HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-05-19, Page 5fIxiterest tp You
. ,
anti Me",'.
The dwellers along the Miesitsi
BiVer Will have. &a ciifgioulty ,in
lieving the stway of the Fleod.
Toronto Willaseon be known as
City-that-loyes-babies, ,You can
babY euteide there but.sois
linclY who wanta---a «baby - coinea
!.411.cl- steals it..
• linft. It a anther .csMioile" thing, tl
-while a'wertian weald"' 'hardly ala
• beam" a•:•-•Velplibli coat dr avren a go
..Paibrella,.' at tat door of it big to.
-Tiaroate tor -.fear ... , thieves,. $
nvifl go. in arid rninniage 'oyer •a, ba
'-gain counter- leaving het -most ,yalli
ale posaeseitai„ her baby, to the mar,
any 'deranged. person - Who Coin
There is some tendeney in Clint
-to eevilre the bad habit of riding
-tykes on the sidewalks. It might
-well tis remember that there is a b
law forbidding Wand that the law o
_Goers may pounce upon an offend
It any raoinent. The sidewalks are
'built for pedestrians and the on
' -wheeled vehieles allowed upon- the
-.•are a baby's buggy, or, an invalid
* *
Wite'would 'call the attention of t
-street committee to a portion of sid
-.walk at the west side ot the poste
'lice, which M badly in need of repai
has been for some years. The wa
Than sunk, leaving the 'cement cur
'three or four inches higher than t
awalk, Making it very easy'to tri
•=over. The' step is high at this pia
:and the walk should be smooth and i
-good order to prevent accident. Oth
,er parts of the/ walk are in like co
.dition, but this being aacetssing ir
doubly dangeroue. It ought to b
:remedied without further delay.
* * *
'Tuesday next is Victoria Day and
general holiday. "The Twenty-fourt
of May is the Queen's Birthday.
you don't give us a holiday we'll a
run away." For over sixty years th
school -children sang the above coup
let and, perhaps taking the threat
-seriously, the Government after th
death of "Good„Queen Victoria" mad
It a perpetual holiday. It certaini
would seem rather strange not
celebrate tbe twenty-fourth as a boli
-day. It is in reality the celebratio
of the birthday of our sovereign, rt
matter when that birthday actual]
e ,rt
Editor A. G. Smith bas severed hi
',connection with , the Wiagham Ad
.vance-Times, after twelve years, sell
Ing out to IVIraCraig. Mr. Smith ha
-made a good job of editing and man
,aging The A.dvance, which during his
regime has taken over the The Times
-which was published in Wingham
-also the WIroxeter News and Gorri
"Vidette. He is a genial soul, too, on
'who made friends amongst the news
•papermen of the district., as well a
In the town in which ,he lived, and his
removal from the county -will be re
-gretted. M. Craig bas been forma
-with the Advance -Times for the pas
-aix months.
*'* 8 *
. Barrie has vecently had a striking
tvidence of the effect of a "story
lima" in stimulating the taste for
-good literature among the young pea-
-plc.. The lady who has conducted the
:story -hour in connection with the
"Barrie 'library has been away from
'town this winter, and as a result there
"has been a falling off of five hundred
-volumes a month in the juvenile de-
' The Clinton librarian, who also con -
(dude the Saturday "Children's Story
lioufa'.'infoems ...us that it is quite
-noticeable that, children who attend
the story 'hour become, as soon as
they can read, regular patimaas of the
.claildren's department of the library,
To tea& ehildren to love literature
;is to bestow' apon them oee of the
:greatest bleselags possible, The par-
• mita in.. Clinton Who do not see that
"'their .claildran attend the story hone
.at the Pablic• 'Library are cheating
than out of means of much pleasure
tend profit.
Owen Sound mei-chants are Making
-a unique demonstration this week,
-namely demonstrating the putchas-
ing power of a one -dollar bill. The
,demonstration was inaugurated under
-the auspices of the Retail Bureau of
'the Board of Trade and it -will be
-watched With interest, nb &mat, On
'Monday morning one member of the
'Bureau took a dollar and went to the
-store of andther member and pur•-
- •chasdd a "dollar's,worth of goods. This
bill, which is marked, will be taken, by
-this merchant and used to buy goods
:from another member of the Bureau,
anal it has been hi and out of the
business place of every member.
Ilater all the purchases, together with
'the original dollar, will be on exhibi-
lion in some one of the show wjndowit
in the town and beside them will be
'Shown the purchase made by a dollar
-sent out -df town, and the receipt fey
-the money order sent. It ought to he
a telling 'demonstration • that the
money 'kept in, town serves a, larger
number 62 peoplethan the one sent
.to.some distant mail order house.
, , raa
* *
'The Whitby Gazette tells of the ap-
preheasion of a man who had been
going about. detrauding merchants in
several towns by solieiting advertis-
ing to be placed on bogus stage
-screens. Ttre man would "sell" the
space, collect the money and depart
and that would be the last the mer-
chants would hear of their money or
their advertising. He had operated
in a number of towns and was appre-
hended at Bradford. ' It is something
of a marvel how a sraeoth-tongued
stranger can go Into almost any foam
and tallc the merchants into some ad-
watising Scheme When at the sarae
time, perhaps, they are overlooking
the very best - advertising medium
available, the -local newspaper. For
Year -and -year -out advertising noth-
ing takes the plaee of the newspaper
priated in one's own town. It is read
' not enlY bY the young men and maid-
, .
' ens who are the most general fee-
,aueatere of the moving picture she -Ws,
'.-"where they may read the advertising
TTA( tir4.o
a , ...
, .r.,•:.-rw,.....r.,,A., ,,..!...„.... , 4.pi, +pal ;a a,: „.
'tife' 'Sta0e, o' . alias 0 ..ktio"
- terdered,'',Ifa'?".eaelia 'other -Mr,' thena.::
TOlv.0 40 :i•rii.lii96309jelk.thOik9049'.'
:liatheliorane$,•••""laY-Alle-':Maitheid Mid,-.
' " . - , ,, ,''' -- ',.,- • ' .
IfetheeSaarhelireathe-t-eol.,enstoMare. et'
"theloCal mc its. hart who
,,,,,6"aaaaota •eueeeed ....),Y, jUaitiend. :and
Tiritelligerit;'adVertis'ilig,'ketaai-thd-, pith;
,iki laoiro.a,4,8, :to 0,6 ,ev6t...tho, jgthe:
„ -• • • ' -; ' • ' ' . 4°.
•initere" Of his wares ..area.thiS emr,mity,
be done by umaganovapaper space and
. . ait.4:14,.cliangljig, ofr.adyertasuir
; ;1; 4 ,. , .'' , •,' ,
.. . ,, .. ..,..
The . editet". of- UM, Pl'illiar:TiAaktit.4
' ' ',bean
, ., ., ,
r-pregent,... , Iteratlie, ,. tialf"l',,aallie
. . ''
ladgeathere -WaS.:a....ladricataeti",whear."Cia ,
Cerilied: 49-40,
' . ' " • ' .. - ' ); r k
p.p4u..,. eva James, • ory., 9
' • eilehaileePtieldeete,:the :feast . et, "TIM
'grand, Ladgc,i",' ;.:Theakeitet ,a, ,-,,,The!
,644.4,„; „ivp,a, .. osimnod, tt.9. lay., R:..g.
Young. . V ,: ala '' Dila ' 'a" -
Re, .a.E1,--, yes,,,,,,, , gan on,
15..3. MeGaw,•apd, , -. J,...MheIfay,,God-
_ .erielia•-vv1ple John . ,Wilson, Drat. . A
G.Np.kora, R. -liana jr., and Alexan-,
(i.,„..,mcKei.i. RI/1116n ' Snake ' for"
„c. 0 .t.• • t • 'f eta r .
" 'ma a- e--
at e-iir's'. ....
. _ , ., .
Fhb. tOgll'OP ti.,tEi
,yitqtt ae-' in taa' Dalatoia.-stikti.6..,6 ,
' • • • •• • • • • •,• ,,•• ,,,., . ;
' ' ..-...,,, , -1-,.:
..:,. '. - - . :" a "aa :' a ' \ .,
„..4,(4d.,:,,i t-/:1aaa;/,.,,,,,;iaaay 20,.,
- , .... ' '' ' .....' ..' .' •.' . . 7
a -Please Itenienillet This "' : '
, , -, . - . .. , . ,
, ,,,,: - : , , ..., ,•,.....a.a. aa ' L •
UgesS, ;7oras atuall
- M -ITC, REa•Uaa'A.:*,D caDINI"DiC, .
' a --- a - • • • • , • •
or. Fitriners and , PaiiltitYmen.
' e,'
to •alear
heir PanC ' ot eoosters, and ,fat,. broody
- .' ' - ' • • • • •••,••
, . ,
. „ , ..
:....• ..., „ .•;,..'..• ,.., , •: .:, .r :,,, - , . ,.• , .. .. , ,
e are huYer.s.1-2 me1ltha .01.1310 year
• for bothrbggs,atfil poilltry- . .
, , . ,.
lia- . onerala1;laadaafir,e,
• •
,'' .
. _
.,-. .
' .
Oila, pees, 'Etc:.
Stand ''• " • ' ' . •
''' ,, - ' -.'----,---- , "•-•••••.'
-;liaito• 11;--,13,.0 tiltril House
. -,,.. , . -,.,71701*.firtna %
Thoneit-Otfice 214j ,Realdente ..214•W
' - '' " '` •
19,,,, .
. .AliLeather Work
,. -- .
at T' e aal se inS t' ohs-era/Mg
' IMO / 1,9. e.. °;', , ' . . a
re Chapabits "Wert metieing theacoetinned
ed 'of 'the , yOlarigladiee ,'this "-spring and
re he. d.oesn't 'like the .panaelance of
• • °ee a 0 e. ,1817
tors" -Wits aecortiaanied by. oeinarks
,aa,aMT.,,,4eOva.. ki„,-0, , kin ;aria 1,,,, H,
Mitchelk a"' ' • ''' a-": ' ., ' '
._-, .--. , ' •-••, ,. -
• .. . .... . ..
gd t . ilk. Ylovet$
. • ' • • ' ' a a• ',' • , ' •
1.at" Pal°, '
a-'.. ',. "Ole*" is • ajfaal'Oaable. ehad-e
,,. .this,'..Matipg..and, -there 'are Marty-,
ed. ' "Youag ladiee" ea,. ,the 'Street -whoa,
-look like nierry'aridowet. ' Tlima da •-,
Mot- hoiveVea• '16•61cTaalf:tio 'Mere'9
al as hi, their, aright and aitriactive
SEAPORTIT.: • Mr. James *Mean
• !a"' 1,!Taaa• . • 9, car' . a ' ?-11--elea '.•"--'""-•
saftmeanalding, ipsurance business
and-, •Sevoing machine' agenCY), t° "Igr-
NI; .A.'Reidf. of Holstein:" (ante and in
future the haelnesS Will be eoaaucted:..
,Illi el the X1.4 n 4, W t8°1 & R
: ' a .- '.•
Ancl ploral '17)/;.'oek for ell CleeesiOnS
-NOW is 'the -tinie to • selett yew":
Piants.-for Hitegiag Baskets, 'etc. '"
• - •• • -a - ' ' . •. --ta - •; a • ,-,' - '• ,
: ' • Ch 3S V. CO:Cili . ,
, .. .. .
... - ' ,
ediger S. Garage
. .. . , .
Overhauled and 'Repeite.d. 7
- .
. .,. or
, ' ,
n. an
- ,
' gowns of fennelaeason. s ''''''' • ." -
a aa, . ' a • • • . ..
Women. hare:•beeome More er less
,,r-. -aechitomedi no-denbt,•to having .their,
C clothes;'1.11-anner' • of ' doing,their hair
and their .genpral,:behavione critieised,
hilt the ,Orilliti. 'editet doesn't seem to
Y approve of all . the . Mea's fashions,
either. In the same issife he hasthe.
8 following oonnnont on that most un-.
, becontinga',and•
Iasa' tanee'-'lligellaY* .141.' Wa-ts°221. w*
retain, an active. intmest in this bum
nese •Whieh was established oyer 50
years ' ago by his .father, the late Wa
N. 1:Veteran.. Mr. Reid-, . who Mae had
considerable experience in the i•risar-
once 'business, will also give his pee-
aonal attention to ail matters pertain-,
big to the new .firni. .
. • •
-. - ' . , ,
Used Cars for Sate
. .,.. , -• • a -- •
,''''W' -hav'•e'•Uadge' 'llVfaX ' HS; Essex
ivfetaei:i.,81,-il_ms, ..cheayi1 ,91.6,tsere8i,,,d 11.,prd4
opert • and.' closed models •
. - a -' • '
Your Old Ca Taken. as Part Payment
. .
• - ; "Teynag, if Desired
. . . ,
'Charged, Stored' for whiter Months
. . d lIe ' • d ' •
an aaue
. , . .
• ' . SAATES,"
. •
' dround and Mined
' Outfits Metalled
' Gasoline-Oils-Accessorie
We price them, beyond coinpetitipn in Ontario '
• . „
'iridtirling Eatons, Buying 'for Cash enables
• -- . ' • -. •
. „„ „ .,
you to get them at ock liottomp.rices..
sloppy ,etyle. known. as
"Oxford EagS," and we, find ourselves
e in hearty agreement:: " ' ' • .
1- ",/The announcement is made
'that ladies' skirts. are to be
• •
Births .
dOVIER-In Hulle6t township on
May. 15th, to Mr. and, Mrs. Will
" '
' A. 5. MALEY
' ' •
, ,
J.. Nediger -P
1rop .
. ..,
For Sale'
A small hoUse„ to be moved off
Property, also a few nieces' a furni
7 7 - ' •- ' - - ---
tare.- APPlY to M1rs. 0011 y, kai7
street, • OM
- .
C anada and Meted States' ^
, - • All Loads insured '
Reasonable Rates -Covered Vara
or 1 ,
Write,PhoneClinton626-r 21
. ,
will be at -his office
"creased.e ;• WhY ., riot . ;an-
i. ,aeaseat, first? says thd Whitby
e .- Gazette and.; Chronicle. But why '
p increased?, If sence editors wish •
t to reatorm present clef weering
. ..
e apparel, they should begin on the
men Who . wear trousers big en-
- , ougli for .Goliath, and overcoats
s -built for an elephant. • Of the
, .
two the women are the more
. sensibly dressed."
- a
Gooier, the gift of a daaglater. .
'' BLL -.At Evergreen Farm, Auburn,
- On MaY 12t11,10 11,11.1%,And Mrs. Amos,
Ball, the gift of a daughter: -
, . .
MILLER -In Goderich township, on
.May 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
'Miller, the gift of a *daughter. -
Elfreda June.,
CRICH-In Tim ' •
kersmith on May 7th,
' •
to Mr. and Mrs. Heiman Candi, the
.a .
' • ' .. _
'ror.,Cenlente-Work, 'II). a Goderich
. ----;-
. .a.eridersafor the-conatruction of a
carielit bridge on• Con. 4 Lot 19, pea.•
_ . . . , a.. ....
VI yard, will be received by the
ea --e . . , . . - .. ,
Toweehip a. Goderich .until My 26th.
Aleo•foe the. conatimetion of :ment
arch at Porter's Hill. The contractor
to:remove present,structime and leave
the. read passable -for traffic. Plans
. a
For Sale or Rent
House in Joseph street, 7 roOme,
„wiy papered, modern conveniences,
corner lot, gmage, chicken house, all
in good condition. For terms apply
to Clifford Lobb, Clinton. ' 09-tf
. House For Sale
. • • • • t• '
A nine-imorn house on Piumess
street, 14 ace lot, ,.
• electric light fur -
nace,,,three-piece bath, all in first-
class condition. Apply to E. L. Mit-
tell, Clieton, Phone 213.
,in Clinton -.each
- From 3 to 6 p.m.
s-. 30-tf.
‘ Brucefield. .
gift of a daughter -Helen Doreen.
•c LA.RKSON-In Clinton, on May
•.-18tai to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Clark-
' '
and .specifications may De seen al the
Clerk's office atter, May 23rd.
..., , ,
..t. -R. •da Thompson 'Clerk.
' • ' . - '
. •
" a
• about School Work for young
people leaving High School is a
- aeal problem. Probably our
curriculum may help. Mailed
Baby Chicks and
Custom Hatching
. -
S. C. W. • Leghorns chicks, $15.00
House For Sale .
Large red brick house, corner Or-
a-nge and Wellington streets, 8 rooms,
all modern conveniences. Possession
when desired, Also a barn and 14 acre
lot on Wellington street. Apply to
1VIrs. W. Jenkins. , 06-tf-6p
- •
, mrs. T. liacCar,they of Clinton Via-,
' ited friends in Beucefield last week.
' Mrs. 1VIcKay of Hamilton, formerly
- Miss Mary McCowan of St•anleyc iris':
t itecl her brothers, John and •A:rehie
a ' •
and her sister Bell and called on
i -
, friends_in Brucefield last week.,
' Miss Alma Metcalf of Durtdock and
..• den; Tomonto, the gift laf a daugla,
' 'tera--Elilabeth ' Ruth,
• . a ' .:
. - Deaths - •
Cl• t an Ma
ANDREWS -- In 311 on, y
17th, Charles Fraacis, eldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. an W. Andrewea
Cottage for Sale
An eight -amain cottage hi Isaac
street, beautifully finished inside,
town water and good cistern, summer
kitchen. Garden with apples and
••• •
small fruits Apply on premises to
Mrs. Wm. Graham. 10-tf
free on request to Shaw's Busi-
nese Schools, Dept; 4, 46 Bloor
West, Toronto. . '
per 100; Barred Rock chicks $16.00
per • 100. Jime 'prices: Leghorn
chicks, $1100, Barred Rocks, $15.00.
For Sale-
. 2 acres of land, six-rimm house',
furnace, frame stable, never -failing
Miss Joana McKenzie of Rincardine
' spent the week-ead with Miss Edna
1, Thompson.
' Mr. and Mrs. W. L., Forrest and
their daughter, Beth, moved off their
farm in the fifth' concession of Stan-
ley last week to DraiVloir's .farin on
aged 14 years and 8 months. •
BEACOM-In Hallett township, on
Maty 15th, David Beacon; aged 100
years, 1 month and /1 days.
al at,
YOUNG -In Goderich towns P;
May 12th, Christena Bisset, widow
of the late George Young, aged
- , a, Car For Sale '
A. linevrolet touring. cart in first-
class condition, reasonable for quick
sale. Apply to 3. R. Torrance, R, R.
No, 2, Bayfield. Maze 600-r-24,
, Clinton central, - 09-2-p
Custom hatching 6 cents per e
after May 15th, 4
spring, half mile . from Londesboro.
Baby Chicks and Eggs
cents per egg.
Individual machines, 100 egg to 600
Apply to F. Gibbs, Clinton. 03-tf
Bred to lay Barred Rock chicks,
May d June hat hed a16,00 Der
7 all • e ' • "
100 from high production stock,
Eggs $4.00 per 100. Pullets March
hatched, $1,00 for June and iuly. D.
M. Lindsay, R, R, No. 3, Clinton.
. og..ta
egg sizes. The best of attention paid
to Custom hatching, No.; or:1dr too
Bina or oo a e.o c
• 11 t I ag Get y ur chi ks
early so they wilt develop into good
sized birds to get the early markets.
Early hatched pullets make the best
whiter -layers. E. J. - Trewartha,
Holmesville P.O. Phone 611-r-22
Coal of all kinds always on hand -
for ;immediate delivery,
Also a quantity of dry Maple Wood
Prices reasonable to
the Leaden Road one mile south of
Hensall. •..
• •
78 Yeats* • • , •
. Tenders Wanted
, Mr. Forrest will act as overseer
: on Dr. adeii"s farm as he has rented
his farm to Mr. Cecil Aston of Tuck -
; . .
ea:smith.. -
, _
The 1927 editioft of IVIcKiin's Dirge-
tory of Canadian Publications has
will be received by the
undersigned up to 3 oclock p.m. on
Thursday, May 26th, at Londeslaoro,
for the removal and rebuilding of the
Westerly wall of a bridge at Lot 10,
Concession 12 13;
Clinton central. 06-tfa
and same all
R. J.
On Wednesday -night, of last week
Mr. B. D. Field, Mr. 'Reba Cooper,
Me. "-Hugh llteMurtie, "-IVIr. Cleave
Cocbrane and EY. .Alex McKenzie
motored up to ;visit Morning Star
Lodge, A.P. & A7.11•1. at Ciu•low, being
the official visit of the D.D.G.M.,
Bro. Myres of Mitchell. A large crowd
was in attendance, visitors being
there from- Goderich, Londesboro and
Zurich lodges, An initiation was mut
through in good style, after which
splendid barapiet, was given in the
just been issued and this publication
no doubt, will be welcomed by nation-
al advertisers throughout Canada and
the United States. .
It is the twentieth': edition -the
first issue hsrink -111111ehria in leus
and it has been the endeavour of the
publishers at all times to make each
number move complete and more de-
pendable than previous editions.
In fact, this directory is accepted
generally as a reliable -soul -co of in-
formation on Canadian Publications
mid is regularly consulted for Caned-
Ian geographieal and statistical par-.
tienlars twelve months in the year.
and Hulled; also
re -enforcing of the Easterly wall of
up bridge off old wail, furnish all the sae beidge. Contractor to jack
anaterial for cement work, and replace
the bridge on wall when tom-
pleted .to the .satisfaction of the in-
spector in cliargea Also at the same
time and place, tenders will be re-
: I
ee•Yeci J - a or the renioval of flooring of
Rireas bridge(Lots5 and 6, Coates-
sion 4) aad re -flooring 02 same. Con-
trades: to fuimish all material, also to
plaster the abutments of same bridge,
flooring to W in the proportion of one
part cenmat to four of good clean
gravel; plastering of abutments in the
In the Estate Of Harvey Blake
Wanted, Cattle to Pasture -
Call take in , a number of your
Orders taken at residence, phone Ira
Snyder, Deceased
cattle to pasture. Apply to Isaac
--. ...
NOTICE is hereby given that all
Maywood, Londesboro, 09-tf
persons having claims against the
estate of Harvey Blake Snyder, late
of the Township of Colborne' ia the
County of Huron, yeoman, deceased,
-who died on or about the fourth day
of April, 1927, are required to deliver
. - .
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
-Clothes cleaned, pressed and re-
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Rodins wee Heard's Barber shop,
W. J. Jago. 2288-tf
Stove, ggg, Nut and Soft Coal
Coke and Kennel coat
Also Soma Wood
to Iva Joy Snydee, the administrataix
of the maid estate or her solicitor, on
or before the twenty-first day of
Phone 155. Huron Streets
May A. D. 1927, a full statement of
their claims with particulars thereof,
and the nature of the securities, if
any, held by them all duly verified by
AND .TAXE NOTICE that after
the said last mentioned date the said
administratrix will proceed to distri-
bute the estate of the said deceased
amongst the persons entitled then-
to having regard only to such claims
as she shall have received due notice
and in accordance thdrewith,-
DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this
Sad day- of"May, A.D. 1927. a '
W. I3RYDONE, Clinton, 'Ontario,
Have large stock of Seeds, speeially
selected for purity and price.
' •Leased
Our ' Oatare -imorted Banner
s p,
over standard teet. See these befor e
buying, Our Sweet Clover . is all
de mrnent Standard ran hi in
-Vel ' "
from 6 00 to 7 50 er bushel'.
price a , $ . P
Our Alfalfa is a special seed,
groWn from a field .tiventy Year in
the .ground. Ontario Variegated; very
hardy. See this seed before buying.
gr ,
The - Ming shows it as free from
Sweet Clover and also free from
Ptiinary Weeds,
•a .
• • ' h*
Singer Sewing Mac ine
on Small Monthly Payments
Iiig Discount on Cash Sales During
- . .141arch Only • 1
• '.
Now is the time to have Your ma-
repaired . an c leaned.- :-.
chine • d d I d ' Repairs,
Needles Belts and Parts for all
makes; , -aag
Pho rtia iz, 0- Box 201 Glintelel
he ' " " .
underneath the lodge room,
at which a number of speeches were
made andaa very •happY evening was
brought to a close' by singing "Auld
Lang Syne." - . '
'The anniversary of the Young Pee-
ples' Society of -St. Andrews United
church was held On Sunday last, a
large both
air of li • • s
P ned mottn glove , between
Clinton post office and W. Connell s
farm, Base' 1,ine. Pinder kindly leave
at Connell and Tyndall butcher shop,
or communicate with W. D. Connell.
• 10-1
ProPortion of one to three. All Work
and material subjett to the approval
of the inspector in charge, Partieu-
lars and specifications may , be pro•-
cured from any member .of the:Coitai-
cil, William Carter, Road Superin-
tendertt or the fundersigned, John
• •
Finglend,, Clerk of Hullett. 09-2
crowd attending ,services.
The Rev. Mr. IVIcIntosh of Embro, a
former 'pastor of Brueefield ehurch,
being the preacher for the oceasion,
Splendid music. was provided by the
choir and good sermons were listened
to at both services, by ah attentive
audience. .
House for Rent
A medium, sized house,- in Isaac
street, occupied by E. Harness. Dry
cellar, electrie lighte, town watert
geed eistern, modern cermet-den ces
garage. Possession -June first. Apply
to A. Cantelon, Phone 281 10-tf.
• - - ' " r"
' Township of Goderieh
A Court o evisammi e in
L -R • ' '11 b held '
Mulholland's Hall ill Hoiniesville on
M 25th 10 ' 1 1
Thimsday, ay . at o e oc c a.m.
All ratepayers are hereby to
, ,
Solicitor for the said Adrninietratrix.
If you want high quality Seeds at a
- .
1118 ea Chick Farm
• -
Clinton. s
— ----
a) a a
"a tia
#1'Aiittril 'ts
reasonable price -BUY NOW
. Seeds. Will be Higher Next Week
Always carry complete line of
Flottr, Feeds, Calf Meal, Oil Cake,
Beef Scrap, etc.
Have a car load`of Western 'Oats.
TIlese are very iaasonablo in Priae
' ,
BABY CHICKS:, I,eghorns and Rocka
' - d
Rocks, $15 per hundre .
, eg orns, per
L h $13 hundred
From Pure Bred -to -lay Stock '11
Miller's -Ideal Incubators and 311
. - For Sale'
- One Boston Bull pup, theee months
Id ApplyC 3" Al 11 d It tt
e . . . 1 ten ea , a ,en-
bury street,' west. ..10-1p,
enter aay appeals With the under-
signed before - at date Arty one.
th .
wrongfully assessed for dogs and ve-
. .
tainine.the tag will be charged in
taxes, R. G., Thompson, CIeek, R. R.
The Presbytery a Huron held- its
regalar May meeting on 10111,
Rug mid Eabyl Buggy for Sale '
Wilton 3-x4, baby's
No. 2, Clinton,. Ont. . - . 09-2
' '
an Firet" Preabaterian chureh, Sea-
forth., Rev. Alfred Macfarlane, of
Clinton, presided ' in the absence of
the moderator, Rev. R. t. MeDerinid,
iug, also a bug-
gy • both ia good condition. Apply to
Mrs, .Harry Bartliff, Rattenbury`.
street, West. 10-1.•
Or. the -Township af Stanley
„ L,;. a a. ..
Fore A gueeri TO WALK ON-
, ea , ,aao
,,,"•-a?,,,,,,`Laii-'7 ?
and willvery quick.
a at •
Phone 123
Flour and Feed Merchants and
Grain Buyers
Brooders •
. Poultry_ Supplies * r 1
Royal Purple Calf Meal and 1
Chick Feeds 1
E L. Mitten
Phone 213 93411
of Goderich. Rev, aames ; McIlroy,
' '
who_ was recently' inducted ae MIMS-
ter og cermet church, Ilensall, was
iittroduced to the court, and he ex-
pressed his 'pleasure an •becconing a
member of Huron Presbytery, • Rev.
R., C. McDermid, of doderich, *as .ap-
a Money round
Picked up in Bayfield cemetery on
Wednesday. „A sum of money. Own=
er can have sante by proving property
antkpaying, for this advertisment,
' •
Notice' is hereby given that a
ConeflIeVision will be held in.:tlie
Townalfin1-1411,, Varna, on Monday;
the 3th,daY ak•May, 1927, at 'the hour
of 11 o'clock:in the forenoon .aoy I ,'
. t-ls,"
purpose aif bearing. ane deteamiping
, hep
coinplaintsaagainst the , Assessment
. .
pointed to convey the greetinga of
Presbytery to the Presbtyerial .Of the
W : u. 8. when it meets in Godeeich
in Septembee.. Mr. Wellington Gra-
'ham, a student in KrioX"Cellege, Tor-
. ` Happy Thought Range For Sale
Happy Thought range, in good eon-
dition. Apply to Mes.• George Pick-
ett, Albert ,street.. 10 12
Roll of the - said Towriship for -the
yeav 1927..' Persons having business
with the si,ia, Court will please at-
tend at the gaid tune and place with
out further notice. J. E. Harnweli,
7 4r""' ,f
:ca. aeak,1 ) -)
; a
'1"-"' -.. 1....... ''''
--aaa_eaca- ''',. a
C. 8
H.• VENNER Electrician
' Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbi, Irons, Fans and other 71
- • Appliances -
WirhIg Repsurs.
,onto, was appointed to have charge of
the • congregations of Bayfield., and
Range Fer Sale, -
A. kitchen range in first class con
township clerk. at Varna this
121h' day, of 'May, 1927.. 09-3
' ; • "
Brueefield during the summer
months.. The Presbytery expressed
.dition. Applytorange,
Frank Sturdy
Huron Street, near White 'Rose gas
, . , .
.-_ •
. --, ,
, .-_,.,Aep
-as- - ..ta,
and Phone 7
• its regret at the loss audtamed by the
death of Mr, Jahn Fraser,' for many
station, Clinton. • ' ' .-10-tf.
.' " - • •
'In the Estate of Sarah.Manetta •
'0:i ;fa -a aaa.„....ea,a47,..."1 41
-,-,... -
. .
37.6 al% kepresentative elder of laayfield '
',.• Wallpaper and Hanging --
. Hoare, Deceased •
an't hire the Heat Folks out
We 0 . , . ,
to you for your sluing Weaning',
Mit' we can promise this: If you
burn:Heat Folks Coal you won't have
nearly as nauch slaving cleaning to • do.
• - , - , .,.
.. Coal from .our yeads goes into heat,
not soot, nor ,=eke, ,n,or, _a.s,hes, ,nor
ciinkere. ' . • - • '
'SaVe time oir- yam .spring cleaning;
eave.inoney mi yew: ,coal, by,oraering
your next lead from the Haat Folks.
• ' ' -
groseammeavameasmotesawareassemuirma 151149101101012.00430121MMEMI
' '
FC S d, .
. Flellr . . . S
. A full line of Flour and Feed.
. ,
Chick Feed, coarse and F ,' BI t h.forc's 'startg' and- Aeve1
• •
' 1 1 R 'IP 1 .'. dd 1.'4' 'I'
opmg masi, a so . oya urp e startxng and eve °plug masi
' • , - . . . • . ,
, Fine Charcoal bone meal and flue beef meal
. .
conga-egation, and a faithful attend-
. ,
ant at Presbytery. wri. Fraser was
to be a oonfoasioner td the aaammath-
frig General Assembly; and - tIlq Pres- ,:i.„.
bytery appointed Mr.. M. Ross; of
Bay -field, to tide resPensibility. ,. Rev. '
. maaliptur wallpapers sold and hung
by the undersigned. Please give
week'a notice -Of your needs. Eavered
Johnstoa, Box 28, Londesboro.
• •-• ,1.0.-tf
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims ' against the
estate Of Sarah Manetta Hoare, late
of. the g.ownship .;ef Hallett, -in the
Ceunty) of Huton, laarllad w`Dalaa'
at. C. IVieDerfnid was. appointed with
' the Clealc, to arrange the dockets for
future ,nieetirigs of
of commissionerswere
confirmed. '.IIev.• 'a". H..' Larkin, of
Seaforth, Rev. 'Tallies Foote, of Exe,-,
' Millinery, Sale' L. ' • ,
, .
A ,e1,„aiaa sale of haillinery-.4t The
Vogue Ftiday 'and Saturday,: May -Snell,
20th and 21s1. All hats will bp geld
a -
,elov. coat. :=-The Vogue. . ' '.10-1
- '
deeemied, Who died on, or, about the
second day of, Eelartiary, A.D. 1927,
aro. vequired to ' (Wives:, to.„13epjamirt
IIetfYVelkom Roge,rs ard, Ed -
ward J. Colquheim the executors af
the, eaid estate or their solicitor, On
ler,,Me. William, Shepherd, of - Cl1ritoria '.
and Mr, M. Rees, of Bayfield, are. the
coreraissionere to the -Genex.al Assent,-
bly, which. mieets, ; ih ..Knox /thin:all,'
Stratford, ' en, Wednesday,' the first,
, ,
day of Janie, _at, e 0,cioek pi 'the, even- ''•condition;
, . ,
,ing. The •• ratict • tegular . meetieg Of
Presbytery will be hold in .Goderich
.on the .ebeeitcl, Tuesday ,at',8„eptenibeO1,
'• , •, • • a ., • ' ,a • a a -.. • •
, . , .
Priyatc Gale .of Church, Property '
• ,There will be offered,f or sale at the
Manse 'groinads, ,13rueefielcl; one good
barn' 20xa1 lee() with . 1421. posts,.
with stabling compelte, , All' in Al,
. ,
alep,2,:mriall chicken houses
- . .
'ad about 40, rode ',ea gaeden tenet,
For. earth:filers ' •aPPIY., to Mr, C, aL
Reid, Brucefield, • oe 'phone' 618-.1-2;,
Clinton central.. • '. • - ' 10-2
or• before the 31st. day of 1V/ay, A.D.
1927/ a full statement et their claims"
together with patticulars • thereof„
and the, nature ,of the securities, if •
any, held by them all ally Verified by
affidavit. ' • . •
. AND TAKE , NOTICE that after
the -said last .mentioned date the said
Miecutors will peeceee to "distribarte
the ' eilate of ' ;the said. 'dectaeocl
amongst the- peasorts entitled thereto
,Call the ' . . 'y:,r,..V
... . ' '
, .,
- for good. clean
a ,- . .0
.„ , .,„,
_ .
Med '-'
U11! ifl
, • ; "."-:.
. .
' We have a stOck of Seed Corn In
, , . ,
also Nlaugel and. Turaip, Seed '
Try out Cello Glass for Breeder Houses, 1
, ntaaLiv.ewt •
, . 0', . • • -
CARLOWI"•About twentY persOns
from doclerica'attende(ha meeting' -of
,XtVrtirig" Star. Lodge No: S09, at Car-
low -on',,iIcrednes.day',,nightri•When.I•Dista; ,rartleal.,arS,.for
kid DePa4c-j„. Z 'i*e's.;'.. ?A Mitehell;, "Servicea136x
, • a HMO 1Vahted
• Earn "$25" Weekly and up at 'home
c,111111ing rewePaberfs" and achlressIng
enYel'oPeC. NO' •calivataing, . ,"111
tiling furaiSheca. Spare or :full tfind: .:vcr
14 -Sydney, N.S. • .10,-2.p
having regard" Only, te. Sea elaimsa as
they shall Ileac-, reediafP(1due eaticS
O a in accordance therewith .
, .
DA.TED at Gila -atom' Oetatio, this
Iltai, day ot. IVIay, A.r),,1927. , ,
Br.KDoNE, q'qoa,..()ntatio... a
•"' ..Solicitbr .forftlie said executorse
• ----------. - '' ' ' , , •,- ,0•9-8
• 'Dtifihno,,• ,, ' '
1,1irtnlIci. ,. • .
, „a.,
, ,
. .-
'. .
, . arirl e.
H Cha.rieSwOrth
, .
PHONE 199., , .,,
.. -
......a....W......aa .-..--- -'