HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-05-19, Page 8TIE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD CLINTON'S EADING JEWELERY STORE Graduation Graduation time will soon be here, and we have already antici- pated the annual demand for tok- ens of jewelry that will express most appropriately sincere con- gratulations and encouragement for future years. An oarly . selection will assure you of a wide choice. ' As always, Quality; and Beautyand Reason- - able Prices. Don't forget to see our display o@; polished Brass, the best ever shown. In prices ranging froin ;3 ic.:up to 310:00. JOHNSON Gi amite• of Teronte College of. Optometry Fine Jewellery lid Repairs ,, ,Next Iloveyy's" Drug Store ,y .L VALUES for the Week -end in Towels and Towelling Bath, Towels, large size, colored, special value at, per pair 69c Smallsize, special at per pair 49c Large size, white, a good heavy towel, special value at, per pair 98c Another shipment of Tea Towels, Pure Linen, large size Very Special, each 25c . Pure Linen Towelling; reg. 25e a yard, specialvalue at , , 19e Check Tea Towelling, 17 inches wide, .Special value at 12e a yard or 3 yards fox: ... Fancy white Pure Linen Huck Towels, special value at, per pair 98c SPECIAL PRICES ON OTHER LINES TO CLEAR P1iste€i Bros. PRONH'-' ?b. There is a Difference Try our fine Teas and Coffee vim. orHE C. & S. GROC1;ES It Won't be Long with this Mower Gardening and ]awn work is made pleasant with the right tools. A lawn mower is necessary for well cut grass: Hedge shears are. indispensable to good looking hedges. No matter what you gardening tool requirements may be you can get them from us We have a complete supply of gardening supplies. Come in mid prepare yourself lot' the sannner menthe. All our hardware is, lea- Sonabiy 144041. The HEST Plumbing .fobs are Done by Sutter et Perdue PLUMBINO EA1't$WARE • ELECTRIC WIRING PHONE 147w FREE -1 Confederation Shopping Bag with every three dollar or more purchase on Saturday, May 21st. PURE ,LARD, " 20'' Ib. Pail, ^3.25. Prudes, 2 lbs, for• 25e P. & G. Soap, 10 bars for 50e Seedless Raisins, 2 Ib. for 29e Canned Peas, 2 for . . 25e Rice, 3 lb, for ........ i.. 25e Canned Tomatoes, 2 for ... 25c • Macaroni " 2 lb. for , 25c :Canned Corn, 2 for' 29c Corn Flak est 3 for : 29c Orange Pekoe Tea, per ib.: 85c Jelly Powder;„,with; tumbler. 25c Ketchup, large size . ; 25c Matches, 3 boxes for .. .. 25c Libby's Pork & Beans 2 for 25e PINEAPPLES for Preserving May 23rd to May 2Sth. Fruits and Vegetables in Season PHONE 111 awson Go. PROPIIPT DELIVERY Music entertains,, associates "the .gam ily in, the same thought, the same joy and the same task, begets good humor and makes families happy. - • You perhaps know what good value you have had in previous issues --of'' the Feist Folios, No. 12 is just to hand. We regard it as•the best issue yet produced, contains 30 dance hits, 'among them are • "Sunday" "In a Little Spanish Town" "Just a Bird's-eye View" "Hum Your Troubles Away" "I've- Lost All My Love for You" and 25 others, all for 60c. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG WITH ANY FEIST SONG The W. D. Fair ° Qa. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Mrs. F. W. Hovey has been absent on a week's visit. Mr. Berg Marshall of the University of Toronto is home for the long vacation, • Registrar W. Coats .of. Goderich was in town on Friday last, Conning' down to attend the funeral of the late Harrison Wiltse: Mrs. (Revr) L. C. Harrison and child- ren have returned,faom a cpuple,of menthe' visit with her parents at Van Buren. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Blanchard of De- troit are visiting at the home of the +lady's mother, Mrs. Geo. Pickett, Albert street. Mrs. Mary Charlesworth, who has been residing in town for some months, left yesterday . 'for Grand Forks, North Dakota. Mr. ,H. Charlesworth accompanied - his mother as far as London. Mrs. Fred Joyner of Srnitltville ac- iK eompanied Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Car- ter when they returned home Sun- day from the Niagara District, and $s spending a week in Clinton. Her husband will come up for her the end of the week. Mr, and.; Mrs. R. B. Carter` and Miss • Eva motored down through the fruit belt last week -end, visiting at the home of Mrs. Carter's brother at Smithville and viewing the trios- soni , which were not quite full but still very fine. • Miss Agnes Walker and her friend, Miss Elinor McFarlane, who have been on the teaching stall of. Xing- ston Public schools and have been the past year teaching InGlasgow, Scotland, .spent their Easter holt, days in Nice and Paris. They also visited the grave of Miss Wialker'u brother in Arra cetiiet2r`y. They were very much taken" with the ap-; pettrance of the cemetery and in the way it is looked after. Lo>mndesbore Mr. and Mrs. Will Tamblyn of Ton. onto motored up to spend' the week- end with the fcamer's',mother. Mx., and Mrs. ;Frank Campbell and. Miss Vinnie of Westfield were callers. here Sunday,' Winnie" .accompanied' Mr. and Mirs. Tamblyn to Toronto. *. and Mrs. Arthur Kerslake of. near Exeter have been visiting. Mrs. Kersiake's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lyon. - Harry Lyon is visiting Luck- now friends. Mr. and Mrs. "James McCool, Mrs., W,m. McCool and Mr. Wm. Moon "vis. ited the fornrer's"sister in Woodstock on Sunday last Mr. and Mfrs. E. Adams spent Tues- day in Goderich. Mr. Fred Johnston spent the week- end at his home here. ' Nfiss 21.'L6fott, is visiting Clinton friends this week. Mrs.. Richard Vodden, who is under the doctor's care, is improving. Mr. Will Brundson is adding to the appearance of his property by erect- ing a new garage. Mr. Frank Little and Mr. Richard Vodden' have each purchased a new Pontiac' car. Mrs. Giles Jenkins. of Goderich has returned hone after" spending a few weeks inthe vicinity. of Blyth and Lopdesboro, visiting her son, William, and her daughters; Mrs.' William Webster', and Mrs. William Snell. She also visited Clinton friends. Mrs. McElroy of Seaforth is visit- ing Mrs. C. 13. Manning. Miss Alice Fingland spent last week with Mrs. Geo. Johnston, Blyth. An exhibition game of softball will be played .Friday night between Clin- liuiou's Bi TIBU11SDAY', lUAY,i9 __ 7 orner Grocer 24th UC 111117 StlE JIALS Including cap of Pure Cane Sugar due to arrive May 25th This is our fourth car and market is decidedly'f rna. Get our -..price off scar. ` ".Also Redpath -s. Every ,day in May we are Introducing Something New Have you -tried our newHoris react -or," Mammy's Bread and Cakes," Eventually, why not now.. First shipment, Friday .and ,Saturday May 20 and .21st, Vi -Tone... The New Food Drink, 35c Large Size, 59e Special FOR 24th MAY . O'Keefe's Ginger Ale leen AVitati One Teapot with each pound of Falcon Tea—Per Ib., 75c Fresh Salmon Trout, Tuesdays and Fridays 13A130—The New Cleanser, sold on a Guarantee. "- With each tin at 15c, a generons sample tin Free. Try sample. If not satisfied return large tin and get yourmoneyyback. For 24th of May Specials Large Bottle Olives . .. ..•-............. ...... 59e Cheese Chips',.. each Large Bottle Pimentos 39c G. & B. Ginger Marmalade ......,, 250 _C. & B. Chutney Sauce .... . .. .•.85c Pimento Cream Cheese 25e 0 15e and 35e Pitted Da glass :: 10c Large Pineapple 2' tins for Pitted Dates ... ... .,. 25c >• 35e Pineapples, ready for Canning. Strawberries , Cucumbers, New Potatoes .and -Tomatoes. -In 'the Merning First Delivery 9 a. JD. In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30,p.nt . Kindly Order Early cash and Service • WT Nett Phone 48 Where "Sells•for less" price prevails. ai+irAi`+er reMaWN0.001 + lire Conibination Screen "-arid Storm Doors FOR USE. INT WINTER AND SUMMER We pave three sizes in stock, comglete with Screen and Glass 2 ft. 6 in.x6 ft. 6 in.xl% in. 2 ft 8 in.x6 ft. - 8 in.xl% in. 2 ft. 10 in.x6 ft. 10 in.xl% in. Thomas McKenzie Estate, Clinton LUMBER AND'HIGPf GRADE MILLWORK PHONE 88 tori -and Chiselhurst",girls' `teams at 6:45. This will be a fast. game: felAY-FAIR' Rev, J. L. Stewart, D.D., of West China University will preach at both servieee next Sunday and at Con- stance in the afternoon..'' His message wilf'be interesting. All weleome. At the Friday night meeting of the- Young. Peoples' grottps the following were appointed to supervise softl,all work for the suntmete Directors Rev. B. Srie11 mays' teatn captain Art Lyon; managing committee: Art. Lyon, J. W. Armstrong, Harold Snell; scorer: Edwin Woods;, Trees- urer: Bert Gray; girls' team .. eap- tam; Alberta Snell; managing com- mittee: Alberta Snell,' Rosalie Craw- fordr Jean lloltzhauer, Hattie Gray;. .scorer: Mary. Woods; treasurer: Verde Watson; umpires: Rev. B. Snell, J. W. Armstrong, Harold Snell. ZURICH: The new fire truck for Zurich arrived last week and in every. waY proved • up to expectations' as it Was demonstrated that two lines of hose could be attached, throwing streamsof water on the top of any building in Zurich: JUNE BAZAAR Under, Auspices of 'Ladies' Auxiliary of Presbyterian Church. On. DR. SHAW'S LAWN ` FRIDAY, JUNE 3rd From 3 tb 6 p.m. ' Candy Booth— Mrs. Axon, Convener. Apron Booth -Mrs. M. D. McTaggart, Convener, ` Panay Work and Gift Booth—Mrs. Sharp, Convener. Homemade Baking Booth—Miss M. Pearson,Convener. Touch and Take Booth—Mrs. Mc - Murchie, Convener. Rummage. Booth—Mrs. Streets, Con- vener. • Afternoon Tea=Mrs. Forrester, Con-; vener. Donations will be received by the conveners, or can be ]eft at Misg IV1c- Donald's store. "]0-3 Under the auspices of the' GIRLS CLUB OF WESLEY-WILLIS CHURCH In the Church Hall on Friday s µ afternoon [NAY" a 'th Froin 4 to 7. o'clock Table of Miscellaneous Articles valued up to 75 cents Touch and Take Booth -25e parcels Candy and Home Made Baking A 25 cent tea will also be served dur- ing the sale Menu: Potato Salad Devilled Eggs Jelly Pickleg: Rolls Pio Tea and Coffee 00-3 PREPARE FOR YOUR SIrAIMEl2 GUESTS this year by getting .that pew Bath- room outfit you've been ittlking about for years, but have just been putting it of. Come' in to -morrow and see our display. We will give you a "good price" and a "good job." We also do any kind of plumbing and repairing Give 'us a chanee'bbfore you decide awkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phos 244 May ism Linoleum and Congoleum Month • We have a wonderful stook of all the new patterns of Congoleum Rugs in all sizes. Prices are down this season. :Come and see our new'Inlaid Linoleum Rugs, the finest and best wearing product ever put on the market. We have several new patterns of Inlaid Linoleum by the yard. -It pays to buy Inlaid. A greatassortment of Japanese Fibre Matsin all sizes, ranging from 27x54 inches to 9x12 feet. Prices from 60e to $6.00. For your verandah see our large window. You will fled what you want there. We stjll have a few Cedar Chests left to shod your fur coats, etc., inte and feel satisfied as these chests are absolutely moth proof. If itis a New Bed, Sprung or Mattress you went, we sure have the stock to select from and. slur prices are bound to satisfy you. EVERYTHING ELSE IN UP-TO-DATE FURNITURE louse Cleaningtime is right on. We have everything that pleases the housewife. Wall and Ceiling $rushes..—Muresco for the walls --Stains rind Floor Enamel for the floors—a full. line of lawn Mowers and garden t8ols—a full stock of Brantford Roofing in Slab, Slate and Roll, of different grades -the Roof that stands the test. PLUMBING ESTIMATES GIVEN Clinton Harware and Furniture Co THE. STORES WITH A STOCM FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENTDEALERSFurniture Phone: 104 Hardware 125 `` Appearance is the Thing, Old Fellow!" "Clothes may not stake the man, but they de. make his appear- ance. That's why , I make sure that iny• suits are made by Davis and Herman. See our Specials in Spring and Fall Overcoats at $25.00 Davis Sic Her -Ian Custom Tailoring Cleaning and Pressing Eggs Eggs Eggs Bring us your Eggs While Fresh :.also your large fat broody hens ,VIT Pay Spot Cash ,: is Gunn, La lois Limited HEAD OFFICE - MONTREAL,' QUE. For further information apply to - CLIN'CONWL'RANCH, CLINTON, ONTARJO PHONE 190'