HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-05-26, Page 2b •
CLINTON , Lotil, of Appetite--
Th -i: Tired 1-7ellin
thousands take'Hood's, Stirs?
a as their tonic inne for, t tat
CLINTON, ONTARIO, tired feeling, nervous ivenkireas; im-
Terms of llubscription--32,00 per year pure blood, and testify that it makes
In advance, to Canadian addresses; them feebbotter, eat and sleep better.
$250 to the U.S. or other foreign Hood's ,Sarsaparilla has given too
countries. No paper discontinued tire satisfaction' to three generations
until ell arrear are paid unless at in the „treatment of general dobility.
tho of II of the publisher, Tho It restores the ttietite, relieves that
date to which every suliscrilitiott 18 'fired feeling, er'''hlee the 'S'atern to
Paid Is 'denoted on tho label, resist infectious tii8eiwee.
Advertising Rates ---Hood s mita ds digestio
,Tratisient adver.
and makes food taste good. A gooa.
tistag, 12c per count line for first eathartie is Hood's Pills.'
into/talon- Sc for each subsequent
insortion. Heading counts 2 lines. •
Small advertieemeots, not to exceed
one Melo such as "Wanted," ''Lost,"
"Strayed," etc., inserted,, once for
85c, efteh subsequeirt Insertion 150.
Advertisements grant In without in.
structions an to tho number of in-
aertions wanted will run until order,
ed out and will be charged accord-,
ingly. Rates for display advertising
Made known on application
' Communications intended for publi.
cation must, as. a •guarantee of good
faith, be 'accompanied by the name of
the writer:
Proprietor. Editor.
A Stinary of the important
HapPenings Throughout
the -World.
o ,
A generaBanking Business transact-
ed. NoteDIScounted. 'Drafts Is.sued,
Interest .Allowed on Deposiits. Sale
Notes Purchased.,
• Notary Public, Conveyancer.
Financial, Real Eotate and Fire Io-
• Ouraxice Agent. Representing 14 Fire
Insurance Companies.• .•
Division Court Office, Clinton.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc
Office Hours: -1.30" to 3.30 p.m., 6.30
to 8.00 p.m.. Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 p.m.
Other hours by appointment falba
Office and Residues - Victoria et,
°Mee and Residence:
Ontario Street - Clinton, Ont.
One door west of Anglican Church.
Phone 172.
Eyes examined and glasses fitted.
_ °Mee and Residence:
Huron Street Clinton, Ont.
• Phone 69
(Formerly occupied by the late Dr.
O. W. Thompson),
Eyes Examined end Glasses Pitied,
Chiropractor -Electrical Treatment.
Of avingham, will be at the Commer.
Siad In, CI•iiiton, on Monday, Wednes-
day and Friday forenoons of each
. Diseases of all kinds sucoessfully
• handled.
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron.
Correspondence prodiptle answered.
Immediate arrangements can be made
tor Sales Date at The News -Record,
Clinton, or by calling Phone 203.
Charges Moderato and Satisfaction
Honor Graduate Carer .7ones' National
School of Auctioneering, Chicago. $pe.
oil course taken in Pure Bred Live
Stock, Real Estate, Merchandise and
rm Sales. Rates In 'welling With
revealing market. _Satisfaction as.
ured. Write or ;km, Zurich. Ont.
' Phone 18-08. ,
Clinton, Ont.
General Fire and Life InsuranceaAgent
tor Hartford Windstorm, Live. Stock,
Automobile and Sickliest and Accident
Insurance. Huron and Erie and Cana.
de Trttst Bonds. Appointnients made
to meet parties at Brecefield, Varna
and Hayfield. 'Phone 57.
Trains will arrive at and depart. from
• Clinton as follows: a "
Buffalo and Godeelch, Olv,
Going East, depart 6.25 a.m.
2,52 p.m.
Going West, ar..,11.10 a.m.
ar. 6,03de. 0.53 lam,
" " ar. 10.04 p.m,
Lovcdon, Huron ea Bruce Div.
Going Botta, ar. 7.66 dp. 7.56 ara.
4.10 p.m.
Going North, depart 6.60 p.m.
" 11.05 1116 a.m.
Th McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Head Office, Seaforth, Ont.
President, Ja:nes Connolly, Goderich;
Vice, James Evano, Beechwtiod; See:
...Treasurer, Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth.
Orth; 10. McGregor, Seaforth; J. G.
Eirectors: • GeorgMcCartney,
e Seas
rieve, Walton; Wm. Ring, Seaforth;
IfIcEwen, Clinton; Robert Ferries,
Marlock; John BennewMr, Brodhagen;
Sas. Connolly, Goderith.
Agents: Alex. Leitch, Clinton; J. W.
Ist Goderich; Ed, Hinchray, Sea.
eith; W. Chesney, Egraondvine; R.
Jannuth, Hrodhagen.
Any •money to be paid in may be
Arid to leloorlsit Clothing Co,, Clinton,
pi. at Cutt's Grocery, Goderloh,
• Parties desiring to affect Insurance
or transact other business will be
promptly attended to on application to
any of the above officers addressed to
their respective post oflice. Losses
inspected by the Director Who lives
nearest the scene.
• Killed by Train -
Harry Chartrand, believed to have
been beating his way hobs from the
the. wheels of a freight train on
,'ittober camps, was greeted to death
tlue Esplanade at Toronto, from which
t was supposed he had attemptedto
His wife identified the re -
a muddier mess the longer it con-
tinues. Customs officials small and
large appear to have done their duty
to the best of their ability, but the
liquor interests seem to have culti-
vated bribery, camouflage, creoked-
nese and bald disregard of the law;
to the, limit. • The alatest•.seizureis
reported as amounting of over $85,-
000, consieting of three cars all ap-
parently going via Cobourg-Rochester
ferry into the U.S. billed "as "pulp
wood" and "shavings," but containing
nearly 75,000 bottles of ale rind beer.
As proof grows on proof and the
mass , of evidence accumulates it
will be interesting to watch develop-
ments and enforcements in the future.
New appointments are being reported
from coast to coast as indicative a
a 'complete reorganization of the pre-
ventive service.
-Cruiser Believed Lost.
goatee- ••
..ortr.Pes 40.s* 4, „toil
t . ' ..,.: :::=Tr. r' c '•:. r.......-....':.:
-.14:Aii:41. • . .
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341 i 7 /1,1N77/C '
\-', , OC.5:4N'
aosroN -
-"a Nees
OK; 11:1•
to oE ....4TLANT/C
The Mussolini of the.,Air.
. De Rfireclo, via Newfoundland -Azores
home to Italy, will complete a four.
continent air tour. • Everyone.' wishes
the fearless Italian 'ton voyage" and
good luck»
ashere near Cobourg and picked up
by fishermen, Search for Collins and
Porteous has extended to the, small
islands in that part of the lake in the
hope that the Alma may have ground-
ed on one of them and that the two
men are alive, but marooned,
Barber said the search would not
be•adiscontinued until every island in
the vicinity had been -visited
Captain Hilliard Lang of the To-
• rooto Life -Saving crew, stated qbat
he had not heard of the complaint
said to have been made t.e Toronto
officials by Barber.
Withrow - Brooks.
• PAC/Fie-1
by the swollen waters. His friend
swam to safety in.(the darkness.
Property damage here, in East
Peoria and in Bartonville was esti-
mated at $750,000. - '
Water ,plants, and power lines were
di,»r'nterl' thasto0ln. Stree
she said she called Kehoe by tele -
'phone and asked concerning arrange-
ments for the use of a plot on his
farm for the picnic site.
"When are »you going to have the
picnic?" IfehOF Sounteoeca
"Thursday," Miss Sterling replied.
windows were blown in by the strong: • "Well, if you're going to have topic -
in many homes and greenhouses» was the Treasuree's rejoinder as le
East Peoria estimated its loss at ended the conversation»
upward of $500,000, many homes there; Less than two hours late e explo-
being inundated when the Farm Creek sions rocked the sehool building.
leveebrokeafterf • s of rain Later search diseloees that Kehoe's
• Wreckage picked up on the lake Speedy Justice ontempered ." by during which more than ten inches of wife had 'evidently been murdered
shore at Cobourg points to the cabin mercy Was meted out to the accused rain fell. • S'• previous to the first explosion at his
cruiser Alma having foundered with when Mr. Justice Lagie sentenced Dr. -es.-
the less of Harry, Porteous and Wil- Withrow to seven years and Breoks The Deed of a Maniac. I A, call for aid was sent to Lansing
who started from the mouth of the in connection with the death of Ruth ,
•avaitable doctor, nurse and ambulance -
following the school blast. Every
liam Collins of Niagara -on -the -Lake, to five years in Kingston Penitentiary' »At Bath, Clinton County• Michigan.
wind. Hailstones shattered windows nic you'd better have it right away,"
Man. whealt-0--RN°olfnl'0k.iorth:•, $1.61;
eNl.for,•tb.b.„,y3r1051.7isi. No. 3 North,,
• Man. oats -No. 2 CW, nominal; No.
3, not quoted; No. 1- feed; 68c; Not
2 feed, nominal; weatern grain quota-
tions in c.i.f. parts. "
Atm, corn, Toronto Irerghts, No. 2
lviln dried, $1,02; No, a yellow,
kiln :dried, 31,00,
Millfeed-Del. 1Viontimal freights,
bags included: Bran, per ton, 302.25;
shorts, per ton, 334.25; middlings,
^Ont. oats -58c, 'f.o.b. shipping
Point, .
Ont. good milling wheat -$1.80, L
o.b. •shipping ...points, according to
Barley-Multing, 72e.
. Rye -No. 2, $1.00,
Man. flour -First pat,, in cotton,
$8.65; in jute, $8l50s Toronto, second
pat., in jute, $8.
Ont, flour -Toronto, 90 per cent.,
patent, per barrel, in caplets, Toronto,
$5.45; 'iceboat -de In bulk, 35.70.
Cheese -New, large, 17c; twills,
17% to 174c; triplets, 17% to 17%el
Stiltons, 20c; Old, large, 20e; twins,
203c. OldeStiltons, 23c.
Butter -No. 1 creamery, 38 to 89e;
No. 2, 86 to 37c. Dairy prints, 84 to
Eggs --Fresh extras, in cartons,
35 to' 36c; fresh extras, loose, ,35c•
fresh firsts, 38c; fresh seconds, 29 to
30c. '
Poultry, drossed-Spring chickens,
55c• chickens, 5 lbs. up, 40c; do, 4 to
6 88c; do, 8 to 4 lbs. 35e; do, 23
to 31/4c, 34c; brsilers, 14 to 2% lbs.,
88c; hens, over 5 lbs., 32c; do, 4 to
lbs., 80c; do, -3 to 4 lbs., 28e; rosters,
25c i`turkeYs, 4G to 47e; spring duck -
1' g , 38 •
' Beans--Cati: hand-picked,' $3,60 to
33.90 buehel. irnes 33,45 t 3 60
" Maple products=Syrup, per him.
gal, $2,25 to 32.8,0; per 5 gal., $2.15
to $2.25 per gale maple sugar, lb.,
251-I• to 26c.
60 -lb. tins, 13 to 13%c; 10 -
lb. tins, 1S14, to 13%c; 5-15. tins, 14
to 14%e; 2% -lb. tins, 16
•'Comb honey -$4 te $5 per dozen.
- •a mows/oars.
Wholesalers_ are quoting to the
trade-: I
trashed meats -Hams, med., 30 to
32c; cooked hams, 48c; smoked
rolls, 25c; breakfuet bacon, 28 to 33e;
backs, boneless, 32 to 42c.
Niagara River for Belleville and fail- Dembner from an illegal operation.
ed to reach their destination. , I
A hatch with the aluminum number A Similar Case. -
"2," on it hue been identified as hav-
ing been part of the equipment of
the Alma.
Charles Elliott, a fisherman, has
also reported that he saw a floating
spar. „Porteous was aged and Col -
lines aged 45 years, Collins is well
known at Oshawa.
While Searching for the missing
,Alina a U.S. coast -guard cruiser be-
came disabled near CChem% and was
eventually towed home by a sister
boat. The crew of the disabled cruis-
a farmer insane through financial
worry, dynamited ei• consolidated
school, killing nearly forty of the hi- from Lansing Fire Department was
sent ±0 do rescue work. St. sjohn's
and Ovid also sent firemen, State
' • d
u h d to Bath. A detachment
mates, teachers and scholars, and an
F o c ose y upon the aentenee equai number were
mind police took charge of the rescue walk.
----- the Toronto police ar- understanding how the „Mad
rested another Toronto doctor -Ben- works. The perpetrator•of this awfull
was Arrested. in the at of perforning ing by his car near the scene after the MOSCOW EXERCISED
jamin Cohen, whom, it is asserted, dend, a man named Kehoe, •was stand -
such an operation as secured Dr, outrage talking to Superintendent
--s:--- . .for a moment to rest from his labors OVER LONDON RAID
Withrow his sentence in Kingston,. Huyck of the school, who had<stopped
The Mississippi. of rescue. < -
Terrific proportions are again aa- '
Glen Smith, village postmaster, and Russian Police Intervene to
sumed» by the breaking of levees' in Nelson McFarren, an aged man, 'were
lower Louisiana, Raging torrents,
er C.G. 2864, on their arrivaLhorrie toppling houses ruined rural districts,
related e. story of being adrift ten; '
thousands who hoped themselves safe
hours about eight miles out from Co'.
bourg, Ont.,
and narrowly escaping
the fate of Collins and Porteous.
Changes wrote rnade,by William 11„ Church bells clanging and guns fir -
Barber of this city, owner of the ing warnings to the stricken people,
Alma, who accompanied the Brew of Red Cross mercy boats and every
the C.G.-2364, that other lake craft, other tneans of rescue working over -
and persons along the Canadian shore time in their effort te. save lives, but
near Cobourg, Oshawa and Whitby the natives of the district in many
ignored the cruiser's distress signals. districts disregarded warnings and
Barber says he has taken up the case the advancing floods htve assumed
with Toronto officials and an investi- the proportions of two Niagaree in to the barn and both were destroyed. ganized bodies 00 every conceivable
gation is under way. The crankshaft full flood - so that it is believed that
Andrew Kelm% the perpetrator of sort denouncing nritain, demanding a
joss will th d d 6 lcd t coremerciAl boycott and emphasizing
of the -04;2364 was broken. The greater life and property 1
crew brought back the hatch cover
f 1,0111 the Alma, which was washed
fleeing to the highlands for their lives,
are commonplate occurrences in the
newly. inundated ereas. s' ,
standing a -few feet away. Suddenly,
Witnesses said, Kehoe took a rifle from
his ear and fired it into the rear seat,
which apparently had been stack6d
Prevent Mob Rushing British
Moscova-The wave of indignation
with dynamite. There was it flash, a Is gathering force in Russia'as news
roar, and Kehoe was hurled through of the British raid on Soviet House in
the air, his body dismembered. London eprestals. throughout the union
Huyck's bedy"Was blown te bits. Mc- manodn,stieraflnding expression in street de -
Farren wee killed outright. Both of tiona, edltoriat tirades and con -
Smith's legs were broken and he was trIbuted articles; taxing the ressaarces,
injured internally. He died leer. ' (05 the most vitriolic 'wriiens and °al -
Some fifteen minutes bef bre thellmntsts.
school explosion, there had been al The newspapers are filled with re -
blast in Kehoe's 'home on 4 fares west semitone et Protest tram scores of
of the town. The resulting fire spread workers. meows, aon27 units and. or -
Nearly evoryon ham
ripping, tearIngheadielme
at times, Disordered atom.
ach-eluggseh liver doce it.
Cheer up I bere'a tbo real
relief -Chamberlain' s
Stomach and Ilver Tablets.
They put the etomach atl howala right
All drugeste. 96c., or by mall from 9
Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto
V15,: 471417
Cored meats -Long clear bacon,
50 to 70 lbs., $21; 70 to 90 lbs., $19;
90 to 1,00 lbs., and op, $18; lighta
weight rolls, in barrels, 311.60; heavy-
weight 338.50 per bbl.
Lard -Pure tierces, 14 to 14%c;
tuba, 15 to 16%o; pails, 151. to 16e;
prints, 16% to 17e; shortening tierces,
13gbc; tuba, 13 3/40; pails, 14 v,,e ; bloelta
an tins, 1614o.
Heavy beef ateers, $8.75 to 39,25.;
do, fair, $8 to $8.50; butcher
steers, choice, $8.76 to 39; do, fair
I to good, $7.50 to $8; butcher heif-
ers, choice, $8.25 to $8.50; do, comp
$6.75 tO $7.26; butcher cows, good te
35.25 to 36; do, coin. to ineda
choice, 36.75 th 37.50; do, fair to rod)
to $5; do, canners and cutters, $2. 0 to
34; butcher bulls, good to choice,
to $7.25; do, med., $5,25 to $5.75; do,
bolognas, $4.50 to $5; baby beef, 4'8.50
to e12,00; feeders, choice, 37.00 to
37.50; do, !,aif, 36,25 to $6.75; stock -
era, choice, $6.50 to $7; do, fair
med., 35,50 to $6; springers, $80 to
$110; :Mich cews, $75 to $90; plain
to med. cows, $45 to $65; 'calves,
choice, 310.50 to 31,1.50; do, medo 38 to
$9; do, come 33.50' ±0 36; lambs, choice •
$14°•to 314,50; bucks, 311 to $11.50`
sheep, choice, $7.50 to $9; do, heavies,
$6 to 37; do, culls, 34 to 35; hogs,
selects, w.o.c., 310.50; do, do, f. and
• dthick smootb,
$1b; do, do., f. and we $9.70. Regular
AIGGOUPta on inferior grades of hogs.
Oats, No. -2 CW, 78e; No. CW,
68c. Flour, Man. spring wheat pats,
firsts, $8.50; seconds, $8; strong bak-
ers', $7.80; Winter pats., choice, $5.90,
$6. Rolled oats, bag, 80 lbs., 38.40 to
33.50. Bran, 382.25. Shorts, $34.25.
Middlings, 340.25. Hay, No. 2, • per
ton, car lots, .$14.
• Montreal, May 18.-Ithceipts of
live -stock for to -day's merket amount-
ed th but 14 cattle, 1 sheep, 462 hogs
and 109- calves on • both markets.•
Trading was somewhat slow, as meet
of the butches obtained their supplies
earlier in the week. Packers were
offering 310.75 for thick smooth hogs.
an . per hog • onus on selects, 5 c
per hog cut on shops, and $1 per hog
cut on heavies. A couple of loads were
gOlti to local butchers at 311 flat.
There 'was very little demand for
calves. The quality was considerably
better than yesterday, but the few
buyers on hand were offering even
money or less. One lot of just ordi-
Irlaairtym.luawlitzewt.esinstphfm 3f6o.r5014heer
that urer of theasehool distriet--hig mind . F. p. Falrholme
eventually be reported ITOM these last ' the necessity o/ Ruesie, being PreParedi.
levee breaks °aid inundations to resiat b inearia British a, ma.' Vioe-preeident of the Federation of
from any previous floodings.
deranged by financial reverses -alone Lng
Conceived and executed the dynamits, sions
Further Violent Rain Storms. ing, in the opinion of investigatinal A great demonstration in aloacow
On top of the gigantic proportiona officers. They abandoned an earlier developed minor scrimmages with the
assumed in the South, a storm of a theory that he had outside help •in guards when a mass of students and:
very serious nature tore through Min- planting dynamite in the building and workers tried to rush the police
ois and part of Indiana. Peoria re- wiring it to set off the blast, in the neighborhood of the British rats -
ports death and damage, as follows: The little village of 800 persons in elm Reintoteeraents and troops, re.
• Several emergency refugee cemps.the heart of. Michigan's agricultural Stored order at the expense of a few
shelter persons who lost their'homeh district, is virtually bankrupt as a minor injuries' to the demonstitratOrs.
and belongings in a storm here Wesl- result of yesterday' cafftstrophe. It Practicality all the morning papers
nesday night which caused one death Was this ibuation that pronspted carried cartoons caricaturing the Bri-
tish prime minister, Stanley Baldwin,
and hurts to others. Governor Fred W. Green to issue a
Walter Mueller„ son of the Mayor, proclamation calling for State-wide Sir Ateatin Chamberlain and Sir WU-
eynson, e who are •e d re -
lost ms life when a bridge over the aid in providing financial relief to
Illinois River, upon which lie was Bath's stricken citizens and making spontsible for the raid. One cartoon
standing with a friend, collapsed. He possible -the rebuilding of its school. depicted the three equipped with burg-
sould not swim and was carried away Governor. Green announced funds lar kits, tkettaeing ender the outspread
alavtl4s of a erowned figure. Another
would be taken from the State coffers
efielfStirecess n elrourPe
What these men have done, you oan del in yotir spare time ,
,at home you can easily master thelmorets of selling that make '
Star Salesmen. Whatever 'your experience Ima been -whatever
5014 may he doing now -whether or not You think you OM ,OR-'
jUlltr answer thie question: Are you ambitious to earn 510,000 a '
year? Then get in touch with me at once I will prove to yen
without cost or obligation that' you can easily become a Star
Salesmen. 1 will shim you how.the Salesmanship Training ad
Free EinprOyment Service of the It S. T. A. will help youto quiet
anthem in Selling,
$14000 A Year Selling Secrets
The Cossets of ShoeSaleesnanahlp as taught by tha N. N. T. A. la.s
enabled !boomed', 07.0.0 overnight, to /cave behind for ever de drodgery
PaY of blind.alley jobs that lead roarboro. No matter whet yea
am now dole% the Meta of selling afore YOU a 1,70tut0re. Get the hobs.
st *rite
National Salesmen'b Training Association •
Canadian Misr. Box 365 tononto, Ont,
for the. rrpose, ,if voluntary aid ofs citizenry proved insuffi-
allowed "jix" in the *et of touehing off
eient. ,
The papers editoolalty make refer -
He followed his ioclamation With enoe to alleged forged documents and
et 'announcement that he personally r '
the blow dealt Angecelluesien oom-
would defray funeral expenses for
meroe, which It la predicted will be di -
those of the victims whose famd ee,
were linable to do so. The Governor •
was on the scene of the blast and saw
the tragedy in all its horror. Beam Link Planned.
Bath remembered this day was Otthwa. --The company operating
th have been the date of the annual the beam wtrelese service recently in-
school pienie. Nightfall seats not thugurated between Gloat Britain and
happy , groups of children returning Australla has announced that within
from a day of play, but nearly a settee about eight weeke a similar bearnsater-
of home,s observing the hush of death vies. *IN be aliened between Canada
with funeral wreaths on the doors.: and "Auetralia.
Here and there on a street corner
stood groups of two or three ,
sing ,in a low breath what might have ; Wondrous is the strength of cheer -
been and What is. fuluese, and he power of endurance.
Kehoe's part in the tragedy was The oheerort man vrtn.do mere the
brought more vividly to mind by Miss mine time, will de It better, will per -
Bernice Sterling, teacher of the first serve in it longer, than the sad Cr 5001 -
grade. Early • Wednesday ;morning, len.-Thenias Carlyle.
aomak of gunpowtler with a torch.
Brash Industrimi, who is heading the
party of industoialists who are visiting
America at the invitation of the state
chamber of eammerce of Virginia.
,Premiers and Ministers from
Each Province to Meet
Federal Govt.
Edmonton, Alta. -The first step in
the direction of an inter -provincial
conference at Ottawa which has been
somewhat 'widely discussed for the
past year or tw'o, is foreshadowed in
a letter to Premier J. E. Brownlee
from Hon. Fernand Rinfret, Secre-
tary of Statewho says that it is the
intention of the Federal Government
to call such a conference in the Fall.
The Premier of each province and
one of his ministers will be asked to
attend this conference, and • in the
meantime suggestions are invited as
to both the (lath and the agenda, Mr.
Brownlee states that his Governamet
will give the fullest co-operation pce-
sible in bringing the proposed meet-
i'ng about, and Alberta's chief inter-
ests for such an evept will be out-
lined forthwith as asked for,
The United States end China.
North China Daily Newo: It is no
longer a secret that Mr, Kellogg le net
participating is punitive measure&
hum the Peking commercial and
diplomatic community is disgusted and
discouraged 'beyond expression. ,
Retail Distribution.Well Main-
tained -Broadening Scale
Industrial Operatiohs.
Canadian business on the whole, ton -
finites satisfactory In volume, accord-
ing to dispatches received by Dun'e
Review tram branch offices' of It. G.
Dun 4 Co, in the principal cities, with *
constructive features more than off -
Satan.; those of an adverse =tote.
Retatl distribution of Staple, COM -
mattes is well maintained in meat
seetione, bat ore settled and warmer
weather generality would be welcomed
as a stimulant to demand for season-
able specialties. Steady abaorphion of
a wide variety of merelandlse, how-
ever, and comoarativey light stocks
are ind4cated by the large number of
replenishing orders in small amounts
that are being reoetved by wholesalers,
notably' for light -weight dry goodO,'
clothing, minty:8w, footwear and mini.
evens other slimmer requirementsaand
soles In the aggregate, for the set/ion
to date have made ,quite a favorable
comporison with those of the corres-
ponding period el last you.
Industrial operations continue upon
a steady broadening scale, and many
manufacturerare adding to their pay-
rolis. output of print paper and
!pulp is very heavy. The iron and
steed industry is showing a Welloba
fined. trend towards improvement.
, Building in almost every quarter -is
; far mere active than it was a year ago.
1 Important mining development is un-
der way ,and the a,grieulturrel outlook,
so far as can he seen et this time, is
satisfactory. The net result of thes.e
conditions is that the employmeot of
emetically all aomfiablelabor is put-
ting a large amount -of money in circu-
abort and 'is stimulating buying of all
kinds of commodities bY a large Pro-
portion of the population.
Banking statistics indicate the pre-
valence of a very favorable financial
situation and colleetione, in the main,
• are reasonably prompt Railroad re-
ports reflect the heaviest movement of
general merchantilee ever recorded for
this period'. Building permits are well
171 excess of the previous totabs for
the year to date, and he lumber mar-
ket apparently is gradually reenvering
remit ovesepooductioa.
The tre-uble with the aggressive fel-
low who's always rising to the occasion
is »that he never knows when to alt
rrarreavermarr ror."Imormirmon.morroorrowroymomomorroormarer.
o sea a es es ssaserrialft,..la `,S:letto1:4:::::;"roiL";
An k'tlea of *hat the MisalststP0i Flood means to its victims. A panoramic view of barges er &cows., leaded with refuiees, being towed to a host Cross, railer centre by one- or the Red Cross steamers. The "Sugar Bolsi' district'
is repeating such Kenos this weslt,