HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-05-26, Page 4RSDAY, 11IAY 26, 1927 COOPER'S S E NEWS 1921 t.tothosy. Come with the Crowds and .get your Share of the Bargains. A. T. O1 . CLINTON T. Special Piano Bargains Pianos at All Prices MeNEIL Clinton's Musical instrument Representative Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton Always at Y'nur'Service Men's,and Boys' :Work Boots New stock of Men's and Boys' solid leather work boots; fully guaranteed at `prices that invite inspection. Coyne in and Look Them Over $2.75 to $5.00 The Best Values tai be had Anywhere - BARRY'S SHOE STOKE Opposite Post Office - RED YSTAR DSTM STR. GREYHOUND ANNUAL LOW FARE EXCURSION Goderieh to DETROIT and Return ItA a. ^-rti err � :.c""'e�-- •-' ''.r`e'v'^"- .-_-pGv.c: .r, Inn Inn-, STEEL STEAMER GREYHOUND • $4.00SAFE,. SPEEDY :AND $2.59 w COMFQI TABU± .DG Round Trip WILL LEAVE GODERIOII One Way Tuesday, -June. -7th; at 9.30 a. IIA. Arriving Port; Huron 1:30 p.nt. Detroit 5:30 p.m. e Returning leaves Detroit 1 p.m., Thursday,,June 9th The only boat trip from Goderieh to Detroit this season. Children be ween 6 and 12, half fare. Visit your Michigan friends' ,and see magnificent Detroit: A delightful trip over the great international highway of lakes and rivers. • Last Trip Goderieh to 'Detroit, Friday, June; 10th, 9:30 a.ni. 1@ QONLIGW F OUT OP GOUEMICH UNDER AUSPICES OF WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Monday, .Tune Gth, at. 8:30 parva • FINZEL'S Orchestra foe dancing in steamer's big ball room. Three hours on beautiful Lake Huron for 50e; children 26e Late. Hatched Chicks Widl Mature Rapidly IF FED.; For the first three months after hatching Sold and Recoanuetided by Sold in Clinton by lT CIIAI4I.ESWORTIJ' HOG SHIPMENTS Report of hog-ahipments for week ending May 19, 1927: Clinton: Total hogs, 54; select ba- con, 9; think smooth, 43; shop hogs, 2. Londesboro: Total hogs, 89; select. bacon, 48; thick srnooth, 38; heavies, Bracefield: Total hogs, 50;- select bacon, 13; thick smooth, 30; • heavies, 2; shop hogs, 3. Boron County; Total hog ,3,210; select bacon, 651; thick smooth 1,239; heavies, 150; extra heavies, 6 shop hogs, 97;,,;laghts and feeders, 16, Enrolment No. 1958 Form 1 APPROVED ENROL1I 18NT 'CERTIFICATE of the Clydesdale Stallion: CA REROO1i FLASHLIGHT Registered in the Canadian 'Clydes- dale Stud Book at No. 24,641. Owned by. Mrs, M. E. McMichael, of Sea - forth. Foaled in 1924; has been en-, rolled Under The Ontario Stallion Act. Inspected on the 16th day of Septem- ber 1926pP and Approved: , Ontario Stallion Enrolment Board Robt, McEwen R. W. Wade, Chairman. Secretary. TER14IS—$15,00 Enrolment No: 1219 Forni 1 APPROVED ENROLMENT CERTIFICATE. OftheClydesdale' Stallion GLEN RAE Registered in the Canadian Clydesdale Stud Book as No. 8,853. Owned by Mrs, Margaret E. McMichael of Sea- 1,forth, , Foaled h 1907; has been en - I rolled tinder The Ontario Stallion Aet. Inspected on the 25th • day of October, 1924, and Approved. , Ontario Stallion Enrolment; Board Robt, McEwen, • R. W, Wade, Chairman. - Secretary, TERMS -510.00 Both horses will stand for the sea- son of 1927 at Lot.3, Con. 3, Hallett, under the management of T. J: McMTCJIAEL The Purebred Clydesdale Stallion LnroIn ent No, 1309 Form 1 Will stand for the season of 1927 as follows: Tuesdays at Joe Flynn's, Oth 'Con. Hullett for noon, his own stable- for night. Saturdays' at Gra- haul House barn,'Clinton, Balance of each week at his own stable, Lot 18, Con. 3, Hallett. TERMS: To insure in foal, $12, payable when mare is known to be in .foal, mares not -returned regularly to the horse will be charged fall insur- ance whetherin foalor not. Parties disposing of mares before foaling timewill be charged full insurance. M1 accidents at risk of owners of males. I can prove to you this horse got 90 per Cent. in foal last season. I can take a few mares on pasture at $1.00' Per week. Spring water, no barb wire. ED. JOHNSTON Proprietor R. R, No, 4, Clinton. Photo 639-r-3 10-2 GENERAL MILLER, No. 21163 CANTON NEWS -RECORD; 5928. Parties noL zeturnin' " regularly will be charged lire as if in foal. ROBERT' LAMON 1 Proprietor and Manager, e 10-2 Constance The Adult Bible met on Friday 'ev ening at the home of lar 'and Mrs: Ben Spelt, and presented Miss Annie Ashley with a club bag and a very niee address: 'MIse Ashley leaves shortly' for the -Old Country to visit' her parents there: Clill`ord-Britton and three oth- er young }nen spent Saturday night with the'' .p . t r er s parents Nf onts `r. and 1 Mrs Wni Britton. They left on Sun- day' morning by auto for the West. Mr. Geo. Holland and Mr, Wrn;'. Stanley were callers on the latter's daughter, Mrs. D. Tudor,' on Saturday afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Riley were in. Brussels on .Sunday afternoon with their daughter, Mrs'. Fred Stephenson,Road. London Mrs. Will Grieve has returned to I Detroit after a short visit at the home ofher sister, Mrs. 'Milton Wiltse. The Purebred Percheron Stallion "MOLTERE" (Imp.) (10656) (105351) 181776 Enrolment No. 202 • Form 1 APPROVED ENROLMENT CERTIFICATE Oe the Perclieron Stallion Moliere (imp.) registered in the -Can- Adieu Percheron Stud Book as No. `40656. Owned by Robt. Lamont of Clinton. Foaled in 1912; has been en- rolled nrolledunder The Ontario Stallion Act, Inspected on the 24th day of October, 1924, and approved. Ontario Stallion Enrolment Board 'Robt. McEwen, R; W. Wade, Chairman Secretary, Winn stand for the improvement of stock for the season of 1927 as fol- lows; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rathbun.: mot- ored up from Sombre arra spent the *week -end with the latter's 'parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. J. Lindsay,- They were accompanied hone by Mrs. Lind- say and her sister, 'Mrs. Ellis, of 'Dakota. _ The 'meeting of the U. F. W. 0. was helot at the home of 'Mrs. 'Wes. Stackhouse on Thursday "last with fifteen members peesent.:Mrs. Arthur Wiltse gave an interesting' paper on gardening and transplanting and de- Scribed minutely the steps,to be tak- en in making a hot bed. Miss Leila Stackhouse favoured the gathering with an iaistrinnental in her usual pleasing manner. Mrs.' Davidson,. convener of Citizenship, dwelt onEdo- Cation and also gave a paper on the rural school teaeher, stressing the point of keeping the good teacher, even at the east' of an increase of sale' cry, as she was invaluable to the pup- Ile. The roll call was answered by a helpful verse. The Tuckersmith lad- ies assisted the hostess in serving re- freshments. The June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Will Moffatt. • Mrs. Nelson Baker spent the past week with Mrs. John Jacob of th4 Cuunty flomb, who . Ls convalescing after an operation, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elliott of •Mill - ford, Mick., paid 'a short visit to the latter's parents, Mr. end Mre. Jacob, onSunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Barrie, Wing- harn,,,spent Sititdny with London road friends, Mrs, T. O'Brien is at present visit- ing with her daughter, Mrs. W. Swia- bank. MONDAY—Will leave Joe Rey- nolds', Con. 4, Hullett, and proeeed west to Base Line, then to 10th Con. Goderieh township to Dan . Reuger's for noon, then by way of Maitland Con, to Leslie Jervis' for night. TUESDAY—To Clinton, to Graham :House for noon, then by way of Lon - den Road to Fred Pepper's, Tucker- smith, for might, WEDNESDAY.' .South on and Con. of Tuekorsmith to Chris Iiaueh's for noon, then east on the Mill Road to Robert Boyce's, Eginondville,• for night THURSDAY—South on the Eippen Read 2x)5,, miles, then east to Mat Coyne's for noon, then north to John Lane's, McKillop, for night. FRIDAY — North . 2W miles to Robert Jiogg's for noon, then north to Winthrop, then west to Jack Camp- bell's for night. SATURDAY -- West to -Kinburn Road,: the south to John Freeman's for:riooe, then by way of 3rd Cbn, of Hullett to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Mon- day morning. TERMS: To insure a 'foal, single mare, '914.00, payable March lst, Colborne Township. GOLDEN WEDDING O1,"MR, AND MRS. GILES JLM INS A eery happy event took place on Tuesday, May 241, it being the gold- en weadiir rm,iycrsary o: 14Ir, and Mrs. Giler. Jenkins 7ieton St„ God-. erieh, The occasion was celebrated at the' hoxr+e of their eldest daughter, Mrs.. 4 h. Sni11 of Mullett tow,gship. The. rooms were suitably, decorated for the celebration; the color ;scheme being carried out in yellow and white. The main features of the dining table were the brides cake' and, a miniature bride -,and -groom.,' A. stnnptuous re- past was served to thirty guests at'oiy o'clock. . 1Vlany friends called during the, afternoon tore e nt ' congratula- tions a or ratula•• p g tions and'good wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins were married• at the bride's home, Woodlands Farm, now the' home of -.M2. Reese and Miss Mary Jenkins, Huron Road, west ,of Clinton, on May 24th, 1877. When the bride married she retained•her maid- en name, which was ltliss Anna Jen- kins. ,Ater their marriage Mr. and Mrs, Jenkins :resided on their farm, near Blyth, until about thirteen years ago, when they moved to Goderieh which has been their home ever since. Of the six children who -were born to them, five are living and all were - at the celebration -on Tuesday: Mrs. Wni. Snell and Mrs, Win. Webster, both living near Londesboro; Mrs. Chas. Parker of Goderieh and Miss Addie at home are the daughters, while their only 'son, William, is liv- ing on the homestead. A daughter,' Laura, died on her thirteenth birth- day,; Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins were pre- sented with • a beautiful bouquet of roses by thein grandchildren, who number ten. They were also the re- cipients of a tea -set in Elite Limoges, in White and -'gold from the five child- ren. The youngest. grandaughter, Little Elva Snell, presented the flow- ers in a gilded basket, while the youngest grandson, Donitld Jenkins, presented the dishes, pulling them in- to the room on a little wagon decor- ated with, yellow tissue paper and streamers. Addresses of felicitation were read by the two oldest grandchildren, Miss Laura. Snell and Mr. Harold Jenkins. Besides -the children and grandchild- ren the guests, included only a few relatives, who were present at the wedding of the liride and groom fifty years ago.. Hearty congratulations are extend- ed to this couple and good wishes for their continuous health are expressed. Miss Winnie Marsh of Carlow has returned hoqme after spending a few days with Mfrs, Modridge.. Rev. A. W. Brown, who it was an, nounced was to take the service at Smith's Hill on May 22nd willtake it on May 20th,instead. Mrs.; Jas. Glen, who now resides in. Toronto, visited Mss, Errington one day last week, Ars. John Robertson is nmv over- seeing his road, which is being built wider with a better top, the recon- structions beginning at the SehooI No. 1 eastward, The Colborne Council ishaving the verandah of their hall at Carlow re- built. The following is taken from a 're- can't issue of the Globe and refers to. a former resident here, who is the bride: Ai very quiet wedding took place yesterday at Grace church- on -the -hill when Edith,, 'daugh- ter of Mr. and - Mrs. W. F. McDonagh, • Dunbar Road, was united In marriage to Harry L. Somers, eldest Son' of Mr. tend Mrs. James Somers, Foatbar Road, the Rev. Canon Broughali officiating. The bride was unattended and only imuie- diate relatives were present. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Somers left on a motor trip, after which they will spend thesummer at Rice Lake, later coming to -Toronto to reside." The bride's many Colborne friends extend their best wishes; to Mr, and Mr's, Somers. , 3, Step on the gas and away,, goes = your car- instantly, smoothly ! .A�x¢aA •". carbon dap •sits and kooks with Tho tatoA hong Modern dntoja mental to,s. • maatet atom. Anything can be sold by' Long Distance No matter what you have to sell, do not think it can- not be sold by Long Dis- tance. It can—if the price is light. People .are rapid- ly becoming educated to buy by telephone many things they formerly thought they had to ex- amine xamine before purchasing. Those who have definitely ac- cepted Long Distance for syr- teniatie selling tell us and the number is rapidly growing — that where they do not ;mo- oed in making a sale on the first try, the prospect nearly always conies bark later to buy. 41Get the :Long .Distance habit. Thera aro 40,000 more telephone lave/meta in Ontario and Que- beo: t%fa year: ma, a;i.... ase So easy to freshen. up oldfurniture! It'sn wo drf c ul Moor. CARTVIOTE MEDIUM GLOSS ENAMEL will improve the appearance of furn%- ture, walls and woodwork. Ten soft tints and white, r Dries hard and smooth with a dull gloss finish. Gan be washedrepeatedlywithoutin ury, Madr5 CarpeOW- MononCat* acy, Boden, Marr, Clinton Iidwe. & Furn. Co, Clinton, Ont. TE VAIINISHES,ENAM ELS',. AND FINISHES -00 sr It.00 ur . Garage WHY endure another winter with a co d garage? By lining it with Gyproe you maysave the cost of a cracked radiator, frozenwater pump and numerous repairs caused by zero weather. Gyproc keeps out winter's bitter cold. It is also fire - resisting. Easy and inexpensive to buy and apply. Write for free booklet --"My Home,' It will tell you how Gypros, Rocboard- Insulating Sheathing and Insulex will reduce your fuel bill from 20 to 40%, - -. THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA Fireproof Waliboir i For Sale By o. Thomas McKenzie Estate - Clinton, Ont. Geo. T. Jenkins - - - Clinton, Ont. ' it°1 n 't- ad These Interesting Testimonials Tens of thousands of women do all their cooking on Perfection Oil Cook Stoves. Every owner is a pleased owner. Rend what six - women tell as; "My Perfection assists me greatly in having meals on time. No sulky coal stove to eoaxuntil time and patiencohavc all gown awaki'but husband, son, bo- ther, coming in all tired and hungry, find the meal all ready and the !tome. maker with the smile on her happy face that the peerless Perfection —`always steads in with the. cook' -is sure to bring,", Mai E. S., Anljerstbsrg,Ont. * 0 * "1 like my Perfection oil stove be- cause it 8 fumoiess, smokeless, ashless and economical," Mits. TIr-5.,, lleemsviete, Out, t ''Dishcs'requiring a constant heat foe. any definite time can be cooked on my Perfection white 1 am .using my time for ocher work. 1 am confident that when 1 have prepared any dish for the family that ie will turn out as I'anticipatc,'S Mas, T. W., Grevettlrsrst, Ont. * p * "My Perfection 8. economical is fuel and clean, requires small apace in kitchen, no heat after using in warm weather, no chimney or pipes to repair and clean." Mss. A. E., Elora,Ont. "My husband likes the Perfection bat of all, not having to start a wood fire or carry out ashes in the morning. 1like it because of its accommodating quick usefulness." Mas. J: A., St, Mirys, Ont. 9 N @ "Have found thePerfection oil stove very convenient in sickness, particularly when my little gid was dangerously sick and we required hot water constantly. Mits. A, V., Port Artbnr, Ont., See the latest models in sizes from 1 to 5 burners. Prices $15 to $150. Distri- buted in Canada by THE S'JIEETMETAL ?aonuc'rs o.e,,airau,' Iv0DNrl}CAL TohbN'ro , wiN2411,1:G tOMONTON VANCDUV/SA CALGARY Oil Cook Stoves and', Oen$ VSE G EiT'i i 4i; -' r amliiim1111�mii111n11uU 1111111> 1qu}}}ad •' f * tal} llil Illllillllll}�lll Iiyiilllilllilim 4(1111 ;ir,�.as, P ,.fi•,az",t ;.�'>:�.:ill . t ..1t".+�I� ) ,'kms � i ��. n�' :•"k:•N'.�.d?,. 01111111111111111111111111I111111 Illi IIII 111111111111111111II1pIIg1111111111111111Ion+" 1111111111111111111 adlllln, 111111111 irl����IIio��11;1111lu1111111111111111111111II111�1 111nt iluli llgigllll} - - INI (1111 I III III 1111 1111 111 !1 11 (1111 111 11111 11 1 '''111 llnl p1i1 1 .tr111111u,.'. `A Wa+d1111Illlllllh( w sa F..adllUu. 11111011111 Instant pick-up. Drives your engine to the magi - mum of its capacity. Double distilled, free from dope of any soit and always uniform in quality. Notice the difference 113 your repair bills after using *White .)Rose Gasoline for a year. '1 Products of CANADIAN OIL COMPANIES, LIMITED