HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-05-26, Page 5Air
TI&URSDAY, MAY 26, 1927.
Ark for our Milk Weight Book
for kecpint trach of your
"The Finest Stock
in the District!"
THIS farmer realizes that
better live stock means a ..
bigger bank account, and raises
his stock from pure-bred sires
His milk cheque is larger--
arger-his cattle fetch better prices—
his,farm is pointed'. out to vilsi-
tors—he is a power in ` the
Theftyal.. Bank
of Canada
Clinton -Branch R. E. Manning, Manager
Of interest to You ' ' by water, liut flying is just in its in
and Me
One of the best things to have up
your sleeve is a funny -bone.
"A nice quiet way of celebrating the
anniversary of Confederation," re-
marks .the Farmer's Advocate, "is to
.plant a tree, .It is less noisy, but it
--,means more than does setting off fire-
k k 4,
Thirteen of a family of•Browns are
-coming to Canada from Britain. 'We
can stand a lot of Browns, also Grays;
Blues, Blacks, Greens, Whites and any
others with good old family names
from the old country.—$t. Thomas
' Times -Journal.
"The wonderful variety in legs,"
says the Ohio State Journal, "contin-
ues to challenge our interested atten-
tion, and we see - many that would
' make good pipe cleaners, if_it-weren't
"far the feels"
We have seen some that wouldn't
snake bad piano legs,' feet and all.
,Mr. A. W. Wright of the Confeder
:.ate -Representative;. Mount Forest, is
-celebrating the sixtieth anniversary
•of the establishment of the Confeder-
ate. and•'the twenty-fifth anniversary
of his editorship. On Friday week lte
entertained a number of his brother
newspapermen of Dufferiu, Welling-
' ton,
elling-'ton, Perth, Hurou and Grey to a lun-
, cheon at the Empress Hotel, lVfount
Forest, when he was presented by his
,conferes with a gold -Beaded Cane.
• s e
The Gdderich Signal and the Tor-
onto Daily Stu cannot think of any
'bird so representative of Canada as
the lowly hen, the former choosing the
Barred Rock, • This shows ,.pretty
• clearly that what weighs with the ed-
itors of these great journals is not the
things of the spirit, such as music,
. beauty, etc., but that .of the flesh, a
-plenitude of eggs for the breakfast
table, and 'plump broilers, It is a bit
- disillusioning; but it is as well to know
the truth. -.
e e *.*
"A stunt 'that isworked. a great
deal these times by high pressure
stock salesman," remarks the St.
' Mary's Journal' Argus, "is calling _up
prospects by' long distance phone to
• put them onto --a good thing:. This
sort of thing seems to impress the
-victim who is'flattered to receive such
attention, :which makes hint feel im-
portant. IIe'does not perhaps realize
that the same godd'thing is being
to every probable sucker in the
Real good things, about which there
is no doubt, are -never peddled about-
-i the country. If a stock salesman tries
hard to sell you stock be certain there.
is some, perhaps a good deal, of risk
connected, and unless you are pre-
pared to take the risk of losing your
.,money, clout 'invest.
A, 8:0 * •
'Canadians, ' while . as loyal as any
• people going,' have the reputation of
''being ‘a --very undemonstrative peo-
:pie. 'This is easily explained. First,
-we are British, which is 0 somewhat
-Undemonstrative race, and we are a;
young people striving against;soine
,odds but with splendid resources, to
'build up a worthwhile nation. We
have'been taking ourselves seriously
so far and: have allowed tle:inatter
.02 our -pride in our country to be
taken dor granted. But this year,
when we celebrate the Diamond Jubi-
lee of Confederation, We misht make
a,special effort arid' allow our. enthus-
iasm a , little leeway, it wouldn't_
hurt us and itwould serve to demon-
'ettrate to the world that we arc not
altogether indifferent to the fact that
wehave the finest country under the
sun -and that we're proud of it.
fancy, no one can foresee what the
future will hold. Can't. Lindbergh
does not see as yet a future for 'com-
mercial flying over the Atlantic, as
the dangers are too many, but he
demonstrated. that ' such- a non-stop
flight can be made. -
Can you shut your eyes and plc-
tare this young :man, absolutely,
alone, a mere' speck between earth
and sky, or water and sky, dependent
upon his own skill and alertness and
the mechanical skill of the men wile-
hobuilt his •plane, flying on and on,
through the darkness of the night and
the dawning of the new day, never
flinching until his goal is reached?
It is something to grip the imagina-
tion. Capt. Lindbergh is a brave
man and a modest man and we fake
off.. our hats to 'rim!
And while we extend congratula-
tions to the man who•'won, we also
express . sorrow < for the two young
Frenchmen who started out on the
journey to New York and failed, or
who have not yet been heard from.
Luck, or circumstances or something,
Prevented'. them making the trip suc-
cessfully and at time of writing no
trace has been found of then or their
plane. They may be safe somewhere
hut every twenty-four hours _without
hearing from them lessens the hope
of their safety:
Londesboro •
Mr. and Hits. Will Tamblyn and
children motored up from Toronto
Friday evening, returning home Tues-
day afternoon. Mr. Tamblyn spent
part of each day with his mother, who
is in the Clinton' hospital, "• having
undergone a serious operation.
Mr..and Mrs: Ben Tyerman of- Sea -
forth spent Sunday afternoon with
Mr. and Mrs. James Risley.
Mrs. Whitely is spending some lit-
tle time with. They Sister, 'Mrs. D.
Mountain. --
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Melville of
Seaforth visited Mr. Melville's sister,
Mrs. Warwick, who is making her
home with her brother, John. Mr,
Melville and his sister, who .is len in-
valid, had not met for years.
Mrs. Chas. Manning.- and Mrs. J.
Tamblyn of our village are in -'the
Clinton hospital. We hope, for a
speedy. recovery for both,
• Mrs. Richard Carter is in very poor
health. ' Her daughter, _Mrs. Fred
Shobbrook, is helping to care for her.
The May meeting of Burns and
Londesboro W.MS: was held at the
home of Mrs.. Norman Sheppard, May
13th,• Mrs. Angus -Reid presided in
the absence of the president and vice
president, engaging in the devotional
part of the program. The Scriptural
lesson, was read by Mr's. C. Parsons,
after which Mrs. Reid and Mrs. Mel-
ville led in prayer. A very interest-
ing paper, "A Definite Purpose," was
given by Mrs, • McEwen, which was
much appreciated. The leaflet, "Faith
and Power," was read by Mrs. Mel-
ville. Mrs. Frank Marshall contribut-
ed a very pleasing solo. The Mission'
Study was taken by Mrs. A. Reid, B.
Allan and,D. Reld,;appropriateread-
ings were given by Misses Retie Scott
and Jean Hamnilton.: The meeting was
largelyattendedand was bright and
interesting. At the conclusion -of the
meeting lunch was served.
Miss Jean Mains of Chicago is vis-
iting her mother, Mrs. M. Ms,ins.
Miss Blanche Snell and Mr. Harold
Snell, both of Victoria Cellege, Tor-
onto, are home for the ,summer holi-
Mrs. H. Little,;: Miss Dorothy Lit-
-tie, 1VIrs. A. Wells and Mr. Robt.
Townshenl spent the week -end with
friends fn Windsor. _
-It was with feelings of relief that
word was received Sunday that Capt:
'Charles .Lhncibergh, wlio had set out
alone to fly from New York -to Paris,
'had reached his ,destination in"safety.
Much anidety was . felt for the lone
flyer, the snore so as the fate of the
two Frenchmen who had set out
on an air ;journey from Paris ;to New
- York was not known when he start-
ed, nor
tart-ed,;nor has any word•yet been heard
of them. But this young' man was
not deterred and it is • :natter for
-great congratulation that he made
the flight in safety.
Many people will shake their heaths
and say that; such: fool -hardy risking`
of life and Bleb is useless and that
instead of being_ congratulated and
made a hero of this chap ought to be
censured. But i the world had not
had a few such men• -in every age the
human race would still be living on
nuts and berries and wearing skins
and fig leaves for covering. The
"snapping out" of a path over the At -
'e h air does not look nearly so
Rev. J. L. Stewart D.D.,, of West
Chrna :Union University, preached
two thoughtful and inspiring se -
mons on Sunday 'last' in the Londes-,
boyo United'" (former, :Methodist)
church, to large congregations.
Mr. and Mfg. - Emerson Vipond of
Atwood spent Sunday at the parson -
The exhibition' game of softball
held in the playgrounds twit Friday
night lvt,weetr Clinton and Ci.isel-
hmst /;iris .was ` a rather one-siclei
game;tClinton.girls winning by a big
The congregational meeting of the
Londesboro United (former Metho-
dist) church was well • attended Last
Tuesday night. The reports from•
the various denai•tments showed the
wide and useful :lines of ,;work being
carried on. The treasurer's report
showed a substantial -balance, one pq
the largest in the history of the con-
gregation.. Splendid progress is be
ing made in the mid -week activities.
Lunch was served before the gather-
ing dispersed.
Blyth softball teams will play
against Londesboro teams here on
Wednesday night, June lst,';girls' at
6:15 pm. and boys at 7 p:M•
ALTER^WILS.ON—At Buckingham
Apartments, .Tordnto, May 14th',,,by
Rev. 'Benton, Robinson, Marion
Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James Toronto, to Colense
J, Salter; B.A., Sc., son of the late
-Mr. and lVCrs. W. H. Salter, of Tor -
HILL — WA SMAN — In Calgary,
Alta., on May.21st, by the Itev. Mr.
Bryan, Edna Jane Wasman, second
'youngest daughter of Mr. J. F.
W asman of Clinton, to Howard Hill
of Vancouver.
JOLLIFFE—At San . Diego,_Calif,,
on May 19th, Mrs. Clara Jolliffe,
widow' of the late Rev -William J.
Jolliffe, in her 81st year.
Coderich Township
Mr. and iVlrs. Peter McDougall and
Mr, and 'Mrs. Murray McDougall
spent Sunday at Sunshine:.:
Mr. R. R. Sloan attended the Fruit
Growers' meeting in Toronto, last"
The many friends of Mr. Thomas
Bottles are glad to hear= -he is better
after his 'severe illness..'
-.The United congregation Of` Bethel
and -Bethany have decided to build a
new church at. Porter's Hill in the
near future.. .
Mrs. Willis Bell and family have.
moved to Porters Hill.
Miss" McDougall of Seaforth, spent
'Sunday at the home of Mr. Victor
Elliott.' •
- . Mr, and Mrs. Reid ' Torrance and
family and Mr. and 'Mrs Jas. Stir-
ling spent Sunday at Walton. '
• The box social in the basement of
the church on Thursday of last 'week
was a decided. success, .A large num-
ber -gathered, in spite of the rainy.
weather. Mouth organ selections
were given by Holmesville boys, Miss
Hazel Potter of Stanley township
contributed some violinnumbers, ac-
companied by her sister, Miss. Clara,
at the organ. Duets were Tendered
by Misses'Thelma and Rete Cudmore,'
and Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Jervis.
The Holmesville Quartette rendered-
a couple of numbers. Byspecial re-
quest of Mr. Jack; Ford, his favorite
solo was sung by Mr. W. H. Lobb, "1
am a Stern Old Bachelor." 111x%. W.
C. Jervis and 1VIr, Geo:Elliott gave
The' debate proved very interesting.
The "subject; "Resolved: That the In-
fluence of Woman has Contributed to
Civilization More Than That of Man,"
bringing out many thoughts. The
affirmative was taken by Miss Prid
ham and Mrs. Milton Stoepe and the
negative upheld by Mr. Brogden 1Vfic-
llfath and Mr.' `Oscar. Forster. The
judges, Mr. Geo: Gould of Goderich,
Miss Jones and -Miss McDowell, de-
cided that. the aff1r ,ative had won
by one point.
A mixed quartette, "The Auction-
eer," by C.G. and F. Lobb, Mrs. Hend-
erson and Mrs. Jervis,. Concluded the
Mr. Gee. Elliott thein took charge.
of the sale of , matty pretty boxes,
which, brought good prices, making
a total suer of $14.00.
Private Sale
A quantity ,of household furniture,
including solid ; oak ` dining room
suite, pair heavy brass twin bed-
steads, dressing chests, English Ax-
minster carpets, rugs, organ, etc,
Also household linen, including Eng-
lish wool blankets, sheets (some new)
curtains, table linen, etc. Sale on
Friday and Saturday, June 3 and; 4
at the home of Rev, E. Parker, Clin-
ton, 11-2
froaw2 40 to .$650 -
Overland 91 Coaches ' 4 Ford Touriugs
1 Ford Tudor' late model 1 Ford. Coupe
1 Chevrolet Sedan 1 verland Roadster
These Cars have been taken in on New Whippets
ort'- L n, fol
Burgess Photo
From 10 a.m..4o 5 p.m._
Let us make for you the best
Photographs yoet ever had. We make
o specialty of Wedding Photos.
Leave your films 'with ns for
Developing, 'Printing, 'and Enlarging
Burgess; Portrait Studio
ii)t 7�rih , Io1ver4
.Cut Flowers
And Floral -Work Cor all Occasions
NOW is ' the time to . select: your
Plants. for Banging -Baskets,-etc.
Chs. V. Cooke
Phone 66'
Used Cars for Sale
Now is the Time
forFarmersand Poultrymen to clear;
'their pens of 'roosters and fat,; broody'
We are buyers 12,inonths in`the year
for both Eggs' and Poultry.
-We Have Dodges, Maxwells, Essex,
1VIcLaughlins- 'Chevrolets and Fords,
open and closed models.
Your Old Car Taken as Part Payment -
Terms if Desired
about School Work for young
people leaving High School is a
real problem. Probably our
curriculum may help. Mailed'.
free on request to Share's Busi-
ness Schools, Dept..,4, 46 Bloor
West, Toronto.
About that Car
- of Yours
Are- you enjoying motoring comfort
in proportion to your money'invest
went? The maximum of physical
comfort cannot be' enjoyed when there
is mental anxiety. Put an liability
insurance and let us do the worrying.
11. E. Rorke
All Lines of Insurance
" Phone 253w .
"Meeting of Huron County Council
T1i8- Council of the Corporation of
the County of Huron will meet in the
Council Chamber, Goderich, at 2
o'eloolc in the afternoon, of Tuesday,
the 7th slay of Jute 1927. All ac-
counts against the County must be in
the hands of the Clerk not later.than
:Monday preceding the meeting of
Council. -
Goderich, May 20th, 1927.
Geo, W. Holman, '
County Clerk."
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Andrews
wish to express their thanks' for the
many -expressions of sympathy and,
wets of kindness from their friends
and neighbors in their recent bereave-
ment, the death of their eldest son.
They wish also to acknowledge with.
thanks the many floral offerings sent.
Calves and Lumber For Sale
Choice Durham and Hereford and
some Holstein heifer .calves. Lumber,
all lengths and one inch and two inch
thickness. -Ernest=Townshend, R. R.
No. 2, Clinton. Phone 601-r-16. 11-2
Rug For _Sale
Wilton rug 3x4, in good condition.
Apply to Mrs. Harry Bartliff, Batten
bury street, East, 10-1.
Cow and Calf For Sale
Fresh cow, withcalf at foot. Apply
to L. Rousseau at the Rattenbury
HHouso, Clinton. 11-2-p,
Cow For Sale
Good cow, . coining in soon. Apply
to James Brown, R. R. No. 1. Phone,
637-r-22, Clinton central. 11-tf
Salt For Sale
Car of salt will be sold -off the car
at Brucefield Saturday. and Monday,.
May 28th and 30th.: Speoial price of
50e per cwt. Bring your own sacks.
H. F. Berry, Brucefield. Phones
618-r-23, Clinton; '142-r-23, Seaforth
central. 11-1
Cottage for Sale
An eight -room cottage in Isaac
street, beautifully finished inside,
town water and good eistern,`sunnner
kitchen.' Garden with apples and
small fruits. Apply on premises to,
Miss: Wni. Graham' 10-tf
• Rance For Sale
A. kitchen range, iri''first class con-
dition. Apply to Mks, Frank Sturdy,
Huron. street, near White'Rose gas
station, Clinton, 10-tf
Wallpaper and Hanging
Maxinrur -wallpapers solei and hung
by the undersigned. Pleasegive
week's notice of your needs. Eavered
L. Johnston, Box 23, Londesboro'.
Clinton Poultry House
. W Trevwartha
Phones -Office, 214j Residence; 214w
Nediger's Garage
Overhauled and Repaired
Charged, Stored for winter months
and Repaired
Ground and Honed.
Outfits installed
W. J.Nediger, Prop.
For Sale or Rent-
House in Joseph street, 7 rooms,
newly papered, modern conveniences,
corner lot, garage, chicken house, all
in good condition. For terns apply
to Clifford,Lobb, ,Clinton. 09-tf
Baby Chicks and Eggs
Bred to lay Barred 'Rock chicks,
May and June hatched, $15.00. per
100 from high producfin stock.
;Eggs $4.00 per 100. Pullets, March
hatched, $1,00 for June and July. D.
M. Lindsay, R. R. No. 3,; Clinton.
Of the Township of Stanley
Notice . is hereby given that a
Court of ,Revision will be held in the
Township Hall, Varna, on Monday,
the 30th day of May, 1927, at the hour
of 11 o'clock in the forenoon for the
purpose of hearing and determining
complaints against the Assessment
Roll of the said. Township for the;
year 1927. Persons having business.
with the said Court will please at-
tend at the said time and place with-
out further notice. J. E. Harnwell,
township cleric. Dated -at Varna this
12th day of May, 1927. 09-3
Private Said of Church Property
There will be offered :for sale at the
Manse grouruls, Brucefield, one good
barn 20x32 feet with 14"ft. posts,
...with stabling compelte. All in At
condition; also 2 small chicken ;houses
and about 40 rods of - garden fence.
For particulars ' apply to. Lir.' C, H.
Reid, Brucefield, or phone 6184.-2,;
Clinton central. 10-2
Help Wanted ,
Earn $25 weekly and up at hone
clipping newspapers ..and addressing
envelopes. No canvassing. Every-
thing furnished. • Spare or full, time.
`Particulars for stamp. Gillies :Meiling
In the Estate of Sarah Nanette
Hoare, Deceased
NOTICE is hereby given `that all
persons having -•claims against the
estate of Sarah M'anetta Hoare, late
of the Township 9f - Mullett, in the
County of Huron, married woman,
deceased, who died on or about the
second day of February', A.D. 1927,
are requited to deliver to Benjamin
Snell, Henry Walkom Rogers and Ed-
ward J. Colquhoun the executors of
the said estate or their solicitor, on
or before the 31st' clay of May, A.D.
1927, a full statement of their claims
together with particulars thereof,
and the nature of the securities, if
any, held by them all duly verified by
affidavit. '
AND TAKE NOTICE that after.
the said last mentioned date the said
executors will proceed to; distribute
the estate of the said deceased
amongst :the persons entitled thereto
having regard only to such claims as
they shall have received due notice
and in accordance therewith.
DATED at Clinton, . Ontario, this
llth day of May, A.D. 1927...
W. BR'YDONE, Clinton, Ontario.
Solicitor for the said executors,
Sada AY'tlAtt1
•41,. Iha.G4,,
We can't -hire ;the. Heat Folks out
to you for your spring cleaning.
But we can promise this: If yea
burn Heat Folks Coal you won't have•
nearly as much spring cleaning to do.
Coal from .our yards goes, into heat
-not 0001, nor smoke, nore ashes, nor
o inners. -
Save time on your spring cleaning;
save money on your Coal, by ordering
your next load from the IIeat Folks,
114 1. luNa
Call the
keg RIO
for good, clean coat
p s <.:
illel� Harclwa�e
General Hardware, Paints, •Oils, Stoves, Etc.
Rowland's Old Stand
See Our All Loather Work
Shoes for ' Men and
We price them beyond competition in Ontario
including Eatons. Buying for Cash enables
you to get them at Rock Bottoni prices.
Canada and United States
All Loads insured
Reasonable Rates—Covered- Vans
Write, or Phone Clinton 626-r-21
House For Sale
A nine -room 'house on Princess
street, 34 acre lot, electric light, 'fur-
nace, three-piecci
ur-nace,three-piece bath, •all in first-
class condition. Apply to E. L., Mit-
tell, Clinton, Phone 213. 08-tf.
Baby Chicks and
Custom Hatching
S. C. W. Leghorns chicks, 315,00
per 100; Barred Rock chicks, $16.00
per 100.` June prices:' Leghorn
chicks, 313.00, Barred Rooks, 315.00.
Custom hatching 5 • cents per egg,
after May 16th, 4 cents per egg.
Individual machines, 100 egg to 600
egg sizes. The best of attention paid"
to custom- hatching. No order, too
small or too large. Get your •chicks,
early so they will develop into good
sized birds to getthe early markets..
Early hatched pullets make the best
winter layers. E. J. Trewartha,
Hohnosviile P.O. Phone 611-r-22
Clinton central. 06.11 -
Wanted, Cattle to Pasture
-Can take in a • number of young
cattle to pasture. Apply to Isaac
Marwood, Londesboro. 09-tf
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, ..•pressed and re-
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms war Heard's B.-rber shop.
W. J, Jago. 2283-tf
Have large stock of Seeds, specially
selected for purity and price.
Our; Oats are imported Banner,
over standard test. See these before
buying. Our Sweet Clover is all
Government Standard, ranging in
price frotn $0,00 to $7.50 per bushel.
Our Aifalfa is _a special seed,
grown from a field twenty years in,
the ground. Ontario Variegated, very
hardy. See this seed before buying.
The grading shows it as free from
Sweet Clover and also free from
Primary Weeds.
If , you want high quality Seeds at a
reasonable price—BUY NOW
Seeds will be higher Next Week
Always carry complete line of
Flour, Feeds, Calf Meal, Oil Cake,
Beef Scrap, etc.
Have a car load of Western Oats.
These are very reasonable' in price.
and will go very quick.
Phone 123 '
Flour and Feed Merchants and
Grain Buyers
will be at his office
in Clintomeach
From 3 to 6 p.m.
, House For Sale
Large red brick house, corner Or-
ange and Wellington streets, 8 rooms,
all modern conveniences: . Possession
when desired. Also a barn and 114 acre
lot on. Wellington street. Apply to
Mrs. W. Jenkins. 00-tf-6p
For Sale.:
2 acres of land, ° six -room house,
furnace, frame stable, never -failing
spring, half mile from Londesboro.
Apply to F. Gibbs, Clinton. 03-tf
Coal of all kinds always on hand
for immediate delivery.
Also a quantity of dry Maple Wood.
Prices reasonable and same to all
Orders'takenat residence, phone. 119
Stove, Egg, Nut and Soft Coal
Coke and Kennel Coal
Also Some Wood
Phone 155. Huron Street,
Sewing Sews g Machine
Teased on Small Monthly Payments
Big Discount on Cash Sales During
March Only
Now is the time to have your ma-
chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs.
Needles, Belts ,: and ' Parts for all
Phone 1713 P.O. Box 201, Clintoel
Elmslea Chick Faris
BABY CMCI€S: Leghorns and'Rockd
Rocks, $15 per hundred
Leghorns, $13 per hundred
From Pure Bred -to -lay Stock l
Miller's Ideal Incubators and rl
Brooders;" ' r 1
Poultry Supplies '
Royal Purple Calf Meal and
Chick Feeds
E. L.Mittel'.
Phone 213 _ 93-4'
C. H. VENNER, Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Wiring aad Repairs. Phone 7
1E3Up� -Ay4ppp
A' full line of Flout' and Feed
Chick Feed, coarse and fine, :Blatehford's starting, and ,devel-
oping Mash, alsoRoyal Purple starting and developing mash -
Fine Charcoal bone meal and fine beef meal,
We have a stock of Seed Corn in
also Mangel and Turnip Seed
'Try our Cello Glass for Brooder Houses..
o h,lr1e w r'° h
.,,PHONE 199