HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-05-26, Page 7trxncL .ryroN News. ECO Num�a6�us ui RcVcCaV A Ceilillnn Prepared Especially for Women, But Not Forbidden to Men PICNICS If you a go picnicking and throw sour scraps about go run- ning seethe. You'll nevero the littlefol ningin and out, our And if you leave yorange ge peel all littered on the grass ;. You'll never go to Fairyland to see the fairies pass. For empty tins and tangled strings And paper bags are not the tiring To scatter where a linnet sings. So if yougo o a -picnicking, remember ,your: -a guest. Rupture Expert Here Do you suffer from rupture? If so, .your big opportunity has now arrived. Mr. Iteavely the noted rupture expert will be at the The picnic *son is with us again. RATTENBURY HOUSE, CLINTON For the next three months there will be picnics, of all kinds, church,; family,; for one day only association and perhaps political, as SATURDAY„1MAY 28th that form of divefslon seems to have conte into favor again. and will be pleased to giver free ex- amination to any sufferer and to A .picnic. may be a very pleasant demonstrate his famous appliance. 'affair or it may be a somewhat tires This 'appliance will contract the open- some performance, and if the latter, ing in 10 to 15 days and will cure it entirely fails in its purpose. The cases infrone three to six,months. only excuse for a piens is to get out - This appliance ut-This-appliance is positively detiion strated to you right on your own per- son without any charge. Yon do not spend a penny unless you are fully satisfied that it is the right appliance for you. A. consultation with Mr. Reavely will cost you nothing. Don't letthisopportunity get away` from Of all the tiny people, and you' 1 really find it best leave their ballroom ti 1 y and to To tidy clear away the mess,. see a fairy in her And perhaps you'll newest dancing dress. But paper bags and broken combs Will really: wreck the pixie hones And frighten all, the tiny gnomes. But if you go a -picnicking and you are elfin wise, You'll maybe hexa with fairy arra` and see with goblin eyes; The little folk will welcome you and they will open wide The hidden door's of Fairyland and , you will pass inside, And maybe'. see a baby fay White-eradled in a cherry spray Although it is Bank Holiday. B. E. TODD: doors for a 'few hours and enjoy nat- ure. , If the preparations are so el- aborate as to tire one unduly` before the time arrives for the jaunt, or if the party' is too big and the work too much for the person giv- ing the- picnic, then it 'ruayybeany-: thing but a relaxation to those hay - yon,; Remember the date. 10-2' ing the responsibility. A church or /101.6. •••••=1•111011903101111•11•100616 Says Dangerous Varicose Veins Can Be Reduced at Home Rub Gently and Upward Toward the Heart as Blood in Veins Flows That Way If you or any relative or friends are worried because of varicose veins, or bunches, the best advice that anyone in this world can give you is to ask your druggist for an original two - ounce bottle of 14loone's Emerald Oil (full strength) and apply night and morning to the swollen, enlarged veins. Soon you will notice that they are growing' smaller and the treat- ment should be continued until the veins are of normal size. So pene- -ti'ating and powerful . is Emerald 011 that even Piles are quickly absorbed. I Ilxuggists sell Lots of it. You'll notice that well. . dressed men. wear— PLUM STEEL ear— PLUMSTEEL BK 410, <e Ridge picnic` is apt to become ,:unwiold- Iy and usualh a few do most, of the work, but even so, if, supplies are plen- tiful 1 and16untowardO�Vleevent happens, the daymay pu55 teay happilylnlY for all, for there are always in any large company a number who, like-IVartha of old, are never so happy as when giving a feast, even they may com- plain a little of the idleness of others. But no one who wishes to get out into the- open need:. wait, for- a i isms to be arranged' by either church or state, Almost any family of children love` a picnic, Children love change, their young 'and ardent spirits de- light in doing "something different.' It is a wholesome and natural craw. ing and should be indulged in moder- ation. Eating under sew cusum.- i Stances, Hahavinga "party" ahvay ap- peals to a child., The simplest meal is o feast if mother uses her best china; it. the Sunday evening tea is laid be- side the open fireplace it is doubly en- iloyeci, and if a picnic is in the air the children are always keenly Realizing ., this ' many mothers each siisnm'er . plan little picnics for their families, These need not be elaborate affairs at' all. Sometimes the prepay -i atione-consist merely in putting to- gether some. sandwiches and cookies1 in a basleet and going to some shady, quiet spot to eat them, These simple little , excursions might be more fre- quent, perhaps, with benefit to both parents and children. Even on the farm, where the family is always sur- rounded with open space,.. with the sight of woods, perhaps, everyday in the' year, it might be a- good plan to choose some nice little spot for a pic- nic'grounds, clear away any thing in the way undergrowth or; unsightly rubbishy Gild, if thought advisable or worth while, some'siniple conveniences might be added, a wooden table, a' fireplace built of stones on which to boil a kettle "or fry Some potatoes or bacon. But this is not necessary, a cold lunch can be enjoyed perfectly. 'If the family is fortunate enough to. live within easy walking distance of a pretty wood, or a running stream so much the better. But if not there is often within easy each a.',clump of trees which offer an opportunity for a family picnic.: The mother who will take the trouble to plan and carry out little picnics like this for her children, with a little friend ortwo, not a crowd to make too much extra work, but simple little outings., will be well re; paid•by'the enjoyment of the, children. And I venture to say that such happy little outings will be remembered with pleasure and gratitude in after life. Parents should see that their child- ren have happy memories of their childhood, and if,.you take the trouble to listen to the 'stories 'of childhood told .by -grownup's you will find that the memories which give the greatest pleasure are not those of some elabor- ate or expensive outing or toy, but those, of simple, homely enjoyments, when the family carried through some happy little project, father and mother and sisters and- brothers joining in. In this day when there are so many distractions and when it is difficult to have much home life, every plan that will increase family fellowship ought . to be welcomed. Even a weekly supper under the trees of the orchard would be something for the children to look forward to and to. ,•s ;f .rJ, r�Snn�"ro e .riowers: ars « Trces :Lawns • Improved Highways inspire the Improvement of Home and Farm Good roads in Ontario are promoting the make Ontario a nicer'place to live; they beauty of the Province. They have ip - advertise Ontario to every passer-by, spired ovbners of homes and farms to. To those who have thus improved the improve the appearance of their proper- property along the highways and given ties. New fences have been built, lawns • encouragement to others to do the same, have been made, trees and flowers the whole Province is indebted, planted, and homes and barns treated to The Government is not unmindful of the paint. r . public -advantage of such improvements. The appearance of whole neighborhoods It is ready to render substantial assist - has been transformed by the creation ance to property owners in the planting of these roadside' beauty spots. 'They and care of trees along the highways. No 'Car should. go on the'Road unless it is in good Condition It is unsafe to the occupants, and ' a Department will send you without - menace to the public, to drive an auto- charge a list of approved lenses and ' mobile which is not in good condition. simple instructions for adjusting head - Check your brakes and steering gear lights, Your license nuinber must be often and replace parts worn: or broken. clean and so placed as to be easily read. Don't take a chance, Your car may fail Neglect on -any of these points makes an you at a critical time. - automobile unsafe and a dangerous char - ]Keep your headlights adjusted. See e acter on the' rood. Penalties are pro- tlat.your lenses are according to law. -Aided by The Highways Traffic Act for Thee ' Motor Vehicles Branch of the this neglect and they arc being enforced. Ontario ,1 epart int of Highways , The HON. GEO. S. HENRY, Minisssa 711 look bark upon in after 'life. Rhubarb time hero and no dcmbt, readers have been -enjoying 'it, stewed or ie pies%th ' Past; few weeks 1 am e p 1me:.i recipes, from giving below so , taken fro a G ovornnent hook on preserving and canning, for the making 'of conserves, etc:, to snake it possible to, have i•hiib- arb for a much longer season than ,it naturally, could be used. There recip- es have beew tried by experts and should work oiit.well. Conserves Igalley large, or small fruits or a -. combination f both inay be used for 1 0 , conserves, usually with- the addition of nuts and raisins:. When nuts are used they should be added to the mix- ture not :Mere than 5 minutes before it is removed froini the fire, As with; marmalade, careful stirring' and rapid cooking are essential; also; `it is act-- visable to cool the product slightly before it is placed in the hot glasses as thisensures an even distribution of the fruit, -Rhubarb Conserve 2 pounds rhenbarb, lis pound shel- led walnuts, 1/ -pound seeded raisins, 2 Doundy'sugar, 2 small oranges. Wash freshly picked rhubarb. and cut into inch -length ',pieces without peeling, Put raisins through g food-• chopper and shred oranges finely, be:. ing careful' to remove seeds. Place alternate layers of rhubarb and sug- ar in the preserving' 'kettle and let stand over night: In the lording add' raisins and cringes, and cools until thick. Add finely chopped nut meats and cook .5 minutes longer. Lour into ,hot sterilized, jars and -seal. Rhubarb and Pineapple Conserve 3 quarts 'sliced rhenbarb, 1 quart grated, 'pineapple, 1 cup chopped wal- nuts, granulated sugar., - Wash freshly ` picked rhubarb and cut into inch pieces without peeling. Add, grated pineapple and boil 'to gethor for fifteen minutes over a gentle heat, Measure, and to each cup of pain allow cup of sugar. Boil: until thick. Add nut meats and boil 5' minutes longed. Place in hot sterilized jars and seal: Medley Conserve lit quarts rhubarb,2 oranges, 11/a quarts pineapple, 21/ quarts sugar. Prepare rhubarb as in thetlast re- cipe,' Gut the - pineapple and orange pulp finely. Place in preserving ket- tle, add sugar and allow to stand over- night. Shred the orange rind, cover with cold water and soak overnight. In the morning. cook until tender in the same water in which it has soaked. Addthe rind to the fruit, mixture and cook until thick (about al, hour): Place in hot, sterilized jar, and seal. � REBEKAH 1 ANNUAL AGRICULTURAL STAT - ISI'ICS, 1927 The Dominion Bureau of SatieLics t li 1 n e 1 nada. the cu5to n t i t made g o thecollection of the annual mntsit agricultural a1 statastres of. Canada for, the year 1927. These statistics .will be baeed upon returns to be collected in .trine from individual • farmers upon' cardboard schedules issued to them through the teachers and child- ren of the rural schools. The sched- ule is a very simple one, calling only for the areas sown to field crops -incl the numbers of farm animals alive on the farm in mid-June. .: Upon the re- sulting estimates .of total areas sown are based the `preliminary, provision-' al are, with the movement, fin- ancing, distribution and: sale of the' principal cereals, especially of wheat of which Canada is now, the world's leading exporter. The, present plans for the sole"etioii of- these statistics have been followed annually since 1917, and the estimates based thereon have coine to be con- fidently relied upon by all iinterested. in the production and distribution of Canadian eggiin. In connection with the celebration this year of the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation, accuaate statistics are indispensable for a proper appreciat- ion oE the national progress, and in order to ensure- it is -'earnestly -hoped that fanners throughout the'Dorsin- ion will not fail td rend'er the small; service required by filling up and re- turning the schedule issued. If any farmer • should net receive the 'cardboard schedule by the middle of -June he should apply for sauce eith- er to the school teacher' of the nearest local rural school, or to his 'Provincial Department of, Agriculture; or to the Dominion Statistician at Ottawa. The aint.is to obtain a completed schedule from every farmer,•as themore num- erous the returns, the more trust- worthy will be the -resulting estim- ates. .. Dominion Bureau of Statisties, Ot- tawa,May, 1927. A EiiNT TO SHEEP OWNERS This year's lamb crop has the gen- eral appearance of being one made up of a larg percentage of vigorous Youngsters. The type that pleases the eye -of the buyer is more pro- nounced than it wasa few years ago. Sheep owners., are. realizing what con= stitutes Market demand. Further- more, Canadianlamb' is gaining in popularity, both at home and abroad, because it is pleasing the consumer hitter that it used to do. The 1— educ-tion in the number of Buck Lambs be- ing sold is largely responsible for this increased popularity. •Buron County sheep ownerswill do well to bear in mind that. beginning July 18, 1927, the cut of $2.00' per hundred pounds and after Oetq)ser fist the cut of $3.00 per hundred pounds -will again be effective on all bucks of this spring's lamb crop. To please the eonsurner, to develop the best markets and to maintain the best values for lambs: Dock all lambs and castrate stale Lambs when they are gnite young. Breed thekind of lambs that will be finished at from 80 to 90 pounds at the farm. Provide the kind of pastures that will properly finish the lambs within the desired weights. Pick out the lambs from the flocks as they reach the proper weight and finish and sell thein. • EVEN RICE HURT GIRL'S , STOMACH "I had inlligestion so bad I was afraid to:eat even rice. Adlerika-has done me so mueh good that now I eat anything. "=A-rdenis. Howard. • Adlerika relieves;stomaoh gas and .sourness hi TEI'4 minutes. Acting on BOTH upper and lower bowel, it re - MOVE'S Old waste matter you never. thought was in your system. Let Ad-. lerika give your stomach and ,bowels a REAL cleansing and see hoW Much better you will feel. It will surprise You! W. S. R. Holmes, Druggist. of a blazing:grate ,tire into the grate. SIr. Fox, discovered by his wife a'few 1 llon 7 n ioaielift$ later, is rna.s sefrfriomins.hi' copesditto- •oi se e e u y r b ]load In rescuing ' her husband Mrs. 16% e'anes were badlyburned; Mr Pox has been in ill -health for some Vinol Helps Nervous, Run-down Man `Before taking Vinol, T was run- down, nervous and irritable. -Now,, I. feel like another person."—R. Mc- Coy. Vinol id a simple strengthening iron. and cod liver compound in. use for over 25 years for sickly, nervous women, run-downmen and weals children.. The very FIRST week you take Vinol, you begin to feel stronger, eat and sleep better. W. S. R. Holmes, Druggist. BRUSSELS: Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Amont of Brussels; announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Kathryn Edna to Mr. George Dawson of Brant- ford, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Dawson of Hickson, Ont., the marriage to take place quietly early in 'June, BRUSSELS: Overcome by a faint- ing .spell last Thursday afternoon, James Fox, prominent Bt`ussels.drug- gist, toppled from hid chair in front GOD.ERIOT3: Mo, Alex Johnston, the new professional at the Blue Wat- er Golf Club, was married recently; the event taking place at Knox church manse. I-Iis• wife was fortherly Miss Barbara Gray, of Toronto and she will be dietician at the Blue Water. Olub house this season. Mr. Hugh Law, and Mrs. Law, were the witnesses at the wedding. 114Far: and Mrs. Johnston will occupy roosts at the club house.' The New Word Contest Have you entered the new Nyal word contest? You may win $100 in cash—a total of $600 is offered. Get your contest sheets from the DRUG STORE Once',r "trtnl—atwaYs.NYal.. • weeks and decided to take a short rest at llomo.- Ire had been working in the garden with his wits, and, - feeling chill decide to war' himself in 5 a m i' •ont f the rate: But f • the rine z o az t b l.r arrival of. Mrs. Pox it is believed lid 'would have burned to death. O UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO SUMMER. SCHOOL;' J ULY' 4TH TO AUG. 13TH six de/ightfut Special COUrSeS for'Teachers- 1, Course in nature Study. and Agriculture, 2. Review Course ;i i High School Geometry, 3. Course: in Library Science, Courses offered also in Chem- istry, English, French, German{` Groek,.Bistory, .Latin, Mathe- matics athe- matics.. and Zoology. A splendid social and athletic program throughout; $eMltifuf n ,, Un1,1erofty Suud: fagC is a 260 acre Park, 5tarton i D.A. doe: weeks of cfudy and recreation. For Informntiou writs the Director, Dr, 11, a. Megaton, or IG'e Reggc�il�t. tray, Dr,lhP,it, NevWn, London, Ontario. Your Dealer is the Man to see. Dunlop Official Service Depots: J. B. Levis, Clinton. Clinton Motor Truck and' George H. Beatty, Varna . Machine Co., Clinton. J. C. Radford, Londesboro Bert Langford, Clinton. W. Westlake, Bayfield. Every dollar Invested in annual prem. lulus will be returned 'to you at the end of twenty years even though you have had life insurance protection from the. .moment your policy was secured. This is the absolute guarantee offered by the Canada Life in its Twenty Year Capital RettFrn P rhey which in addition pays you the substantial profits which have accrued during the term of the policy,' There,; are also the • regular cash values after the, third year and' the usual liberal privileges offered by Canada Life policies. A. Young Man's Investment When you take the important step of securing the protection and benefits 'of a life insurance policy for: say, $2000, $3000 or $5000, you will find it has ,a very helpful' - influence on your business plans and in fact upon your,entire future. ' Your effort to save and invest will be noted and approved by all around you, and as you go through life,. this Cnada Life Capital Return Policy will be found, useful; far beyond your present ideas. The coupon below will bring full .parti- culars. Use it today, Asr.. t a,Ka,9•ei Comp yes 5,. •'' c\.� 9 c'� 9emr .tko" ' ltio8 1• cs tof,�i'c�