The Clinton News Record, 1927-05-12, Page 3• Cake., baked with Purity,t+lour keep fresh for three or " foul` day Puf it y ;.s a vigorous, "dry" flour that 4sbsorba' and holds idol' water or snil'r, Tasty_caIces, rich pies, and large, light :bun, and bread are always yours when you use; Send 30c In stumps for our 700 -recipe Purity Flour Cook Book.. 283. • Wootcru Ceuade Floor Mills Co. Limited. Toronto, Mon"nal, Otlawa; Saint John. Cal Con New Igo Ariz sla Glia �.".tdd.0iw Seaf afo. nor Dime l Mare this murmur 392 rant this coupon Santa Fe ServeceBurcau, 404 Trainnertanoa j. Bide, Phone Rendolph 8779. Detroit, Mick. 1. Please mail free picture foldera "Grand Cern 1 you OuHnge,' California Picture Book,' L ' Iadiau•datotu;' "Colorado Summer." 1 Plaine , _ 1 I Addroea,. J L. How to Cul e Poison Ivy. The cures' for the poison IVY plague' are as a'lll embracing as the pla'alenco' of the trouble it causes. They range from treatment of the affliction after it appe'ava- on the, skin to;eradication of the plant, Cu this latter point those s•ensitfve to the plant tool, strong- ly. and point- out that, since the vic- tims ietims are merely people end not Pigs or narcisima bums, it will be long before we can hope forlegislation that Makes harboring poison: iyy a, misdemeanor.` If one 4s warned beforehand that he will 'bo near ivy, the Iron treatment does i way with the danger, A five -pet cent, solution of ferric chloride in fifty 'per cent alcohol, dabbled over "'the face and,hanls and allowed to dry on, is a complete svocess when it is used before exposure and almost completely successful if uas'ed directly' after:'ex- Pos'ure,: A strong solution of ferrous s4111)148u Wu*, mac, be used thesame way,and is said to retain its chemical properties 'longer than the first Solu- tion.. .. If iron salts are not available, a good scrubbing with' hot (if .possible) water and strong yellow soap as soon after exposure, as possible will usually mechanically remove ail -the poison, which penetrates the skin rather slow- ly. Another prev ntive is to wash as soon after exposure as possible with a solvent of the resinous tar, such as rubbing alcohol.. Some people get good, results by allowing a solution of bap ing soda to dry on the face, either be- fore 'or just atter; exposure. After Itching starts, it is too, late dor pre. !engine pleasures to do much good - In Severe oases, great relief isgiven by bathing the inflamed surface ;with the iron solution and then spraying or painting the surface with melted, not hot, paraffin.:. Lay over this a thin sheet of sterile cotton,' and then an- other layer of paraffin, Whichris to ex- tend on to the uninjured skin an snob to make a tight seal so 'Wet no air can get in and u, o discharge ooze out. Keep Minard's Liniment In the house. Beauty culture' is a Very old art, Even in Ancient Rome women dieted to "reduce," wore tight: corsets, and used false teeth and false'hair. AUTO PARTS Shaw's Auto Salvage carries largest stock of slightly used, parts ,for most makes of oars. Batteries, Carburetors, Colts, Springs, Wheels, Tires, at email portion of original cost Your stoney back if wanted, 927 bUFFERIN ST. , TORONTO Canadian Farmer Tells His 'Experience "Les" Booth, widely known Ontario farmer, and a sick man for 20'years, suffered' daily, only half alive: Now strong, robust, vigorous, credits neiU found health to Tanlac Though popularly lmown. as "less" Mr. Booth's correct first name is George. Iiis home is at 271 Perth St., Brockville. For the past three years he has enioyed vigorous health bat what he endured before then is beat told in his own words. "For twenty yyears my arms, shoulders back anti RippaS ached with rheumatism," said fele Booth. "Often I had to quit work entirely andI remember one bad spell that kept me in bed for six months. - "MY eise got'to be so chronic that the, help tau. the £arm, I 'was prac- tically helpless. Even my wrists and bandawould swell up sothatI couldn't write myname. I dreaded bedtime, for I got no rest, hutlay there in agony, waiting for morning, Nervous spells would, seize, me and I would tremble all Oyer lilte_'n leaf; I couldn't get any benefit from ine "food and had to force myself to eat; el"weight was far below normal. "Three years ago I decided to give Tullio a -good trial', for nothing else had helped me,, 'I: could scarce) be- lieve Ilii h 'resultswore possible as those Teniae soon showed: Tile,s,clhing' stopped, my appetite cameback ani) I. could eat heartily. My nights be- came more restful, too, and I slept 5. ':a soundly. I gained 16 pounds which I still retain, and I now work hard out doors from 8 to 10 hours a day. Tudor have an ache. It's hafedty belteveabtel If folks want to know what`Tanilrc can do, tell them to write to Les - Booth, or to code and see me. I'11, tell 'em." . If yourhealth is:broicen•from over- work' or -neglect, profit from Mr. Booth's experience. Try Tanlae, na- ture's own body builder, made from roots, herbs and barks. Your druggist has it, Over 52 million bottles sold. :7rr?.tt•; "':a:, -r-ITS'' l-, :,?•i, -,se fiele elect , reefee e 'A most satisfactory roll for the bathroom. A soft,: absorbent tissue made; like all Eddy;- Toilet- .Rolls, under the most exacting sani- tary conditions. Big value for the housewife seeking a good -tissue at -a moderate price. i •.fit v{ti.,,.'i:'ram ' 'Vas.v,'S L ondoin E sliibatn Nine -Ziac Hyacinth; What is raid . to be- th'e' la' hyacinth iii the world, " I h oeotie,"� the eynoetu's of fill eyes r,t the 6 of the Royal Horticultural'Roulet, Vincent• Square, f.ondoii biocln, a onuss pt Camnbridgeb 6o-tla,; 5, as nine 'inches tall, The hyacinth was sometimes' ICU to the Enl lieli. trade as'the chi sweeps brush:" He continued: deve'iopmeh,t of hyacinths to Ls,gl ho been wosliierf ii cluring rat years. '13loome' messwring eight inc in height areigiiits common now. I net' generably • known that- the ninth, c, nturtee ago, was a tiny flower. As you see; we:have hyacinths ill "practically. every :co Perhaps brilliant orange and sea are. the only two colors we have yet perfected in these blooms, altho we have them; 7n shaded orange; cerise. "Iiing•Meneiih,' a deep ind blue, is among, the hyacinths be shown this year, and this is about nearest, we -have got .to,;a bleok'is cinth.",• • • Hyacinths' are still used largely window -boxes' -a , method of de tion popular in the 'British Jules', In addition to hyacinths, which formed a greater, part Of ..Ole show, ther•e..were - some.bFeautifmi exhibits of cyclamen, daffodls; narcissi; and' brehide, Sir William L wmnce exhibited a rare plant' known as Halmonthue nate- alens'ls, This plant, which ;poseeeees an orange -colored flower, is a' native of South_Africa. n r "rl'laree" for Real Company. "How many ;make the ideal ompany for -a real walk, not a stroll? One, of course. But next to. that -well after h .' * EU tt hC ' SERV ' E :1 E T -I > ANDI'CARE rgeet won Relief Can Only Come Through ;Pi"Cbgrests 1VAtrtle" in the Preven-. 1 0W Better Blood-Liiltiai"ents "of tion of Denial Dnaeaae, 'rho i No 135e, - Marked'pe egncss hose been made dirr- lue. ing recent ycnr.< iii working out a pro' In 1(0 other d(srnso!;does the blood' prevevntion:of dental I become granune'fKlr the diheease. OuisLantin'g resol t'eh' work° ore Have spelnt their time and energy, in an effort to ascertain the reed oausss.of.decay anti pyorrhea and to Ped out how ilio public . can success= tally, oembat or correct these condi tt ns, Such investigation is absolute-. I,v ossentiiai,i•because so many People are not only suffering from booth ache land the loss of. valuable teeth • but a number of syetematie diseases aro the result of bad moutir,conditions. It has been discovered that -dental diseases are largely. due to modern l abLts of living : and that people In highly civi:Iized ' countrieis 'l ave more tooth decay. than those less highly favored. It is always difficult- to' per- vade' the public to live in accordance with natural law ante consequalntly, acme extra protection must be pro o wls tion se rapidly as in rheuma- mlley tfsm. Nut only leen it become thin Phe bps It is loaded with ;Icopurities-rheu- and 'natio poisons, Without the ,proper est treatment these DOISOris increase, the bog Inflamed joints swell and the'petl�cmt t s h",comes a cripg le. ' Meet ti totems hya• srtnply aim;,. to keepdown the pain, wild , hence with 'every u;ifavorable condi now lion, a renewed attack follows: o1or. To cast out rheumatism they blood ,let ,must be enriched aad,the rheumatic not poisons driven out with the natural ugh secretions of the body. This can best' and''- be done through a course of Dr, Wil -j igo lions' Pipit Pills, which have aspecl- ing I fio action on the blood, giving it new richness and redness. Thousands have tiled this treatment with bene -1 ficial results. That every sufferer from i for rheumatism who does not'try Dr Wll- f„er Mains' Pink rl'lls is neglecting the meet It, but,next-thnee is --the numb hopeful means of recovery is show eythe statement of Mr: David Carroll, Pictou, N.S., who Bays: -"Por `.years was troubled with rheumatism.: ,Th pains were not continuous, brit they always returned, andkept gettin worse, ' I tried so-called electric bel and -many medicines, but did not ge more than temporary relief., Only those who :have suffered froth 'this trots ble will, realize what I suffered tunes, I had begun to dispair of get ting better When a friend urged me to try Dr. Williiams' Pink Pills. In a short time I could -feel tills medicine helping hie so I gladly _continued tak- er. leg the pills and soon found that every trace of the trouble had disappeared and there was a great imiproyement in my general health..It is• now two years since I took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I have not had the t e. twinge of the trouble in that thee That is why I. confidently recommend thep'ille to ether sufferers," hour You can get these Pills Prom' any by ineddd}ine dealer or by mall at -60e a n box from, The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. e vid'ed- The research domvartmet. of n I the Dental Faeulties:-orthe Universe- , ties and other investigators are con- vineed of the neoesaiity for, and the e value of this study and the large num- ber engaged in the work gives promise g of many worth -while developmente. is Knowledge of. any kind is of "little t, value unless applied .earl a programme for the pioyention of 'dental diseases elle t be of ,much service to hu'man- at• 10' unless brought to them, The Logi- - pal person to educate the people in re- gard to mouth conditions' Is the dentlet, but how eanshe"b(rdng the advantages. of modern dentistry to the public un- less he is himself informed. The chief agency used .bY-the den- tists for the purpose of keeping abreast of the times be .the ,dented convention. These meetings held once a year in thepiovinee enable the members of the dental profession to secure through essay and clinic the very latest in both knowledge and methods. The DentalConvention to be_held :in Toronto dur- lag this month promises to be of un- usual importance because it will be the Diamond Jubilee of the Ontario Dental Association and will be a joint 'conven tion with the Canadian Dental Associa- tion. Outstanding dentists and physicians from all parts of America will be present-- to give essays and „clinics and the meetings will be,�so In- structive and inspiring that�th1' vast majority of the dentists of the Pro- vce inwill be in attendance. Canada produced in 1925 nearly thixty per cent, of the newsprint paper made in the world. The finest thing In u.,, world .to keep your stomach intle'top shape. ie 15 to 30 drops of Seigel e Syrup tin a glass of water. Any drug store. IChaki has been officially adopted for future use in the French Army, displacing the horizon blue so famous during the Great War. Whether 'it be. the question' of pace, distanGe, 'country, conversation, re- freshment oar -the way (or merely by the way), three will settle the difH- oulti'es, meet, the case, more' readily than two,” Writes "E..1. P. IT."-, in the Birmingham Poet. -"One says' that anybody can keep up live miles an hour for four hon that it ie twenty miles to Trotbury road, and we can lunch 'there and trill back In time for tea. Two says: 'Yee try how long you'll keep up that live mileee antis anyhow, ho believes in making a day df it. ''We'll take sand- wiches, aches, start early, and go round by MuckMorueigh, and' find we've covered a good thirty without•noticing It.' "But Three .says he has no fal pride, and fifteen miles is his iimi leave it to him, and..bell see that yo get all the walking, sill the seener and' all the feeding (stece you ley much stress' on it) you want. Matte ,ed by the ad'miselon of their own mu eater -superiority, One and Two a pleasedto let high call tee tune, an the result is a most successful da long ramble over a nicely -varied cou try, including a quaint village (]uta some charming, restful, tobacceb viewpoints, and a flee old inn of tl coaching days (dinner); and so back home at a convenient hour after walk of. fourteen ,.and three -quart miles exactly. "The three have also enjoyed a bet- ter talk than any two of them could have done.." MAKE CARE OF Cure for Auto. Accidents. ' Education ie , the only cure for the ever-increasing number 'of automobile accidents, writes Walter P. Chrysler �° in The Outlook.' ' "The more I study this whole 'prob. u len),' he writes, "the mare convinced Y' I am that a major part of the problem s0 is an educational one. That this is re- r° e- r cognized is to be found in ties fact that 9- in many -of our largecities pollee of - r° fleere are going into the schools to give blackboard talks to children about Y- crossing streets at crossings,, the n- necessity for observing traffic lights, the dangers _.of playing 'In crowded to streets, the folly of Hooking -on -be - he hind' motor cars and trucks and busses. and what. not. Having police officers a in uniform go into classrooms baa hie er effect BABIES EASIER Stomach distprbanees and constipa- tion aro responsible for much of th i eeviehnelss of babies and young chil ren, When the baby is cross or Jeri able tine mother should not resort to so-called scanoe soothing mixtures to coeek the trouble, for in the majority cases these Mixtures simply drug th child Into an unnetessal sleep.' Willa ie needed is a gentle laxative that w sweeten the stomach and regulate ti bowels. Such a - remedy is found 1 Baby's' Own Tablets. They ate eao to take and guaranteed to be entire free tram opietes and uarcetfes, Con.. earning them, 'Vies. los. Tousaig'nant, Ste. Sophie, qua., writes': -"1 would like all mothers to know that I feel there ie no other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets. I always keep a hex in the house and their prompt use never fails to restore my little ones to health."' The Tablets are sold, b3' m'edicin'e dealers or by mad'1 at 26 eta. a box from ',lie Dr. Williams' Medi- cine' Co„ Brockville, Ont,' "This practice of having the. police go into the ochodle should be encour- aged. Many -cities Would do 'well to adept the plan. But the work of the police must be seppl'e+mented by the instruction of the parents In the home." Mr. Chrysler also beiieves that the motorist needs education. He writes: "The motoristlloses nothing who gives to the pedestrian the. right of' way It Lingerie auerantaed Shit Haelcry.-9 Pales for $2.26. Veda and bloomer, 701, 52,20.. ShadoW-proof Princess Stipa, -51.70. - buy :Mot from MIN to tare agent' commlaalan end stare profit, Send no money. Shipments C.O.D. ouarae. toad tatl,t0atlon end laving or money refunded. State sloe. end select. Cltempmon Rnlnina MI111, boa 211, Stollen N, Montreal. - . is' the ooullteous thing to do. 'And then,— e One should remember that a pedestrian d' cannot exchange bumps with a motor t car. I have no patience with t m meter. 1st who -compels the pedestrian to run to escape Injury. To be sure, there of are all kinds 'of motorists, just as C4 there are all kinds' of pedestrians, but i1t the decent thing to do to permit the tC n y. ly Coast to Coast 'Radio Reception. There is a distant air line from Van- couver to Halifax and hitherto the Jaddo experts have'lsad difficulty in •tra- versing it by broadcast The feat has been performed at lest and the honor of the performance belongs to CeIRV, the Vancouver broadcasting station -of the Radio Department Canadian .Na. tionftl Railways. G. W. Rockwall, 42 Philip Street, Halifax, a member of the Halifax County Radio Association, wee the for- tunate enthusiast 17lngaged iii: a eon - test for "'DIC" reception, Mr. Rockwell memained ` up ` until the "wee ,shin' home" one night recently and 'tuned; in on CNRV broadcasting a dance or- i'ehestra when they were playing "In a Little Spanish Town," It was at 2.20 a.m.. o'clock, Atlantic Standard Time, that this occurred, but that was hardly, the heel of evening In Vancouver',` where Pacific Time reigns 'and they called 10,20 p,m, on the Log of the pre- vious evening. . • ' The reception has been verified, and A. R. McEwen, Director of Radio, Canadian National Railways, metes: that the occasion is. the first on which. a Canadian broadcamting.'station has covered the long dietanc& from Boast' to coast: The Wind Speaks. ('th-f al'e tj . - I walCed In a sheltered glen' i 1'o keep nay April tryst with Spring, And fpund a lone while violet when kwaited'in a sheltered Sion— A. not that only Spring ;could pen: She would be Late =then whistling' I:I waited In a sheltered glen' To ]keep my April tryst with Spring, 71azel Harper Harris. i or all pain-Minard's Linerlent, pedestrian to walk to the curb or MOTORS the street in 'safety and without hurry," The Whole Trouble. They found him wandering around in a dazed condition], bearing the signs of a vigorous quarrel, a blackened eye and a'gap in his front teeth. e Filled with pity, they seized _bat 'by the. arms. I "Come ailopg, old chap. Let -tie take you: home to your wife." Ile groaned piteously.. "Don't you uuderet'and?" he mur- mured, tfeebly; "That's where I get it," Mlnard'e Liniment for dandruff. -c The, greater the difficulty, the more glory in surmounting it. Skillful pilots gale .their reputation front storms and tempests. -Epicurus. The 1927 Twin 74J.D..Model The greatest Harley-Davidson Of all- ot how and love prices -improved - refined in many details -=-but no radical departures from the time-tried,Harley- Davidaon. design. Old timers and •be. ginners alike will' recognize- in theft 1927 Twins the last word in engineer- ing achievement. Powerful -speedy- built to hug the read -the most depenfl- able and satisfactory mount that ever split the wind: Walter Andrews, Limited .346 'rouge, St. Toronto DANDRUFF. ' Stop It with Mlnard's.' A spleen did tonic ter the soiul'p; • CHICKS tay All that the name implies. From healthy, free range .parent flocks. Bred to lay. S.C. W.eghorns and Barred Plymouth hocks from nationally known strains. Get more poultry profits from these healthy, vigorous, Smith Hatched Chicks. Write for cfrcUtgr $TREE OPIP,dhtIO tti1A 5iT i n ATcm &ay use fticlirnoWNT.,lLonden,dinta rio packed in,, iuminuire. Yeiur grocer kpoty 'when you order SED ZeOSgf RAN -G., + ;pE+ o area, judge ,f:(� 1 .. Violets, rose .petals, and naetur ,lutes for flavoring salads are ;i the novelties of French cooking.among n ---.--;.y. , You :WIII�aecura more 'money -tor your:=cCeunl h Trent corns with Minor 'c L eltYoping to ur, 'il more ip oo,0 read pay "exuru6 d IDiment Prompt rotor,, dolly by money order. Highest peas ar--. paid for ODs, Reference: Bank a nontreal. A wreath sent by Queen:Victoria Write for cans and parttoulare. to a funeral at Bilsthor a fortyyearse e CITY . . ' . CREAMERY P 7 tl Qu en St., E..• To�anfo ago is still preserved in' the parish tee church, In a' glass and marble case. (falsified Advertisements„ mcmMAsonef noose ern: wore iroms. pi.2.a, Bitter, .. :1A. Wellesley Crescent. 0,0010, SUPERIOR SAnY CHIOge AT REDUc03.p1tICE3,. A.O.. STRAIN BRED -TO -LAY •nAltnrSq- If- hooka,' Tom Dacron Wblta Lkpiroras, Oar voecl,llty it O,A,O. Darrel Books of the kmoy. Woe,' .All our Looks aro imaged with, pedigreed r0ckeroia froth biood-tested stock andhave heist mulled for heavy egg production, If P0y. Want ]forced Boeln that an bred for egg Production and alsohare' as nee, order erom uo and nuns so pure hind - chick, 00 high b olit, at the' priceof ordinary Redo steak, Priem: per hundred for. May, Boned Bobs 518,00, LOgiearaa $10,00;.,,3,m,, Barred Book,. 610,00, Lea- harn, 114.001 'sin,,, paid.. 100 per cent, lira arrival alroraateed Terme, 20 Der coat .cask with order, batonme B.O.B. Prompt shipment guarantee). - 7, D. Johneon. Boor 107, Stress, Oak r Owns PRIORS iron WW1 QUALITY Y°BL Bre] Baby Ch MO&, onaltl bred -to -ley Barred Rocha and Tom Barron White Leghorn. Our elm each year Is to impose our dock, and sell high quelity Dura utvi..: chow at the lowest noealbie pica, This soar our chloka are better then ever cod prlca, lust',,, 'low and lower Urn chi of inferior aualhy. All - our dock, are-'•headat with Pedigreed coeheeetn from -blood -foetid stook and hare also been coned for henry egg production. TO im- prove your Rack' order from 0e and. secure the beat. Pekes per hundred: Barred necks„ for May. 518.00, MMM 950.00; I ghorae, May 516.00, . Tune (13.00; uprose sold. 100 per cont, nre arrival guaranteed. Terme, 25 per cent. cads wills order, haloes CAD, An order, promptly and carefully tilled. Twodeie, Peron, Ont- is unexcelled for Dyein and Tinting. 'Professio. Dyers use the riklairet' f SameKicidof 141. ■Ilatall Spring. Tirna is '• CELERY KINGS Time .:Brew a cup of this fine old vegetable conic. It is all the spring medigiae:'you need. It drives out winter's poisons, improves the appetite and makes you feel bettei r'ght away. CELERY KING is good for the whole family. At druggists, 30E& 60c. MO ',; E WOOL ffeonn, Every t tteess Every Year Clip by machine and get 11% moro thap with hand blades, Machine loaves no want's. Oil ridges -shame evanly.all over --all long staple wool, brings batter prices- Ininraa Amp much leas than hand blades. Savoy shearers' wagon—anyone -eau operate. s etewcrt No. 9 Shearing hisettiss Ball-bearing. Built,for work. Lasts YealTe Shears smooth and fest. At dealer0, 528,' t Western Canada 520.76, or rnnd" factnr� 32,00 end pay balance on arrival. (Sre.igitij Prepaid) Cow and horse clipping easel* meat 910.60, western Caned* 610.76 extra. Satisfaction Or Money Back. FLEITELE SRA1'T CO. L'ele 831 Carlaw Ave., Toronto 6 We will ship, FREIGHT PREPAID No obligation to buy, but if you do, easlget terms are arranged. Guaranteed for ten years, Write now for particulars. Agent,: taunted where are not represented. 3O Swedish Separator Company, Limited 36n Notre Items St. West Montreal Ansae 1.41 ecco4 nasi RESTOREDT GOOD HEALTH Mother of Eleven Children Praises Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Her Interesting Experience Buckingham Quebec. -"I am the mother of eleven living children, and my baby us five maths old, I am only 3$ years old and I have taken Ltvdfa T, Pinkham s. Vege. table Compound for weakness and my nerves,I knew of it from my sister, Dame Ed- ouard Bcilcfeuille o f Ramsayville. For five years I TUB in misery 'and was always ready to cry. Now I am so happy to have good health. My daughter, who is 18 years old, has also taken it and will be happy to recommend it to all young girls.1'-Dame WILLIAM PAI,. ENT 'Box 414, Buckingham, Quebec, Why Suffer for yesegewith back- ache, nervousness and'other ailments common to women front early life to, middle s e,when Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will give you relief? In a recent country wide canvass of purchasers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, over 260,000 replies were received, and. 98 out, of avert' 100 reported they were bene, fited by its use. ,: c„ Theirteeth are of a tough. mess which inakeothem hold Moly keen' Matting edge un- der every usage. SIIACNOo cAt1ACn SAW co. ,TO. - MONTREAL. VANGOUVett,. SY. JOHN Max: may r'... .' YoneNIo The Charm of 4and Velneelthe SkiPm'crt Bleed Under Id Greats. :NI}a and Longer Mileage added safety and colnforte..e that's what Gum -Dipping, the extra process, gives to Fire* stone tires. Gum -Dipping goes to the very heart of every cord, thar- oughly saturating and impreg- nating every fiber with rubber delivering greater economy, safety and comfort in the day. in and day -out service of the Iargest truck, bus and taxicab fleets—in the battle of tires on race tracks --and on curs of hundreds of thousands of motorists throughout the coon. try Your tire costs Will be mad terially lowered by having the nearest Firestone Dealer equip your car with these wonderful tires. See him now. FIRITSTONE TIRE de RUBBER CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Hamilton, Ontario MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Rioe.tont Build. the Only Own -tripped 'Tires GL 'ith Health This Spring Taken according to the simple directions on every. bottle,<' TRU - BLOOD brings the glow of vibrant health to the skin. , "TRU.SLOOD Complexions" re; fleet "blood .health" Withen. As a: Spring Tonic and Blood perkier, it corrects the causes' of eczema, akin eruptions and: kindred synptotn4 of Vitiated or Tapers blind.. Do us on ninny ethers aro doing get -n dollarbottle st your Drug, gist's and prove its worth, 68 riliilia neer t®Q Proved safe by millions and -prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pani , ' Neuralgia .Toothache' Rheumatism „ill v- i OES, NOTAFF4tT TEM -E-� AR' 'e . j$SUE'No.' 19•-'27. Accept only" "Bayer" packag t which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and ,100 -Druggists, Aspirin 16 the tradt"'merk (registered, In Ouoadn) of Bayer Mmrataatnlo of btonoacoti9. aeldester of: Ballepllepctd (Acetyl. Suillpy(lo Acid, "A, 0. ,A.'). while it la well known .that Aeoltin means Boyer manufacture, to sestet the 105110 agalnnC.lnitatlona, fila testis(p 04 Divot Company will tm scooped wlUa their general trade Warty the "D4,70 910#