HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-05-26, Page 3Made only froz i hard Western wheats, Purity Flour is rich in gluten - the energy giving and body building food. Purity flour is best for all your baking, and will; supply extra nourishment to the children, in cakes, pie; buns and ;Dread. Send 30c in?tamps for pier 700 -recipe Purity r'lour Cook Book,. 26s waetern ;Canada Flour Mille Co. Limited Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, SaintJohn, 1 An artist is a person who can en-, I tertain and please you in doing some -1 thingthat is in itself not particular1r3r interesting. You have to put words or musical' sounds or pigments or 1 " dance steps together in a very spe- cial way to make them worth listen- ing to or- looking at. Keep Mlnard's Liniment In' the house. It Is not what you earn, but what you save that mounts: FREIGHT PREPAID No obligation to buy, but if you do, easiest terms are arranged. Guaranteed for ten years. Write now for particulars. Agents wanted where wd era asp[ represented.. 30 Swedish Separator Company, limit 360. Notre Dameed St.: Weer Montreal CREAM S G R• - Dropped and Cracked. Shia—"7im Jones in Certainly crack - "Probably ---his girl dropped 'frim." 'Tis be ttero belong to the middle class than to the meddle class. 1 CHICKS' *. tPa All that the name implies. From heallethy,• free Reeks. Bred folio,. $ C. W,Leghosina and ad oytrnenlly nwn strains. GRocket morepoultry profits from these healthy, vigorous, Smith Hatched Chicks. Write Soles -cuter FEE ONTARIO QUALITY HATCHERY eea 1UchmendSt.,LondoneOntarle•®`• High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND' ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Education. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may conducted In accordance with the regulations Issued by the 'bepartment of Eduoatton. TelEORETtCAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION • Is, glven In various trades. The schools and classes are under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE.- ' Application for attendance`shoiild be made to the Principal of the seltool. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for In the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate' Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copier of the Regulations Issued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. North Carolina Avenue - Ocean Block With accommodations for 230 guests. All rooms have private baths. Two to sle room apartments available on long or short term Icases. Amerttan Plan Concert Orchestra A feature in favor is the loeatton--en a highly restricted residential avenue in the center of the resort, For rear end rnieothhhhr, mgr A. O. Franoide & E. L. Cone, Managers APPLICATIONS Are Fitted As Far As Possible In the Order In Which They Are Received ONTARIO 'N, DEPARTMENT OF AGR;CULTUFig APPLICATIONS Offering Annual Work Are Invariably Given the Preference Far Pelp Supplied The Celonizatlon and Immigration Blench of this\ Department of Agriculture for Ontario will have available a number of Experienced Married Men With Their Wives and Families—Merrled `Couples) Without Chlldren- Oleo ,Boys between 15 and 17 years of age. Iartoory regUldoo help will be Well advised to yak early oDplloatlort to File Your Application at Once Geo. A. Elliot Dirsetor of Oolonlzotlon Pariigneaf Dido,•, Toronto, Ont. • AR Men Placed Subject to Trial Period HON. JOHN S. ;MARTIN,. Minister of Agriculture 'Worth its weight gold" Says Ott wa Matron Mme. Beatrice.Charlebois could not hold' pen to write. Nerves completely shattered, health ruined. Now alert,. vigorous and strong, she gives praise to Tanlac The two-year ordeal which elle ppassed thropghbeforeTaniac cause to' ; her permanent relief, was reeently de- scribed by Mmo. Beatrice Charlebois, of 22 Bose St. Ottawa. • "What I ensured in that time could not be told, she said. '1 wasSO weak 1 could hardly walk. My appetite was poor and my stomach gave no end of trouble. Gas and pains would bring on fainting spells. "My nervus were so completely, ''ehattered that I. jumped in fright ,e -,eery tune cue doorbell rang.. My hand trembled se that it could not hold the pen to write illy name. Night after.'rlight I've gone without sleep, too nervous 10 lie still for even a few moments. Even lily housework be- came e came too much forme. calm and steady, es ever. Tanlao is "I tried all kinds of remedies In worth its weight in gold." those two years, but can honestly say Build tip your health on R'anlac, Tanlaa gave me my frst real relief. It - nature's own tonic made frons roots built me up so that l've gained 11 lbs., ; herbs and barks. Yourdruggist has it, eat and sleep fine' and have nerves as over 52 million bottles sold. DEIJCI-ITLUF H.OLIDA'Y LOCATICi'7 • Algonquin Paris, In Ontario, is one of the Dominion's charming holiday GIRO s, pwrtieulasly for the lover of fishing, Canoeing and other aquatic shorts. Here a canoeist is shown salting his way .through the passage wl cite leads into St. Andrew's Lake, one of the beauty' spots of this delight- ful holiday resort.—Caaiadian National Railways photograph, 1THIS GREAT -TONIC NEW Of interest in connection with the Canialdianl, pulp and paper industry is the prsgress which is being made in the manufacture of rayon and other -fabrics utilising e.rtifiwial silk, •ono -of Canada's newest, but fast developing industries:, According to report ::Cant- action� Celanese Limited,ta larges ter - prise which was attracted to the 'East- ern Townships of Quebec in 1926 is just on the point -of production. This company, regibtered in 'Canada last year, ,acqubred the sale rights for the Dominion of Canada and its depend- encies of the Dreyfus' patents ami pro - owe for the manufacture of cellulose atietate,'artificial silks, ete. The fac- tory has been .in process of erection on a site of 170 acres at Drummond- ville, about sixty .miles from Mon - WS STRENGTH EE£.tiii:; "Qb l ts.go loundby A31anlc•: 1 wouidu t miss those flow o0. ing shrubs 'for , auvtidng! "—That's what „toll the motorists smytravel the roads and , highways within fifty miles of the 1lt I Ale town in Elgin County,. All because I� the town council and the householders have, worked: together to' make,the boulevards something more titan a series of grass plotrs. They have planted' 'apirea (bridal wreath) be. tweon the trees bordering the road- way„ and When it blooms, the 'streets k 66 are a thing of „beauty,f r " i j` i, To be beautiful town must, sI `course,. be clean;' And May is the Its fine qualities preserved in the oderii .l mrzj paclKa Simply. Because it Enriches and Builds Upthe Blood In no trouble is delay or neglect more dangerous than in anaemia, which means poverty of the blood. It is very common in young girls and In persons who are overworked or'con- ffned within doors. It makes its, al)-' proaoh In so stealthy a manner that ' 11 is often well developed before its presence is recognized, But taken in time there is -a tonic that so enriches and purdiles :the blood that good health- anal strength soon carnes to the for- mer weak, anaemic Buffet/ r. Thib' tonic is. Dr. Williaias' .Pink ries_ which for years have been the most en eras 1 treat I. fur blood builder known, and have Great interest has been exhibited in oreai'it for 'restoring . to good health Ithgse fabrics in Canada. Artificial, tllousandB and thousands of people t silk imports into Canada have been who have suffered from, some 01 the !steadily rising. Total imports of this many' ailments. that come .through ! inatule in the first nine menthe of the weak, watery blood. ` present fiscal year had a value of The correction „o1 anaemic condi- - $4,076,436, es compared with $3,734,- ttonseby, Dr. Winsome' Pink Pale le as .267 fel the year,bedore, and $2,542,562 certain ae'anytbing can.be. As proof in the year before, that. A market for at this Mise Ma.rgg'aarreet A, smith, Bur - yarns has been opened, ,princv'pally' gcyne, Ont., says'—"After .having a with the cotton, trade, with the result severe attack of jaundice I was left that already cotton niiile in Canada in a' very weak and rurteiown condi are putbing out large quantities of tion. I was pale and my nerves on mixed cotton "celaneee" fabrics. The, edge. I cowlld. not sleep at night and Canadian knitting industry is litre- would -toss and turn for hours at a wise adopting "celeneee." In the time. I finally decided to Cry Dr. WI•i course of the past year the new coni- Items/ Pink Pails, and soon began t,o pany sold over $1,000,400 worth of Leel better, ands after taking a few more fabrics and yarns in Canada, and the boxes of the pins I left as strong as future 'is coneediesedbright for the in- ever, and could thoroughly enjoy my destay. rest at night. Now, I always recom- mend these pills to any friends who' MISTAKES MOTHERS pr �p a may be ailing." MESTAKES IYIUTHEtIJ MIKE Better sleep, steady nerves, improved I G F c appetite, increased vigor --all these can be IN • EAIIE OF LATE` ONES.Pille.tlBeg'es intthem ,today aking Dr. ylTSold bylall — medicine dealers, or by maul post paid Many rollers give thele children, at 50 centio.a box from The Dr. Wi1h' solid foods at too early an age and say Dams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. proudly that their babies "eat every- 5_ tiling that grown-up people do," Such s The Nation's 'Birthday a course is almost certain to bring on lndigestlon and Lely the foundation of Ring out the•joy belle: Once again, mulch ill -health for the little one. Witha'avdng flags.and roiling flume, Outer mother adminisvter harsh, We greet the Nation's birtbdaty, when, nauseating purgatives which In reality In glorious majesty, it comes. Irritate and injure the -delicate stem. Ah, day of de,ye! Alone It atatuds, ach and bowels and at the sa•time While, Bite a halo round it cast, cause the cbilduon to dread alt mea- nie- The radiant work of patriot hands, Dine. Shines the bright record of the Past. Absolutely no meat should be given to a. child until it needles the age of Among the nations of the ear+ih, 18 menthe, and then only if tiammeee iV'hat land hath story like oily own? by the doctor. For medicine; all No Utoughk u1' conquest marked her strong, disagreeable one and Powder's birth; should be abandoned and. Baby's Own No grief of• power was ever shown Tablets gluon lnahead. By those who crossed the ocean wild, Baby's Qli'n Tablets aro especidillq That they night plant upon her sod made for little ones. They are plea- A home for Peace and Virtue mild,. sant to take and• can be given whit And altars rear to Freedom's God. absolute safety 10 eventhe newborn • '—Ma'r'y 33, Vandyne, babe., They meekly banish constipa- tion and indigestion, break up colds Noticing works out right. 111' o and' edme% fevers and make the out- town .where you can park as long as ing of teeth easy. They are weld by you want to there 1s no reason why m0101110 dealers or by mail et 25 you ,should went to. snits. a box from The Dr. Williainis' ;. Nieddoins Co., Brockville, Ont. Mlnard'e Llninient for dandruff. • ADDED TO THE WHITE STAR LINE FLEET. The'as.Calgarlc, 16,063 tons, one of tbssrtha ustaatly found on ocean liners. he two steamers recently added to the In addition the of lues are on this deck. St. Lawrence fleet of tho Whit "0" 'deck in utiliz•ed for staterooms O'Star Line Canadian Service mettle same alspliesto "D'! dealt with The Calg'o.ric will be a binding link the exception that the diming saloon with Scotland' because she will main, is on the Iatter. Min a regular and direct service to, Ono of the great 'features of the! Glasgow- before .completing her east, steamer 15 the elevator service con= bound voyages at Liverpool, nesting all@ d,ecice, Th'e steamer is, The Olelgade has five chests incled,fittedwith wireless apparatus and sub- ing the boat deck. The public roome.inarina signalidng apparatus. water ane toco,ted on "A" deck which is tight •bulkheads, ''emergency lights -ug.. glass enclosed thereby enabling pas. plant,-ocmbined semsphore,and Mors'';' eengers to enjoy dally exercise irres-Signal apparatus�, bilge keels, fireproof ` pect'lve of the weather., The lounge, bulkheads, fire extingulefiing apperai ,; the einels5 room and the verand;;h cafe tus, h'airdresser's shop, a dark room are grogped on this promemude'deck. for photographers, and a general shop.;; Another lounge, e..nd the gymnasium Special, attention has been given to i aro.on elite cleak, the accommodation the ventilation -of •ale rooms as a re- on Whish ailed includes suites and asuit of ;which a. constant supply of number• of staterooms all of wlichfreiah a.ir ie canted to all parts of the :' ane equipped with beds, instead of the cteateer. month for tile town Olean^up. Itis not 'a difficult task if everyone does his part, and it can mean big things for the town. A better town means better business and better health; a cleaner town means a better town ,for the children, and a more attractive ;town; for they young people. Rubbish can mostly 'be'burned, and the rest col- •tected and buried in the town dump. Vacant lots can be turned from un- sightly nuisances to' garden plots fly the school children in competitions promoted by business men or the hor- ticultural society, the flowers' made into weekly donations. for the sick and, shut-in at home cm in hospitals, sane,' Moria, &c., while both fiowers,end vege- tables can be entered for prizes at the school fair. •• One t'hnmup,- Sow; ever, is to cloobjecttvev awaofy wallah eery possible breeding -place for finest dPise . fly that Woks so timid and harmless 'in May is the diarrhoea fly that carries death to theebaby in July;. it'is-the; typhoid fly that spells serious sickness to hun- dreds during the summer season; so swat the fly ilj .]Nay:: "Better filar one Ity In May than a million in' August." Covered garbage, fly -proof privies, and fly -traps, are the flrat.a3lots in the cam- paign. , Every man, Woman and :child can help by killing every fiy.they,see. -especially in May and June. 1928 and Tobacco Lastyear the tobacco growers in Western Ontario produced, Iwai -to the valve of $8,000,000 from a mere 30,000 acres. This le almost a quarter of the value ei all wheat produced in the prelim*. In the In'esent year the tobaeoo acreage wilt likely run to 45,000, or double that devoted to the fragrant weed in+1926. Good-tobaceo land can still be bought in Essex and Kent counties for $150 to 4300 per sore; but tine opportunity may not last much longer as the stimnlus of awcoeeefui amps. Is already being felt. Conservative and Liberal S a e k a t e on Western Producer (frog.): The visitor to Canada musk have difficulty in understanding pelltl- cal names. Quebec has become the most Coneervativeprovinco in the Do. minion. She is developing her great natural resources"' by means of conces- sions and onces-sions.and essisteno° to private corpor- ations, ,_Quebec, as a conseeuence, is becoming the paradise of the big finan- cial interests. For all pain—Mlnard's Liniment. There is not a man or woman, however poor they may be, but have it in their power, by the grace of God, to leave behind thein the grand- est thing on earth, character; and, their 'children might ,rise up after them and thank God that their moth- er was a pious woman, or their father a pious man.—Norman Macleod. yrV l yr -0.4• k 1 ul tl,�, lx t1"h v, a, Dips the Cords of the Carcass in a 'Rubber Solution! RE it 'ROSE' ORANGE Business -Lilco • Letter received by a London base - nese firm' from a coraespenden,t in Japan:— 'Regarding the matter of escaping penalty for non-delivery ott the Bar- Machine, there is a way to creep around same by diplomat end we mutat make a statement of strike occur our factory (of course -big untrue). Please address my firm0.in enclosed form of letter and believe t'hrts will avoids pen arty of case: Ae Mr. B. is moetreligious• and oom'etent man and alteoheavily upright and godly'it tease me that use. lase apply for lie' signature.. Please lettelch same by ,Yokohama'office. reek- ing' flange, but no cause to fear of pri- son happening as this is often oper- ated, by *thea• merchants of highest integrity. "It is hig1ieet unfortunate Mr. B. so godlike and exoesslve awltward ter business purpose, Ithlek Much better add little serpent -like wisdom to up- right manhood and thus found a good buelness edifice." A stable, government is one in which all cranks will remain hitched; Are there going to be any regrets tcxnorrow about that good meal you're all net to atow away tonight. Better take Seigel's Syrup. Any drug store. Be of good cheer about death, and know this of a truth, that no evil' can happen to a good man, either in life or after death. --Socrates. 'Treat corns with Minard'a Liniment. Every man feels instinctively that all the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh -less than a single ,lovely action. -J. R. Lowell. • ttI PEKOE is Alit good. Not by lamentations end mournful chants ought we to celebrate the fuel eral of a good -salon, but by hylnn t, I for in'ceasing>,to be numbered with, mortals he enters upon the heritage of a diviner life. --Plutarch: • aassifaed Advertisements, �ON'T ,1117 AN oz: wounusos.'i5110 501 Bra, Aot u, tall r0u how to eooku .raw mob --dollars : doubly and treble pyor;i ted ,over. risk, no'obngotlou, neautl[unr 1110ell-ntot bout 100517. AVOCADO r,1n1C" GnOv17a "0 111.0 Arcady, Minim, L'lorlds: ,/ Gli0iTs-BEND 01,10 Fon BA71trI;n soaa'Lg` proposition - to tape -orders I.0800y° selling aired, saUarnotlon -guarwutood. Goo. ' walla;,:1 Sandwich,St. wont, Windsor, Ord. 1I- • B1tnsal Nlisa. - HEAD 5018508, CA541n15 ,ple treounent ohloh, 8000: permanent repot Emily ,xnlnwl. tree to any maoror writing nmq Thoma,, Andrew•,. iroo0, Deo1, ,Celt, 5085,ad, or our. new Auto. and Glann ,Cleaner 3.000 Norway Otani, and Lmedron Etna, 0' to 18' 01.00 to. 514.00. - Boston ley --4M to ',eo. 1,000... Roars -400. Tn. Experts, La0000000 Architects, gardeners and Contractors. Write for Catalogue, • Brost Forestry Co.` Established 1001. 0.0.11. ;in merles, .TorostJ 5400 Bathurst 51. Phone Hill. 1003 frt w 1-tle a Si 4 01405 SAlt Stags slump longer Cuts easier. Sawa faster 014,01405 CANADA SAW CO. LTD, MONT OM, VMOCOuVen. 0.T. JOHN NA, , TOnoNI'0 Added to the greater value built Into the 1927 TWina— Added to the Improvements that every rider will welcome --Prices are lower than ,ever before. learley-Davidson Motorcycle stands without a rival per- formance. One ride In our 1927 side- car outfit and you will declare you never dreamed such comfortable rid. ing combination could be built(` Fully guaranteed. WALTER ANDREWS, Ltd. 345 YONGE STREET TORONTO Here you' see ono of the cords, highly "'magnified, from a Firestone Gum - Dipped Balloon Tire carcass. The end is unravelled into 15 smaller cords, composed of millions of cotton fibers. Firestone dips all the cords in a rubber solution. Every fiber is saturated and insu- fated with rubber, adding great strength and enabling the cords to flex with mini- mum friction. ' Go to your nearest Fire- stone Dealer to -day. He will provide these -"Setter Tires" along with helpful service, which means' extra mileage, ' safety and comfort.' FIRESTONE TIRE as RUBBER CO.' OF CANADA LIMITED Iiamilton, Ontario - l MOST MILES PER DOLLAR ltireatonc Houde the OntyClum-yipped Tires I -'KERS' • TAIrer Minard's in your first aid lift. F1n,o _for etf.ff mus,c,bas, bruises end, Insect bites. is unexcelled for Dyeing and Tinting. Professional • Dyers usethe eve weteas Same Kinder WV CA.NCERFREE BOOK SENTonREQUESTT Tells cause of cancer and what to do for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write far it to -day, mentioning this paper. Add- dress Indianapolis Cancer Hospital Indianapolis, Incl. -Thr[ T FL`'-'A� 8�. Thousands of Flowering Shrubs, Rose Budhes, Boxwoods, Climbing Vines, etc. Write for Catalogue. D, SPENCE, Importer 82 COLBORNE ST. TORONTO The Chante of A Velvet Skin— and the kin-andthe Pure Mead Under 0 More than skin-deep lie the causes of disfiguring rashes, eczema and painful boils. Tho trouble is impure or"impover^ ished_blood. You can eliminate the cause and remove any trace of un- sightly blemish by taking TRU-BLOOD. The taste is pleasant and the' cost is only $1.00 a bottle. TRU-BLOOD is now 4btain- able at most Drug Stores. 04 yours today. A PRODUCT t tit ,VERY IQan N FO PAINS ALL OVER BODY1 Two More Cages of Feminine DV news Relieved by Lydia E. Fink.. bam's 'Vegetable Compound Barrington, N. S.—"I had terrible feeling's,-head$ches, back and side aches and pains all over my body. I would have to go to bed every month and nothing would do me good. My husband and my father did my work for me as I have two children and we have quite a big place. 1 read in the paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and then got a - little book' about it through the mail and my husband sent to Eaton's and got mo a bottle and then we got more from the sore. I am feeling fine now and do all my work and am able to go out around more. I tell my friends it is Lydia E. Pinkhem's Veg- etable Compound that makes me feel so well. "-hire. VfOTOlt RICHARDSON, , Barrington, Nova Scotia. Dull Pains in Back St Thomas, Ont. — "I took four bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and found great re- lief from the dull, heavy pains in the small of my back and the weakness from which I snftered for five years after my boy was born. After taking the Vegetable Compound and using Lydia E..Pinkham's Sanative Wash am feeling better than I have for the past seven .years, and advise my friends to take it."—Mrs, F. eonNSON, 49 Moore Street, St. Thomas, Ont. C Proved safe by millions and prescribedby 'physicians for, Colds' Headache Neuritis LuinbaKo Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART ISSUE No. 21-27. Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Randy "Rayer" Ilexes of 12 tablets •' . Also bottles of 24 and 100—btv$glats. Aoplrin is ee trod, -1,0 . (rerietcred to Oaundn) of Beyer Mnanfnetare of Ofodoace410 aridoetor of 9ollnyncacld (Acetyl salicylic: Acid, "A. a, A." ). Wblle It Ie pall 0uowti P l Bono, the Tobiet0 aaoilayer�Oolapoay teal be ptamped with a their enerat public against 1 .... .113,Tot Orat,'4