahovaephotonraph was taken at the C.P.R, stat on
shows a nanmbier Of this party waiting for• the train' that will tarry them
feather west •00 their new ;homes in Sasdkatohewan.
Pure tead of finest
unlit , free of.0
din Land Purchaae'in London
.Was Made' Possibly by the
Rockefeller Foundatioxr.
London.—London Univetsit1 , has
acquired : a Bloomsbury Otte of 112.
acme In the heart of the metropolis.
'Plea msane that 10,400 British and for-
eign etudente.will have the long -need.
ed permatneut headquarters in touch
with all that le beat in British educe.
tional lite. ,;
This satisfactory solution of a prob.
lent which has troubled generations 4)r
British educators was- brought about
by American generosity an in anneaue-
tag 1t, Lord EYusteee Pegroy, ieres1Qe171t
of -the Board of Education, referred t0
the-'•'munticent contrdlat1on of the
}}`` nes d
RCC]iPJfellaT 1+'auntW.tfeny ��: which Med
made, with the purchase from the Duke
of Bedford possible.
The'prios is understocd.'t`o have been
S500,000 the the :Rockefeller repatriation
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Highly
Praised by a Quebec Lady.
Mrs. David Logan, Thetford Minas
West., Que., gives unstinted• praise to'
Dr. Willieane' Pink Pills for the good
they have done in her faintly. Mss.
Logan emya:—"1.1mve hem a user of
Dr, Wfytlamd' Pink Pills . for many
years, as occasion required, and have
always found them a most reliable
medicine. My husband, who was re-
covering from an attack of typhoid.
fever, and was in a very .weak condi-
tion, took the pills, and through them
gained health and strength. My daugh-
ter was in a rundown condition, and
The $ootallst Mltienlum
endoil Dally Mall (tnd, Cones.) t,
47lita Independent Labor Parity 15
neither Independent nor Iemor. It ie.
oontrolled'ay Moscow and 1t oowgev ted
4f dknbittareft thldiltweleas people.) If i
they wend to pueca•ed in securing a
Fells cause of cancer -and. what to do=
far pain, bleeding odor, etc. Write for
it to -day, menttonnng this paper. Ad
Owls Indiana o is Cancer hospital
Indianapolis, Ind.
majority, there le no reokiese err 40'azy •
measures against Which ,the country
would) be secure. It is not going too rye
far. to ear that in six months; they
ides a substantial
Could wreck British prosperity and re•
ovntrihuting hait, beau truce the b*itish people to starvation.
Amount, . to . the building fund., The
soheane does not !involve interferencel
with Icing's College, which hail been' For all pain-Mlnard'c Liniment.
the snag whereon prevlouapropossia q
of aenulrtng the site have been 9110p pttcaimdnation 1s the art: of deter -
wrecked, It le thee,.welet eed by all milling whether' the woman .Ahead of
parties to the lag'controverey. you le seventeen or seventy withoet
The Times, referring to •the Hooke- asking her to tern around.
teller Foundation, says that desoh _
act of generosity and imaging ion
could leave come only from the United
States,.•"a lend where old 'men not
only see dreams but are rich enough
to turn them into realltiee."
Sleep !e most important. Men have
gone sixty -throe days without food and
a week without weer, but they cannot
last more than ten days without. sleep.
While soma authorities would not ger-
so far, others claim that t11�e food we
eat is digested and tranamdtted into
new musote, brain, blood, and nerve
cella, while we are asleep, quoting en.
&,)ranee raoers to prove tile. They
cite tubae engaged in six-day "bieyde
tastes and other witless forma of ddvec•-
aion, who eat tomrt or" eve rimae as
much food se does the ordinary man,
Yat the end of the contest Anda them
of all local and transcontinental a ever-increasing p, con. ' was forced to disconttuua work
to Canada and` also the southern Do- ieainimortance and(its �iJitlt i anghter hodaw sleep
and cth afroma 11* the
minions, sequently, the elevator which can .Again Dr. William& Pink Pins were sass of sleep mora than from the Oyer: -
Arrangements for the initial service house 6,600,000 bushels' will have ex resorted to and elle was soon restored esti exertion,
c*ption1k11y, large cleaning capacity. A widow ie a woman who has lost. to excellent health. -Then my eldest Sleep recharges the exhausted holy
widowade of rain make a
is 'who toy. had an operation performed for batteries and tills the organic tlrrimee
adenoids, which left him in a week- with fresh Peet. Bleep is a positive pr+o•
will go/ahead at once in order to pro-
vide Por a start by September 1,
large number of different bine import-
aart, and the new elevator is tease -
When the sun goes behind the Korb quently designed to provide more than
On, •he is not test; the heavens glow 600 blue, with capacities ranging from
Por a Lull hour after. his, departure.. 4,000 to 00,000 bushels.
.And when a great and good man gets, Ra.ptd handling is assured by the
the sky of this world is luminous long largest receiving and shipping .equip -
after he is out of eight. Such a man
manor die out of this world. When he
goes he letuves• behind mucin of him-
self, Being dead, he apee;ke. 11. W.
wy,,a p� gq@t that tired, 1 Ymedown-saddle
Scalia � tglcnl6 to 3P drops of Ssteers' ruis
q . 5y �R a
nes of water. Doss the trick and eateiy. 1 uu'B
teal like new.
Nary, ere ere good women like ivy? Be.
cause the greaitsr the ruin the closer
they eking.
Minard'e Liniment for dandruff.
Choose always the wary that seems
she beat, however rough it may be.
Custom will soon render it easy and
agreeatble —Pyt agoras.
lkide es
thus r, t1- tier
&ta$ tis c®t8P.ors
Sexing Pe Service Bureeu.404 Tr,n,portwdon
Bidma° asail lreo al ns., Phone Randolph 8748. Detroit, Mich.
eruct folda
`"Orood Geo.
! yon Ouaioe, "California Picture Bock,'
Olndian-doteur," "Colorado 8amlhor."
g L7ama.;
1 Addrert, J.
anent at the head of the lakes.
The new elevator will be of rein -
farce& concrete. oonetruction through-
out. It will be built, from the design,.
and under the supervision, of C. D.
Howe & Co., of Port Arthur. General
contract for the work has been award-
ed to Carter He11s Aldinger Co., Ltd.,
of Winnipeg. *.,
Orders for piles and pile driving
work have been placed end week will
comai*noe immediately, About 16,000
piles are required.
has dust lee, her taste for bens,
"Why are the chicken* making aucdt
a nod*e, mamma?" •
"They want thetr.breakfest,"
Well, it they're so hungry, 7why
don't they lay tbeineelves au gg
Zebediail MdEash le so dumb he
think% a dry dock is a physician who
believes in prohibition.
How Gareteee.
Tie thoughthis little gift would please,
It only made her Bol—•
He hadn't taken off` the tag,
'From the eve end ten -cent store."
We *ometimee wonder who origin,
atsd the idea that a face *reared with
red paint wen beautiful,
New Motor Highway Into
New Ontario to be Fittingly
Tlmmitla, Ont.—Arrangements are
being made to organize a gigantic
motor trek from Northern Ontario be
Toronto in August, or the beginning
of September. Mr. Alex Dewar,
president of the Associated Boards of
Trade,ef Northern Ontario, has writ-
ten the various municipalities of the
North asking them to sleet represen-
tatives to attend, an organization
meeting to be held in the near future.
The suggestion of the motor parade
was made by the Hon. 'William Pin-
layson 011 lira visit to the North, when
he stated that upon the completion, of
the new trunk highway he would ex-
tend an invitation to all motorists of
the North to visit Toronto and par-
ticipate irk Northern Ontario Day at
the Canadian National Exhibition. •
He also suggested that the business
men of the North should makd an ef-
fort ''to bring settlers and their fain -
Dies in their cars to demonstrate to
the people of lower Ontario the won-
derful pesetbil{ties that were to be
obtained in the northern section of
the province.
It is understood that` practically
every town north. of North Bay is al-
ready mailing preliminary arrange-
ments for the invasion of the south
by road.
An angry denial it; often. it conies -
talon of guilt:
Speaking of parental disolpline, 1
heard a girl remark recently that she
has been spanked as far back as elle
could remember.
Drunk (bumping into lamp post)^•
Exotiee me, sir." (Bumping into fire
hydrant)—"Excuse nie, little boy."
enact' condition. Once .more Dr, WE- ours—•not a negative ono. It 1s not
llama' Pink Pills were tried, and he merely a stopping of bodily activity,
was 80011 .in exoellent health. So I It is the substitution of a. con*tenotive
cat truly say that more than sott*fae' prooess for a d strdutivo,0ne.
thou has been obtained by the use of While we ere uneoneclou8 we rem -
tide medicine. The pills have done crate. Ther deeper. the Sleep, the
more good in my bonne than huntleeds quicker the reeuperatiou, The lighter
of dollars worth of more expensive and elle more disturbed the sleep, the
medicine*." more we need of it, the }eager it takes
Dr. William& Pink Pills• assist digos~ to affect swear.
themcorrect the •lnsaitude, the Patel -
taction of the Heart, ellaky nerves and Keep Mlliard's Liniment In the house.
the pallor of the face and lips that ars.----.--4--
th4 reeuIte of thin, impure Mood. "In Some, tropical tountrlea line mem
You can. get these Pills from any wear hardly any elothoe, Says a
m eateine dealer, or by mall at 60 writer, Row effeminate!
cents a box from 'Che Dr. Williams' --
Mediciwe Co., Brockville, Ont.
GAVE $3,100,000
Suon Was Subscribed for
Maintenance awl Extension
Toronto. --livings by copgregationa
of the 'United Church of Canada to the
(Bumping into second lamp Post and 'maintenance and extension fund, for
( the year ended Idareh 81, total slightly
falling drown)—"Well, I'll just eit down. more than $8,100,000, with ons con -
here until the.orowd Passes:' ferenoe not completely reported. lilts)
Report of a tragedy—ea menkicked returns from Newfaundlruld confer-
ence will tie added later to melte up
1118 wife on the back porch and eke the grand total of receipts.
shot him in the pantry. The objective .o1 $3,400,000, which
A rMr e1ub•foot is a nista, t was submitted to and adopted by Pres -
j byter!•ea and Pastoral' charges, was
tuneti)cabuet hparod lucka is largely *rapes- made up of the $8,250,000 for regular
skition when it isn't an excuse. work and $160,000 for emergencies, In
All dun* Dorsa aren't named Dora, 1 addition tv the $8,100,000 already In
or dumb IBaaca, Isaac. receipt, *0 $125,000. atm speclai`
heed from the congregations there 131,0_
Edgar --"Do you know the difference ao•• Awnalyzinges. • the *eitiras, Bay. I)r.
between try131�g to kiss you and trying '
Bryce, secretary of the maitlienarleer
and exteatsien fund, said that 10 city
congregations in Toronto, Montreal,
Hamilton, London and Winnipeg,
which had topped the list in aggregate
• Better Chtaehe
revillpayyou. Bred to lay.
edP'lymouthRocka S.C.worno,BavonandVsy Bgadst ctr,:rA. B„Il•City wi ata ;
ndousa Pura�• d, head y.
visomu, Smith Hatched.
,Sand for circular and prates 1
A 111; 01I,8rIA) .IS9, i3rantfOr�d, °made
to k10* M4ey Jones?"
Eatha*ine•-•"I'll bite"
BIdgar—"Exactly—and she won't.'
Mao Sn elevator—"Fourth Boor, amounts, had averaged nearly .$21,000
Openerer--alaeire you are, son."
"How dare you csdl me son?" You're
not my father.
"Well, 1 brought you up, didn't I?"
Mothers, -do you think it fair to tor -
tare your little ones •11y forcing then,
to talon NI -lasting oils -when they need
i .t you find
tiv reed -clue? ne7 Don
a daxa e
that the child's dread of these medi-
cines'.often do more harm than good?
Baby's Own Tablets are the modern
aalbetitute for these nauseous dose*.
They are the very medioino the,ehild
requires and are so pleasant to take
that they are as easy to administer se
a gleesof water. They sire the per -
feet remedy for all the minor ailmente�
of little ones, being abecluttely eves,
watered from injurious drugs.
Mabee Own Tablets accompldeli all
that castor cid and other bad -tasting
remedies can do.' In fact they aeootn-
pl4sh more as they do not leave the
child exhausted from its struggle
against taking medicine. They relieve
teething pains, banish indigestion and
oonstipattou, break tip colds and'sim-
ple fevene and promote healthful, ref
retelling sleep,. They ase sold• by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
Dentist, --"Yes, I sousetinies snake
each. Dr. Bryce said the whole remit
Watt a signal of the loyalty of United
Church, people to the enterprises of
their church. He considered it a re••
markable achfavement.
Dr.. Bryo° has left for the weal,
mistakes, too. what donkeys -we are!"
where lee will address, the conference
Patient_Kinddy spe's"i. c in the sdeeu of the United ()hurter during i11* next
few Weeks.
' what
Sign of Improved Conditions
and Prosperity is Noted.
Ottawa. -. Aeco*ding to reports•
which cools to the honking division of
the Ananoe "-department, Canadian
banks were never in a more 1191140 posi-
time- Since the failure of the 1-Ioree
Bank there have been no banking die -
asters and in feet the Sank Act ,pro-
vides each., eateguft?d0 as Matte this
impossible without the conditions bo-
log wail known In advance and era
rangements made to copra With it:
In recent years, however, the period
Of deprecsedon caused some of to
beetles to bei tied up . to assets upon
which their advances could ubt dated. rosd-
li ui
1']•y be liquidated.
It le considered a hopef11l e1ge of
improved conditions and trturning
progoerity that In almoet every Mee
this Situation has been wholly over-
come and the liquid position of the
'banks reestablished' to the level of
very prosperous days:'
It takes time; to grow anything --
even a Mistiness,
Custonver—'`Do you serve olobsters
Waiter — "We serve: anybody. Sit
He who boasts °f h19 anceeters con-
fer -Saes .that he Ilea no vilrt'a a *0.1348
Laugh and the world burghs 'with
you, but it will laugh at you with no
prhvcCatlbn at all,
Some men s good and °therm
make good ex
New Bird Life .Record.
A pintail deck banded by a member
of the United Stautes Blole )cal Survey
staff at the moutfh of Bear River, Utah,
,on Seplteimber,16, 1914, was captured
near Ilrawley, tial., on cc -troller ..16,
1925. The longest'preview' record of a
banded blael'd ilio wee Etat of a valeta
stork that ca'rri'ed a ba11d rat the Roe -
box frown The Dr, W815e r ? medicine Wien Bird Observatory In Grammy for
Ore., Brockville, Ont. { eleven yere, Treat corns" with Minat•d'e Liniment.'
ear The Pores
Of li nipurtties With
UtiC= ra Soap
So a , Olntmma Talcum sold o,nrywhuro
t n lineae ,ted
y u tcp
a enact
le unexcelled for Dyeing
and Tinting. Professional
Dyerausetha r.
Same)indof' Ed
Minted's Liniment will .bring
quick relief. Bathe the forehead
• =alto inhale;
After Taking Lydia EPialtham's
Vegetable Compound Could Do
All Her Work and Gained
r in Weight
Melfort, Saskatchewan. — "I had
inward troubles, headaches and severe
pains in my back
and sides. 2 was
(4 eo sick generally
that -I could not
sit up and I was
robed moat of the
time for eight
months. An aunt
came to visit and
help me as I was
1lnle to attend
to my baby and
could not do in
work. She told
tie to try y.la Pinkha nee Vege-
table Compound, and after taking two
bo'£tiee I could get up and dress mlr-
Belf. I also took Lydia i7. Piokham a
lood Medisiine, When I first took (the
medicine I only weighed seventy-
eight pounds. Now I weigh twice as
much. If I get out of sorts or weary
and can't sleep I always take another
'Dottie of the Vegetable Compound.
2 find it wonderfully good for fe-
mpt to emyaneighbors, recom-
mended ll
be only too glad to answer any lettere
I receive asking about it. Kra.
WILLIAM RITCHIE, Box 486, Itdelfort,
21'ha Charm of .4 Velvet Skin --and the
Pure .Blood Under It
The effectiven¢ss of ,that
popular touch of ''make-up"
will be greatly enhanced # the
akin has the velvety, smooth-
ness and clearness that. result
' freer the use of TRU-BLOOD.
This much.prescribed Blood
Tonic corrects the coarsening
tendency of "complexion Alda'
Wad makes the skin clear,
smooth and ooleef*1.
Your Drugolst hew. has VW -
BLOOD. Test its beelth-and-besutee
giving qualities. Oat a bottle today,
"llrell. there goes twenty.eeven holes this afternoon.
Want to stop—are your feet wet?"
«I ehoutd say noel Do TOURS ever get wet when
you've p011115ed them with
Toe faith of thousands of,/•tire
users in Firestone Chun -
Dipped Balloons is founded
on =acting service—long
mileage and dependability.
Known as the pioneer of the
Balloon. ---Firestone has cono
l intently led in its developp•
mete ---using only the best
materials and engin ring
to bring It to the highest
point of reliability. It iS
rani+ natural, with such a high
went/ product, that Fire-
stone has attracted the beat
tire dealers 'in the country.
Call) your nearest one tc -day.
„ PIaEB1'O1SE TIRii: sa R1aBER c0.
I9cailifoa, Ontario
Firastollb Fulda the Only Gura'-000ped Trees
" i lihll'�!i,
iPECOAL i ' g ES AND l':A4 VaGGS ,rialto LENT
vIslr TNB MOO earl ktee f,QCMtI iiOTEle
RN Tee aioARP ' 5Ie
et0. ae o e e 904 60481* aErn
wy �Lt,LIACtivy{{ e'b t� X�(18
0 1
77cr0'00' Naglot" ahedofor °veryehoamade 10
lid dr
{illnstilti841LTv .t'u iaaa '4
-rs- 1 11111 i i 1fl 11 L ,• t:
`•wr�IiIIIII fiiilllillllllflliilifilitilit; 11 II 11114,�,,lifillill tl� l 11i i�1 �!
bleat doctors the world over agree
on one thing anyway, and`that is
"If you want to he healthy, cook
all vegetables by steam!" It's real
S teaming weirs the food and leaves all
the Pot. heobth $ pake there should be should
SMP Vegetable Cooker is every,__PPO�OO�.
qttryy, !t'Isde,a endutisg, rhlea.puro imp
Baatutaed ware ,by
ar Maria Co,C0. >Lturrro i
iMQNm Lt1' 7bitoNTo v0eNo3Z*
wag= o1a VAI3C++OVVSM c-af•®4a4-
2ffi4 •