HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-05-19, Page 7rl �-i �alrar Special Piano Bargains Pianos at All Prices T. J. MeNEIL Clinton's Musical instrument Representative Always at Your Service Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton The modern young man wearing"Iiivictus" Shoes feels he is stepping "on top of the world." VILE BEST GOOD SROB PLUMSTEEL BROS. HERE COMES SUMMER AND THE STEAMER GRRYHOUND LOW'PARE EXCURSION CU ANNUALX R Gederikh to Detroit and Return n THE BIG, STEEL STEAMER GREYHOUND q X4.00 SAFEe SPEEDY COM%ORTABLEND,Ze�+� Round Trip WILL LEAVE GODERICH One Way, TUESDAY, JUNE 7th,AT 9:30 a.m. Arriving Port Huron 1:30 p.m. Detroit 35:30 Imre Returning leaves Detroit 1 p.m., Thursday, June 9th The only boat trip from Goderieh to Detroit this season. Children . between 6 and 121 half fare. Visit your Michigan 'friends and- see magnificent Detroit, A delightful trip over the grealitinternational highwaq of lakes and rivers. Leek Trip Goderich to Detroit, Friday, June 10th, 9:30 a.m. MOONLIGHT OUT OF GODERICII' 'Monday, .Tune 6th; at 8:30 p.m. FINZ1 L'S Qrehestra for dancing in steamer's big ball room. Three hours on beautiful Lake Huron for 50e; children 25c PROTEC' Natures Preservative PROTECT° is Nature's own preserver and beautifier —Creosote—combined with pure color and Linseed' Oil,` carried into the fibres and pores of the wood, preventing rot and decay, One gallon of PROTECTO will do the work of two to three gallons of Shingle Staid. It will look better and last twice as long. Thus, it is far more economical to use. It is the ideal finish for shingledor tnineralized composi- tion roofs, barns, garages, fences, sid- ings; bungalows and all rough wooden su faces. wr» `.t+. m t.M r- esti( 58 „peer ■leeroaco, ,s■an■u; Nam t■lar�u >.1 ? :a.- leen 1 mouse > naiOr � �iRllh>. IINa9a■aral■1■011 �ItAIRI. msare�.srmi�iaa�t�t=al`a� osp#101, `.,tit 411y' r; -CANADA, PAINT, PRODUCT FOR SA.LI BY SUTTER & PERDUE CLINTON, ONTARIO MANuricroacO EY"° OARPERTER-MORTON CO.. LOeTON Made to Walk on Carmdte Floor Varnish goes on easily, is very light in color anel gives a tough, durable finish to all floors. It ,is waterproof and walli•proof and brings out the grain of the wood. It is put up, all ready to use M clear or stain colors. Ask' for color card. Clinton ildwe--F"tarnn . Co Clinton; ..Ontario SPRINC AND SITelMER CARE OF THE ORCHARD huring the last three or they years' there hasJean a marked revival in iii- teeest in apple growingin the County of Huron. Farmers are realizing that in order to, have marketable fruit, the orchard should°receive et least the: same care and 'tune as any other farm crop. As a result, we notice all through the county' a Large number of orchards from : which the dead, wood, surplus branches and sucker growth are being thoroughly pruned. It is a very good plan at this time to scrape off the loose bark of the trunks and largerbrancheswith a hoe as the codling wdrnes and other. insects spend a part of their lives in such sheltered places. Where or- chards- are cultivated, it is advisable to begin cultivation as soon as`possi-- bie in the spring so that moisture will be retained;" and an early start for quick growth assisted. It: is minas my to use the disc where the land is not too heavy or too stony, or where a thick crop has not to be worked im Cultivation should cease not later than the middle of " Juneto prevent danger of. ''late growth. In this county where we are not bothered with the San Jose Scale, the early dormant spray of Lime Sulphur 1-7, is now generally oinitted except in orchards where the Oyster Shell Seale is very abundant.' It has been found that a spray should be applied about the time when thebuds of most varieties have. clearly burst if scab is to be con- trolled. This is called. the Earle Leaf or Pre -Pink Spray. It is applied ht the rate of Line-Sulphtu 1-40 or Bor- deaux 3-6-40.• The object, of this spray is to cover- the tips of the thorough- ly, blos- soms and theYoung'leavea ttoiough- 1y, to prevent scab spores from the old leaves in the orchard attacking - this year's. growth. This is often the most important' spray for the preven- tion of scab. At the present time, the young buds are more or less covered by small green aphids, - From examinations made, these appear' to be chiefly oat aphids, which will, in elle course of several weeks migrate to the green fields, causing but little injury to the trees. More men are applying Sodium Ni- trate to the apple trees than prev iously as it stimulates the trees into rapid growth and aids in the develop- ment of frujt. When most of the blossoms are showing pin], `the trees should be thoroughly covered with Lime Sul- phur 1-40, taking care to cover the top and outer tips of the branches thoroughly. A poison is added to this spray to control' biting insects. Either lee ills: of Arsenate of Lead or 1 Ib, of Arsenate of Lime (Calcium Arsen- ate) may be used to every 40 gallons of spray. In either case 3 lbs. of Hy- drated Lime should be added to this amount of poison. Iis seasons of rapid growth, the blossoms may some- times open before this spray is com- pleted. In, such cases the poison should be omitted. In order to obtain clean, marketable frit,: it is necessary to spray carefully and thoroughly to combat the numerous insects and dis- eases to which the fruit is subject: When most of the blossoms have fallen, thetrees are ready for the Calyx Spray. -This is the same as the Pink Spray but great care .should be taken to drive the mist right into the calyx oreye of the apple so that there is sufficient •poison to kill the young Codling worm when it attempts to enter the fruit at this point. In this spray a special effort should be made to cover the tree well from both sides.. This is the, most import- ant spray for the control of the Cod- ling Moth Moth and a day or two snakes all the difference between failure and success. About twelve days later, the Small Apple Spray is given, Lime Sulphur 1-40, with 1 pound of Lead Arsenate or 8a lb. of 'Caldera' Arsenate as a poison. Use 3 pounds of Hydrated Lime to every 40 gallons of spray. The lines should be added before put- ting in the poison..' In cases where a special spray is given for Sidewolins, the poison may be omitted from tics ,Small Apple Spray. In a year when. June is dry, the Small Apply Spray is often omitted except on varieties very subject to scab as Snow, McIntosh, Grevensteins and Early Harvest. The above sprays thoroughly put on will usually control scab success- fully. Occasionally when the weather,. is wet in "early August and, promises., t0 remain so en application of Lime Sulphur 1-50 not later than raid Auguet will act as ari insurance against late infections of scab, Wife Takes Vinol Feels Fine -Now "I was weak and had no strength. Sinee taking Vino]; I feel fine now and do any work again," Mrs. G. Barnesberger. The -very FIRST week you take Vinol, you begin to feel. stronger, eat and sleep better. Vinol is a simple, strengthening -' iron and cod liver compound in use for over 25 Years by weak, nervous women, run down men and sickly children. W. S. R. Hennes, .Druggist, , Late Hatched. Chicks Will Mature Rapidly IF F D 'or CAlier 111 For the first three months after ` hatching THE CLIN 'ON •NEWS -RECORD t THURSDAY, 1JA'%' 19, IP'2'1'`' of Uf iillalious Rebelili A' Column Prepared Especially for Wouien But Not' Forbidden to Men A survey was recently made of 568 'arm homes in the State of Michigan, when it was shown that 501 farmers possessed automobiles, 155 had rad- ios, but only 24 had bathrooms with running water. Probably if a. survey were made of the farms of Ontario some such con- dition would be'1ound'to obtain here, and it has often been a source of wonder to me why more farriers do not provide'thenisebves with the come fort and convenience of a properly equipped bathroom. ""It is the ex- pense, we cannot' afford them," I think I hear a chorus of voices ex- claim, But i'in not so sure. Any Sat- urday nicht you can see parked on the different streets of Clinton thou- sands 'upon thousands of dollars worth of automobiles, beautiful and expensive 'cars, :which would grace any street of any town or city in Canada, A dozen years ago itwas the exceptional farmer who owned a car, now the fanner who does not own one is the exception. "Well, you do notnbegrudge'us mw cars, de you?" the fanner may ask. No, I do not. I remember several years ago, when only one or two farmers in this vicin- ity owned a ,car, I weete a little article conuueiiding the wisdom of a car purchase for the farmer, pointing out that of ail. people a'farnrer might find :most: use for a car. I,have changed my mindabout some things during the interval, but not about this. Farmers can and do make great use of their cars and they have been and are a great comfort to every member of the tensity. But, admitting all ' this, if I were on a farm and had nay choice of a car and a bathroom, consideringthe dui -the - year -around comfort of . the 'whole family, I'd choose the bathroom.I remember a woman who bad reared' a large family. on a farm, having many comforts and not a few luxuries, say- ing some years ago that if she were starting life again she would have a bathroom if She had to live in one room otherwise. It is really more a ina`tter of con- 1 sidering it necessary and possible than the expense, which deters many. I. have sometimes thought if bath- room supply salesmen were as 'per- sistent as car, salesmen are their] business might flourish more. Of :orris: I can see the,difference. A,car salesman can go out and 'sell a marl a oar and can deliver..it intact, receive his money and the purchaser can collect his family, pile into the carand cat begin to enjoy it immed- iately, whereas if u rued decides to install' a. bathroom- he; has to plan the place, to' consider the water' supply and • then must endure.a lot of incon- venience and perhaps clo a lot of hard work before the new convenience is ready for use. But considering such a convenience necessary is the great thing. It used to be thought that such luxuries were only' for wealthy people in large;. cities -but of late years all new houses in the email towns where waterworks systems are located are being equipped -with all snob conveniences, and they are being added to many of the older houses. A gentleman who riesi'ded for a time in Clintorl e few years' ago exclaimed against the dearth of such conveniences in this town, which had so many other ad- vantages. His . ,idea was that the town authorities should have built a sewer" lather than macadam streets. "An f g abundance' o running water," r he said, • "and- only one tap in a house!" lie may have been right, who knows? If a sewer had been built it would have been still good, while the macadam streets are worn out and being replaced. But, be that as it may, the comfort and necessity of having bathroom accommodation in all houses is becoming daily more evident. Having such conveniences in a: town like Clinton may be a bit easier than having theta on the farm but if the detormination is there a way will be found. Most farms, at least a large number of farms, have running water or springs and ' with the outlay of some money, some 'labor ` and ingen- arty this water "could: be piped to the house. Most Yarm,himes have large cisterns with pumps and these arc- -seldom dry, if they are large enough, 110 the introduction of special con= trivances this rain water can be con- nected with the furnacein boiler' and used iri'the bath room for bathing purposes, instead of „ having to be heated in pots on the kitchen range. and carried to the bedroom and used in the washtub. In another twenty-five years, in- stead of seeing a bathroom an•exeep), ■■■e tion in the, farm houses ' of Iluron' Cbuuty 8 believe Choy will be the ue:- ucte thing. REBEKAH VARNA The Y. P, S, met on Friday evening .; as usual, with a good attendance. Mr; J. E. Har,+nwell grave an interesting talk on "Idols," Miss Blanche Taylor spent Sunday with Miss Cassie Johnston, Quite a number from around here took in the anniversary ; 'services in E'ipp en' Sunday. T splendid ap pearanee of Dunlop' Balloons : is no- --•guess- work. -That nagged road resistance is not there by chance. That adequate resiliency was . no blind selection. c You receive the benefit of ,,thirty three years of honest thinking, 'careful planning, judicious experi. ' mentation • when' you buy DUNLOP TIRES to -Clay, 007Thlrty.TIhree Years' Merit Dunlop Official Service Depots: J. B. Levis, Clinton. Clinton,Motor Truck and George H. Beatty, Varna Machine Co., Clinton. J. C, Radford, Londesboro Bert Langford, Clinton. W. Westlake, Bayfield, uality th plme t DOWER that laughs at high bills and rough roads! ' Smoothness that thrills you with delight1 Speed and acceleration that meet your every de- mand! Lopg, resilient springs that cushion,. every shock! Beauty that makes you proud to be seen driving such a cat! A rightness about every little detail that you would expect only in mut% higher -priced cars! " Alt these things Chevrolet gives .you . , e and only Chevrolet can give them at Chevrolet ptice, The Most Beautiful Chevrolet in Chevrolet History is now selling at 'new and lower prices. the lowest for which Chevrolet bas ever been sold In Canada. Roadster • - • $655 Touring • • - • $655 Sport Roadster $730 Caupe $7.$0. Coach 4760 Sedan • • • • • 4669 Cabriolet • - - 4890 Landon Sedan $930. Imperial Landau Sedan - 4979 Roudatcrbelivcrrq4695 Comra Cttasds$490 1 -Too -Truck Currie . . • • • • • $645 Prices or Factory, Oshawa—Government Taxes Lara . Chrvr eorolet History eF-sols let Levis, Clinton _. ump Ilk;' ii 1111'Ill P i*iii i'1 `�Tslia�#"7j. Cads✓3off liVaShday A whole week`s washing done in an hour! How docs, that appeal to you? Itin quite possible if you have a Beatty Washer.: It will wash and wring- 50 lbs..' of clothes in an hour. A Beatty will give you -- -•Wore .time with the chile. dren. —Marc - time fos the other . work. —More time for - rest- and recreation.' A't the end of the day you will still feel fresh and un- wearied. The clothes will be' beautifully. washed. May we demonstrate the Beatty to you? Your phone is handy and we are ready to answer it ice s i res One week from to -day brings this wonderful offer to a close, Py What You Like own Balance - Arranged amwelesposeniva See the Washer on display at Phone for a free 'de S onstration in your own ho for next wash day Clinton 11 Phone 147w e Sold and Recommended by Sold in Clinton by Ii. CHARLI'SWORTI-I 16 '‚4' AosocookromsoOmonzoioamooloOsroo may. Seo eche -. 6FJ15NG D1610