HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1927-05-19, Page 3It is /the Selection of rich; western wheats -- the finest grown ori the'prairice,- that.: gives extra devour to bread' and buns, . ad extra richness to cakes and pits, made frons Sena SOc in stamps for oxer 700 -recipe Purity Flour Gook Book, 204 western Canoda Flour Milfo Co. Limited. 'i:oronto, Moatreol,, Ottawa, Saint John.' Mar -Mill Chick'Starter ;Oen100 Health, Vigor: anis Qullk Growth. Continuous 'greivilr a,0 First 'Bight weeks of a onl It s• 117a le a 01a factor In' Way Want , gap -Production. RA1(1 21175 $ICiJ't.QUALITY. FIRMS brluu ;the desired. redone, MAR-s11LL CHICI(-STARTER In a 1oon-holaared Mash, rich 1n 0111 (aW0 mrd animal protein, .containing essen- tial foodsfor. or0Otah)0 arowlh and 'sutra maturity, including ButtermHk,. Skim Milk,.. Moat Scrap, eta. Prel0ht prepaid 'pp to 200 per -6undru Ontario Distributors for Foetorta .Flap Moat (71. Write to -day for k o ar1kd�0011Deoat 0 nt- blePoultry b dtng,' Ad- dress: d -dress:: MARUKRAM FLb110 81111.0 (D. N. R E;E80R & SONS), MAalt- Fat and Fatality. , TltDlin1slzed expectation of, life' at- tends those in whom the circumstance pd the abdomen exceeds that of the cheat, according- to The Lorun.cet (Lon- don). Inyeetigations carried out on a Mtge scale in America have shown, says this medical mitharity, that the beat weight for 'a man of forty-five rears is about twenty pounds less than the accepted average weight for that ago, at leant Oro•1n the etendpaint of an insurance company. The writer goers on: "The steady decline in physical of- floienoy wht)1h the carrying of twenty pounds of superfluous matter' entails sh heal in itself be sufficient antidote to the dangerous self-eompiaieanoe with which the middle-aged man views an Increase in hie girth.. If this is not enough, a perusal of Dr. Leonard Williams, . new book on Obesity x1111 quickly 1rl2h'ten hien into a satire factory frame of mind, The Infiltra- tion of fat into the subcutaneous tls- Bues mayresult.in a lased blood -pres- sure from'increased peripherWleresist- ance, and against this high blootd-pres- sure a heart embarrassed both on its Bueface and theoughomt its maaoula-. 0,000 Norway 2laplos and .American £line, g'. to 18' -04,60 -(0 $14.00. 11800, Ivy -400 to iso 2.100 -noew-400. Tree Saporta, Landeoape Architects,' Gardeners find Contraotort . Write for Catc :goe. • tirobst Forestry .Co. £otalyllnhed 1000, F.O.B. Nurecrlos.. Toronto 0403 Bathurst St. - - Phone Hill. 1603 a. dales 'Oil- Thera . ;.^U11 The highest expression of Fire.. stone quality and value is the Full -Size, Gum -Dipped Bal- loon. This pioneer among Balloon urea --and the leader proved by performance --was made possible by Gum -Dip: ping, Firestone's extra process-. for strengthening the walla to endure the extra flexing strain. Learn from your Firestone defiler the many advetrltages of Guth - Dipping -- the added comfort, dependability and greater economy. 111RaSTONE TIRRE d RUBBER CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Iiamnion, Ontarlo MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Firestone Builds the OnlyOuon-Dipped Tires MAR-MILLC111000 SCRATCH FEED shoal t also nu linad, It 10 c , pond of 0010,4,11/0 0010 1 11 a 1oo'l d )en-lfrnd 0000507. LL011 tee 'olll oats. Hae t lit larn 1 6 J • ideal GrouriLy In Cl10 0 Viand early 1lrvmrlty , I"1100 la the lo, out of d tunte wut is f protein, c bol ydrates,: f t I lnarpl stilts, vita- mins. oto. , hfAlt hu0t -1.011008 On,. 0nla tl ay0:. requisite , Du not-ovorlo It Ina foot; that • 0,1600.6)0,1. COD LIVER OIL to .010107, andorentre high. quality. When 1,elan ('011 1tver Oil be aura to sat. 10.010 -MILL t(ualltY. , :ill 600 Ibo.: or Moro, ar cent.. to 76• per omit. 'protein). tore lima to work, under diminished of firiellcy. ICidney diseteee is extremely likely to fallow such a condition of affairs, mid It is nlot saiayi'is'ing to learn that the mortality from diseases of the, heart and kidneys among 'ale obese. la twice as high as in persons of normal weight. "To mane matters worse, it is notorl- oes that such a diseased heart lnaly give lice to very little iu the way of symptoms, and nothing in the way' of local physical 'signs, and yet, as Dr; Williams emphasizes, the fart man may die the next tttue he hurries to catch a train. Obesity does not atop at pro- ducing disturbances of the circulate/Sy apparatus. The i+eiiratory system may suffer, and it Is well known that cereadu asthmaties may be greatly re- lieved by ontting down their weight. Varlooie .troublesome forme of dyspep- ea may reedit from overweight, while invasion of the liver• increases such troubles, and the pancreas itself may Buffer, beading probably 'to the form of diabetes associated with obesity. In- tertrigo (inflammation Where two Skin - surfaces rub), varicose veins, hernia, and even deafness are some of the minor disturbances for which obealty may be blamed, tc say nothing of the increased gravity )1f acute diseases In the obese subject. "The cure of pbesity is largely bound up with the problem of its, .causation. Perhaps the most striking oldvnnce 911 the subject within recent times has been the proved complicity of the en doorines (internal secretions). leading to the broad, classification of obesity Into that caused by alimentary surfeit, and that 'mimed by underaction of one or more endocrine glands.' The fa- mous Daniel Lambert, ,who died at the age of forty weighing nearly liftytllree atone, may safely be ,put into the latter category; but 1t is admitted that most of the obesity •commonly seen about middle age is due to overfeeding. 'To the scientist,' wrote Vance Thompson, 'thssn is nothing so tragic on earth as the tsight of li Tat man eating a patatc.' This quotation from Dr. Williams's book many give perhaps• the key -note to the solution of'the,pro'biem. It is not generally realized that it is the starchy cenbohydeate footle rather than the more quickly and readily metabolized fats wlhich are reeponsiblo for nthoh of the alllinen.tary type of obesity. "More rational diet 'will go a long way to preventing this troublesome. complaint; and in its cure this notion , must be firmly esiabldshed In the mind of the patient." . Mt 0. 'W. L. (On With Lang/later) '> 08Wr1rai0: t5.i+,moc The:: Hostile Attitude Company paY0 no divldenls',to its stockholders.. Ma.1iv a man gets u reputation for being good-natured because he Is tco timid to stand up for'hisrtghts. The Two Streets. Intention Street is a broad highway, And-t0ioae who follow, )0 they say, Go down and up and up and 'down, Trying to get to Nowliere Town. Nowhere Town le a station fair, On a railway that's always itt the air. None of Its trains are - eehedalled "through,"` Stop -oyes ticltetasewill always do. • Attention Street 15.narr010 quite, And',tts dwellers work with all their. might: They feed the sick ;the poor they pity, And finally get to Somewhere City, 9 Volae From College, ,1 "My missals lea received 3. letter :from her son saying he was about to mut out part of his eorrilcaium," • "Another one of them coli,ege. suleidesy I bet:" "Talk about water off a duck's back!— Just look at our shined, even after fifteen minutes in this :downpour! 'There's certainly nothing quite like 'Nugget'." SifE OLlSki Tltare'a d" Nurgot"shade for every( .ahoe made. ` : 82 - a .e .,er We built this SMP Dairy Pail for the man who is "tired of buying new pail/trail the time." Thy are made of good heavy, tin, highly polished; strong . bottoms; heavy wire handles; and put together the way a pail should be, You'll get full value from every cent you invest hs SMP DairyPaiis and other Dairy -' Tin Ware. Made by Or e0i7ADA, T8a WIEST ALITAL PRODUCTS CO, LuRTEn MONTREAL TORONTO': 1711,71411,50 001,1(ONTON VAwootiv1A: cio.naky uq Ware .0.40 Tin Wa rs'e as3 The worst thing about a competitor is that ,Ile won't let us sleep in the daytime,. ' Being crooked never gets' a person anywhere --and neither. does a merry- go—round Here is a sample of the way the' Chinese alphabet works. They have a symbol for ",root" and. a 'symbol for "woman." The combination of a. roof over a woman apelde "pe•,,ace'!; a roof Over two women. spoils "War." "I'm going to marry a pretty girl and a good g000k." "You can't That's bigamy," Brute—"So you have never attend.; ed college??' .Brutus—"No, I got my knowledge through the mail." ')Brute—"I see." Brutus—"Yea." Here's Good Advice. Do all the good you can, By 0)11 the means you can; °In all the ways Yon .can, In all the Places yeu,;can, At all the times you' can, , To all"the people' you can, As long as ever you can, It -doesn't pay to save money for a rainy day and then blow It all 1n on a wet night. Some people turn up tbeit;.sleeves at work, otbere turn up their noses. The way to grow old gracefully is to be' able to change our minds easily. Mts. Brown—"When are you Being to get that Bence needed?" Mr. Brawn—"Let's wait 11:11 George gets home. He whore the other day that he's taking fending lessons this term." "The doctor will sere yeti Inside," said the nurse to the patient as she. helped 'him on the operating table. An optimist i,, a man who jumps every time he hears a cork pop.' NO.,MEDICINE LIKE B ti'Y'S OWN TABLETS For Either the Newborn Babe or the Growing Child. There Is no, other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets for little Gees— whether it bo for the. newborn,: babe or the growing child the Tablets al- ways do' goad. . They are absolutely free from opiates or other harmful drugs and the mother can ,always feel safe In using them, Conoesning the Tablets, Mrs) John Armour, R.R. 1, South Monaghan Ont„ nays:—"We have. three fine healthy children, to whom, when 'a medicine Is needed, we have ;given only Baby's Own T•ableta,. . The. Tab- lets are the beet medicine you can keep 111 any home where there are young children:" Baby's Own Tabioto are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the stomach and bowels; banish constipa- tion and indigestion; break alp colds and simple fever and :make -teething easy, They are sold, by medicine dealers or direct by mall art 25 cents a box from The' Dr. Williams' Medi- ctne Co., Brookville, Ont,. 's ' Honesty. For to concern oureel1,75 in'lothae people's affairs is a delicate nistteie Yet Chromes, a chalubeter In Terrence, think&, that there Is nothing that can befall mankind in which he does not thinly he has a concern. Meanwhile, because we have the quicker pereep- don and sawsatton of whatever he>n- pens untavonalbly or untowardly to our- selves, than to ethers, which we see: as itwero at a' greater• distance, the judgment we foam of them' la very 10- Derentfrom whet we form of e :selves. bt le therefore a oolght niaxi:tie to do nothing when yona are doubtful whotli.• er It' is honest Or unjust; for whatever is honest ie self-evident, but doubt Im- plies suspicion of injustioo.—Cicero. one omens. • - Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. Ji rary:t�, llEsopee Dir Pieneesed . ik't t Aid With (loo death of- Irspoo.fosr YT Ms,nwall, of the eeulldien Paci50 ,( Investiga.tfkonl De.. partenent,: which boot( plebe. aboard a Montreal -'Chi- eogo train' rodent • ly, theropae:es from tho;innlrs of Canadian First The Condition of a PE. L Lady Who Agaial Rejoices in Good lealth. , "I GEM moll heartily sef olnnit'nd Dr. IV1111an1s' Pinot. Pills 'to all- weak peo-' pre" says Mrs. Augustin Arsenault, Wellington Station, P.E.I, "Before 1 began their use Ewes very weak and 1 erwiue. I had always' worked hard, with no thought of my health, until est}denidy my strength left me, I began to feel tiled and depreesdd, and did: not sleep'watl at night, feeling just ,a8tired in the I11orning as when I went to bels -at 'night. I begun to feel d1e- oouraged when I woulde think of the work necessary for me to do. ` I got some lneaiciue from the. doctor whom I consulted, but It did not appear to meet my case se I showed no tin - 'movement while tatting it. Then -a neighbor advised me to try Dr. SVil' hams' Pink Pills and I got a supply of this medlc1ne. 1 very -aeon found they were helping me; and 1 continued their use until I was well again, and I hays been 'str*ng and well ever. since," Dr. Willialna' Pink Pills, do one thing—and do It well. They build up, purify and enrich the' blood, and as the biiood supplies the wheys body, new life is given to the entire syeltem.. Better sleep, steady nerves; improved appetite, increased vigor--allthese can be- yours by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills•. Begin to -day. Sold by an medicine dealers or by mall, post paid, at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Wil - Hams' Medicine Co., . Brockville, One eQuest and Conquest. A railway worker, a' lover of wild plants, recently told'the wniter how be Walked thirty miles, thrice for the purpose of finding a particlb1ao species of fern. He had heard of it groryving-in a certain di lbrioteaand, being of rare occurrence in -elle neighborhood; he set out on the quest. Twice he returned empty-handed. On the third , attempt he found hie treasure. He had'w'alked ninety miles for it and thought himself amely rewarded. A great lover of 'wild bids end a skillful photographer of them rias for yearsgiven elmost.every hour oS his leisure to that hobby. 114 has been out at as early es two or three o'clock in the morning to make hie observa- tions. Some of his photographs were the reward of almost endless patience. For birds do not pose far the photo.. grapher. If they know he is near he gets no photograph. Ile must needs hide himself. • But" how great the Joy when after long and patient seeking, be gets his plotures—birds on the nest, birds feed) ing their young, sometimes even stand. ing on their backs .to Beed them! A man rust be prepared to put heart and strength into his quest. That Is the spirit behind every discovery. All great discoveries have first of 'all been seekene, passionately keen and invincibly patient. Sir WIlliam' Her- shel, for instance, fanlotts among other things for his discovery of the planet Uranus, used to eOntinue his observa- tions of the shy the night through. For'some years he observed every sin= gle hour, when the weather was clear, and his obs'ervatkens were all made in the open air, Midwinter or midealm- mer he was there, The coldest nights were often the.,finest opportunity. I•Ife sister Caroline- helped by writing down his observations es he; made them, They were keen. So was Burballlt-- so 1s Edison, so was and is every one who does anything worth while in any sphere. • Disooveries are the drown of patient a6olonged questa. They that seek find, That: la, the royal way, Aiders an out, Wilf:ld Munsell e'tanding pioneer Inopoctor Of St. `John Am- bulance work in this country.;- 'Very„ saf clr umetncoasurrounded the' death of Mr. Mansell for he passed away virile journeying `to Chicago to talus part In an international Feet A1S' competition iledd lender the auspices of the American Rod erose Associa- tion. , The late Inspector Mansell', first aid work dates back to 19)19 when St Johtl Ambwlunoe.work was first-lntmoduced. in Canada, At that time, he was'as- sistant chief constable In the C.P.A. _police force at Angus Work& in Mont•' real, and'seaiizing the great aidvantage of. bents able to render efifclent first aid, begun to study ;the work Intensive- ly., He was later.appointed Fire Chief at Angus and police Inspeotox of the 'Investigation Department. Iiis first ] aid promotions kept pace and after winning many awarder was appointed instructor of St. • John Ambulance •work. 91nder his direction tile' Angus, 'First A1d Teams have many times car rigid off the honors,. The First aid team of the 0.P,I5 In-- vestigation Department, , under In- apecom Mansell', instruction, won (high honors at the recent American Red Cross Competitlonat Chicago. • Wouldn't Open Him Up. Young Wife—"I'll make that litre balid of mine open up and tell what I want to know! I'm going to put the sorew& on himl" Her Mother -"That will only tighten him, my dear." 71 - Exec rt Advice. Eisner, 'thirteen, was puzzled 'O'eer the girl problem and discussed it with hie pal, Joe, "I've walleed to echool with her three 'than," he told, Joe, "and carried her books. I bought her !co -cream sodas twicet, Nola;' do you :think I ought to 1c1sa her?" "Naw, you don't need to," Joe da- c'ide'd after a"moment of deep thought. "You've done enough for that girl ;el- ready." - A Careful Mother, Little Willie ssested et school, 'and with: Min brought a letter addpreseed to the teaolior. It was from the boy's inether, and. read as follows: e• ;„''Dear Teacher: My son' Willie:te a very deldoatey nervouti and timid ohlld, and if he ehowld be naughty—a thing that has occurred more than onee—1 wish you would ,punish the boy 80711 to him. for that will frighten him so that he'll behave: llim'self." • For aJi peln—Minard'e Liniment. Secrets of 'glass:malting, including the making of a brilliant scarlet, noxi- transparent}glass, known to the old Egyptians and Chinese centuries ago and then lost, have recently been re- discovered in England. TheZEST FLOWERS c1 Thoussuda of Flowering Shrubs, Rose Bushes, Boxwoods, Climbing jTlnea, eta Write for Catalogue. • D. BPENCE,. importer 82 COLBORNE 6T. TORONTO 18811 E Ne. Mortality Among the Classes. Sir Arbuthnot Lane, in a review of 1VIr. DLtie Barkeriswork on"Health" publfehed in the English Spectator, speaks as fellows:.— The author givers coneinoing. proofs of the advantage of plain living•an na- tural food, combined with outdoor" ex- ereise. Farm workees and clergymen arra the healthiest classes' of the com- munity, doubtless because -both lead simple lives, with much exercise. in the open air. Butcher and merchant sea, men are` among the most short-lived people. The mortality among butch- etms Is twice as great, .while that o0 merchant seamen is three and one-half times as great as that of clergymen and agricultural Iaborers. Butchers and seamen live largely on meat, pee - served meat, peeeel'ved vegtablee and other stale food which. Iss-bandy eaten sparingly or net at all by the clergy and rural workers; hence 1050 high mortality of the sailors 'not with- standing the bracing air of the sea. Many thick oauoer is anIt el age dis- ease, If there were a cancer ape, can- cer mootality would be higher among farm workers and clergymen, among wh6nl longevity Is greatest; but ace cording to Mr. Barker, the .canner mortality is twice as high among the short-lived betokens and seamen. Smallest Republic. . The quaint ceremony of the payment of tribute' and taking the oath _et lldulity to France has just been ob- /served at Perpignan by the tiny repub- lic of Andorra—the smallest reputr1e in the world. The annual tribute amounts to 980 frame, but as the expenses• of seatl- ing a deputation to Perpignan Would more than swallow up the sanount of the tribute, ,payment is only made every two years•. The money Was'duly paid In the hard cash of the republic, which has no financial troub'le&, and, not having had to resort to inflation, is one of the few countries which hays managed to keep on e. gold basis. Those old enemies, gas, acidity, pain sad dis- comfort ate soon knocked for a fare•thee•weli by Seiget's Syrup. Any drug store. Jj Having the right tackle and know- ing how to fish constitute luck in fishing, Treat corns with Minard's Liniment, Thele 1s a •fortune for the -pian who will invent a hog made tip entirely of pork chops,; guch a hog would Pully meet modern city- demands. Without Medical Examination Select Male" Risks, ages 15 to 45, may obtain insure ice up to $2500 without Medical Bxaminatlon. Specimen Rates for $2500 Ass Rad 20 .c- .$38.75 25 -- 44.90 30 -,- 53125 35 65.40 40 83,75 Mail .ihir coupon today ------ Eamon. --si,----, -e-- • EXCEL6IOR LIFE INSURANCE 00.. Eard 1011 Lilo Building, Toronto Please send me particulars of your IDEAL Polley. era • Name— ._:.............. Age Address ri the BARN. No me 171olne. chest to complete without Minard's. Fine for collas' boils, chaffed spots and colic, Grown in. 'the ,. best • gardens 1. the Orient. " Blended" by men trained in tile Worlds great t tea market , n t O 110.0 .a . Pactbest packet yet found, fog° tea ,h itum o The Tree Crop. With aOl the attention given to ,the farmer end his troubles, .only a few people are turning therm thoughts; to what may well be;come'before long the, fundamental problem of,_orop raising, The 'tikes crop hos never been treat. ed as 'agricultural, but as population in- creases the country will ,be compelled tb foouse apt its agricultural kifowiedge. uVer the Flouting and maturing of forests& , . , It 'Is not merely that the snupp$,y of wood .will become'scarceif trees are cut faster than they.grow; Cities oan- not exist without great supplies of water, and Chia in turn depends 1111001 huge areae of Water-bearieg lands, a ebaracterietie of which Is forest growth. Every owner of uncultivated land should .be: a tree farmer, using eve17 available acre for produoing trees for the profit of himself and .society,— Lebanon• Reporter, Minard's Liniment for -dandruff, No dog is clean in the mouth, ea - cording to a medical specialist, who 'condemns the practiee of even hold. ing a pet animal near the- owner's face Better Chicks thatwillpnyyou, Bred to lay. BarredPlyment9Rocke S.C.VJ Legbor a Barren hIndWy'C)tp WIol d F•rrie erre a. Beg -City Whit, Wyendottes Pure-bred, heplthr. Vigorous, Smith Hatched. Send for circular andp,0100 t4 camerae $8 Brantford. ntf d. O tarts �Cuticura Soap and 1 Oi ntmennt Kann the Se.l P Clean .ed Promote Hairr Growth Deafness—Head Noises RELIEVED aY LEONARD Etter ®IL "Rub Back of Ears" - INSERT IN NOSTRILS At 671 10rugelsta. I'rloe 1146 Folder about "DEAFNESS" on nvuoeL A. 0. LEONARD, leg., 70 Fifth 4Ate, Now York (Spring Time is • CELERY KING Time 4Brcw a cup of this fine old vegetable tonic. It is all the spring medicine you need. It drives out winter's poisons, improves the appetite and makes you feel better 'right away. CELERY KING is good for the whole family. At druggists, 30c & 60c. rhe With o/ A Velvet Skin —and the Pure Blood tomer it ieerthe Stood Ctrs theS'hJJb At this season, a safe, power- ful alterative of proven merit is needed by most everyone. TRU- BLOOD corrects blood disorders. and rheumatic conditions and ends Spring lassitude. Itis highly: recommended for the prompt elhninatioa of all skin affec- tions,such as'pineples black -heads,._ blotces, ulcer, rash, abscesses, ecze- ma, boils, salt rheum and all lroakles arising from impure or below -par blood. First known as a Doctor's pre- scriptlon - now obtainable at most Drug Stores. C- lassified Advertisements. AGENTS.' LI. ,.06111 •• n ].na. MOTOnYRTa',AEC 0 11011 WIVES handy Two In dna 'fool, neat ae�.. lust starting, nig demand. Writ. for tert104','`0 74 Gt0,ureh Street, Toronto. ..9.� AEUWANTED-DOCet7lass, Oran 111011 11 Cash. Terme S, nurdaa, 1000) 0010, Smut, Samaritan, Alta. Is unexcelled for Dyeing and Tinting. Professional Dyers use the�'1M®� Gt�tygy, S Same IiindofILP® is OREA You will secure more money for your cream by gassing to . us. We cobalt, eau, and *.y 000a; Promot return, daily by money order, Highest orloet pad for epee, Refereneo, Bank at Montreal. ' Write for 000 and particular.. CITY CREAMERY 780 Queen St. E. Toronto The 1927 Twin 74J.D. Model The greatest Harley-Davidson of all-, at new and love prices -improved -- refined in many details—but no radical' departures from the time -tried Harley. Davidson design. 01d timers and be- ginners alike will recognize In these 1927 Twirls the last word In engineer), ing achievement. PoWOrfui-speedy-. bulltto hug the road—the most depend. able and satisfactory mount that ever spilt the wind. Walter Andrews, Limited 346 Yonge St. - Toronto DROPSY Thousands of people suffer with Dropsy and Brigitte Disease. it your limbs are swollen ter you have any se'n1ptome of this disease .we guarantee that Cressy's Indian Herb Compound' will give permanent re- lief.. Money refunded if it falls. Information and testimonials sop, plied free. Writs for particulars. JOHN R. CRE8SY CO. 298 Gladstone Ave„ Toronto, 3, Ont, CARRIED tri 1FE TO BED1 Suffered So She Could Not Walk. Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Minesing, Ontario. -"I am a prac- tical nurse and '1 recommend Lydia E. Pinkham'aVegetabloCompound to suffering women. For three months I was almost helpless and could not Bit at the table long enough to drink n cup of tea, Many a time my hus- band carried me to bed, I would bo so weak. Then he read in the paper of a woman snffering')0 I did who got better after takingthe Vegetable ' Compound, so he went and got it for me. When I had taken three bottles I was just like a new woman and have had splendid health ever since. When I feel atly bearing -down pains I alwayeetaka it; sometimes a half bottle or whatever I need. It is my only medicine and I have told many a one about it. Any one wanting to know more about Lydia 11. Pinkhans's/ Vegetable Compound, I will gladly write to her. I do all Scan to rec- ommend it for I ;Peel I owe my life and strength to it." - Mrs. NEAL Bowsno, R.R. 1, Minesing, Ontario. 1)o you feel broken-down, nervous, and weak sometimes? Do you have this horrid feeling of fear which some- times comes to women when they are not well? Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg. etable Compound is excellent totake at such a time. It always helps, and if taken regularly and persistentiy will relieve this condition. 0 Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians fox Colds ; Headache Neuritis '' Lumbago Paan Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism CIES NOT AFFECT THE 1-1EART Accept only, "Bayer" package .which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets: Also bottles 'of'24 and 100—Druggists, esslrlo 1nthe trademark .(registered in Canada) of gayer Manufacture of 6[oponoetla .eldeator 01 0,1105llendd (acetyl Salicylic .Amid, "A. S. A."). Wbllo it In troll kuowa that'Aaptrin 11100110 Bayer.atanufncture, to assist the public against Imltntlons, the Tablets] of Bayer Company will be Stamped web mon general trade Muir. Abp "Sayer Oukw',