HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-05-26, Page 8THE CI,IIy'TON NEWS -RECORD Y 20, 1027, CLINTON'S LEAD ING'JEWELER Y SCORE Graduation Graduation time will Sognl be here, and we have already antici- pated the annual dernand for tok- ens of jewelry that will express most appropriately 'sincere con- gratulations and encouragement for future years. Anearly selection will assure you of a wide choice. As always, Quality, and Beauty and Reason- able -Prices.' Don't forget to see our disp,lay of polished Brass, the best ever shown. ' In prices ranging from 35c, up to $10.00, Re H 6_ Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey's Drag Store JEOIAL VALUES for the eek -end,. in 'Towels and Towelling Bath Towels, large eize,'colored, special value at, per pair . • , 69e • Small size, special at per pair 49c Large size, white, a good heavy towel, special value at, per pair 98e Another shipment of Tea Towels Pure Lunen, large sire Very Special, each:: . .... .. ......•..... 25e Pure Linen Towelling, reg. -25e a yard, speeial value at 19c Check Tea Towelling, 17 inches wide, special value at 12c a yard or 3` yards for"-:" ..:.. ........... ,.:35c Fancy white Pure. Linen Huck Towels, speeial value ateper pair ` 98e SPECIAL PRICES ON OTHER LINES TO CLEAR lumsteel Bros. PHONE 25. -000,00600.60.0000000000000000..0. There is a Differen j,e Try our fine Teas and Coffee Tilt C. & S..GROCLRS. n////lir 7 "Step -Savers " is the came our customers have given this new hot -cold one -faucet kitchen sink with one piece drain board and bowl in best grade white enamel. Running water to the kitchen reduces woman's work at °least one -half -and every husdand owes it to his wife, to give her this now accep- ted necessity. Step Saver Our piiees on equipment are- low and cost of -installation is purely on a time basis which amounts to very little. Step into our shop some' day soon and allow its to estimate on a job for yon. Or—Phone and we will call. Sutter & Perdue PLUM.BINC HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING PHONE 147w 10 1h. pail Syrup:; 75c Jelly Powders, 4 for , 25c Pure Jam,,,3 11). jar ,. 55c Prunes, 2 lbs. for 25e Marmalade, 3 1b, jar 50c Seedless Raisins,`2 lb. for 29c Canned Peas, 2 for , . , 25c Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. for 29c Canned Corn, 2 for ,i 29c Oranges, per dozen , 29c Fruits and Vegetables in Season - PINEAPPLES ARE AT THEIR BEST L. Latvson. & 'Co., PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE Ill We Canadians have an opportunity this year of celebrating the most out- standing event inthe annals of Can- adian an-adi in history—The Jubilee of Con- federation—and_why should' we not rise tothe occasion and let the world know we are proud of ourselves, our country, and_ our achievements.' We have secured a dainty and expressive line of stationery • that emphasizes the personalityof our people to per- .fection. Three sizes of Letter Pads Note at 20c. Foldover and Letter at 35c. The Crest asabove is, embossed in gilt .on'•each sheet and the pad has a Union,Jack -cover design.' Ream what Bystander says about these pads in a recent issue of The Globe:, Something :New for Canada's •Jubilee Year - Commendable enterprise on the part of a Canadian printing and stationery house at this timeis shown hi the'ap- pearance in book stores of a special type of Jubilee Year stationery, The stationery does not contain any maid; to show who, the manufacturer is, but. samples which we have noticed about town struck us, as being well worthy Of mention somewhere. - These omewhere,These, letterheads offer a dignified opportunity of reminding correspon- dents in other ,countries of Canada and its coming celebration. Inquiry brought out the informa- tion that this new letterhead is being snapped up' by Canadians almost as fast as they can, be supplied to the retail houses. Tlie W. . Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the_ Best oilius rnliilllllunu;nn uu2uiljfG01�1 Miss Norma Bentley of London was hone over the week -end. Mr. Robert 'Hunter is home from 'Varsity for the long vacation.; Miss Alice Sloman of Stratford Spent the week -end at her home in tbwn. Miss Winnie _Hunt of Toronto has been visiting at her home in town. Miss Anne Stewart of London spent the Week -end at her .home in Stan- ley. Mr. George Middleton of Windsor was up for the week -end and boli - clay. 11Tr. Dinner paisley of Toronto 'Uni- versity is visiting at his home in town. • Mr. Bert Marshall of 'Varsity is spending the vacation at his home- ' in town, Dr. and Mrs. Axon and Master Fred spent.a few days in Brantford over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs, Will -Greig and children motored up from Toronto to spend the week -end. ' Miss MVL'yrtle Malt of Brougham. spent the week -end and Victoria Day at - ilui' ittiilth Ill to\vn. Mt': Arthui` Johnston of Detroit vis- ited at the home of Me._ and Mrs. F. W. Johnston last week. Mr. and Mrs: James McRae ,and daughter of London have been vis- iting M'r. and Mrs. N. Bali. Miss Esther Trewartha • of the Tor- ento University is spending the va- cation at her house in town • Miss Eileen Atkinson of the Univers- ity of Western Ontario, London, is home for the `long vacation. Mist Helen Gunne of London spent the week -end and holiday as a guest at the home of Mrs. R. J. Cluff. h2iss Seryl Salter, second year stu- dent at the 'University of Toronto, is home for the vacation time, Miss Jule Bartliff of Toronto cense up to spend the week -end and Vic- toria Day at her home in town. Messrs. George and Fred Elliott of Toronto have been ' visiting their home in town over the week -end. Miss Elsie Snyder: of London spent the week -end and Victoria` Day with her parents in Goderich town- ship. • Mr, and Mrs. E, Alexander and babe of Pinkerton spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson, Ring ,street. Miss Catherine McTaggart of McDon- ald Institute, Guelph, spent the week -end ant holiday at her home in town: Mrs. Anthony Mahon and Children of Montreal are visiting the lady's. ,parents; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Me- Caughey. Miss Mary Watkins and Mrs. Young of, London visitedover the week- end with their ' parents, M'r. and. Mrs. .1. Watkins.;: Miss Clete Ford and Miss Munroe of , the Alma College staff, St. Thomas, spent' the week -end and ` holiday at the honkie of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lamp's -tan and family, of Woodstock . spent the week -end as _theguests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Holmes. Ontario street. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston and children of St. Catherines have been visiting at the home of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Lovett, Mrs'L. C. Harrison and *'Mrs. C. J. Ailcenhead are in -London this week attending theannualconvention of the Women's Auxiliary of the Huron Diocese. Mrs. Frank Aussolt and Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Dear, London; Mips, A, Mc - Ewan, 3±ra •`George Armstrong and Mr. Percy Armstrong, Stratford;, Mrs. (Dr.) Hamilton, Brussels, and Mrs. F. P. Gillies, Kitchener,- at- tended the funeral of. Charles An- drews on Thprsday last. 1 1 e Another A few questions and answers after the manner of the popular pastime, and a 'Car of Pure Cane Sugar, special price off the car When is the besttime to buy Sugar ?` (Answer) To -day, the market is -firm. What is the Best Kind ? (Answer) All Cane sugar is equally good but we can give you the best price on Pi®minion because -we buy directly from the refinement. Special price on two sack lots," (Dominion) $6:90 Also Redpath's at, car price $7.10 We do not guarantee price aften this week. When is the Best time to can Pineapples (Answer) Now, this week, large beautiful juicy Pineapples Medium size $2.00 Large size $2.75 Extra large $3.25 Week -end Specials, Friday and Saturday Brooms only 28c Lux soap, 3 for 19c -P. & G. Soap 10 for 45c Rolled Oats 6 lbs. 29c In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. In the Afternoon First Delivery -2:30`p.m.' Kindly Order Early Cash and Service T. O'Neil Where "Sells for less' price prevails. 11111100411/400,10WMAIMAMIWWWWOWIMOVAIVIPW11004W10,011~$4.0VANIVANWII010~1010 Phone 48 Combination Screen and Storm Doors FOR USE IN WIMPER AND SUMMER We have three sizes in stock, o nplete with Soreen . and Glass '2 ft, G in.x0 ft,' 6 in.xl% in., 2 ft 8 in.x0 It. 8 in,xi3t in. @ .. 2 It, 1Q in,xfi ft, 10 in.xl% in. Thomas McKenzie Estate, Clinton LUMBER AND HIGH GRADE MILLWORK PHONE 88 SEAFORTIl: A. most- successful dance, under the auspices of the Col- ieglate cadet corps, was held in the G. W. V. A. rooms on Friday evening, at which there was'a good attendance. Music was furnished by a splendid orchestra composed of town .boys. The students of the Clinton Colleg- iate Were in attendance. The medals for the oratorical, contest last fail were presented by" Principal W. G. Spencer, during lunch hour, to Miss JUNE BAZAAR' Under Auspices of, Ladies' ^Auxiliary of Presbyterian Church On DR.: SHAW'S LAWN FRIDAY, JUNE 3rd From 3 to 6 pan, Candy Booth Mrs. Axon, Convener. Apron Booth—Mrs.'. M. D. McTaggart, Convener. - Fancy Work and' Gift Booth -Mrs. Sharp, Convener. Homemade Baking Booth—Mist M. Pearson, Convener. Touch and Take ,Booth—Mrs. Me- Murchie, Convener. Rummage Booth—Mrs. Streets, Con' vener.. Afternoon Tea—Mrs. Forrester, Con- vener. - Donations will be received by the conveners, or can be left at Miss Mc- Donald's store. 10-3 Car of Redpath's Sagar I expect to be''utiloading a car of REDPATIW'S SUGAR on Wedn'sy, June 1 Sugar -will be sold off the car at $7e10 per bag Have your orcler:s booked at this Special Price C. G. LOBB Phone 40 11-1-p Margaret Armstrong and Murray Savage. GODERICH: Mi. F. R. Darrow has been appointed issuer of liquor per- mits under the Government Control Act. MAX FAIR • Under the auspices of the GIRLS CLUB of WESLEY-WILLTS CHURCH In the Church Hall on Friday afternoon' MAY i 71h From 4 to 7 o'clock • Table of Miscellaneous Articles veinedupto 75 cents Tolich and Take Booth -25e parcels Candy•and Horne Made Baking A 25 cent tea will also be served dur- ing the tele Menu: Potato Salad Devilled Eggs Jelly Pickles Rolls Pie Tea and Coffee. 09-3 PREPARE pox YOUR SUMMER GUESTS this year by getting that new Bath- room outfit you've been talking about for years, but have just been putting it 'off. Come in to -morrow and see our display.. We will give you a "good price" and a "good job." We also do any kind of plumbing and repairing Give us a chance before you decide . att IBS BBARDWARE and PLUMBING ):'hone 244 ti May is Linoleum and Congoleun Month We have a wonderful stock of all the new patterns of Congoleum Rugs in all sizes. Prices are down this season, Come and see our now Inlaid Linoleum Rugs, thefinest and best wearing product ever put on the market. We have several new patterns of Inlaid Linoleum by the yard. It pays to buy Inlaid. .A. great assortment of, Japanese Fibre Mats in all sizes,ranging from 27164 inches to 9x12 feet. Prices from 6Qc to $6.00. For your verandah see our large .windgw. • You will find what' you want there. We still have a few Cedar Chests left to shed your far coats, etc., into and feel satisfied as these chests are absolutely moth proof. If it is a New Bed, Spring or Mattress you want, we sure have the stock to select from and our prices are bound to satisfy you.' EVERYTHING ELSE IN UP-TO-DATE FURNITURE Hotise Cleaning time is right on. We have everything that pleases the housewife. Wall and Ceiling Brushes—Muresco for the walls—Stains and Floor Enamel for the floors—a full line of lawn mowers and garden tools—a full stock of Brantford Roofing in Slab, Slate and Roll, of different grades -the Roof that stands the test PLUMBING ESTIMATES GIVEN .. Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 Your Straw Awaits You Right here in our store is the pick of straw -'hats. We have just the hat you want, sir, the het most suitable to the shape of your head and face. We have a complete stock of the latest models. All reasonably priced. Drop in on us. You 'are certain to be pleased. All braids, all Weights; .ail prices—andevery hat in the house -newest in shape. $1.30 to $ .00 Davis 8c Herman Custom Tailoring Cleaning and Pressing Eggs Eggs mimposixonwamisaaria Bring us your Eggs While Fresh We invite -customers to visit our candling and: grading room.. to see grading properly done. We Pay Spot Cash Now is the time to market yonr fat broody hens and old roosters Gunn, Langlois HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL, QUE. ,. Co., Limited For further information apply to CLINTON BRANCH, " CLINTON, ONTARIO PHONE 19Q' 11 •