HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-06-02, Page 2L �.r I.it Iu ,tri Ca y 1111111 Li.t AM Willi RUSSIA NEWS,aRLC Ri CANADA M IATEL F ULO S- SUIT Ct!NTOti, ONTARIO arms o°..subscription—,I2:UQper YCPr. `- iu advance to collodion* $2.5(r to the U.S, or other' foreign canneries. No paper discontinued until all arrears •are paid. unless at the option of the publisher., The to which every subscription io. paid la 'denoted on the label. Ptdvertleinp _Rates-Trans,ont saver. beteg, 12c per count line for first Insertion, to for each :subsequent Insertion, Heading counts 2 Tinos. Sinai/ advertisements, not to exceed one inch,"`suih ao "Wanted," "Lost." "Strayed," etc., :inoerted once for SGc, ;each subsequent insertion 150. Advert!eemente rent in without'in. etructiona as" to the number of In- sertfonswonted wilt ran until order - ad out and will be charged accord- ingly. Rates for display advertising made -known on application. Communications intended for publl Cation' must, as a guarantee' of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer, 81. HALL .11. It. CLARK, Proprietor. Editor. G. D. McTAGGART »7: D. MCTAGGA22T .; McTAGGART BROS. BANKERS A g'eneral,,Banking Business. transact- ed. Notes Discounted. Drafts .Issued. interest Allowed on Deposits, Sale Hetes Purchaod, H: T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer. Financial; . Real Estate and Fire In- gnranoe Agent, Reproaonting 14 -Fe ineurance Compenles, re Division Court Office, Clinton, • W. BRY ONE .. �arrieter, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. mice: !LOAN t31.00k CLINTON 'Office .Roure:--1,$0 to 8.30 ©I 0 108.00 p.m.,, Sunday!, 12.30 0 .m, Other hours b a 80 p.m, Y ppolntmfant only. Office and Reside . _ Victoria 134 ,pR. FRED G. TIFi office and Residence: Ontario Street ResideCce: Clinton, put, One door west of Anglican Ohara* Phone 172,.. 10yes examined do and glasses fitted. DR. PERCIVAL REARM. Office and R Huron Street ealdence: Phone 60 Oltaton,'Ont. ,(Formerly occupied by the tate Eyes C.' W. Thompson). Examined and (Seams Pitted. lb. R. MciNN� Chiropractor—Electrical' Treat ie Of Wingi 1 will be at the Comms • dal Inn, (Minton, on Manday,'Wodnea. day and Friday forenoons . of each week. Diseases of all kinds successfully bandied. Dr GQRGE ELLIUTI' lace/mod Auctioneer for the Country ' of Huron. Correspondence promote- answered; Imtnediatearraegemcats can be made :tor Sales Date at . The NewpRe Pluton, or by calling Phone 208.' Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Givaranteed. OSCAR KLOFP %nor Graduate Cat;ey Jones' R4atloaai School of AuctioneerJng, Chicago, ape. dal 'course taken in Poe Bred -Live Stock, ileal 1tetate, Merchandise and b'arm ales. Rate's in keeping with prevailing market: Satisfaction aa d. Write or wire, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18.93, Ba R. HIGGINS Clinton, Ont. general. Fire and Life Insurance, Agent for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock, Automobile and Sickness and Acoldent Inauraaoe.. Huron and Erie and Cana- da Trust Bonds. Appointments mode to meet parties et Brucefleld. Vsrna and Bayfleid, ` 'Phone 67. MON T�l31VAi;DDiILiA„�., E1� TIME TABLE Trains wit l arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: Buffalo and Goderich Div. aotng hast,; depart 6.25 a.m. 41 2.62m. Going Weal. a . 1.10 nee ,. r 11.10. nee. ar. 6.08 dp 6.68 ar. 10.04 pan. London, Huron .di Brad* Div. Going South, ar 7,55 dp. 7,66 am. 4.10 p.m. Goin Nor e g tit, depart 6.60 " " 11.05 11.15 a.ns. MOTOR ACCIDENT ESCAPES FATALITY Parents and; Children Have a ( Close Call When Car Leaves Road. Guelph, Ont—Up to their waists in a creek which borders the Guelph - Hamilton Highway, about three: miles above N'reelton„ ]1Tr, and Mrs. Clara once Gall, of Hespeler, after being 'thrown' from their motor car, which. overturned, were Wednesday night forced to superhuman efforts to save their seven children, ranging in age from a baby ht arms, four months old, to 13 years, from drowning before assistance arrived, The creek -bed is about seven feet below the Ievel of the road, and de- spite frantic shrieks and crles, they were unable to attract the attention of a half a dozen motors which sped pest. an the highway, They finally received assistance from Messrs. L. Rebden and W. 'Baulk, two'- Guelph Motorists, who waded into the water I. and carried the children to safety tih��,-,he accident occurred when Gall fail- ' deal to notice , a projecting • culvert, 'Which 'he struck, elcidding into the *geek. Why is a bad eiuger like a forger? ,'because he is' ant an'utterer of bad notes. Result of "Arcus" Raid C. urinates in Severed Relation Cu with Rusin, The, daidsinit wan ranch ed at a meeting ofth' cabinet:' this n' afternoon and 'i'reinier Ring ata ed chat the sigroatrient would be to mein- Q ated forthwith on the' ground that its provisions had been violated by agents of the Soviet. The Canadian Primo VIityis (,ecus offt BRITAIN TO ` STAND 'N NONSENSE Canada Stands Shoulder Shoulder' With Mother Country, The past week hast possibly e events :which'' will write history capital letters within the British 8 pire, First came the report from't capital of the Empire that n ruptu "complete and final" bad tern -dna Britain's relations with Russia, bo diplomatic and commercial, HOUSE BREATHLESS. to so'advised 1:. F. ' o Bial agent of the SovietRepublic in Canada who came up from Montreal Wednesday evening. Premier King said:,the staternentt of the British Prime 'Minister' left . no; doubt that propaganda against the 'British -Em- pire' had boon conducted from Areos. House, tht3 Soviet headquarters. in London. The agreement contained a provision that the i ovist trust re- frain from hostile action or propa- ganda:against B'r'itain and this-, had been infringed. :There had been some doubt whether the agreement with Canada terminated' automatically when relations were severed by Bri- Gen 1rr m- he re t th Tho members of the House were almost breaahless with suspense as Mr. Baldwin made his statement. His indictment of the Soviet Government and its agents here, delivered in tones unusually loud ; and,elear, droppe word by word into a void of alien rippled only once or twice by Lab laughter or. Conservative cheering. By„coincidence , either accidental intended,'Wedneevday is known in British calendar as Empire Da There, seemed to be a certain fltn in choosing it es the ocaasian breaking off relations with. a natio whose' activities, as recited by t Prime Minister, seemed to be directed so persistently againstBrltain's E pita According to 'Mr. Baldwin, the 5 viet, with singular audacity and cynic ism, had' selected the Capital of t British= Commonwealth itself as th headquarters of; its propaganda a esp' d ee or ox the vete trade would not be Interfered y, with. The' situation in this, country ass differs from that in Britain. While ee Britain revers diplomatic and com- e ' uremia' relations, Canada merely th Prime trade relations es she has never had diplomati,9 representatives in Ent Russia. Premier Xing stated that•the situation so far as Canada, was con- A cerned ,would he much the same'as in _! the United States. Referring to the th British othat the Soviet has agents o' on' this continent the'Prime Minister an tatn or whether Canada' would have to talc© specific action to cancel the, agreement.. In any eventthe Can- adian Government would” take what-. ever action was necessary. Canada, however would continue -to trade with Rawls and would maintain trade oomrn+issioners in that country. pri- said the evidence received in Canada tonage designed to destroy that does not• disclose any espionage or far411111g'soyerelgnty, subversive propaganda so far as the nn tree office ofthe `Soviet is con- Icor It was to- be inferred from his n statement that the results of the SITUATION FULLY DISCUSSED. ac - Amos .raid, if entirely the occasion; The Premier declared that this a were not entirely the cause of the rap; tion had been "'decided upon after of relations. He mentioned po- full rodisugh th decision ssituation crest- turah lice, discoveries antecedent to the raid ed through the sew ofe theBritish respecting Soviet activities in China Government to sever its relations with and espionage in London. Soviet Russia, Evidence in the hands The British. Government a arena l e{ the Canadian Government made it ly had been for some time ht ci nt-iclear, the Preroier said, that certain q P ( sections of the agreement between ing the. necessity of breaking oil' rela-' Caned and Russia had been violated tions, and it is understood 'that the by' the Russian Government. Dominions had d been consulted about such a step. Tont,,correapondent"also! Premier Ring pointed out that the understands that tie discoveries made agreement was subject to termination by the British police regarding anti -,fined. certain spa conditions were pro - American propaganda carried-'. out I filled. thatie theeciarie quoted areo- from Soviet headquarters here have ;rasion •etparties to the agree - from ment agreed to refrain "from hostile POLICE DISCOVERIES. NI t 1 ffi h ed been communicated to Washington. The only qualification of the com- plete severance of relations announc- action or undertakings against the other and from conducting outside of ed by the Premier was his statement fts own borders any official props- ed the legitimate use of the Arcos institutions oft pthenTrit sdirect against the business would be allowed to continue, su Empire res or B- and' that the Government was• prepar- thelye, Pr Premier Bt Republic tespec- ed to make all 'arrangements' nacos- Inv the i ish R se of Cos mons and sary for ordinary trade facilities be- evidence beth House ap Commons tind tweon the 'two countries. The view . methbefore the Canadian pveier. has been eepressed in Government said, had made a rear, the ben circles that Russia must continue to viola that. this agreement had been trade with Britain whether she Wish- violhted, es to or not, since she can find no other The names of those Canadians market so good. found and porwarded from London CANADA AFFECTED. pored made public and interviews ap- peered in the daily press. Law_ List of addresses discovered.in raid abiding, true British subjects can showed means of communicating with not but be- gratified that the Secret Communist parties • in Canada, the Seryice can and docs assure us that United State, Mexico, South America, they have the matter well in hand. Australia, New Zealand and South e Africa, Merit Documents read show that Eor- Order of Odin; in China, despite Soviet dis- claimers, was under orders from "Inasmuch as most civilized WW1 - "Tho House wi.Ii observe that the tries, whether monarchical' or repub- Soviet representative was soliciting lican have set apart some distinction information for purposes of a politi- which* is jealously guarded . and re cal campaign in this country and giv- ing the substance of messages which he desired to see .retransmitted as news from China." Police investigated formanymonths activities of group of secret agents engaged in endeavoring .to otbain highly oonfidential documents relat- ing to the armed forces of Britain. One doeument of highly confiden- tial character recently found to be missing, and from information sour - Suggested for Canasta served for the reward of very dia tinguished service—the '. Legion of Honor of France and British Order of Merit being conspicuous examples, the Royal Society of Canada is strongly of the opinion that it would be in the national interest to create a similar order in Canada—one which would be free from the possible ob- jection that itmight botoeguedagainat the re-establishment of titles—that would make it possible to reward con- e , supported by documentary evi- apicu'bus public service or intellectual dente, it became clear it was taken to Pre-eminence in what, in many cases, Soviet House •and there would be reproduced the only acceptable Y• „ y wa by means of photostat. apparatus, 1•- The Royal Society, therefore, Subterraneanphotostat room found urges upon the favorable considera- in raid answered description previa tion of the Government of Canada the ously given police. ; establishment of a Canadian' • order, investigat ionshowed offices ofmem b r shi . to be conferred do on the re- Arcos and 'Trade Delegation dealt: commendation of a carefullyselected: with correspondence in "Rands Off and representative advisory commit- tee, and with the same care and free- dom from :anything in the nature of China" campaign. , . CANADIAN GOVT, ACTS. ' 'GUELPI OliTRAGE Heavy Explosion in, Royal City Fortunately Unattended With Fatalities, Quelph, Ont.—Windows in seven houses were shattered to fragments, a man was thrown bodily out of bed and an automobile was almost wreck- ed, when a charge of high explosive, presumably dynamite, was touched off by unknown persons on Waterloo avenue, ono hundred yards east of St. Arnaud street at an early hour Thursday morning, Sleeping residents within a radius of several blocks were awakened and shaken by the terrillr•blast, the.rever- berations of which were heard all over the,city. The force of the explosion, dug a pit several feet deep next the curb] above the old Kennedy quarry, where the .charge had been tamped LEADING FIGURES IN _ ANG 1 -0 -RUSSIAN PACT and detonated. - Show b i Edgar Bell, who lives at 261 Writer loo avenue, just across the road fro the explosion, was thrown out of b ed on the ground ' floor and he and bis wife were showered with fragments of glass from a large front window which was smashed by the concussion Mrs, Bell is suffering from shock and a physician is attending her. Every window in the ..dwelling of Mr. Arthur Woods,. 267 Waterloo avenue, .was broken by the force of the explosion and furniture was shift- edshift- daWindows were also shattered in several other houses ' 3'.L L. Block, oc k of 13 Frames o a Road, with his wife was driving on the high- way, and had just reached St. Arnaud street in their car when they saw the flash ahead of them and heard the roar of. the explosions The machine turned. around against the curb and was altrose turned over by the con- cussion.. At the same time they saw a motor car drive furiously away from the spot. The police, who are -tworling on the case, have a descrip- tion' of the: motor, through which the officers hape to trace those respon- sible-for'tho outrage. n a or^e ere ileo principnl'actorn • France; and Feeeig1 Secretary Briand dram than the old Ford, but.it will be more economical to operate The general impression gained from, visits ie. the factory is that the new car will be a four -cylinder, gear -shift, three -speed machine. Relief from . Rheumatic` Pains ' Rheumatism is a oou0tituticnel ditease. It causes locale aches and pains, inflamed; joints and still muscles; but cannot be permanently relieved by local or external appli- cations; It must have ooniOtitutional treatment. Take' the groat blood -purifying and tonic teed eine,'fiood's Sarsaparilla which corrects the add condition of the blood on which rheumatism de. pends, and,,, Ives permanent'relief,. Tt combines the most effective a8ent, e in the treatment of this disease. in the a now being enacted on the Anglo -Russian stage. At the .top' from n7 left to right are Sir Austen Chalet:or. lain, British foreign, seoretarv„ who was reported to be in opposition to a disconhinaance or the trade treaty with Moscow, but who evidently capitulated to "the demands of the right wing in the cabinet; Premier Baldwin an- nounced, who the government's intention in the Commons yesterday; .(leerges' Tohttpherin, Moscow's commissar of foreign affairs, who is at present in NEW RD CAR 1 I of Prance, who, it will be noted, had oonferences with Chamberlain daring the. recent visit of President Dou- mergue to London. Below, at the left, la Michaei Borodin, responsibility for Whose intrigue. against '9ritain In China is reas•Sorted by Baldwin as proven by alleged seized docamenta; Sir WLllianr Joy'nson-2Iicks, the British home secrw,itary, ,who ordered the re- cantraid oh the Arcos, Limited, . in London, precipitating the present situation. announcina new Ford g car of ex- tensively nevi revised � sed design, said: NOW ANNOUNCED superiorin Ford a ----- _ to any now available 20 the low-prtc light car field, 'will shortly be start Gear Shift, Style, Economy by this company. The model T Fo winch for twenty years has been leador in the automotive industry will continue to be a substantial f tor in production in view of the fa An officia'I statement at Ford that all model T cars now in ser Thursdaybywill for many years require repla W. l2, Campbell, vice- meat parts." president and treasurer of the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, It was indicated that the wank of swinging over the huge factory hero ear, Yeo, Goderich, Ed, Hfnehray, Sett, ca forth; W. Chesney, Egmoadville;.It ed 'G, Jarmuth, Brodhagen.; Any money to be paid in ma aaa paid to Moorish Clothing Co., Clinton, e For and Flexibility Are Promised, LONG EXPECTED. The MeKillop Mutual Fire Illslll'Ce Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont, DIRECTOFy: • President. Ja tea Counotly, Goderich•. Vice, James Evans, Beechwood; See, Treasurer, Thos. E. Hare, Sealorth. Directors: George 11dcCartney, Sea„ forth; D. F. McGrego•, Seaforth, J. G; Grieve, Walton; Wm. Ring, Seaforth: hf, McEwen, Clinton; Robert Ferries, Hariock; John Bennewetr, Brodhagea; Jae. Convene, Go y,. der le h. 1 Agents: Alex. Leitch, Clinton, .t. W. or at'Cutf= cry, Goderich. the 'Parties desiring to affect Insurance er transact other business wilt be ac- promptly attended to on application to at any of the above officers addressed to their respective post ulftee' Lowes vice inspected by the Director who itvea ca. nearest the'a.:ene. HANNA SHOWS "STRONG MAN" STYLE which is the largest automobile fac- tory in the empire, 'will immediately be initiated. This work will ' be nec- essitate the replaoing and rearrange- mentprotect of thousands °f machines and Opening of Liquor Stores to a liquor store with will entail an enormous expenditure be With Dignity and dignity .and'propriety.'r. of money and labor, but it is said that All of which indicates that the plana for its ereoutlon have been thor-i Propriety, control board has no notion of issuing °uglily developed and' th t th k a eWor permits to tourists in the immediate will proceed with celerity. The ew NO TOURIST ORGIES: future, and they .have a number of Ford car, it was learned, has been men now taking instruction In the fine designed by `henry Ford, who .also _ D: B, Hanna, chairman of the liquor art of handling and selling the wet designed the famous model T and Its,' control board, spoke with .some vigor goods at these critical points, the purr predecessors, and is the product of Thursday about the rumors of special guposeard ofthe such instruction being' to safe- many years of engineering research. trains loaded with Americana°corrlin sale. Several experienced+ It. will bo a pea; weeps before a g dispensary employees at the Welling- description od. the new car will be across the border for the big event, ton street warehouse are now engaged madepublic .be and reports giving an idea that there in this "school of instruction" of new fp ord himself pronoono the fact thattemployes. unces 'It a light- ear machine that has "speed, style, SSILLED HANDLING, flexibility, and control in traffic," Each man svho is to be employed in ' It would cost more to buy this year was to be a big "blow out" along the border line so soon as the liquor starts to Row. "The is to be no feast of Belshaz- zar," said Mr. Hanna, bringing his big fist down on his talFle. eI see stories in the, Detroit papers about special trains to carry crowds the sale of liquor is to be instructed —_..___._. regarding contact with the public and .4n operating a cash register and keep- ing aceouhts. Chairman Hanna is of Amorzcans over into Ontario for intent on taking all reasonable pre- the'epening sale," said the chairman 'cautions to prevent fraud in the buy- "They are talking, it seems, of evert for of �bottles.ure Ane order ismade out bringing the people up from the mid.'.hi each purchase. The buyer sign-- die states to the Ontario border. The,. ed order. Ms his permit, is hieh he that are encouraging the ed with that on rs pder t ee American people to dome on these, g required to show.hThe order eventually OCs e to onth ' _ga cashier and a en special trisv tuall p trains are going to sadly dis- Y to the" clerk appoint their 'passengers," he prophe- ration the purchaserhas out the goods led d s spection. tis. passed BLOW OUT. Serial . numbers "There is goingtobe be s are to be on the no big blow .bottles. These serial numberseals out alon t e shores h of the St: Clair," r , will be supplied ' t „o the breweries and he went on. "Liquor cannot be bought by thein puton the bottles, This without a permit. These people who enables the board to keep tab on their come across the line. will roti be alio, stocks and every seal must be ac - to got permits. and therefore cannot counited for. It :is not, Mr. Hanna ft ' I have nothing against my !explained, designed to trace the indi- merican friends, but they will have ° hidu.1 bottle after it is itt the cele - be content with standing around sumer's hands, though the serial, num the tunnel and watching . how it is i ber inight he so used. Premier Icing announced Wednes °hlecttoneble political partisanship as get day night that the Government had governs the awarding of the Legion .A decided to cancel the trade agreement Merit.of Honor and the British Order of 1 t g Don'tletitrun too long, it will lead to chronic indigestion. In the meanwhile you suffer from miserable, a i ek headaches, ner- vousness, depres- sion and sallow ICHARDERLAN S TABSTOLETS. TheyE re- lieve fermentation, indigestion'- gently but ninety cleaned the system and loop the stomach and liverinperfectranningorder, ' At sal drarsb,iq 25c., or by maltheat it Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto '.t'i t'Sr. V • ax¢''^ 'VMS SASS.. +SarcCMS .. .D.... , Ram! T1,. , Amazing • Stories of auec es b y.m., ,t„ 1 rtr I Y.e, n Fe A4 ek...,me a ro e 1'.ante, w . h 11 1" .Y^, I,u�inae 4n �yt, T,:u.�pFy x.."11:::"..17,..... 0.0 .'p,r. iNIS Y 1 ire "o F.. t �Y r,..1,r4,„„:-31414.,:l. 1,d;. ua„,mt tf withMtY, 1 fs 49'�'�Fv 4:N- w.r ;'0., Jv�brn,,dt lA,rt,, Il,tee N & 0,5.4,. FI:7:a ” mv n wen,• " ue acem,, t 1nn1 t - , t .t Y W W 4N :,7 isnot r='s: r ra What these men have. ' done au can o ,v dot C ' at flame yoy can cash ma n your spare time Y master the. secrets arien to oleJ elfin pp thoE Star 3nlesmen, whatever our g make you M lie doing now—whether expeot you think you -whatever mayyou not you think ern can sett.- just0 answer eget in touch: Are. yea t ambition to tarn stove oeo a Weed Then get in touch with ma at once! I e Ig prove to you without cost or obligadon that' you can msasllN Imcbma a Star Salesman. 1 wnl snow you hot' the Salesmafiahlp Training and nee Employment Servide of the N, S. T. A. will help you to quick 0000043 In Selling. • $10,000 A Year Selling Secrets The Serol, of filar & t le ight, to a taught by orae t T. ha. 004. d 10 for of I -'t y Jos th tot,evo t#Wnd for aver the dmdger0 NO o,' pay, 11t dd n,y loan fhst teed aolvhyia. Na bract whet you 00 t, daing, the said of reels GRIM you a Wy yuWn. Get the fact,, Gad qr write National Salesmen's Trainppg Ansociatlo10° Cumdian hiay. Box .362 Toronto, Ont. "FIRST OF NINE HISTORICAL SKETCHES BY JEFFERYS (CUT OUT AND SAVE( tktolt m "\\\ •' • Carrvoi 'FROM .5A' ; UNTO SEAQ. CANADA' Very literally are the Provinces of Canada bound together by eltortnatfs development of railroadinghas been NAT(®NI100D S THREE -SCORE YEARS' bands of steel: As a matter of fact; British' features 1 e n one of the outstanding ; hila been greet, The. old wood -burner r s Columbia beta n0 it Pro - ' on el the, sixty Years that have elapsed sinned Ctitarto; Gla elaer, creditable d t net oL 1867, though capable of wince of th•q'I3ominion in 1811 under promise of railway .New res of the and Ne ai:.bcefla` united elapsed Ce '.:Speed, wen/a pigmy oftv in nine ,wefghtand strength compared' i way co[ uect.ien, 1n 1,807, At ntrvl government with the huge locomotives of to -day. r though the actual firkin u did not become a reality tilltat thue the. Dominion boogied 6,278 miles of most Waterloo' y M C. W. the charge CIAt nave g' p y 1886, The track; It has over 42,600.mi'les to -da t lace.ioal artist, hero graphically deplete the changes that havq y;,,,Iar ecjulprneut, ton, the ovolutian' taken place.