HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-05-26, Page 1VLA
491h Ye;„
ons T NOP
MAAY 2ur 1927
crap` .Sifts ki,t WiltElie
vdpi d
and for
that Win
Last, go td
}layer the 1eiseiici:
New goods, E.atest Designs, in Silveri Plated Knives;
forks, in fact all/kinds of table ware.`
Calla nd our new see au stock of D.i ;
nnc.r Set the •
Sets y will
!s Casa; you. Prices Moderate.
Phone, 174w
el uar
Residence 174j
Navy or Tweed, trimmede
d with brass
a limitednumber u a erregularly
$ 4 and $5.50, ®n sale at$3A9
LadiesSpring and Summer Coats
sizes 4
be cleared
at .Q one-third off regular price.
Sale of Catton Lingerie Crepes
Colors: Flesh,orchid,
... peach and sky,
in dainty floral # oruldesi u,
s A good 35c
c i 3-
sale at
he New straws
There's great satisfaction in buying
Your straw (rat here, You'll be sure of
the style -sure of the quality and sure
of the price.
We've shapes adapted to all ages of
mien -brims of various • .widths and
erowns of various heights.
Sonne snappy fancy band numbers for
Swell Young, Fellowswho wants the
Hats from 75c to j
will be yel.5r popular this sesame, and we-.
are showing the best shapes -blocked in
the latest models
4.00 4.50 $6.5.
7 t
Clothes For Workingmen!
This store caters to the'wants of the Workingman -is ever on
the alert to meet his tie uirementsand to give the very bestvalues ,
For the man who wants a cheap bib overal1. wehave them at .. 05e
the man who want a medium. rived bibo erall w have
For?a th s r p y we
an extra special at : .. ,.5,1.54
For the roan who wants"the best overall made we recommend
"The Headlight" at ...... .$2.50'9
Men's Khaki "rants at .'1,50 2.0 $2.50, to$...5
1 D $ $ 0>$. ,,3.00:..
Men's' Blue Chambray Shirts at :......... 7Gc to
Men's Khaki Shirts at .. . ......... . ... . . .. . . 95c, $1,25''a"nd 51,50
Men's Nayy Blue Shirts at .. . .......... : ... $1.25, $1.50 and $1:75 ".
Men's'Shaker Flannel Shirts at :
.: 95e,
and 1.5D
Men's Shirts, sizes14 to18i/-1Vien's Overalls sizes.3.
to 48
A Square Deal for EveryMan
Oats, to 50e
Barley, 60c.
Buckwheat, 75e
:'.Eggs 210 to 27o.
Butte, 35e.
Live Hogs, ;19.25.
Miss Alta Lind Cook,
daughter of
Rev. Dr, J S. and MTS. Cook of Tor-
onto, has been appointed lecturer in
French in the Victoria College. Miss
Cook is a graduate of Victoria and
has also taken a yeaj's post -graduate
study in French in Paris ,University,
Paris. -
Rev. Dr. Cook was for a term pas-
tor of 'the Ontario street church, Clin-
ton andw"1 be remembered Clin-
ton, will n cohered b
y many
in Clinton and vicinity.
The public are invited to come out
to ` the Council chamber at eight
O'clock on Friday evening when, un-
der the auspices of. the Horticultural
Society, 14Ir. G. 11 Patersen,.Agricul-
tural Representative, :will show three
reels of pictures, illustrating home
gardening, and give a little talk en
the same subject,
Mr, W. Cowan
will it also give e a re
port of the.. Provincial Pr van pal IIoi tseulirti •11
Convention and M,ayoi Jackson will
'give an address on Civic Beautifiea-
AR garden lovers and public -spirit.
ed citizens are invited.
Tuesday Was not an ideal holiday
at alt.in during dui ng the night and
some rain and constant threatening
all day,made it a very good day to
remain indoors. Those who had
planned a long day in the garden,,,(a
real exhibition of loyalty, by the
way), or those who had planned to
play golf, or bowls; or tennis or to
have a picnic were disappointed, and
the disappointment was 411 the keen-
er owing' to the fact that the sum-
mer heat of + Sunday had prepared
most people to elope for the best for
However, the first of July is not
far off and' .this year everybody is
planning on 0' i:ealcelebration,' rain
or shine. ..
As The : News-Recbr'd intimated
some weeks ago, Mr. John ;Rainsford
been a ieted has . , ppo, it d bythe L' tlltin Con-
trol Board :of Ontario, leaner of per=
chits in Clinton. The public should be
guided, by the following rules govern-
ing sale ef;permits. Applicant must
be of the It'll ageof twenty-one' years
and have been a resident of the Prov-
ince for one month prior to malting
application.. Special permits •1nay be
issued to druggists,, physicians, dent-
ists, veterinaries and those engaged in
mechanical or scientific pursuits. To
all of the above the fee is $2.00, Also
manufacturers needing supplies fore.
use in their business the fee is $2.00.
Those needing supplies for hospitals,
homes the 0 o aged, sacramental ur=.
poses, for use in :educational or Gov-
ernment institutions there is no.
charge, but they are only issued from.
Head Office, 110 University Ave., Tor-
No permit is issued ' to: (a) Any
person under tweuty-one years of age.
(b) Any Indian. , (c) Any interdicted
person. (d) Any disqualified under the
provisions 'of sub "section 3 of section,
37 of the ,Act.. (e) Any whose per
mit,'bas been suspended er cancelled
under any provision of the Act,
Baptist Church
Gospel service on Sunday at 7 p.m.
Subjeeti "The Redeemed and the Re
deemei At :this . service Rev, "Mr,
McCormack will sing . his new solo,
"He Died on Calvary,".;which he com-
posed but a few days ago. He invitee.
you to come: and hear' it sung for the
first time, Sunday . school at 2:30
pin An ate welcome.
Ontario. Street United Church
Classes meet Sunday morning at
ten o'clock.
The Rev. W. A. Bremner 'of Bruce -
field wilfnretich
ruce-fieidwill`preach at the morning ser-
vice at eleven,
The evening subject: '"God's.t'ree-
dom from Partiality.
The Juniors meet on Friday night
at 7:00.
Wesley -Willis Uliited Chuceh
Next Sunday morning at ten o'clock
the ,Brotherhood will hold its regular'
meeting, Dr. Dandier" will address"
the meeting, '
Regular services at 11 a,m. and '7
p.m., when Rev. Arthur. Sinclair of
Hensel' will be . the minister..' Rev.
Mr. 'Iiogg will take anniversary ser-
eYvices at Ilensall. ..
The Sunday a
d1Y school will continence
en' Sunday morning to hold its exer-
cises at 11 o'clock ir1 conjunction with
the morning service. Come the at
11 o'clock instead of 2:30.
Presbyterian Church
Service in the 13a ti' t church on
Sutay at 11 o'clock, Subject: Three.
Elements in Religion." Sunday scitool
at 10 o'clock. Prayer meeting each:
Thursday evening at 7:50
At a meeting of the W, •M. S. on th
10th, 'Mrs, McDonald, of Godericit,
Presbyterial Delegate to the'13I11 an-
nual P ov
r r i.'
he 1
1 e '
Alf hold at
t*> 1
Beeckville, gave a most interesting
and eneouraging report of the year's
work. The receipts shoivecl an in-
crease of 65 percent, the first' time
the W. M. S, of Ontario 'exceeded its
allocation, this with 107 new organiz-
ations and 4915 new members over
last year L=3 very encouraging,
The Brantford P; tpo litor recently
had 0 cut of the Expositor_ Fivepin
team, which won the Commercial
League, Championship . in ` that city
last winter:. Mr. Asa Bolton, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Bolton of Clinton, 18'
captain of this team and occupies the
centre of this ;picture, lioltling the
I3'1L1 --'7 1 tiMAN.
The marriage 'took place very
quietly in Calgary .011 Saturday last
of Miss Edna Jane Warman, second
youngest daughter' of Mr!. J.:17._Was-
man'of Clinton, and iiowai.d Hill` o£
Vancouver, B.C., the Rev, Mr. Bryan
performing the ceremony,
Miss Wasman went as far as
gary to meet her fiance
and they will
spend short honeyrnoee at Banff be-
fore going on to their lionise in Van-
coilver'. '
Clinton friends will waft good wish,
es to the young couple ,for a happy
Word was received in:Clieton.last
week that Mr, J. Curtis Stevenson of
Burlingame, California, had left Los
Angeles onMay
14th,o • New gfor N York,
via the Panama Canal, en -route to
visit relatives in Canada; including
Clinton. -
Mr. Stevenson is over mighty years.
of age and for -same ;seers has suf-
fered from defective sight, .but little
things like -that are all in a day's
work when he takes it into his head
to travel across a Continent. He ex-
pected to be in New York about June
1st, and will come to Toronto and
Clinton. Mr. Stevenson is a former
citizen of Clinton and a<brother of
Mrs. John Cuniughaine. Old friends
here will be glad to see him.
A. quiet marriage was ,solemnized
in Toronto on May 14th when Mr.
Colenso`J. Salter, son of the late W.
H. Salter and Mrs. Salter of Toronto,
was .milted in marriage to Marion,
daughter of . and Mrs: dames 'Wil-
son of Toronto, 'the Rev. Iierten H.
,Robinson officiating. --
The besiegreont who is just grad
stating from the School :Of Practical
Science, University of Tpronto, is a
nephew of the Messrs. Retell of town
and of 'Mrs. E, Mitten; and Mes.
Roy Plunieteel. He to a_ radiate of
'the Clinton Collegiate end is well
'known in :Ci1iitciii:' kips 3r(iehds bac
Will extend" good wishes.
Mr. and Mrs. ; Salter will probably
make their borne in :Toronto, after
Mr. Salter's graduation, which tapes
place next month.
Last week we mAde mention of the:
death of Afis , Isaac. The following
le a slipping.froz i .the Sothis (Man.),
Plaindealer, published last week, giv-
ing a fuller obituary:
"The death occurred shortly before
noon today (Wednesday) of Mrs. D.
N. Isaac after an illness of over ttvd
years:. The late Mrs. Isaac,. whose
maiden name was Margaret Ann Mc-
Cartney,' was born near Clinton, Ont.,
in August, 1867,and was therefore in
her sixtieth year. About two years
ago she was taken ill and although
at tildes she showed wonderful im-
provement, her death this morning
came ae a '. release from sufferings
which she bore at all time with re-
(markable cheerfulness, 1n ISM* the
late Mrs. -Matte married D. N. Isaac,
of, Souris, who survives -with two
children,_ Katherine and Russell. Twa:
biiothers and three sisters' also sur
vive: A,D. McCartney, Clinton, Ont.;
Geo. McCartney, Woodstock, Ont.;
Mrs. G. B. Hanly, of Clinton, Mrs,
Nay of Souris, and Mies Mary Mc-
Cartney of Detroit, Mich., who has
been with her 'during the lett year.
The late Mrs. Robt. Mitchell, of Sout'
is, was also a sister. The funeral'
Willbe heid'•oe Thursday afternoon
from the 'rdsidenee,'31-7-20, at 3':30.
Rev. Thos. Neville' will conduct the
r'When one read the funeral card
that announced the death of David
Beacom at the fairly allotted age of
one hundred years,one month and
eleven days," writes a citizen to The
News -Record, 'there were many .who,
like the writer, felt he had Iost a good
old friend. For to know David. Bea -
C0111 tv05. to love him. 'He was essent-
ially What can be best described as 'a.
dear old man.' . During the many
years the writer was favored-hYhis
acquaintance he cannot recall a soli-
tary instance when David Beacom'
ever said an unkind weed of anybody.
He had a keen Irish humour, well de-
scribed, if -I many be permitted, by
recounting the following' occurrence.
I met dear old" David elm morning
and in the course 'of conversation,
which had- taken a : political turn, I
said to, him.' 'You have voted, taken
nart in elections, for many years?' -'I
have,' said he, 'for• over seventy
years' Then with - a twinkle in his
eve he said: 17 ani proud to tell you
that during tee seventy years I've,
t,rited. I only once voted for a Grit.
And that is what worries me. Do von
think I will he forgiven for such a,
i Paye sin?' 7 said, 'Don't you trouble,
hlr: Beacon's, there is forgiveness for
eel: on. But surely" there must have
leen extenuating circumstances!'
`There were' said he 'and 101 tell
vont. At that eleclion there was no
Conservative running,' and the deal
old roan laughed heartily at his joke.
We §ha11 all miss. you. Da -rid Boa -
emu. The world needs men today of
'Air, 5h L, 7.4lu ci: of Exeter, but
•fornierly'of Lown, has, taken 'over• the
store focsnerly occupied Ey the Dom-
inion Store, and intends: ropeniiig up
with a full line of groceries He also
taken wt a r the mail o,. e roti Ii -
t x4 R
A. Ilearii at the etrct of the p: eseini'
MRS,' J'OLr,IFF17 I1IE5 -
Mrs, Jolliffe, widow of the late Rev.
W. J. Jolhffe O'loronto, died at San.
Diego, California, on Thursday last
• at the age of eighty-one years,
The Rev. W.:7 'J l'
, of lila was for four
yews pastor pf Wesley church, Clin-
ton, several years. ago, and both he
and his wife will be remembered by
many here. Mr. Jolliffe> died some
time tie ago.
Wesley -Willis Y. P.'S. softball -
team went out, to .0ndesbolo on
Friday evening last to play an exhibi-
tion game with Chiselhnrst there,
winning by a handsome majority.
Londesboro-teams played in;Ciinton:
yesterday evening,boys and girls, the
local boys won in a socre. of 6-5, and
the'girls also won from°their oppon-
ents. The local players consider, that
et :quite a successful
opening to their sunnier softball
In Detroit 011 Saturday, May 7th,
Edna Irene Hyslop was called to her
Eternal Home. Miss Hyslop wee the
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mes, Wm.
Hyslop, • and 'wee : in her lath year.
She leaves her parents, a brother,'
Malcolm, . and sister, Marjorie; to
mourn the .loss of a-dearly"loved,
daughter and sister:
• The funeral service' was held Tues-
day, ilfay 106 at the parental resi-
dence, 7.532 Lawton Ave., Detroit,
with 'interment at Grand Lawn Ceme-
Miss Hyslop was 'a granddaughter.
of the late Isaac Jackson and niece
of Mr. Ernest Jackson, Hensall, for-
merly of Clinton,. Mos. E. F. Jack -
sot, Hensall, Mfrs, J. Peel, Buffalo
and MO. and Mrs. Howard Jackson,
Chicago, attended the funeral. -
`A. meeting will be held hi the
school room of St. Paul's church at
eight o'-colek on ,Wednesday . evening
next 10 the interests of the'Leper
Missttrn. This will he a. union seVVice,
everyone being welcome. An illus-
trated lecture Will be given by the
Rev.. XI. N. Konkle,. secretary of the
Mission to Lepers, which is interna
tional and interdenominational, the
work being carried on for all: lepers
everywhere. This work was ',com
reamed fifty-two years;, ago .and has
developed . in sixteen different noun
tries, at ninety-nine different stations
add"is co-operating with thirty-three
missionary societies.
15 may surprise some,
people to
learn that there Are nineteen lepers
in Canada, at two stations, ten in
Nova Scotia and nine 011 Bentinch
Island, B.C. There are five., bund -
red its the "United States and it is es-
timated` that there are 2,000,000 lep-
ers lei the world.
The funeral of Charles .F, Andrews'
oldest son of: Mr. 'and .Mrs. :Frank W.
Andrews, tools place from the family
bottle on Thursday afternoon last,
May 10th, at three o'clock, interment
being made in Clinton cemetery.
The services at the ` house and
graveside were coducted by Rev, 3. E.
Hogg, .assisted by. Rev. A. A. Hohnes
pallbearer's being chums of the de-
ceased: Brenton Hellyar, Joe Gan-
dier, Jim Turner, Chester Gregg,
Kenneth Pickett, .Arthur Lyons,
The Collegiate Institute, of ,Which.
Charlie was a student, remained tilos-
ed during the afternoon Mid the staff
and students attended in a body, and
formed a. guard of honour as the fun-
eral cortege left the house.
The floral offerings were many and
very beautiful and included wreaths
from the 'Students of the Collegiate
and Sundey school class and baskets
from tbe:staff of the C.O.I. and Div.
VI. of the .Public school.
Beside the father and lathe' there
remain four sisters; and two'brothers,
to mourn the loss of the.ioved one.
The Horne and School Club, at the
May meeting, held in the New Col-
legiate, elected the following offi-
cers for 1027-28:
Hon. President: Mrs. W, 1t4'annie b,..
President: Mrs. N. W. Trewer'tha,
1st Vice: Mrs. W. Downs.
w s.
,2nd Vice: Mrs. T. Veneer.
3rd Vice; Mrs. Sharp..
Treasurer: "..Mrs. Geo, Jenkins.
Secretary: Miss' E. 15. Carter.
Cor. Secretary: Miss M. Armstroe
Pianist: Mrs. A. T. Cooper.
Welfare;Coinrnittee ryas. Heliyar,
Mrs. Fair, Ma's, Langford, Mrs✓,
Streets,Mrs. Farnham, itTrs. C, II.
Vender, Mrs, T. 'Vender, ; Mrs, Cud -
Program Committee: M
g 9 rs.Ghowen,
Mrs .Hearn, Mrs..Gibbings; Mrs. :e.
T. Cooper; Mrs. Dandier, Miss Mc-'
Finance Committer Mrs, C Cools,
Mr's. Geo.' Elliott, Mrs. Geo. Jenkins,
Mrs. Watkins, Mrs. E. Ro ell, ?vers.
Downs, 's
w s Mr. Axon, Mrs. La n
w]o ,
Sossa1 Cornell Lice 1
Mrs Biggart, ;Llys; R. Cree, Mrs.
Hawkins, Mrs. B. Iaavis, Mats: Castle.
Look Out Commltteet M`i•s. W.
lumsteel, Mrs. R. Manniiig, Mrs,
aylor, Mrs. Curmighanie,.Mee. Twy-
rd, Miss Beaton, Mrs, Ilanly,
your steadfast, unflinching type. T
Ibegtuieseat in pacel' " To
Mr;, and 5711. John Cpnningk5au' of
Brussels, an)nourice- the engagement_
of their daughter, 0 trolino Jessie, to
i:itlri rs (117ac) Scarlett, of Toronto,
son of the late Mr. and MPs. John
Senile -Lt. The wedding will take Mace
in Toronto early in June.
Mi John Rin. foal is not well thin.
week, his friends are 10)1,0 to hear.
llopc he will., soon be about iigain.
There is no dearth- 01 "(;rowing
showers" these days. Fact is :lady
showers are -growing altogether too
Tice Clinton Collegiate cadets - are
undergoing -inspection n t
hrs 'morning,
and it is not t the nicest sort of weath-
er for it, either,
The prises for an essay on Canada,
which were to have been presented
to Miss Marian Snell at No. 5. school,
Mullett, on Einpiee Day, will be a
feature of the Dominion Day celebra-
tion m Clinton. instead,
The long point is -•.to' be shorn off
the side walk at the Banit . of Mont-
real corner: The pole at the point
lute been. moved and then "'
hydra t ie
also being moved. This will groe
more, room, for traffic around the
The Collegiate was closed from,
Friday until Wednesday morning; to
allow the teaching staff to spend"the
week -end and holiday at. their Several
hones. The school . Will "keep" on
June third, which is a st:hoolaioliday,
to make up for Monday.
people You ; Know
Miss Winnie MciWath of theToronto
University is home. • _
Miss Vera Dodds of Toronto spent
the week -end at her borne in 'town.
Miss Cora .Jervis of. Toronto Uni-
versity is home for the long vaea-
Mrs:. Armstrong and 1frs. W. Wheat-
ley and Mr. Percy Wheatley of Tor-
onto have 'Seen visiting friends in
Mi•. and Mrs, T. Sharp and family of
Seafor'th have been visiting 112r,.and
'Mrs. A. Cante)on and Mr.'and Mrs.
G. T. Jenkins,
Miss Clara Ferguson of Stratford,
who is recoveringfrom a very ser -
ions i r ss: t
it to ,, is n .l a 'w
eseilt:.stayu ,
With Dr. and Mee. Shaw.
Mee..' E. C. Andrews: and Master-
Buddy of Scarboro Bluffs spent the
week-entl et the home of Magis-
trate and Mrs. S. 3. Andrews.
Mr. And Mrs. F. W. Johnston: and
Miss Mildred Johnston spent the
week -end with Rohl Burwell, Fen-
wick, Galt and Hespeler friends.
Mrs E. P"loody, Miss Olive 'Moody and
Mr. W, .50.-Floody and little daugh-
ter, Miss Catherine, of Toronto
. spent the week -end with: Clinton
relatives. -
Mr.Dean Courtice of Hamilton, Mr,
W.R.Mill Miller,
es Mr. ChesterMiller
and Mrs. Bessie Courtied of !Peron-
to were: - week -end guests at the
home er Ei G. Courtiee,
Mi. F. F. Gillies and Miss -Marion of
Kitchener spent, the week -end -and
holiday in town and on their re-
turn Were _accompanied by Mrs.
Gillies, who came up to, attend
Charles Andrews' fiinergL .en 1 -clay.
Huron Road East
A•I'r. and Mrs, Albert Bond of Goder-,
iclr township spent Sunday last it Mr.
Noble Holland's.
Mr. A. Watson of the Nile visited
at the home of 1171•. Wm. Ball on Sun-
day last,. ,
Mr, add. itis. Frank Picot of 'God-
crisp township spent` 'Sunday at the
home of Mr,,' Geo. A. Vanderburgh.
Mr. and Mks. A, Matheson and fanc-
ily spent an evening recently at the
home of Mo, Wm. Ball.
Mr, Wm. Ball has purchased a new
Essex coach.
Mr. and Mrs. R. McFarlane of
Goderich spent, Sunday last at Mr.
Chas. Mann's.
ilIr. and Mrs. Allen Betties and fam-
ily and 1131•. and Mrs. Geo. Monk and
family of Porters Ifill spent Monday
evening last at the 7ionre of Mr. Geo.
A. Vanderhurgh.
Mi`. Frank Hilbert of .Goder'ich has
beet visiting with ales. Hill ,c1 hisson Harold.
Mr. Robert 'Taylor has purchased a
new Overland Whippet; Six and Mee.
Wm. Timms has hought a Cliry'sler 50
Quite a number went in to Goderieh
last Tuesday evening to lieer Rev. Mr.
Savage;, the popular 1•adiop reacher,
Mr•. and Mrs. Ernest Robertson oe
Toronto visited Blair's and 'Mul ro's
one day last s.'»'? .
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Baxter of God-
erielr visited Mr. and Mrs, Joe Carter
on Sunday.
Mr, and Aries.' Wilfred. Donaldson.
ar_d .fanny of Godm•ich spent Sunrlay.
With Auburn friends.
Mrs. E McAsln of
71 c .r,e r pent ti
few clays with his son during the past
Mr' E. Chutes hosu • h Ford
A ?c aacil a; I`ord
terming car. This will be a great con-
venience for Mr. Chuter in getting to
his woi;k„as he often has to take long
drives: Al, present he is decorating
the Anglican church at-1'Iensail.
Ret. 5170.- Brown, former pastor of
the 'Methodist church.' here, accom-
panied by his wife, spent the week-
end at the Borne of Mrs, `Jas. McCly..,
Rev. Mr. White took charge- of. the
service. in: the United church' Sunday
"Those from a 01 u1ce whe ,pent the
holiday in the village were; Mr, and
llrs. W. MM,ccAsh, 11zi,, es Gladys and
Emily Beatty and Mies Irerre Ureter
all of -London.
The W.' A - and '
1 Girl's- r ,i St.
John's Church spent a most enjoyable
afternoon at . the Houle al' 5». an[i
Mrs, H. Diehl on Tuesday .Inst,
Mrs. R. Stephenson gave al very in-
teresting talk. at the' League Friday
eight . •
Mr. P. Coleman shipped a carload!
of lie stock to Toronto Saturdr .
, The many •friends of Miss Jana
Johnston. will be sorry to hear tfiat
she -has not been so well lately.
E aiijfleld
Mks. Agnes Murray returned to De..
-Emit on Friday last after having spent
a week -with her son;' Donald Murray.
Mr, Jas. Cameron and_ Miss Isobel.
and M• sten Evans' Cameron
d 5' r
rein tied
to Toronto on Tuesday after (raving
spent the week -end with Miss Grace
R. 'Cameron..
We are glad to report that Miss
A. Woods has recovered front her re-
cent illness and was able to resume
her dude's at school this' h'eek
Dr, and Mrs. Tillman and family.
of London 'spent the week -end and
Victoria Day at their: summer resi-
1VIr. Merton ill,'ereer was home for
the holiday.
Mrs. A. Wigle • and Mrs. A. Catling
pf Louden spent: the week -end and
holiday with their parents, Mr. and •
Mrs. Jas. Sturgeon,
Miss Grace Jolvett`was home from
London for the weep -end: end the
Mr. H. K. Mooi'houseretuured to
London on Wednesday morning after
spending a few days at,his cottage.
Mr, and Mrs, W1. Ferguson and
family of Egmondville spent A few
days in the village.
Me.. and MTs. J. Dixon and Miss
Carrie Dixon of Galt spent the week-
end at the rectory, "Mrs. Paull, Who
has been visiting in Galt, accompanied
thein irei,)e.
'ltfrs•"7; P:: Sniith"atid babe'o2 Lon-
don are visiting, her parents, Mr, and
Mrs, Chas.. Paelter.;' Air, Smith was
alsoa guest over the week -end.
Miss Thelma Ritz of Stratford was
horde forthe holiday,
Mr. and Mrs E. A, Saudere Bobby
and Betty Sander and Mrs, Fisher of
Kitchener spent Monday and Tuesday'
wit'p like. Edwards, who returned
with them Tuesday evening. + ;
Mr, and XI:. Harold Kitrg and lit-
tle Harold Attwood of Sarnia were,,
guests of Mi. and Mrs. Chas. Parker
overt eweek-end veer end and holiday, Wm.
Parker • also visited his parents, re:
turning to Sarnia on Sunday.evene
Mr. Fred Trebilcock, Mrs. Trebil-
cock,.Mrs. Walsh and daughter Mar-
garet' • of London are spending a few
days at Mrs. Trebilcock'c cottage.
Mr..Leslio . Elliott, Mrs. Elliott,
,lean Dunn, Miss H. Gerrie, Miss
Lucy Woods and Mrs; F. Baker had
au enjoyable motor trip to„London
and Iirgersbll last Saturday, return-
ing on Sunday evening. Miss Beret-
rice Gerrie accompanied them on the
return trip and •- spent Monday and
Tuesday with her sister.
Miss A. ,McIntyre 'of Stratitroy' ar-
rived Monday to spend the sunnier,.
is a •guest at Mrs. M, iWcLeod's.
luras Susie Westlake ansi Mies 11 ary
Gingrich returned on Friday' after_. a
ti oi
twols weeks' enjoyable holiday in. De-
Mr.•end bls
r r . Hugh McLaren and
family of Port Elgin visited Mrs, Me
Laren's mother, Mrs. W. Stirling,
over the Week -end and Victoria Day.
Amongst those who spent the week-
end' and holiday at their summer, cot -
ages here were: Mrs, Minnie and
Miss: Helen Ross, Mir, and Mrs. W. D.
Stevenson, Ur. and Mrs. Thornton'
Mustard, Mrs; Hodgins, Professor
Lloyd, Hodgins, -Toronto; Mrs. E. N.
Hart, Dorothy. and Ted Hart, Mr. and
fps. C. B. Chapman and family, Mr.
nd Mee. C. 15.: Will 'and family, Mr.
nd Ma's, W. H. Robinson and family,
Dr. and Mrs. N. `3. Alexalcder and
on George, Mis rind Mrs: 'Melee=
Glass and two daughters, Mr. and
Ips. W. Cotton, Bud and Jean Cotton
ondon; Mr. and Mrs.: R. T. Orr and
tinily, Stratford; Dr. and Mis. G. At -
Exeter; Dr, mid Mes. Shields
nd fancily of; Tiitchoner"; Dr. and Mee.
eitamestone and family of Waterloo;
7r. F. Trebell and family of: Strat-
Mr. David Dewar of Toronto spenl
'ictoria, Day with his parents.
.iowett's Pavilltee opeled on Vie-
or'ia Day, Harold Slcinnee's :Blue
Water Boys; supplied the music.
Vestan pians to hold'a dance' every
Wednesday evening in June.
Rev. F. I3. Paull officiated at the
evice .of holy Baptism in .Trinity
leueeh on Sunday morning last, when:
Ion Parker South, infant son oe gr.
nd 1151. L. 13. Smith of London was
The postmaster has received pee-
:1 ''n from the Departmen i to ob-
ere-e the
weekly'half ' holiday yon
bersday front Jurtie to
September, in,
lusive. Patrons will save themselves
nenrnirenienoc by r011Jcing an effort to
enen1bor this.
Holiday visitors at the Ritz' hotel'
ere: Mr. and Mrs. E, Etheringtoii'
nd family and hen and 57!'.. W. H.
udson, Stratford.