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The Clinton News Record, 1927-05-19, Page 6
T113E ,CLINTI N NEWS -RECORD Men's -and Boys' Work Boots New stock of Men's and Boys' solid leather work:' Boots, •e 1 ion fully guaranteed at prices tlaaCinvile, insp v CoRneInand Look Them Over a0 $5.0 re, had ARI 11111➢ ��`;lay' The,..est 1/.�1!➢es to BAK.R.Y'S SHOE E fi PP„ ssite post „office DYEAR Pr', es a Right Buy That SPAREou Need 1 , i 80.x 3'Iz Pathfinder Cord $8.25 30,x 3%z Winrgfoot Cord 9.00 30 x 31/z All -Weather Cord 11.50 29 x 4.40 Pathfinder Balloon .8,50. 29 x,4.40 All -Weather. Balloon 10.00 32 x 4 All -Weather Cord 22.25 33 x 41/2 All -Weather Cord 33.65 31 x 5.25 Balloon .... 20.75. 30 x 5.77 Balloon; 24.95 33 x 6.00 Balloon 26.00 Other sizes just as low W. SEELEY 4 CLINTON, ONTARIO When tire trouble comes, it's handy to be a customer of ours rl THE WORLD'S POULTRY CONGRESS TO DATE (Experimental Farms Note) The Organizing of World's Poultry Congress, to be held in Ottawa, July' 27 to August 4, 1927, began shortly after the close of the Congress held ,Spain in 1924, Early in 1925 the Congress Execu,4 tive, and the Canadian Congress Com- mittee were appointed, the Provincial .Congress Committees .were formed: The Federal Minister of Agriculture is Honorary Chairman of the Canad- ian Committee and: the Minister of Agriculture in each Province is Chair- man of the Provincial Committee. The invitations were 'sent out in January, 1926, .1, the present time 30 countries have signified their in- tention of sending: delegates, and a number of thein -exhibits. The sessions of the program will be held in tiie Auditorhun, and outside of official and public Congress meet- ings there *ill be five differentsec- tions operating, simultaneously from half -past nine to half -past twelve' each forenoon. The exhibits will be staged in the Exhibition Buildings at Lansdowne Park, which will be open from one p.m. to eleven p.m: The display of, exhibits will be the finest and most comprehensive that has ever.. been given in Canada, and although the chief feature will be poultry; the ex-: hibits will be of such a varied nature as to be of interest to every person. --Membership is by registration and the payment of the fee, which is five dollars for regualr members and' three• for associatd members. The regular members receive a copy of. the printed report of proceedings, and all are 'entitled to attend' meetings, exhibits andfunctions. There • will be •special rates for those who cone by train, and good parking and camping for motorists. Accommodation is being arranged at reasonable rates for all. Information can be secured from your Provincial C'bmmittee or from the -Executive at Ottaiva. od'for 7 • �il o g . o © e ties lo fo iS! Its the matchless at s flavor ad crispfb5S► Flavor that's never been equaled! eellogg's are fine for : evrody•With Milli or, crea-ndadd fruits or 'honey.,Serve theca e lunch' ordinnarf,f or the evening ., honaone meal. Kellogg in in the Made b OUerpfresh d.nr the vstea-and-green ed'an u Ontario. -irer"sealed 'At hotels, resold, hack. Oo aining•cars.' von{3' by all grocers Rollnesviile A 'large number of friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr, Bert Finley one evening recently and presented them with a beautiful chesterfield table. And the same ev- ening the Air Rifle Club of Holmes- v:lle'gave the young couple a lovely jardinere. There was a short pro- gram and a.pleasant ,Socia'( -evening with lunch, followed the addresses and presentations. Mr. Finley replied fit- tingly, thanking the friends for their the The Following is address accompanying the table, which was read by Mr. Earl Cudmore, "Mr. and 'Mrs. ' Bert Finlay: We, your friends • and neighbors, have gathered here tonight to extend to you our congratulations on your re- cent marriage%and to wish you bon voyage on the sea of matrimony, It` is with much pleasure that we wel- come Mrs. Finlay to • our .midst and hope that our associations may con- tinue and . deepen with the coming years, and that removal may never sever the eommbnity ties formed' to- night. As a slight token of our es- teem, we ask you to accept this table. Signed on behalf of the community: Clifton Proctor, Willie Jervis, Lorne Jervis." F. c. ELFORD, General Director of the Congress. Fighlts'i8 Years to ,Get Rid of Gas "I had stomach trouble for 18 years. Since taking Adlerika I feel better than for• years and have not been bothered with gas. --L. A. Champion. Even the FIRST spoonful of Adler- ika,relieves gas and often removes as- tonishing amount of old waste matter from the system. Makes 'you enjoy your meals and Sleep better. 'No mat- ter what you have tried for you atom. ach and bowels. Adlerika will surprise you. W. S. R. Holmes, Druggist., Huron Road East Mr. Noble Holland was in Dubin one dayrecently on business., Mr. and Mrs. Whtson and Mrs. Sprung of the Nile spent Friday ev- ening last at the home of. Mr. Wm. Bull. Mr. Chas. Mann has been busy fenc- ing the last two weeks. Mr. Ernest Vanderburgh.is busy re - gravelling his drive way. Mr. Stuart and Miss Sadie Bali at- tended -a party at Summerhill on Fri- day night last. Mrs. James Holland is not improv- ing in health as ' fast,.as her many friends would -like to see. Mr. Mervyn Hanly of the London Road and Mr. Norman Miller of Clin- ton called an Mr. ' Geo. A. Vander- burgh one day recently. Rupture- Expert Here Do you suffer from rupture'? If so, your big opportunity has now arrived. Mr. Reavely the noted rupture expert will be at the RATTENBURY HOUSE, CLINTON for one day only SATURDAY, MAY 28th THURSDAY, AY 9, 927 Auburn , "r Varicose ei s +educe Mr. and Mrs. Roy Munro of Mitch- ell spent the week -end with relatives in Auburn. Enrolment No. '1958 Form 1 APPROVED ENROLMENT CERTIFICATE of the Clydesdale Stallion CARBROOK FLASHLIGHT' Registered in the Canadian Clydes- dale Stud Book at No. 24,641. Owned by Mrs. M. E. `McMichael, of Sea- 1orth. Foaled in 1914; has been en rolled under` The -Ontario Stallion Act. Inspected on the. 16th day of Septem- ber, 1926, and Approved. Ontario Stallion Enrolment Board Robt McEwen R. W. Wade, Chairman. • Secretary. TE1 3&S-$15.00 and will be pleased to •give' free ex- amination to any sufferer and to demonstrate his famous appliance. This appliance will contract the open- ing in 10 to 15 days and will eure cases in from three to six months This appliance its positively demon- strated to you right on your own per- son without any eharge. You do not spend a penny unless you are .fully satisfied that it is the night appliance• for you. A • consultation With Mr. Reavely will cost you nothing; Don't let this opportunity get away from You. Rememberthedate. 10-2 r--.$600.00' Cash Pries A New Word C®ntest How many words can you ' snake from the thirteen letters in the three Words Nyal Stone Root. Get your contest sheetsfrom your Nyal Druggist. The person send- ing:.a list 'containing the greatest number of words wins' 6100 cash. No obliga- tion. Just a friendly way of getting to know your Nyal Druggist and the 'famous health preparation, Nyal Stone Root GompoUod. Drop in to -day at the DRUG. STORE Once a triol. -always Nycl troit 'sere home for a day or so' last week. • Mi. A, M, Rice, manager of the Standard Bank here, has purchased a new Paige sedan. , Mk. Ed. Lawson finished cutting logs at his mill last Week. Miss M. Jones of Goderich and Miss J. Curry of Toronto were the gieests of"Mrs. Antos, Andrew on Monday. Enrolment No. 1219 Form 1 APPROVED ENROLMENT CERTIFICATE Of the Clydesdale Stallion GLEN RAE Registered on the Canadian Clydesdale Stud Book as No. 8,853. Owned by Mrs. Margaret E. McMichael of Sea- forth. Foaled in 1907; has been ens rolled under.The Ontario Stallion Act. Inspected on the 256. day of, October, 1924, and Approved. Ontario Stallion Enrolment Board Robt. McEwen, : R. W. Wade, Chairman. Secretary. " TERMS --$10.00 Both horses will 'stated for the sea- son of 1927 at Lot 3, Con. 3, Hullett, under. the management of T. J. McMICHAEL Or Money Back Say Druggists, This Simple Iloine Treatment Giving .Amazing Results The world, progresses. Today ail- that tookeels to treat can itenii� weeks now Be ended in a few days. If you have ,Varicose veins or bunches you can start today to bring „them back to normal size, .and if you . are wise you will do so. Just get an original bottle of. HOG- SHIPMENTS Moono's Emerald Oil at any dispens Report of Hog Shipments for weep ing pharmacist" and apply it night and ending May 12, 1927: morning to the enlarged veins. It is Clinton: Total hogs, 49,; select ba 'ver.V powerful and. penetrating, and only a little is required. con, 26; thick smooth, 22; heavies, 1. Londesboro: Total hogs, 136; select After a few days' treatment the bacon, 43; thick smooth,' '72; heavies, 15; shop hogs, 2; lights and feeders, 4. Brucefield: 'Total hogs, 55; select bacon, 10; .thick smooth, 34; heavies/ 8; extra heavies, 1. Huron County --Total hogs, 1597; select bacon, 474; thick smooth, 896; heavies, 108; extra heavies, 5; "shop. hogs, 58; lights and feeders, 30. St. Helens Miss Vera Woods, who has spent a couple of weelss at her home here, re- turned to Tor into on Monday. Mr. J. Metcalf of London and Mr. Sam Johnson of Stanley spent a few days at the home of Mr. Robinson 'Woods. 'ltfr. John McGuire, who has been in Wingham Hospital for some time,'fs expected home this week: Mrs. Clark has returned to her home here after spending the winter months with her daughter, Mrs. Mar- vin McDowell of Westfield. We wel- come Mrs, Clark' heels to St. Helens. ;.Mr. Halliday of Chesleyhas been visiting his old friend, Mr. Jas. Ait- eheson, Sr. Little Ronald McCrosbie, son of Wm. McCrosbie, who was taken to Wingham Hospital some time aEo, is improving nicely and will be able to come home soon. Messrs. Coral McDonald and Stuart Lavis spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mr. Wilson 'Woods has invested in , a new Chevrolet coach lately. GENERAL MILLER, No. 21163 The Purebred Clydesdale Stallion Enrolment No. 1308 Form 1 Will stand for the .season of 1927 as follows: Tuesdays at Joe Flynn's, 61-11 Con. Hullett for noon, his own stable fer night. Saturdays at_ Gra- ham Homo barn, Clinton. 'Balance of each week at his own stable, Lot 18, Con. 3, Mullett. TERMS: To insure in foal, $12, payable when mare' is known to be in foal, mares not returned regularly to the horse will, be charged full insur- ance whether in foal or not. Parties' disposing of mares before foaling time will be charged full insurance. All accidents at risk of -owners of 111Ar0S. ' I ' I can prove to you this horsd got 90 per cent. in foal last season. I can take a few mares on pasture at 31.60 per week. Spring water, no bgrb wine. 1➢D. JOHNSTON, Proprietor R. R. No. 4, Clinton. Phone 636-r-3 10-2 veins will begin to grow smaller and. by regular use will soon reduce toy normal. Moone's Einerald Oil is 'also a mar- velous healing agent. . tops the ltch1ng of eczema, and a'few -,ap- plications cause the eruptions to dry up, scale off and completely disap- pear. It is equally as effective hi barber's itch, salt, rheum, redness and inflammatory skin trouble, People who want to reduce vari- cose veins, or get rid of eczema, ul- cers, or piles in a few days should not hesitate to get a bottle at once. It is. so powerful that a small bottle lasts a long time. Any pharmacy can sup- ply it. Druggists sell bots of it. 4161106111111.9,1100161.0 .010 The Purebred Percheron Stallion "MOLIERE" (Xntp.) (10656) (105351) 181776 Enrolment No. 202 Form 1 APPROVED ENROLMENT 'CERTIFICATE Of the fereheron Stallion -Moliere (imp.) registered in the Can- adian Percherom Stud Book as No.' -10656. Owned by Robt. Lamont of Clinton. Foaled ht 1912; has been en- rolled under Tho Ontario Stallion Act. Inspected on the 24th day of October, 1924, and approved. Ontario Stallion Enrolment Board Robt. 'McEwen, R. W. Wade, Chairman Secretary. Will stand for the improverneft of stock for the season of 1927 as fol- lows: MONDAY—Will leave Joe Rey-, nolds', Con. 4, Hallett, and proceed west.to•Base Line, then to lath.., Con. Goderich township to Dan Reuger's for noon, then by way of Maitland Con. to Leslie Jervis' for night. TUESDAY—To Clinton, to .Graham House for noon then by way of Lon- don Road to Fred Pepper's, Tucker - smith, for night. WEDNESDAY—South on 2nd Con. of Tuckersmith to Chris Hauch's-for noon, then east on the Mill Road to' Robert 13o3'te's, . ltgmondville, far night. , THURSDAY—South on the l{ippen Road, 231 miles, '.' then- east to Mat. Coyne's for noon,; then north .to John Lane's, McKillob, for night. FRIDAY — North , 20 miles to. Robert Hogg's fol noon, then north to Winthrop, then west to Jack Camp- bell's for night. ,SATURDAY-= West to lsinburn Road, then ,south to John Freeman's for noon, then by way of 8rd Con. of Iiullett to his own stable, where he will remain until tho:•followitg Mon- day Morning. TERMS: To insure a foal, single mare; $14.00, payable March 1st, 1928. Parties not returning mares regularly will be `chei:god the same ars if in foal ROBERT LAMONT Proprietor and Manager 10-2 Change Y®ur Attic into a comfortable den, radio room, play. room or extra sleeping quarters by erect- ing , ceilings lnd partitions of Gyproc. Gyproc will make your attic fire-resistant, warm in winter and cool in summer.. Write for free booklets -"My Rome." Itwril tell you how Gyproc, Rocboard Gypsum Insulating Sheathing and Insulex will reduce your fuel bip from 20 mom. 153 THE ONTARIO GYPSUM co., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA For Sale By Thomas McKenzie Estate Clinton, Ont. �. Geo. T. Jenkins - - - Clinton, Ont. WHEN BANK of NCONTI AL TOKgNS WET USED FOR. & MIL CHANGE T OUNDED before Canada had any currency of its own, the Bank of .1. Montreal in the early part of the Nineteenth Century obtained authori- zation from the British Government to issue copper tokens fot small change. Reproduced herewith are the two sides of the one -penny token of 1838 and d a "habitant" token of 3837. The obverse of the former shows a picture of the building used by the Bank of Montreal at that time, the obverse of the latter a typical C farmer of Lower Canada, now Quebec. The reverse of both , coins is the same, showing the arms of the city of Montreal. Throughout its long history, the Bank of Montreal has always been active in serving the financial needs of the people of Canada, steadilyextenditzg its service as the need and opportunity for it arose. BANK -OF MONTREAL Established TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OE. $710,000,000 Clinton Branch: 'H. R. SHARP, Manager CARFE'S firantine Floor Varnish, gloss or satin finish, provides ;floors of lasting charm and durability. Goes further and lasts longer. The quality is the finest, yet the price is reasonable. Let us show you our wide variety of Scarfe's products-Scarfe's Paints, Varnishes, Flat Wall Enamels, Varnish Stains, and Auto, Enamels. 14 SCARFS & CO. `. BRANTFORD a.nvri�'e:o ONTARIO For Sale By The Miller Hardware Co,